Changing Root MySQL Password - Possible?

Due to the departure of a former employee, we have need to change the root password for MySQL operating in OS X Apache on a Mac G4 tower. When we change the root password now for MySQL it seems to stop communicating with websites on the server which rely on it, even though each user database has its own unique user and password information. Are we hosed, or is it possible to change the root MySQL password in an environment where several websites on the server are already using databases within the MySQL set up?
This is a great a valuable forum, I welcome any and all comments. TIA!

It should be possible to change the root password. If you have problems accessing the database afterwards then it sounds like your applications aren't using the usernames and passwords that were created for them.
If the apps are, indeed, using the root password this is something you should change. You'll need to check the apps' configurations and various logs to find out what they're using.
In addition, if you haven't already done so, check out NaviCat. It's a GUI front-end for administering MySQL. While I don't use it at all for table management, it's front-end for managing users and permissions is way ahead of the command line.

Similar Messages

  • Change Mamp MYSQL password?

    I use the normal command line and i get this
    error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'

    I was struggleing with this too, the error is as follows:
    /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p password <NEWPASSWORD>
    In the above I was replacing the password with my password, thats wrong, copy and paste the following into terminal exactly as is, change nothing:
    /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p password
    now at the end, after the word "password" type your new password then press enter.
    Now you will be prompted for the current password, type 'root' without the quotes.
    You should be good to go!
    My, and many others interpretation of the instructions within MAMP makes you think you replace 'password' with your current password, then replace <NEWPASSWORD> with the new one, wrong.
    Hope this helps!!

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    This will only work if you're happy with the vi
    text editor, regardless of platform.
    If you've never used vi before, please find
    a cheatsheet/tutorial on the web before
    trying to edit /a/etc/shadow!
    Just a couple of things to watch on x86 -- the
    procedure will work, if you also:
    1. Get a copy of the Solaris 9 CD 1.
    2. Do a 'boot cdrom -s'. This boots into single-user mode.Instead of 2, let the BIOS boot from the CD,
    let it discover devices, then when it asks
    what kind of installation you want:-
    1 Interactive
    2 Jumpstart
    don't choose a number: this is where
    you get to type in
    boot -s
    and hit 'return'.
    When the CD boot completes, and you get
    a prompt, run the 'format' command,
    note the name of the disk (something
    like 'c0t0d0'), and quit with ctrl-D.
    x86 systems often see their disks
    as c0d0, not c0t0d0 -- that's why
    we're being cautious here.
    You then need to run the prtvtoc
    command, pointing it at '/dev/rdsk/the name of
    the disk you just noted', plus 's2':
    #prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2
    #prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0d0s2
    #prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/yourDiskNameHeres2
    The final column of the prtvtoc output tells you
    which partition is doing which job.
    Normally, partition s0 houses the root (/)
    partion, which is why step 3 below generally
    works on a Sparc.
    Here's my prtvtoc output.
    # prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0
    * /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 partition map
    * Dimensions:
    * 512 bytes/sector
    * 248 sectors/track
    * 19 tracks/cylinder
    * 4712 sectors/cylinder
    * 7508 cylinders
    * 7506 accessible cylinders
    * Flags:
    * 1: unmountable
    * 10: read-only
    * First Sector Last
    * Partition Tag Flags Sector Count Sector Mount Directory
    0 2 00 0 2049720 2049719 / <--THIS ONE!
    1 4 00 2049720 8194168 10243887 /usr
    2 5 00 0 35368272 35368271
    3 7 00 10243888 25124384 35368271 /var
    So for my machine, I need s0 on c0t0d0 -- on yours, look for the prtvtoc row ending in a '/', and note the
    partition number in the first field.
    You'll use this, preceded by an 's' for 'slice'
    in the mount command below. If your '/' is partition
    3, then use 's3' below.
    Now we're good to go!
    3. mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /amount /dev/dsk/YourDiskNameYourRootPartion /a
    mount /dev/dsk/c0d0s3 /a
    4. TERM=sun; export TERMhmm, on a PC monitor try
    TERM=vt100; export TERM
    5. vi /a/etc/shadow/And use your vi cheatsheet to navigate to
    the second field of the root row,
    and delete the field:
    6. init 6
    ok, you now have no root password -- after
    reboot, login as root and hit 'return' when
    asked for a password.
    To set a new password after reboot, run
    the 'passwd' command.
    Good luck.
    PS. A fresh install might be easier.

  • Does the computer lock me after a certain amount of failed password attmepts, even when i finally have the correct password? recently changed root account password, but then forgot today and when tried again didn't work.  if so, how long does lock last?

    Ok. So I just changed my ADMINISTRATIVE ROOT PASSWORD the other day and when I tried to log in today I forgot it.  I tried different variations of
    the password I had set, because I wasn't sure if i had maybe set it in Caps Lock or used a different number in the sequence.  I got the message several times
    about "too many attempts, try again later".  Does the computer lock me from signing in even with the correct password after a certain amount of failed
    attempts?  If so, how long does this lock last for?  When can I try again?  Or is there something I need to do to remove that lock now?  I'm pretty sure I
    had the right password finally but it still wouldn't accept it. 
    Also, I don't have any other administrative users set up on my macbook pro.  I'm the only one who uses it, so I've always just used that original User from my
    original setup.

    giselafromclongriffin wrote:
    Ok. So I just changed my ADMINISTRATIVE ROOT PASSWORD the other day and when I tried to log in today I forgot it.  I tried different variations of
    the password I had set, because I wasn't sure if i had maybe set it in Caps Lock or used a different number in the sequence.  I got the message several times
    about "too many attempts, try again later".  Does the computer lock me from signing in even with the correct password after a certain amount of failed
    attempts?  If so, how long does this lock last for?  When can I try again?  Or is there something I need to do to remove that lock now?  I'm pretty sure I
    had the right password finally but it still wouldn't accept it. 
    Also, I don't have any other administrative users set up on my macbook pro.  I'm the only one who uses it, so I've always just used that original User from my
    original setup.
    Do this:
    1. Reboot
    2. Hold apple key + s key down after you hear the chime. (command + s on newer Macs)
    3. When you get text prompt enter in these terminal commands to create a brand new admin account (hitting return after each line):
    (Type these commands very carefully)
    mount -uw /
    rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
    shutdown -h now
    4. After rebooting you should have a brand new admin account. When you login as the new admin you can change the passord on the old one.

  • Change root MSE password and password requirment

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    My intial password was 15 characters long, I had 2 upper case letters, 5 lower case letters, 5 numbers, and 3 other characters
    Not sure how much more I need to have the root password secure but, it was....
    Any suggestions or do I just need to make the root password double what I as making it.

    Doesn't it allow you to skip (step 17 in below) & go on to configure login & password related parameters (step 18) change those restrictions ?
    Then run the setup script again & change the root password
    **** Pls rate all useful responses *****

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    I got an error message saying: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
    I don't know what's happened and how I can change it.

    Since it is likely this error is generated by MySQL rather than OS X, you'd be better off posting your question in the UNIX forum, where a few MySQL users hang out.

  • Mysql password change

    10.5 server offers the ability to change the root password on the mysql database from within the UI. While this is a welcome change it doesn't work for me. I am running this on a test box so not live or in any dire need but has anyone else run in to this issue? The instance of mysql works fine and can change the password from terminal just fine. Curious a fresh install, no upgrade, with the default mysql version which ships this doesn't work.

    I was struggleing with this too, the error is as follows:
    /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p password <NEWPASSWORD>
    In the above I was replacing the password with my password, thats wrong, copy and paste the following into terminal exactly as is, change nothing:
    /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p password
    now at the end, after the word "password" type your new password then press enter.
    Now you will be prompted for the current password, type 'root' without the quotes.
    You should be good to go!
    My, and many others interpretation of the instructions within MAMP makes you think you replace 'password' with your current password, then replace <NEWPASSWORD> with the new one, wrong.
    Hope this helps!!

  • Dear support @Apple,  I have tried to log in App Store with my Apple ID 3 times but never possible.  I have tried to change password 2 times. It was successful.But soon after change of my password, I could not log in App store.  It says always incorrect u

    Dear support @Apple,
    I have tried to log in App Store with my Apple ID 3 times but never possible.
    I have tried to change password 2 times.
    It was successful.But soon after change of my password, I could not log in App store.
    It says always incorrect user name or password. But I input correct ! Because just I successfully changed my password through secret question.
    Third time when I tried to change password, the page did not open!
    So I checked my connection by netstat , and I trace the IP address ; this is apple IP, but when I trace , it did not show the route. I will copy
    Traceroute has started…
    traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 72 byte packets
    1 (  490.517 ms  64.527 ms  94.524 ms
    2 (  65.157 ms  89.128 ms  89.806 ms
    3 (  104.972 ms  79.051 ms  96.948 ms
    4  * * *
    5 (  102.266 ms  85.581 ms  88.352 ms
    6 (  221.939 ms  225.223 ms  236.605 ms
    7 (  231.629 ms  232.045 ms  233.673 ms
    8 (  373.798 ms  390.412 ms  383.277 ms
    9 (  382.653 ms  382.558 ms  376.740 ms
    10 (  405.088 ms  377.679 ms  386.527 ms
    11 (  378.499 ms  389.733 ms  396.375 ms
    12 (  391.706 ms  389.605 ms (  381.615 ms
    13 (  380.183 ms  414.398 ms  387.054 ms
    14 (  384.980 ms  381.375 ms  386.453 ms
    15 (  377.304 ms  365.457 ms  373.281 ms
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    What it means??
    Please help !!
    To post this question, I tried thierd time to change password, and before I tried to log in to App store, I logged in this community, and I could !
    Then I could finally log in App store also.
    But still I feel something is wrong with my connection.
    Why the trace route does not show to the apple site ?

    This is a user to user forum. Apple is not here. Apple does not answer questions here.
    iTunes Support -
    Mac App Store Support -

  • Can not change root password for WCS

    Need to change the root password for the web gui.
    WCS is running on linux, i have tried to do the passwd user-root but it cames back saying it can not find the username.

    You could use the recovering password procedure for wcs as a workaround (chapter 14 of the following link )
    Recovering the WCS Password
    You can change the WCS application root user or FTP user password. This option provides a safeguard if you lose the root password. An executable was added to the installer /bin directory (passwd.bat for Windows and for Linux). Follow these steps to recover the passwords and regain access to WCS. For password recovery on a wireless location device, refer to chapters 8 or 9 of the Cisco 2700 Series Location Appliance Configuration Guide.
    Note If you are a Linux user, you must be the root user to run the command.
    Step 1 Change to the WCS bin folder.
    Step 2 Perform one of the following:
    Enter passwd root-user newpassword to change the WCS root password. The newpassword is the root login password you choose.
    Enter passwd location-ftp-user newuser newpassword to change the FTP user and password. The newuser and newpassword are the FTP user and password you choose.
    Step 3 The following options are available with these commands:
    •-q — to quiet the output
    •-pause — to pause before exiting
    •-gui — to switch to the graphical user interface
    •-force — to skip prompting for configuration
    Step 4 Start WCS.

  • Keep changing root password, keeps telling me password is wrong in terminal.

    I used the migration tool to copy my documents over from my PC, but it created a separate user account. I want to move those files to my current account, but I don't have permission to access the folder unless I'm logged into that account (in which case I don't have access to the folder I want to move them to). I tried to change the folder permissions, but it said my root user password was incorrect. I changed it, got no error in doing so, and tried again. Still got the error. I found a thread with a similar problem (but not the same one) and followed the instructions in it. Still got the same error. How can I fix this?

    In the title of this thread you list "keeps telling me password is wrong in terminal"???
    When you open terminal have you tried the command, without the quotes "dsenableroot"?  You must be logged in as a local admin to do this.
    If you try this, terminal will ask you for your admin account password then you can enter a new password for root and verify the new password.  Exit terminal Log out and log  back in with username root and the password you put in for the root account when you were in terminal.
    There is a definite problem, or actually a couple of problems, with the directory utility when trying to enable root from directory Utility / edit.   Going the dsenableroot in terminal clears these problems out.

  • Where to change root, administrator, etc. passwords?

    I have a desktop Intel Mac and an Xserve server. Besides the normal login passwords that are set in System Preferences/Accounts, where do I set the other passwords such as root (su) password, system administrator, etc.?

    System Administrator and root are one and the same user, and is not enabled by default so there is no password to change. If you "Enable Root User" (an option in one of the NetInfo Manager menus) you will be asked to supply a password for root.
    But be sure you understand the consequences of enabling root. Once enabled, the password can be changed with the usual UNIX commands, as well as going through NetInfo Manager.
    Apart from root and your normal login accounts, I don't know what other passwords you are referring to..

  • Startup disaster, Root/user password change, Please help!!

    Hi, my ibook g4 was purchased on ebay through a seller with 100% feedback (a school district). It came with Tiger already installed, and I bought the Leopard Retail upgrade disc, installed all that, and did software updates to get it up and running at 10.5.8. It ran perfectly for the first two days.
    Then on startup, the blue screen issue which lasted forever. I put in the Update install disc to run disc utility: A-ok. Tried again, and again. Nothing.
    Finally, I went to the installer menu, and reset the user/root/admin passwords.
    Now, even when I put the install disc in, it doesn't even go to the gray apple. Instead, it just gives that "?" /faces pictures intermittently.
    I was wondering if anyone has had any such problem, and found a solution.
    I should add that I already attempted "Safe" mode and even "Transfer" mode, with firewire/friend's macbook. All to no avail.
    Is there any way to FIND that hard drive in there again?
    Thanks, everyone!

    Now, even when I put the install disc in, it doesn't even go to the gray apple. Instead, it just gives that "?" /faces pictures intermittently.
    Indicates that your iBook can't find a System Folder to boot from.
    Then on startup, the blue screen issue which lasted forever. I put in the Update install disc to run disc utility: A-ok. Tried again, and again. Nothing.
    Did you actually boot from the install disc or just insert into the optical drive? In order to run Disk Utility from the install disc...
    Insert your install disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    *(Check S.M.A.R.T Status of HDD at the bottom of right panel. It should say: Verified)*
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    When you are finished with DU, from the Menu Bar, select Utilities/Startup Manager.
    Select your start up disk and click Restart
    While you have the Disk Utility window open, look at the bottom of the window. Where you see Capacity and Available. *Make sure there is always 10% to 15% free disk space*
    Go here for help when a A flashing question mark appears when you start your Mac

  • HT5624 I have been trying to change my Apple password.  They are asking me "security" questions that they couldn't possible know the correct answer to, yet they tell me that my answers do not match their records.  The answers I am giving are correct.  How

    I have been trying to change my Apple password.  They are asking me "security"
    questions and I am answerng them correctly yet they tell me that my answer don't match their information.  They know nothing about me so how do they know what the correct info  is?  How does one deal with this?  Thanks

    the ?'s were setup when account was created or modified.  you can select the email authentication method to change password at
    or call apple at 1-800-694-7466 and ask for account security
    Peace, Clyde

  • MySQL Manager, cannot set MySQL password in order to connect...

    I just installed the default MySQL files for the MySQL server (v4.1.13a) included with Tiger Server (v10.4.3). I was connected to the server remotely with Remote Desktop. I checked the box to allow network connections, and then briefly lost connection to the server via Remote Desktop as I was entering the password in the verify password field. Once I reestablished a connection to the server via Remote Desktop, all seemed okay. So, I tried connecting to the MySQL server with CocoMySQL (v0.5), but was refused connection. The firewall is not blocking the MySQL port. MySQL > Status shows that MySQL is running and shows root@localhost as the current user. I've tried connecting with the usernames root, admin and mysql with the password that I set in the MySQL Manager and with the passwords of the root and admin users of the server... but I cannot establish a connection via CocoMySQL. When I go to the MySQL Manager, and stop the service in order to change/ set the mysql password, but I am unable to because the verify field is not editable. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    What you need to do is open the MySQL Manager in the Server folder in Applications. Click the lock to authenticate. Stop the service. Click the Allow connections box and then start the service again. That just worked for me.

  • How to change the Default Password on AP1131AG

    Hi all :
    I tried to change the default password Cisco to other by command line but the password cannot work out.
    The command line I used are as below :
    AP#conf t
    Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
    AP(config)#enable pass
    AP(config)#enable password 4dMINO123 ?
    LINE    <cr>
    AP(config)#enable password 4dMINO123
    *Mar  1 04:39:23.902: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
    Building configuration...
    This still cannot cahnge. Below I do again below commands :
    AP(config)#enable secret
    % Incomplete command.
    AP(config)#enable secret ?
      0      Specifies an UNENCRYPTED password will follow
      5      Specifies an ENCRYPTED secret will follow
      LINE   The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) 'enable' secret
      level  Set exec level password
    AP(config)#enable secret 5
    % Incomplete command.
    AP(config)#enable secret 5 ?
      LINE  The ENCRYPTED 'enable' secret string
    AP(config)#enable secret 5 LINE
    ERROR: The secret you entered is not a valid encrypted secret.
    To enter an UNENCRYPTED secret, do not specify type 5 encryption.
    When you properly enter an UNENCRYPTED secret, it will be encrypted.
    AP(config)#enable secret LINE
    *Mar  1 04:40:53.021: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
    After that when I access with >en again as below with correct password of 4dMINO123 and it always fails as below :
    Can anybody help to provide correct way of changing the default password of Cisco to another password? Many thanks!
    AP con0 is now available
    Press RETURN to get started.
    % Bad secrets
    AP>en 0
    AP>en 5
    % No password set
    AP>en 15
    % Password:  timeout expired!
    % Bad secrets
    % Bad secrets
    thanks and best regards,

    Hi, I have even the worst problem,
    that seems probably to to be never asked on Internet. After quick learning how to reset this creapy device, I can't get by no means the enable password in default config for this box, having read everywhere from Cisco guide through community pages to Google pages.. NOWHERE.
    Question is : what else except Cisco, cisco, root, password... can solve this stupid issue?!? I expect some guru from responsible AP BU to answer this with definite answer, or someone from Cisco having mercy with me to contact such guy(s).
    Here is my desperate situation :
    Nothing from this page helped :
    Situation after hard reset:
    Xmodem file system is available.
    flashfs[0]: 26 files, 8 directories
    flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
    flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 15998976
    flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 6879232
    flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 9119744
    flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 43 seconds.
    Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:22:55:9f:fc:a0
    Initializing ethernet port 0...
    Reset ethernet port 0...
    Reset done!
    ethernet link up, 100 mbps, full-duplex
    Ethernet port 0 initialized: link is up
    button pressed for 1 seconds
    process_config_recovery: set IP address and config to default
    Loading "flash:/c1130-rcvk9w8-mx/c1130-rcvk9w8-mx"...#########################################################################################################################################################################
    File "flash:/c1130-rcvk9w8-mx/c1130-rcvk9w8-mx" uncompressed and installed, entry point: 0x3000
                  Restricted Rights Legend
    Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
    subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
    (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
    Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
    (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
    Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
               cisco Systems, Inc.
               170 West Tasman Drive
               San Jose, California 95134-1706
    Cisco IOS Software, C1130 Software (C1130-RCVK9W8-M), Version 12.3(11)JX1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support:
    Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Mon 17-Jul-06 11:38 by alnguyen
    Image text-base: 0x00003000, data-base: 0x0035E440
    Initializing flashfs...
    flashfs[1]: 26 files, 8 directories
    flashfs[1]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
    flashfs[1]: Total bytes: 15998976
    flashfs[1]: Bytes used: 6879232
    flashfs[1]: Bytes available: 9119744
    flashfs[1]: flashfs fsck took 6 seconds.
    flashfs[1]: Initialization complete....done Initializing flashfs.
    cisco AIR-LAP1131AG-E-K9   (PowerPCElvis) processor (revision A0) with 24566K/8192K bytes of memory.
    Processor board ID FCZ1238Q0HK
    PowerPCElvis CPU at 262Mhz, revision number 0x0950
    Last reset from power-on
    LWAPP image version
    1 FastEthernet interface
    32K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.
    Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:22:55:9F:FC:A0
    Part Number                          : 73-8962-14
    PCA Assembly Number                  : 800-24818-13
    PCA Revision Number                  : A0
    PCB Serial Number                    : FOC12354426
    Top Assembly Part Number             : 800-29144-03
    Top Assembly Serial Number           : FCZ1238Q0HK
    Top Revision Number                  : A0
    Product/Model Number                 : AIR-LAP1131AG-E-K9 
    Press RETURN to get started!
    *Mar  1 00:00:08.354: %CDP_PD-4-POWER_OK: Full power - AC_ADAPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0, changed state to up
    *Mar  1 00:00:27.393: %LWAPP-5-CHANGED: LWAPP changed state to DISCOVERY
    % Bad secrets
    % Bad secrets
    *Mar  1 00:00:36.530: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface FastEthernet0 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname Press
    Press>sho ver
    Cisco IOS Software, C1130 Software (C1130-RCVK9W8-M), Version 12.3(11)JX1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support:
    Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Mon 17-Jul-06 11:38 by alnguyen
    ROM: Bootstrap program is C1130 boot loader
    BOOTLDR: C1130 Boot Loader (C1130-BOOT-M) Version 12.3(8)JEA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
    Press uptime is 17 minutes
    System returned to ROM by power-on
    System image file is "flash:/c1130-rcvk9w8-mx/c1130-rcvk9w8-mx"
    cisco AIR-LAP1131AG-E-K9   (PowerPCElvis) processor (revision A0) with 24566K/8192K bytes of memory.
    Processor board ID FCZ1238Q0HK
    PowerPCElvis CPU at 262Mhz, revision number 0x0950
    Last reset from power-on
    LWAPP image version
    1 FastEthernet interface
    32K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.
    Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:22:55:9F:FC:A0
    Part Number                          : 73-8962-14
    PCA Assembly Number                  : 800-24818-13
    PCA Revision Number                  : A0
    PCB Serial Number                    : FOC12354426
    Top Assembly Part Number             : 800-29144-03
    Top Assembly Serial Number           : FCZ1238Q0HK
    Top Revision Number                  : A0
    Product/Model Number                 : AIR-LAP1131AG-E-K9 
    Configuration register is 0xF

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