Change an Object property based on a value coming from the Excel sheet

hi all
i've been able to bind a value from the excel sheet to my my component
but i want to change a property of an object in my component based on this value at the run time.
during the design time, it works fine
for example, if my value called "_xvisible"
and i use to it to hide some object.
if i set _xvisible during the design time in excel, it works fine in the run mode.
but during the run mode, if the value got changed, there is no affect.
thank you

See the xcelsius samples present inside xcelsius SDK. there are examples describing how to bind data which will work at runtime also.
Hope this helps

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    I have the following situation:
    PO 100 units price 3,14 u20AC/unit
    IR: 1 unit at a price of 314 u20AC/unit
    GR: Post GR for 100 units and the system is generating the accounting doc. for a value of 624,86 u20AC, that comes from
    - 1 unit at the price of the Invoice 314 = 314 u20AC
    - 99 units at the price of the PO 3,14 u20AC/unit = 310,86 u20AC
    The total GR amount is bigger that the PO amount.
    Is this the standard SAP behavior?
    Is there a way to get only the price from the PO, not from the Invoice
    Best regards

    Yes this is standard SAP design. This situation will raise if you post Invoice before doing GR. also depends on price control in material master.
    To fetch the price from PO u must follow GR followed by posting an Invoice.
    Edited by: Sachin D C on Nov 10, 2010 3:47 PM
    Edited by: Sachin D C on Nov 10, 2010 3:48 PM

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    The supply on hand uses the same idea, but is where I'm running into problems. The first column value should be [Supply On Hand], easy enough. Each successive column value needs to follow this equation:
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    Yes, the supply on hand and the supply arriving from the previous row need added together. The usage rate, which is a constant is then subtracted from that. The result is the on hand total for the next day.
    For example:
    On Hand
    Usage Rate

  • The value returned from the load function is not of type numeric  errors after migration to Coldfusion 11

    I am currently testing our website with CF11. It is currently working with CF8 however after migrating it to a new server running CF11 I have encountered the following error.
    The value returned from the load function is not of type numeric.
    The error occurred in
    D:/Applications/CFusion/CustomTags/nec/com/objects/address.cfc: line 263
    Called from D:/Applications/CFusion/CustomTags/nec/com/objects/contact.cfc: line 331
    Called from D:/Applications/CFusion/CustomTags/nec/com/objects/user.cfc: line 510
    Called from D:/Applications/CFusion/CustomTags/nec/com/objects/user.cfc: line 1675
    Called from D:/website/NECPhase2/action.validate.cfm: line 54
    261 : <cfif isNumeric(get.idCountry)>
    262 : <cfset rc = this.objCountry.setID(get.idCountry)>
    263 : <cfset rc = this.objCountry.load()>
    264 : </cfif>
    265 : <cfset this.sPostcode = get.sPostcode>
    Have there been any changes between CF8 and CF11 that could  cause this error?
    Does anyone have ideas?

    This is the code in file object file country.cfc (
    <cfcomponent displayname="Country object" hint="This is a Country object, it allows you to access and set values in the Country.">
    // Construct this object
    <cfset this.objFunctions = CreateObject( 'component', '' )>
      this.idCountryID = 0;
      this.sCountryName = "";
      this.sISOCode = "";
      this.sDHLCode = "";
      this.iErrorID = "";
    // The following functions are the setters and getters. offering us a better way to get
    // at the contents of the object
    // Getters
    <cffunction name="getID" displayname="Get ID" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This returns the ID of the current item.">
      <cfreturn this.idCountryID>
    <cffunction name="getsCountryName" displayname="Get sCountryName" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This gets the sCountryName value of this item.">
      <cfreturn this.sCountryName>
    <cffunction name="getsISOCode" displayname="Get sISOCode" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This gets the sISOCode value of this item.">
      <cfreturn this.sISOCode>
    <cffunction name="getsDHLCode" displayname="Get sDHLCode" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This gets the sDHLCode value of this item.">
      <cfreturn this.sDHLCode>
    <cffunction name="iError" displayname="Get iError" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This returns the iError of the current item.">
      <cfreturn this.iError>
    // Setters
    <cffunction name="setID" displayname="Set ID" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the ID value of this item.">
      <cfargument name="idCountryID" required="true" type="numeric" displayname="ID" hint="The ID to use.">
      <cfset this.idCountryID = arguments.idCountryID>
      <cfreturn true>
    <cffunction name="setsCountryName" displayname="Set sCountryName" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the sCountryName value of this item.">
      <cfargument name="sCountryName" required="true" type="string" displayname="sCountryName" hint="The sCountryName to use.">
      <cfset this.sCountryName = arguments.sCountryName>
      <cfreturn true>
    <cffunction name="setsISOCode" displayname="Set sISOCode" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the sISOCode value of this item.">
      <cfargument name="sISOCode" required="true" type="string" displayname="sISOCode" hint="The sISOCode to use.">
      <cfset this.sISOCode = arguments.sISOCode>
      <cfreturn true>
    <cffunction name="setsDHLCode" displayname="Set sDHLCode" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the sDHLCode value of this item.">
      <cfargument name="sDHLCode" required="true" type="string" displayname="sDHLCode" hint="The sDHLCode to use.">
      <cfset this.sDHLCode = arguments.sDHLCode>
      <cfreturn true>
    // Clear, to empty out the contents of this object
    <cffunction name="clear" displayname="Clear items Details" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="Clears out all of the items details.">
       this.sCountryName = "";
       this.sISOCode = "";
       this.sDHLCode = "";
       this.iErrorID = "";
      <cfreturn true>
    // The following functions deal with the load, save and deleting of objects
    // Load
    <cffunction name="load" displayname="Load items details" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This loads in all the information about an item.">
      <cfset rc = this.clear()>
      // First of all we need to get the name of the data source we are going to be using
      objDS = CreateObject("component","");
      sDatasource = objDS.getDatasource();
      // Check to see if it exists
       <cfquery name="checkID" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("load: checkID: '#this.idCountryID#' #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfset this.iErrorID = iErrorID>
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif not checkID.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
          whichOne = "#session.afr.getsAFRNumber()#";
         } else {
          whichOne = "";
         iErrorID = objError.addError("A Country with that id doesn't exists.[#this.idCountryID#][#whichOne#]");
       <cfset this.iErrorID = iErrorID>
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // If we got past all then then load in the details
       <cfquery name="get" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID, RTRIM(sCountryName) as sCountryName, RTRIM(sISOCode) as sISOCode, RTRIM(sDHLCode) as sDHLCode
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("load: get: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfset this.iErrorID = iErrorID>
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfset this.idCountryID = get.idCountryID>
      <cfset this.sCountryName = get.sCountryName>
      <cfset this.sISOCode = get.sISOCode>
      <cfset this.sDHLCode = get.sDHLCode>
      <cfset this.iErrorID = "">
      <cfreturn true>
    // Save
    <cffunction name="save" displayname="Save items Details" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="Saves (to some source) the current details for the ID of the item.">
      // First of all we need to get the name of the data source we are going to be using
      objDS = CreateObject("component","");
      sDatasource = objDS.getDatasource();
      // Now check to see if ithat ID exists
       <cfquery name="checkID" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("save: checkID: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // If it doesn't exist, then add the record, otherwise update the record
      <cfif not checkID.recordCount>
       <cfreturn this.add()>
       <cfreturn this.update()>
    // Add
    <cffunction name="add" displayname="Add Country" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This adds a Country.">
      // Check to see if that a different item isn't already using the same unique details
       <cfquery name="checkUnique" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE sCountryName = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#'
        OR sISOCOde = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sISOcode)#'
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("add: checkUnique: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif checkUnique.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("A Country with that name or ISO code already exists. idCountryID=#checkUnique.idCountryID#");
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
       <cfquery name="add" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SET nocount on
        INSERT INTO tblCountry(sCountryName, sISOCode, sDHLCode)
        VALUES('#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#','#this.objFunctions.scrubText(t his.sISOCode)#','#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sDHLCode)#')
        SELECT @@identity as autoID
        SET nocount off  
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("add: add: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfreturn add.autoID>
    // Update
    <cffunction name="update" displayname="Update Country" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This updates a Country record.">
      // Check to see if that a different item isn't already using the same unique details
       <cfquery name="checkUnique" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE (sCountryName = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#'
        OR sISOCOde = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sISOcode)#')
        AND idCountryID <> #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("update: checkUnique: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif checkUnique.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("Another Country with that name already exists. idCountryID=#checkUnique.idCountryID#");
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // Attempt to update the record to the datasource
      // if this fails for any reason then we submit an error message
      // to the error component and return the ID of the error
       <cfquery name="update" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        UPDATE tblCountry
        SET sCountryName = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#',
        sISOCode = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sISOCode)#',
        sDHLCode = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sDHLCode)#'
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("update: update: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfreturn this.idCountryID> 
    // Delete
    <cffunction name="delete" displayname="Delete Country" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This deletes a Country record.">
      // First of all we need to get the name of the data source we are going to be using
      objDS = CreateObject("component","");
      sDatasource = objDS.getDatasource();
      // Now check to see if ithat ID exists
       <cfquery name="checkID" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("delete: checkID: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif not checkID.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("A Country with that id doesn't exists, delete failed.");
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // Now check to see if there are any dependancies, if so we can't delete the item
       <cfquery name="checkDependancies" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountry
        FROM tblAddress
        WHERE idCountry = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("delete: checkDependancies: idCountry: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif checkDependancies.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("That Country is being used by an address, delete failed.");
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // Now attempt to remove the record.
      // if this fails for any reason then we submit an error message
      // to the error component and return the ID of the error
       <cfquery name="delete" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        DELETE FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("delete: delete: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfreturn this.idCountryID>

  • Dashboard Prompt using values not from the table

    I have a requirement from the client to design a dashboard report like the following.
    Dashboard prompt will have 4 filters, three filters come from the table, but the fourth filter will have 3 values not from the table. The fourth filter will have values like "Report with Sales Amount", "Report with Purchase Amount", "Report with both Purchase and Sales". I have three different Table reports designed for each of the fourth filter choices. But how do I implement it, both in the dashboard prompt as well as navigating to the rite report based on the selection.
    Is my approach correct.
    Thanks for your time and help.

    The fourth prompt where you have "Report with Sales Amount", "Report with Purchase Amount", "Report with both Purchase and Sales" you pull a dummy column into the prompt and write a sql in show.
    would be something like
    SELECT Case when 1=0 then "Dimension- Customer"."Cust Name" else 'Report with Sales Amount' end FROM Sales UNION SELECT Case when 1=0 then "Dimension- Customer"."Cust Name" else 'Report with Purchase Amount' end FROM Sales
    and in the prompt set a presentation variable say var_criteria
    Now create report2 for with a some randomn column and another column will have the values that you want to display for example 'Report with Sales Amount'
    Create a filter on the 2nd column and reference the presentation variable var_criteria and default it to 'Report with Sales Amount'
    On the dashboard page in the section place the report and enable guided navigatoin by selecting report 2.
    Please let me know if you have any questions.

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    Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device: Apple Support Communities

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    Are you just asking because you want to know, or do you have a problem you need to solve? I don't know how to write a program, but I think what your are describing is not an unusual thing for a  program to do. The * tells you that changes have been made since the last save, and the program reserves a portion of memory for undo functions. I suppose a coder could tell you how it works, but I don't think it would help an average user to know, but that's just my opinion.

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    "values" section. 
    Does anybody know how to fix this problem ?

    Hi Bin Long,
    I tried what you suggested.
    I believe that there is a glitch in the Powerpivot field list (where you find the 4 squares for columns, rows, values, filter)
    When I initially create a pivottable with powerpivot, everything works fine when I am adding field list items to the the columns, rows, values sections, filters.
    However.....IF I close the powerpivot field list or if I save and close the excel file...then I cannot add more items to the "values" section.
    I can comment about one thing that seems different in my powerpivot field list. When I can no longer add items to the "values" section, I realized that in the TOP section of the field list I see in bold letters a summary of the items that are SUM ∑ in the "values"
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    My gamecenter id and password is hacked, and now they are using it to play my game. I already change my password, help me to get it back from the hacker, thanks

    If you have already reset your Apple ID/GameCenter Password, then they no longer have access to your GameCenter account.
    If they are still somehow still using your game, then contact the app developer.

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    I am newbie in creating PDF forms.. I recently created a form patterned with Purchase Order Form sample that came along with the LiveCycle installation.. I can say I am doing good as I was able to create a functioning form with hours of triasl and errors.  Now, I got stucked with my table calculations.. The first column is a dropdownlist with refreshment Items, the 2nd is the quantity column, 3rd is the unit price column and last is the amount column.  After so many days and hours of trying to make the unit price display automatically after you select an item.  I am not an expert in scripts or in PDFs for that matter.. Can somone please help me with my problem.. My dropdownlist is populated by script but by the object pallete in LiveCycle.

    Hi thanks for the reply... I practically copied the script from the form you made, I removed the other array... But I can't make it work, been working on it since you replied on this thread.  Please check my script below and find out what or where is the error.
    RefreshmentOrderform.RefreshmentOrder.Header.#variables[0].Myitems - (JavaScript, client)
    var Itemdesc = new Array(
    "Grapefruit"); //5
    var MyUnitPrices = new Array(
    "2.90"); //5
    function PN_Populate(dropdownField)
    for (var i=0; i < Itemdesc.length; i++)
    function PN_ReadOut(Item_Alias, Price_Alias)
    for (var i = 0; i < Itemdesc.length; i++)
              if (Itemdesc[i] == Item_Alias)
            Price_Alias.rawValue = MyUnitPrices[i];

  • Get data in a subreport based on a shared variable from the main report.

    Goodd morning,
    My question/problem is how to manage this scenario.
    I am transfering 2 shared variables (pereiod from /period To, ) from the main report to a subreport and now  i would like to get data in this subreport based on these 2 variables...
    The problem is that i can not find the shared one in select expert icon...
    Could anyone point me to solve this issue?
    Thks for any help.
    Jose Marin
    Crystal Report XI SR3

    Hello Jos,
    I recommend to post this query to the [Crystal Reports Design|SAP Crystal Reports; forum.
    This forum is dedicated to topics related to the creation and design of Crystal Report documents. This includes topics such as database connectivity, parameters and parameter prompting, report formulas, record selection formulas, charting, sorting, grouping, totaling, printing, and exporting but also installation and registering.
    It is monitored by qualified technicians and you will get a faster response there.
    Also, all Crystal Reports Design queries remain in one place and thus can be easily searched in one place.
    Best regards,

  • How can i add the value inputted from the prompt box to the mysql database?

    Hey guyz help me pls with this problem... im only new to javascript and also to the opensource like(php and mysql). I tried to use a prompt box and store the value into the textbox. But now I want to know how to insert/add the value inputted from a prompt box directly into the database if it is possible.

    Java is not JavaScript, they've got almost nothing in common (apart from superficial syntax similarities and the first 4 letters of their names).
    If indeed your question is about JavaScript, then please find a JavaScript forum, as we can't help you here.

  • Value coming from query is chaing in the Table view

    Hi experts,
    I am new to VC and developing a basic model by using a BI query as a data service.
    I have a field "Project Code" which can return value numeric or alpha numeric or Character.
    for example
    Project Code= 14000000000000002782007 or
    When i am right clicking the query and doing the test query function its displaying correctly but when i am draging from the output port of this query and using a Table view to display the data the numeric values like in our example "14000000000000002782007" is displaying as 1.4e+23 its displaying the same value where ever i have some numeric value in the field.
    But its displaying the Char value right "ATROVASTATIN" as it is.
    In the table view the field which is getting this value is with Datatype Text.
    How can i solve this problem.
    Thanks and regards

    Hi Neel,
    Have a look at this link,

  • Changed my email (login) now I can't disconnect from the older one

    Hi there
    I changed my email on Apple account and now I can't access the older one.
    What happens is that how the email has changed it can't find the old one that is settle up on the notebook and iphone.
    So I thought about disconnecting from the old email (login) and connecting to the new one.
    But the password is not accepted and when I try to make a new one it changes the password linked to the new email!!!!!!!
    Don't what to do anymore.
    Hope u can help!

    Now, when I try to change the password from the account linked to the old email it doesn't send me an email to do that and don't recognize my safe questions anymore...

  • Data Merge - Change Text/Cell Characteristics based on Data Value

    I am working on a letter that is sent to our diabetic patients during their birthday month...the letter will contain the last known test results and date for several measures and then recommend action based on those results.
    The data comes from a text file (csv file separated by "^") generated by our Electronic Medical Record (EMR) database...
    What I need is a script or tool that will recognize specific text and then change the font size and cell background for that particular field...
    In the first example below, everything is normal, so there is no notification necessary...
    In the second example, the BP is too high (calculation is performed by our EMR), so the csv file includes "Due Now" and "Yes" for the final two columns in the table.  The script needs to recognize "Due Now," enlarge the font, change the color, and change the background color of the cell, and then recognize "Yes" and do the same.
    Is this possible?  Is there a tool/script/method that I need?
    Example 1
    CSV File Text:     ^130/70 (3-28-2011)^Next Visit^No^
    InDesign Table:
    Your Goal
    Your Results
    Next Test?
    Contact Doctor?
    Blood Pressure
    < 130/80
    130/70 (3-28-2011)
    Next Visit
    Example 2
    CSV File Text:     ^160/90 (3-28-2011)^Due Now^Yes^
    InDesign Table:
    Your Goal
    Your Results
    Next Test?
    Contact Doctor?
    Blood Pressure
    < 130/80
    160/90 (3-28-2011)
    Due Now
    B. Mark Hooten
    Medical Media, Mail Room, Print Shop
    O k l a h o m a  C i t y  V A M C

    Mark.Hooten wrote:
    I am working on a letter that is sent to our diabetic patients during their birthday month...the letter will contain the last known test results and date for several measures and then recommend action based on those results.
    The data comes from a text file (csv file separated by "^") generated by our Electronic Medical Record (EMR) database...
    What I need is a script or tool that will recognize specific text and then change the font size and cell background for that particular field...
    In the first example below, everything is normal, so there is no notification necessary...
    In the second example, the BP is too high (calculation is performed by our EMR), so the csv file includes "Due Now" and "Yes" for the final two columns in the table.  The script needs to recognize "Due Now," enlarge the font, change the color, and change the background color of the cell, and then recognize "Yes" and do the same.
    Is this possible?  Is there a tool/script/method that I need?
    Example 1
    CSV File Text:     ^130/70 (3-28-2011)^Next Visit^No^
    InDesign Table:
    Your Goal
    Your Results
    Next Test?
    Contact Doctor?
    Blood Pressure
    < 130/80
    130/70 (3-28-2011)
    Next Visit
    Example 2
    CSV File Text:     ^160/90 (3-28-2011)^Due Now^Yes^
    InDesign Table:
    Your Goal
    Your Results
    Next Test?
    Contact Doctor?
    Blood Pressure
    < 130/80
    160/90 (3-28-2011)
    Due Now
    B. Mark Hooten
    Medical Media, Mail Room, Print Shop
    O k l a h o m a  C i t y  V A M C
    Have you considered programming the database application to perform the logic tests, combine the data with the appropriate InDesign tagged text markup, and output the result as an InDesign tagged text file in .txt format? You can then place the tagged .txt file in a new blank InDesign file.
    Search Google for terms like "InDesign tagged text user guide" without quotes for the tagged text guide and related links. Export an InDesign file as tagged text to get an idea of what's involved. In fact, you can use the tagged text exported from your data merge setup as the basis for what the coded database needs to do. You need to open the tagged text file in a text editor, not in InDesign.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

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