Certain artists' music mysteriously deleted from Macbook

Please help, and don't just tell me to Google it, because I did and I couldn't find anything helpful.
So, I don't listen to my iTunes library that much. It's probably been a few months, so I can't be entirely sure when this happened. But I just tried to play some music in iTunes and I discovered that iTunes was unable to locate some of my music. Specifically, it seems that three artists' music has been deleted from my computer. I searched in Finder for them, and they are not there at all. All of the songs by these three artists (and nothing else) have entirely disappeared. I absolutely did not delete them, because I love these three artists, and I know that they were once present on this computer because I've listened to them in iTunes on this computer before.
Some details: I'm using a Macbook Pro from 2011. I just upgraded to Mountain Lion (and this is the first time I've tried listening to iTunes since upgrading). I have an iPhone 4 on which I have most of my music (including the three missing artists, and I checked, and they play fine on the iPhone). Some of the missing music came directly from a CD, though I think most came from my external hard drive (transferred from my old computer). I don't think any of the music was bought through iTunes, so I can't get it back that way. I know that I can get it back from my hard drive or my iPhone, but I just want to know what happened. Why did exactly three artists get entirely deleted from my computer? I added pretty much all my music at the same time (except for that one CD of music, which was added later and is also missing), even stuff that isn't missing. I doubt that it was a problem with syncing to the iPhone, because most of the music I have is still present on both devices, and anyway I haven't tried to sync my iPhone music in ages.
If anyone can just tell me why this happened and how I can avoid it in the future, that's all I want. I know I can fix it, even though it might be a pain in the ***. I'm just so mad, and I want answers. If you need more info, just ask.

I'm not sure how this happened, but I can try to help you get your music back.
Music purchased from the iTunes Store can be downloaded again for free. (not available in all countries)
Music ripped from CDs or synced through iTunes have to be synced through iTunes again.

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    Have you tried to import the videos to iTunes and sync them directly from iTunes?
    See:   iTunes: Frequently asked questions about viewing and syncing videos - Apple Support
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    See:   iCloud Photo Sharing FAQ - Apple Support

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    Have you tried:
    - Delete all music and resync
    To delete all music go to Settings>General>Usage>Storage>Manage Storage>Music>Tap edit in upper right and then tap the minus sign by All Music
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    - Reset all settings                            
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
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    - Restore from backup. See:                                               
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes      
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.                       
    - DFU mode and then restore to factory settings/new iPod via iTunes             
      How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings

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    Does it show in the Purchased link under Quick Links on the right-hand side of the iTunes store homepage ? If the track is no longer in the Music part of your library then it should show there with a cloud icon against it for redownloading. Or you can go into Edit > Preferences in iTunes, and on the Store tab there should be a 'shows iTunes in the cloud purchases' tick box, ticking that should get music to show in the Music part of your library with a cloud icon against it which you can click on to redownload it (again the 'locate file' entries will need to be deleted for them to show).
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    If the tracks still don't show with the cloud icon then try closing/re-opening iTunes.
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    Only if you backed up the iPod before it was deleted. To restore from backup see that topic here:
    iOS: How to back up

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    Ok, here is the fix per Chad at Apple. Just did it and it worked.
    Open the Control Panel
    Uninstall *in this order*:
    1. iTunes
    2. Apple Mobile Device Driver
    3. Apple App Updater
    4. Bonjour
    You may need to reboot after uninstalling Apple Mobile Device Driver, and ok if it still shows in the Control Panel.
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    anyone with any sort of suggestion to help me out?

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    Right-click any song in iTunes, show it in the Windows Explorer, navigate up to the iTunes folder, and drag that to an external drive or other storage location.

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