CFDIV binding problem

I'm trying to create a MS Outlook interface using cf8 ajax
feature and I can't seem to figure this error out. I get
Elemet not
found : myInbox. How do I pass a variable from one cfdiv to
another. I hightlighted the problematic line.
<cfset rightNow = Now()>
<cfset lastWeek = DateAdd("d","-7", rightNow)>
<cfajaximport tags="cfgrid, cfdiv">
var myInbox.uid
username ="myusername"
password="and password"
connection="testconn1" protocol="https">
<cflayout type="border" style="border:1px solid red;">
<cflayoutarea position="left" style="width:250px">
<cfform format="html">
<cftree format="html" name="mailfolders">
<cftreeitem value="Mailbox" expand="yes">
<cftreeitem parent="Mailbox" expand="yes" value="Inbox"
<cftreeitem parent="Mailbox" expand="yes" value="Deleted
Items" />
<cfdiv bind="content.cfm?value={mailfolders.node}" />
<cflayoutarea position="center" style="width:100%">
<cflayout type="border">
<cflayoutarea position="top" style="height:400">
bind="url:mailfolder.cfm?mailfolder={mailfolders.node}" />
<cflayoutarea position="center" >
bind="url:message.cfm?uid={myInbox.toid}" />

As you have figured out, the value of the edit_field will not change until it is validated and it will only be validated with every keystroke when "immediate = true".
Another way to accomplish this would be to bind the enabled state of the button to the value of the edit field. Such as:
enabled = LrView.bind {
     key = "text",
     transform = function( value, fromTable )
          if fromTable then
               if value ~= nil and value ~= "" then
                    return true
               return false
(This was not tested but should be close)
The advantage of this is that the button will be enabled and disabled without the validation of the edit_field needing to be called. So if the value of the text field is changed programatically the button will be updated.

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    I'm trying to create a page that displays the results of a query, but will allow you to filter them by date, name, etc. I'm relatively new to this concept, but reading a bit online I found some examples that did what I'm trying to do. I have a few questions and a problem though, if someone is willing to provide a bit of guidance. If it matters, I'm using cf9.
    First, can you use a <cfdiv bind to submit multiple url parameters? If so, do I just use a semicolon to separate them like this:
    <cfdiv bind="url:mypage.cfm?param1={value1};param2={value2}" />
    Second, if you can use this functionality, what's the best way to send dates as url parameters? URLEncodedFormat() and then URLDecode()? All the examples of those tags surround them with # to indicate variables, but since you don't use that notation in a cfdiv bind, do I just put the whole thing inside the {} like this (and then use URLDecode(mydate) on the action page):
    <cfdiv bind="url:mypage.cfm?date1={URLEncodedFormat(mydate)} />
    Third, I'm having trouble getting the <cfdiv bind to display at all. I have an action page set up (mypage.cfm) that loads fine in a browser, but when I try to add it to another page like this, it doesn't work:
    <cfdiv bind="url:mypage.cfm" />
    I'm assuming this is because I'm not submitting any parameters on this page to be processed on mypage.cfm, but I don't know if that's true. I'm trying to get the div to display first, then add the dynamic form to filter the results, but maybe it doesn't work that way?
    Thanks for any help!

    Thank you, I was able to get it mostly working. There was an issue with the server on my system so I had to re-install Coldfusion. It dawned on me that I had cleaned up some files that I was no longer using and might have accidentally gotten rid of something important.
    So it's definitely better now. I can change the dates so that I can display records that fall within those date parameters. What I'm trying to do now is be able to sort the records, and I'm having trouble with that. Right now I have a select menu named "sort" with a bunch of values that reference elements in the table: Last Name (Lname), Date Submitted (Reptime), and Date of Absence (Absence_Date). Then in my sql I have "ORDER BY <cfparam value="#url.sort# cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">. I don't get any errors or anything, I just don't get any changes to the displayed data. Here's my sql, the commented parts are not in the file, I added those for explanation here:
    <!--- There are two radio buttons to toggle between viewing all records and viewing the selected records based on the date parameters. This sets the start and end dates when view all is selected --->
    <cfif IsDefined("url.viewAll") AND #url.viewAll# EQ "yes">
      <cfset startDate="01/01/2012">
      <cfset endDate="12/12/2020">
    <!--- This sets the start and end dates based on the items in those fields if view all is not selected, and sets the dates to the view all dates if the date entry fields are empty --->
      <cfif IsDefined("url.startDate") AND #url.startDate# NEQ "">
        <cfset startDate="#url.startDate#">
        <cfset startDate="01/01/2012">
      <cfif IsDefined("url.endDate") AND #url.endDate# NEQ "">
        <cfset endDate="#url.endDate#">
        <cfset endDate="12/12/2020">
    <!--- Defines the url.sort parameter and sets the default in the event no selection is made on the page. --->
    <cfparam name="url.sort" default="Absence_Date">
    <!--- And my query. Pretty self-explanatory, but the ORDER BY portion isn't working. Records are displayed in the order they appear in the database, which is the submit time (Reptime) --->
    <cfquery name="absences" datasource="ctband">
      SELECT *
      FROM Absences
      WHERE Absence_Date > <cfqueryparam value="#startDate#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"> AND Absence_Date < <cfqueryparam value="#endDate#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
      ORDER BY <cfqueryparam value="#url.sort#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">

  • CFdiv binding

    Hi I am trying to bind a cfdiv to a cfc function that has a query as a return variable. The bound cfdiv is recieving the information in json format. I am not sure how to work with the json information in this context. Do I need to format the query data into something like an array at the cfc function or can I format the json data inside the cfdiv? Thanks!!

    <cfdiv bind="cfc:cart.test()" class="mydiv">
    try any of the following
    <script type="text/javascript">

  • Read only inputText binding problem

    Hi all
    I have a h:inputText like below
    <h:inputText readonly="true" id="txtStudentId" value="#{}"/>then using a Java script I change the value of this textbox.
    But when retrieve the value from backbean It's not changed. The problem is associated with read only attribute.
    When it's not read only it works.
    Can some one explain this?

    Thank You BALUSC, Your solution worked!
    Nice idea
                            function changeTest()
                                document.getElementById("form1:textField1").value = "text Changed";
                                document.getElementById("form1:hidden1").value = "text Changed";
                                return false;
    <webuijsf:form id="form1">
                            <h:inputText id="textField1" readonly="true" />
                            <h:inputHidden binding="#{ReadOnly_inputField.hiddenField}" id="hidden1" />
                            <h:commandButton id="button1" value="Channge Value" onclick="return changeTest();"/>
                            <h:commandButton action="#{ReadOnly_inputField.button2_action}" id="button2"value="Check Value"/>
    private HtmlInputHidden hiddenField;
        public HtmlInputHidden getHiddenField()
            return hiddenField;
        public void setHiddenField(HtmlInputHidden hiddenField)
            this.hiddenField = hiddenField;
        public String button2_action()
            System.out.println("This is the value : "+ hiddenField.getValue());
            return null;
        }And your Blog. It's really really helpful.

  • 10g Signal Handlers and Dynamic Binding Problems on Mac OS X

    I have the following env vars set up, and it seems the client libs show a deadl\
    ock behavior post installation. SqlPlus exhibits a similar problem with 10g cli\
    ent libs on the Mac, since it simply hangs for 20 secs before returning the pro\
    mpt. I have G4 10.3.4 Mac, and 3.3 (1640) gcc, and still haunted by this probl\
    a) ktrace sqlplus user/pass@db
    b) kdump -R | grep sigaction gives:
    885 sqlplus 5.877734 CALL sigaction(0x2,0xbffff500,0xbffff570)
    885 sqlplus 0.001252 RET sigaction 0
    885 sqlplus 0.002032 CALL sigaction(0xd,0xbfff90f0,0xbfff9160)
    885 sqlplus 0.001831 RET sigaction 0
    885 sqlplus 0.001293 CALL sigaction(0x12,0xbfffb6e0,0xbfffb750)
    885 sqlplus 0.001234 RET sigaction 0
    885 sqlplus 0.001551 CALL sigaction(0x12,0xbfffbda0,0xbfffbe10)
    885 sqlplus 0.001401 RET sigaction 0
    885 sqlplus 0.001331 CALL sigaction(0x2,0xbfffd090,0xbfffd100)
    885 sqlplus 0.001333 RET sigaction 0
    This shows a 5.9 sec delay for the first sigaction, and a full response is received some long 20 secs later on the prompt.
    Some feedback from engineering regarding this issue since the 9i release has been:
    "This is a known problem with signal handlers and the lazy binding we have on Mac OS X. A small change to how Oracle library's signal
    handler is installed using _signal_nobind(3) and
    _dyld_lookup_and_bind_fully(3) could help to solve this problem.
    The problem that we are trying to avoid is a possible dead lock from
    code that could be called in a signal handler when the thread that
    gets the signal is in the middle of lazy binding a symbol. So when a
    signal handlers installed the default action is to cause it to be
    bound fully. This is made very expensive by the mismatch of the
    interfaces to signal(3) and segvec(2) like routines which are passed
    an address and the dynamic linker that wants a global symbol name. So the end result is to call the routine _dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address(3) with the address of the signal handler to be bound. Which binds everything in the image (in this case the Oracle shared library).
    We have had problems like this before. For example: [This is what is
    done in usleep(3)]
    /* code removed for this example */
    setvec(vec, sleepx);
    #ifdef __DYNAMIC__
    _dyld_lookup_and_bind_fully("_usleep", NULL, NULL);
    (void) _sigvec_nobind(SIGALRM, &vec, &ovec);
    (void) sigvec(SIGALRM, &vec, &ovec);
    static void sleepx(int unused)
    ringring = 1;
    The use of _sigvec_nobind(2) (or _signal_nobind(3) ) and the use of
    _dyld_lookup_and_bind_fully(3) will cause just the needed symbols used by the signal handler. "
    It seems this issue hasn't been resolved in the most recent 10g client release.Can anyone shed some light one this issue?
    For better demonstration, here is a series of steps we took here:
    sigaction.c - C file produced by "proc sigaction.pc"
    sigaction.pc - ProC source file
    gcc_sig* - Shell script to compile sigaction.c
    ktrace.sigtest - raw ktrace output from running sigtest
    ktrace.sqlplus - raw ktrace output from running sqlplus
    kdump.sqlplus - output of kdump -R on ktrace.sqlplus
    kdump.sigtest - output of kdump -R on ktrace.sigtest
    sigaction.lis - auxiliary file produced by proc
    1. sigaction.pc:
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "/Users/oracle/10g/orahome/precomp/public/sqlca.h"
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    char user[30], passwd[30], db[40];
    char con_str[100], date[10], *icp;
    strcpy(user, "XXXXXXXX");
    strcpy(passwd, "XXXXXXXX");
    strcpy(db, "db_name");
    EXEC SQL CONNECT :con_str;
    printf("SYSTEM DATE = %s\n",date);
    2. gcc_sig:
    CFLAGS="-I$ORACLE_HOME/precomp/public -I/usr/include"
    ORALIBS="-L$ORACLE_HOME/lib -lclntsh $ORACLE_HOME/lib/nautab.o $ORACLE_HOME/lib/naeet.o"
    CC="gcc -g"
    3. Generate the rest of the output files for your viewing of the results based on the commands provided above.

    It's a delay, not a deadlock, that originatesfrom the way Oracle
    libraries handle dymaic "dynamic" bindings. Maybe prebinding could help ?
    export DYLD_PREBIND_DEBUG=1ronr@[email protected]:/Users/ronr
    sqlplus "/ as sysdba"dyld: sqlplus: prebinding disabled because library: /Users/oracle/product/server/10.1/lib/libsqlplus.dylib got slid
    dyld: in map_image() determined the system shared regions ARE used
    dyld: 2 two-level prebound libraries used out of 5

  • Binding Problem in web dynpro ABAP

    I have problem in table binding. I have created node and added attributes from ztable. The node is binded with the view table. Now my requirement is one field should be drop down in table and it should be binded with one attribute but that binded attribute is indifferent table. Is it possible? .. I have tried this but dump occured. Please guide me to get this.

    nope, i don't have an ebook for WD.. but if you explain your issue, someone here may be able to help.

  • Flashbuilder 4 Beta 2 / Data binding problems

    i´m trying the first time FB 4 beta and i have a problem with the data services.
    I have cerated a cfc on coldfusion 8 returning data from an SQL-Server. The service is imported well and also the test works an returns the right data.
    But when i bind this service to any Control like a data grid, i get an error by compiling:
    Error 1180 datagrid_creationCompleteHandler not defined
    The code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
          xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="1024" minHeight="768" xmlns:st_gruppeservice="services.st_gruppeservice.*">
       import mx.controls.Alert;
      <s:CallResponder id="getAllST_GRUPPEResult"/>
      <st_gruppeservice:ST_GRUPPEService id="sT_GRUPPEService" fault=" + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)" showBusyCursor="true"/>
      <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <mx:DataGrid x="82" y="145" id="dataGrid" creationComplete="dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" dataProvider="{getAllST_GRUPPEResult.lastResult}">
       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="NAME" dataField="NAME"/>
       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="INFO" dataField="INFO"/>
    I think, i have build the project the same way as in adobe labs described. And also, the test works so the service is configured right.
    Any Idea?

    attached the two log files.
    If i remove the CDATA-Block, i get also the error 'Property alert not found'.
    Additional Infos:
    Environment: German
    Client system: Windows 7
    Server: Coldfusion 8 on IIS (Windows 2003)

  • Cfdiv bind issue with IE

    I have a form with two radio buttons where a cfdiv uses the values to load a form depending on the value passed.  Everything works well in FF and Safari, but in IE, you have to click away from the radio button for the bind to work.  In FF and Safari the bind works on click. Any ideas on how to resolve this?

    Don't use IE...   ha!
    Not really an answer but I would look at the generated source code (view source) from your browser.  This should lead you to the culprit.

  • Lookup function issue or specific cell data binding problem

    I  have a dataset which has datatable having 2 columns i.e
    Table( Id string,Value string)
    Every single record in the datatable represents an answer to particular question, Id column being question identifier and Value column  being an answer and every question has answer being stored for 7 days.
    Now i have designed a report which is in the form of grid like
                         Day1 Answer, Day2 Answer, Day3 Answer............................Day7 Answer
    Question 1 
    Question 2
    .Question 40
    I tried using lookup function in ssrs reporting service to bind every single cell in the report using data from dataset like
    = Lookup("question_identifier",QuestionId.Value,AnswerValue.Value,"mydataset");
    The report is working absolutely fine in the report designer as expected but when i take it to the ASP.NET website where i have to generate it, it never shows up and i get report couldn't be found and make sure you have published the report kind of errors.
    I figured that this is the problem with lookup function because as soon as i removed all lookup function expressions in the report , the report started to show up but without data.
    Please let me know if there is another way to go around this problem or fix this issue.

    Hi Jolly,
    I don't think we need lookup function for this. We have only one dataset, the report can be easily created by simply modifying the query of the dataset and place those fields in the tablix report. Refer below example,
    create table reporttable(id int, value varchar(200))
    insert into reporttable values(1,'abc')
    insert into reporttable values(1,'abc1')
    insert into reporttable values(1,'abc2')
    insert into reporttable values(1,'abc3')
    insert into reporttable values(1,'abc4')
    insert into reporttable values(2,'abc')
    insert into reporttable values(2,'abc1')
    insert into reporttable values(2,'abc2')
    insert into reporttable values(2,'abc3')
    insert into reporttable values(2,'abc4')
    insert into reporttable values(3,'abc')
    insert into reporttable values(3,'abc1')
    insert into reporttable values(3,'abc2')
    insert into reporttable values(3,'abc3')
    insert into reporttable values(3,'abc4')
    select id as [Question],'Day ' + cast(row_number() over (partition by id order by id) as varchar) + ' Answer' as AnsCol
    from reporttable
    Regards, RSingh

  • Dynamic region table with binding problem

    Hi. I'm using jdev and ADF full stack.
    My app uses single page approach with ADF libraries and a dynamic region to show content. Main page includes a menu bar which is created on session startup and is used to load task flows from libraries.
    I have a class to provide some table functionality like CRUD, multi-row delete, etc and I need to reuse with every table included in libraries.
    To do this, in main web app I have a managed bean to hold table binding and to provide this common functions to all fragments if needed.
    I think it must be in request scope as fragment changes.
    Here's the problem: when I navigate to a fragment which contains a table with binding, first time goes well,
    but next time table, when fragment changes,new table displays without header or without data.
    If I go to another fragment without binding and return to a fragment with problem, it displays well. With fragments without table binding, it works OK.
    I've tried changing scope of this 'general' managed bean, but same thing. If I put a bean for each fragment, it works OK.
    So, how can I 'share' this managed bean through every table? Any suggestions? is it possible?
    Please, help me ....

    I am seeing a similar problem in my app. I have a main menu that drives a dynamic region. If the task flow that gets displayed in the dynamic region also contains a dynamic region, when the inner dynamic region is refreshed to point to a second task flow, the page does not render correctly. The errors we have seen include data in tables not being displayed in some cases, and PPR errors in other cases. In both cases, if the inner dynamic region is replaced (by a single bounded task flow with navigation logic in a template, for example) the errors go away. There appears to be issues involved with including a dynamic region within a dynamic region.
    Have you made any progress on solving your issue?

  • Matrix Empty row Binding Problem

    Hi ,
    i created one matrix using screen painter.. all my columns are binded
    with user defined fields.(Doc Rows Table). if my total row count is 5.
    and i deleted 2 rows using rightclick deleterow event. after adding if i see the same document  it display the 2 empty rows and 3 rows with my details.. actually its showing that deleted row UDT also having empty row details..
    how to resolve this?
    Ganesh K

    Hi Geetha,
    i think you misunderstood my scenario. while adding no empty rows
    are displayed, even if  i deleted some added row details.After adding,
    while retriving the same document  the problem occurs.if am not clear let me know..
    As you told, beforeAction = false of Add will be new form with Add not possible to check that old matrix. otherwise we can delete the empty details from database using beforeaction false pval.actionsucess true part...
    Ganesh k.

  • Informix Bind Problem in a Zone

    we are trying to install Informix 10.0 in a Solaris Zone. As we try to start the database, we get the following error message:
    listener-thread: err = -25572: oserr = 8: errstr = : Network driver cannot bind a name to the port.  System error = 8. It works if we use the same configuration in the global zone, so it seems to be related the the device access in the local zone. I was able to start an apache listening on port 80 of the same interface, this worked, so the interface itself is available in the zone.
    Below are some snippets from configuration files, i could not figure out any error, any other ideas?
    /etc/hosts contains   myhost-v0 loghost
    # Informix services
    informix1       1525/tcp                        # Informix Net 1
    informix2       1526/tcp                        # Informix Net 2
    informix3       1527/tcp                        # Informix Net 3
    informix3       1528/tcp                        # Informix Net 4
    ....sqlhosts contains
    #prim_ol         onipcshm        myhost-v0 informix1
    prim_ol_net     ontlitcp        myhost-v0 informix1

    I ran into this same problem, but fixed it by changing the /etc/hosts file to the proper ip address and hostname. The only thing I can think of is check the /etc/nsswitch.conf file to be sure the hosts entry says "files dns".

  • Active Directory Binding Problems

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to bind to Active Directory but keep on getting the "unknown error occurred" at step 5.
    I captured the adplugin debug log, the only error I can see is the following:
    2006-03-30 15:53:48 BST - ADPlugin: Setting Computer Password FAILED Deleted Record......
    Has anyone had the same problem? If so any ideas how to overcome it?
    See Complete debug log below.
    2006-03-30 15:33:07 BST - ADPlugin: PeriodicTask Called.......
    2006-03-30 15:33:07 BST - ADPlugin: Calling OpenDirNode
    2006-03-30 15:33:07 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CustomCall
    2006-03-30 15:33:07 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CustomCall
    2006-03-30 15:33:07 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CustomCall
    2006-03-30 15:33:07 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CloseDirNode
    2006-03-30 15:33:35 BST - ADPlugin: Calling OpenDirNode
    2006-03-30 15:33:35 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CustomCall
    2006-03-30 15:33:35 BST - ADPlugin: Doing CheckServerRecords......
    2006-03-30 15:33:35 BST - ADPlugin: - Start checking servers for site "any"
    2006-03-30 15:33:35 BST - ADPlugin: Total Servers "any" LDAP - 2, Kerberos - 1, kPasswd - 1
    2006-03-30 15:33:35 BST - ADPlugin: No matching _kerberos records for server - ""
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Server #1 picked - ""
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: - Finished checking servers for domain
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Got rootDSE for server to determine forest
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Determined Forest of from Domain Controller
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Found Default Domain
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Global Catalogs - Start checking servers for site "any"
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Total Servers "any" LDAP - 3, Kerberos - 2, kPasswd - 2
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Server #1 picked - ""
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Server #2 picked - ""
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Found Forest Domain GC
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: - Start checking servers for site "any"
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Total Servers "any" LDAP - 2, Kerberos - 2, kPasswd - 2
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Server #1 picked - ""
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Server #2 picked - ""
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Found Forest Domain
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Something wrong, unable to determine domain information from Config container......
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Finished CheckServerRecords......
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Created KerberosClient record Generation ID 165422016
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Rebuilt Kerberos File
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CloseDirNode
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Calling OpenDirNode
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CustomCall
    2006-03-30 15:33:36 BST - ADPlugin: Doing CheckServerRecords......
    2006-03-30 15:33:37 BST - ADPlugin: PeriodicTask Called.......
    2006-03-30 15:33:41 BST - ADPlugin: Good credentials for [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:41 BST - ADPlugin: No existing connection in connection mgr for [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:41 BST - ADPlugin: Secure BIND Session with server
    2006-03-30 15:33:41 BST - ADPlugin: Read Context information from server for configurationNamingContext of CN=Configuration,DC=hastings,DC=ac,DC=uk
    2006-03-30 15:33:41 BST - ADPlugin: Processing Site Search with found IP
    2006-03-30 15:33:41 BST - ADPlugin: Returning connection to pool for domain with dsStatus 0.
    2006-03-30 15:33:41 BST - ADPlugin: - Start checking servers for site "any"
    2006-03-30 15:33:41 BST - ADPlugin: Total Servers "any" LDAP - 2, Kerberos - 1, kPasswd - 1
    2006-03-30 15:33:41 BST - ADPlugin: No matching _kerberos records for server - ""
    2006-03-30 15:33:41 BST - ADPlugin: Server #1 picked - ""
    2006-03-30 15:33:41 BST - ADPlugin: - Finished checking servers for domain
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Got rootDSE for server to determine forest
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Determined Forest of from Domain Controller
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Found Default Domain
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Global Catalogs - Start checking servers for site "any"
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Total Servers "any" LDAP - 3, Kerberos - 2, kPasswd - 2
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Server #1 picked - ""
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Server #2 picked - ""
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Found Forest Domain GC
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: - Start checking servers for site "any"
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Total Servers "any" LDAP - 2, Kerberos - 2, kPasswd - 2
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Server #1 picked - ""
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Server #2 picked - ""
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Found Forest Domain
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Good credentials for [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Retrieved existing connection from connection mgr [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Read Context information from server for configurationNamingContext of CN=Configuration,DC=hastings,DC=ac,DC=uk
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Returning connection to pool for domain with dsStatus 0.
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Finished CheckServerRecords......
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Created KerberosClient record Generation ID 165422022
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Rebuilt Kerberos File
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Closing All Connections - Connection Manager
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Closing Connection - [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Closing All Connections - Connection Manager Completed
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CloseDirNode
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Calling OpenDirNode
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CustomCall
    2006-03-30 15:33:42 BST - ADPlugin: Verify called for [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:43 BST - ADPlugin: Verify successful for [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:43 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CloseDirNode
    2006-03-30 15:33:43 BST - ADPlugin: Calling OpenDirNode
    2006-03-30 15:33:43 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CustomCall
    2006-03-30 15:33:43 BST - ADPlugin: Good credentials for [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:43 BST - ADPlugin: No existing connection in connection mgr for [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:43 BST - ADPlugin: Secure BIND Session with server
    2006-03-30 15:33:43 BST - ADPlugin: Read Context information from server for schemaNamingContext of CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=hastings,DC=ac,DC=uk
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Returning connection to pool for domain with dsStatus 0.
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Updating Mappings from Schema..........
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Doing Computer search for Ethernet address - 00:0a:95:e4:05:84
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Doing DN search for account - testibook
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Good credentials for [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Retrieved existing connection from connection mgr [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Returning connection to pool for domain with dsStatus -14136.
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CloseDirNode
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Calling OpenDirNode
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CustomCall
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Looking for existing Record of testibook
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Doing DN search for account - testibook
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Good credentials for [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Retrieved existing connection from connection mgr [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Returning connection to pool for domain with dsStatus -14136.
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Attempting Add Record......
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Adding in OU = CN=Computers,DC=student,DC=hastings,DC=ac,DC=uk
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Good credentials for [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Retrieved existing connection from connection mgr [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Returning connection to pool for domain with dsStatus 0.
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Good credentials for [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Retrieved existing connection from connection mgr [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Added record CN=testibook,CN=Computers,DC=student,DC=hastings,DC=ac,DC=uk
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Returning connection to pool for domain with dsStatus 0.
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Setting Computer Password......
    2006-03-30 15:33:47 BST - ADPlugin: Changing Password for User [email protected] as [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:35:47 BST - ADPlugin: Changing Password for User [email protected] as [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:37:47 BST - ADPlugin: Changing Password for User [email protected] as [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:39:48 BST - ADPlugin: Changing Password for User [email protected] as [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:41:48 BST - ADPlugin: Changing Password for User [email protected] as [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:43:48 BST - ADPlugin: Changing Password for User [email protected] as [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:45:48 BST - ADPlugin: Changing Password for User [email protected] as [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:47:48 BST - ADPlugin: Changing Password for User [email protected] as [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:49:48 BST - ADPlugin: Changing Password for User [email protected] as [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:51:48 BST - ADPlugin: Changing Password for User [email protected] as [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:53:48 BST - ADPlugin: Good credentials for [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:53:48 BST - ADPlugin: Existing connection too old in connection mgr [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:53:48 BST - ADPlugin: Secure BIND Session with server
    2006-03-30 15:53:48 BST - ADPlugin: Deleting Record CN=testibook,CN=Computers,DC=student,DC=hastings,DC=ac,DC=uk...
    2006-03-30 15:53:48 BST - ADPlugin: Returning connection to pool for domain with dsStatus 0.
    2006-03-30 15:53:48 BST - ADPlugin: Setting Computer Password FAILED Deleted Record......
    2006-03-30 15:53:48 BST - ADPlugin: Updating Local Admin Group
    2006-03-30 15:53:49 BST - ADPlugin: Cleaning Previous Additions to Local Admin Group
    2006-03-30 15:53:49 BST - ADPlugin: Sending lookupd flushcache at request!
    2006-03-30 15:53:49 BST - ADPlugin: Resetting memberd cache also!
    2006-03-30 15:53:49 BST - ADPlugin: Closing All Connections - Connection Manager
    2006-03-30 15:53:49 BST - ADPlugin: Closing Connection - [email protected]
    2006-03-30 15:53:49 BST - ADPlugin: Closing All Connections - Connection Manager Completed
    2006-03-30 15:53:49 BST - ADPlugin: Bind/Join failed - Launching kerberosautoconfig -u
    2006-03-30 15:53:49 BST - ADPlugin: Calling CloseDirNode
    Many Thanks

    Hi Paul!
    I've personally never seen this error message, but a quick search on Google (which you may have already done as well) for "Setting Computer Password FAILED Deleted Record" found someone else who had the same problem. His issue was firewall related and was fixed by opening some ports for AD. He also provides a link to a Microsoft KB article about this.
    Hope this helps and good luck! bill
    1 GHz Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

  • RE: Workflow binding problem in Production system(urgent)

    Hi Experts,
    Currently we transported our workflows to production server. When one of the user tested our workflow it failed. On Analysis I could find that the data are not passed from method to task container  but method is working fine separately. Even I tried executing t-code 'SWU_OBUF' , but still not working.
    Pls let me know of the solution .

    Check for linkages. Is the binding activated betwwen workflow to task container.
    Check whether values appear in task container or not.
    Then check for binding between task & method container. Is there any event linked with the task. Is the event linkage is activated.
    The problem might be resolved if all the linkages are correct.

  • Binding problem when using NVL function

    I have a problem with my ADF application (
    I use VO with a query (database view) - pivot table.
    If i use where clause like table.attr = :p_attr, everything works ok.
    If i use where clause like table.attr = NVL (:p_attr, table.attr) and put a value in :p_attr (executeWithParam) , query executes as if there is a null value.
    Debug console shows:
    Binding null of type 12 for "p_attr".
    Query with NVL works ok in sqldeveloper.
    But in jdev, as if the table attribute isn't bind to bind variable.
    If a just remove NVL function, it works.
    Any idea?
    Edited by: DejanH on Oct 6, 2011 1:32 PM

    I enter 50 in p_depart parameter and click "ExecuteWithParams". Query is executed and shows records (pivot table).
    But if i look at the log window i see that an empty query was executed first.
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [427] Binding null of type 12 for "p_depart"
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [428] Binding null of type 12 for "p_job"
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [429] Binding null of type 12 for "p_hire_od"
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [430] Binding null of type 12 for "p_hire_do"
    Then, it is autoexecuted for the second time with parameter set to the value i inserted.
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [470] Binding param "p_depart": 50
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [471] Binding null of type 12 for "p_job"
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [472] Binding null of type 12 for "p_hire_od"
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl> <bindParamValue> [473] Binding null of type 12 for "p_hire_do"
    The same happens in our query. But ours is much more complex and it takes a lot of time to first execute "empty" query and then with inserted parameter.
    We cannot use it.
    It looks like bug.
    Edited by: DejanH on Oct 11, 2011 6:52 AM

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