Change VLAN only if check fails

does anybody know if it's possible to change the Client only then to the Auth VLAN if the check fails? We want to authenticated the pc by the MAC-Adressfilter and than the user with the NAC-Agent. But the pc should be always in the default Access-Vlan and only change to Auth-Vlan if the NAC-Agent check fails.

All checks?  Some checks?  One Check?
If all, then you are looking to use a AUTHZ policy for something like this:
Fail-Check if Session:PostureStatus EQUALS NonCompliant then NonCompliantVLAN
Do I understand you want your machines to all pass by MAB and not 802.1X?  Or are you referencing the MAC as part of an 802.1X AUTHC rule?
On your switch, you might want to consider how to handle the access policy if the authenticaiton server (RADIUS/ISE) is unavailable/dead...  Just to be thourough.

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    Waiting 10 seconds for device /dev/disk/by-uuid/22a35aa2-9799-4575-b1eb-456e819a1a26 ...
    kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
    EXT3-fs (sde1): mounted filesystem with writeback data mode
    INIT: version 2.86 booting
    ::Starting UDev DAemon
    ::Triggering UDev uevents
    ::Loading Modules
    ::Waiting for UDev uevents to be processed
    ::Bringing up loopback interface
    ::Mounting Root Read-only
    ::Checking Filesystems
    The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2
    filesystem. If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2
    filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock
    is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock
    * Please repair manually and reboot. Note that the root file system
    * is currently mounted read-only....
    Give root password for maintenance
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    So, at initial grub boot, the grub stage1 is found at (hd0,0). During installation, the SSD was sdf, but after booting the kernel, the SSD is sde. What is going on?
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    Any suggestions on how to fix this?

    I had the same problem.
    Last week I installed Arch onto a new SATA HD. I wanted to make sure the installation worked before I attached the other drives. On booting with the other drives attached, similar messages.
    My solution:
    Login as root.
    Follow the instruction to mount / as read-write so you can make changes to the filesystem.
    edit /etc/fstab and eliminate the references to /dev/sdxx and replace them with UUIDs or labels (as suggested above) as these won't change.
    in /etc/fstab ...
    # external data sources
    #data /dev/sdb6
    UUID=931d7107-1241-4d82-ad28-fcbe7af8ba69 /data ext3 defaults 0 0
    #Documents /dev/sda9
    /dev/disk/by-label/Documents /data/Documents ext3 defaults 0 0
    Reboot and you should be good.
    You can find the UUID of the drives by using
    $ blkid
    or you can set a drive label with e2label, assuming you are using ext2,3 or 4
    Good luck.

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    Find another Mac and check that the A&H works, report back.
    You should also consider a decent external interface, recording off the minijack is the worst choice.

  • How can I stop a task sequence if a custom HTA preflight check fails?

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    Has anyone had success with this, using WINXP? I'd use the MS pre-flight check but it's only for WIN7.

    Interesting. Thanks for the response.  Is there anybody out there that can assist with VBS part of the solution?
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    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title>OSD Preflight checks</title>
    APPLICATIONNAME="OSD Preflight checks"
    <!-- #region STYLEs-->
    <style type="text/css">
    H1{color:Black;text-align:center;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 26px;}
    .Version {float:left; font-size:1.0em;font-style:italic;color:#888888;font-weight:bold;}
    .Header1 {width: 180px; text-align: right;font-weight:bold;}<!-- '1st column heading -->
    H2 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: center;}
    H3 {font-style: italic;}
    .style2 {width: 180px; text-align: left;}
    .Header2 {width: 150px; text-align: right;font-weight:bold;}<!-- '2nd column heading -->
    .style4 {width: 410px; text-align: left;}
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    text-align: center;
    .hidden {display: none; visibility: hidden;}
    </style><!-- #endregion -->
    <script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript">
    ' Script
    ' Version
    ' Purpose To check a machine is suitable for taking an OS deployment
    ' Modular design
    ' Verbose "Debug Mode"
    ' In-built data validation
    ' Custom error handling
    ' Custom error codes - 90x0
    ' Generic WMI handler
    'BUGfix: Change CLng to CDbl to avoid overflow (in GetRAM)
    'fixed - moved head section to top to become head > script > body
    'fixed - fCheckModel display with leading ,
    'fixed - fgetmodels dictionary list
    Option Explicit
    ' #region GLOBAL DECLARATIONS: Persistent fold region
    'GLOBAL Vars
    'Things to just display (in GUI)
    Dim strRAM
    Dim strCPUInfo
    Dim strCPUName
    Dim strCPUDesc
    Dim iCPUCount
    Dim iCPUCoreCount
    Dim iRAM
    Dim strBIOSver, strBIOSDate, strBIOSInfo
    'Time related
    Dim TimerInterval 'timer to refresh HTA at start
    Dim iTimer 'abort timer
    Const iAbortTimeout=300000 'delay before window closes (in milliseconds)
    Dim pbTimerID
    Dim pbHTML
    Dim pbWaitTime
    Dim pbHeight
    Dim pbWidth
    Dim pbBorder
    Dim pbUnloadedColor
    Dim pbLoadedColor
    Dim pbStartTime
    Dim objModelsDict,colKeys,strKey 'models
    Dim objApprovedMakesDict
    'Misc GLOBAL vars
    Dim blnDebug 'set TRUE to trigger debug mode
    Dim bAbortBuild 'Boolean flag to abort or not abort
    Dim strTemp 'throwaway/scratch
    Dim strNamespace 'wmi default namespace for ANY machine
    Dim strComputer 'wmi reference to current machine, just .
    Dim strService 'WMI service
    Dim strQuery 'custom WQL
    Dim ErrMsg 'custom error messages
    Dim iErrMode 'State machine for error mode
    Dim lFlags 'WMI flag
    Dim strDisks
    'Pre-requisites - things that will cause build to abort if values do not meet spec
    Dim strHTAVendor 'Make of hardware
    Dim strHTAVendorState
    Dim strHTAModel 'Model of hardware
    Dim strHTAModelState 'Model state
    Dim strHTARAM 'RAM
    Dim strHTARAMState 'RAM state
    Dim strHTACPUSpeed 'Processor speed
    Dim strHTACPUCores 'Number of cores
    Dim strHTACPUFullInfo 'CPU + cores
    Dim strHTAHDD 'Disk info
    Dim strHTAHDDState 'Disk state
    Dim strHTACheckRAW 'NTFS check
    Dim strHTAArchitecture 'Processor support
    Dim strHTAProduct 'Product ID
    Dim strHTAOutlook 'Outlook running
    Dim strHTAOutlookState 'Outlook state
    Dim strHTABattery 'Battery check
    Dim strHTABatteryState 'Battery state
    'for WQL filters
    Dim strWQLPCInfo 'Pre-req - (1) for various inc. domain role (servers)
    Dim strWQLRAM 'Pre-req - (2) RAM
    Dim strWQLCPU 'Pre-req - CPU speed string (not int)
    Dim strWQLBootOrder 'Pre-req - Boot order string
    Dim strWQLSATAMode 'Pre-req - HDD mode
    Dim strWQLGenericBIOS
    Dim strWQLCPUCount 'Pre-req - how many CPUs
    Dim strWQLCPUInfo
    Dim strWQLFSType 'Pre-req - Check HDD not RAW (i.e. is NTFS)
    Dim strWQLDisks 'Disks
    Dim strWQLChassis 'Machine type
    Dim strWQLID 'Unique code from OEM
    Dim strWQLProc 'is Outlook running = False
    Dim strWQLBattery 'is on Battery = False
    Const cProblem = " Problem!"
    Const cRunAgain =" RunCheck: Run System Check Again"
    Const cSuccess = " Success!"
    Const cPassed=" Pass"
    Const cFail=" Fail"
    'Pre-requisite to check: SET VALUES HERE vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
    Const cApprovedOEM="Hewlett-Packard"
    Const LegacyOEM1="Dell Inc."
    Const LegacyOEM2="IBM"
    Const cMinimumMemoryMB = 1000 'RAM in MB
    'Const cMinimumMemoryMB = 1000000 'force fail test data RAM in MB
    Const cMinFS="NTFS"
    ' Const cMinFS="HPFS" 'force fail test data
    Const iMinCores=1
    'Const iMinCores=10099 'force fail cores test data
    Const iMinCPUSpeed=2 '20 'in GHz
    'Const iMinCPUSpeed=90000 'in GHz
    Const iMinCPUArch=32
    'Const iMinCPUArch=64
    ' #endregion
    ' To hide anything use ID.className = "hidden", to show set to "", e.g. NotFoundArea.className = "hidden"
    Sub Window_Onload
    VersionSpan.InnerText = objOSDPreReqChecks.Version 'Get version
    self.moveTo 100,100 'Move window top left
    StatusBar.InnerText="Validating machine..." = "wait" 'hourglass cursor
    'Call PreflightChecks 'use for testing as a VBS only, otherwise HTA timer will call below
    TimerInterval = window.setInterval("PreflightChecks",10)
    End Sub
    Function PreflightChecks
    ' #region HEADER NOTES: Persistent fold region
    'Version history
    'ver 5 OCTOBER 2011 - added error handler
    'ver 3rd Nov - removed HPonly queries
    '// Solution: Custom Script for use with MDT - Adapted from hardwareinfo.vbs Mikael Nystrom –
    'Typical BIOS content
    'Processor Speed = 2133/1066 MHz
    'Boot Order = Network Controller,ATAPI CD-ROM Drive,USB device,Hard Drive,Diskette Drive,PnP Device #2,PnP Device #3,PnP Device #4,PnP Device #5,PnP Device #6,PnP Device #7,PnPe #8,PnP Device #9,PnP Device #10,PnP Device #11
    'SATA (disk) mode: *IDE,--,RAID,-- or IDE,*AHCI,RAID
    'On Error Resume Next
    ' #endregion
    ' #region CONSTANTS: Persistent fold region
    'Fields available in HP BIOS
    Const sAsset = "Notebook Asset Tag"
    Const sOwner = "Notebook Ownership Tag"
    Const sMan = "Manufacturer"
    Const sNoteModel = "Notebook Model"
    Const sCPU = "Processor Type"
    Const sCPUSpeed = "Processor Speed"
    Const sRAM = "Memory Size"
    Const sModel = "Product Name"
    Const sBIOSName ="System BIOS"
    Const sBIOSVer = "BIOS Version"
    Const sBIOSDate = "BIOS Date"
    'Other BIOS stuff you could use too
    'Const sOwnerTag = "Enter Ownership Tag"
    'Const sBIOS = "PCID"
    'Const sBIOS = "Define Custom URL"
    'Const sBIOS = "Set Alarm Time"
    'Const sBIOS = "PCID Version"
    Const TextMode="1" 'text case sensitive for dict obj
    'WMI core constants
    Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 16 'wmi - Causes the call to return immediately.
    Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = 32 'wmi - Causes a forward-only enumerator to be returned.
    'Forward-only enumerators are generally much faster and
    'use less memory than conventional enumerators, but don't allow calls to SWbemObject.Clone_
    'Advisory config values - as in "you want to the change these"
    Dim strHTABootOrder
    Dim strHTASATAMode
    'Dim strHTACPU
    ' #endregion
    ' #region WQL: Persistent fold region
    lFlags = wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly
    'Queries of things to check (HP)
    strWQLBootOrder = "select Name, value from HP_BIOSSetting where Name='Boot order'"
    strWQLSATAMode = "select Name, value from HP_BIOSSetting where (Name='SATA emulation' or name='SATA device mode')"
    strWQLDisks ="SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive where mediatype like 'Fixed%hard disk%'" 'win32_disk only avail after W7
    strWQLFSType ="SELECT * from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType='3'" 'only bother with HDDs
    'Generic WMI query strings
    strWQLGenericBIOS="SELECT Manufacturer,SMBIOSBIOSVersion,ReleaseDate FROM Win32_BIOS WHERE PrimaryBIOS = True"
    strWQLCPUCount= "SELECT NumberOfProcessors,NumberOfLogicalProcessors from Win32_ComputerSystem"
    strWQLCPUInfo="SELECT Name,DataWidth,description,MaxClockSpeed,NumberofCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors from Win32_Processor"
    strWQLPCInfo="SELECT Domain,DomainRole,SystemType,Manufacturer,Model,TotalPhysicalMemory FROM Win32_ComputerSystem"
    ' strWQLPCInfo="SELECT Domain,DomainRole,SystemType,Manufacturer FROM Win32_ComputerSystem"
    strWQLChassis="SELECT ChassisTypes from Win32_SystemEnclosure"
    strWQLID="SELECT IdentifyingNumber,UUID from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct"
    strWQLRAM="SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory"
    strWQLProc="SELECT * FROM Win32_Process"
    strWQLBattery="SELECT * FROM BatteryStatus Where Voltage > 0"
    ' #endregion
    ' #region MAIN algorithm
    ' MAIN
    '1) Check make (vendor)
    '2) Check model (in list)
    '3) Check RAM >x
    '4) Check HDD TYPE (HDD is not RAW)
    '5) Check CPU architecture
    '6) Check outlook
    '7) Check battery
    window.clearInterval(TimerInterval) 'Reset timer to 0
    ' blnDebug=True
    bAbortBuild=False 'default to DON'T abort
    ' bAbortBuild=True
    'Build list of approved vendors
    Set objApprovedMakesDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    objApprovedMakesDict.add cApprovedOEM,"OK"
    objApprovedMakesDict.add LegacyOEM1,"OK"
    objApprovedMakesDict.add LegacyOEM2,"OK"
    objApprovedMakesDict.add "Lenovo","Testdata"
    If blnDebug Then Stop
    '1) all machines check make
    strHTAVendor=fCheckVendor(strWQLGenericBIOS) 'check vendor in BIOS - if vendor not approved ABORT without proceeding
    If bAbortBuild=True Then
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "FATAL ERROR - goodbye cruel world"
    iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript")
    StatusBar.InnerText="Vendor: " & strHTAVendor & vbTab & " " & strHTAVendorState
    '2) Discover current Model
    strHTAModel=fGetModelName(strWQLPCInfo) 'get model name from WMI
    strHTAModel=fUniversalCheckData(strHTAModel,"'Discover Model - fGetModelName'") 'validate
    Call fGetModels 'get list of all valid models (from text file)
    '2a) Model number (optional)
    strHTAProduct=fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber(strWQLID) 'manufacturer's product ID
    strHTAProduct=fUniversalCheckData(strHTAProduct,"'Discover ID - fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber'")
    ' StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & vbTab & "Product Code: " & vbTab & strHTAProduct
    '3) Check installed Memory
    strHTARAM=fGetRAM(strWQLRAM) 'find RAM size
    strHTARAM=fUniversalCheckData(strHTARAM,"'Detect RAM - fCheckRAM'")
    strHTARAM=fCheckRAM(strHTARAM) 'check RAM meets req
    If strHTARAMState=cFail Then Exit Function
    '4) Disk format IS NTFS
    strDisks=fGetDrives(strWQLFSType) 'Get formatting info for all drives
    strHTACheckRAW=fUniversalCheckData(strDisks,"'Detect filesystem - fCheckNTFS'") 'Validate data
    strHTACheckRAW=fCheckNTFS(strDisks) 'Check FS format is acceptable (not RAW)
    If strHTACheckRAW=cFail Then Exit Function
    'Generic CPU calls
    strHTACPUFullInfo="CPUs:" & fGetCPUInfo(strWQLCPUInfo) & " with CPU cores:" & iCPUCoreCount
    strBIOSInfo="BIOS version: " & strBIOSver & ", dated " & strBIOSDate
    '5a) CPU Speed check (info from
    strCPUInfo=WMI(strWQLCPUInfo,strNamespace) 'Get CPU details
    strTemp=split(strCPUInfo,"@"): strHTACPUSpeed=strTemp(1)
    strHTACPUSpeed=fUniversalCheckData(strHTACPUSpeed,"'Check processor - fCheckCPUSpeed'") 'Validate data
    strHTACPUSpeed=fCheckCPUSpeed(strHTACPUSpeed) 'Check CPU clock speed
    '5b) cores check
    strHTACPUCores=fUniversalCheckData(iCPUCoreCount,"Check core count - fCheckCores") 'Validate data
    iCPUCoreCount=fCheckCores(iCPUCoreCount) 'pass or fail?
    '5c) CPU address width
    strHTAArchitecture=fUniversalCheckData(strHTAArchitecture,"Check core count - fCheckCores") 'Validate data
    '6) Check outlook
    '7) Check Battery
    'end checkss = "default"
    'Display hardware values in GUI (in table)
    Vendor.innerhtml = strHTAVendor 'Use str...var..STATE if you want Pass/fail text instead
    Model.innerhtml = strHTAModel
    Product.innerhtml = strHTAProduct
    RAM.innerhtml = strHTARAM
    CPUspeed.innerhtml = strHTACPUSpeed
    CPUInfo.innerhtml = strHTACPUFullInfo
    HDDFS.innerhtml = strHTACheckRAW
    BIOSversion.innerhtml = strBIOSver
    BIOSDate.innerhtml = strBIOSDate' CPUName.innerhtml = strCPUDesc 'GetCPUName
    End If
    ' #endregion
    End Function
    'generic WMI queries, by field and namespace
    Function WMI(strQuery,strNameSpace)
    'Aim: generic WMI calls
    'return value of BIOS
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim colItems,objItem
    Dim objWMI
    Const strService = "winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}//" 'binding to WMI
    Const strComputer = "." 'this machine
    Set objWMI = GetObject(strService & strComputer & strNamespace) 'GLOBAL wmi
    Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery(strQuery,,lFlags)
    For Each objItem In colItems
    If Err Then
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "WMI query: " & strQuery & " in " & strNamespace & objItem.Name
    Call ErrHandler("WMI error " & strQuery,1)
    WMI=objItem.Name 'Return value
    End If
    End Function
    Function fGetModelName(strWQLPCInfo)
    'Aim: Get model name from BIOS - WMI field sometimes varies if laptop, so try two
    'Return STRING: Model string from BIOS or "UNKNOWN" if null
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim colPCInfo,objPCItem
    Dim strModel
    Set colPCInfo = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strWQLPCInfo,"WQL",lFlags)
    If Err Then
    Call ErrHandler("fGetModelName: Error querying WMI " & strWQLPCInfo,2)
    For Each objPCItem In colPCInfo
    If Not IsNull(objPCItem.Model) Then
    ' iRAM=objPCItem.TotalPhysicalMemory
    If (strHTAVendor=cApprovedOEM And IsLaptop = True) Then ' resort to HP specific query for older laptops
    if strModel="" then strModel=QueryHPBIOS(sModel) 'try alt value
    End If
    End If
    End If
    If strModel = "" Then
    fGetModelName = "UNKNOWN""hidden"
    End If
    End Function
    Function fGetRAM(strQuery)
    'Aim: get RAM installed. NB Win32_ComputerSystem::TotalPhysicalMemory may not be accurate
    'Return integer
    On Error Resume Next 'equiv to Err.Clear
    Dim colItems, item
    Dim iTotalMemory
    Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",lFlags)
    If Err Then
    Call ErrHandler("fGetRAM: Error querying " & strQuery,2)
    iTotalMemory = 0
    For Each item In colItems
    iTotalMemory = iTotalMemory + CDBL(item.Capacity)/(1024^2)
    End If
    If iTotalMemory = "" Then
    fGetRAM = "RAM UNKNOWN""hidden"
    End If
    End Function
    Function fGetCPUInfo(strQuery)
    'Aim: query WMI for CPU info - number and number of cores
    'Return: function=CPU count, var for the cores: iCPUCoreCount, strHTAArchitecture, strCPUDesc
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim colItems, objItem
    Dim NumberOfProcessors
    Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",lFlags)
    If Err Then
    Call ErrHandler("GetCPUInfo: Error querying " & strQuery,2)
    For Each objItem In colItems
    If Err Then
    If Not IsNull(objItem.NumberOfCores) Then
    NumberOfProcessors = Trim(objItem.NumberOfCores) 'NumberOfProcessors
    End If
    If Not IsNull(objItem.NumberOfLogicalProcessors) Then
    iCPUCoreCount = Int(Trim(objItem.NumberOfLogicalProcessors))
    End If
    If Not IsNull(objItem.DataWidth) Then
    strHTAArchitecture=Trim(objItem.DataWidth) & "-bit"
    End If
    If Not IsNull(objItem.description) Then
    strCPUDesc = Trim(objItem.description) 'cpu name
    End If
    End If
    If NumberOfProcessors = "" Then
    NumberOfProcessors = "UNKNOWN"
    End If
    fGetCPUInfo = Int(NumberOfProcessors)
    ' iCPUCoreCount = Int(NumberOfLogicalProcessors)
    End If
    End Function
    Function fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber(strWQLID)
    'Aim: Get UUID from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct
    'Return: great big integer
    Dim colSys,objSys
    Dim strUUID
    On Error resume next
    Set colSys = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strWQLID,"WQL",lFlags)
    If Err then
    Call ErrHandler("fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber: Error querying " & strWQLID,2)
    For Each objSys In colSys
    If Not IsNull(objSys.IdentifyingNumber) Then
    strUUID = Trim(objSys.IdentifyingNumber)
    End If
    If strUUID = "" Then
    fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber = "UNKNOWN"
    fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber = strUUID
    End If
    End If
    End Function
    Function fGetDrives(strQuery)
    Dim colDisks,objHDD
    Dim strDriveType, strDiskSize, strDisk
    Dim strDiskFSType
    Dim iGBUnits
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim iRAW
    Set colDisks = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery)
    For Each objHDD In colDisks
    Select Case objHDD.DriveType
    Case 1 strDriveType = "Drive could not be determined."
    Case 2 strDriveType = "Removable Drive"
    Case 3 strDriveType = "Local hard disk."
    Case 4 strDriveType = "Network disk."
    Case 5 strDriveType = "Compact disk (CD)"
    Case 6 strDriveType = "RAM disk."
    Case Else strDriveType = "Drive type Problem."
    End Select
    strDiskFSType = objHDD.FileSystem
    'Find C
    If objHDD.Name="C:" Then
    If isNull(objHDD.FreeSpace) Then
    If blnDebug=True then Call ErrHandler("ALERT!! Volume " & objHDD.Name & "is RAW",1) 'Abort/clean
    fCheckDrives="ALERT!! Volume " & objHDD.Name & "is RAW"
    End If
    End If
    strDiskSize = Int(objHDD.Size /iGBUnits) & "GB" 'calc size of disk
    strDisk = strDisk & VbCrLf & "Vol " & objHDD.Name & " (" & strDriveType & ") size: " & strDiskSize & " (free: " & Int(objHDD.FreeSpace /iGBUnits) & "GB), " & strDiskFSType
    If (Err.Number <>0) Then
    Call ErrHandler("WMI Property Query Error: [" & Err.Number & "]",2)
    fGetDrives = -1
    Exit Function
    End If
    End Function
    Function fUniversalCheckData(varData,strStage) 'template
    'Aim: Check value passed...
    'is not blank
    'is in range x..y
    'spelt OK
    'is in a list
    'format is text, numeric
    'return: string: the original value
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim Err
    if blnDebug Then StatusBar.InnerText = StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Validating " & strStage & " data..."
    If Err Then
    Call ErrHandler("WARNING: Error discovering value in " & strStage,2) '1=Quit,2=Warn
    Select Case varData
    Case IsEmpty(varData) Or IsNull(varData)
    Call ErrHandler("WARNING: Error in "& strStage,2) '1=Quit,2=Warn
    Case IsNumeric(varData)
    If varData<0 Then
    Call ErrHandler("WARNING: Value negative"& strStage,2) '1=Quit,2=Warn
    End if
    ' & varData &
    Case IsDate(varData)
    Case Else
    fUniversalCheckData=varData 'Data OK - return value unchanged
    End Select
    End If
    End Function
    'Checks - follow if true DO, if false warn/abort
    Function fCheckBattery(strQuery)
    'Aim: Find if battery is running
    'Return pass/fail
    On Error Resume Next 'equiv to Err.Clear
    Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10
    Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20
    Dim colItems, item
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\WMI")
    Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM BatteryStatus Where Voltage > 0", "WQL", _
    wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)
    For Each item In colItems
    if objItem.PowerOnline = True Then
    strHTABatteryState = cFail
    Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckBattery",strHTABattery & " Laptop running on battery. OSD Cannot continue."
    Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTABatteryState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "FATAL ERROR - Laptop on Battery. Please plug into an outlet before proceeding."
    iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript")
    strHTABatteryState = cPassed
    End if
    End Function
    Function fCheckProcess(strQuery)
    'Aim: Find if outlook is running
    'Return pass/fail
    On Error Resume Next 'equiv to Err.Clear
    Dim colItems, item
    Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",lFlags)
    For Each item In colItems
    if item.Name = "OUTLOOK.EXE" Then
    strHTAOutlookState = cFail
    Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckOutlook",strHTAOutlook & " running. OSD Cannot continue."
    Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTAOutlookState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "FATAL ERROR - Outlook Running, please close outlook before proceeding."
    iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript")
    Elseif item.Name = "communicator.exe" Then
    strHTAOutlookState = cFail
    Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckOutlook",strHTAOutlook & " running. OSD Cannot continue."
    Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTAOutlookState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "FATAL ERROR - Communicator Running, please close OCS before proceeding."
    iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript")
    strHTAOutlookState = cPassed
    End if
    End Function
    '1 - Make
    Function fCheckVendor(strVendor)
    'Aim: Check make is one the OS/build is designed For
    'Return: STRINGS for "Make", BIOS version and BIOS date (generic): strHTAVendorState pass or fail
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim colItems,objItem
    Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strVendor, "WQL", lFlags)
    For Each objItem In colItems
    if objApprovedMakesDict.exists(strHTAVendor) then
    strBIOSDate=Mid( objItem.ReleaseDate, 5, 2 ) & "/" & Mid( objItem.ReleaseDate, 7, 2 ) & "/" & Left( objItem.ReleaseDate, 4 )
    Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckVendor",strHTAVendor & " found. The build will not work on this make of hardware"
    Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTAVendorState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
    end if
    End Function
    '2 - Models check
    Function fCheckModel(strThisModel)
    'Aim Check target machine is in list of models
    'Return string
    On Error Resume Next
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking model..." & VbCrLf
    If objModelsDict.exists(trim(strThisModel)) then ' if current model in objDict then huzzah
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "Model detected: " & vbTab & strHTAModelState
    Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckModel",strThisModel & " found. The build will not work on this model of hardware"
    Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTAModelState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
    end if
    End Function
    '3 - RAM
    Function fCheckRAM(strRAM)
    'Aim: Check installed RAM > x
    'Return string digits with units, e.g. 4GB
    'use strHTARAM for value
    ' Memory Preflight Check (from MDT2012)
    On Error Resume Next
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking RAM..."
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Call ErrHandler("Error occurred while calculating computer's memory.",2)
    End If
    fCheckRAM = Int(strRAM/1024) & "GB" 'format in GB
    If Int(strRAM) > cMinimumMemoryMB Then
    strHTARAMState=cPassed 'Sufficient memory - show whole number in GB"
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "RAM installed: " & vbTab & strHTARAMState
    Err.Raise 9030 ,"fCheckRAM","Not enough memory in this machine!" & " Required physical memory is: " & cMinimumMemoryMB & " MB."
    Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTARAMState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1) 'abort build
    End If
    End Function
    '4 - NTFS disk
    Function fCheckNTFS(strDiskFS)
    'Aim: Check HDD is NTFS
    'Return string
    On Error Resume Next
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking file system is not RAW..."
    If Instr(1,strDiskFS,cMinFS,VBTextCompare)<>0 Then
    fCheckNTFS=cMinFS 'disk format is OK (NTFS)
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & " File system: " & cPassed
    Err.Raise 9040 ,"fCheckNTFS","WARNING: Disk not correct file-system. Type required is: " & cMinFS & "." & VbCrLf & _
    "The deployment will fail unless you reformat the target disk immediately."
    Call ErrHandler(Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",2) 'halt build
    End If
    End Function
    '5 - CPU checks
    Function fCheckCPUSpeed(strCPU) 'any HW
    'Aim: Check CPU speed
    'Return string = number + appropriate units, e.g. 5HGz (strCPU)
    On Error Resume Next
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking CPU spec..."
    Select Case Right(strCPU,3) 'check units
    Case "MHz"
    strCPU=Left(strCPU,4)/1000 'reformat to GHz
    Case "GHz"
    strCPU=strCPU 'unit already OK
    Case Else
    Call ErrHandler("CPU units are unknown",2)
    End Select
    'Check clock speed
    If Int(Left(trim(strCPU),1))>=iMinCPUSpeed Then
    fCheckCPUSpeed=strHTACPUSpeed 'CPU is fine i.e don't change value
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "CPU Speed: " & cPassed
    fCheckCPUSpeed=cFail 'already in GHz
    Err.Raise 9050,"fCheckCPUSpeed","CPU speed pre-requisite failed. Minimum processor clock speed is: " & iMinCPUSpeed
    Call ErrHandler(Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1) 'halt build
    End If
    End Function
    Function fCheckCPUArch(strCPUArch) 'any HW
    'Aim: Check CPU width
    'Return string
    On Error Resume Next
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking CPU bus width..."
    'Check clock speed
    If Int(Left(trim(strCPUArch),2))>=iMinCPUArch Then
    fCheckCPUArch=strHTAArchitecture 'CPU is fine i.e don't change value
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "CPU width: " & cPassed
    fCheckCPUArch=cFail 'already in GHz
    Err.Raise 9052,"fCheckCPUArch","CPU width pre-requisite failed. Minimum processor width required is: " & iMinCPUArch
    Call ErrHandler(Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1) 'abort build
    End If
    End Function
    Function fCheckCores(iCores)
    'Aim: Check hardware (CPU) has a minimum number of cores
    'Return Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking CPU cores..."
    If iCores>=iMinCores Then
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "Core count: " & vbTab & cPassed
    'StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "CPU cores: " & cPassed
    Err.Raise 9051,"fCheckCores","WARNING: Not enough cores on the CPU to support the build. Minimum CPU cores is: " & iMinCores
    Call ErrHandler(Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",2) 'halt build
    End If
    End Function
    Function fCheckHPCPUSpeed 'HP ONLY
    'Aim: Check CPU speed
    'return: string
    'Check CPU speed
    On Error Resume Next
    strWQLCPU = "processor speed"
    Select Case Right(strTemp,3)
    Case "MHz"
    strTemp=Left(strTemp,4)/1000 'reformat to GHz
    Case "GHz"
    strTemp 'is OK
    Case Else
    Call ErrHandler("CPU is unknown",2)
    End Select
    'Check clock speed
    If strTemp>=iMinCPUSpeed Then
    fCheckCPUSpeed= strTemp & "GHz"
    Err.Raise 9050,,"CPU speed pre-requisite failed"
    Call ErrHandler("CPU is too slow",1)
    fCheckCPUSpeed=cFail 'already in GHz
    End If
    End Function
    Function fGetModels
    'Aim: Read external text file
    'return: dictionary object - models as key, integer as value e.g. Dell Optiplex,12
    'On Error Resume Next
    Dim objFSO
    Dim objFile
    Dim strFile
    Dim strEntry
    Dim n
    Dim strfilepath
    Dim iLineCount 'count lines to avoid listing first item with ,.
    Set objModelsDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Const ForReading=1
    strfilepath = Left(window.location.pathname,InStrRev(window.location.pathname,"\"))
    strFile=strfilepath & "Models.txt"
    set objFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFile,ForReading)
    'read in each line of data until you reach the end of the file
    do While objFile.AtEndOfStream<>True
    'you can now do what ever you want with the line as referenced with the strEntry variable such as
    'echoing it back (e.g. wscript.Echo strEntry) or passing it as a variable to a function of subroutine (e.g. MyFunction strEntry)
    objModelsDict.Add strEntry,iLineCount
    If blnDebug then
    If iLineCount=1 Then
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & ", " & trim(strEntry) 'list models
    End If
    End If
    End Function
    Function ErrHandler(strErrorMsg,iErrMode)
    'Aim: to handle error states
    ' 1 = Abort
    ' 2 = Warn
    'Return 'Appropriate text message explaining the error
    Const msgTitle="SCCM Deployment Preflight Checklist"
    'On Error Resume Next '< don't use that as we want to KEEP the error properties
    If iErrMode=1 Then
    StatusBar.InnerText=strErrorMsg 'overwrite status with Error message
    ' StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & " " & strHTAOutlook & " " & strHTAVendor & " " & strHTAVendorState & _
    ' VbCrLf & " " & strHTAModel & strHTAModelState & _
    ' VbCrLf & " " & strHTARAM & strHTARAMState & _
    ' VbCrLf & " " & strHTAHDD & strHTAHDDState
    iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript") 'Abort (close) after n seconds
    'MsgBox strErrorMsg,vbExclamation,msgTitle
    ElseIf iErrMode=2 Then
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & strErrorMsg & " " '& "(" & Err.Description & " :" & Err.Number & ")"',vbExclamation,msgTitle
    End If
    End Function
    Sub Abort
    'Aim: Quit gracefully
    End Sub
    <!-- #region BODY -->
    <br />
    <span style="version"> <span id="VersionSpan"></span></div>
    <div style="text-align: center;">
    <H1 style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: large; text-align: center; color: #000000; text-transform: capitalize">System information</H1>
    <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width: 912px"
    <tr class="h1">
    <td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px; height: 18px">
    <td align="right" class="Header1" style="height: 18px"><em id="VendorCaption">Vendor</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style2" style="height: 18px"><span id="Vendor"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header2" style="height: 18px"><em id="ModelCaption">Model</em></td>
    <td align="center" class="style4" style="width: 400px; height: 18px"><span id="Model"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px">
    <td align="right" class="Header1"><em id="ProductCaption">Product ID</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style2"><span id="Product"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header2"><em id="RAMCaption">Memory(in MB)</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style4" style="width: 400px"><span id="RAM"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px">
    <td align="right" class="Header1"><em id="CPUCaption">CPU speed (in GHz)</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style2"><span id="CPUspeed"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header2"><em id="CPUInfoCaption">No: CPU\Cores</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style4" style="width: 400px"><span id="CPUInfo"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px">
    <td align="right" class="Header1"><em id="DiskFSCaption">Filesystem info</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style2"><span id="HDDFS"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header2"><em id="CapableArchCaption">Architecture</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style4" style="width: 400px"><span id="CapableArchitecture"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px">
    <td align="right" class="Header1"><em id="BIOSVerCaption">BIOS version</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style2" ><span id="BIOSVERSION"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header2"><em id="BIOSDateCaption">BIOS Date</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style4" style="width: 400px"><span id="BIOSDate"></span></td>
    <div class="StatusBar">
    <br />
    <Span id="StatusBar">Loading...please wait.</Span>
    </div> <br><br>
    <div align="center">
    <input type="button" name="btnStop" id="btnStop" value="Continue" onclick="Abort">
    <input type="Button" value="Re-Scan Machine" name="button1" onClick="Window_Onload" class="button">
    </body><!-- #endregion -->

  • Java ME 8 Permission check failed when opening a serial port

    I have a larger Jave ME8.1 application that was going well until I tried to add one last piece, reading and writing data from a serial port. This was left to last because it is trivial, at least in most programming languages. The is IDE NetBeans 8.0.2 running on a Windows 7 PC. The platform is a Raspberry Pi B or B+ (I have tried both) with the most current Raspbian (12/24/2014 I believe). To simplify the process I created a new app with just the open and close code and this generates the same error I am experiencing in the larger application. The program is as follows:
    package javamecomapp;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;
    * @author ****
    public class JavaMEcomApp extends MIDlet {
        static int BAUD_RATE = 38400;
        static String SERIAL_DEVICE = "ttyAMA0";
        static CommConnection commConnection = null;
        static OutputStream os = null;
        static InputStream is = null;
        static String connectorString;
        private int rtnValue = -1;
        public void startApp() {
            java.lang.System.out.println("Opening comm port.");
            try {
                rtnValue = JavaMEcomApp.openComm();
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(JavaMEcomApp.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
            java.lang.System.out.println("Closing comm port.");
            try {
                rtnValue = JavaMEcomApp.closeComm();
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(JavaMEcomApp.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            private static int openComm()throws IOException {
                java.lang.System.out.println("Opening comm port.");
                connectorString = "comm:" + SERIAL_DEVICE + ";baudrate=" + BAUD_RATE;
                commConnection = (CommConnection);
                is  = commConnection.openInputStream();
                os = commConnection.openOutputStream();
            return 0;
        private static int closeComm()throws IOException {
            java.lang.System.out.println("Closing comm port.");
            return 0;
    If I comment out the JavaMEcomApp.openComm and closeComm lines it runs fine. When they are included, the following error is dumped to the Raspberry Pi terminal:
    Opening comm port.
    Opening comm port.
    [CRITICAL] [SECURITY] iso=2:Permission check failed: "comm:ttyAMA0;baudrate=38400" ""
    TRACE: <at >, startApp threw an Exception
    - com/oracle/meep/security/AccessControllerInternal.checkPermission(), bci=118
    - java/security/AccessController.checkPermission(), bci=1
    - com/sun/midp/io/j2me/comm/Protocol.checkForPermission(), bci=16
    - com/sun/midp/io/j2me/comm/Protocol.openPrim(), bci=31
    - javax/microedition/io/, bci=77
    - javax/microedition/io/, bci=6
    - javax/microedition/io/, bci=3
    - javamecomapp/JavaMEcomApp.openComm(), bci=46
    - javamecomapp/JavaMEcomApp.startApp(), bci=9
    - javax/microedition/midlet/MIDletTunnelImpl.callStartApp(), bci=1
    - com/sun/midp/midlet/MIDletPeer.startApp(), bci=5
    - com/sun/midp/midlet/MIDletStateHandler.startSuite(), bci=246
    - com/sun/midp/main/AbstractMIDletSuiteLoader.startSuite(), bci=38
    - com/sun/midp/main/CldcMIDletSuiteLoader.startSuite(), bci=5
    - com/sun/midp/main/AbstractMIDletSuiteLoader.runMIDletSuite(), bci=130
    - com/sun/midp/main/AppIsolateMIDletSuiteLoader.main(), bci=26
    - com/oracle/meep/security/AccessControllerInternal.checkPermission(), bci=118
    - java/security/AccessController.checkPermission(), bci=1
    - com/sun/midp/io/j2me/comm/Protocol.checkForPermission(), bci=16
    - com/sun/midp/io/j2me/comm/Protocol.openPrim(), bci=31
    - javax/microedition/io/, bci=77
    - javax/microedition/io/, bci=6
    - javax/microedition/io/, bci=3
    - javamecomapp/JavaMEcomApp.openComm(), bci=46
    - javamecomapp/JavaMEcomApp.startApp(), bci=9
    - javax/microedition/midlet/MIDletTunnelImpl.callStartApp(), bci=1
    - com/sun/midp/midlet/MIDletPeer.startApp(), bci=5
    - com/sun/midp/midlet/MIDletStateHandler.startSuite(), bci=246
    - com/sun/midp/main/AbstractMIDletSuiteLoader.startSuite(), bci=38
    - com/sun/midp/main/CldcMIDletSuiteLoader.startSuite(), bci=5
    - com/sun/midp/main/AbstractMIDletSuiteLoader.runMIDletSuite(), bci=130
    - com/sun/midp/main/AppIsolateMIDletSuiteLoader.main(), bci=26
    Closing comm port.
    Closing comm port.
    TRACE: <at java.lang.NullPointerException>, destroyApp threw an Exception
    - javamecomapp/JavaMEcomApp.closeComm(), bci=11
    - javamecomapp/JavaMEcomApp.destroyApp(), bci=9
    - javax/microedition/midlet/MIDletTunnelImpl.callDestroyApp(), bci=2
    - com/sun/midp/midlet/MIDletPeer.destroyApp(), bci=6
    - com/sun/midp/midlet/MIDletStateHandler.startSuite(), bci=376
    - com/sun/midp/main/AbstractMIDletSuiteLoader.startSuite(), bci=38
    - com/sun/midp/main/CldcMIDletSuiteLoader.startSuite(), bci=5
    - com/sun/midp/main/AbstractMIDletSuiteLoader.runMIDletSuite(), bci=130
    - com/sun/midp/main/AppIsolateMIDletSuiteLoader.main(), bci=26
    - javamecomapp/JavaMEcomApp.closeComm(), bci=11
    - javamecomapp/JavaMEcomApp.destroyApp(), bci=9
    - javax/microedition/midlet/MIDletTunnelImpl.callDestroyApp(), bci=2
    - com/sun/midp/midlet/MIDletPeer.destroyApp(), bci=6
    - com/sun/midp/midlet/MIDletStateHandler.startSuite(), bci=376
    - com/sun/midp/main/AbstractMIDletSuiteLoader.startSuite(), bci=38
    - com/sun/midp/main/CldcMIDletSuiteLoader.startSuite(), bci=5
    - com/sun/midp/main/AbstractMIDletSuiteLoader.runMIDletSuite(), bci=130
    com/sun/midp/main/AppIsolateMIDletSuiteLoader.main(), bci=26
    I have tried this with three different serial ports, /dev/ttyAMA0 (yes I did disable the OS from using it), an arduino board /dev/ttyACM0, and a USB to RS485 adaptor /dev/ttyUSB0. All of these ports could be connected and use normally with both a C program and terminal program in the Pi. The API Permissions were set in the project properties / Application Descriptor / API Permissions to jdk.dio.DeviceMgmtPermission "/dev/ttyAMA0". This of course was changed as I tested different devices.
    I found a reference suggesting adding the line "authentication.provider =" to the end of the jwc_properties.ini file. This had no effect. I found references that during development in eclipse and NetBeans, the app is already elevated to the top level so this should not be an issue until deployment. This does not appear to be the case.
    I am out of time and need a solution quickly. Any suggestions are welcome.

       Thank you for responding and confirming the issues I'm having with static addressing.  As far as the example above, I do have the standard LEDs working correctly, however, the example I'm referring to above is from the JavaME samples using the GPIO Port for the LEDS, according to the Device I/O Preconfigured List you referenced:
    GPIO Ports
    The following GPIO ports are preconfigured.
    Devicel ID
    Device Name
    direction = 1 (Output only)
    initValue = 0
    controllerNumber = 1
    pinNumber = 22
    mode = 4 (Push-pull mode)
    controllerNumber = 4
    pinNumber = 26
    mode = 4 (Push-pull mode)
    controllerNumber = 1
    pinNumber = 21
    mode = 4 (Push-pull mode)
    So is the assumption that using GPIOPort for accessing the GPIO port for Device ID 8 as listed in the Device I/O Preconfigured list not supported?

  • SQL SERVER 2014 - Project consistency check failed. The following inconsistencies were detected: package.dtsx. has a different ProtectionLevel than the project.

    I am getting the following error when I right click on a package in solution explorer and execute using SQL Server 2014:
    Project consistency check failed. The following inconsistencies were detected: package.dtsx. has a different ProtectionLevel than the project.
    Luckily my solution only has 10 packages.  I have verified and re-verified that everyone is set to dontsavesensitive.
    I have verified and re-verified that the solution has the protection level to dontsavesensitive.
    What on earth is going on here?  I am using windows authentication and have no need for the package to save any sensitive information, nor should there be any.
    Can someone please help me out here?
    The Degenerate Dimension

    Hi MMiligan,
    Just as the error message said, the exactly issue is that the package package.dtsx has a different ProtectionLevel property value than the project.
    So please double check the value of project ProtectionLevel property, like DontSaveSensitive, then make sure all packages in the project use the same ProtectionLevel value.
    If there is still an error message indicated that some packages use a different value, please right-click the indicated package to select View Code, then make sure there is a line like below(the DontSaveSensitive
    protection level corresponds to the value of 0):
    The following similar thread is for your reference:
    Katherine Xiong
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Filesystem check failed, but filesystems are clean

    Im running custom kernel and this might be related to it, but Im on my wits' end here and looking for pointers.
    The problem is, Im getting filesystem check failed every time I boot my system. And it gives no apparent reason
    for it to happen. I have fsck'd my partitions many times and they are clean. My hwclock is in time and rc.conf is set
    to 'localtime'. The problem didn't occurs on the previous kernel (2.6.18) I had, so I've been using its running config to
    compile the new one (2.6.23). The thing is, the previous kernel works fine, no filesystem check failed in boot. Only
    difference between those two is I had to enable HOTPLUG in the newer kernel to get udev working, otherwise it would
    complain about failing netlink socket in initscript.
    As a temporary solution, I commented out the filesystem check from the rc.sysinit and it boots further. This time
    it fails to mount my /boot/ and /home/ directory and fails to activate my swap. Effectively only root is mounted, but
    after logging in, "mount -a" works without any problems and I can use my system normally.
    I have compiled all(?) the needed modules to the kernel, so initramfs shouldn't be needed, but I've tried it anyway, no
    luck there. The system is build with 2009.08 core install disc, no packages updated as far as I recall.
    #none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
    #none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/hdb /media/cdrom auto ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    #/dev/dvd /media/dvd auto ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    #/dev/fd0 /media/fl auto user,noauto 0 0
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/728c65f2-a84f-401f-9899-17020758b829 /boot ext3 defaults 0 1
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/2767f772-203a-4fe9-ac4d-7c8754abc4c8 swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/b0b958c4-5f24-414a-8826-6df956f0815b / reiserfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/e83b7114-86fe-4e8f-9e95-0d92b8e50d1a /home reiserfs defaults 0 1
    Linux version 2.6.23-xbox (root@xbox) (gcc version 4.1.2) #3 Sat Oct 2 14:20:54 EEST 2010
    BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
    BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009f000 (usable)
    BIOS-e820: 000000000009f000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
    BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 0000000003c00000 (usable)
    BIOS-e820: 0000000003c00000 - 0000000004000000 (reserved)
    60MB LOWMEM available.
    Entering add_active_range(0, 0, 15360) 0 entries of 256 used
    Zone PFN ranges:
    DMA 0 -> 4096
    Normal 4096 -> 15360
    Movable zone start PFN for each node
    early_node_map[1] active PFN ranges
    0: 0 -> 15360
    On node 0 totalpages: 15360
    DMA zone: 32 pages used for memmap
    DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
    DMA zone: 4064 pages, LIFO batch:0
    Normal zone: 88 pages used for memmap
    Normal zone: 11176 pages, LIFO batch:1
    Movable zone: 0 pages used for memmap
    DMI not present or invalid.
    Allocating PCI resources starting at 10000000 (gap: 04000000:fc000000)
    Built 1 zonelists in Zone order. Total pages: 15240
    Kernel command line: root=/dev/hda3 devfs=mount kbd-reset xbox=hdd
    Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
    Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done.
    Initializing CPU#0
    PID hash table entries: 256 (order: 8, 1024 bytes)
    Detected 733.370 MHz processor.
    Console: colour dummy device 80x25
    console [tty0] enabled
    Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
    Inode-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
    Memory: 57652k/61440k available (1764k kernel code, 3380k reserved, 470k data, 136k init, 0k highmem)
    virtual kernel memory layout:
    fixmap : 0xffffb000 - 0xfffff000 ( 16 kB)
    vmalloc : 0xc4800000 - 0xffff9000 ( 951 MB)
    lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xc3c00000 ( 60 MB)
    .init : 0xc0332000 - 0xc0354000 ( 136 kB)
    .data : 0xc02b90ae - 0xc032ea60 ( 470 kB)
    .text : 0xc0100000 - 0xc02b90ae (1764 kB)
    Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode... Ok.
    Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 1467.98 BogoMIPS (lpj=2935965)
    Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
    CPU: After generic identify, caps: 0383f9ff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K
    CPU: L2 cache: 128K
    CPU: After all inits, caps: 0383f9ff 00000000 00000000 00000040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    Compat vDSO mapped to ffffe000.
    CPU: Intel Celeron (Coppermine) stepping 0a
    Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
    NET: Registered protocol family 16
    PCI: Using configuration type 1
    Setting up standard PCI resources
    SCSI subsystem initialized
    libata version 2.21 loaded.
    usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
    usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
    usbcore: registered new device driver usb
    PCI: Probing PCI hardware
    PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)
    PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 7 of bridge 0000:00:08.0
    PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 8 of bridge 0000:00:08.0
    PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 9 of bridge 0000:00:08.0
    PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:08.0
    IO window: disabled.
    MEM window: disabled.
    PREFETCH window: disabled.
    PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #2:80000@f8000000 for 0000:01:00.0
    PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #6:10000@f8000000 for 0000:01:00.0
    PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:1e.0
    IO window: disabled.
    MEM window: fd000000-fdffffff
    PREFETCH window: f0000000-f7ffffff
    PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:08.0 to 64
    NET: Registered protocol family 2
    Time: tsc clocksource has been installed.
    IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
    TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
    TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
    TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)
    TCP reno registered
    checking if image is initramfs... it is
    Freeing initrd memory: 325k freed
    Enabling Xbox eject problem workaround.
    fuse init (API version 7.8)
    io scheduler noop registered
    io scheduler deadline registered (default)
    io scheduler cfq registered
    xboxfb: nVidia device/chipset 10DE02A0
    xboxfb: Detected 64MB of system RAM
    xboxfb: Using 4M framebuffer memory
    i2c-xbox.o version 0.0.1
    i2c-xbox.o: Found nVidia XBOX nForce SMBus controller.
    i2c-xbox.o: SMBus bus detected and initialized
    xbox-tv-i2c: Using 'SMBus adapter at c000'!
    xboxfb: Setting TV mode from EEPROM (NTSC)
    xboxfb: detected conexant encoder
    xboxfb: Setting cable type from AVIP ID: HDTV (Component video)
    xboxfb: RIVA MTRR set to ON
    Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30
    xboxfb: PCI nVidia NV20 framebuffer ver 0.9.5b-xbox (XboxGeForce3, 4MB @ 0xF3C00000)
    Real Time Clock Driver v1.12ac
    Linux agpgart interface v0.102
    [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
    RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 4096K size 1024 blocksize
    loop: module loaded
    forcedeth.c: Reverse Engineered nForce ethernet driver. Version 0.60.
    PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:04.0 to 64
    eth0: forcedeth.c: subsystem: 00000:0000 bound to 0000:00:04.0
    Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
    ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
    NFORCE: IDE controller at PCI slot 0000:00:09.0
    NFORCE: chipset revision 212
    NFORCE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
    NFORCE: 0000:00:09.0 (rev d4) UDMA100 controller
    ide0: BM-DMA at 0xff60-0xff67, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:DMA
    Probing IDE interface ide0...
    hda: WDC WD2500JB-00FUA0, ATA DISK drive
    hda: host side 80-wire cable detection failed, limiting max speed to UDMA33
    hda: selected mode 0x42
    hdb: selected mode 0x42
    ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
    Probing IDE interface ide1...
    hda: max request size: 512KiB
    hda: 488397168 sectors (250059 MB) w/8192KiB Cache, CHS=30401/255/63, UDMA(33)
    hda: cache flushes supported
    hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4
    hdb: ATAPI DVD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache, UDMA(33)
    Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
    ohci_hcd: 2006 August 04 USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
    PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:02.0 to 64
    ohci_hcd 0000:00:02.0: OHCI Host Controller
    ohci_hcd 0000:00:02.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
    ohci_hcd 0000:00:02.0: irq 1, io mem 0xfed00000
    usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
    hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
    hub 1-0:1.0: 4 ports detected
    PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:03.0 to 64
    ohci_hcd 0000:00:03.0: OHCI Host Controller
    ohci_hcd 0000:00:03.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
    ohci_hcd 0000:00:03.0: irq 9, io mem 0xfed08000
    usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
    hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
    hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
    USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver v3.0
    mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
    i2c /dev entries driver
    usb 1-3: new low speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 2
    usb 1-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
    input: DELL DELL USB Keyboard as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.0/input/input0
    usbcore: registered new interface driver usbkbd
    drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c: :USB HID Boot Protocol keyboard driver
    usbcore: registered new interface driver usbmouse
    drivers/hid/usbhid/usbmouse.c: v1.6:USB HID Boot Protocol mouse driver
    TCP cubic registered
    drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)
    Freeing unused kernel memory: 136k freed
    ReiserFS: hda3: found reiserfs format "3.6" with standard journal
    ReiserFS: hda3: using ordered data mode
    ReiserFS: hda3: journal params: device hda3, size 8192, journal first block 18, max trans len 1024, max batch 900, max commit age 30, max trans age 30
    ReiserFS: hda3: checking transaction log (hda3)
    ReiserFS: hda3: Using r5 hash to sort names
    NET: Registered protocol family 1
    spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ7.
    udev: starting version 141
    df -h after "mount -a":
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    7.4G 2.1G 5.3G 29% /
    /dev/hda1 99M 11M 83M 12% /boot
    /dev/hda4 226G 39M 226G 1% /home
    Ok, something is definately wrong there, only root is by-uuid
    /dev/hda3: UUID="b0b958c4-5f24-414a-8826-6df956f0815b" TYPE="reiserfs"
    /dev/hda2: TYPE="swap" UUID="2767f772-203a-4fe9-ac4d-7c8754abc4c8"
    /dev/hda4: UUID="e83b7114-86fe-4e8f-9e95-0d92b8e50d1a" TYPE="reiserfs"
    /dev/hda1: UUID="728c65f2-a84f-401f-9899-17020758b829" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
    Should I try newer udev? Can I even use the latest with 2.6.23?

    Mounting Local Filesystems fails
    Mount: Special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/728c65f2-a84f-401f-9899-17020758b829 does not exist
    Mount: Special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/e83b7114-86fe-4e8f-9e95-0d92b8e50d1a does not exist
    so does Activating swap.
    still, ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid/ gives me:
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-10-02 22:45 2767f772-203a-4fe9-ac4d-7c8754abc4c8 -> ../../hda2
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-10-02 22:45 728c65f2-a84f-401f-9899-17020758b829 -> ../../hda1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-10-02 22:45 b0b958c4-5f24-414a-8826-6df956f0815b -> ../../hda3
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-10-02 22:45 e83b7114-86fe-4e8f-9e95-0d92b8e50d1a -> ../../hda4
    should I have /boot and /home in /dev?
    Full system upgrade gave me the same issue. Even after udev downgrade (udev-142 is the latest I can use with 2.6.23).
    Changed my fstab back from by-uuid to hdaX, didn't help. Strangely all hdaX are in /dev/ after boot, but the symlinks are missing.
    Last edited by TelaKeppi (2010-10-02 21:22:53)

  • 'volume check failed', and disk utility can't fix it

    I was planning to create a new bootable backup today and ran 'repair disk' from an install disk before cloning.
    Unfortunately I grabbed a Panther disk by mistake, and only discovered it was the wrong disk as I took it out. By then, DU had run through the 'repair' - changing quite a few things - until it showed 'volume cannot be repaired'.
    I've tried to correct them using DU from the Tiger install disk, but without any luck. DU shows:
    +Invalid catalogue record type+
    +Volume check failed+
    +Error: the underlying task reported failure on exit+
    +1 Volume could not be repaired because of an error+
    My iBook still appears to be running perfectly, but obviously I need to repair the disk before I can clone it. Disk Utility can't do it - could DiskWarrior?
    I'd really appreciate some advice on the options open to me, and the best way to do it.

    I powered down and ran DiskWarrior a 2nd time to rebuild the directory. This time I skipped the recommended Preview stage and went straight to confirming Rebuild. Everything now seems to be fine again. DU finds no faults with the disk, and the iBook feels significantly quicker and snappier.
    Two things I learnt that might be helpful - the first is, it's easy to be careless for just a moment and end up in a time-consuming mess. It's the first time I've done it, and I won't be doing it again.
    Second thing is, when people say DiskWarrior is slow to boot, they mean it - it took at least 10 minutes to show up on screen, which is unsettling. And the Preview stage, for me, was equally unnerving.
    Still, it worked - superbly - all my data is intact, the iBook is overhauled and working faster than ever.

  • VLAN RUNNING Config fetch Failed

    I have running Ciscowork LSM 3.2 with RME Ver 4.3 and Running SNMP V3 on all device. Out of 134 device 12-13 shows me Vlan running Config fetch failed. Please also find the dcmaservice.log in attachment.
    I already verify the Crediential number or times, I can access the devices from SSH and Telnet, on Cisco works RME shows Running and Startup Config success while VLAN Running Config fetch failed. and on some device it show following
    Protocol and Platforms passed = TELNET , RMEIOS
    trying for Telnet
    Failed to get CmdSvc from DeviceContext....
    Best regards;
    Shoaib Ahmed

    HI Shoaib,
    Try  ssh\telnet into the device manually and issue the command copy flash:vlan.dat tftp: and
    enter the IP address of the LMS server? Does it work? If that works fine, try to increase
    the tftp timeout.
    This can be done under RME> Admin> System Preferences> RME Device Attributes.
    if it failed with an Error as below :
    %Error opening tftp: ............
    Then check if there any firewall in between these device and LMS blocking TFTP as TFTP is the only protocal
    that fetch the vlan.dat from the device.

  • Online certificate check failed

    I downloaded viber a while ago on my nokia 5230 and it was working perfectly. Recently when I opened viber on my phone I received a message saying that there s a new version of viber available on ovi store that I should get. Which I did. But when updating viber my phone says online certificate check failed. And the installation stops there. What does that mean? Can someone please help? This is highly frustrating. Almost smashed my phone because of that. Please help.
    Go to Solution.

    Tasha0190 wrote:
    I received a message saying that there s a new version of viber available on ovi store that I should get. Which I did.
    I guess, you used this item.
    Although scoobyman’s answer solves this issue, it opens up your Nokia to viruses and other bad applications. Signing makes sure, the author of the app is the one he claims to be. Signing makes the author responsible for what he does. If an author does something bad, his certificates gets revoked. OCSP makes sure, the signature is still good. Therefore, revert these two settings, after you installed an app you are trusting.
    Furthermore, an application from the Nokia Store should work with any setting. Any error or warning message is not acceptable and should be forwarded to the Nokia Store team for further analysis.
    a) Menu » Settings » Installations » Installations settings » Software installation
    The state of this item does not matter because Viber is signed correctly. Therefore, ‘Signed only’ works for Viber and is recommend.
    b) Menu » Settings » Installations » Installations settings » Online certificate check (OCSP)
    The state of this item does matter. Therefore, please, set is at least to ‘On’. In Wireshark, I checked that the certificate is not revoked but good. Therefore, I have no idea what is wrong here. It this not normal.
    Set ‘Online certificate check’ from ‘must be passed’ to ‘On’. If you still get the installation security warning ‘Unable to verify supplier’, report this to the Nokia Store team for further investigation.
    Change ‘Software installation’ from to ‘off’ only when you are absolutely trusting that app. Revert ‘Software installation’ to ‘signed only’ after the installation of that single particular app.

  • Filesystem check failed, root partition not found

    Hi all,
    Since yesterday I receive the following error message when booting into Arch:
    :: Mounting root filesystem read-only [ OK ]
    :: Checking filesystems [BUSY]
    /dev/sda4: no such file or directory
    *************** FILESYSTEM CHECK FAILED *******************
    * Please repair manually and reboot ...
    The device /dev/sda4 is my root partition, which is - after entering the root
    password - mounted as /dev/root. Checking the partition with 'reiserfsck
    /dev/sda4' does not give any error or warning messages. I can also
    successfully remount and access it with 'mount -n -o remount,rw /'.
    'ls -l /dev/sda*' gives me the following:
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Apr 28 16:32 /dev/sda
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Apr 28 16:32 /dev/sda1
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 Apr 28 16:32 /dev/sda2
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 3 Apr 28 16:32 /dev/sda3
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 4 Apr 28 16:32 /dev/sda4
    So the device itself seems to be there. Rebooting doesn't help, neither does
    using older, working kernel versions.
    I also checked other topics on similar subjects, but I couldn't find any solution.

    Hmm, it doesn't work even with the UUID. But the error looks similar:
    Failed to open the device UUID=672f076e-131c-4220-81ba-b30639ef9285: No such file or directory
    But when I call rc.sysinit manually directly after entering the root password,
    everything works fine. It does work with sda as well as uuid notation.
    I manually added some code before the output of the '*** FILESYSTEM CHECK FAILED ***' message:
    ls -l /dev/sda*
    sleep 1
    ls -l /dev/sda*
    The result was:
    ls: cannot access /dev/sda*: No such file or directory
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Apr 30 09:12 /dev/sda
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Apr 30 09:12 /dev/sda1
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 Apr 30 09:12 /dev/sda2
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 3 Apr 30 09:12 /dev/sda3
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 4 Apr 30 09:12 /dev/sda4
    So it seems that the devices are really not yet created. Is it a udev problem?
    I am not aware of changing anything udev specific, maybe an updated version?

  • ORA-08179: concurrency check failed

    I'm getting the error 'ORA-08179: concurrency check failed' when calling UpdateAll on a Typed Dataset using ODP.Net connecting to an Oracle database.
    The only information about this error I can find is something about an optimistic locking problem with an OCI call.
    What the code is doing is fairly complicated, the summary is:
    There is one large Typed Dataset that has been setup to use a single permanent Oracle connection.
    Various datatables are populated initially.
    More data tables are populated after user selections.
    Create a transaction (and keep it for the duration of the lock), and refresh a single row in one table using FOR UPDATE to lock it and the related tables are re-filled.
    I then make changes to one of the data tables using the UI, commit the transaction to release the lock (and then dispose of it), then call UpdateAll to run the update statement on the changed data table. At this point I get the Oracle error.
    I'm not sure how I could get an optimistic locking error when I'm the only person using this database and I'm only using a single Oracle transaction.
    I can't see any information about this anywhere so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I've finally managed to get to the bottom of this.
    If you use batch updates with an ODP.Net Data Adapter and use a stored PL/SQL procedure to perform the update then you have to make sure that the last SQL statement executed affects at least one row. Otherwise it thinks that the update has failed because of an optimistic concurrency error (ORA-08179).
    I would prefer it if you could just return the rows affected either using a parameter or a function return value instead of it using the same mechanism as a simple Update command. Either that or just don't bother and let the stored procedure detect and raise the concurrency error. At the very least it should document this restriction somewhere.

  • Primary Site Deploy Prerequisite Check Failed

    1. Symptom description: check failed
    SQL instance when you run the Prerequisite Check SCCM 2012 for a new primary site.
    2. Environment: My remote SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 CU6 and uses
    a named instance called INST01 (SRV302 \ INST01). My server will be the primary site watch requirements (SRV501). I
    have a VM to test that was used to ratify the SCCM 2012 R2 (vSRV210).This
    VM had a primary site that was the basis of data in SRV302 \ INST01, this site has been removed by the Configuration Manager Setup wizard, he correctly remove the database SCCM 2012.
    3. The
    exact error message: When trying to run the installation of SCCM 2012 server SRV501, filling in as the database and INST01 for instance, it shows the Prerequisite Check Failed one item as:
    "Dedicated SQL Server instance: Configuration Manager requires a dedicated SQL Server instance to host excellant site database. You selected the SQL Server instance That site hosts the Configuration Manager
    database for another site. Select a different SQL Server instance for this new site to use, or
    resolve the conflict by uninstalling The Other excellant site or moving to a different database SQL Server instance. "
    In the file ConfigMgrPrereq.log the message is the same:; Dedicated SQL Server instance; Error; Configuration Manager requires a dedicated SQL Server instance to host its site database. You selected a SQL Server instance that hosts the site">"<05/03/2012 10:00:21>; Dedicated SQL Server instance; Error; Configuration Manager requires a dedicated SQL Server instance to host excellant site database. You selected the SQL Server Instance That Hosts the site Configuration
    Manager database for another site. Select a different SQL Server instance for this new site to use, or resolves the conflict by uninstalling The Other database excellant site or moving to a different SQL Server instance. "
    4. Any
    recent relevant configuration change (s): Only completely removed the test site that was with the database in SRV302 \ INST01, rebooted the server and tried to start the installation of the production site using the instance where it was before (no more no
    database SCCM it).
    5. Tech diagnosis history: Have you tried doing a restart of the server and
    the instance of SQL without success. I did a test site to reinstall the test SCCM VM vSRV210, pointing
    to the same instance and it works. But the production server 2012 SCCM has to be SRV501. You
    can not create a new instance of the database only for the production site.
    What can I do to install the SCCM 2012 instance that (SRV302 \ INST01)?
    Is there a procedure for cleanup of an instance of SQL for SCCM 2012?
    Is there any way to bypass this check in the SQL setup SCCM 2012?
    Att. Rodrigo Krug

    Beware of the solution, after removingthe key
    SMS even passed the Prerequisite
    Check, but during the installation,
    it stopped with the following error:
    Can not write CertBootStrap\SMS_SQL_SERVER\ registry
    key on server
    The operating system Reported error
    ERROR: Failed to write
    to registry certificate configurationon server
    ERROR: Failed to create
    SQL Server []certificate
    I had to recreate the keys from the file. Reg
    so that the installation was successful.
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    No values ​​registered.
    With that I succeeded in installing the
    primary site in that instance
    where we had another base before
    SCCM 2012.
    This was supposed to be your solution?
    Att. Rodrigo Krug

  • How to change font size in check printing program in AP Invoice

    I would like to know how to change font size in check printing program in Oracle Payables Module for Invoice printing. We are using Oracle standard
    report to print check.
    Concurrent program short name : APXPBFEL
    Prt file : APLASP.prt
    I modified prt file for code 199 like below
    code "199" esc "(8U" esc "(s0p12.00h10.00v0s0b3T" esc "&k11.75H"
    Font size changed for last page only which prints checks, for Void pages its printed with default font. For Page 1 printed with default font and page 2 has reduced font. This change is not intiallized for all pages.
    Please let me know if you any of you know how to change fonts.

    *Default FullZoom Level:

  • Exchange 2013 SP1 readiness check failing

    Trying to install our first Exchange 2013 SP1 server on Windows 2012 R2 in our datacentre, the readiness check fails with:
    The Active Directory schema isn't up-to-date, and this user account isn't a member of the 'Schema Admins' and/or 'Enterprise Admins' groups.
    For more information, visit:
    There are many more errors relating to Enterprise admin rights etc.
    Please note that:
    My account is Domain admin, Schema admin and Enterprise admin member, it always has been.
    I tried the built-in AD Administrator which of course is part of the groups as well, no difference.
    Active Directory is at 2008 R2 for domain and forest functional levels.
    I tried rejoining the new Exchange designated server to the domain
    I've installed RSAT-ADDS, the Managed API 4.0 and all the other windows roles via powershell
    There is a local domain controller that is a global catalog server on the new Exchange server subnet
    I tried running the Exchange Setup on a different server on the same subnet as where the active 2010 Exchange server resides as well as the FSMO AD role holder resides, this works fine. I even did the AD prep from there no problem, that made no difference
    on the datacentre server
    AD replicates fine between the FSMO role holder and the Datacentre (no errors in dcdiag or repadmin /showrepl)
    This error is in the event log:
    The description for Event ID 4027 from source MSExchange ADAccess cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event:
    Get Servers for domain.local
    TopologyClientTcpEndpoint (localhost)
    System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: Could not connect to net.tcp://localhost:890/Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService. The connection attempt lasted for a time span of 00:00:02.0475315. TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect(EndPoint remoteEP)
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.SocketConnectionInitiator.Connect(Uri uri, TimeSpan timeout)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    Server stack trace:
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.SocketConnectionInitiator.Connect(Uri uri, TimeSpan timeout)
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.BufferedConnectionInitiator.Connect(Uri uri, TimeSpan timeout)
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ConnectionPoolHelper.EstablishConnection(TimeSpan timeout)
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ClientFramingDuplexSessionChannel.OnOpen(TimeSpan timeout)
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Open(TimeSpan timeout)
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.OnOpen(TimeSpan timeout)
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Open(TimeSpan timeout)
    Exception rethrown at [0]:
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
    at System.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.Open()
    at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.ServiceProxyPool`1.GetClient(Boolean useCache)
    at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.ServiceProxyPool`1.TryCallServiceWithRetry(Action`1 action, String debugMessage, WCFConnectionStateTuple proxyToUse, Int32 numberOfRetries, Boolean doNotReturnProxyOnSuccess, Exception& exception)
    the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table

    So I decided to re-install the OS, worked perfectly now. Only difference from before would be:
    SCCM hasn't pushed SCEP 2012 to the new build of the same server yet
    The original server was installed in a different AD site and then it was physically mode and reassigned to an new AD site and subnet
    I might have installed the pre-reqs in a slightly different order (RSAT-ADDS, all the IIS etc things via powershell
    and then the UCM API 4.0. (saw few comments that the order of how you install them matters in other forums).
    10 or so Microsoft Windows updates haven't installed on the new OS build yet.
    Other than that, its identical. But if its not broken don't fix it, perhaps the above can help someone else though. 

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