Changing GB to Indian Classical Music scale?

Does anyone know of GB plugins that will let me work with Indian classical music scales? (E.g. the "Pa" note of Indian music is slightly sharper than the "G" of Western music, etc.)?
BTW, there is a nice article on Indian notes vs. Western notes at
MacMini   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

Welcome to the forum.
I don't think such a thing exists. The closest you could come to this in GB that I can think of is to use the limited pitch shifting capabilities of GB on different tracks to get parts of the scale in each track. Then you'd have to divide up what you are playing between the different tracks so they would be in the right pitch. This would be a huge pain in the @ss, so I wouldn't advise it.
However, there is nothing stopping you from recording real instruments using the Indian scale. There is no restrictions for real audio, just the limits of your imagination....
Oh, and welcome to the forum.

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    Hi there. Hope someone can help. This is really irritating me now.
    I have a lot of classical music in my iTunes library. Since very early on I have taken the decision to alter the Artist name in the sort field to the name of the composer rather than the performer as the listing of artists in classical music is so inconsistent (sometimes it's the orchestra, or the orchestra & conductor, or just the conductor, or the soloists, or it changes from track to track). I have kept the performer's details in the Comments box.
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    Yes, others are seeing this. Something in purchased media (I am pretty sure this has only happened with purchased media) is periodically checking back with the iTunes Store and resetting the tags in the iTunes library file but not in the actual media files (metadata are stored in both).  I haven't seen a truly systematic diagnosis of the issue (I use an old iTunes and have no iTunes account so I can't test anything myself).  There are temporary workarounds but tags will still revert after a time.
    2014 discussion about edited tags for Store purchases reverting to originals - - edited tags are still present in the media file but revert to the originals in the iTunes library file.  Workaround is to refresh tags so media file tags are re-read and used in library file. - user ended up rebuilding iTunes library from scratch
    Send feedback to Apple about this so they know it is an issue they need to investigate:
    Don't expect an immediate solution but maybe the next time they update the software it may be resolved.

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    Many thanks in advance for any help!

    I don't know of any scripts that will do that or a program that will do that for you. But if you click on the composer and then hit Cmd i. You can mass change all of the information by that composer. You can do the same thing with Album and Genre.

  • Organising classical music

    I started to write this as a response to somebody else's query, but then I thought no, I'm asking for general guidance on the best way to organise classical music to be listened to on my Mac and on my iPod.
    I know that classical music lovers are a (threatened) minority, but oh, how I wish Apple would heed these regular sounds of anguish from us.
    *What we need*
    The 'Song' is an almost meaningless concept when organising classical music; 'Artist' is not much better.
    Classical music fans may want to:
    1. sort by composer
    2. within composer, possibly sort by type (eg symphony)
    3. within type, sort by work (eg Symphony 1)
    4. within work sort by movement.
    *Nested folders?*
    A pretty obvious case for nested folders? (Not to mention having a clear consistent way to order and group movements.)
    Yes - provided you dont have an iPod.
    Thus I can have a folder 'Beethoven', within that I have a folder 'Symphonies' and within that I can have a playlist 'Symphony 5' ( actually two playlists for my two different recordings, otherwise I risk hearing the first movement twice before moving to the second movement). To ensure the movements are played in order, I have to ensure they are listed in the right order in Names (ie have 1,2,3,4 in the title).
    This cludge sems to work in ITunes (although how nice it would be if Names and Albums were replaced by something a bit more akin to the world of classical music, and how nice it would be if one could have an Opus field.
    *Not if you have an iPod*
    But then this scheme falls apart if I sync with my iPod, which can't handle nested folders.
    I quote from my message of 21 October 2006:
    +... is there any sign of Apple introducing nested folders for the iPod (as it did with iTunes) and if not is there any manageable workaround for organising large collections of music?+
    If you have a playlist for every symphony within a folder called Symphonies within Beethoven, you end up with at least nine playlists to scroll through! (Imagine the effect on my 400+ Bach items.)
    I have found the only two useable viewing methods on the ipod are Playlists and Composers and both have serious problems. This is how they seem to work:
    Under Playlists on the iPod:
    If in iTunes, you have a playlist Symphony 1, within a folder Symphonies, within a folder Beethoven,
    on your iPod there will be an item for each playlist, ie lines for each of the nine symphonies And if you select one, you will get the four movements of that symphony.
    If you had made a playlist Beethoven Symphonies, there would be just one item in the playlist - but then once selected there would be all the movements of all the symphonies.
    Under Composers on the iPod,
    everything by Beethoven is listed, with a line per movement! Things are better if you have sussed (as I did not) that if the Album name for All the movements of Symphony 1 was exactly the same, eg 'Beethoven: Symphony 1', then this particular item appears once in the list.
    *So, what am I doing?*
    When not cursing Apple, I have already grouped music in folders by composer/broad category of music (in the case of the main composers) and under one playlist for minor composers (ie ones which I dont have much music for).
    I'm painfully renaming every Name of every piece so that the movements appear in the correct order.
    I'm painfully renaming the Album name of each piece so that all movements have exactly the same Album name (starting with 'Composername: )
    (By the way I tried and abandoned some people's strategies involving calling Composers 'Artists' and vice versa. Too messy, and besides, I do from time to time download the metadata from Gracenote CDDB - deeply flawed though it is - and don't want to have to do more editing than necessary.
    So, for example, for the first movement of one recording of Beethoven's Symphony Number 1 I have the following:
    Name-- Symphony 1 In C, Op. 21 - 1. Adagio Molto, Allegro Con Brio (crucial that the movements are numbered, to get them in the right order)
    Artist-- Nikolaus Harnoncourt; Chamber Orchestra Of Europe
    Composer-- Beethoven (I also put Bach for JS and only put the initials for the other Bachs)
    Album-- Beethoven: Symphony 1 In C, Op. 21
    *Is there a better way to do this?*
    Wouldn't be surprised. But you don't expect Apple software to be so bad that simple users like me have to work out a logic to make things work on both Mac and iPod.

    ed2345 wrote:
    What, for example will you do with an albmum of Maria Callas singing arias from many composers?
    I have indeed got an album of Maria Callas and I put each song under the composer. (I can after all select Callas under Artist and get all her songs that way.)
    ed2345 wrote:
    As a workaround for the iPod, I suggest to manually add the composer in to the Artist field (since the Composer field does not show on the iPod).
    As I said, I tried that and, apart from finding it a messy fix, it means changing EVERY entry, whereas sometimes I get a semi decent one from the CD or the database. (Actually the Composer field does show on the iPod - the problem is that I scroll for ages to get through Bach.)
    I'm pretty certain I sent feedback a couple of years ago, but see absolutely no signs of development of the metadata behind iTunes or the iPod. Sad. I'm an Apple user going back 20 years.

  • Classical Music Menus

    I have a large Classical Music collection in Itunes 7 with artists/composers/etc all somewhat different because it was so user unfriendly and I couldn't stick (didn't) to one way of doing it. I understand that Itunes 9 is easier. Can someone give me a suggestion as to how to do it, and do I need to delete my entire collection from my current library and IPOD then re-enter everything (because it truly is all over the place)? Or simply pull the CD covers and re-enter? Or do I need a program that does ID3 tags (but then I need to re-rip everything, right?). Thanks...

    Thanks... when I first ripped the CD's, I started changing the fields that itunes put the names in and did so much, I wonder if it's even correct enough (or if I did some truncating) to be able to use itunes to "re-read" the info that's in there. As for a program that does it, I think it's called id3man or something like that but it didn't work correctly with classical music - wasn't consistent. I appreciate the suggestions.

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    rough spot, and so on. Ultimately there may be 15 takes that all need to be
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    Al the Drifter wrote:
    If you follow Steve's advice, and after doing the edits you discover
    that one instrument should come up 1db, you are screwed.
    I could be wrong about this in the classical music environment,
    where things are not close-mic'ed but if I am, I am confident Steve
    will correct me.  Ha.
    You always run the risk of small changes between takes - and that's where Audition 3 and the new improved crossfades score rather heavily. You won't notice 1dB on a single instrument across a fade though - it's hard to spot this as a jump, even, unless it's on pure tone. No, I very rarely close-mic stuff at all, although I did with a clavichord recently - it's seriously too quiet to mic any other way.
    jaypea500 wrote:
     when recording classical music, any engineer worth anything has the mix down pat as it's being recorded. 
    That's the way they used to work, certainly - but not nowadays, especially if it's done on location, which most classical recording is. What's more likely to happen is that you'd use decent mic preamps feeding straight into a multitrack, or even some software on a laptop. I generally record like that - but I also feed the multitrack outputs to a Yamaha mixer via ADAT, do a mix on that and record it back to a spare multitrack pair. I don't actually need to do that - but having a mix available from the multitrack that's pretty much there is good as far as being able to play back takes to conductors is concerned.
    Of course, one of the other reasons that classical sessions recorded on location aren't mixed on the spot is that the monitoring conditions are invariably far from ideal, and I'd have it that no engineer worth anything would ever risk a final mix done on location.
    But I only get paid to do all of this on a regular basis, so what would I know? Must be something though - my customers come back for more...

  • Classical Music Purchasers Left out in cold by itunes 11

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    Classical music purchasers apparently can no longer purchase musicbecause the option of listing composer and/or artist and/or piece and/or across all categories is gone
    Every online music download store that caters to classical music fans makes it easy to search by Composer.  Here are two good ones:

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    Here are some classical podcasts including a couple with an early music/contemporary focus:
    *Harmonia Early Music Podcast*. A weekly podcast produced by WFIU/Indiana University (6-8 min. episodes)
    *BBC Music Magazine* Podcast. Editors discuss best new CD releases (August episode includes music by Panufnik & Dutilleux among others):
    *BBC Radio 3 Lebrecht Interview*. In-depth interviews with classical musicians. Last episode: interview with French Director Patrice Chéreau (Janácek's House of the Dead, Wagner's The Ring, etc)
    *London Sinfonietta Podcast*
    *WNYC New Sounds*. Wide range of performers and styles not limited to classical music.

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    It's the age old story of Mohammed and the mountain. If the tags in the files don't allow you to do what you want, then you have to bite the bullet and change the tags.
    I don't have much experience with classical, but give me an example of what's giving you trouble and I'll see if I can help.

  • Classical Music too soft

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    It's even more noticeable with the Belkin iPod system I just put in my Scion. It's cool because I can change songs with the iPod in the glove box, but on the classical music, I can turn the stereo up to "Max" and barely hear it. I'm about ready to have them take the Belkin system out.
    Any ideas?

    No, my volume limiter isn't on. It's at full volume, but that doesn't matter with the Belkin system.

  • Importing classical music

    I use iTunes 9.1.1 on Windows XP and want to import about 1.500 cd's of classical music (AAC 320 kbps). I see that every album is stored in folders the following way: first name of the artist and then in a subfolder the name of the album. (Artist / Album). For classical music that's not logical. Logical is: Composer / Album / Artist. Is there a possibility to change that?
    I also heard some rumours aout a new version of iTunes this summer. I hope there are some extra features on managing large libraries better. For example: if you have more than one library, you can hold the shift-key while clicking the iTunes icon for a popup that let you choose the library you want. That is rather complex. Why not a on-off box in the advanced properties tab in the Edit -Preferences menu option?
    Thanks for an answer

    For classical music I tend to use the Composer as the Artist & Album Artist and either discard the performer details or place these into the Comments field.
    If you're really particular about how your tracks get organised at the file & folder level then MediaMonkey has some extensive renaming tools. The drawback with using these is you then have to remove & reimport all your tracks from iTunes. I have been working on a script called FilenameFromTag to manage renaming my tracks just the way I want which also updates iTunes as part of the process. It is still kind of a work in progress but if you're interested you could tweak it to rename your files just the way you like. You simply select some tracks, call the script, and it renames them accordingly. At the moment it doesn't tidy up emptied folders or relocate folder art but I hope to import these features from the CleanDeadArt project soon.

  • ITunes 11 and Classical Music: a catastrophe!

    Been plyaing around with iTunes 11, and I am sorry to say, listeners of classical music should absolutly avoid this update. The usual setting on iTunes 10 form classicla music is to have the composer on the left column followed by the grouping. This is impossible in iTunes 11. Worst, it's almost impossible to sort your music by composer, and completly impossible if your viewing a playlist. The ONLY way possible consists of selecting Music Library, and in this view, you can see the column browser. Its workable, but incredibly poor, and takes away any interest any classical music listener might have in switching to this version: the big advantage of iTunes 11 is how colorful it is, but this view is drab as heck, almost sovietic in its colour scheme!
    Obviously, the new iTunes has been designed by people who have absolutly no clue how to classical music works. That's fair enough, we're a minority among all music listeners. I still hope Apple will correct this. iTunes 11 is a very average update in general, and a catastrophe for us. Please, make an effort, this is supposed to be your flagship software for all your iPods.

    Individual downloads over 20MB require wifi.  It can't be changed.  Like all things in life, there are limitations.

  • ITunes 9 store classical music nightmare

    I foolishly upgraded my iTunes from 8 to 9 and now I am finding it much harder to find things. One reason is that Composer and Release Date are no longer displayable in the "See all" view (which requires an extra click and wait to get to). Another reason is this view is divided into pages and sort only works within the current page.
    Suppose I want to see the most recent albums by Steve Reich (say). How can I do that with iTunes 9?
    Column Browser is no use for classical music either, because it uses Artist rather than Composer to filter for Album. I can't see any way of changing this.
    Until searching the store for classical music becomes feasible again, I will go back to buying CDs and importing those. iTunes is simply too much hassle.

    I find this and the white background both very irritating. And, on my collections, they have split my Classical genre into two playlists: Classical & Classical Music. Why? I now can't browse in one category of music. I have no way of readily knowing if the two overlap or not, since there are 700+ albums in each slot. I'm all for upgrading the quality of the software engine and improving the experience of using it. But not when there are such ill-conceived changes that make it more difficult. I would like an option to retain genre categories and the store interface.

  • Genius Question regarding classical music (or meta-data in general)

    OK - I have a fairly large library and probably 50% of it has meta-data that when pulled up automatically I leave (this is for the bulk, but not all of non-classical genres) as is post import and/or purchase from itunes. Now, here is the enchilada:
    I am a big classical music listener and m constantly tweaking my library to make it as easy as possible to organize classical music - I still don't have it perfected as there isn't a standard - there are many standards and many are based on how you want to prioritize/search for things: I use composer as the "main" field to search(I have it as Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus as opposed to just Mozart or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) and then I also search by Artist as a secondary way which is fine should I want to focus on a conductor or a string quartet, etc.
    Now, there are basically three options that most folks will use with classical meta-data:
    1. If purchased from iTunes, leave it as is
    2. If pulled from CDDB, leave it as is
    3. My methodology: I do both 1 & 2 and more than 95% of the time I have to tweak the way it looks.
    Assuming all of this is common amongst the 65,000,000 iTunes users, I would love to know how Genius works with this - I uploaded to he Genius Cloud last night my library. How does Genius look at the same album which may have either simple or significant meta-data discrepencies/changes vs. the way it is in the iTunes system? Have I lost anyone in my rambling??
    hearand I do it by last name, first name

    Based on what I have been seeing over at the Macworld forums, Genius does not play too well with classical music and the situation is really bad if the user modifies any fields to their liking. Using the ISRC code would make more sense, as it is something the user cannot modify and to rely on user-definable fields would result in many libraries being crippled in terms of the new feature.
    In terms of the metadata, there are two composer fields: Composer and Sort Composer. You would place “Mozart” or “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart” in the composer tag and “Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus” in the Sort Composer tag to force the proper sorting order.

  • Using GarageBand for classical music

    We have to set up a series of "clips" from Classical Music - Brahms, Beethoven et al - for classes to be taught at a summer school for Adults.  We were recommended to use GarageBand. We were told you could go to the section we wanted - (music downloaded to I-Tunes) - and then do a start of the section move it to the end of the "section" and then save it as a "Track".
    We are considerng buying an IPAD - as we have only a NANO - and can't see the screen.
    Please advise.
    Thank you.

    Thank you for resonding.  We were told at Best Buy all we would need is GarageBand.  So - I appreciate your honesty that this appears to be not what we need.
    The situation is as follows.  My husband will teach in Aspen, CO this summer to Elderhostel people.  Back in the days of drop the needle this was easy.   But now - everything is digital.  And, so he has been downloading music to ITunes.  He wants to go to a section of a piece of music (say - within the 2nd movement and play where the "horns" come in.  And, then go to another section within the 2nd movement to show the change in tempo and "feeling".  And, be able to play that.  And, he can't take the time of "fast forwarding" and hoping he stops at the right place.   Once he has set these up - probably  40 to 50 start and stops for 6 lectures - then he would transfer everything over to IPAD. 
    We will purchase one -as we have wanted something small and portiable which has wifi.So we can access our emails and the WWW.
    Does any of this make sense now?  Is there  MAC AP which would do what we are looking for.   This is what Best Buy kid said we/he could do.
    I do appreciate your respondingto me.

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