Changing CA

We are on the way of replacing our old Active Directory CA with a new CA structure. We are not moving the certificate database from the old server since we did not have much more than Lync certificates on it.
Can I replace the Lync certificates (oauth and poolcertificates) from the old CA with certificates from the new CA over a couple of weeks? Or do I have to do it in a big bang and replace all of them in one sitting?
Both CA:s are trusted in the whole environment.

you can change the certificates one by one, there aren't any issue.
Before you start to change the certificates, please remember to add the new CA certificates to your non-domain joined servers like EDGE or Reverse Proxy, and to yours non-domain PC, Mac and smartphone.
Luca Vitali | MCITP Lync/Exchange | snom Certified Engineer | Sonus SBC1000 Engineer

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    If you use function BUPA_NUMBERS_GET then your BP number will already be buffered and you can avoid a DB read. It may also be that the BP is not in the DB yet anyway.
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    Goodmorning ,
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    As per SAP Standard, when the main Item quantity is changed, the Free Goods are redetermined. In this case any manual changes to Free Goods Quantities are lost.
    But your requirement is for restricting the Chages of the Quantity of Free Goods Correct?
    I believe there is no SAP standard solution for this. You will have to apply a User Exit, which will check the Item category of each LIne item & if it is free goods (TANN) then changes are not permitted.
    Hope this helps.
    Jignesh Mehta

  • Sy-tabix value has changed...

    Hi Gurus,
    I  am using a code like dis...this is not the actual code m using instad m sendin u a sample program so that u can understand the problem
    There is a selecvtion for Customer.
    sort itab by kunnr.
    loop at itab.
    on change of itab-kunnr.
    wkunnr = itab-kunnr.
      read table zitab with key kunnr = itab-kunnr.
    if itab-kunnr = wkunnr.
    wdmbtr = wdmbtr + itab-dmbtr.
    at end of kunnr.
    ftab-kunnr = wkunnr.
    ftab-dmbtr = wdmbtr.
    append ftab.
    Now my problem is that  AT END OF Kunnr is working fine for the first customer or say for single customer but when there are multiple customers  AT END OF kunnr is triggring for each entry.......
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    This is the Declaration
                      KUNNR      LIKE BSID-KUNNR,
                      BELNR      LIKE BSID-BELNR,
                      BUKRS      LIKE BSID-BUKRS,
                      GJAHR      LIKE BSID-GJAHR,
                      BUZEI      LIKE BSID-BUZEI,
                      SHKZG      LIKE BSID-SHKZG,
                      VALUT      LIKE BSID-ZFBDT,
                      SGTXT(70)  TYPE  C,
                      ZFBDT      LIKE BSID-ZFBDT,
                      ZBD1T       TYPE BSID-ZBD1T,
           ZBD2T       TYPE BSID-ZBD2T,
           ZBD3T       TYPE BSID-ZBD3T,
           REBZG       TYPE BSID-REBZG,
           NETDT       TYPE BSID-BUDAT,
                      ZUONR      LIKE BSID-ZUONR,
                       BLART      LIKE BSID-BLART,
                      DMBTR      LIKE BSID-DMBTR,
                      SPART       TYPE VBRK-SPART,
                      DAY    TYPE RFPOSX-VERZN,
                      FLAG TYPE C,
                      CITY        TYPE KNA1-ORT01,
           NAME1       TYPE LFA1-NAME1,
                     CR_DR1(4)  TYPE C,
                      PSWSL      LIKE BSID-PSWSL,
                      ZTERM      LIKE BSID-ZTERM,
                      VBELN      LIKE BSID-VBELN,
                      UMSKZ      LIKE BSID-UMSKZ,
                      KLIMK      LIKE KNKK-KLIMK,
                      VTEXT      LIKE TVZBT-VTEXT,
                      ADV        LIKE BSID-DMBTR,
                      REBZT       TYPE BSID-REBZT,
                      XBLNR      LIKE BSID-XBLNR,
                      VTEXT1(70) TYPE  C,
                       FKLIMK    LIKE KNKK-KLIMK,
                      ABC(4)     TYPE C,
                    AGRO(4)        TYPE C,
                      BIO(4)        TYPE C,
                      SKFOR      LIKE KNKK-SKFOR,
                      SSOBL      LIKE KNKK-SSOBL,
                      CTLPC      LIKE KNKK-CTLPC,
                      OEIKW      LIKE S066-OEIKW,
                      OLIKW      LIKE S067-OLIKW,
                      OFAKW      LIKE S067-OFAKW,
                     NAME1      LIKE LFA1-NAME1,
                      BUDAT      LIKE BKPF-BUDAT,
                      D_DMBTR    LIKE BSID-DMBTR,
                      S_DMBTR    LIKE BSID-DMBTR,
                      VORGN      LIKE BSEG-VORGN,
                      WERKS      LIKE BSEG-WERKS,
                      NAMESO     LIKE KNA1-NAME1,
                      NAMEAM     LIKE KNA1-NAME1,
                      NAMERM     LIKE KNA1-NAME1,
                       NAMEDR     LIKE KNA1-NAME1,
       END OF ITAB.


    Dear Guru's,
                     I have a requirement where i have to move the values to variable when control break (AT END OF) process. So i want to move the values according to the end of Vendor so for that  i want to know is there any sy-index available which reflects changes when Control break (AT end of) process.
    LIKE Sy-subrc = 0 when select statement fetches record or sy-tabix is like counter for loop.
    Hope to get reply soon.
    Himanshu Rangappa

    There is no system Fields for it.
    But your requirement can be done with 'AT NEW' and 'AT END' statement.
    Refer this sample example,
    loop at otab.
        at new module.
          move otab-module to otab2-module.
          at END OF effort.
          sum.               "Do your calculations here
          move otab-count to otab2-count.
          append otab2.

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    [Solved] SSO fails to show success page you can find some information on re registering mod_osso.
    Hope it helps.

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    Hi belladonna82,
    You should take a look at the [[Downloads window]] and [[Options window - General panel]] Knowledge Base articles. They will give you all the details you need. Unless you are talking about the default action and not the actual download folder? If so, you should look at [[Options window - Applications panel]].
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    of the URI namespace from other backend servers (content, application
    and other types of servers).
    So far every type of backend server served a unique part of the namespace
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    http://appserver:8080/content/page.html would be published in the internet
    I was recently asked to research whether we can rename some parts of
    the public URI namespace, to publish some or all resources as, say, while using the same backend
    Another quest, possibly related in solution, was to make a tidy url for the
    first page the user opens of the site. That is, in the current solution when
    a visitor types the url "" in his or her browser, our web
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    browser sends a second request (and changes the URL in its location bar).
    One customer said that it is not "tidy". They don't want the URL to change
    right upon first rendering the page. They want the root page to be rendered
    instantly i the first HTTP request.
    So far I found that I can't solve these problems. I believe these problems
    share a solution because it relies on ability to control the actual URI strings
    requested by Sun Web Server from backend servers.
    Some details follow, now:
    It seems that the reverse proxy (Service fn="service-passthrough") takes
    only the $uri value which was originally requested by the browser. I didn't
    yet manage to override this value while processing a request, not even if
    I "restart" a request. Turning the error log up to "finest" I see that even
    when making the "service-passthrough" operation, the Sun Web Server
    still remembers that the request was for "/test" (in my test case below);
    it does indeed ask the backend server for an URI "/test" and that fails.
    [04/Mar/2009:21:45:34] finest (25095) for host xx.xx.xx.83
    trying to GET /content/MainPage.html while trying to GET /test, func_exec reports:
    fn="service-passthrough" rewrite-host="true" rewrite-location="true"
    servers="" Directive="Service" DaemonPool="2b1348"
    returned 0 (REQ_PROCEED)My obj.conf file currently has simple clauses like this:
    # this causes /content/* to be taken from another (backend) server
    NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/content" name="content-test" nostat="/content"
    # this causes requests to site root to be HTTP-redirected to a certain page URI
    <If $uri =~ '^/$'>
        NameTrans fn="redirect"
    <Object name="content-test">
    ### This maps http://public/content/* to*
    ### Somehow the desired solution should instead map http://public/data/* to*
        Service fn="service-passthrough" rewrite-host="true" rewrite-location="true" servers=""
        Service fn="set-variable" set-srvhdrs=""
    I have also tried "restart"ing the request like this:
        NameTrans fn="restart" uri="/data"or desperately trying to set the new request uri like this:
        Service fn="set-variable"  uri="/magnoliaPublic/Main.html"Thanks for any ideas (including a statement whether this can be done at all
    in some version of Sun Web Server 7.0 or its opensourced siblings) ;)

    Some of our installations use the Sun Web Server 7.0 (update 1, usually)please plan on installing the latest service pack - 7.0 Update 4. these updates addresses potentially critical bug fixes.
    I was recently asked to research whether we can rename some parts of
    the public URI namespace, to publish some or all resources as, say, while using the same backend
    resources.> now, if all the resources are under say /data, then how will you know which pages need to be sent to which back end resources. i guess, you probably meant to check for /data/page.html should go to <back-end>/content/page.html
    yes, you could do something like
    - edit your corresponding obj.conf (<hostname>-obj.conf or obj.conf depending on your configuration)
    <Object name=¨default¨>
    <If $uri = ¨/page/¨>
    #move this nametrans SAF (for map directive - which is for reverse proxy within <if> clause)
    NameTrans.. fn=map
    and you could do https-<hostname>/bin/reconfig (dynamic reconfiguration) to check out if this is what you wanted. also, you might want to move config/server.xml <log-level> to finest and do your configuration . this way, you would get enough information on what is going on within your server logs.
    finally,when you are satisfied, you might have to run the following command to make your manual change into admin config repository.
    <install-root>/bin/wadm pull-config user=admin config=<hostname> <hostname>
    <install-root>/bin/wadm deploy-config --user=admin <hostname>
    you might want to check out this for more info on how you could use <if> else condition to handle your requirement.
    finally, you might want to refer to this doc - which explains on ws7 request processing overview. this should provide you with some pointers as to what these different directives mean
    One customer said that it is not "tidy". They don't want the URL to change
    right upon first rendering the page. They want the root page to be rendered
    instantly i the first HTTP request.
    please check out the rewrite / restart SAF. this should help you.
    pl. understand that - like with more web servers - ordering of directives is very important within obj.conf. so, you might want to make sure that you verify the obj.conf directive ordering is what you want it to do..
    It seems that the reverse proxy (Service fn="service-passthrough") takes
    only the $uri value which was originally requested by the browser. I didn't
    yet manage to override this value while processing a request, not even if
    I "restart" a request. Turning the error log up to "finest" I see that even
    when making the "service-passthrough" operation, the Sun Web Server
    still remembers that the request was for "/test" (in my test case below);
    it does indeed ask the backend server for an URI "/test" and that fails.
    now, you are in the totally wrong direction. web server 7 includes a highly integrated reverse proxy solution compared to 6.1. unlike 6.1, you don´t have to download a separate plugin . however, you will need to manually migrate your 6.1 based reverse proxy settings into 7.0. please check out this blog link on how to set up a reverse proxy
    feel free to post to us if you need any futher help
    you are probably better off - starting fresh
    - install ws7u4
    - use gui or CLI to create a reverse proxy and map one on one - say content
    if you don´t plan on using ws7 integrated web container (ability to process jsp/servlet), then you could disable java support as well. this should reduce your server memory footprint
    <install-root>/bin/wadm disable-java user=admin config=<hostname>
    <install-root>/bin/wadm create-reverse-proxy user=admin uri-prefix=/content server=<http://your back end server/ config=<hostname> --vs=<hostname>
    <install-root>/bin/wadm deploy-config --user=admin <hostname>
    now, you can check out the regular express processing and <if> syntax from our docs and try it out within <https-<hostname>/config/<hostname>-obj.conf> file and restart the server. pl. note that once you disable java, ws7 admin server creates <vs>-obj.conf and you need to edit this file and not default obj.conf for your changes to be read by server.
    I have also tried "restart"ing the request like this:
    NameTrans fn="restart" uri="/data"
    ordering is very important here... you need to do this some thing like
    <Object name=default>
    <If not $restarted>
    NameTrans fn=restart uri from=/¨ uri=/foo.

  • Issue on payroll area which is changing from biweekly to monthly in Mid of

    Dear Experts,
    I have an issue on payroll area which is changing from biweekly to monthly in Mid of the Month.
    One employee was retired on 29th of March, so his payroll area was changed from biweekly to monthly on 29th. For retire we are running the payroll on 8th of every month. When we are running payroll for April he has received only 29th and 30th retire salary, by the time he is not yet retired also.
    In this case the main problem is monthly payroll time is early then biweekly. so the employee is getting retire salary then his regular pay.
    Can you guide me where we can control that monthly payroll area should not be triggered at this movement.

    You can do that but it is not that easy as it sounds if you have to do that over a period of say 10-20 years...lot of operational work!!
    Also say if you load the retiree action one month ahead say on 03/01/2011. And the employee is retiring on  03/29.
    Retire payroll is on 04/08
    Biweekly is on 04/15
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    What happens if there is adjustment have to manually go and unlock the employee and lock him after the adjustment check.
    I will let you decide based on the comfort, SAP effort, Operational effort and system maintenance.

  • Issue on Changing the Payroll Area in Mid of the Month from Biweekly to Mon

    Dear Experts,
    I have an issue on payroll area which is changing from biweekly to monthly in Mid of the Month.
    One employee was retired on 29th of March, so his payroll area was changed from biweekly to monthly on 29th. For retire we are running the payroll on 8th of every month. When we are running payroll for April he has received only 29th and 30th retire salary, by the time he is not yet retired also.
    In this case the main problem is monthly payroll time is early then biweekly. so the employee is getting retire salary then his regular pay.
    Can you guide me where we can control that monthly payroll area should not be triggered at this movement.

    Hi Dilek,
    If splits will be there definitely there will be two wagetypes but the amounts they'll have will be based on the rates of those periods.
    Suppose an employee got payscale increase on 11th of  the month, then employee will be paid at the rate of first payscale for first ten days then @ of second payscale on second 20 days.
    So there won't be any inconsistency.

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  • Change Locale / UI Text Options of Photoshop CS4

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    In my "Locales" folder the only subdirectory that exists is, "en_GB". In Edit>Preferences>Interface:UI Text Options:UI Language there is only one option available which is "English: UK". I'm pretty sure that during the initial install of the suite I selected "United States" as my Locale. And is there any reason to have a drop-down with only one choice and no means of adding others (no need to answer this one, I'm just thinking out loud)?
    Is there any way to add the United States as a Locale without having to re-install the Suite?
    Many Thanks

    Is there any way to add the United States as a Locale without having to re-install the Suite?
    The locale for the main program is defined by the serial, not necessarily by your language selection. Shared components derive their locale from this as well and/or in part from the system setting. That issue with installs wrongly using en_GB is quite common, though. It usually occurs when other Adobe software with shared components already was on the system and coerced the installer into using the wrong language. However, short of reinstalling everything Adobe after having sweeped clean with uninstalls and the CS4 Clean Script, there is no way to resolve this.

  • My Excel with PowerPivots acts weird, it hangs when i try to change font color

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    and then everything just freezes and turns black. This problem is happening only with Charts worksheet, when i try to change the color in other sheets, it works just, the problem is only with Charts sheet. File
    size is 16 MB, there are just 10 pivot tables with some calculations and some calculated fields. There are no add-ins other than PowerPivot. 

    In regarding of the issue, please provide us more information to assist you better.
    Do you receive any error message?
    Which Excel version are you using?  Excel 2013 or other?
    Which workbook format are you using? XLS or XLSX?
    Are you performing any specific task?
    According to your description, this issue seems only occur with the special worksheet "Charts".
    Firstly, I recommend we copy all of the content to a new/blank Excel file to test.
    If it works fine, this issue might be caused by the "Charts" workbook itself. We'd better check the "Charts" workbook. Or re-build the file with a new workbook.
    If it still makes Excel hang with a new file, this issue might due to the content. Please check the content first.
    Secondly, we could follow below KB to troubleshoot this issue:
    Thirdly, if the issue still exists, we may try to collect the Event log and App crash dump file to do advanced troubleshooting.
    Event log:
    App crash dump file:
    First enable app crash dump collection by copying following words into notepad, saving it as dump.reg and importing
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\localdumps\EXCEL.EXE]
    Then, open Excel
    to repro the issue. If crash issue appeared, please find the crashdump file under c:\.
    To further help you, please upload this file into Skydrive and shared the link here.
    Also, you can try to analyze dump by yourself if you would like to:
    How to analyze app crash dump file:
    Hope it's helpful.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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