Changing frequency measuremen​t

I´ve sampled a signal from a hall sensor on a belt pulley. I get six pulses per rotation. So I get a higher frequency on a higher belt speed.
How can I analyse the frequency or pulse width for each pulse with LV?
Best regards,

Typically period measurements are used when pulse by pulse data is needed.  You could either measure the width of a pulse or the period of a cycle.
In either case you need to define a minimum speed, or maximum pulse width or period you want to detect.  When the shaft slows down the time between pulses or edges gets longer and longer.  Make sure your period measurement process has some kind of timeout or maximum time limit so that it does not hang up waiting for another edge onyour signal.

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    Thanks for reply. I tried again changing frequency to 2.4 as suggested, but the problem was the same. Airport Utility reports it cannot find device. Then, when I try to connect to wireless network anyway, a box comes up telling me to enter password. I do this and I get the message "connection failed".
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    Thanks a lot in advance and best regards,

    In a live BI system, you may get it easily for the object (say customer), maybe not so easily for the attribute(eg Address).
    Let us say, a live customer master data has one million records. From BW load statistics, you can easily see that for last month 30000 delta (change) records have come (in daily runs). If you average it for a long period of time, you can get a relatively safe indicator of change frequency of the object (in this case it is 30000 out of one million per month ).
    Not totally sure if this is what you look for.
    If you want this analysis for specific fields (like Customer's Address eg) as to how frequently it changes, this might be difficult to get. You may have to put some code that analyses the incoming data and stores such results somewhere. BI doesn't do it automatically.

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    Go to Solution.

    It all comes down to what was available in the country at the time the system was developed. In Europe before GSM came along, each country had their own system (TACS, NMT, C-NET etc...) and own bands, but ITU tried to get all countries to harmonise, EU went further and made all countries clear a few bands of radio spectrum and work on a common system, hence GSM. Other countries though like USA had different band requirements due to historical usage by the millitary and other organisations and so couldn't reserve the same bands.
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    This is very much a simple summary of 30+ years of cellular development.

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    To change the frequency of Time Machine's backups, you would have to use a tool like Time Machine Editor; however, Time Machine only keeps hourly backups for the past day, and then daily backups for the past week, followed by weekly backups indefinitely. This means that it does exactly what you already want, with the added feature of hourly backups that are cycled through. As was mentioned above, in most cases these wont take much space at all, so adjusting Time Machine's behavior for the sake of saving space will not do much in the grand scheme of things.

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    Many thanks

    Hello Susan,
    Thanks so much for your response, it triggered the right thought in my head and I have been able to resolve the issue.
    Many Thanks

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    Most of us are letting TM work as designed, because it usually is best that way, and the hourly incremental backups normally aren't very obtrusive.
    If your hourly backups seem too large, they might be. See #D4 in the Time Machine - Troubleshooting *User Tip* at the top of this forum.
    If the size is reasonable, but they're too slow, see #D2 there.

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    I'm trying to take a speed measurement off of a shaft using a hall effect sensor and a 9402 module in a 4 module cDAQ 9174 chassis. I've used the low frequency measurement example using DAQmx but if the shaft isn't spinning I get a timeout error.
    Two questions, is there a way to use the Express VI's to accomplish this and how do I create a trigger to start the measurement?

    Why not clear the timeout and report 0 RPM.  The timeout is 0 rmp but you dont want to wait forever and block program flow.
    Paul Falkenstein
    Coleman Technologies Inc.
    CLA, CPI, AIA-Vision
    Labview 4.0- 2013, RT, Vision, FPGA

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    I don't know how to approach this problem - should I be using FPGA or Scan Interface mode? Are there any basic examples of frequency measurement or digital counters that do not involve NI data acquisition devices? For a basic counter, how would you set up the VI so that it could measure the period or frequency based on the counter values? 
    Thanks a lot for your help!

    A great place to get started when using a cRIO is the NI CompactRIO Developer's Guide.  It will explain both Scan Mode and FPGA.  The difference between them comes down to the functionality and what you would like to complete in the program.  The simpler of the two is Scan Mode but you have more functionality with FPGA.
    We offer a lot of good examples in our NI Example Finder by going to Help >> Find Examples.  In here you can narrow the examples by hardware or just browse to different categories.  We do have a counter example that will work with the NI 9403 you can get to the example by going to Hardware Input and Output >> NI Scan Engine >> Module Specific >> Digital Input >> “Digital Line Input – cRIO.lvproj.” 
    M. Whitaker

  • Frequency measuremen​ts using NI cRIO 9073 and NI 9425 or NI 9422 modules

    Hi everyone!
    I'm trying to measure two frequency signals using a cRIO 9073.
    I'm already using a NI 9425 module for digital inputs.
    I need to measure two (2) frequency signals.
    Is it possible to use this module (NI 9425) or NI 9422 for frequency measurements either in Scan Engine or FPGA mode?
    In case it is, if you could point me to any example, it would be appreciated.
    I'll try to be more explanatory:
    These two frequency signals are in completely different ranges.
    The first is a frequency signal from a DC motor tachometer and the second one is from a mass flow meter.
    So the frequency ranges vary from KHZ for the tachometer output, to Hz for the MFM output.
    The rest of the channels on the module are simple Digital Inputs.
    Also, I have the option to use a NI 9422 module if NI 9425 is not appropriate.
    Thanks in advance,

    It is possible to make frequency measurements with either the 9422 or the 9425 but each will have its own limitations in the range of frequency it will be able to accurately measure.  
    A few things to know:  
    1. What are the frequency ranges for each sensor (tach and MFM)? More than just knowing Hz/kHz will be helpful.
    2. To what accuracy do you need to measure these signals?
    The 9422 supports a specialty digital configuration counter input that can be configured for frequency measurement (see link)​/riohelprt/crio-9422_rt/
    The specialty mode is only available when using Scan Interface mode, not with FPGA.  
    But the max clock rate in the specifications for the 9422 is 4kHz so this may not be sufficient for the tachometer.  I believe this is the max rate at which the module will update its state no matter how fast the underlying software (RT controller) is running.
    The 9425 has a higher clock rate (~140kHz) but doesn't support the specialty digital mode mentioned above.  It is also a software timed only device but this shouldn't be a problem if you use FPGA.

  • Point-by-p​oint Frequency Measuremen​t

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    I'm a bit of a Labview beginner, and I have searched for a solution to this for several hours now, so hopefully someone here can give me a hand.
    Sorry for the mess of wires; that's what happens when I click the clean-up tool button!
    Attachments: ‏27 KB

    You can try the attached code. 
    point-by-point frequency ‏11 KB

  • Low frequency measuremen​t from Parallel Port

    Hi there...
    I need to calculate the "on" and "off" time and duty cycle in pulse form from a parallel port. By making the circuit in 5 or 0 V, I just simply put it in my parallel port. The problem comes when I need to measure a very very low frequency. In this case, I want to measure the duty cycle from my operated refrigerator. I need to know when the thermostat goes "on" and when it comes to "off". In my experience, the thermostat will be "on" in about 5-10 minutes and "off" in about 20-30 minutes. So, the pulse might be take for a long periode each.
    I've tried with Timing and Transition Measurement wizard or even by using Pulse which is included in Waveform Measurement category. It only works for 2 Hz and . If I try to set it with 1 Hz or below, it comes the message :
    "Error -20308 occurred at Timing and Transition Measurements -> Untitled 1
    :4"  (waveform index 0 of 1)
    Possible reason(s):
    Analysis:  The waveform did not cross the mid reference level enough times to perform this measurement. Check the signal length, reference levels, and ref level units."
    Could someone help me please ?

    here is a quick shot to give you an idea
    Greetings from Germany
    LV since v3.1
    “ground” is a convenient fantasy
    '˙˙˙˙uıɐƃɐ lɐıp puɐ °06 ǝuoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ ǝsɐǝld 'ʎɹɐuıƃɐɯı sı pǝlɐıp ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ'
    port ‏22 KB

  • Frequency measuremen​t with PCI6624, timout problem at startup, i.e measure 0 Hz.

    I want to use my PCI 6624 for measuring of frequency signals from a gear flow meter. The problem is that when I start running the VI there is no pulses from the flow meter and the VI stops to run and I get a Timeout error message. I.e is it possible to measure 0 Hz with the 6624 input used for frequency measurement?
    With hardware from IOtech and Daisylab I don`t have this kind of problem.
                                        /Thanks in advance

    Having similar problem,
    Did you manage to resolve the issue?
    I have attached the the solution given by NI for error code 200474, if its any use. The problem I have just found with this Vi is that if one channel has no signal it forces the other channel to grind to a halt. This problem has existed for me on the cards being used in this project PXI-6289 and PXI-6236, also other DAQ cards used in a different project earlier in the year.
    It seems to be a serious flaw in the application of the NI DAQ cards to general purpose data logging where counter signals might not be connected by the end user or they are very low frequency and the whole system hangs.
    Labview Version 8.5
    Labview Version 8.6
    Labview Version 2013
    Attachments: ‏37 KB

  • PXI-6533, Changing frequency without stopping the card?

    Using PXI-6533 and LabVIEW, is it possible to update the frequency (of a defined pattern) without stopping the output of the card?

    Hi JX5000,
    I don't have an example written for this use case, but you would use the property node in your while loop (perhaps with an event structure).  I've attached a link to the LabVIEW Help file on this property node below.  Hopefully this helps!
    DAQmx Timing Property Node (VI)
    Josh B
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    I have three optical sensors on a gyroscope rig connected to
    a 6601 card producing a square wave of 0-5V. I can get an edge count.  But how do I get an RPM or frequency

    Dear Ian
    I have to say I’m not having a lot of luck with the example finder.  I have three optical sensors all hooked up to LabVIEW.  I can count the pulses no problem, I just don’t seem to be able to connect a clock.  As I think I want a “Period Measurement” or a “Buffered Period.”
    Best wishes

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