Changing Base Stations

Is there a problem with simply importing the airport config file from the old spaceship-style base station (main) to the new dual-band station and creating a new base station? Am I better served by simply starting over?

Thanks, Tesserax.
I did try to use the old config, but the internet connection wouldn't last for more than 2 or 3 minutes. Started over with a new configuration and things went just fine (small inconvenience to change networks on all the devices).
I appreciate the reply.

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  • Change base station password

    ipad network utility not recognising airport base station password, have changed airport base station password (4th Gen Airport Extreme) ( Mac OS X 10.6.8 )
    Any help would be appreciated

    Hello edex67
    thankyou for resonding
    I am using a Airport Extreme (4th Gen) Airport software 7.6.1
    I have changed the password twice, I feel it was successful as I changed the length of password and you can only see the number of dots in the password they changed correctly,now when using the network utility on either the ipad or the destop mac, neither will recognise my password I am using 10.6.8

  • Time Capsule don't work when change base station password

    I bought a Time Capsule in 8th April 2010. In August 2010 it begun report problems  (the message "Finishing backup..." always appeared and backup never ended, beyond Finder crashed all time with the pop up message error - 10810).
    In January of this year, the device just didn't worked. Actually, when it turned on just the Airport function worked. In 29th of that month I receive a brand new TC after I went to technical support.
    But, in 17th April 2011, it just didn't worked. At all. And, for my bad, at this time, the garantee was expired.
    What I did? Well, I restarted it with default configuration (many times) until can access the hard drive. Even erase the disk (after restore some backups when I had the chance).
    Well, after this, It works again. But the TC base station password now can't changed.
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    Anyway, if there is any people that could help me, I'll appreciate!
    I'm brazilian and I'm not so good in English. So I could make some grammar mistakes. Sorry about that.
    By the way, if its possible, that one's that answer my question, please, don't use many slang.

    The screenshots are here and Sorry for delay!
    By the way, after I change the password for grab these screens I can not access my TimeCapsule HD again.
    I'm trying (and trying, and trying, again and again) access it after restore to the default settings, but I haven't any sucess.
    Ah. Now a message, like this "You are with the device default change. Are you sure keeping this?", appears when I try modify just the network password (keeping the original password device, that is "public").

  • Changed Base Station security; not cannot connect

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    The machine in question is a PowerPC G4 running OS X (10.4.11).
    Any suggestions as to where I start to sort this out?
    It's got a lot of vital data on it, but it's in the basement, and running up and down stairs is a strain on aging and arthritic knees.

    The Base Station does not have anywhere near the security capabilities of the PIX. It also doesn't cost anywhere near what the PIX does. Where it gets the security it does have (in Base Station mode) is from PAT and its lack of support for static translations. As well, Telnets and HTTP access from the ethernet side (in Base Station mode) are disabled, so those out on the Internet pointing browsers and telnet clients at random addresses are not going to get access. That's why fresh from the box or a reset, administration has to be done from the radio side.

  • Simple How-To # 1: Adding additional base stations

    That's all I need. A series of simple, step-by-step 'how-to's'.
    I've been using Macs for almost 20 years, but find the instruction manual and software for the new Airport Utility [AEBSn device] to be particularly unhelpful.
    I need to add an AX to extend the range of my network [and be able to use my brand-new printer]. The software seems to be instructing me to, "change base stations"? Why? The older Airport Admin Utility [supplied with AX's] did not use such counter-intuitive instructions and was much simpler to set up multiple base stations. What gives Apple?
    Give it to me simple Apple, my brain cells aren't getting any brighter! Is there anyone out there that can post simple step-by-step instructions? I'm sure I won't be the only one appreciating that kind gesture.

    AEBSn - WDS Setup
    (Note: To facilitate the WDS set up, place the base stations within near proximity of each other during the set up phase, and then relocate them to their desired locations when complete.)
    Main Base Station Setup (AEBSn)
    - Click the AirPort status menu in the menu bar and choose the wireless network created by the base station you want to set up as the main base station.
    - Open AirPort Utility (located in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder on a Macintosh computer, or in Start > All Programs > AirPort on a computer using Windows).
    - Select the main base station, and choose Manual Setup from the Base
    Station menu, or double-click the base station to open the configuration in a separate window.
    - Enter the base station password if necessary. If the base station is using the
    default password of public, you will not be prompted for a password.
    - Click Wireless in the toolbar, and then choose “Participate in a WDS network” from the Wireless Mode pop-up menu.
    - Click WDS and then choose “WDS main” from the WDS Mode pop-up menu.
    - Select the “Allow wireless clients” checkbox if you want client computer to connect to this base station.
    - Click the Add button and enter the MAC address of the base stations you want to connect to this base station.
    - Click Update to send the new settings to the base stations in the WDS.
    Remote Base Station Setup (AX)
    - Click the AirPort status menu in the menu bar and choose the wireless network created by the base station you want to set up as a remote base station.
    - Open AirPort Utility (in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder on a Macintosh computer, or in Start > All Programs > AirPort on a computer using Windows).
    - Select the remote base station, and choose Manual Setup from the Base Station menu.
    - Enter the base station password, if necessary. If the base station is using the default password of public, you will not be prompted for a password.
    - Enter the same network password as the main base station, if necessary.
    - Click AirPort in the toolbar and click Wireless. Choose “Participate in a WDS network” from the Wireless Mode pop-up menu, and choose the same channel as the main base station from the Channel pop-up menu.
    - Click WDS and choose “WDS remote” from the pop-up menu.
    - Enter the MAC address of the main base station in the WDS Main field. The MAC address is also referred to as the AirPort ID and is printed on the label on the bottom of the base station.
    - Click Update to transfer the settings to the base station.
    (ref: Pages 41-45 of "Designing AirPort Extreme 802.11n Networks.

  • How do I change the network password without a base station?

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    The WLAN password could only be change on the router page you found and in order to get there, you need the administrator password.
    If you never modify it, you could give a try by entering "Administrator" and leaving password blank which is usually the factory setting. If this not work, it will be necessary to reset your router to its factory setting.
    I personnally do not know the Belkin routers. But here is the link to get your router manual:
    Page 13 describe the reset procedure.

  • Changing the base station from Air Port Express to the Time Machine

    Some years ago I bought an Air Port Express. I set it up to connect iTunes to my home stereo but it never worked very well and after a few months I gave up and put it in a draw.
    Last year I bought a Time Machine and succesfully set it up. I also established a wireless network which connects to my PC and Blackberry.
    Recently, I've been encouraged to try to set up the Air Port Express again. I had assumed that the Time Machine had been established as my base station and that I would now use the Airport Express as a wireless extender and try again to use it to connect to my home stereo.
    However, in setting it up it become clear that my Air Port Express has the status of a base station with its own wireless network (which I don't want to use).
    I can't figure out how to change the Time Machine so that IT is the base station and the Air Port Express is a secondary point connecting to wireless network created through the Time Machine.
    Thank you in advance for any help or advice that you might have.

    Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, this older "g" device is really going to drag down the performance of your Time Capsule.
    You'll need to use a WDS type configuration, which is an older "g" technology. The setup for this type of configuration is complex and difficult for most users. If you get the configuration right, there are still unfortunately going to be two big negatives with this type of setup.
    1) Since WDS is an older "g" technology, everything on your faster "n" Time Capsule will drop down to "g" level speeds. That's a huge loss.
    2) When you add the Express to the network, the bandwidth will drop by 50%
    Bottom would wind up with an older "g" wireless network throughout that would be operating at one half of it's capability.
    If your budget allows, a new AirPort Express 802.11"n" would provide far better performance and would be much easier to configure for your network.
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

  • HT5022 How do I change my "password" for using an Airport Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi base station?

    My Kindle Fire asked for a password for my Airport Extreme 802.11 Wi-Fi. The password used on other devices using the Airport Extreme does not seem to work and Apple Support is not willing to help unless a service charge is made. How do I change my password or find out what the password is?

    I am assuming that you are referring to the AirPort's wireless security password and not its base station Administrator's password ... correct?
    If so, there are number of methods of resetting a password if you don't remember what it is. Please check out the following AirPort User Tip for additional details.

  • How can I change the base station my airport express connects to?

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    How can I change the setup using Airport Utility so that that's the device that it's using to connect to the network?

    With a Mac using the Airport Utility.
    With a PC using the Airport Utility you can install on your PC with the install disc included.

  • Where has my airport utility window gone ? when I double click on the icon all I get is an image of a globe and a base station with no options to make changes in my airport extreme.

    Where has my airport utility window gone? When I double click on the airport utility icon all I get is a picture of a globe and a base station with no further  options available to modify my airport extreme. 

    Sorry, you lost me on that last post.
    Let's start over again.
    Open AirPort Utility on your Mac
    Are you asked for a password at this point?  If yes, enter the base station or device password that you used when you originally set up the AirPort router. Depending when you did this originally, you might have been given an option to use the same password as the wireless network. If you were not, then you have a separate password for the base station.
    You need that password to be able to access the settings for the AirPort router in AirPort Utility.
    If you see a window listing basic information, click Edit in the upper right corner of the window.
    If you are asked for a password, you must enter the device password or base station password that you established when you first set up the AirPort router as explained above.
    If you forgot the password, a Soft Reset will allow you to go in and reset the base station password.  Might be a good idea to write down that password.
    If you are still stuck, then the only option that you have at this point is to perform a Hard Reset to return the settings to factory defaults and then set up the AirPort router again.
    If you prefer, you can also do a Factory Default Reset. It's the same as a Hard Reset except for the timing of holding in the reset button.

  • HT1947 Airport base station doesn't let iPad make changes

    Airport utility doest seem to work with my ipad
    Airport base station doesn't let iPad make changes

    Sky the problem.

  • Configure TC and Airport Extreme Base Stations with different channels

    I had to do some serious workarounds to use the Airport Extreme Base Stations as an access point with the same wireless network name primarily due to channel overlap.  I thought I would post my results here since I didnt' find a good article online.
    Also, I found the Snow Leopard verison (5.4.2) of the Airport Setup Utility far superior to Lion's Airport Utility (6.x) in terms of advanced setup. 
    Setup is a 3 flloor house where the 3 wired network locations have wireless overlap.  The problem was that the access points would not hand off the wireless signal because the channels for each airport/TC were automatically set to the same channel.  In non-apple setups, this is how you force a wireless client to switch access points (since the wireless software on your client/mac/windows can detect which access point is stronger and moves to the alternate channel.
    Using apple's "Extend this wireless network" option removes any ability to manually configure wireless channels.  I am writing this from memory, so feel free to ask questions and I will track this topic:
    Setup time capsule as your base station.  Do all the setup for your wireless and guest networks.  Manually configure the network and change the wireless channel to a specific channel for a/b/g networks (e.g., 3) and n networks (e.g, 167).
    Plug your first airport extreme/access point into your wired network.  Do not plug it into the "internet" ethernet plug, use one of the 3 ethernet switch locations
    Use the airport utility to first configure it to "extend" your wired network. 
    Then, go in and reconfigure it manually in the airport utility.  Choose the option to setup a "new network" and name the network the same as the TC wireless network name, security, etc.
    Change the channel from "auto" to a different channel than the TC (e.g., 6 and 137). 
    Now go to the top tab and click on the "internet" icon
    Go to the DHCP tab and change it to "bridge mode."  This will tell the AE to not give out IP addresses (the TC will do this for you).  If you get an error that the IP ranges conflict, you have not done this
    Note that if you have a guest network setup, you will need to set this up on the AE as well. 
    Now test your airport setup.  Take your client (macbook, iOS device) and connect to your network.  Move to a spot near the TC and pull up a web page.  Keep an eye on the signal strength and beginv moving toward the AE.  Refresh the page as you move around.  You should at some point see the signal strength increase.  Refresh your page again.  You should be now connected to to the AE.  I have found that Macbooks do a better job than iOS devices because you get an extra signal bar to measure strength, and they have larger antennas which allows you to better measure problems with handoff
    Another test you can do is to start backing up on your TC and then test the move.  The handoff will truly show you that the TC is handling the process but the AE is relaying to the TC for backup.
    If you need to setup another AE, simply follow setups 3-10.
    I hope this helps others.  I've done this setup 100 times on Linksys devices and although they are cumbersome, they at least allow me to do this setup much more quickly and easily than the apple products. 

    I had to do some serious workarounds to use the Airport Extreme Base Stations as an access point with the same wireless network name primarily due to channel overlap.  I thought I would post my results here since I didnt' find a good article online.
    Also, I found the Snow Leopard verison (5.4.2) of the Airport Setup Utility far superior to Lion's Airport Utility (6.x) in terms of advanced setup. 
    Setup is a 3 flloor house where the 3 wired network locations have wireless overlap.  The problem was that the access points would not hand off the wireless signal because the channels for each airport/TC were automatically set to the same channel.  In non-apple setups, this is how you force a wireless client to switch access points (since the wireless software on your client/mac/windows can detect which access point is stronger and moves to the alternate channel.
    Using apple's "Extend this wireless network" option removes any ability to manually configure wireless channels.  I am writing this from memory, so feel free to ask questions and I will track this topic:
    Setup time capsule as your base station.  Do all the setup for your wireless and guest networks.  Manually configure the network and change the wireless channel to a specific channel for a/b/g networks (e.g., 3) and n networks (e.g, 167).
    Plug your first airport extreme/access point into your wired network.  Do not plug it into the "internet" ethernet plug, use one of the 3 ethernet switch locations
    Use the airport utility to first configure it to "extend" your wired network. 
    Then, go in and reconfigure it manually in the airport utility.  Choose the option to setup a "new network" and name the network the same as the TC wireless network name, security, etc.
    Change the channel from "auto" to a different channel than the TC (e.g., 6 and 137). 
    Now go to the top tab and click on the "internet" icon
    Go to the DHCP tab and change it to "bridge mode."  This will tell the AE to not give out IP addresses (the TC will do this for you).  If you get an error that the IP ranges conflict, you have not done this
    Note that if you have a guest network setup, you will need to set this up on the AE as well. 
    Now test your airport setup.  Take your client (macbook, iOS device) and connect to your network.  Move to a spot near the TC and pull up a web page.  Keep an eye on the signal strength and beginv moving toward the AE.  Refresh the page as you move around.  You should at some point see the signal strength increase.  Refresh your page again.  You should be now connected to to the AE.  I have found that Macbooks do a better job than iOS devices because you get an extra signal bar to measure strength, and they have larger antennas which allows you to better measure problems with handoff
    Another test you can do is to start backing up on your TC and then test the move.  The handoff will truly show you that the TC is handling the process but the AE is relaying to the TC for backup.
    If you need to setup another AE, simply follow setups 3-10.
    I hope this helps others.  I've done this setup 100 times on Linksys devices and although they are cumbersome, they at least allow me to do this setup much more quickly and easily than the apple products. 

  • Problem consistently printing via new (summer 2011) AIRPORT EXTREME BASE STATION and Brother wireless printer (model HL5370DW). What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance for any help you folks can offer. I'm a newb here and will try to offer as much detail as I can about the dilemma at hand.
    Scenario: Home network has been recently set up for wireless internet access via NEW Airport Extreme Base Station (purchased September 2011). Units accessing the network include: 2011 Macbook Pro, 2011 Macbook Air, 2007 Macbook, 2009 Macbook Pro, 2 iPhone 3GSs, and a 1st-gen iPad (and a partridge in a pear tree AEBS is configured to run WPA2 encrypted network, as well as a WPA2 guest network. I am attempting to yoke a BROTHER HL5370DW wireless B or G/ ethernet / usb-capable printer to the main network such that any and all units can print wirelessly or its equivalent (i.e., via printer hooked to AEBS through USB hub)
    Problem: Despite configuring the Brother printer to recognize the main WPA2 network I created, I am unable to get wireless printing to work. My workaround was to physically connect Brother printer to AEBS via USB, specifically using a Belkin USB hub (after all, I wanted access to usb drives, as well as the printer). This workaround works ONLY SOME OF THE TIME. Generally, after a fresh boot of any computer or after a restart of the AEBS, any given computer will be able to print (i.e., any computer wirelessly connected to the main WPA2 network recognizes the printer). HOWEVER, at random times, printer access is gone (as is access to USB drives connected to AEBS's usb hub). Wireless networks are still up and running when that happens. IS THERE A WAY TO GET THE USB HUB's devices (i.e., printer and usb drives) to ALWAYS REMAIN AVAILABLE AS LONG AS THEY STAY CONNECTED TO THE AEBS? In other words, what accounts for the intermittent loss of the usb peripherals?
    Sometimes, I just shut the airport off on whatever computer is having this problem, and the problem goes away. Sometimes, the problem is present across all computers in the house, sometimes only a few are affected. I can ALWAYS see the AEBS in the Airport Utility if the AEBS is connected to the particular computer via ETHERNET CABLE.
    My theories:
    - true wireless printing (i.e., without usb hub workaround) doesn't work because the N network somehow isn't backwards compatible with the Brother printer, which, i believe, is B/G. Although...isn't Wireless N networking supposed to work with BG devices? I did find a thread ( ) that explains some of the particulars of WPA2 encryption and Wireless B/G issues, but it was beyond my level of comprehension (I'm a psychologist, but not an Apple Genius
    - The usb workaround is only intermittently viable because of some flaw in the Airport or Airport Utility that causes dropouts to happen when a Macbook Pro or Air's lid gets closed or one gets opened after having been at a different network (e.g., at my office).
    - Should I try to use my old router (7 year old Linksys WRT54G) as an access point and connect the Brother printer to that G-router? How do I do that?
    - I wouldn't mind just relying on the usb hub method if I could just insure more consistency (i.e., no random dropouts of peripherals). How could I do this?
    Rule out:
    - wireless printing works on my printer - it was being recognized back before the AEBS. I had the Linksys router running a WEP network and had the wireless printer talking with no cables to the router and the computers. (I just don't want to revert to using WEP encryption given its lack of security and my trying to protect HiPAA related health information on behalf of patients)
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    13 ASCII characters = 104 (aka 128)-bit WEP
    If turning off WEP works, then you just need to
    provide the cameras with the "Equivalent Network Password".
    One of the problems with WEP is that the actual
    standard relies on a 10 character HEX key for 40bit
    WEP and a 26 character HEX key for 128bit WEP.
    In order to make things easier, vendors use certain
    algorithms to convert simple alphanumeric passwords
    (or passphrases) into HEX keys, thus enabling the use
    of simple easy to remember WEP password rather than
    lengthy HEX keys. The problem is that different
    vendors use different algorithms to generate the HEX
    key and therefore a ASCII password on an AEBS will be
    hashed differently on a non-Apple client and vice
    You may find the following article helpful:
    - Apple article, especially the part about
    "Third-party client to Airport".
    Brilliant idea about trying the system with No encryption on... that DID solve the problem... almost.. once I turned off the encryption option, and restarted the Airport, I got a dialog box showing that the "Base station needs attention" but it didn't indicate WHAT kind of "assistance" it needed. Nonetheless, I closed out of the Airport program only to find that the indicator light, which had been Green, was now, flashing Yellow and I could not connect anything, including my computer. I opened the Airport program again and found the ONLY way I could get the Green light on was to select some sort of encryption option... then the light would go Green again but my cameras would not hook up again, and when I went back in and ONLY changed the option to NO encryption, I got the yellow flashing light and the "this base unit needs attention" warning...
    I think your suggestions are almost on the mark... is there any way of reconciling the WEP coding between the cameras and the Airport??? Or turning off the encryption option and STILL have Airport work?
    Thanks again for your help and suggestions... I really appreciate it.

  • How can I set up my time capsule as the primary base station with a centurylink router? I'm trying to extend my coverage, increase signal strength, and be able to connect a printer.

    I recently moved and now I'm trying to set up my Time Capsule as the primary base station or router with an existing network that has a Centurylink modem/router. The TC still has the settings for my old network. I also have backups on it. I have the data backed up to another HD so it's not an issue to return it to factory settings if doing so deletes the back ups. Do I need to restore it to the factory settings to set it up? Also, what settings would I select on the TC (and the Centurylink modem/router) in order for the TC to serve as the router, instead of the Centurylink router? I want to be able to use the TC to back up my Mac's, print wirelessly, and improve overall performance. I tried setting the TC up and ended with 2 different networks. Can anyone please help me with this?

    The TC has to plug into the existing modem router by ethernet.. you cannot use wireless.
    You have a choice of which is router.. only if Centurylink agree to bridge their modem router.. this has to be done by the ISP and often they do not allow it.
    Is your broadband cable or adsl or fibre or ???
    If it is cable and you are allowed to purchase your own cable modem pick a pure modem version with no router in it.. plug the TC into it by ethernet.
    Setup the TC in DHCP and NAT mode.. (depending on broadband type).
    You must reset the TC to factory to do the setup.. no files are lost at all.
    Here is my current recommended setup.. with Yosemite life has become harder than ever.
    Factory reset universal
    Power off the TC.. ie pull the power cord or power off at the wall.. wait 10sec.. hold in the reset button.. be gentle.. power on again still holding in reset.. and keep holding it in for another 10sec. You may need some help as it is hard to both hold in reset and apply power. It will show success by rapidly blinking the front led. Release the reset.. and wait a couple of min for the TC to reset and come back with factory settings. If the front LED doesn’t blink rapidly you missed it and simply try again. The reset is fairly fragile in these.. press it so you feel it just click and no more.. I have seen people bend the lever or even break it. I use a toothpick as tool.
    N.B. None of your files on the hard disk of the TC are deleted.. this simply clears out the router settings of the TC.
    Setup the TC again.
    ie Start from a factory reset. No files are lost on the hard disk doing this.
    Then redo the setup from the computer with Yosemite.
    1. Use very short names.. NOT APPLE RECOMMENDED names. No spaces and pure alphanumerics.
    eg TCgen5 and TCwifi for basestation and wireless respectively.
    Even better if the issue is more wireless use TC24ghz and TC5ghz with fixed channels as this also seems to help stop the nonsense. But this can be tried in the second round.
    2. Use all passwords that also comply but can be a bit longer. ie 8-20 characters mixed case and numbers.. no non-alphanumerics.
    3. Ensure the TC always takes the same IP address.. you will need to do this on the main router using dhcp reservation.. or a bit more complex setup using static IP in the TC. But this is important.. having IP drift all over the place when Yosemite cannot remember its own name for 5 min after a reboot makes for poor networking. If the TC is main router it will not be an issue.
    4. Check your share name on the computer is not changing.. make sure it also complies with the above.. short no spaces and pure alphanumeric.. but this change will mess up your TM backup.. so be prepared to do a new full backup. Sorry.. keep this one for second round if you want to avoid a new backup.
    5. Mount the TC disk in the computer manually.
    In Finder, Go, Connect to server from the top menu,
    Type in SMB:// (or whatever the TC ip is which you have now made static. As a router by default it is and I encourage people to stick with that unless you know what you are doing).
    You can use name.. SMB://TCgen5.local where you replace TCgen5 with your TC name.. local is the default domain of the TC and doesn't change.
    However names are not so easy as IP address.. nor as reliable. At least not in Yosemite they aren't. The domain can also be an issue if you are not plugged or wireless directly to the TC.
    6. Make sure IPv6 is set to link-local only in the computer. For example wireless open the network preferences, wireless and advanced / TCP/IP.. and fix the IPv6. to link-local only.
    There is a lot more jiggery pokery you can try but the above is a good start.. if you find it still unreliable.. don't be surprised.
    You might need to do some more work on the laptop itself. eg Reset the PRAM.. has helped some people. Clean install of the OS is also helpful if you upgrade installed.
    Tell us how you go.
    Someone posted a solution.. See this thread.
    Macbook can't find Time Capsule anymore
    Start from the bottom and work up.. I have a list of good network practice changes but I have avoided Yosemites bug heaven.
    This user has had success and a few others as well.
    RáNdÓm GéÉzÁ
    Here is why Yosemite has fundamental issues. u-can-do-to-fix-it/

  • Mac Book pro can't connect to Internet through Apple airport extreme base station

    I had problems connecting to the internet in the past with my macbook pro.  One day it suddenly started working again but then I bought a second apple TV I lost connectivity.  I have tried changing the IP address manually and while it shows me connected to the wifi I am still with out internet.  When I hooked up the new Apple TV that I bought it booted my computer from it's ip address.  The apple TV though wouldn't work and now nor would my computer.  I ended up setting the Apple TV's ip address manually and now it works fine. My computer on the other hand does not no matter if I set it manually or not.  Even if I plug in the ethernet cable from the base station it doesn't work.  It show that it has a self assigned IP address.  After I set it manually it shows that I am connected both via wifi and the ethernet cable but I can't connect to the internet.  If I plug the modem directly into the computer bypassing the base station I get internet and it is using the IP address that worked originally.
    It has something to do with the connection from the base station to my computer but this is odd considering every other device I have: iPhone 4, apple tv, apple tv, apple mini with retina display all work perfectly via wifi (newest apple tv had to be set manually as I stated above but now works fine).  When I check the ip of the base station itself it seems to be different from the ip of the computer when the computer was connected directly to the router.  I don't understand why my computer now can't connect to the internet via the base station whether it be wifi or by ethernet.  Can you please help me trouble shoot this?
    I have an AirPort Extreme base station which allows up to 50 users and a 30 meg connection speed.
    I have a MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

    It has something to do with the connection from the base station to my computer
    I don't think so..
    I just posted a reply which totally vanished.. strange strange website now.
    Please post some screenshots of your AE setup from the airport utility.. I want to see the summary page, then the network and internet tab.
    Please tell us what modem you use.. is it a router??
    If you have satellite or 3G wimax etc service they often are limited to 5 IP addresses... the AE takes one and then 4 more devices can join .. no more.
    You need to also give us the screenshot of the IP you are getting in a computer that works.
    Sorry this is half double post.. the previous page refused to display.. now it has returned..

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