Hey, I know that there is a way to do this so..
I need to rotate my pie chart.. not what you are thinking..
the 3d rotate, not like that. I need the chart's pie slice to start
at 12 noon, then fill in to 1pm, see what I mean? right now, my pie
chart slice(at zero) seems to start somewhere a 4pm then goes to
1pm as the data fills in. So rotate with a 2d pie chart, can anyone
help me with that?

You should be able to do this with a custom style - download
a copy of Webcharts 3D and have a play around with it. Its fairly
easy to use, once you have the chart looking the way you want, save
the xml data to a file and then include the file into your cfchart
using the style argument.
ie. if you save to a file called customStyle.xml:
<cfchart format = "png" name="chartfile"
style="customStyle.xml" ....

Similar Messages

  • Getting browser / version from cgi.http_user_agent

    I am succesfully storing away into the database each individuals cgi.http_user_agent.
    What a want to do is chop out the browser/platform and version number from the string and display it in a cfgraph for stat puposes.  Is there any easy way of doing this?
    Does somebody have a function I can look at/use?
    Many thanks,

    Hi All,
    I have managed to find a function that strips out the irrelecant information from the cgi.http_user_agent and displays the information like so...
    MSIE 9.0
    MSIE 9.0
    MSIE 10.0
    Chrome 28.0.1500.95
    Chrome 28.0.1500.95
    Chrome 29.0.1547.62
    Chrome 29.0.1547.62
    Chrome 29.0.1547.62
    Firefox 19.0
    Firefox 23.0
    Here is my code...
    <cfquery name="get_browserstats" datasource="XXX">
              SELECT            XXX_NAME
              FROM           XXX_NAME_TABLE
              ORDER BY upper(XXX_NAME)
    <cfset myArray = ArrayNew(1)>
    <cfoutput query="get_browserstats">
    * Detects 130+ browsers.
    * v2 by Daniel Harvey, adds Flock/Chrome and Safari fix.        
    * v5 fix by RCamden based on bug found by Jeff Mayer
    * @param UserAgent      User agent string to parse. Defaults to cgi.http_user_agent. (Optional)
    * @return Returns a string.
    * @author John Bartlett ([email protected])
    * @version 5, October 10, 2011
    function browserDetect() {
        // Default User Agent to the CGI browser string
        var UserAgent=#BROWSER_VER#;
        // Regex to parse out version numbers
        var VerNo="/?v?_? ?v?[\(?]?([A-Z0-9]*\.){0,9}[A-Z0-9\-.]*(?=[^A-Z0-9])";
        // List of browser names
        var BrowserList="";
        // Identified browser info
        var BrowserName="";
        var BrowserVer="";
        // Working variables
        var Browser="";
        var tmp="";
        var tmp2="";
        var x=0;
        // If a value was passed to the function, use it as the User Agent
        if (ArrayLen(Arguments) EQ 1) UserAgent=Arguments[1];
        // Allow regex to match on EOL and instring
        UserAgent=UserAgent & " ";
        // Browser List (Allows regex - see BlackBerry for example)
        BrowserList="1X|Amaya|Ubuntu APT-HTTP|AmigaVoyager|Android|Arachne|Amiga-AWeb|Arora|Bison|Bluefish|Browsex|Camino|Chec k&Get|Chimera|Chrome|Contiki|cURL|Democracy|" &
                    "Dillo|DocZilla|edbrowse|ELinks|Emacs-W3|Epiphany|Galeon|Minefield|Firebird|Phoenix|Flock |IceApe|IceWeasel|IceCat|Gnuzilla|" &
                    "Google|Google-Sitemaps|HTTPClient|HP Web PrintSmart|IBrowse|iCab|ICE Browser|Kazehakase|KKman|K-Meleon|Konqueror|Links|Lobo|Lynx|Mosaic|SeaMonkey|" &
                    "muCommander|NetPositive|Navigator|NetSurf|OmniWeb|Acorn Browse|Oregano|Prism|retawq|Shiira Safari|Shiretoko|Sleipnir|Songbird|Strata|Sylera|" &
                    "ThunderBrowse|W3CLineMode|WebCapture|WebTV|w3m|Wget|Xenu_Link_Sleuth|Oregano|xChaos_Arac hne|WDG_Validator|W3C_Validator|" &
                    "Jigsaw|PLAYSTATION 3|PlayStation Portable|IPD|" &
                    "AvantGo|DoCoMo|UP.Browser|Vodafone|J-PHONE|PDXGW|ASTEL|EudoraWeb|Minimo|PLink|NetFront|X iino|";
                    // Mobile strings
                    BrowserList=BrowserList & "iPad|iPhone|Vodafone|J-PHONE|DDIPocket|EudoraWeb|Minimo|PLink|Plucker|NetFront|PIE|Xiino |" &
                    "Opera Mini|IEMobile|portalmmm|OpVer|MobileExplorer|Blazer|MobileExplorer|Opera Mobi|BlackBerry\d*[A-Za-z]?|" &
                    "PPC|PalmOS|Smartphone|Netscape|Opera|Safari|Firefox|MSIE|HP iPAQ|LGE|MOT-[A-Z0-9\-]*|Nokia|";
                    // No browser version given
                    BrowserList=BrowserList & "AlphaServer|Charon|Fetch|Hv3|IIgs|Mothra|Netmath|OffByOne|pango-text|Avant Browser|midori|Smart Bro|Swiftfox";
                    // Identify browser and version
        if (ArrayLen(Browser) GT 0) {
            if (ArrayLen(Browser) GT 1) {
                // If multiple browsers detected, delete the common "spoofed" browsers
                if (Browser[1] EQ "MSIE 6.0" AND Browser[2] EQ "MSIE 7.0") ArrayDeleteAt(Browser,1);
                if (Browser[1] EQ "MSIE 7.0" AND Browser[2] EQ "MSIE 6.0") ArrayDeleteAt(Browser,2);
                for (x=ArrayLen(Browser); x GTE 1; x=x-1) {
                    if (ListFindNoCase("Navigator,Netscape,Opera,Safari,Firefox,MSIE,PalmOS,PPC",tmp[1]) GT 0) ArrayDeleteAt(Browser,x);
                if (ArrayLen(Browser) EQ 0) Browser[1]=tmp2;
            // Seperate out browser name and version number
            tmp=Rematchnocase("[A-Za-z0-9. _\-&]*",Browser[1]);
            if (ArrayLen(tmp) EQ 2) BrowserVer=tmp[2];
            // Handle "Version" in browser string
            if (ArrayLen(tmp) EQ 1) {
                //hack added by Camden to try better handle weird UAs
                if(arrayLen(tmp) eq 2) BrowserVer=tmp[2];
                else browserVer=tmp[1];
            // Handle multiple BlackBerry browser strings
            if (Left(Browser,10) EQ "BlackBerry") Browser="BlackBerry";
            // Return result
            return Browser & " " & BrowserVer;
        // Unable to identify browser
        return "Unknown";
    <cfset browser_array = #ArrayAppend(myArray, "#browserDetect()#")#>
    <cfset myList = ArrayToList(myArray, "<br>")>
    What I want to do is use this information on my array and place it into a nice <cfchart> pie graph... although I am struggling.... Anyone got any useful tips on how to do this?  It would be much apprciated..
    Many thanks,

  • CFCHART only works for pie, invalid attribute: autoAdjust Error for all other types

    CFCHART only works for pie, invalid attribute: autoAdjust
    Error for all other types.
    Im just trying to render a simple bar chart, and it works on
    the developer server, but not in production.
    Any tips?

    It's 7.0.2
    But I have not tried this yet...
    ColdFusion MX 7.0.2 Cumulative Hot Fix 2
    I'm worried that If I apply that hotfix, something else will
    break :(
    ANd I wont be able to un=do it, and I'm not able to
    re-install CF if it all goes tits up.

  • Pie Chart displaying percentages

    Good Morning,
    I'm hoping someone has had experience creating a pie chart
    with percentage values and is wiling to offer some assistance
    because I've tried many ways and still came up short.
    The data table I'm using contains two columns: type (A, B, C,
    etc) and amount (100, 250, etc).
    In order to create a chart showing what percent of the whole
    each type is, I need to sum all the amounts for all types then
    divide each type by the sum of all amounts (to create each slice).
    Any suggestions on how to do this through CFquery and
    Thanks in advance,

    Add this line in the graph you are putting in RTF template.
    Right click the image, properties and the last tab web.
    add this under the graph node.
    To get the actual Value use this.
    <SliceLabel textType="LD_VALUE"/>
    Other vaules you can use are

  • Query and cfchart question

    I have this simple query :
    SELECT top 10
      SupplierName, supplierNumber
      FROM tableName
    It will give me a simple output like:
    company1     12345     20
    company2     98881     5
    company3     76512     18
    What I need to do is plot the query in pie chart, with a drilldown report for each pie slice (supplier name) :
       title='"Top 10 Supplier Volume "'
       url="../reports/supplierVolumeReport.cfm?supplierName=$itemlabel$&supplierNumber=#qryBuye rVolume.supplier#">
          <cfchartSeries type="pie"
    Everything works fine. But when I go to the drilldown report, I cannot really search by supplierName because some companies might have the same name, but the supplier numbers are unique, so I have to search by supplier number. That is why I am passing that value also.
    But when I click on pie slice for company 3, it passes the supplier name company 3, but the supplier number is always the first one, 12345, regardless of what slice I click on. I have cfoutput in the report and it shows company 3 and 12345.
    How do I get the corresponding supplier number for the pie slice supplier name that I click on ? I need the corresponding supplier number so I can use it to search the query in the drilldown report.
    I tried to combine the name and number in the query and have the chart display 12345 - Company 1 in the legend, but they do not want the number to display, just the name in the legend.

    On your graph, pass the company name and total as a list with a delimter not likely to appear in the company name.  Like this:
    On your drill down page, start with a query to get the supplier number.
    select suppliernumber, count(*)
    from yourtable
    where suppliername = ListFirst(url.suppliername, "¿")
    group by suppliernumber
    having count(*) = ListLast(url.suppliername, "¿")

  • Pie chart  display error

    I created pie chart using CFCHART tag. In the chart display,
    data values overlap on one another in the display. How to rectify
    this error.
    Kindly help me in this regard.
    Advance thanks

    I am using  ColdFusion Report Builder 9 to generate a PDF, so there is no code to provide, but here is an example of my data:
    With 'label column: fruit' and 'value column: count', when I select 'data label: pattern', for my pie chart, the labels overlap.

  • CFCHART Changes ?

    I just discovered how to use the CFCHART in ColdFusion MX,
    and I thought it looked great,at least as compared to the old
    charting method supported by ColdFusion.
    Then, in testing the charts in CF7, I find that the entire
    format for Pie Charts has been turned around, placing the legend on
    the top of the page, Pie chart at the bottom, and putting count
    numbers around the edges of the PIE. There were no longer any
    percentages showing anywhere, AND the numbers (counts) around the
    outside of the pie were overwriting each other to the point of
    being unintelligible, when the pie slices were small. It even lost
    the ability to show the pie chart in sliced mode, as opposed to
    Hey, the image was finer, but the loss of percentages and
    readable counts easily outweighs any benefit of finer dithering.
    What's up with this?
    Is there any alternative that will present a pie chart,
    sliced, with a legend that includes labels, counts, AND percentages
    Please let me know what's out there!

    I don't want to expose the network share as a virtual directory in IIS.  Using the cfchart cache location allows CF to read/write while keeping the path to the images protected.  Unfortunately CF is able to write but when the request is load balanced to another server it cannot reference the cached chart name.

  • Formatted Data Labels in CFCHART

    Is there a way to format data values in CFCHART?
    All my values in database are stored as 99.9 See below). These are percentages that I need to display on a bar chart. Everything works fine except when displaying 76.0, it shows as 76. All other values that have a number besides zero after the decimal point show up fine except for zero. I want the numbers to be consistent. I am already using custom XML file for formatting but unable to display the "zero" after the decimal point.
    Let's assume, StartYear = 2007 and EndYear = 2008, and the data in Influencer_Data table looks like this:
    ID      Poll_Year     Company    Influence_ID      Pulse      Goal
    96      2008            XYZ            842                  59.6      59.6
    97      2008            XYZ            839                  80.8      80.8
    98      2008            XYZ            838                  86.9      86.9
    99      2008            XYZ            841                  67.1      67.1
    100    2008            XYZ            840                  66.3      66.3
    101    2008            XYZ            470                  54.5      54.5
    102    2007            XYZ            842                  56.5      56.5
    103    2007            XYZ            839                  81.5      81.5
    104    2007            XYZ            838                  85.5      85.5
    105    2007            XYZ            841                  71.2      71.2
    106    2007            XYZ            840                  76.0      76.0
    107    2007            XYZ            470                  54.2      54.2
    108    2008            XYZ            843                  82.6      82.6
    And the data in influencers table looks like this:
    Influencer_ID Influencer_Type
    470      Regulators
    838      Financial Community
    839      Community Leaders
    840      Media
    841      Government
    842      Advocates
    843      Mexico
    <cfloop index="i" from="#StartYear#" to="#EndYear#" step="1">
         <CFQUERY NAME="GetInfluenceData#i#" DATASOURCE="#RMIDSN#">
              Select     ID.*, I.Influencer_Type
              From     Influencer_Data ID
                   INNER JOIN Influencers I ON ID.Influencer_ID = I.Influencer_ID
              Where     ID.Poll_Year = <cfqueryparam value="#i#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER">
                   AND ID.Company = 'XYZ'
              Order     By I.Influencer_Type
    The custom XML file (TLRIS.xml) looks like this:
    ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <frameChart isInterpolated="false">
              <frame xDepth="4" yDepth="5" outline="black" isVGridVisible="true"/>
                   <labelFormat pattern="#0.0"/>
                   <labelFormat pattern="#0.0"/>
                   <labelStyle orientation="Horizontal"/>
              <dataLabels style="Value" font="Arial-12" isMultiline="true">
              <![CDATA[ $(value) ]]>
              <legend allowSpan="true" equalCols="false" isMultiline="true"/>
              <elements drawOutline="false">
                   <morph morph="Grow"/>
              <popup decoration="Round"/>
              <paint palette="Fiesta" paint="Plain" isVertical="true" min="47" max="83"/>
              <insets right="5"/>
    And the code for the graph is below:
    <cfchart format="#ChartType#"
         <cfloop index="i" from="#StartYear#" to="#EndYear#" step="1">
              <cfset LoopCount = LoopCount + 1>
              <cfset WhichColor = ListGetAt(colorlist, LoopCount)>
                         <cfloop query="GetInfluenceData#i#">
                                    <cfchartdata item="#Influencer_Type#" value="#Pulse#">

    mohadi wrote:
    I have already done that with no success.
    I am beginning to believe this may be a bug.
    Even if you try something as simple as the following, the decimal points that have zeroes don't show
    <cfchart style="beige">
    <cfchartseries type="pie">
    <cfchartdata item="New car sales" value="50.0">
    <cfchartdata item="Used car sales" value="55.0">
    <cfchartdata item="Leasing" value="56.5">
    <cfchartdata item="Service" value="76.2">
    Well that is the wrong kind of chart and it is not using the xml style.  But it works perfectly with a bar chart, using a custom style. The values display exactly as you have them above.
    <cfchart style="myPatternStyle.xml">
        <cfchartseries type="bar">
            <cfchartdata item="New car sales" value="50.0">
            <cfchartdata item="Used car sales" value="55.0">
            <cfchartdata item="Leasing" value="56.5">
            <cfchartdata item="Service" value="76.2">
    <!--- snippet from xml styles --->
    .... other xml ....
    <yAxis scaleMin="0">
          <titleStyle font="Arial-12-bold"/>
          <dateTimeStyle majorUnit="Year" minorUnit="Month"/>
          <labelFormat style="Pattern" pattern="#,##0.0#######"/>
    .... other xml ....

  • CF 11 Update 3 and CFCHART

    We just upgraded to the latest build for Coldfusion 11 and our cfcharts are failing. The build is as follows 11,0,03,292480.
    I am getting this error:
    Error casting an object of type java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.String to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.
    java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.String
    The error occurred in C:/inetpub/wwwroot/cmis/e_survey/usage.cfm: line 141
    139 : <cfelseif ListFind("1,2",answers.s_qtypeid)>
    140 : <cfchart style="usage.json" format="png" chartheight="400" chartwidth="400" showborder="yes">
    141 : <cfchartseries type="pie" query="answers" itemcolumn="row_optionname" valuecolumn="total" />
    142 : </cfchart>
    143 : <cfelse>
    We have been required to put in the latest update due to the security vulnerability.
    Can someone help me on whether there is a newer version of the update or what I can do to fix this? It was working fine with Update 2.
    I have determined that the legend options in my json file for ZingCharts seems to be the problem but I do not know what.
    Phil Mervis

    I believe this is a bug (Bug#3865484 - CF11 update 3 breaks chart style json that uses legend). The status shows it has been fixed by Adobe but its just waiting on testing & deployment by the looks of it.
    Probably not a lot that can be done unless you want to turn the legends off on your charts.

  • How to output value in cfchart

    If country_count gte 5 then I want to output the values, this
    works fine when it is set as a variable but when I try to use the
    newly created variable #country_count# in the chart valuecolumn it
    doesn´t show anything.
    Maybe a new structure-or a query of a query is needed? How
    would you approach this? Thanks
    <cfquery name="q_countries" datasource="mydbase">
    SELECT UCASE(country) AS Country, COUNT(*) AS country_count
    FROM clientinfo
    WHERE country IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY country
    ORDER BY country_count
    <!--- set the value if country count is greater than or
    equal to 5--->
    <cfoutput query="q_countries"><cfif country_count
    gte 5><cfset country_count=country_count>
    <cfchart format="flash"
    title = "Website Visitors by Country"
    <!---country count is not updated--->
    <cfchartseries type="pie" query="q_countries"
    itemcolumn="country" valuecolumn="country_count">

    Hi here is your code i just instead of using a condition i
    used the condition to add to a new sub query. It should work fine
    but i could not test it hope this help.
    <cfquery name="q_countries" datasource="mydbase">
    SELECT UCASE(country) AS Country, COUNT(*) AS country_count
    FROM clientinfo
    WHERE country IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY country
    ORDER BY country_count
    <cfset counter = 1>
    <cfset c_countries =
    <cfloop query="q_countries" >
    <cfif '#q_countries.country_count#' GTE '5'>
    <cfset queryaddrow('c_countries','1')>
    <cfset counter = #counter# + 1>
    <!--- set the value if country count is greater than or
    equal to 5--->
    <cfoutput query="c_countries">
    <cfset country_count=country_count>
    <cfchart format="flash"
    title = "Website Visitors by Country"
    <!---country count is not updated--->
    <cfchartseries type="pie" query="c_countries"
    itemcolumn="country" valuecolumn="country_count">

  • Reporting Services in 2005 Secondary Pie Chart?

             In 2008 and 20012, secondary pie charts with a percentage threshold from a main pie chart can be easily created. Is it possible to do in 2005?

    Hi Robb,
    It seems that you are using Dundas Chart Control for SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services not the Dundas Chart Control 2005 that Microsoft has purchased.
    Microsoft purchased the license to use Dundas Chart Control 2005 in Reporting Services 2008 and above. Therefore the supported upgrade is from Reporting Services 2005 Dundas Charts to SSRS 2008 (R2) and SSRS 2012 Charts.
    If you are using a particular component released by Dundas for SSRS 2008 R2, you won’t be able to upgrade Reporting Services 2008 R2 Reports with Dundas Charts to Reporting Services 2012 Charts.
    To confirm this, please check the details of this assembly “DundasRSChart.dll” located under the /Report Server/bin directory.
    If the Product Name is “Dundas Chart for Reporting Services 2008 R2”, it indicates that this is a new version of Dundas Chart for SSRS 2008 R2 (i.e. a third party control). If the Product Name is “Microsoft SQL Server”, it indicates that this is the version
    that Microsoft has purchased.
    In this condition, you have to migrate the DundasRSChart.dll to the SSRS 2012 instance and reference it as the custom assembly in the reports. Please make sure to rename the DLL file so that it won’t replace the native DundasRSChart.dll installed by SQL
    Server 2012.
    For more information about referencing custom assembly in a report, please see:
    Using Custom Assemblies with Reports
    Mike Yin
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Need help to make a Pie Chart

    I am trying to draw a pie chart for the Uptime Report.
    I have the Following table definition.
    create table downtime_detail ( env_code number, down_start date, down_end date );
    insert into downtime_detail values (1,to_date('26-JAN-2008 02:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('26-JAN-2008 03:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') );
    insert into downtime_detail values (2,to_date('26-JAN-2008 02:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('26-JAN-2008 03:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') );
    insert into downtime_detail values (2,to_date('01-FEB-2008 02:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('03-FEB-2008 03:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') );
    insert into downtime_detail values (2,to_date('15-FEB-2008 02:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('15-FEB-2008 03:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') );
    insert into downtime_detail values (2,to_date('26-FEB-2008 02:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('28-FEB-2008 03:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') );
    Now the Below Query returns me the values val1 and val2 on the basis of which I need to draw a Pie Chart.
    select round((DOWN/TOTAL)*100,2) val1 , round(100-((DOWN/TOTAL)*100),2) val2
         (select sum((DOWN_END - DOWN_START)*24) DOWN from DOWNTIME_DETAIL where ENV_CODE=2 ) a ,
         (select ((sysdate - to_date('01-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY')) * 24) TOTAL from dual ) b
    VAL1 VAL2
    3.64 96.36
    Can someone help me try do this ?
    Actually I tried but I couldnt put my custom query to get this Pie chart. Or if there is any other better approach please let me know.

    I believe all that you are missing in your sql is a NULL. Below is the help text for creating a Flash pie chart.
    Specify the SQL query that will populate your chart, for example:
    select null, ename, sal
    from emp
    Alternatively you can write a PL/SQL function return a SQL query, for example:
    return 'select null, ename, sal from emp';
    Your query should then read:
    select null,round((DOWN/TOTAL)*100,2) val1 , round(100-((DOWN/TOTAL)*100),2) val2
    (select sum((DOWN_END - DOWN_START)*24) DOWN from DOWNTIME_DETAIL where ENV_CODE=2 ) a ,
    (select ((sysdate - to_date('01-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY')) * 24) TOTAL from dual ) b

  • No data in Active sessions pie-chart and availability is 0%

    Hi All,
    Does anyone know why my Enterprise Manager cosole in Oracle 10g installed on windows xp professional is not showing any data? Availabilty is always 0% for the instance ORCL and the active sessions pie-chart is always showing 0.01 since May 17,2005.
    Can anyone tell me how to configure EM so that instance ORCL and the active sessions start showing data again?

    Kindly activate the data request. Post that, Under "request available for reporting" a symbol will appear which means that the data has been moved to Active table and is available for reporting at further levels.
    And you can then check for contents in the active table of the DSo, you should get the records.
    Change log: Contains the change history for the delta update from the DataStore object into other data targets, such as DataStore objects or InfoCubes. It makes sense in case of delta uploads.

  • PIE chart report for planned, Actual and variants cost

    Hi Gurus,
    Is there any report provides information of Plan cost, Actual cost and Variants cost for sales order or production Plan in PIE CHART format or any other chart diagram.
    Ram Krishna

    Go to relevant S_ALR* report.
    For example execute
    Settings ==> Options
    Office Integration => Microsoft Excel
    Remove Worksheet Protection
    ignore the warning message.
    Go to insert tab on the MS excel.
    Select the report data.
    Click on pie chart.
    You will be able to see the pie chart.

  • ActiveX and pie chart problem

    I am trying to create a bar of pie chart in Excel 2003. I am able to insert my data and create the chart, but I need to set the "SplitValue" to 6. I was able to find the property for doing this but I get an error when I run the vi (see attached).  Any thoughts?
    Go to Solution.
    ActiveX Error.PNG ‏45 KB

    I think your problem is that you don't have "Index" wired for the ChartGroups property. Thus, it may be returning a collection of chart groups, but you are typecasting it to a single chart group.

Maybe you are looking for

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    I have a few ipads, iphones and ipod touches of various models, and all run iOS6 of various types (whatever they were running when I last updated them before iOS 7 came along and stopped me being able to get newer versions of 6). I tried iOS7 for a w

  • Internal order investment order (very very urgent)

    KO88 settlemment of investment order Detailed description of issue and/or error message  A Dec'06 accrual as been re-accrued throughout 2007 until December when the actual invoice arrived which was considerably lower than the original accrual. A jour

  • Problem with activation of Office 2010 Professional, 'help' web link does not work

    I am having problems activating a copy of Office Professional 2010 purchased retail. I am being told that the product key is not valid, though I have re-entered it twice. I click on the 'more information' link but the page doesn't load: http://wwwppe

  • Object database for Java

    I've recently got interested in object databases and would like to do my next project using ODB instead of a relational one. Now, since I'm completely new to them, it would be helpful if someone could recommend one to me. Can ODBs be queried with SQL

  • Windows can't find air disk

    I have been searching for a long time now and can't find any answer how get my windows xp to connect to air disk..! Can anyone help would be greatly appreciate. ( I use air disk to share data in office, not to syn or anything ) Thx