Changing alv_list programme into alv_grid

hi iam new to abap can anyone help me in converting a alv_list programme into alv_grid.I just need to know what r the changes i need to make.below is the code.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_mara       ,
         matnr TYPE mara-matnr,
         mtart TYPE mara-mtart,
       END OF ty_mara         ,
       BEGIN OF ty_makt       ,
         matnr TYPE makt-matnr,
         maktx TYPE makt-maktx,
       END OF ty_makt         ,
       BEGIN OF ty_final      ,
         mtart TYPE mara-mtart,
         matnr TYPE mara-matnr,
         maktx TYPE makt-maktx,
       END OF ty_final        .
*************************INTERNAL TABLES******************************
DATA: it_mara     TYPE TABLE OF ty_mara   ,
      it_makt     TYPE TABLE OF ty_makt   ,
      it_final    TYPE TABLE OF ty_final  ,
      it_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
      it_events   TYPE slis_t_event       .
*************************WORK AREAS***********************************
DATA: wa_mara     TYPE ty_mara          ,
      wa_makt     TYPE ty_makt          ,
      wa_final    TYPE ty_final         ,
      wa_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
      wa_layout   TYPE slis_layout_alv  ,
      wa_events   TYPE slis_alv_event   .
DATA: v_mtart TYPE mara-mtart,  "#EC NEEDED
      v_repid TYPE sy-repid  ,
      v_text  TYPE string    .
CONSTANTS: c_zroh(4)              TYPE c VALUE 'ZROH'            ,
           c_x(1)                 TYPE c VALUE 'X'               ,
           c_02(2)                TYPE c VALUE '02'              ,
           c_04(2)                TYPE c VALUE '04'              ,
           c_06(2)                TYPE c VALUE '06'              ,
           c_mtart(5)             TYPE c VALUE 'MTART'           ,
           c_matnr(5)             TYPE c VALUE 'MATNR'           ,
           c_maktx(5)             TYPE c VALUE 'MAKTX'           ,
           c_it_final(8)          TYPE c VALUE 'IT_FINAL'        ,
           c_mara(4)              TYPE c VALUE 'MARA'            ,
           c_makt(4)              TYPE c VALUE 'MAKT'            ,
           c_l(1)                 TYPE c VALUE 'L'               ,
           c_user_command(12)     TYPE c VALUE 'USER_COMMAND'    ,
           c_alv_user_command(16) TYPE c VALUE 'ALV_USER_COMMAND',
           c_top_of_page(11)      TYPE c VALUE 'TOP_OF_PAGE'     ,
           c_alv_top_of_page(15)  TYPE c VALUE 'ALV_TOP_OF_PAGE' ,
           c_end_of_list(11)      TYPE c VALUE 'END_OF_LIST'     ,
           c_alv_end_of_list(15)  TYPE c VALUE 'ALV_END_OF_LIST' .
Initialize MTART at the selection screen
  PERFORM initialize_mtart.
*********************SELECTION SCREEN*********************************
  PARAMETERS: p_mtart TYPE mara-mtart.
*********************AT SELECTION SCREEN******************************
Validate MTART entered at the selection screen.
  PERFORM validate_mtart.
Select all the required data
  PERFORM select_data.
Prepare final table
  PERFORM populate_final_tab.
Prepare ALV settings for display
  PERFORM prepare_settings.
Display ALV Report
  PERFORM display_report.
*&      Form  initialize_mtart
      Subroutine to Initialize MTART at the selection screen.
FORM initialize_mtart .
  p_mtart = c_zroh.
ENDFORM.                    " initialize_mtart
*&      Form  validate_mtart
      This subroutine is to validate MTART entered at the
      selection screen.
FORM validate_mtart .
           FROM t134
           INTO v_mtart
          WHERE mtart = p_mtart.
If not found display error message
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE e014 WITH text-002.
ENDFORM.                    " validate_mtart
*&      Form  select_data
      This subroutine selects all the required data
FORM select_data .
  SELECT matnr
    FROM mara
    INTO TABLE it_mara
   WHERE mtart = p_mtart.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE i014 WITH text-003.
    SORT it_mara BY matnr.
    SELECT matnr
      FROM makt
      INTO TABLE it_makt
       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_mara
     WHERE matnr = it_mara-matnr
       AND spras = sy-langu.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE i014 WITH text-004.
      SORT it_mara BY mtart.
      SORT it_makt BY matnr.
ENDFORM.                    " select_data
*&      Form  populate_final_tab
      This subroutine prepares final internal table.
FORM populate_final_tab .
  LOOP AT it_mara INTO wa_mara.
    CLEAR wa_final.
    CLEAR wa_makt.
    READ TABLE it_makt INTO wa_makt
    WITH KEY matnr = wa_mara-matnr
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      wa_final-mtart = wa_mara-mtart.
      wa_final-matnr = wa_mara-matnr.
      wa_final-maktx = wa_makt-maktx.
      APPEND wa_final TO it_final.
ENDFORM.                    " populate_final_tab
*&      Form  prepare_settings
      This subroutine prepares ALV settings for display
FORM prepare_settings .
Prepare layout
  CLEAR wa_layout.
  wa_layout-zebra = c_x.
Prepare fieldcat
  CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
  wa_fieldcat-col_pos       = c_02.
  wa_fieldcat-fieldname     = c_mtart.
  wa_fieldcat-tabname       = c_it_final.
  wa_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = c_mtart.
  wa_fieldcat-ref_tabname   = c_mara.
  wa_fieldcat-ddictxt       = c_l.
  wa_fieldcat-seltext_l     = text-005.
  wa_fieldcat-seltext_m     = text-005.
  wa_fieldcat-seltext_s     = text-005.
  APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
  CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
  wa_fieldcat-col_pos       = c_04.
  wa_fieldcat-fieldname     = c_matnr.
  wa_fieldcat-tabname       = c_it_final.
  wa_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = c_matnr.
  wa_fieldcat-ref_tabname   = c_mara.
  wa_fieldcat-ddictxt       = c_l.
  wa_fieldcat-seltext_l     = text-006.
  wa_fieldcat-seltext_m     = text-006.
  wa_fieldcat-seltext_s     = text-006.
  wa_fieldcat-hotspot       = c_x.
  APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
  CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
  wa_fieldcat-col_pos       = c_06.
  wa_fieldcat-fieldname     = c_maktx.
  wa_fieldcat-tabname       = c_it_final.
  wa_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = c_maktx.
  wa_fieldcat-ref_tabname   = c_makt.
  wa_fieldcat-ddictxt       = c_l.
  wa_fieldcat-seltext_l     = text-007.
  wa_fieldcat-seltext_m     = text-007.
  wa_fieldcat-seltext_s     = text-007.
  APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
Prepare Events table.
      i_list_type     = 0
      et_events       = it_events
      list_type_wrong = 1
      OTHERS          = 2.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
  SORT it_events BY name.
  CLEAR wa_events.
  READ TABLE it_events INTO wa_events
  WITH KEY name = c_user_command
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    wa_events-form = c_alv_user_command.
    MODIFY it_events
      FROM wa_events
     INDEX sy-tabix
  CLEAR wa_events.
  READ TABLE it_events INTO wa_events
  WITH KEY name = c_top_of_page
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    wa_events-form = c_alv_top_of_page.
    MODIFY it_events
      FROM wa_events
     INDEX sy-tabix
  CLEAR wa_events.
  READ TABLE it_events INTO wa_events
  WITH KEY name = c_end_of_list
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    wa_events-form = c_alv_end_of_list.
    MODIFY it_events
      FROM wa_events
     INDEX sy-tabix
ENDFORM.                    " prepare_settings
*&      Form  display_report
      This subroutine calls FM to display report
FORM display_report .
  CLEAR v_repid.
  v_repid = sy-repid.
      i_callback_program = v_repid
      is_layout          = wa_layout
      it_fieldcat        = it_fieldcat
      it_events          = it_events
      t_outtab           = it_final
      program_error      = 1
      OTHERS             = 2.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
ENDFORM.                    " display_report
*&      Form  alv_user_command
      This subroutine handles user command
FORM alv_user_command USING v_cmd       TYPE sy-ucomm
                            wa_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.  "#EC * "#EC CALLED
  CLEAR wa_final.
  READ TABLE it_final INTO wa_final
  INDEX wa_selfield-tabindex.
  CLEAR v_text.
  CONCATENATE text-008
         INTO v_text
    SEPARATED BY space.
Display to user which material he/she has clicked
      titel        = text-009
      textline1    = v_text
      start_column = 25
      start_row    = 6.
ENDFORM.    "alv_user_command.
*&      Form  alv_top_of_page
      This subroutine writes top of page
FORM alv_top_of_page.   "#EC CALLED
  ULINE AT /1(80).
  WRITE:/1 sy-vline,
         2 text-010,
         9 sy-datum,
        80 sy-vline.
  WRITE:/1 sy-vline,
         2 text-011,
         9 sy-uzeit,
        40 text-012,
        80 sy-vline.
  WRITE:/1 sy-vline,
         2 text-013,
         9 sy-uname,
        80 sy-vline.
  ULINE AT /1(80).
ENDFORM.    "alv_top_of_page.
*&      Form  alv_end_of_list
      This subroutine writes end of list
FORM alv_end_of_list.   "#EC CALLED
  ULINE AT /1(80).
  WRITE:/1 sy-vline,
         2 text-014,
        12 sy-pagno,
        80 sy-vline.
  ULINE AT /1(80).
ENDFORM.    "alv_end_of_list.

Now u need to use the FM ' Reuse_alv_grid_display insted of
the FM 'Reuse_alv_list_display.

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         private JTextField displayInterestPaid = new JTextField(10);
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              areaFour.add(clearButton, BorderLayout.WEST);
              areaFive.add(monthlyPaymentLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              areaSix.add(txtArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);
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    baftos wrote:
    Here is one of the sites that explains the procedure:
    But maybe you should try to fix the code that does not work as applet?
    Which one is it?
    >Here is one of the sites that explains the procedure:
    But maybe you should try to fix the code that does not work as applet?
    Which one is it?
    The code that doesn't work in my applet is the exit button code
    else if (source == exitButton)
                   }I also can't get my program to properly validate input. When invalid input is entered and the user presses calculate, an error window should pop up. Unfortunately it isn't. I compile and run my applications/applets through TextPad. So when I try to test the error window by entering in invalid info, the applet itself shows nothing but the command prompt window pops up and lists errors from Java. Anyhow, here is the method I was told to use to fix it.
    private static boolean validate(JTextField in)
              String inText = in.getText();
              char[] charInput = inText.toCharArray();
              for(int i = 0; i < charInput.length; i++)
                   int asciiVal = (int)charInput;
              if((asciiVal >= 48 && asciiVal <= 57) || asciiVal == 46)
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Character, Please Use Numeric Values Only");
                   return false;
                   return true;
         }My Instructor told me to try the following, but I still can't get it to work.String content = textField.getText();
    if (content.length() != 0) {       
    try {          Integer.parseInt(content);  
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    You no need to add the changes, It can be shown in Environment menu. If u want to see the person who changed the PO in ur Print, ABAP work will be required..
    By the way what is the business requirement for this. B'cas PO is meant for vendor, Why do u want to print, whoever did the changes..This thing you can see from SAP itself at anytime.
    ***Reward If useful (RIU)

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    (Mid-Level minion.)
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    Hi patm23422687,
    I hope by saying 'installed the software', you mean that Acrobat XI is now installed on your computer.
    Now, open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat and choose "File> Save as Other> Microsoft Word"
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    Do I just change the,, and the provider.xml. In other words, do I treat it like a jar?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated,

    If you mean how do you get the contents of a .war file into a JServ environment, then I would advise against trying this unless really necessary. The servlets in the .war file will only work if they do not rely on any Servlet 2.2-specific features, since JServ only supports Servlet 2.0.
    Why not just plug the .war file into OC4J? You can still 'front end' it with Apache if you want by using mod_proxy.
    If you really wanted to try this, first you would need to unzip the .war file to the filesystem. Then the full path to WEB-INF/classes (if it exists) and each .jar file in WEB-INF/lib would have to be mentioned as repositories in, as these all contain 'zone' (or 'web app') specific classes.
    WEB-INF/web.xml contains an XML description of the servlets that need mounting in, including their init args.
    All the other files outside of WEB-INF should be treated as documents by the web server, so should either be copied into your default htdocs directory or exposed under an alias in httpd.conf.This also relies on the classes in the .war file not 'clashing' with different versions in the server's global classpath in

  • Changing a photo into a vector in Ai using High Fidelity

    I fully understand how to change a picture into a vector in Ai and to be clear,  I don't want a silhouette or a black and white image, I want to use the picture.  I have had good success with using the high fidelity option to change the pic and it looks great.  The problem is, I am using a cutout and when I use the high fidelity option it fills the background in as white instead of a transparency.  I've even tried to hit the ignore white button but it does not help.  I've resorted to then opening it in PS and removing the white and saving as a PNG24 but, when you then open in Ai to work with again it's then again pixelated.

    You need to expand and ungroup after the trace. Then delete the white you do not want. I missed a little piece in the last screen shot. But you get the idea. I put a black background behind the trace.
    Expanded and ungrouped:
    White selected:
    White deleted:

  • How to change 'z' key into 'A' key with key blinding?

    How to change 'z' key into 'A' key?
    Although txt.setText("A") can set the text field with 'a', but it is not original input from keyboard because it cant trigger the key listener.
    It is possible to perform key pressing more than a key in same time? Example, perform 'q' & 'w' keys pressing at the same time.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Main
    {   public static void main(String[] args)
        {   JFrame f = new JFrame("Test");
            Test GUI = new Test();
    class Test extends JPanel
    {   JTextArea txta = new JTextArea(10,20);
        JTextField txt = new JTextField(10);
        JScrollPane sp_txta = new JScrollPane(txta);
        public Test()
        {   this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400,300));
            setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            add(sp_txta, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            add(txt, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
            Action testAction = new AbstractAction()
            {   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ txt.setText("A"); }
            txt.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('z'), "test");    //Change z into A
            txt.getActionMap().put("test", testAction);
            (   new KeyListener()
                {   public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){ txta.append(e.getKeyChar() + " key is pressed \n"); }
                    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){ txta.append(e.getKeyChar() + " key is released \n"); }
                    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){ txta.append(e.getKeyChar() + " key is typed \n"); }
    }Edited by: 835972 on Feb 11, 2011 8:11 AM

    It is possible to perform key pressing more than a key in same time? Example, perform 'q' & 'w' keys pressing at the same time.With r.keyPress method, it only can perform single key pressed at a time. Do you have any idea how to perform multiple key pressed at a time?The javadoc for Robot.keyPress suggests ( "+The key should be released using the keyRelease method+" ) that the key remains "pressed" until you keyRelease(...) it. So, press the keys sequentially:
    // At this stage both Q and W are pressed "in same time"
    ... // do stuff
    // At this stage, only Q is pressedI suspect that in real life, unless you're a very gifted musician, you don't really press keys "at the same time" (under the time resolution of a keyboard, which I imagine is around a few milliseconds).

Maybe you are looking for

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