Change a static TF with AS

Hi - Is there any way to address a static textfield in a
movieClip with AS? I want to change the color and selecability of
the text using Actionscript (because I have about 50 of them and
don't want to open each mc to get at the textfield.) The mc has an
instance name but, natuarally, the textfield doesn't.
I used static text because there are less problems with the
font displaying on different computers. Now, down the road I have
to make these changes. Am I screwed?
TIA some expertise.

I don't know if you're using flash 8... but if you want to
get to them easily, try using the Movie Explorer (ALT-F3 in
Deselect everything except text.
You can see (if you expand the branches ) content of static
text as well as textfields
Then if you double click the symbol icon (the owner of the
text) it'll take you straight to editing mode for the 'owner' of
that static text. If you go through the list in the movie explorer
doing this it might be easier to keep track of what you've done.
Hope that makes sense.

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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    Are you referring to your iCloud account picture or your user picture?
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    Log in and click on your user name, then look at the upper the right side of the page.
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    dawglover wrote:
    At present, I have (sole) administrative control of the computer. But I haven't been able to change the name associated with "Home" to something other than the name originally set by the computer's previous owner/administrator (my wife).
    You can't, the original name is squirelled away all over the machine.
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    Query table CDHDR and CDPOS with the following fields:
    CDHDR-TCODE = VA01 or VA02
    CDHDR-UDATE = <specified date range>
    Now select from CDPOS where
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    Hope this helps.

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    Thanks sberman ... unfortunately that option is & has been unticked. It has happened to me two or three times but my memory ain't what it used to be so I can't recall the exact circumstances. It went away by itself this morning after an overnight shutdown so I don't think it can be a "preferences" item. Only thing I had to do this morning was to change trackpad batteries. Maybe low batt power was the cause? Interestingly before I posted the query here, I was searching all over the net for a similar problem and could not find even one related post or comment anywhere. And this post has 53 views with only your reply so maybe it is a spurious / unique problem? I'll leave the post for now as the problem seemed to have fixed itself and if it happens again, I will re-try everything first, including checking batteries. Somehow I thought mnaybe I had hit a keyboard shortcut in error but I can't find any reference at all to this kind of behaviour. Wierd!! But thanks very much for your reply!!

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