Change default required inline message

I am trying to change the default text that appear next to a component which i check as required. Instead of saying
Validation Error: "emailTextField": Value is required.
I want it to say:
Please Enter you email address
I tried to change the change the code according to what the customvalidator tutorial suggest:
String s = java.lang.String.valueOf(o);
if (s.equals(null)){
throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("Please Enter Your email."));
I also tried this:
String s = java.lang.String.valueOf(o);
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(""){
throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("Please Enter Your email."));
neither worked whether i check required property for the text field or leave it blank. if i check it i get the default message, if i don't, i don't get any messages returned.
Please help!

My guess is that you have still set the 'required' property on the component, in addition to adding your own custom validator - and the required is throwing that message.
Did you see the new tutorial:
Customizing a Standard Validator Message
I think it does exactly what you are describing... give it a look!

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    You can do it by creating your own message bundle which extends ListResourceBundle and adding the bundle entry in trinidad-skin xml file. Sample code is given below.
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    Just a suggestion..........
    Download Thunderbird.  Easier to use when it comes to what you want to do w/your emails. 

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    Hi WeeMac22,
    If you migrated from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013, I found a KB for your reference:
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    If not, I suggest using OWA to verify whether this issue remains.
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    Edited by: Paul Meehan on Oct 25, 2011 11:56 AM

    Hi Maheboob
    Im glad the note worked -
    To find the note , you could do a note search on the message  IW056  you  received and the support pack level you are on ..
    For EHP5 the note is valid up to  SAPKH60504.
    The  IW056   is listed as a keyword so if you search on it the note should be returned.

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    We can't change this by any setting or registry. We need to pay additional attention when doing this.
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    TechNet Community Support

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    thanks a lot (and sorry for my english).

    Hi Gonzalo,
    es f�cil cambiar la aparici�n de los mensajes :
    - presiona el "inlineMessage" en el panel "Application outline"
    - observe las propiedades del elemento
    - grupo "appearance" -> errorStyle = puedes cambiar el estilo :-)
    it is easy to change the appearance of the messages:
    - outline presses "inlineMessage" in the panel "Application"
    - look for the properties of the element
    - group "appearance" -> errorStyle <<< you can change the style
    Sorry for my spanish / english, i'm French :-p

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    best regards

    You -can- change the builtin required-validator message, and there's a tutorial written on that that I think will be posted shortly; but you are basically providing a new bundle value for the builtin required-validator's key, so you don't have the chance to supply additional parameters to the message. So if you want to insert the title property or any other property or computed string, you need to do your own validator.
    P.S. It's not hard. At JavaOne I showed how to do one during James Gosling's keynote demo; the Creator demo was just 5 minutes or so and in that time I wrote a simple credit card number validator, deployed it and verified the results in the browser. You can see the keynote here:
    -- Tor

  • The Microsoft Exchange Administrator has made a change that requires you quit and restart Outlook

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    Any Idea how to remove this Message?

    From your description, I recommend you follow the steps below to repair the Exchange email account and check the result.
    1. Start Outlook. Click File, Account Settings, and then click Account Settings.
    2. With the Exchange email account selected, click Repair. In the Repair Account dialog box, click Next.
    3. After the configuration finishes, restart Outlook.
    After you restart Outlook, the status bar may show your status as Working Offline. To connect it, click the Send/Receive tab, and then click Work Offline to turn off this feature.
    Hope this can be helpful to you.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • [svn:fx-3.x] 10868: change default value of selectable in ASDoc comment to true

    Revision: 10868
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-10-05 11:05:50 -0700 (Mon, 05 Oct 2009)
    Log Message:
    change default value of selectable in ASDoc comment to true
    QE notes: -
    Doc notes: -
    Bugs: -
    Reviewer: -
    Tests run: - checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Modified Paths:

    Thank you much for your response.
    I tried that and it did work. But my requirement is to have a user input the date. The basic idea is if the user decides on a predefined time range like Day Shift Today or Yesterday and so on... then the report would automatically calculate the values based on predefined date time values. On the other hand, if the intent is to run the report for an arbitrary period then the user supplies the date and time limits.
    What I am trying to achieve is have the same parameter available for user input , but when the User decides he wants Predefined then the "textbox" populates with date and time as per his choice of predefind range.
    I understand that by this the user can still overwrite the date and time on the text box, but the report will run the predefined values as long as he has the @PredefinedDateSelection Set to true.
    Is there a way I can impement this?
    Once again I thank you and appreciate  your input.

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    "EM Alert: - CPU Utilization is 99.95%, crossed warning (80) or critical (95) threshold."
    "EM Alert: - Disk Device c8t60A9800043346C384C344A4A63516D6Ad0(ssd4) is 99.7% busy."
    "EM Alert: - CPU Load (Run Queue Length averaged over 5 minutes) is 20.78, crossed warning (10) or critical (20) threshold."
    I need to change default tresholds for mentioned metrics but I can't their defenition in SYSMAN.MGMT_*-tables or suitable settings in OEM GUI.
    And I have no time to edit treshholds manually for each target. )

    Modification of Metric Thresholds (as this is what you are referring to), should be done using the Metrics and Policy Settings link (to be found in the Target Home page).
    Don't mess around with the SYSMAN tables!
    Best thing to do here is to start using Monitoring Templates for this.
    Oracle® Enterprise Manager Concepts
    11g Release

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    I used xmlp 5.6.2
    The default output for report is pdf file.
    Now i want to change default output to rtf or excel file
    Please ! help me !

    Hi Brightsea,
    We customized the code in FNDRSRUN.fmb, But we are not able to get the output in RTF format.
    Our requirement is to display the report output in .rtf or .xls(Not required to defaultly as .rtf or .xls).
    we are getting the following error.
    "The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource 'http://galaxian.bluestar.cvg0:8000/OA_CGI/FNDWRR.exe?t...

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