Change to upper case

have a peace day.
give me a code for
while i typing a text in text box with lower case but it should be displayed in uppercase
any body now the code means please help me
thank u

if its abt jsp/html then use javascript functions...

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    In Pages capitalization doesn't work as described. One can start with lower case and change to upper, but changing from upper case to any of the other options doesn't work. Is there a way around this or is this just a glitch that needs fixing?

    I think it does work as described, but the description is not very complete. Capitalization does not change any of the characters that you type; what it does is allow some of the lower case characters to display as capitals. If you copy the result and paste it as plain text, you'll see that the lower case characters are still there. It doesn't actually say anywhere that it can make capitals display as lower case, and it can't.
    The obvious way around this is to actually type what you want.
    The more powerful way is to install WordService from Devon Technologies which adds the functionality of Pages' capitalization menu as well a lot of other ones. WordService actually changes the character to the one displayed, and it works in most of the applications on your Mac.

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    cut&paste from the swing doc javax.swing.jtextfield:
    public class UpperCaseField extends JTextField {
    public UpperCaseField(int cols) {
    protected Document createDefaultModel() {
    return new UpperCaseDocument();
    static class UpperCaseDocument extends PlainDocument {
    public void insertString(int offs, String str, AttributeSet a)
    throws BadLocationException {
    if (str == null) {
    char[] upper = str.toCharArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < upper.length; i) {
    upper[i] = Character.toUpperCase(upper);
    super.insertString(offs, new String(upper), a);

  • Typing in remote Control when changing language with key combination of Alt + Shift some time change to Upper Case and Caps Lock is off

    let me first say that this links dos not apply to my problem the first one is :
    and it dos not apply because I dont use remote app, and also i able to change settings
    this one has similar problem but he working with remote app and do not have the Upper Case and Caps Lock is off
    this one using XP i have it on windows 7 connecting to remote server 2008 r2
    here is the issue 
    my users remote control a terminal services farm, now when they changing language to English some  time it change to English Upper Case and caps lock is off ! then the Alt + Shift and the go back to English lower case and if they just play with
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    here is how the normal setting should be
    Alt + shift need to change to lower case English
    then Alt shift one more time will go back to Hebrew
    now if you hit on the caps lock you will be in English all the time with Upper Case

    Hi Yitzhak,
    Please refer to this post:
    This post includes fix to this issue at the comments.
    Netanel Ben-Shushan, MCSA/E, MCTS, MCITP, Windows Expert-IT Pro MVP. IT Consultant & Trainer | Website (Hebrew): | IT Services: | Weblog (Hebrew):
    | E-mail: [email protected]

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    Download the free Word Service from Devon Tech ~ Change case plus many more options will then be available from the Services menu under the Application name in the Menu bar.

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    Edited by: Holmes.Sherlock on Dec 4, 2012 1:13 PM

    you can translate the password in upper case before call bapi....
    translate psw to upper case.

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    Several protocols may be used.
    Here I describe two of them.
    (1) the one which I use : install and use the "Convert to Lowercase" service available in the free WordService
    (2) copy your text, paste in TextEdit and enter the Edit menu.
    I guess that you will recognize the items in your English menu.
    I apologize but I don't know the English items.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 16 février 2012
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.3
    My Box account  is :

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    Are you talking about the file-name or the actual contents of the file?

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    Can you use lower case in other files? If not, then go to the far right of the tool options and click the little four-lined square and choose Reset Tool.

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                  I have created a smart screen, in which i put the data on different input/output fields and save this data to my own tables, but when i print the report in smart form(hard copy) it's change the fonts to all upper cases, while i have entered the data using the combination of upper and lower case letters.
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    Thanks and regards,

    this link would help u
    how to display uppercase letters to lower case in scripts
    Edited by: shaik sajid on Jul 9, 2009 7:58 AM

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    Castleton228 wrote:
    I'm trying to make all my lower case copy into Upper Case, your advice worked, however, I cannot seem to save the change, or specifically copy and paste the new CAPITALISED text into another document.
    Any thoughts?
    Using Pages in iworks09
    Thanks for any tips
    In that case, use Peter's second suggestion, "Wordservice".

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    You are using Pages for iPad I take it?
    Pages does not have a case conversion function. The one under the Format menu switches Unicode glyphs as part of a style but requires the text to be originally in lowercase.
    Go to the App Store and see what you can find as a 3rd party converter. I don't have it but am sure there will be a TextEditor of some description to do the job.

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    >.. adjust the size of the "lowercase" characters by using a GREP style
    Yes ... and no.
    It doesn't have to be an extremely complicated GREP style. You mention Unicode ranges, but it's not even necessary. You could try
    to select all lowercase characters, but it leaves out accented ones. Now specifying ranges for these doesn't work very good (to put it mildly), because they do not appear consecutively in the Unicode set.
    Fortunately, GREP has a wildcard
    for "lowercase", and this matches
    i every
    lowercase character (even Greek and Russian ones). It's equal to the POSIX expression
    As this seems to work just the way you want, then why the "No"? The GREP style will be applied to
    i all
    lowercase characters in the paragraph, not just to the words you wanted.
    [Warning: Dirty trick follows. Do Not Copy Unless Forced To.]
    Of course you can
    i force
    the GREP style pick up 'unique' words by making them unique somehow. If you insert an invisible character
    i before
    i after
    the words you want to mark -- in the case at hand, the ones you want to small-capitalize --, you can include the invisible characters in the GREP style. For example, by specifying
    you can "mark" words by inserting a soft hyphen before and after certain words. (This example also presumes only lowercase characters inbetween.) You don't have to use the soft hyphen, there are a couple more markers you could (ab)use. I think I'll leave it up to your imagination to wonder where it could possibly go wrong.

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    var str : String = "ToUpperCase" ;
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    is that what you want ?????

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