Changing the bounding box size

When I go to print an image in Photoshop CC, a dialogue box appears and on the left-hand side is the image to be printed. Bordering the image are small diagonal lines which I'm assuming are the bounding box. The distance between the edge of the page varies from side to side and I want to center the photo. I can't see how to do that.

The print dialog preview area show basically three areas.  The Paper size the printer is set to and the sizes are displayed with numeric unites. If you see small diagonal lines these are showing the areas the printer can not print on with the current settings.  With different printer setting this area may change for example if the printer support borderless the side non printable may go way but there still be some top and bottom non printable area. The Bottom non printable area may go away if you switch from sheet feed to roll paper feed. Inside the diagonal line is the printable area and inside that a bounding box of the image. If You check scale for media the image will be scaled to fit within the print area.

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    Jocelyn Tremblay

    I did a major breakthrough by rethinking the model. Now I get a real speed improvment, and if the image is fully opaque, there is not too much drawback.
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <graph name = "GridExperience" xmlns="">
        <metadata name = "namespace" value =  "com.jocelyntremblay"/>
        <metadata name = "vendor" value = "Jocelyn Tremblay" />
        <metadata name = "version" type = "int" value = "1" />
        <!-- Image inputs and outputs of the graph -->
        <inputImage type = "image4" name = "src" />
        <outputImage type = "image4" name = "dst" />
        <!-- Graph parameters -->
        <parameter type="float2" name="sourceSize" >
            <metadata name="minValue" type="float2" value="1"/>
            <metadata name="maxValue" type="float2" value="4096" />
            <metadata name="defaultValue" type="float2" value="634., 396." />
            <metadata name="aeUIControl" value="aePoint" />
            <metadata name="aePointRelativeDefaultValue" type="float2" value="1, 1" />
            <!-- Graph parameters -->
        <parameter type="float" name="gridSize" >
            <metadata name="minValue" type="float" value="1"/>
            <metadata name="maxValue" type="float" value="64" />
            <metadata name="defaultValue" type="float" value="16" />
         <!-- Embedded kernel -->
             <languageVersion : 1.0;>
             kernel getProcessingGrid
                vendor:"Jocelyn Tremblay";
                input image4 src;
                output float4 dst;
                parameter float2 sourceSize
                    parameterType : "inputSize";
                    inputSizeName : "src";
                parameter float gridSize
                region changed(region inputRegion, imageRef inputIndex){
                    return region(float4(0, 0, ceil(sourceSize.x/gridSize), ceil(sourceSize.y/gridSize)));
                void evaluatePixel(){
                    float j;
                    float4 pix;
                    dst = float4(0.0);
                    for (float i = 0.; i < gridSize; i++){
                        j = 0.;
                        for (j; j < gridSize; j++){
                            pix = sampleNearest(src, float2(floor(outCoord().x) * gridSize + i, floor(outCoord().y) * gridSize + j));
                            if (pix.a > 0.){
                                dst = float4(1.0);
                                i = j = gridSize;
             <languageVersion : 1.0;>
             kernel drawProcessingGrid
                vendor:"Jocelyn Tremblay";
                input image4 src;
                input image4 processingGrid;
                output float4 dst;
                parameter float gridSize
                void evaluatePixel(){
                    float4 gridSegment = sampleNearest(processingGrid, float2(floor(outCoord().x/gridSize), floor(outCoord().y/gridSize)));
                    if (gridSegment.a > 0.){
                                    dst = float4(0., 1., 0., 1.);
                                    float4 tt = sampleNearest(src, outCoord());
                                    if(tt.a > 0.){
                                        dst.rgb = tt.rgb;
                        //do not process
                        dst = float4(0.);
        <!-- Instances of the nodes -->
        <node id = "getProcessingGrid" name ="getProcessingGrid" namespace = "com.jocelyntremblay" vendor = "Jocelyn Tremblay" version ="1">
                <![CDATA[void evaluateParameters() {
                    getProcessingGrid::gridSize = gridSize;
                    getProcessingGrid::sourceSize = sourceSize;
        <node id = "drawProcessingGrid" name ="drawProcessingGrid" namespace = "com.jocelyntremblay" vendor = "Jocelyn Tremblay" version ="1">
                <![CDATA[void evaluateParameters() {
                    drawProcessingGrid::gridSize = gridSize;
        <!-- Connect the graph -->
        <connect fromImage = "src" toNode = "getProcessingGrid" toInput = "src" />
        <connect fromImage = "src" toNode = "drawProcessingGrid" toInput = "src" />
        <connect fromNode = "getProcessingGrid" fromOutput = "dst" toNode = "drawProcessingGrid" toInput = "processingGrid" />
        <connect fromNode = "drawProcessingGrid" fromOutput = "dst" toImage = "dst" />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <graph name = "GridExperienceBoxBlur" xmlns="">
        <metadata name = "namespace" value =  "com.jocelyntremblay"/>
        <metadata name = "vendor" value = "Jocelyn Tremblay" />
        <metadata name = "version" type = "int" value = "1" />
        <!-- Image inputs and outputs of the graph -->
        <inputImage type = "image4" name = "src" />
        <outputImage type = "image4" name = "dst" />
        <!-- Graph parameters -->
        <parameter type="float2" name="sourceSize" >
            <metadata name="minValue" type="float2" value="1"/>
            <metadata name="maxValue" type="float2" value="4096" />
            <metadata name="defaultValue" type="float2" value="1920., 720." />
            <metadata name="aeUIControl" value="aePoint" />
            <metadata name="aePointRelativeDefaultValue" type="float2" value="1, 1" />
        <parameter type="float" name="blurRadius" >
            <metadata name="minValue" type="float" value="0"/>
            <metadata name="maxValue" type="float" value="25" />
            <metadata name="defaultValue" type="float" value="5" />
         <!-- Embedded kernel -->
             <languageVersion : 1.0;>
             kernel getProcessingGrid
                vendor:"Jocelyn Tremblay";
                input image4 src;
                output float4 dst;
                parameter float2 sourceSize
                    parameterType : "inputSize";
                    inputSizeName : "src";
                parameter float gridSize
                region changed(region inputRegion, imageRef inputIndex){
                    return region(float4(0, 0,  ceil(sourceSize.x/gridSize), ceil(sourceSize.y/gridSize)));
                void evaluatePixel(){
                    float j;
                    float4 pix;
                    dst = float4(0.0);
                    for (float i = 0.; i < gridSize; i++){
                        j = 0.;
                        for (j; j < gridSize; j++){
                            pix = sampleNearest(src, float2(floor(outCoord().x) * gridSize + i, floor(outCoord().y) * gridSize + j));
                            if (pix.a > 0.){
                                dst = float4(1.0);
                                i = j = gridSize;
             <languageVersion : 1.0;>
            kernel ConvKernel
            namespace: "After Effects";
            vendor : "Adobe Systems Inc.";
            version : 1;
            description : "Convolves an image using a smoothing mask";
                input image4 source;
                output pixel4 result;
                const float3x3 smooth_mask = float3x3( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
                1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
                1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
                const float smooth_divisor = 9.0;
                float4 convolve(float3x3 in_kernel, float divisor) {
                    float4 conv_result = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                    float2 out_coord = outCoord();
                    for(int i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) {
                        for(int j = -1; j <= 1; ++j) {
                            conv_result += sampleNearest(source,
                            out_coord + float2(i, j)) * in_kernel[i + 1][j + 1];
                    conv_result /= divisor;
                    return conv_result;
                void evaluatePixel() {
                    float4 conv_result = convolve(smooth_mask, smooth_divisor);
                    result = conv_result;
                region needed( region output_region, imageRef input_index ) {
                    region result = output_region;
                    result = outset( result, float2( 1.0, 1.0 ) );
                    return result;
                region changed( region input_region, imageRef input_index ) {
                    region result = input_region;
                    result = outset( result, float2( 1.0, 1.0 ) );
                    return result;
            } //kernel ends
             <languageVersion : 1.0;>
                kernel BasicBoxBlur
                <   namespace : "AIF";
                    vendor : "Adobe Systems";
                    version : 2;
                    description : "variable Radius Box Blur"; >
                input image4 src;
                input image4 processingGrid;
                output float4 dst;
                parameter float blurRadius
                dependent int radiusAsInt;
                void evaluateDependents(){
                    radiusAsInt = int(ceil(blurRadius));
                parameter float gridSize
                region needed(region outputRegion, imageRef inputRef){
                    float2 singlePixel = pixelSize(src);
                    return outset(outputRegion, float2(singlePixel.x * ceil(blurRadius), singlePixel.y * ceil(blurRadius)));
                region changed(region inputRegion, imageRef inputRef){
                    float2 singlePixel = pixelSize(src);
                    return outset(inputRegion, float2(singlePixel.x * ceil(blurRadius), singlePixel.y * ceil(blurRadius)));
                void evaluatePixel(){
                    float4 gridSegment = sampleNearest(processingGrid, float2(floor(outCoord().x/gridSize), floor(outCoord().y/gridSize)));
                    if (gridSegment.a > 0.){
                        float denominator = 0.0;
                        float4 colorAccumulator = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);             
                        float2 singlePixel = pixelSize(src);
                        for(int i = -radiusAsInt; i <= radiusAsInt; i++)
                            for(int j = -radiusAsInt; j <= radiusAsInt; j++)
                                colorAccumulator += sampleNearest(src,
                                    outCoord() + float2(float(i) * singlePixel.x, float(j) * singlePixel.y));
                        dst = colorAccumulator / denominator;
                        //do not process
                        dst = float4(0.);
        <!-- Instances of the nodes -->
        <node id = "getProcessingGrid" name ="getProcessingGrid" namespace = "com.jocelyntremblay" vendor = "Jocelyn Tremblay" version ="1">
                <![CDATA[void evaluateParameters() {
                    getProcessingGrid::sourceSize = sourceSize;
                    getProcessingGrid::gridSize = max(1., blurRadius);
        <node id = "ConvKernel" name ="ConvKernel" namespace = "After Effects" vendor = "Adobe Systems Inc." version ="1"></node>
        <node id = "BasicBoxBlur" name ="BasicBoxBlur" namespace = "AIF" vendor = "Adobe Systems" version ="2">
                <![CDATA[void evaluateParameters() {
                    BasicBoxBlur::blurRadius = blurRadius;
                    BasicBoxBlur::gridSize = max(1., blurRadius);
        <!-- Connect the graph -->
        <connect fromImage = "src" toNode = "getProcessingGrid" toInput = "src" />
        <connect fromImage = "src" toNode = "BasicBoxBlur" toInput = "src" />
        <connect fromNode = "getProcessingGrid" fromOutput = "dst" toNode = "ConvKernel" toInput = "source" />
        <connect fromNode = "ConvKernel" fromOutput = "result" toNode = "BasicBoxBlur" toInput = "processingGrid" />
        <connect fromNode = "BasicBoxBlur" fromOutput = "dst" toImage = "dst" />

  • FAQ: UI - How can I change the color theme, size of the text, or turn off the application frame?

    The Photoshop CS6 default interface is dark, but if you prefer the lighter interface you are used to from earlier versions,
    you can change it back in the appearance area. There are 4 default color themes.
    Mac          Photoshop > Preferences > Interface
    Windows   Edit > Preferences > Interface
    For those who need larger fonts, you can also change the UI Font Size down in the type area.
    Be sure to restart Photoshop to see the changes.
    CS6 opens now by default in "Application Frame". You can go Window>Application Frame in the main meu and uncheck this

    Select the title / text and then click on the "i" (inspector). A colored pin wheel shows up after you click on the square box directly below the font settings inside the inspector window. Then simply drag the dot to the color you want. Like this:
    click here
    Message was edited by: SDMacuser

  • How do I change the JPEG image size in PSE-12 when opening from RAW

    Switching from PSE-9 to PSE-12. When a JPEG image is opened RAW in PSE-12 the size is 18.72" Wide x 12.48" high 300 DPI. The same image in PSE-9 is 23.4" wide x 15.6" High 240 DPI. How do I get PSE-12 to open the image as in PSE-9?

    Uncheck the boxes at the bottom of the dialog Scale styles and resample Image so that only constrain proportions is checked. If you the change the resolution box from 240 to 300 you will get back to your original dimensions.
    This is a meaningless thing to do, you still have the exact same number of pixels, you have only changed the metadata number in the file for ppi, and your prints are not affected by this number.
    You could also use the same method to change the dimensions to 6 x 4 or 9 x 6 etc.
    There are some cases (actually most cases) where you need to CROP the photo to change the dimensions, when the aspect ratio of the original photos is different than the aspect ratio of the final photo; the specific case in 99jon's example is the only case you ever want to change dimensions using Image->Resize->Image Size, where the aspect ratio doesn't change from 6x4 to 9x6 (or 12x8 or 18x12 or ...), and even then, you could do the same thing simply by telling the printer the size you want, you don't really need to do anything in PSE.

  • How Do I Change the Mailbox Font Size in the Sidebar?

    In an earlier preview build of Lion, I was able to change the size of the Mailbox font used in the left sidebar to view more content in the column, but I don't remember what I did to change it.  The Mail/Preferences/Fonts & Colors pane no longer has a Mailbox font option.
    Does anyone know how to change the Mail sidebar font size in Lion?

    I'm not sure what you're responding to.  Bob H. above pointed out a clear bug in changing the Mail list font when he went to Mail/Preferences/Fonts &amp; Colors and changed the font setting for the Mail list (second column), and it didn't work. 
    My issue was the font size in the first column (sidebar), which is not controlled in the Mail app, but by going to System Preferences/General and checking the box for changing the sidebar font size.  This checkbox also controls the font size for Finder (Desktop) windows sidebars (left column), where hard drives, other volumes, user Documents folders, and the like are listed.  This does work perfectly for me. 
    I have no other suggestions for you, except for perhaps trying removing the file located in the ~/Library/Preferences folder, which you can access by holding down the option key while selecting the Go menu at the top of the screen.  This controls the Finder window settings you have previously selected, and may be corrupted.  Simply move it to the Desktop for temporary safekeeping, then if it simply copied it, vice moving it out of the folder, right click on the file in the folder to move it to the Trash (you may have to authenticate).  This will force the Finder to recreate a default version of the file, which you can then remodify to your liking.  If that works, Trash the copy you moved to the Desktop.  If not, put it back in the folder to restore your prior settings.
    Good luck.

  • How to Change the Text Box to LOV where the Text Box displayed dynamically

    Hi All,
    I have to Change the Text Box to LOV. But the Text Box is not the static one.
    In the Expense Screen, when i select the particular expense type, additonal infomation is getting displayed.
    There is a one additional field called 'Portfolio Code' . This is a text Box. I need to change this as LOV.
    Even i am not sure how this is getting displyed. This column is mapped to attriubte14 of AP_EXPENSE_LINES_ALL table.
    Please advice

    Controller code continues
    private void createDirectBinding(OAWebBean oawebbean, String s, AttributeKey attributekey, String s1, String s2)
    OAWebBean oawebbean1 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive(s);
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    private void createDirectBinding(OAWebBean oawebbean, String s, AttributeKey attributekey, String s1)
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    OAMessageChoiceBean oamessagechoicebean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ExpTypeChoice");
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    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailDailyRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailDailyRateCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildNumberOfDays", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailDailyRateCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ExpenseReimAmountHeader", TEXT_ATTR, "ReceiptAmountColHeader");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_ReimbursementAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReimbursementCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ItemizationDetailsHeader", TEXT_ATTR, "ChildDetailHeader");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailDailyRate", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailReceiptAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailReimbursAmt", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReimbursementCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_OriginalReceiptAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestTypeSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTypeColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestNameSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestNameColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestTitleSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTitleColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestTaxIdSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTaxIdColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestEmployerSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestEmployerColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestEmployerAddrSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestEmployerAddressColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "BusinessExpValue", TEXT_ATTR, "ItemizationTotalBusinessExpenses");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "BusinessExpValue", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "PersonalExpValue", TEXT_ATTR, "ItemizationTotalPersonalExpenses");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "PersonalExpValue", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptAmountValue", TEXT_ATTR, "ExpenseReportLinesVO", "ReceiptCurrencyAmount");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptAmountValue", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    OAMessageTextInputBean oamessagetextinputbean = (OAMessageTextInputBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("IPL_Justification");
    oamessagetextinputbean = (OAMessageTextInputBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("ChildJustification");
    String s = oapagecontext.getParameter("source");
    String s1 = oapagecontext.getParameter("event");
    if("DuplicateItemization".equals(s) || "RemoveItemization".equals(s) || "AddItemization".equals(s) || "SingleSelectionChange".equals(s1))
    setFocusToField(oamessagechoicebean1.getID(), oawebbean);
    } else
    OAMessageTextInputBean oamessagetextinputbean1 = (OAMessageTextInputBean)oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ChildDetailDailyRate");
    OADataBoundValueViewObject oadataboundvalueviewobject = new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oamessagetextinputbean1, "DetailDailyRateRendered", "DetailsPagePVO");
    Boolean boolean1 = (Boolean)oadataboundvalueviewobject.getValue(oapagecontext.getRenderingContext());
    if(boolean1 != null && boolean1.booleanValue())
    setFocusToField("ChildDetailDailyRate", oawebbean);
    } else
    setFocusToField("ChildDetailReceiptAmount", oawebbean);
    } else
    if("StartDateUpdate".equals(s1) && "IPL_StartDate".equals(s))
    setFocusToField("IPL_StartDate", oawebbean);
    } else
    if("IPL_ReceiptCurrencyChange".equals(s1) && "IPL_ReceiptCurrency".equals(s))
    setFocusToField("IPL_ReceiptCurrency", oawebbean);
    private void setFocusToField(String s, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    OABodyBean oabodybean = (OABodyBean)OAWebBeanUtils.findParentByType(oawebbean, "BODY", oracle/apps/fnd/framework/webui/beans/OABodyBean);
    private void createPPRFlexRegions(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    OAWebBean oawebbean1 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive("AdditionalFields");
    OAWebBean oawebbean2 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ChildAdditionalFields");
    String s = oapagecontext.getProfile("AP_WEB_DESC_FLEX_NAME");
    if(s == null || "N".equals(s) || "H".equals(s))
    OAApplicationModule oaapplicationmodule = oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean1);
    Vector vector = (Vector)oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod("getExpenseTypesVector");
    Vector vector1 = (Vector)vector.elementAt(0);
    Vector vector2 = (Vector)vector.elementAt(1);
    Vector vector3 = new Vector();
    Vector vector4 = new Vector();
    Boolean boolean1 = (Boolean)oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod("IsItemizedLine");
    for(int i = 0; i < vector1.size(); i++)
    String s1 = vector1.elementAt(i).toString();
    String s2 = (String)vector2.elementAt(i);
    String s3 = (new StringBuilder()).append("DFF_").append(s1).toString();
    int j = createFlexBean(true, oapagecontext, oawebbean1, s1, s2, s3);
    String s4 = (new StringBuilder()).append("ChildDFF_").append(s1).toString();
    j = createFlexBean(false, oapagecontext, oawebbean2, s1, s2, s4);
    vector4.addElement(new Integer(j));
    } else
    Serializable aserializable[] = {
    Class aclass[] = {
    oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod("configurePVOForDFF", aserializable, aclass);
    private int createFlexBean(boolean flag, OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean, String s, String s1, String s2)
    OAMessageLayoutBean oamessagelayoutbean = (OAMessageLayoutBean)createWebBean(oapagecontext, "MESSAGE_LAYOUT_BEAN", null, null);
    String s3 = (new StringBuilder()).append("DFF_").append(s).append("Rendered").toString();
    ArrayList arraylist = (ArrayList)oapagecontext.getTransactionTransientValue("flexList");
    Object obj = null;
    Object obj1 = null;
    if(arraylist != null)
    OADescriptiveFlexBean oadescriptiveflexbean = (OADescriptiveFlexBean)arraylist.get(0);
    String s4 = (String)arraylist.get(1);
    if(oadescriptiveflexbean != null && s4 != null && s.equals(s4) && oadescriptiveflexbean.getUINodeName().equals(s2))
    oamessagelayoutbean.setAttributeValue(RENDERED_ATTR, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oamessagelayoutbean, s3, "DetailsPagePVO"));
    return oadescriptiveflexbean.getIndexedChildCount(null) - 2;
    OADescriptiveFlexBean oadescriptiveflexbean1 = (OADescriptiveFlexBean)createWebBean(oapagecontext, "DESCRIPTIVE_FLEX", null, s2);
    oamessagelayoutbean.setAttributeValue(RENDERED_ATTR, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oamessagelayoutbean, s3, "DetailsPagePVO"));
    oadescriptiveflexbean1.setAttributeValue(READ_ONLY_ATTR, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oadescriptiveflexbean1, "SDP_PageReadOnly", "DetailsPagePVO"));
    oadescriptiveflexbean1.setAttributeValue(FLEXFIELD_NAME, "AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_LINES");
    oadescriptiveflexbean1.setAttributeValue(FLEXFIELD_APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME, "SQLAP");
    oadescriptiveflexbean1.setAttributeValue(REGION_APPLICATION_ID, OIECommonConstants.STATIC_INTEGER_222);
    } else
    oadescriptiveflexbean1.setFlexContext(oapagecontext, s1);
    catch(Exception exception)
    return 0;
    return oadescriptiveflexbean1.getIndexedChildCount(null) - 2;
    private void ManualPPR(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "DetailsPageButtonBar");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "LeftColumn");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "RightColumn");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildLeftColumn");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildExpTypeLayout");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildRightColumn");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "MerchantFieldsHeader");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "MerchantFieldsLayout");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "IPL_MerchantFieldsHeader");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "IPL_MerchantFieldsLayout");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "IPL_LeftColumn");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "IPL_RightColumn");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildEmployeeTableRN");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildGuestTableRN");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ItemizationMasterTable");
    protected static boolean PageHasExceptions(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    Object aobj[] = (Object[])(Object[])oapagecontext.getTransactionTransientValue("FWK_PAGE_ERROR_TRXN_CACHE");
    Boolean boolean1 = (Boolean)aobj[3];
    return boolean1.booleanValue();
    private static void ClearExceptions(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    Object aobj[] = (Object[])(Object[])oapagecontext.getTransactionTransientValue("FWK_PAGE_ERROR_TRXN_CACHE");
    Vector vector = (Vector)aobj[0];
    Vector vector1 = (Vector)aobj[1];
    Vector vector2 = (Vector)aobj[2];
    aobj[3] = Boolean.FALSE;
    Edited by: user13079906 on Oct 1, 2010 1:14 AM

  • Why can't I see the bounding box for objects on the pasteboard?

    Adobe CC sucks. Why last week was I able to see the bounding box of objects that I had on the pasteboard in InDesign CC, including objects that didn't contain anything yet, and now suddenly this week I can't see them?
    It seems as though every week something inexplicably gets changed around. First Save As had no shortcut, then suddenly the shortcut is back, but it doesn't work.
    Get it together Adobe. I don't want to be paying a subscription for a product that feels as though it's still in Beta mode.

    Hi Steve,
    Yes thanks, I don't think I was clear in what I wrote. I knew that they could be turned back on, but why did I open InDesign this morning to find my workspace/preferences different than how I left them on Friday?
    And I know it isn't a case of my mistakenly turning off the frame edges, because the operator that sits next to me had the exact same thing happen to her copy of InDesign this morning also.
    I understand the requirement to update things, but it really does feel as though I'm using software that is still in testing.

  • Lost the bounding box (scale handles)

    HELP. I have lost the bounding box (scale handles) for only the Rectangle and Rounded Rectangle Tools. I have tried switching the view options on and off with no changes or improvements. How do I reset the presets or preferences. Will this help? Thanks

    There are a few more options.
    As Larry said, the Live Rectangle bug is limited to the MAC versions starting with 10.7 and 10.8, but not 10.9 (Mavericks) or 10.10 (Yosemite). Hopefully, the bug will be fixed soon.
    So a switch to Mavericks or Yosemite with a reinstallation might be the way to solve it here and now.
    To get round it in each case, it is also possible to Expand the Live Rectangles to get normal old fashioned rectangles, or to Pathfinder>Unite, or to use the Scale Tool or the Free Transform Tool.
    A more permanent way round that is to create normal old fashioned rectangles, after running the free script created by Pawel, see this thread with download link:

  • Resizing in Illustrator CC using the Bounding Box is no longer accurate. What happened?

    In Illustrator CC, resizing an object using the bounding box is no longer accurate. Snapping to other objects or the grid or anything is completely wrong and, worse, inconsistent. Here is a single box being resized 3 times to the same object. Each time, it becomes a different size.
    I used the center-left handle to resize the black box, snapping it to the right edge of the red box. You can see that, each time, it "snaps" to the edge incorrectly. My 80 pt box becomes 78.479 pt, then 79.295 pt, then 79.518 pt.
    This is totally unacceptable, obviously. I'm not sure what the point of guides are if they aren't actually guiding. Does anyone have a fix for this?

    Did you reinstall after updating to Yosemite? I believe the right order/way is to update the OS first, then reinstall the applications, see 6) below.
    Or you may have a look at the list since something is obviously wrong.
    The following is a general list of things you may try when the issue is not in a specific file (you may have tried/done some of them already); 1) and 2) are the easy ones for temporary strangenesses, and 3) and 4) are specifically aimed at possibly corrupt preferences); 5) is a list in itself, and 6) is the last resort.
    1) Close down Illy and open again;
    2) Restart the computer (you may do that up to 3 times);
    3) Close down Illy and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift during startup (easy but irreversible);
    4) Move the folder (follow the link with that name) with Illy closed (more tedious but also more thorough and reversible);
    5) Look through and try out the relevant among the Other options (follow the link with that name, Item 7) is a list of usual suspects among other applications that may disturb and confuse Illy, Item 15) applies to CC, CS6, and maybe CS5);
    Even more seriously, you may:
    6) Uninstall, run the Cleaner Tool (if you have CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6/CC), and reinstall.

  • Save only the bounding box region of image as png?

    I'd like to save each layer's item as png.
    If possible, i'd like save only the bounding box of image(of an item), and the corresponding bounding box's origin/size info(relative to artboard's origin) somewhere as text file.
    To do this,
    I need to be able to get a bounding box of an item.
    and possibly artboard's origin. (because I'm not sure where a bounding box's coordinate's origin is).
    Thank you in advance

    If I understand you correctly you have one table with a bunch of yes/no values (SA, SC, SS, etc.).  Then for each record in that table you want to output a string listing all the fields from the first table which = yes (i.e are checked).  Perhaps
    the following code would get you started:
    Sub JimNeal()
        Dim strProcedure_Value As String
        Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
        Dim rstOut As DAO.Recordset
        Set rst = DBEngine(0)(0).OpenRecordset("TableWithCheckboxes")
        Set rstOut = DBEngine(0)(0).OpenRecordset("OutputTable")
        Do Until rst.EOF
            strProcedure_Value = ""
            If rst!SA Then strProcedure_Value = strProcedure_Value & "Surface Area,"
            If rst!SC Then strProcedure_Value = strProcedure_Value & "Surface Contour,"
            '... etc
            If rst!SS Then strProcedure_Value = strProcedure_Value & "Steep Slope,"
            ' Strip off final comma
            If Len(strProcedure_Value) > 0 Then strProcedure_Value = Left(strProcedure_Value, Len(strProcedure_Value) - 1)
            ' Output the string to your output table
            rstOut!Procedure_Value = strProcedure_Value
        Set rst = Nothing
        Set rstOut = Nothing
    End Sub

  • How to change the default window size display font size on Lync 2013 main window?

    Hi champs,
    Just a simple non-technical question: How to change the default window size display font size on Lync 2013 main window on Windows 7 desktop?

    Did you mean change the Lync: Change the Default Font and Color of Instant Messages just as Edwin said above?
    If not, as I know, there is no natural way to change it.
    If yes, on the latest version of Lync 2013 client, there is a new option “IM” on Lync client “Options” list. And you need to change the default Font and Color of IM in the interface of “IM”.
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to change the default font size in X11?

    I was a PC/linux user and have switched to use Mac lately (MBP Snow leopard 10.6.8).
    Everything's been running perfectly on Mac so far and I really like it, until I have to run some programs on XQuartz/X11 (XQuart 2.7.0).  
    The default font size in the Xterm is too small. And I hate it that I have to change it everytime i open a new terminal (via vt fonts menu, ctrl+right-mouse click).
    Is there a way to change the default font size "permanently" in XQuartz/X11 ??
    This may be a stupid question to ask in the developer forum but i cant really solve it.
    There's only config. file ~/.Xdefaults they have mentioned so far on Google but i really cant find it regarding to the directorty.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    You would be surprised to find out that is not like this, to get your account blocked you really need to do a lot of damage and posts are not removed unless they are illegal, and *always* it needs more than a person to delete something. That's a site managed by the community, not by some people put in place by a company.
    It is always acceptable to link to external resources as long these resources do provide additional usefull information. Clearly the thread on that side contained much more information than the one here. I observed people linking from there to this forum, but it's not so common, and that's not due to the policy, just because here is more chat and less usefull information.... you will not see endless threads of replies on with "yes, I have the same problem" there.
    Shortly, this is "discussions" and is quite different in approach than the SE model, where everythign is aimed towards getting the be answers UP and removing all the nonsense.
    I wish that Apple would invest more in discussion, and going towards making this more practical.

  • How to change the default font size in XQuartz?

    I was a PC/linux user and have switched to use Mac lately (MBP Snow leopard 10.6.8).
    Everything's been running perfectly on Mac so far and I really like it, until I have to run some programs on XQuartz/X11 (XQuart 2.7.0).   
    The default font size in the terminal is too small. And I hate it that I have to change it everytime i open a new terminal (via vt fonts menu, ctrl+right-mouse click).
    Is there a way to change the default font size "permanently" in XQuartz/X11 ??
    This may be a stupid question to ask in the developer forum but i cant really solve it.
    There's only config. file ~/.Xdefault they have mentioned so far on Google but i really cant find it regarding to the directorty.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    You would be surprised to find out that is not like this, to get your account blocked you really need to do a lot of damage and posts are not removed unless they are illegal, and *always* it needs more than a person to delete something. That's a site managed by the community, not by some people put in place by a company.
    It is always acceptable to link to external resources as long these resources do provide additional usefull information. Clearly the thread on that side contained much more information than the one here. I observed people linking from there to this forum, but it's not so common, and that's not due to the policy, just because here is more chat and less usefull information.... you will not see endless threads of replies on with "yes, I have the same problem" there.
    Shortly, this is "discussions" and is quite different in approach than the SE model, where everythign is aimed towards getting the be answers UP and removing all the nonsense.
    I wish that Apple would invest more in discussion, and going towards making this more practical.

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