Certain tunes show greater event-placement smoothness than others

One thing I always was bothered by, after years of using Master Tracks Pro with its very fine-grain placeability of events in time, was how in GB there was very crude mobility. But recently, on two or three songs that were really loaded with data, I discovered that I could move events IN BETWEEN pixels---a smooth slide left or right rather than big jumps. On other songs (and all newly-created ones) the old low-resolution problems apply. Why am I getting such nice smooth movement on just those few tunes and not on others?

Also, the timing increment will make it jump big jumps or small jumps, if you want to keep it snapped to the grid. Perhaps the one song that did more of what you wanted was set to 1/64 notes and the others were 1/8 notes? If staying snapped to grid is important, maybe using a 1/64 setting (click the little ruler at the bottom right of the main screen). When using a real instrument, and if I have a not that is off slightly, AND if I can isolate that note, I do turn off grid snap and split the region, then nudge it into place.

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  • Losing Events, Places, Faces and other problems in iPhoto

    Bought the new iMac in January; carefully transferred photos from old G4 and took ages updating the details using the great events/places/faces etc facility. Recently 2 things happened - I bought a new camera (Nikon D500); imported and updated event/place/face etc; all working fine. Days later got an upgrade iPhoto message - dutifully did so. Next time opened iPhoto got message to upgrade database - did so. I think there was a message reporting that this was necessary to secure the database; but I was not really concentrating on this merely assuming that my "new" software would not create any problems (how wrong could I have been?!)
    - lost ALL place/face details;
    - photos still grouped as Events folder but only with with the old camera date format.
    - "Albums" directory with titles from old iPhoto version on G4 machine re-appeared!
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    - iPhoto created a "recovered photos" subfolder in "albums".
    I also notice that the Browse facility used to attach photos in Mail is also rendered useless - clicking one photo fails to attach a photo; i can click and drag one photo into an e-mail; but this goes into the e-mail body rather than as an attached item.
    Any suggestions that allow me to recover the information so painstakingly entered will be useful.
    I notice a lot of comments suggesting problems with iPhoto 8.1.1 - but I cannot see anything on the site similar to my problem - is this something that Apple are aware of and working on?

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    Lets clear some things up first:
    In Finder file-path from root Pictures>iPhoto>Library>subdirectories by year etc replaced by a single iPhotodatabase that can only be accessed by opening using iPhoto
    This is normal. Since iPhoto 7 (iLife 08) the old iPhoto Library Folder is now a Package File. This is simply a folder that looks like a file in the Finder. The change was made to the format of the iPhoto library because many users were inadvertently corrupting their library by browsing through it with other software or making changes in it themselves. (See below for details on how to access your files)
    I also notice that the Browse facility used to attach photos in Mail is also rendered useless - clicking one photo fails to attach a photo; i can click and drag one photo into an e-mail; but this goes into the e-mail body rather than as an attached item.
    This is normal. That's how Mail works with Photos in an Email. Altering that is a matter for Mail. Elect to send Plain Text Emails. Note that how the email looks on your Mac has very little bearing on how it will appear on the receivers machine. It's pretty much 100% dependent on the setting on their email client.
    As to the missing Faces/Places etc. This sounds like a damaged database file:
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.
    Failing that, restore from your back up.
    As promised:
    There are many, many ways to access your files in iPhoto:
    *For Users of 10.5 and later*
    You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Command-Click for selecting multiple pics.
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    (Note the above illustration is not a Finder Window. It's the dialogue you get when you go File -> Open)
    You can access the Library from the New Message Window in Mail:
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    *For users of 10.4 and later* ...
    Many internet sites such as Flickr and SmugMug have plug-ins for accessing the iPhoto Library. If the site you want to use doesn’t then some, one or any of these will also work:
    To upload to a site that does not have an iPhoto Export Plug-in the recommended way is to Select the Pic in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export and export the pic to the desktop, then upload from there. After the upload you can trash the pic on the desktop. It's only a copy and your original is safe in iPhoto.
    This is also true for emailing with Web-based services. However, if you're using Gmail you can use iPhoto2GMail
    If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto.
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    *If you want to access the files with iPhoto not running*:
    For users of 10.6 and later:
    You can download a free Services component from MacOSXAutomation which will give you access to the iPhoto Library from your Services Menu. Using the Services Preference Pane you can even create a keyboard shortcut for it.
    For Users of 10.4 and later:
    Create a Media Browser using Automator (takes about 10 seconds) or use this free utility Karelia iMedia Browser
    Other options include:
    1. *Drag and Drop*: Drag a photo from the iPhoto Window to the desktop, there iPhoto will make a full-sized copy of the pic.
    2. *File -> Export*: Select the files in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. The dialogue will give you various options, including altering the format, naming the files and changing the size. Again, producing a copy.
    3. *Show File*: Right- (or Control-) Click on a pic and in the resulting dialogue choose 'Show File'. A Finder window will pop open with the file already selected.
    You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.
    Note that iPhoto sends a copy+ of the file to Photoshop, so when you save be sure to use the Save command, not Save As... If you use Save As then you're creating a new file and iPhoto has no way of knowing about this new file. iPhoto is preserving your original anyway.

  • In tune show all summary activity during sync between nb and apple device. One of the summary is memory space status. Audio mayb3gb, photo 2gb, app with 3gb. What is other? Other consist of what type of file?

    In tune show all summary activity during sync between nb and apple device. One of the summary is memory space status. Audio mayb3gb, photo 2gb, app with 3gb. What is other? Other consist of what type of file? It show quite substantial storage capacity?? Anyone can answer what is in other??

    "Other" includes data such as contact information and photos assigned to contacts, calendar events, Safari bookmarks/cookies/history, notes created with the Notes application, SMS messages, email stored locally or cached, and 3rd party application data created and stored by the application.
    If "other" is more than say .75GB at the most, you had a corrupt sync. Try syncing again and if the problem persists, the recognized fix for this is to restore your iPad.

  • Event Places Settings

    Is it possible to see, at a glance, which Events are configured with geotags? I have over 1,000 Events in my Library, and I'll be tagging them over time, yet it appears I can't quickly tell which are already set up unless I click the little "i" on the Event box. Similar to the grid view in Places, I'd like to see, in the standard event listing, perhaps pin notations on the Events with location tags. Is this a current feature of '09, or something I should be requesting?

    You can make the Not-Geotagged Smart Album show you events--add "Event Name does not contain (leave it blank) to the smart album. Select the smart album and select View | Event Titles. You'll see your pix divided by events, and can option-click an event arrow just like in the Photos view to collapse all the events and just see the event titles.
    So this setup will let you see at a glance which events are not geo-tagged. Quicker to set up than to describe how to do it.

  • How can i place more than one photo on the print sheet

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    There are basically two ways of using multiple iPods on a computer and these involve:
    a) Sharing a single iTunes library and user account.
    b) Creating multiple user accounts and having separate libraries.
    Sharing a Library
    If you want to share the one library, you can set either or all of the iPods so that they only get updated with only certain playlists (you can update from more than one if you wish):
    Loading songs onto iPod automatically - Windows
    Choosing the update option "Sync Music - Selected playlists" allows you to create a playlist specifically for the iPod and drag the tracks you want into it. If you tire of the list and want to change it, you just add or remove the songs you don't want. The ones you take out out remain in the library to be used some other time if you choose. You can read more about playlists at these links:
    iTunes: Creating playlists of your favorite songs
    How to create a Smart Playlist with iTunes
    However since you seem to have a problem with that method you can choose to update any or all of the iPods manually and just drag whatever content you want to them: Managing content manually on iPod
    Separate User Accounts
    Another option is to create a separate User account for each person on your PC or Mac. Different accounts by definition would give you completely separate libraries. Each account has it's own iTunes folder, Library and iTunes Music folder and you load it with CDs etc just as you did with your original one. The iPod can be set to update however the owner chooses, sync all, manual or sync specific playlists
    If you are unfamiliar with setting up Windows user accounts you can read more here: Using Windows XP User Accounts

  • Splitting an event takes more than 3 min

    I have about 8.000 photos in my library and 2.500 photos in a single event. Now I want to extract a set of pictures from this event and move it in a new event. Is there a faster way doing this than splitting the event before and after the set of pictures? This created 3 events and then I have to move the 3rd event back into the first, the 2nd event is what I want to keep.
    BTW, with over 8.000 pictures in the library, is it normal that splitting an event takes more than 3 minutes?

    Flag the pics you want to move to the new Event and the go Events -> Create Event from Flagged Photos. That will probably be faster.
    BTW, with over 8.000 pictures in the library, is it normal that splitting an event takes more than 3 minutes?
    I wouldn't have thought so, but it might take a while with an Event that has more that 2,500 pics in it. Remember, Events in the iPhoto Window correspond exactly with the Folders in the Originals Folder in the iPhoto Library package file (Right click on it in the Pictures Folder -> Show Package Contents). So splitting an event literally means creating a folder and moving files to it and so on.

  • IPhone photos not showing up in places

    I recently upgraded to iOS4. I OK'd the camera to store the GPS tag from where the photo was taken. When I pull it up in the photo library, it gives the correct location of the photos I have taken, so I know it's working.
    ...But it's not showing up in places, in iPhoto 09! It's as if the location data isn't transferring along with the photos when I import into iPhoto.
    Any ideas?

    Greetings Eric,
    To ensure the images do indeed have the GPS data embedded, drag one to the desktop and open it with Preview by double-clicking. Go to Tools > Show Inspector.
    Click the More Info button, and then click GPS.
    If there is no GPS option then this image has no GPS data embedded.
    If it does have GPS data but iPhoto does not show the picture in Places (I'm assuming you already have images in iPhoto that DO Show up in Places), try reseting iPhoto to it's factory default state.
    Remove the following to the trash and restart the computer and try again:
    Home > Library > Caches (I remove the whole folder. It will be re-generated upon restart.)
    Home > Library > Preferences > com.apple.iPhoto (There will may be more than one. Remove them all.)
    If you still don't see the pictures in Places, try creating a new iPhoto Library and adding one of the pictures. Hold down option and launch iPhoto and click create new to make a new library.
    If the pictures show up in Places fine in the new library then there is something wrong with your original library.
    Use the option key to switch back to your original library and then follow http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2638 to rebuild your library. Check off the bottom 3 rebuild options.
    Hope that helps.

  • I've been using samsung for a long time and I just changed into an iPhone 5s and the most important thing I need is my calendar appointments , but in the notification center it doesn't show my events for tomorrow , will there be an updated or this soon?

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    Go to settings/notification centre and make sure today vie and calendar day view are both on

  • Life and work event for any country other than US.

    I have to implement ESS for UAE.
    In ESS we did all country specific settings and thus our "Address" application in Personal Information section is working fine now.
    Now we have to implement the life work event section "My first days".
    There we are getting "Address" application in left panel.
    Now when I am clicking in this application it shows me error :
    Country/Structure do not match application country
    So which means it requires some settings in guided procedure end in portal.
    I am assuming ....Because our address application is already working fine in Personal Information section so same should also work in My first days section using existing configuration settings of R/3.
    So I went through below wiki page :
    In the above page there is a section to update parameters in guided procedure process for address.
    GP Context = X
    PT Family Service = EMPLOYEEPERSINFO_FAMMEMBER_PT_05 - this parameter is going to be created in the backend (transaction PTARQ)._
    I am making changes to existing Life and Work events - US only. (for testing purposes)
    In my case I only updated the Address service :
    With the address service from R/3 which is in my case running under personal information section.
    But still I have been receiving the same error under My First Days address section.
    In the above wiki page there is a line as below :
    VERY IMPORTANT: the parameters need to give in action, after in the block, after in the main block, and after in the process (THIS IS CRUCIAL).
    I feel this is where I am missing something.
    What does this line mean...
    Can anybody help me out with the same...if you have implemented life and work event for any country other than US.
    Edited by: Saurabh Agarwal on Apr 10, 2011 3:03 PM

    In continuation of my question I have also been following below sap Note :
    929447 - Adopting Life and work events for countries other than US
    In the above note there us a section which confuses me :
    Page 3 - Home and Area page customizing
    Step2 - In this step they say that we have to make an entry in
    IMG node access: Cross-applicaiton components -> Homepage framework ->Services -> Define Country-Specific Services (Add Entries) - (Table:V_T7XSSSERSRVCG)
    Country grouping: 01
    I believe it should not be for FIRSTDAYS....it should be about service which is actually throeing the error "Countr/structure does not match"
    i.e. in this note case it should be :

  • How to select Certain TV shows to burn

    I've done this before- burning (for back up and play on authorized computers- NOT FOR DVD player) certain tv shows on a dvd- now I can't do it?
    For example- before I would download a whole season of Lost on a dvd- not problem. Today I tried to burn it and I can't- wants to burn the entire play list? Do I have to uncheck everything I don't want to burn? If so- is there an easier way to uncheck all of the shows-instead of individually unchecking everything? What a waste of time!!
    Any help would be great!!! I'm so fustrated right now!

    To uncheck (or check) everything at once, hold down the command key while clicking on one of the check boxes.

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    Had to get new hard disk for my macbook. After installing snow leopard on new HD the computer only connects to free wifi at certain places and not others. Took it to genius bar (of course it worked find there!) they said it was fine. But problem persist.

    Hi there ricalimo,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps in the article below. If the issue is location specific, than you may want to save the article so you can perform troubleshooting when you are experiencing trouble.
    Wi-Fi: How to troubleshoot Wi-Fi connectivity
    -Griff W. 

  • Move categories/directory from the keyword tag to the event/place/people tags

    I just upgraded to PSE 12. So now all my organisation folders are under the "keyword" tag. And I have a lot of them. Of course they are organized in folder/subfolders. And the main ones are "places" "events". The same as the default ones in pse.
    So is it possible to move categories/directories from the keyword tag to event/place/people tags (drag and drop doesn't work).

    I have the same problem. I have had it since PSE 11 but didn't understand why I had two places for persons. I have the same problem with PSE 12 too and now I understand that the problem is there because I upgraded an english PSE 10 to a swedish PSE 11 (and later PSE12).
    Could this be solved in any other way than moving the tags by hand ( I have a lot of people taged)?
    Thanks / Gorbav

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    How do I get all my pins (bookmarks) to show up on maps rather than having to choose from the bookmark list? I can see my list getting very large and more cumbersome to search. In google maps, all my starred locations show up on my map.

    Have you let Apple know you would like to see this feature? They do not participate in the forum, and their only source of user feedback is the feedback page. To let them know you would like to see a feature, go to the feedback page at www.apple.com/feedback and select the appropriate link.

  • Ical not showing new events and older events as well

    Hi There,
    Since (as I recall) last monday, iCal started to work strange. Or, better put in other way: stopped working.
    I have three calendars only (personal, work and "no category), all of them syncing with iCloud. There are two other local calendars too (in "my mac"), but I don't use them and they are unchecked.
    I only use my macbook white and an iphone 3GS, also syncing with iCloud.
    I don't subscribe any external calendar and don't accept any kind of invitation. It is a basic-simple use: I set my appointments (throw the whole year) and want to see / edit them on iphone.
    Finally, I use reminders (on iphone) a lot and share the "personal" calendar with my with (she uses iCloud on her iphone and ipad).
    The problems are basic two (as I could indentify so far):
    1) I can't set new appointments on iCal. Or better: I may set, but cannot see it. For instance, when a double click the Feb 24th to set a appointment, nothing happens, but a "New event" apperars on iCloud, right way. Looks like that iCal is setting the event up, but it just does not show it. Lately, I've discovered that when I go to the week view in iCal, it shows the event, but it just don't appear on month or year views;
    2) There are a bunch of events that appear correctly on iCloud (and iphone) but just don't show up in my iCal.
    I've been trying to find a solution, already followed a couple of step-by-step possible solution (deleted local calendars, took off iClound accoun from iCal, deleted all files on specific folders in my library), but anything work out. It just don't work anymore.
    I have just quit iCal and started using iCloud as my main input way for may events.... Wonder if anyone else is facing something like this and if is there any sollution out there.
    Thanks a lot in advance and sorry for my bad English.

    i have a similar problem. i can't add any new events to my ical. i can do it on ical on icloud but not on the ical on my itouch. i can't edit them either. it tells me the event can not be saved because a calendar has not been chosen. it was working just fine yesterday and now it won't work.
    i'm new to this on line community stuff. i posted my questions but i don't know how i'm supposed to see any answers. i guess it doesn't matter that i even ask you this or reply to you because i don't plan to be able to see any comments to this. oh well. computer stuff is just crap  sometimes. i guess we have to learn to deal with it.
    my paper calendar NEVER gave me any problems. i would just pull out my trusty pen and write down my appointment and wallah! it was done. it wouldn't get erased or deleted or stop working.

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