CFolder Session time

Hi Gurus,
My system is cFolder 4.5 version and client want to limit idle session time as 30 minutes.
If a user make one session via browser and do nothing for 30 minutes
then system close his or her session.
So I asked BC to setup for this requirement.
I checked that session is closed in SM04.
But after the session was gone, if I click "HOME" link in the cFolder screen, system generates session and I could see in SM04.
Is there any solution for this problem?
Thank you in advance.
  This PowerShell will make the change:
$sts = Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig $sts.UseSessionCookies = $true $sts.Update() iisreset
After doing this you will see that there is no longer a FedAuth cookie written to disk.  To change things back to the default behavior just reverse your steps:
$sts.UseSessionCookies = $false $sts.Update() iisreset
$sts = Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig
$sts.LogonTokenCacheExpirationWindow = (New-TimeSpan –minutes 1)
If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

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    We have an application on which is implementing the Authentication scheme as SSO, that is working well, now we want to implement Session Time out if the user is idle for some time and ask him to login again after the session fails, I have tried to implement this feature as given by Scott in the thread session timeout , well the problem is since we dont have a login page here how do we set the cookies owa_cookie.send(
    name => 'HTMLDB_IDLE_SESSION',
    value => to_char(sysdate+(20/1440),'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
    expires => null,
    path => '/',
    domain => null
    and where is the current point to implement it.
    Any help on this is greatly welcome.
    Thanks in Advance.

    I don't remember how the solution works. But if you don't have a login page you can usually put code in the post-authentication process of your authentication scheme to do whatever the login page process would have done.

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    This worked for me:
    Establish in her router a WEP 128 bit data encryption password. (Post back if you need help on this). Apparently macs have slightly different Airport drivers and work better with WEP 128 bit than with WPA although this doesn't explain why my friend's MB had your mum-in-law's problem but could connect to my WPA protected network - go figure! Anyway, try a different password encryption and see if that works.
    As for not sending mail, check with your Mail Server what the SMTP setting should be.

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    Having problem with internet connectivity on WIFI - anything that depends on DNS for data whether it is a web browser or an app while using WIFI.  I call this problem "WIFI Lockout".
    This happens on iphone 4, ipad 2 and ipad 3 that has been updated to iOS 6.
    I am not talking about the issue of the missing apple page (day 1) or the inability to turn on/configure WIFI after updating to iOS 6.
    This is what i have discovered so far.
    You could be in the middle of surfing or using any app that makes data calls based on DNS (when you type that is translated in the background so your device knows where to go - summary only) and suddenly you can go no where or do nothing!
    Sometimes conectivity goes trouble free for long periods, other times it is repetitive "WIFI Lockout".
    Yea sure, you can restart the WIFI connection, but WHO wants to CONTINUALLY do that?
    Interestingly enought the device is still successfully connected to the internet via WIFI, but DNS request fail to pass successfully from the iOS 6 device.
    Apple (or any curious iOS 6 user that wants to see my point), when this happens "WIFI Lockout" open up a browser before you reset the WIFI  connection and type type (google) and then “go” (I tried both safari and chrome).  A google search page will come up and you will be able to execute a search (of course any link you click on will not work as it is dependant on DNS resolution).
    The above IP connection to google proves NON DNS traffic works, so the issue is not the WIFI connection to the access point that is the problem.  It is not an access point configuration/firmware or security protocol issue either because data does pass when the above steps are followed.

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    does importing template continue?

    887506 wrote:
    Is there any way to set ovm manager gui session time out.There is a way to increase the WebLogic timeout, but I'm not 100% sure on the process. Best thing to do is open an SR with Oracle Support so they can provide the exact steps.
    I have another question. Even if session times out,
    does importing template continue?Yes, this all happens on the Server/Manager side and doesn't require you to remain logged into the UI while the job runs.

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    Hi siva..
    Chk this link..
    Tabstrip: navigate with buttons instead of tabs

  • Session time out problem

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    You're sure you specified seconds rather than milliseconds?
    - Saish

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    where can I set the session time out parameter? and
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    Thanks in advance.

    Post Author: amr_foci
    CA Forum: Authentication
    go to the universe which this report based on, get the parameters window from (File->Paramaters)
    check the CONTROL tab
    see those parameters and configure them as you want
    good luck

  • Session Time Out For UNLOGGED IN USER During Search -pls help SIR!

    The problem lies in file under search/web/handler of an application that supports educational note sharing.
    The problem is that -
    When I search with query strings in different fields(as you will find in the above mentioned java files)..the keywords in resourcedto and get some files as search results.
    Then I click on one of the file from within the search result and visit the file.
    Here if I m logged in as an user, and the session time out is set to 1 minute in the web.xml file of the web folder not the admin folder then when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button it easily goes back to the previous search result page along with the queries string that I had input previously.
    The problem is that when I m NOT LOGGED in as an user, and I've performed a search with queries and other dropdowns in the search panel, I get the search result page, I visit the file by clicking on one of them but when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button I don't see the previous search result page from where I had navigated to view the file.
    Please suggest on what changes shall I make in the code so that even if I m not logged in as an user, I get back to the search result page on hitting the BACK TO SEARCH button from the file view page.Sir I m herein pasting the code of the file, but please feel free to ask for anyother file whose code you might want to see.SEARCHRESULTSCONTROLLER.JAVA FILE CONTENT-
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
    import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleFormController;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.dto.ResourceDTO;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionAttributeKey;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionManager;
    import com.mgh.sps.fileusage.web.constants.FileUsageWebConstants;
    public class SearchResultsController extends SimpleFormController {
    * SearchResults Controller
    * @author Muralikrishna.s
    * @Codedondate DD-MM-YY=26-07-07
    * @Usecase/s associated =UC504
    private static final Logger logger = Logger
    private final static String REG_EXP = "^[A-Za-z0-9]*$";
    private final static Pattern EMAIL_PATTERN_REG = Pattern.compile(REG_EXP);
    * Spring framework method used to hold reference data
    * @param request
    * HttpServletRequest
    * @param command
    * Object
    * @param arg2
    * Errors
    * @return Map
    * @throws Exception
    protected Map referenceData(HttpServletRequest request, Object command,
    Errors errors) throws Exception {
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method entered:"
    + request + "," + command + "," + errors);
    FileUsageWebConstants.TAB_SEARCH, request);
    Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
    ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
    String[] allValues = new String[7];
    if (null != (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
    SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request)) {
    allValues = (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
    SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request);
    + resourceDto.getQualification());
    String flag = (String) request.getParameter("id");
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method exited:");
    return search.retrieveReferenceData(resourceDto);
    * Spring framework method used to hold OnSubmit
    * @param request
    * HttpServletRequest
    * @param response
    * HttpServletResponse
    * @param command
    * Object
    * @param arg3
    * BindException
    * @return ModelAndView
    * @throws Exception
    protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
    throws Exception {
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method entered:"
    + request + "," + command + "," + response + "," + errors);
    Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
    Map dynamic = (Map) getServletContext().getAttribute("config");
    ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
    //changed by sreelatha on sep21
    //String key = request.getParameter("keywords");
    //logger.debug("&&&&&&&&&&&&& key &&&&&&&&&&&&" + key);
    String keywords = (request.getParameter("keywords"));
    if(null!=keywords) {
    keywords = keywords.trim();
    // changes end
    String[] allValues = new String[7];
    //changed by sreelatha on sep21
    //allValues[0] = request.getParameter("keywords");
    allValues[0] = resourceDto.getKeywords();
    //changes end
    allValues[1] = request.getParameter("country");
    allValues[2] = request.getParameter("universityName");
    allValues[3] = request.getParameter("subjectArea");
    allValues[4] = request.getParameter("qualification");
    allValues[5] = request.getParameter("yearLevel");
    allValues[6] = request.getParameter("specificType");
    allValues, request);
    if(null!=keywords) {
    keywords = keywords.trim();
    String words="";
    for(int i=0;i<keywords.length();i++) {
    String key=String.valueOf(keywords.charAt(i));
    if(key.contains("*")) {
    key = key.replace("*"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("?")) {
    key = key.replace("?"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("[")) {
    key = key.replace("["," ");
    } else if(key.contains("{")) {
    key = key.replace("{"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("(")) {
    key = key.replace("("," ");
    } else if(key.contains(")")) {
    key = key.replace(")"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("+")) {
    key = key.replace("+"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("
    key = key.replace("
    } else if(key.contains(" ")) {
    key = key.replace(" "," ");
    } else if(key.contains("_")) {
    key = key.replace("","");
    } else if(!EMAIL_PATTERN_REG.matcher(key).matches()) {
    key = key.replaceAll(key," ");
    words = words + key;
    keywords = words;
    SessionManager.setSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.test, search.setInputValues(resourceDto, dynamic), request);
    String name = (String) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.tempName, request);
    String flag1 = request.getParameter("id");
    String status="";
    if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser"))
    return new ModelAndView();
    if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser")){
    status = "redirect:SearchResults.htm?id=loggedInUser";
    }else if(flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("nonLoggedInUser"))
    status = "redirect:SearchResultsnlu.htm?id=nonLoggedInUser";
    ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(super.getSuccessView());
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method exited:");
    return mav;

    Cross-posted in many forums. Don't answer this one.

  • Session Time Out For UNLOGGED USER During Search -pls help

    The problem lies in file under search/web/handler of an application that supports educational note sharing.
    The problem is that -
    When I search with query strings in different fields(as you will find in the above mentioned java files)..the keywords in resourcedto and get some files as search results.
    Then I click on one of the file from within the search result and visit the file.
    Here if I m logged in as an user, and the session time out is set to 1 minute in the web.xml file of the web folder not the admin folder then when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button it easily goes back to the previous search result page along with the queries string that I had input previously.
    The problem is that when I m NOT LOGGED in as an user, and I've performed a search with queries and other dropdowns in the search panel, I get the search result page, I visit the file by clicking on one of them but when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button I don't see the previous search result page from where I had navigated to view the file.
    Please suggest on what changes shall I make in the code so that even if I m not logged in as an user, I get back to the search result page on hitting the BACK TO SEARCH button from the file view page.Sir I m herein pasting the code of the file, but please feel free to ask for anyother file whose code you might want to see.
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
    import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleFormController;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.dto.ResourceDTO;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionAttributeKey;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionManager;
    import com.mgh.sps.fileusage.web.constants.FileUsageWebConstants;
    public class SearchResultsController extends SimpleFormController {
         * SearchResults Controller
         * @author Muralikrishna.s
         * @Codedondate DD-MM-YY=26-07-07
         * @Usecase/s associated =UC504
         private static final Logger logger = Logger
         private final static String REG_EXP = "^[A-Za-z0-9]*$";
         private final static Pattern EMAIL_PATTERN_REG = Pattern.compile(REG_EXP);
         * Spring framework method used to hold reference data
         * @param request
         * HttpServletRequest
         * @param command
         * Object
         * @param arg2
         * Errors
         * @return Map
         * @throws Exception
         protected Map referenceData(HttpServletRequest request, Object command,
                   Errors errors) throws Exception {
              logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method entered:"
                        + request + "," + command + "," + errors);
                        FileUsageWebConstants.TAB_SEARCH, request);
              Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
              ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
              String[] allValues = new String[7];
              if (null != (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
                        SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request)) {
                   allValues = (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
                             SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request);
                        + resourceDto.getQualification());
              String flag = (String) request.getParameter("id");
              logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method exited:");
              return search.retrieveReferenceData(resourceDto);
         * Spring framework method used to hold OnSubmit
         * @param request
         * HttpServletRequest
         * @param response
         * HttpServletResponse
         * @param command
         * Object
         * @param arg3
         * BindException
         * @return ModelAndView
         * @throws Exception
         protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request,
                   HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
                   throws Exception {
              logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method entered:"
                        + request + "," + command + "," + response + "," + errors);
              Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
              Map dynamic = (Map) getServletContext().getAttribute("config");
              ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
              //changed by sreelatha on sep21
              //String key = request.getParameter("keywords");
              //logger.debug("&&&&&&&&&&&&& key &&&&&&&&&&&&" + key);
              String keywords = (request.getParameter("keywords"));
              if(null!=keywords) {
                   keywords = keywords.trim();
    //          changes end
              String[] allValues = new String[7];
              //changed by sreelatha on sep21
              //allValues[0] = request.getParameter("keywords");
              allValues[0] = resourceDto.getKeywords();
              //changes end
              allValues[1] = request.getParameter("country");
              allValues[2] = request.getParameter("universityName");
              allValues[3] = request.getParameter("subjectArea");
              allValues[4] = request.getParameter("qualification");
              allValues[5] = request.getParameter("yearLevel");
              allValues[6] = request.getParameter("specificType");
                        allValues, request);
                   if(null!=keywords) {
                   keywords = keywords.trim();
                   String words="";
                   for(int i=0;i<keywords.length();i++) {               
                        String key=String.valueOf(keywords.charAt(i));
                        if(key.contains("*")) {
                                  key = key.replace("*"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("?")) {
                                  key = key.replace("?"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("[")) {
                                  key = key.replace("["," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("{")) {
                                  key = key.replace("{"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("(")) {
                                  key = key.replace("("," ");
                             } else if(key.contains(")")) {
                                  key = key.replace(")"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("+")) {
                                  key = key.replace("+"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("\\")) {
                                  key = key.replace("\\"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains(" ")) {
                                  key = key.replace(" "," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("_")) {
                                  key = key.replace("_","_");
                             } else if(!EMAIL_PATTERN_REG.matcher(key).matches()) {
                                  key = key.replaceAll(key," ");
                        words = words + key;
                   keywords = words;
              SessionManager.setSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.test, search.setInputValues(resourceDto, dynamic), request);
              String name = (String) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.tempName, request);
              String flag1 = request.getParameter("id");
              String status="";
              if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser"))
                        return new ModelAndView();
              if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser")){
                   status = "redirect:SearchResults.htm?id=loggedInUser";
              }else if(flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("nonLoggedInUser"))
                   status = "redirect:SearchResultsnlu.htm?id=nonLoggedInUser";     
              ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(super.getSuccessView());
              logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method exited:");
              return mav;

    Cross-posted in many forums. Don't answer this one.

  • Session Time out happens on Win2k Advanced Servers

    Hi All,
              I have configured a Admin server and 2 cluster servers. All are on Win 2000
              Advanced Servers. After deploying EJBs to the cluster, when I try to log in
              to our application ( Presentation logic is done by servelets & JSPs ) it
              allows to log in but when I try to click a link to go to another page
              session time out happens. This happens whenever I click a link or browser's
              Refresh button. I have to repeatedly log in.
              Have anyone faced this problem ? Is there a session time out problem with
              WLS6.0 sp2 ?
              Please respond.

    Sorry I have fogottoned to add :
              This problem occurs when I try to setup clustering manually as well as, as a
              Win2k service (i.e Admin server & cluster servers as Win2k services)
              "Nalika" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]..
              > Hi All,
              > I have configured a Admin server and 2 cluster servers. All are on Win
              > Advanced Servers. After deploying EJBs to the cluster, when I try to log
              > to our application ( Presentation logic is done by servelets & JSPs ) it
              > allows to log in but when I try to click a link to go to another page
              > session time out happens. This happens whenever I click a link or
              > Refresh button. I have to repeatedly log in.
              > Have anyone faced this problem ? Is there a session time out problem with
              > WLS6.0 sp2 ?
              > Please respond.
              > Thanks
              > Nalika

  • Session Time out in ADF 11g

    Hi All,
    We have developed an application in ADF 11G and its working fine now , but we have a requirement to include session time out for our application.
    Can anyone suggest or give a link giving clear information regarding this.

    The session timeout is defined in web.xml. Just open web.xml of your app and in the overview page in the Application section you see 'Session Timeout'. Set it to a value you like and you are done.

  • Session time out up to # hours for Interaction center

    Hi Experts,
    I want increase the web ui session time out up to # hours. I tried using SMICM and Technical Profile. But using these options i could not achieve such long session. I tried using RZ 11 icm keep alive parameter, but the effect will apply for all the applications in the CRM WEB UI. 
    I want do this for only Interaction center application not for all other application in CRM WEB UI .
    Please help me how I can do this.

    Hi Dinesh,
    This cannot be achieved without development enhancements to some standard SAP framework component, to introduce a "keep-alive" concept. If you are using a CMS for CTI or email integration, you need to ensure it supports keeping the communications session alive also.
    Glenn Abel
    Covington Creative

  • Session Time Out Message on Portal

    Hi Guys,
    We do have an application with out logging in, user can come to our application. The session time out will be 10 min. I am configuring the session time in web.xml
    But when session timed out i need to forward to a session timeout jsp, when they try to access the functionality. We are using WLP 10.3 and application in JSF 1.2
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Siddu4u on Jun 26, 2012 1:16 PM

    Sorry I have fogottoned to add :
              This problem occurs when I try to setup clustering manually as well as, as a
              Win2k service (i.e Admin server & cluster servers as Win2k services)
              "Nalika" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]..
              > Hi All,
              > I have configured a Admin server and 2 cluster servers. All are on Win
              > Advanced Servers. After deploying EJBs to the cluster, when I try to log
              > to our application ( Presentation logic is done by servelets & JSPs ) it
              > allows to log in but when I try to click a link to go to another page
              > session time out happens. This happens whenever I click a link or
              > Refresh button. I have to repeatedly log in.
              > Have anyone faced this problem ? Is there a session time out problem with
              > WLS6.0 sp2 ?
              > Please respond.
              > Thanks
              > Nalika

  • Session Time out - Relogin not redirecting

    If I am in a particular page of an application, and session times out, I get Page Expired window. On click of that, it takes me to login page. After I relogin, it is NOT redirecting me to the page where the time out happened. It just redirects to the Application Main page. Is there a way to let ADF redirect to the page where time out happened?

    Hi Aluvala,
    Based on the current description, I understand that you would like to change the error message to custom message. The issue relates to Render Extension. Currently, the behavior which changes the error message to custom message is not supported. Therefore,
    I would suggest you submitting a wish at Connect site is a connection point between you and Microsoft, and ultimately the larger community. Your feedback enables Microsoft to make software and services the best that they can be, and you can learn about and contribute
    to exciting projects.
    If you still want to make custom render message, you can try to create custom render extension while it is not easy.
    Hope this helps.
    Heidi Duan
    Heidi Duan
    TechNet Community Support

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    Dear All i'm going to build application using application express and oracle database enterprise , VPD Implemented on the schema using Context, for developer issue i set on login trigger to set user ; but i can't view data inside application but i ca

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    Hi, We are using a Badi for manipulating a key figure in the load to a Planning area from an info cube using TSCUBE. When we do this we notice that the time series are split into portions based on the content of the originating info cube. Based on th

  • IPod Won't Get Past Splash Screen

    Hey everybody. This is my first post and I have a big problem. I got an iPhone 4 for verizon and now I am selling my iPod touch 4g. I was going to restore it but it was taking way to long to download so I unplugged it while the sync screen was not up