Certificate during reciving

I have selected control key & Cert type in material master.
In SPRO - cert type, I have selected Cert all the checkbox including cert check required. Now i am expecting system should ask me cert during MIGO or UD, but wonder it doesn't ask me. Even does not set lot status that Cert required or confirmed.
After that I check with all possible option of SPRO - cert type (activate & inactivate checkbox) but still system not ask me for cert type.
What could be reason?

Hi Tom,
It should work 100%, let us go one by one :
1) If you didn't maintain procurement data in QM material master view (no  tick at QM Proc. active and no assigning of  control key and  no certificate type), while doing MIGO for such material, system will not  ask for certification confirmation.
2) Now for same material in QM material master tick at 'QM Proc. active', system will ask you QM control key and certificate type
Now select QM control key 0005: At SPRO  this include  setting 'Release required' and 'certificate required', this means you need to maintain Quality info record and certificate is must for that material.
Now select Certificate type say E21 : At SPRO, certificate type E21 do  important setting as follows :
- (Tick) 'Certif. for each PO item'
- (Tick) 'Certif. per GR item'
- (No tick) 'Certificate check required' this tick is required if you need to have certificate checks at
   given UD even if you confirm at MIGO.
- 'Control with out certif' put option 'without lot:Error message, with lot: status, no skip to stock'
    this is very important for system setting error while doing MIGO, system will not allow posting
    MIGO if certificate not confirmed.
- (Tick) 'Enhance certif. Processing.
Now very very imp. setting :
- (No tick) 'No Cerif. confirmation at GR', if you tick here system will not ask you confirmation at GR / MIGO. please check this setting precisely.
Pleas do this and get back if issue still not resolved.

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    I am NO expert on certificates but I have seen your error dozens of times from wireless clients on my Cisco ACS 4.2 Radius server.
    Through trial and error I wrote up this procedure for our Helpdesk for installing certs in Windows XP and Windows 7. These steps haven't failed me yet and the Helpdesk doesn't bother me as much anymore so see if this helps you:
    -          Manually install the Global CA under BOTH Trusted Root Certification Authorities\Certificates AND Intermediate Certification                      Authorities\Certificates
    -          Manually install the Intermediate CA under JUST the Intermediate Certification Authorities\Certificates
    -          Delete the wireless network from the computer
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    -          Open the Microsoft Management Console, “mmc”.
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    -          If you see any of these exact certificates out of place in either Trusted Root Certification Authorities\Certificates or Intermediate Certification                      Authorities\Certificates, remove them.
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    I hope this helps you.

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    Actually you can mension the certificate you want in QM view -->certificate type.
    In MIGO there is only provision that whether certificate received or not.It will ask the same certificate which you have mesioned in QM view.
    MIGO is not wise enough to understand whether certificate received is of Certificate of analysis(COA) or any thing else.
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    The Best way is to use Q05 of certificate,which will ask confirmation during the UD.Inspector is best person to understand the cetificate type.

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    FWIW, both JREs can exist without any issues and there's no need to remove them or any other Java components that are installed when installing OSX. Just leave them in place and worry about other things.
    Do note that when installing OSX, only the JRE isn't installed; all the other Java components are installed.
    27" i7 iMac (Mid 2011) refurb, OS X Yo (10.10.2), Mavs, ML & SL, G4 450 MP w/10.5 & 9.2.2

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    Can someone from the CS SDK team comment on this issue? This turned into a major problem for us.
    Thank you in advance,
    Anatoly Paraev

    Anatoly, let me summarise my thoughts/findings on this:
    - Your extension's signature is invalid now that your certificate has expired (as you have reported)
    - Your extension's signature is not timestamped with a timestamp certificate. A signature without a timestamp is only valid till the signing certificate expires. A signature with a timestamp is valid until the timestamp certificate expires, typically a much longer period.
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    To help your users now, I think you will need re-sign and re-deploy your extension with a new certificate. So you can timestamp the signature, use ucf.jar in the Packaging and Signing Toolkitto sign the extension rather than Extension Builder. Pass the argument -tsa=<your_chosen_timestamp_server> to ucf.jar when signing and check the signature is timestamped

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    This is our workplace join certificate that shows up on Non-Knox platforms.  The name and cert use info is not controlled by us.  You can ignore the VPN or WIFI information, it's just how Android catagorizes their certs.
    Jon L. - MSFT - This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

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    Will I get any message 10 days before purchase order delivery date that till now certificate has not received from Vendor and I can send reminder to Vendor.
    No there is no link between lead time and certificate,
    Shiva Patil
    Edited by: SHIVA PATIL on Jul 27, 2010 7:20 AM

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    The Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) provides distributed  deployment of runtime services with centralized configuration and  management. Multiple nodes can be deployed together in a distributed  fashion to support failover.
    If you register a  secondary Monitoring ISE node, it is recommended that you first back up  the primary Monitoring ISE node and then restore the data to the new  secondary Monitoring ISE node. This ensures that the history of the  primary Monitoring ISE node is in sync with the new secondary node as  new changes are replicated.
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    A couple of months ago we decomissioned one of our old 2003 DCs and it looks like this server might have had something to do with the CA structure but I am not sure whether this was in use or not since I could find the role but I wasn't able to see any existing
    Let's say that this server was previously responsible for the certificates and was the server that should have revoked the old certs, what can I do know to try and correct the problem?
    Thank you for your help

    let me recap first:
    you see these errors on a ROOT CA. so it seems like the ROOT CA is also operating as an ISSUING CA. Some clients try to issue a new certificate from the ROOT CA and this fails with your error mentioned.
    do you say that you had a PREVIOUS CA which you decomissioned, and you now have a brand NEW CA, that was built as a clean install? When you decommissioned the PREVIOUS CA, that was your design decision to don't bother with the current certificates that it
    issued and which are still valid, right?
    The error says, that the REQUEST signature cannot be validated. REQUESTs are signed either by itself (self-signed) or if they are renewal requests, they would be signed with the previous certificate which the client tries to renew. The self-signed REQUESTs
    do not contain CRL paths at all.
    So this implies to me as these requests that are failing are renewal requests. Renewal requests would contain CRL paths of the previous certificates that are nearing their expiration.
    As there are many such REQUEST and failures, it probably means that the clients use AUTOENROLLMENT, which tries to renew their current, but shortly expiring, certificates during (by default) their last 6 weeks of lifetime.
    As you decommissioned your PREVIOUS CA, it does not issue CRL anymore and the current certificates cannot be checked for validity.
    Thus, if the renewal tries to renew them by using the NEW CA, your NEW CA cannot validate CRL of the PREVIOUS CA and will not issue new certificates.
    But it would not issue new certificates anyway even if it was able to verify the PREVIOUS CA's CRL, as it seems your NEW CA is completely brand new, without being restored from the PREVIOUS CA's database. Right?
    So simply don't bother :-) As long as it was your design to decommission the PREVIOUS CA without bothering with its already issued certificates.
    The current certificates which autoenrollment tries to renew cannot be checked for validity. They will also slowly expire over the next 6 weeks or so. After that, autoenrollment will ask your NEW CA to issue a brand new certificate without trying to renew.
    Just a clean self-signed REQUEST.
    That will succeed.
    You can also verify this by trying to issue a certificate on an affected machine manually from Certificates MMC.

  • Query on inspection/cert. during dispatch of goods to customer

    How to configure certificate type and assign certificates during pre-dispatch inspection. Could you kindly provide the process flow. What are the Config data that needs to be considered for the same. is Cust. info record required?
    Thanks in Advance.

    Standard Certificate type basically complies with international norms. Like you issue type 3.1 to customer directly and type 3.2 when third party inspection is included.
    In ECC 6.0 EHP6, most of them are defined for European standards (EN) and if you need to certify material via ASTM, IS, JIS or other standard, you would need to customize it. Thus, it basically provides a pattern, or a format in which you certify the goods.
    Coming to logic part, I would shorty conclude from QM viewpoint. You can print the value either from Batch master or Inspection results. This is what you define here, the origin of values.
    QC20 is for Delivery, QC21 is for Inspection lot and QC22 is for Batch. So QC20 would work in your case.
    And please do a bit search and you would find several queries on Quality certificates. Go through them to find more queries and their resolution. That would definitely help you.

  • Certificate from vendor

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    Maintain QM procurement tick
    Select control key based on Certificate.
    Select certificate type Q03 --->for confirmation of certificate during GR.
    During MIGO ii willask for Certificate received or not.
    If you wanr confirmation during UD then
    QCC0>Quality Cert>cetifcate profile-->define certi type
    QCC0>QM in logistic>QM in procrement>Define Certificate Types>select Q005-->tick on Certificate check req.
    this will ensure confirmation during UD with "CTCM status"

  • Changing Administration Connector Certificate

    I have installed OUD using a CA issued certificate during installation using the --useJavaKeystore option and I see that the LDAPS connector is utilizing this certificate.  However the Administration Connector is still using a self-signed certificate.  I would like to replace this self-signed certificate with the CA issued certificate.  I tried finding instructions but all I found was this link (Managing Administration Traffic to the Server - Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Guide for Oracle Unified Directo…) which had this small blurb: "You can manage the administration connector certificate using external tools, such as keytool."
    From doing a little digging I think I have come up with the correct sequence/steps to get this working.  Basically I have removed the admin-cert from the two keystores:/config/admin-truststore and /config/admin-keystore.  I then imported the keypair I created for the initial install.  I also changed the /config/admin-keystore.pin to match the pin I used when creating the keystore.
    This appears to be working but I would like to know if this is the correct method and if there would be any side effects to replacing the certificate used by the Administration Connector. 
    The exact steps I followed are below:
    Generate keypair and keystore: keytool -genkeypair -dname "CN=server-cert,dc=myorg" -alias server-cert -keyalg RSA -keypass 'myKeyPass' -storepass 'myKeyPass' -keystore mykeystore.jks
    Generate certificate request keytool -certreq -alias server-cert -keystore mykeystore.jks -file myCertRequest.csr
    Obtain x509 server certificate from CA (server.crt) and root CA public Cert (rootca.crt)
    Import root CA cert into keystorekeytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file rootca.crt -keystore mykeystore.jks -storepass 'myKeyPass'
    Import CA issued certificate into keystorekeytool -import -trustcacerts -alias server-cert -file server.crt -keystore mykeystore.jks -storepass 'myKeyPass' -keypass 'myKeyPass'
    Change keystore password of default OUD Admin truststorekeytool -storepasswd -keystore $OUD_INSTANCE/config/admin-truststore -storepass 'contents of admin-keystore.pin' -new 'myKeyPass'
    Change keystore password of default OUD admin keystorekeytool -storepasswd -keystore $OUD_INSTANCE/config/admin-keystore -storepass 'contents of admin-keystore.pin' -new 'myKeyPass'
    Change clear text password file to the new keystore passwordvim /$OUD_INSTANCE/config/admin-keystore.pin ## replace with new key [myKeyPass]
    Import root CA cert into default OUD admin truststorekeytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file rootca.crt -keystore $OUD_INSTANCE/config/admin-truststore -storepass 'myKeyPass'
    Import root CA cert into default OUD admin keystorekeytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file rootca.crt -keystore $OUD_INSTANCE/config/admin-keystore -storepass 'myKeyPass'
    Delete self-signed admin-cert from default OUD admin truststorekeytool -delete -alias admin-cert -keystore $OUD_INSTANCE/config/admin-truststore -storepass 'myKeyPass'
    Delete self-signed admin-cert from default OUD admin keystorekeytool -delete -alias admin-cert -keystore $OUD_INSTANCE/config/admin-keystore -storepass 'myKeyPass'
    Import CA issued keypair into default OUD Admin keystorekeytool -importkeystore -srckeystore mykeystore.jks -destkeystore $OUD_INSTANCE/config/admin-keystore -srcstorepass 'myKeyPass' -deststorepass 'myKeyPass' -srcalias server-cert -destalias admin-cert -srckeypass 'myKeyPass' -destkeypass 'myKeyPass'
    Import CA issued keypair into default OUD truststorekeytool -importkeystore -srckeystore mykeystore.jks -destkeystore $OUD_INSTANCE/config/admin-truststore -srcstorepass 'myKeyPass' -deststorepass 'myKeyPass' -srcalias server-cert -destalias admin-cert -srckeypass 'myKeyPass' -destkeypass 'myKeyPass'

    There is a report in sap in which you can create the ticket

  • Certificate selection and PIN entry include username/password

    Our users are using Windows 7 and Internet Explorer.
    When they visit a page that requires client authentication, they're prompted to "Select a certificate". However, their certificates are loaded below a username/password prompt.
    When they select a certificate, during the PIN prompt, it also has a username/password prompt. They can't enter a PIN without clicking below to the PIN prompt, which is very irritating for users.
    How do I disable the username/password prompt when selecting a certificate?

    Did you use IIS?
    If yes, try the methods in this article:
    Why do I still get a user/password Login prompt with Integrate Authentication (for Virtual server 2005 Administration website)
    Remove Username-Password Prompts from the Web Module with Windows Authentication
    Meanwhile, please post this issue in asp.net forum for more professional help.
    If no, give us a screenshot about your issue.
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error upgrading to 2012 R2 - SQL Server Certificate problems

    We are experiencing some strange errors during the installation of Config Mgr 2012 R2. The installer does not provide any errors, it just exits during the final steps. The c:\configmgrsetup.log file shows:
    INFO: Testing SQL Server [SQL01.ad.edu] connection ...  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><11-21-2013 13:47:25.427+360><thread=1984 (0x7C0)>
    INFO: SQL Connection succeeded. Connection: SQL01.AD.EDU MASTER, Type: Unsecure  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><11-21-2013 13:47:25.433+360><thread=1984 (0x7C0)>
    INFO: Tested SQL Server [SQL01.ad.edu] connection successfully.  Any preceding SQL connection errors may be safely ignored.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><11-21-2013 13:47:25.438+360><thread=1984 (0x7C0)>
    INFO: Certificate: 3082022B38D<!Removed characters for readability!>C1D9C921A058D19F  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><11-21-2013 13:47:25.443+360><thread=1984 (0x7C0)>
      ERROR: Failed to open certificate store (HRESULT=0x5)  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><11-21-2013 13:47:25.451+360><thread=1984 (0x7C0)>
    Failed to write sql server certificate to store (TrustedPeople) on site server (SCCM.ad.edu).  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><11-21-2013 13:47:25.457+360><thread=1984 (0x7C0)>
    ERROR: Failed to configure SQL Server Certificate.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><11-21-2013 13:47:25.462+360><thread=1984 (0x7C0)>
    Failed to create SQL Server Certificate, ConfigMgr installation cannot be completed.  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><11-21-2013 13:47:25.468+360><thread=1984 (0x7C0)>
    <11-21-2013 13:47:25> Failed to create process of SetupWpf.exe.
    We are running SQL on our enterprise 2008R2 SQL server and SCCM runs on a dedicated 2012 Server. Certificates are generally signed by our CA but the SQL certificate for ConfigMgr is self signed and appears to be trusted by the SCCM server (it appears in
    the TrustedPeople store). We have been running properly using HTTPS and the only errors prior to attempting the upgrade were with a secondary distribution point that had been removed prior to install. A new SQL certificate has been generated and tested but
    yields the same error messages. All suggestions are appreciated. Thanks,

    I found a similar article for your reference.
    Fail to create SQL Server Certificate" during installation
    Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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