Changing prompt position in combobox?

I  change the height of my comboBox to fit with what I need.
Now the text in the prompt is sitting too low.
I was wondering if it's possible to alter the y attribute of the prompt, and where in the component you would find it?

Actually, I have to display a '1' or a '0' in one of my report depending on the difference between requested quantity and ordered quantity. I created a calculated ratio :
( req_qty-ord_qty == 0 ) * 1
That works fine at a detailled level (request doc number).
When I display on agregated levels, it doesn't sum the '1', but it does the difference between the sum of req_qty and the sum of ord_qty.
So I tried to calculate it during the transformation. That works for Doc Number with one Item.
I don't want the Item dimension in my infocube. Hence I want to sum the req_qty and ord_qty of the different items of a doc number before testing my condition.
Here is the code:
     CLEAR v_diff.
   IF v_diff EQ 0.

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    The workflow is:
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    Are you refreshing before setting prompts?
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    HI PG,
    do below whie filling the filed catlog
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    Hi Mudda, I don't see any way myself to set any particular starting position for your text. It looks like the best way to emulate this behavior would be to add a new line with lots of tab characters or spaces to place your new text at a specific offset from the left. You can also use Append Table to Report and wire in a 2D string array with only a few positions filled in with your various text labels as shown below. This will space text labels pretty well across the page. Try it out and see if it works for you. You could be more clever and build the 2D array programmatically if you wanted more control over position.
    Message Edited by Jarrod S. on 06-02-2006 05:37 PM
    Jarrod S.
    National Instruments
    Set_Report_Position.JPG ‏69 KB

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    Hi there,
    We stop using SAP code to manipulate the infotype 0001, and started using our own code throw generic services I guess (Not my part of the project).
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    Hello Yoel,
    >> I want to change the position of the label of an item (displayed as text field) to be in the rigth side of the text field of the item instead on the left
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    Hi syamla,
    To cahnge position proceed in the following way:
    Go to Pa30, select personnel number for whom u want to change position, select infotype 1 and click on "overview" icon.
    In the "List actions" screen u will find one or many actions. Now select one action (where u want to change position) and click on "Copy" icon. Now u will reach "copy actions screen", and postion is field is editable. Change position. U might get this entry deletes a record, press enter. Save ur entries and continue to org. assignment infotype. save org. assignment infotype also.
    Hope this will help u.
    Reward points if helpful
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    If you want to open the "Get Info" panel in the center of your screen, define the following Automator service and install it in the "Services" Folder of your User Library. This service will be available when you ctrl-click a file or folder in the pop-up menu and it will open the "Get Info" in the center of the screen.
    Open Automator and select New -> Service.
    Select: Service receives "files or Folders" in ""
    Drag a "Run Apple script" action from the Actions pane -> Utilities onto the Workflow
    Paste the following script into the action, after (* Your script goes here *) and before "return input"
              tell application "Finder"
                        set {d1, d2, d3, d4} to (get bounds of window of desktop)
      open information window of item input
                        set {i1, i2, i3, i4} to (get bounds of information window 1)
                        set position of information window 1 to {d1 + (d3 - i3 + i1) / 2, d2 + (d4 - i4 + i2) / 2}
              end tell
    Save the service and name it e.g. "centeredGetInfo". It will be installed in your library -> Services.
    Now you can ctrl-click any File or Folder, and in the Services Section of the pop-up menu you will see your new service "centeredGetInfo", also in File ->Services in the Finder, when you select a Finder item.
    You can bind this service to a keyboard shortcut in the keyboard preferences and use it like the standard "Get Info"

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    Yes, you can add the following line to your formsweb.cfg section :
    if you are in SEPERATEFRAME = FALSE
    Or Set_Window_Property( FORMS_MDI_WINDOW, POSITION, X, Y ) ;
    if you are in SEPERATEFRAME = TRUE

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    this wont work for a pre 10 client.
    there you can set the prompt manaualy and this is not dynamic.
    make a login.sql
    and place the following in the file.
    column sqlprompt_col new_value sqlprompt_value
    set termout off
    define sqlprompt_value='NOT CONNECTED'
    select sys_context('userenv','SESSION_USER')||case when sys_context('userenv','ISDBA') = 'TRUE' then ' as sysdba ' end ||'@'||sys_context('userenv','DB_NAME')||sys_context('userenv','INSTANCE') ||'('|| case when instr(sys_context('userenv','HOST'),'.')>1 then substr(sys_context('userenv','HOST'),1,instr(sys_context('userenv','HOST'),'.')-1) else sys_context('userenv','HOST') end ||')' as sqlprompt_col from dual;
    set termout on
    set sqlprompt '&sqlprompt_value SQL> '
    after connecting sqlplus will look for a login.sql file in you present working directory or in its $ORACLE_HOME\sqlplus\admin directory.
    if you reconnect is needs to be run again because it is not dynamic.
    there is no workaround for pre 10g clients

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