Change dynamic system tray tooltip

How does one change the system tray tooltip dynamically....
I have set it programatically on startup like so
if (NativeApplication.supportsSystemTrayIcon){
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.autoExit = false;
icon.load(new URLRequest("/assets/icons/sun_23x23.png"));
var sysTrayIcon:SystemTrayIcon =
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.icon as SystemTrayIcon;
sysTrayIcon.tooltip = "FSI Widget";
sysTrayIcon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,undock); = createIconMenu();
Thanks in advance

You can set the tooltip at any time, however, the displayed
text won't change while the tooltip is currently being

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  • Dynamic system tray icon tooltips?

    In AIR, can the system tray icon tooltip be dynamically
    I want to dynamically display some data whenever the user
    hovers over system tray icon, but it doesn't appear I can do that
    with air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.icon.tooltip ?
    for example, I tried to dynamically return the current
    date/time but it didn't work:
    air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.icon.tooltip =
    function(){ return Date()};
    My other thought was to create my own custom "toolip" using
    NativeWindow when a user hovers over the systray (but would like to
    get it to work with
    air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.icon.tooltip if
    possible)...any other suggestions/tips/thoughts?

    I don't believe this is possible. A better strategy may be to
    change the tooltip when the state of your application changes such
    that the text should be updated (rather than in response to a user
    event). However, I don't think the tooltip display will change
    while it is already open.
    Using a native window wouldn't work in this scenario, either.
    The difficulty is still detecting when the mouse is hovering over
    the icon. It is also not possible to definitely locate the icon on
    the desktop, although you can guess using the usableBounds property
    of the Screen class.

  • Secondary Login in System Tray

    Hi. I use two instances of Skype at the same time on the same machine. When I minimize both Skype windows to System Tray in Windows, I am not able to determine which one is which. They have same tooltip and there is not chance to distinguish between them as it is possible in case when Skype buttons are available on the Task bar. Would it be possible to add this feature in the future updates? Thank you very much.

    Hello Olga,
    Is there client=300 in the email ? If there is, check the ITS* attributes in the PPOMA_BBP. If not, client 300 is the system default. Please ask your system admin to change the default client.

  • Can't mount Time Capsule on PC (white system tray icon no longer there)

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    I was just having this problem and figured out that the white system tray icon is the Airport Base Station Agent. It wasn't running for me for some reason, too, but I found it and started it back up again at C:\Program Files\AirPort\APAgent.exe.
    Here's an Apple Support article (it's a little old) I found that discusses drive mapping in windows with the Airport Base Station Agent:
    Hope this helps.

  • WR110 and Windows 7 + Im connected to Internet but Icon in system tray shows red X

    Hi all,
    I just upgraded both my notebook and Desktop, both of which are wireless.  The Notebook connected just fine, and the system tray shows connection bars.  However my destktop is also connected, but it shows the red x.   Not sure what I need to do to stay connected and have Wireless strength bars reappear.  When I click the connection it says " The settings saved on this computer do not match the requirements for the network".  Also when I click on the red X in the system tray, the connections pop up, and I see the green bars and it says connected, but a few seconds later it goes to the red X, but Im still connected to the internet.  I have ATT DSL and they recently bridged the router to the DSL modem using PPPoe, but that was before I upgraded both PCs to 7 and I did not have this issue prior to upgrading. 

    I gave that a try, and changed my SSID.  On my notebook, it of course lost the Internet connection, I saw the new wireless network, and typed in the PW and it connected without issue.  However the DT which is where I am having the issue, is still doing the same thing.  I am connected to Internet as that is where Im typing this email from, but the 5 bars in the lower are still show that X even tho Im connected.  It does say the Security types do not
    match, so I would go in and change to WPA Personal, TKIP, and type in the password, but still nothing.  I have noticed that when I enable and disable my Wireless adapter in the Desktop, 2 icons come back, one for the adapter, and one called. Microsoft Virtual WiFI miniport adapter, which I have disabled, but it does not make any diff if its enabled or not. 

  • Need to Lock down Keyboard Manager System Tray Icon

    I run 27 MacBooks at a Secondary School. I have them setup for Windows XP Pro (I'll be setting up the Mac OS over then next few weeks but this is a MS Windows School so lets start slow). Hoever I need to be able to disable the "Boot Mac OS" option on the Keyboard Manager. But still have access to Volume and Eject etc Keys.
    Solution: 1
    a .adm file so that I can contol what is avilable to students through Group Policy (disable reboot in Mac, Disable Boot Camp First time Run Help Screen)
    Solution 2
    A Keyboard driver that will make all the Keys work (and remote if possible) but has no System tray Icon
    Solution 3
    Hide the System tray icon (as say an option in the Boot Camp Control Panel which I can already disable through group policy) then all I need to kill is the anoying first time run help screen.
    The help screen is anoying because for each of the 800 student will probably only login into each laptop once each so that will come up every time, because I reimage every 3 months or so.
    The reboot in Mac OS would be no problem if it did not perminatly change to boot order and the Mac OS side boot change back is too complicated for most first time Mac users. The way I will be introducing the Mac OS is telling them about the hold the "option" key trick on boot. hence the dummys will get what they are expecting, and the smarties have the option without afecting the dummys.
    I relise this is a Devolopers thing but I can find no other way to inform them of the need. I dout I am the only System admin needing this.
    Thank You
    Message was edited by: Solus Venator

    Unfortunately no that did not help
    Using msconfig only stops the Keyboard Manager from running. I can do that simply be removing it from the registry with out the annoying msconfig messages. (good for testing though)
    I have also looked into the Hide tray Icon Path but that only tucks it behind a set of “<<”
    And the reboot function does Permanently Change the Boot Order. (Not the boot sector necessarily, The Boot Order) to change it back you need to login into the Mac OS and System Prefs Disk Boot Select the Boot Camp Part and Reboot …… Big Pain in neck.
    The Keyboard Manager icon does not have an eject option… If is needed for the Eject Key to work (and the Volume Mute, Up, Down, Brightness Up, Down. Note it is not Needed for the Play FF Rew Keys they work fine with the Fn Key)
    Here is the test
    With no icon showing, or an icon with no reboot option : Press The Eject Key if the CD Ejects Success, I also need Volume do not care about the others as much
    As Stated this is a Developer( Programmer) oversite and needs them to put in an option to remove the reboot option from the System tray Icon. Removal of the Icon would also be desirable
    Thank You

  • [SOLVED] KDE 4.5.2: lost icons of Pidgin, Skype... from System tray

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    Any help is appreciated.
    Last edited by benke (2010-10-10 07:16:44)

    File ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc was corrupted. I backed up it, deleted, restarted KDE, new file is created. Need to tweak desktop again but icons are shown correctly.

  • Why is the revolving circle in system tray

    Everytime I try to go to the system tray with the cursor, there is a revolving circle near the date and time. 
    Any advice welcome.

    Is it the mouse pointer that changes and doesn't change back? In that case I would suspect an add-on, maybe one related to form filling??
    Or is it like a display glitch which is superimposed over whatever's behind it? If it's the latter, could you try disabling graphics hardware acceleration? Since this feature was added to Firefox, it has gradually improved, but there still are a few glitches.
    You usually need to restart Firefox in order for this to take effect, so save all work first (e.g., mail you are composing, online documents you're editing, etc.).
    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Options > Advanced
    On the "General" mini-tab, uncheck the box for "Use hardware acceleration when available"

  • Bootcamp Icon missing from system tray...

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    Today I installed BootCamp on my wife's new Mac Mini and the icon is missing from the system tray. While it was about 6 weeks ago that I put BootCamp on my iMac, I don't remember doing anything that cause the Windows system tray to display the boot choice icon for BootCamp/Win 7.
    Anyone have an idea about how I can get that icon to appear on the Mac Mini.
    Both systems are running Snow Leopard with the latest software.

    Macaby there are two separate components of Boot Camp. First is Assistant which runs on the Mac side of things from OS X. It creates/deletes the Windows partition which is necessary to install Windows. Next the Boot Camp Panel software which is installed once you have successfully installed and are running Windows. It allows tweaking of the Apple hardware from within Windows. It is installed using the OS X disc and does not jeopardize your installed Windows OS in any way. This disc also contains the hardware driver necessary to optimize the hardware in Windows. In my experience this disc has never started via autorun so you will most likely have to locate the Boot Camp folder and run the setup.exe file manually.
    Don't know how much your wife uses Windows but if it's running well enough then you may want to leave it alone. Check device manager in Windows for any red or yellow punctuation marks. This will indicate a potential driver issue in Windows. Also check the Windows Experience Index for performance issues. A 1 anywhere indicates a driver issue. If you have no driver issues and Windows is running well enough you may want to leave it at that.

  • Dynamically create TRAY view element.

    I am trying to create a little menu using a stack of trays with related buttons under each tray.
    I cannot find an example of a dynamically created tray.  Every instance of NEW_TRAY in my NW07 system is generated and the system won't show it to me so I can't see how to use it.
    The problem that I get is an assertion failure after a test 'IF VIEW_ELEMENT IS NOT BOUND.'  Obviously I have a null reference somewhere, but with no documentation (that I can find) I need an example. 
    I would settle for any container-like object at all.  Doesn't have to be a tray.  I cannot even get it to work with a transparent container.  You can't even see it - so how can it be complicated?
    Please form an orderly line, and no fighting to be first with the solution!

    Hello Russ,
    I have used a container in the message area. Have a look at CL_WDR_MESSAGE_AREA~CREATE_MSG_LIST for example.

  • Search protect icon in system tray (still there after deleting)

    Hello i got infected with search protect (conduit). In my firefox, IE and Chrome browser my startpage got changed to mystartsearch or something like that.
    I changed the startpages and deleted installed programs by the normal windows add and remove programmes tool in the configuration screen. I ran kaspersky.
    Everything was cleaned it seemed besides 2 things. When i clicked new tab in firefox the mystartsearch page started in that tab. I solved this bij intalling a firefox tab add on. Than i changed the page that had to open when opening a new tab.
    Another problem is a blue e icon in my system tray that i can't get away. It is started when my computer starts up. I can't click it, nothing happens. When i move with my mouse over it, "search protect, click to configure" is shown.
    I disabeld programs in my startup configuration. I searched fot this program, but i can 't find anything than seems to be related to search protect. I searched for removal assistance on the internet but i can only find A to Z procedures, which are useless. The program already seems to be deleted from my computer but the icon keeps starting up on my computer.
    Can somebody help? Do i have to reinstall search protect to delete it properly? And where can i find a "harmless" version of this program? It is a bit sick to reinstall an infected programm to redelete it. I prefer other solutions, but that icon on startup is irritating me and i wonder if it is still harming my computer.

    You already uninstalled Search Protect from the Windows Control Panel, Uninstall a Program? Could you check again for anything strange. After the list loads, I suggest clicking the "Installed on" column heading to group items by install date. This can help surface innocently named bundle items that snuck in with some software you agreed to install. Take out as much trash as possible here.
    You can search for remaining issues with the '''scanning/cleaning tools''' listed in our support article: [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]]. These on-demand scanners are free and take considerable time to run. If they finish quickly and especially if they require payment, you may have a serious infection. I suggest the specialized forums listed in the article in that case.
    Regarding the new tab page, you shouldn't need an add-on to regain control.
    (1) In a new tab, type or paste '''about:config''' in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
    (2) In the search box above the list, type or paste '''newtab''' and pause while the list is filtered
    (3) Double-click the '''browser.newtab.url''' preference and enter your preferred page:
    * ''Page thumbnails (default)'' => about:newtab
    * ''Blank tab'' => about:blank
    * ''Built-in Firefox home page'' => about:home
    * ''Any other page'' => full URL to the page
    Press Ctrl+t to open a new tab and verify that it worked. Fixed?
    Some gotchas:
    ''If Firefox won't let you edit this setting:'' you may still have SearchProtect on your system.
    ''If Firefox lets you save your change but ignores it:'' one of your other extensions may be overriding it. You can review, disable, and/or remove extensions on the add-ons page:
    "3-bar" Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Add-ons > ''in the left column click'' Extensions
    ''If the change works during your session, but at the next startup is back to MyStart:'' you might have a user.js file in your personal Firefox settings folder (your Firefox profile folder). This article describes how to track down and remove the file: [[How to fix preferences that won't save]].
    Any luck?

  • Dynamic System Resolution issues

    hello forumers,
    i'd like to implement a Dynamic System Resolution scenario, on an EP7 sp14.
    based on the examples i've found on the sap web site, i ve created some content (R/3 transaction Iviews using an alias "SAP_SRM")
    I tried to change the target R/3 server, based on the group to which the user belong !
    i've created a portal service : portalapp.xml =
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <property name="releasable" value="false"/>
        <property name="startup" value="true"/>
        <property name="ServicesReference" value=","/>
        <entry path="/runtime/alias.mappers/SAP_SRM" name="DSRPortalService" type="service"/>
        <service name="DSRPortalService">
            <property name="className" value=""/>
            <property name="startup" value="true"/>
    and a service called DSRPortalService:
    public String getAlternativeSystem(IUser user, String alias) {
              String pcdLocation = "pcd:portal_content/SRMSystems/";
              String system = "xgi";
              String userName = user.getUniqueName();
              IGroupFactory fact = UMFactory.getGroupFactory();
              try {
                   if (user
                             true)) {
                        //the user is french
                        system = "xgi";
                   } else if (
                             true)) {
                        //the user is German
                        system = "xda";
              } catch (UMException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              return pcdLocation + system;
    when i try to acces to the R/3 trasancation i get the following exception:
    Exception ID:01:18_15/01/09_0001_1852850
    com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Error in service call of Portal Component
    Component : pcd:portal_content/Olivier/ROLES/DSR/DSRRole/SRM
    Component class : com.sapportals.portal.sapapplication.SAPApplicationIntegratorComponent
    User : to29267
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.handlePortalComponentException(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.PortalNode.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.runRequestCycle(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher$
         at Method)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    Caused by: com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntimeException: Exception in SAP Application Integrator occured: Unable to parse template &#39;&lt;System.ConnectionString&gt;&#39;; the problem occured at position 0. Cannot process expression &lt;System.ConnectionString&gt; because Invalid System Attribute:
    System:    &amp;#39;SAP_LocalSystem&amp;#39;,
    Attribute: &amp;#39;ConnectionString&amp;#39;.
         at com.sapportals.portal.appintegrator.AbstractIntegratorComponent.doContentPass(
         at com.sapportals.portal.appintegrator.AbstractIntegratorComponent.doContent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         ... 29 more
    have you got any ideas ?
    best regards,

    thanks for your quick reply !
    i alredy used your blog to create my DSR scenario ...
    as you could see, i didn't even change the alias and i used the name you have prrovided in your blog !
    please find just behind a copy of "portal runtime" in the System Administration:
    Portal Application Name Depends on Dependents Access State
    NewPortalAppProject   service: NewPortalAppProject|DSRPortalService     (refresh)
    Portal Service Items :
    Class Name Class Name Factory Pool Size Nb Accessed Last Accessed Time Last Stopped Time State none 0 1 Thu Jan 15 11:05:25 CET 2009 never started (restart)
    and also the content of runtime in the portal Registry browser:
    You are here: ROOT/runtime/alias.mappers
    Child list of the current context:
    Name Class name
    SAP_SRM java.lang.String - NewPortalAppProject|DSRPortalService 
    do you have any idea of what i might have forgotten please ?
    best regards,

  • How to configure drop-down that change dynamically in Call Scripts

    Would like to know as how to configure drop-down choices that change dynamically based on customer response in Call Scripts / Assessment Scripts of type "Service Request - Survey".
    I've read the following from CRM OnDemand pdf but was not able to figure out how to do that.
    Call Scripting:
    • Reduces agent training time
    • Provides drop-down choices that change dynamically based on customer response
    • Supports personalized interactions based on existing record data
    • Facilitates up-selling and cross-selling
    • Does not require third-party software
    I don't have a concrete requirement as of now, but was trying to check as how it works. Please guide me if any one has implemented the same.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Deepak Veeravalli.

    If you plan to implement the "Querying the Active Directory" based on my code snippet,
    and if you do not have permission [your account must be the part of domain admin] to do so,
    Then still you can do it in least effort through code,
    string usersInXml = SPContext.Current.Web.AllUsers.Xml;your xml string look like this.
    <Users><User ID="2" Sid="" Name="Administrator"
    LoginName="i:0#.w|murugesan\administrator" Email="" Notes="" IsSiteAdmin="True" IsDomainGroup="False" Flags="0" /><User ID="1" Sid="" Name="Murugesa Pandian" LoginName="i:0#.w|murugesan\murugesan" Email="" Notes="" IsSiteAdmin="True" IsDomainGroup="False" Flags="0" /><User ID="1073741823" Sid="S-1-0-0" Name="System Account" LoginName="SHAREPOINT\system" Email="" Notes="" IsSiteAdmin="False" IsDomainGroup="False" Flags="0" /></Users>
    You can user Linq to XML to filter the "LoginName,Name and Email and then populate your drop down list.
    * User must be logged into the site at least once.
    Murugesa Pandian.,MCTS|App.Devleopment|Configure

  • System Tray Icon Not Displaying - Depending on Launch Style

    Good Morning-
    I'm using the java.awt.SystemTray and TrayIcon classes from 1.6 to create a system tray that acts essentially as a temperature monitor. It's very little code. When I test it from Eclipse, it works great. When I double-click the .jar on my workstation, it works great. When I launch it with java -jar temp.jar, it works great. When I launch it with javaw -jar temp.jar, I get no tray icon, but javaw sits in memory doing something.
    When my users launch it with a .vbs that calls java -jar temp.jar and hides the resulting terminal window, they get no tray icon. When they call java -jar temp.jar, they get the tray icon... and the console window. When they call javaw -jar temp.jar, they get no tray icon. Any of these practices yields a java process sitting in memory.
    When my users double-click the .jar file, they're asked to chose what to open it with. If they chose Java's executable, it says it doesn't know what to do (it isn't called with -jar). Windows doesn't see their jar files as executables like on mine.
    So I have two issues. The result is the system tray icon won't display on users' computers without a window to accompany it. Any idea why? Is it potentially a bug?
    Some code:
    public class SysTrayController {
         // The actual icon that will be updated
         private TrayIcon          icon;
         // The last-set temperature
         private int                    temp;
         // The box that may or may not appear
         private AlertBox          box;
         // No Data received (yet?)
         public final static int NO_DATA = 0;
         // High temperature threshold.  TODO:  Make this user-configurable.
         private final static int     HIGH_TEMP = 80;
         // ... you guess
         private final static String DEFAULT_ICON =  "icons/default.png";
          * Initiate everything.  Grab the system tray, plop the icon in it, and
          * get the icon all set up and ready to go with the default image.
         public SysTrayController() {
              box = new AlertBox();
              SystemTray tray = SystemTray.getSystemTray();
              Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource(DEFAULT_ICON));
              PopupMenu popup = new PopupMenu();
              MenuItem exit = new MenuItem("Exit");
              exit.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              icon = new TrayIcon(image, "Temperature Monitor", popup);
              // On double-click, display the alert box
              icon.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
                   public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
                        if (e.getClickCount() >= 2) {
              try {
              } catch (AWTException e) {
          * Set the temperature.
          * Call setIcon() to set the icon to the right number, update the alert
          * box, and if it's time to, display the alert box.
         public void setTemp(int temp) {
              if (this.temp != temp) {
                   this.temp = temp;
                   icon.setToolTip(temp + " degrees");
                   box.setAlertMessage("Temperature in the Server Room is at " + temp + " degrees!");
                   if (temp > HIGH_TEMP) {
                        icon.displayMessage("Alert", "Temperature in the server room is at " + temp + " degrees!", TrayIcon.MessageType.WARNING);
                   } else if (temp != NO_DATA){
          * Figure out which icon to set the tray icon to, scale it down, and
          * set it.
         public void setIcon(int number) {
              Image image = null;
              if (number == NO_DATA) {
                   image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource(DEFAULT_ICON));
              } else if (number >= 60 && number < 100 ) {
                   String iconString = "icons/temp";
                   iconString += number;
                   iconString += ".png";
                   try {
                        image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource(iconString));
                   } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                        image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource(DEFAULT_ICON));
              image = image.getScaledInstance(16, 16, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
          * Give back the current temperature.
         public int getTemp() {
              return temp;
    }The main() that calls it looks like this:
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              SysTrayController controller = new SysTrayController();
              Thermometer temp = new Thermometer(HOSTNAME);
              while (true) {
                   try {
                        if (controller.getTemp() == SysTrayController.NO_DATA) {
                        } else {
                   } catch (Exception e) {

    From the code above, this line actually worked for me:
    image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource(iconString));Just place the image inside the source folder and change the iconString thing...
    For example mine looked like this
    image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource("/icon.gif"));

  • How to create a kde panel system tray icon set?

    hi, i would like to perform a modification of oxygen style to obtain a system tray composed by icons only in grayscale or b/n tones.
    i tried editing the klipper icon, by desaturating all klipper.png in the various oxygen directories, and it works fine.
    but in this manner all the klipper's icons used by kde are in grayscale.
    now, if i change kmix icons state, also amarok's and other icons would change?
    is there any method to avoid this conflict?

    ozeta wrote:
    FrozenFox wrote:To do this without affecting the icons elsewhere in the system is probably impossible without editing the source code to the sys tray plasmoid/widget and adding in a color filter of some sort. If you don't know how to program this in, you're probably out of luck. Would be interested in someone else proving me wrong though.
    hi, i can't program the system tray it would be nice if there were someone that made a patch or something else. however i decolorize some icons (kmix, klipper and kmess) in a first try and this is the (not bad) result:
    the thing is, kde HAS options for coloring icons in different places. Problem is that KDE does not use those - at least i never managed to make it work. It only worked if i set the colors globally
    i tried to use this tool: only Desktop Effects works, but it changes both desktop and panel icons....but not system tray icons!!!

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