Change url URLConnection

I want to connect from an applet to a servlet with URLConnection. There are 2 ways to connect: in the beginning of each session you connect to the applet to get a list of drawn shapes. I create an URLConnection object and connect to the servlet. I go into the doGet-method, retrieve the values from a database and returns an arraylist. I use the doPost method to save new shapes.
When i delete a shape from the canvas, i want to return to the doGet method by adding a parameter to the url. E.g ../ShapeServlet?shapeid=20. The problem is, the url is correct, but the URLConnection object keeps using the url from the beginning of the session (without the parameter). I use 2 seperate objects so it's kinda weird he keeps connecting to the servlet with the first url. I also tried to do it hard-coded, but it doesn't work either.
Here's the code:
Load the shapes from the applet:
     public ArrayList loadShapes()
          ObjectInputStream inputFromServlet = null;
               URL servlet = new URL(url);
               URLConnection con = servlet.openConnection();
               inputFromServlet = new ObjectInputStream(con.getInputStream());
               ArrayList lijst = (ArrayList) inputFromServlet.readObject();
               return lijst;
          catch(MalformedURLException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
          catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
          catch(ClassNotFoundException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
          return null;
     }Delete a shape:
     /** Shape weggooien */
     public void deleteShape(int shapeid)
               String a = "http://PCPST2:8080/AppletViewer/ShapeServlet?shapeid=" + shapeid;
               URL servlet = new URL(a);
               System.out.println("DELETESHAPE: " + a);
               URLConnection connectionTwo = servlet.openConnection();               
          catch(MalformedURLException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
          catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }

it seems that deleteShape() doesn't connect to the servlet. Is it possible that >the servlet rejects the connection?No, he simply doesnt connect :), wierd behaviour, but that's how the default implementation of URLConnection and HttpURLConnection works.
The following is from javadocs
The connection object is created by invoking the openConnection method on a URL.
The setup parameters and general request properties are manipulated.
The actual connection to the remote object is made, using the connect method.
The remote object becomes available. The header fields and the contents of the remote object can be accessed.
You havent used the connect() method in your deleteShapes() method.
Hang on, even if you use it, it wouldnt connect to the Servlet.
I did some reading up on this and again javadcos has this to say about the connect() method
Operations that depend on being connected, like getContentLength, will implicitly perform the connection, if necessary.
So what I did was forced connect() by getting the input stream from the connection.
In your code, though the deleteShapes() method doesnt have anything to read from the Servlet, create a reader and make a dummy readLine() call.
You would see that it connects now. Add the code below to your deleteShapes() method.
        InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream());       
        System.out.println((new BufferedReader(reader)).readLine());
         //this will return null, coz there's nothing to be read, and
         //yet it would ensure connection.Hope this helps,

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    Hi Prashant,
    Re-directing to another URL on load of page is a very simple piece of HTML code.Put this on the layout of page from where you want to re-direct to the other URL.
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    Hi Stefan,
    Per my understanding, you might want to change URLs on your pages which are generated from XSLT.
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    Feel free to reply if there may be questions about the solution above.
    Patrick Liang
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    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    IIRC, you use the UrlConnection's methods getHeaderField and getHeaderFields to get the cookies, and then setRequestProperty to set the cookies on subsequent connections. These methods are inherited by HttpUrlConnection.
    There may be a library out there to make this stuff easier, but I don't think it's in the standard libraries.

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    All google needs is q and start, so your first page would be:
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    The page probably sets a cookie. This article tells about one way to handle cookies:

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    ** iv_collection = iv_collection.
    DATA: lt_ivr_url_param TYPE tihttpnvp,
    ls_ivr_url_param TYPE ihttpnvp,
    lr_searchcustomer TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access,
    ls_searchcustomer TYPE crmt_bupa_il_header_search.
    CALL METHOD cl_crm_ui_session_manager=>get_initial_form_fields
    cv_fields = lt_ivr_url_param.
    lr_searchcustomer ?= me->typed_context->searchcustomer->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
    CHECK lr_searchcustomer IS BOUND.
    READ TABLE lt_ivr_url_param INTO ls_ivr_url_param WITH KEY name = 'sap-phoneno'. "'sap-phoneno'.
    IF ls_ivr_url_param-value IS NOT INITIAL.
    ls_searchcustomer-telephone = ls_ivr_url_param-value.
    CALL METHOD lr_searchcustomer->set_properties( EXPORTING is_attributes = ls_searchcustomer ).
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    You need to use adaptive webservice model to change the webservice URL based on the environment i.e. Dev,Test or production which is availiable in NWDS 2004s environment.
    You can refer to links mentioned in below forum.
    Re: Differnce between adptive web service model and webservice model(depricated
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    and then you need to set EndPoint of webservice model with that URL befroe execution of the model.
    String l_endpointurl ="http://"+ l_Server+ ":"+ l_port+ "/webservice name/Config1?style=document";
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    function logout() {
      url = "<%= getLogoutURL(request) %>";
      top.window.location = url;
    }and I've found the getLogoutURL fuction in the uwc/js/resourceBundleUtils.js file which looks like:
      public String getLogoutURL(HttpServletRequest request)
        return UWCApplicationHelper.getLogoutURL(request);
      }But I can't find where the URL is actually configured.
    any help would be much appreciated.
    Edited by: brett_ac on Jun 30, 2009 5:05 PM

    brett_ac wrote:
    We need the Communications Express "Log Out" link to go to a different page to the usual log in page. How can I change this?
    I've found the logout function in the uwc/common/Header.jsp file which looks like:
    function logout() {
    url = "<%= getLogoutURL(request) %>";
    top.window.location = url;
    You got it in one. If you wanted the logout button to redirect to google you would set:
    function logout() {
       url = "";
       top.window.location = url;Then restart the web-container.
    and I've found the getLogoutURL fuction in the uwc/js/resourceBundleUtils.js file which looks like:
      public String getLogoutURL(HttpServletRequest request)
    return UWCApplicationHelper.getLogoutURL(request);
    }But I can't find where the URL is actually configured.UWCApplicationHelper is in inbuilt java class. The UWCApplicationHelper.getLogoutURL java function returns:
    <current URL context>/base/UWCMain?op=logoutSo for example if UWC is deployed to you would get a logout URL of:,

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    List item URLs are basically a URL to the list item using the item Id. In this case 159 is the item id. The URL represents a downloadable resource like a file in a document library. However in a document library you would get the name of the file plus
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    name/dispform.aspx?id=159. This URL will display the view form for the list item.
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    SPFastDeploy | SPRemoteAPIExplorer

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    Thank You,
    Anup Desai.

    Thank you.
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    thanks in advance

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    Hi Mister lks,
    Regarding to your question, I’d suggest that we post at Direct Access, UAG and IAG forum. There you can get more effective suggestion by other experts who familiar with Direct Access. Your understanding is highly appreciated.
    D. Wu
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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