Cfm template updating cfc variable scope

Don't know if anybody's run into this before, but I ran into a strange issue with the variable scope in a cfc.  Basically, I have some application settings stored in a database table, and then I have a cfc saved to application scope in which I store the contents of the table in a variable scope query.  Within the cfc, I have a getter function that preforms a query of queries to pull the data I need.  I then have an admin screen within the application to update the settings.
This is (very generally) what my cfc looks like:
<cfcomponent  name="settings.cfc">
     <cffunction name="init" returntype="settings">  
          <cfset setAppSettings() />  
          <cfreturn this />  
     <cffunction name="setAppSettings">  
          <cfquery name="variables.qrySettings" datasource="#application.dsn#">  
               SELECT *
               FROM SETTINGS
     <cffunction name="getAppSettings" returntype="query">  
          <cfargument name="id" />
          <cfset var local = structNew() />  
          <cfquery name="local.qryResult" dbtype="query">  
               SELECT *
               FROM variables.qrySettings
               WHERE ID = <cfqueryparam value="" cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric" />  
          <cfreturn local.qryResult />  
In onApplicationStart in Application.cfc, I have this line:
application.objSettings = createObject("component","settings").init() />

Sorry, accidentally posted before I was done...
Basically, the problem is that I have an admin screen that updates the settings.  I call the getter function in a cfm template, and I save the result to a variable called variables.qrySettings (same name as in the cfc) like this - <cfset variables.qrySettings = application.objSettings.getAppSettings( />.  For some reason, this seems to overwrite variables.qrySettings in the cfc.  Any ideas????

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    So I guess that's two questions:
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    What I want is to write code that I can easily come back to a few months later
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    the functions seem always to require all variables to be passed to it.
    Where it is not impractical to do so, you should make functions independent and reusable. But there are plenty of cases where it is impractical, or at least very annoying to do so.
    The sample scripts for InDesign are written to be in parallel between three different languages, and have a certain lowest-common-denominator effect. They also make use of some practices I would consider Not Very Good. I would not recommend them as an example for how to learn to write a large Javascript project.
    I'm not 100% sure what you mean by persistent session. Most of my
    scripts are run once and then quit. However, some do create a modeless
    dialog (ie where you can interface with the UI while running it), which
    is the only time I need to use #targetengine.
    Any script that specifies a #targetengine other than "main" is in a persistent session. It means that variables (and functions) will persist from script invokation to invokation. If you have two scripts that run in #targetengine session, for instance, because of their user interfaces, they can have conficting global variables. (Some people will suggest you should give each script its own #targetengine. I am not convinced this is a good idea, but my reasons against it are mostly speculation about performance and memory issues, which are things I will later tell you to not worry about.)
    But I think you've answered one of my questions when you say that the
    thing to avoid is the "v1" scope. Although I don't really see what the
    problem is in the context of InDesign scripting (unless someone else is
    going to using your script as function in one of theirs). Probably in
    Web design it's more of an issue, because a web page could be running
    several scripts at the same time?
    It's more of an issue in web browsers, certainly (which I have ~no experience writing complex Javascript for, by the way), but it matters in ID, too. See above. It also complicates code reuse across projects.
    Regarding functions altering variables: for example, I have a catalog
    script. myMasterPage is a variable that keeps track of which masterpage
    is being used. A function addPage() will add a page, but will need to
    update myMasterPage because many other functions in the script refer to
    that. However, addPage() also needs to update the total page count
    variable, the database-line-number-index-variable and several others,
    which are all used in most other functions. It seems laborious and
    unnecessary to pass them all to each function, then have the function
    alter them and return an array that would then need to be deciphered and
    applied back to the main variables. So in such a case I let the function
    alter these "global" (though not v1) variables. You're saying that's okay.
    Yes, that is OK. It's not a good idea to call that scope "global," though, since you'll promote confusion. You could call it...outer function scope, maybe? Not sure; that assumes addPage() is nested within some other function whose scope is containing myMasterPage.
    It is definitely true that you should not individually pass them to the function and return them as an array and reassign them to the outer function's variables.
    I think it is OK for addPage() to change them, yes.
    Another approach would be something like:
    (function() {
      var MPstate = {
        totalPages: 0,
        dbline: -1
      function addPage(state) {
        return state;
      MPstate = addPage(MPstate);
    I don't think this is a particularly good approach, though. It is clunky and also doesn't permit an easy way for addPage() to return success or failure.
    Of course it could instead do something like:
        return { success: true, state: state };
      var returnVal = addPage(MPstate);
      if (returnVal.success) { MPstate = returnVal.state; }
    but that's not very comforting either. Letting addPage() access it's parent functions variables works much much better, as you surmised.
    However, the down-side is that intuitively I feel this makes the script
    more "messy" -- less legible and professional. (On the other hand, I
    recall reading that passing a lot of variables to functions comes with a
    performance penalty.)
    I think that as long as you sufficiently clearly comment your code it is fine.
    Remember this sort of thing is part-and-parcel for a language that has classes and method functions inside those classes (e.g. Java, Python, ActionScript3, C++, etc.). It's totally reasonable for a class to define a bunch of variables that are scoped to that class and then implement a bunch of methods to modify those class variables. You should not sweat it.
    Passing lots of variables to functions does not incur any meaningful performance penalty at the level you should be worrying about. Premature optimization is almost always a bad idea. On the other hand, you should avoid doing so for a different reason -- it is hard to read and confusing to remember when the number of arguments to something is more than three or so. For instance, compare:
    addPage("iv", 3, "The rain in spain", 4, loremIpsumText);
    addPage({ name: "iv", insertAfter: 3, headingText: "The rain in spain",
      numberColumns: 4, bodyText: loremIpsumText});
    The latter is more verbose, but immensely more readable. And the order of parameters no longer matters.
    You should, in general, use Objects in this way when the number of parameters exceeds about three.
    I knew a function could return an array. I'll have to read up on it
    returing an object. (I mean, I guess I intuitively knew that too -- I'm
    sure I've had functions return textFrames or what-have-you),
    Remember that in Javascript, when we say Object we mean something like an associative array or dictionary in other languages. An arbitrary set of name/value pairs. This is confusing because it also means other kinds of objects, like DOM objects (textFrames, etc.), which are technically Javascript Objects too, because everything inherits from Object.prototype. But...that's not what I mean.
    So yes, read up on Objects. They are incredibly handy.

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    Please guide

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  • Timeline. How does (or does not) update global variables?

    Hello All,
    I am having problems to understand how a timeline updates values. In my case the timeline is supposed to change an index within a second always by incrementing it by one or decrementing by one. Basically I am trying to create a mosaic of images that when I press left key all the columns move to left and when I press right key all the columns move to right.
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    The Timeline is:
    public var tracker: Number = 0;
    var thumbnails: ImageView[] = bind for (column in [0..appModel.CATALOG_COLUMNS + 1]) {
                    for (row in [1..appModel.CATALOG_ROWS]) {
                        def imageView: ImageView =  ImageView {
                                    image: bind catalogData.dataAt(row, column)
                                    x:  bind (column - 1)*catalogData.maxThumbnailWidth + column*xSpacing
                                    y:  bind ySpacing + (row - 1) * (catalogData.maxThumbnailHeight + ySpacing)
                                    translateX: bind tracker*deltaX
                                    transforms:  bind [
                                        Rotate {
                                            angle: bind direction * rotation
                                            pivotX: bind imageView.x + imageView.boundsInLocal.width / 2
                                            pivotY: bind imageView.y + imageView.boundsInLocal.height / 2
        override public function create(): Node {
            return Group {
                        content: bind thumbnails
    public function rotateAndTranslateToRight(): Void {
            direction = 1;
        public function rotateAndTranslateToLeft(): Void {
            direction = -1;
        var translateAndRotateTimeline = Timeline {
            def initialValueTracker = tracker;
                    keyFrames: [
                        KeyFrame {
                            time: 0s
                            values: [
                                 rotation => 0,
                                 tracker => initialValueTracker
                        KeyFrame {
                            time: 1s
                            values: [
                                rotation => 360 tween Interpolator.LINEAR,
                                tracker => initialValueTracker + direction tween Interpolator.LINEAR
                }The problem is that if I first move to right the Timeline works correctly and tracker goes from 0 to 1 in one second, therefore I see a translation to right of tracker*deltaX pixels. So far so good.
    Then if I move to left, I am expecting the Timeline to change tracker from 1 to 0 in one second, but really it is changing tracker from 0 to -1... which of course messes up my translation to left.
    I thought Timeline updates global variables (define outside the Timeline in the context of the class the Timeline is defined) during the transition, but apparently from my observation it doesn't.
    Or maybe I am not defining correctly the Timeline itself and/or the tracker variables?
    Edited by: sacchett88 on Jun 4, 2010 1:03 PM

    Thanks for the reply... but it didn't help me that much in finding the workaround. I wrote a simpler example to prove the point that can be easily copied and pasted and run. The example draw a circle and for every right key it should move the circle to right of a deltaX number of pixel. If left key is pressed then the circle should move to left of a deltaX number of pixels. The code is:
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;
    import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
    import javafx.animation.Timeline;
    import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
    import javafx.animation.Interpolator;
    var deltaX: Number = 70;
    var direction: Number = 1;
    var tracker: Number = 0;
    var circle: Circle;
    var translate = Timeline {
        def initialValueTracker = tracker;
                keyFrames: [
                    KeyFrame {
                        time: 0s
                        values: [
                            tracker => initialValueTracker
                    KeyFrame {
                        time: 1s
                        values: [
                            tracker => initialValueTracker + direction tween Interpolator.LINEAR
    Stage {
        title: "Application title"
        scene: Scene {
            width: 900
            content: [
                circle = Circle {
                    centerX: 100,
                    centerY: 100,
                    translateX: bind tracker*deltaX
                    radius: 40
                    fill: Color.BLACK
                    onKeyPressed: function (e: KeyEvent): Void {
                        if (e.code == KeyCode.VK_RIGHT) {
                            direction = 1;
                        } else if (e.code == KeyCode.VK_LEFT) {
                            direction = -1;
    circle.requestFocus();I understand how KeyFrame works. However the final value I'd like to be the initial value for next key press. I also tried to assign explicitely the final value to the tracker variable at the end of the timeline, but next time timeline still picks up the initial value 0 of tracker.

  • Template Update on Remote Server - How To?

    When I make a change to my template, I get the popup window
    that allows me to update the entire site or just files connected to
    a template. But, that just updates files on my local computer.
    I'm accessing the template file on the remote server and have
    that open on my desktop. But, the template update just applies to
    my local files.
    So, how do I get the template to update to all related files
    on my remote server?

    That would be correct. Templates have no function on the
    server. Never
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Ken Binney" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:e5id72$gv1$[email protected]..
    >I don't use templates, but I am under the impression that
    your template is
    >NOT uploaded to server, but remains on your local
    > When you update your child pages from the revised
    template, you then
    > upload only the updated child pages to the server.
    > "feezle" <[email protected]> wrote in
    > news:e5iamm$e5e$[email protected]..
    >> When I make a change to my template, I get the popup
    window that allows
    >> me to
    >> update the entire site or just files connected to a
    template. But, that
    >> just
    >> updates files on my local computer.
    >> I'm accessing the template file on the remote server
    and have that open
    >> on my
    >> desktop. But, the template update just applies to my
    local files.
    >> So, how do I get the template to update to all
    related files on my remote
    >> server?

  • Template Update

    I'm doing our company badges in Illustrator. I've created a template with 12 badges on one page. The only thing that will need to change for each badge is the name and photo. Then every year, alls I need to update is the expiration date. If I open this template, save as a new file, make changes to the template, will the file that utilizes that template update (like a template in Dreamweaver does)?
    EDIT: Just tested, doesn't work, I wasn't thinking clearly...duh opens a new document when opening that template. So I guess my question then is what is the best way to do this.

    Hello Tanya,
    What you can do to update all the dates on the ID cards you can do the following:
    Main Menu: "Edit" + "Find and Replace"
    In the "Find" field enter the old date
    And in the "Replace With" field enter the new date.
    Finally select "Find" + "Replace All" + "Done"
    In my versions of CS3, this fields of "Find and Replace" window are saved until your quit the program. In other words, you can open all the ID documents and the old date and the new date will be already set for you to just select "Find" + "Replace All" + "Done"
    I hope this helps.

  • Dreamweaver template update ftp files without synchronizing

    Today I change Template - Update all files based on the template - synchronize entire site.
    What I Like to do: change Template - Update all files based on the template
    and then in the same window button with ftp upload changed files!
    Why do I want this:
    The synchronization can take time on big sites, I have cms and billing system on my site with many files.
    The synchronization can take time on slow connection.
    When the time betwen two synchronization is to small Dreamweaver select all files (or many) for synchronization. I do not know if this is only my problem (maybe there is different time on my computer and the server?).
    Do we have solution for this today?
    Or can this be something to suggest for next version?
    Thanks for any suggestion

    Not sure if there is anything set up in DW yet, it does give a status window of what files were updated, you could possibly work backwards form that list (still a bit cumbersome). I also believe that if you change the template and upload it to your server, it will prompt you as to whether or not you'd like to "include dependant files", and (in theory) it will also upload the files linked associated with it... but that may need to be tested to see how well it works on a larger site.
    As a possible alternative, you could use "Server Side Includes" - which is a single file which contains a portion of your page (the top navigation, footer area, etc.), and any page that uses this element will automatically update when you upload just that one element. Here is a link which explains it better: and there are several others on the web that offer more detailed explainations - one caveat is that the web server you use would need to be set up to accept SSI... most do, but something you'd need to look into beforehand...
    Hope that helps,

  • CS4 Problem with Template Updates

    There's another thread on this subject, but I couldn't see any final resolution.
    I'm having a problem with Template Update.
    I  have all pages in site linked to a single template.  I built the template 1st and  then created each page from the template using normal method.
    When  I now make a change to the template, I save the template and it  automatically saves and opens a box to select pages to update. I  do NOT have to use the Updates feature on the top menus, but I have done  that too just to try different things. When I select all the files,  it updates them all, most of them correctly. BUT, one or several of them  will have a NEW Main Content (and sometimes header) superimposed on top  of the existing Main Content (or header). It shifts the page downward and to the right.  By the way, down below the screwed section, the content is all still there and the original template is still intact under the screwed up area.
    To fix it, I create a new page from  the template and start over inserting the Main Content, which is nothing  special, just formatted text.  Next time I update, that same page will  always get screwed up again, but sometimes 1 or more different pages  will also get screwed up in the same way, always with a new nested Main  Content area (on top of the original or sometimes pushed down half a  page).
    I thought it might be because of a nested Main Content in that section of the template, but I see none, or any other abnormal html.  It does not do this to all 20-30 pages, just one every time and one or more random ones.  I see nothing in html different from one page to the next.
    Don't know how to attach documents to this, but I have the template and two of the screwed up pages to send.
    [email protected]

    The site is
    Public directory is /public_html, but that's the root, so the links below should work.
    These pages are out of their normal directory, so the supporting  links won't work, but you can see the code. Look at the home page and  you can see what all the pages are supposed to look like.
    The template which created the problem with the pages below is at /support/TEMPLATE index.dwt
    The page that consistently fails is called poatool.html - the bad one is at /support/BAD poatool.html
    A 2nd page that failed on that UPDATE is there also - /support/BAD bibliography.html
    The currently working copy of the page that fails everytime is /articles/poatool.html.

  • Update Instance Variables using PAPI

    I have a need to update Instance Variables for a bunch of instances. Can this be done using PAPI? I am writing a global function that can search the instances and update. How can I update these variables...thank you

    I think that the best way of changing instance variables using papi is by adding a global activity (with instance access) and pass the new variable values as arguments. Pay attention that you have to define those arguments in the activity.
    Then, you can assign those values to the instance using PBL.,%20fuego.papi.InstanceInfo,%20fuego.papi.Arguments)
    I do suggest avoiding sending interruptions to instances, because once the notification is sent (and the papi method returns successfully), the notifications will be processed in another transaction.
    Hope this helps,
    Ariel A.

  • Template Updates Revert Code

    I'm working on a site and didn't built the templates, but
    they look right. For about 80% of the files, when you update the
    template the files update correctly.
    For the other 20% it updates part, but then reverts other
    parts backwards. For example, I cleaned up the <body> tag in
    the template and it didn't update on these 20%. I also updated some
    links in the template and they got updated just fine in all sites.
    Also in these 20%, when the template updates the files, it
    puts back the JavaScript code in an editable area. It's not in the
    template and was removed from the code, yet comes back each time
    the template is updated. The other 80%, it doesn't come back. What
    the ?!?!?!?
    I've tried applying a new template and re-selecting the good
    one and that updates the code correctly. However, next template
    change, it updates some of the code reverts backwards other parts
    of the code. I don't get it.
    Please help before I go cRaZy.
    Any idea what might be going on or how to stop it? I'm using
    Dreamweaver MX 2004.

    This is usually an indication of hinky code somewhere. Can we
    start by
    taking a look at the template, please? Can you upload it and
    post a link?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Thomas-TopRank" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:eh31hm$o9t$[email protected]..
    > I'm working on a site and didn't built the templates,
    but they look right.
    > For
    > about 80% of the files, when you update the template the
    files update
    > correctly.
    > For the other 20% it updates part, but then reverts
    other parts backwards.
    > For example, I cleaned up the <body> tag in the
    template and it didn't
    > update
    > on these 20%. I also updated some links in the template
    and they got
    > updated
    > just fine in all sites.
    > Also in these 20%, when the template updates the files,
    it puts back the
    > JavaScript code in an editable area. It's not in the
    template and was
    > removed
    > from the code, yet comes back each time the template is
    updated. The
    > other
    > 80%, it doesn't come back. What the ?!?!?!?
    > I've tried applying a new template and re-selecting the
    good one and that
    > updates the code correctly. However, next template
    change, it updates
    > some of
    > the code reverts backwards other parts of the code. I
    don't get it.
    > Please help before I go cRaZy.
    > Any idea what might be going on or how to stop it? I'm
    using Dreamweaver
    > MX
    > 2004.

  • Difference between application.cfm and application.cfc

    Can anybody explain the difference between Application.cfm
    and application.cfc?
    For example:
    I have Application.cfm and Application.cfc in the same
    /folder /test.cfm
    …. And I run the test.cfm.
    Which one is executed first?

    Your last question - Which one is executed first?
    The application.cfc will be executed first if you call the
    test.cfm. The application.cfm will not get executed.
    and, about ur first question... cfm and cfc are entirely
    different. You have onRequestStart, onRequestEnd and other events
    on cfc. cfc is powerful than cfm.

  • Template updating files

    I have set up a template with a layout table and an editable
    region. I now
    what to increase the rows in the table from 2 to 4 (will prob
    need to add
    more later). I can do it OK in the template and when I save
    it asks me to
    update all files as usual. When I go into the main page that
    I want to apply
    pictures to the table, the table is still 2 rows only!! If I
    create a new
    page and apply template it works fine and if I alter anything
    else it
    updates OK. Any ideas?

    If the table is in an editable region in the template,
    changes to the table will not replicate out to the web pages built
    from the template. Since any and all of the content in the editable
    region can be changed in a web page built from the template,
    updates to the content in editable regions of the template itself
    are not applied.

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    NOTE : in 10g we can do that using global interactive with instance access....but i have no idea abt 11g :(

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    Hey there people! We've got a tricky one for you guys, really hope you can help us out. We're developing a Flash Lite 2.1 application mainly for cell phones, and to start off we're testing on a Nokia N73. The application needs to be able to load SWFs

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