Changing the heading of portlets

I was wondering if we can change the headings of portlets that we import into a page. We can change the font and colour of the headings but I want to include an image for the portlet heading. So if anyone who knows how to include an image for a portlet heading please reply regarding this matter

You cannot add an image to the portlet header by editing the region. The only way you can do it is for hand coded portlets. If you creating your own portlet then you can add an image. You cannot do the same with the portlets available with Portal.

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  • How to change the header of Material BOM in a program for alternative BOM ?

    Requirement: An Inbound IDOC creates /change/delete Alternative Material BOM. The Alternative Material BOM can have alternative values from 1 to 99.
    ISSUE: I am good with CREATE and DELETE BOM. The issue is with CHANGE of header Material BOM. The fields which we need to change in the header is the base quantity, BOM status, Lot Size from and Lot Size to. Please note that I am able to change the item details of the BOM with FM CSAI_BOM_MAINTAIN. I find no FM /BAPI which would change the header of a material BOM.
    Please NOTE that I am using BAPI_MATERIAL_BOM_GROUP_CREATE to create alternative Material BOM. This has a parameter in TABLES called "VARIANTS" which has a field CS_FUNCTION which can have value from NEW/CHG/DEL .Also ,there is another parameter in TABLES called "ITEMASSIGNMENTS" which has a field CS_FUNCTION which can have value from NEW/CHG/DEL which implies this FM will allow us to change the BOM. But this does not work when I use it for CHANGE scenario with CHG value. I debugged this BAPI and observed it requires a STNLR(Bill of Material) value . This field is not there in any of the structure. I am not sure if I am passing the right parameters to it.
    Let me know if the parameters are passed correctly for CHANGE scenario.
    Also let me know if there is any other way(FM/BAPI)  to update the Header of the Material BOM ?
    Here is the code I am using:
    *& Report  ZTEST_S_E
    * This code will create a material BoM for the material
    * MAINMATERIAL with the components COMPON1 and COMPON2.
    * Data Declaration
    it_bomgroup LIKE bapi1080_bgr_c OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    it_variants LIKE bapi1080_bom_c OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    it_items LIKE bapi1080_itm_c OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    it_matrel LIKE bapi1080_mbm_c OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    it_itemas LIKE bapi1080_rel_itm_bom_c OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    it_return LIKE bapiret2 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    * Fill the data
    * Material BoM Group Header Data
    CLEAR it_bomgroup.
    it_bomgroup-bom_group_identification = 'BAPI_SMP_COL1'.
    it_bomgroup-object_type = 'BOM'.
    it_bomgroup-object_id = 'SIMPLE1'.
    it_bomgroup-bom_usage = '1'. " YOU COULD CHANGE THE BOM USAGE TO YOUR
    it_bomgroup-ltxt_lang = sy-langu.
    it_bomgroup-technical_type = ' '.
    it_bomgroup-bom_text = 'Simple BoM - FM'.
    APPEND it_bomgroup.
    * Header Details of the different variants
    CLEAR it_variants.
    it_variants-CHANGE_NO  = '500000000349'.
    it_variants-bom_group_identification = 'BAPI_SMP_COL1'.
    it_variants-object_type = 'BOM'.
    it_variants-object_id = 'SIMPLE1'.
    it_variants-alternative_bom = '01'.
    it_variants-bom_status = '01'.
    it_variants-base_qty = '2.000'.
    it_variants-valid_from_date = sy-datum.
    it_variants-function = 'CHG'.
    APPEND it_variants.
    * Details of the items of the variants
    CLEAR it_items.
    it_items-bom_group_identification = 'BAPI_SMP_COL1'.
    it_items-object_type = 'ITM'.
    it_items-object_id = 'SIMPLE1'.
    it_items-item_no = '0010'.
    it_items-item_cat = 'L'.
    it_items-component = '030790490'.
    it_items-comp_qty = '2'.
    it_items-valid_from_date = sy-datum.
    APPEND it_items.
    CLEAR it_items.
    it_items-bom_group_identification = 'BAPI_SMP_COL1'.
    it_items-object_type = 'ITM'.
    it_items-object_id = 'SIMPLE1'.
    it_itemas-change_no = '500000000138'.
    it_items-item_no = '0020'.
    it_items-item_cat = 'L'.
    it_items-component = '030790490'.
    it_items-comp_qty = '3'.
    it_items-valid_from_date = sy-datum.
    APPEND it_items.
    * Details of the materials of the different variants
    CLEAR it_matrel.
    it_matrel-bom_group_identification = 'BAPI_SMP_COL1'.
    it_matrel-material = '030790490'.
    it_matrel-bom_usage = '1'.
    it_matrel-alternative_bom = '01'.
    APPEND it_matrel.
    * Linking items to the corresponding variants
    CLEAR it_itemas.
    it_itemas-bom_group_identification = 'BAPI_SMP_COL1'.
    it_itemas-sub_object_type = 'ITM'.
    it_itemas-sub_object_id = 'SIMPLE1'.
    it_itemas-super_object_type = 'BOM'.
    it_itemas-super_object_id = 'SIMPLE1'.
    it_itemas-valid_from_date = sy-datum.
    it_itemas-function = 'CHG'.
    APPEND it_itemas.
    * Create variants
    all_error = 'X'
    bomgroup = it_bomgroup
    variants = it_variants
    items = it_items
    materialrelations = it_matrel
    itemassignments = it_itemas
    return = it_return.
    LOOP AT it_return.
    WRITE:/ it_return-type, it_return-id, it_return-number,
    Let me know if the parameters are passed correctly for CHANGE scenario.
    Also let me know if there is any other way(FM/BAPI)  to update the Header of the Material BOM ?

    Try doing something like this:
    class MyJTextArea extends JTextArea {
        public boolean keyDown(Event evt,int key) {
            if(key == 13 || key == 10) { // or whatever ascii codes enter may have
                // move carret to next line
            } else {
                super.keyDown(evt, key);
    }which means you have got to catch the enter-key before the actutal JTextArea does this.
    p.s. look at my post, maybe you can help me, too.

  • How to change the header and footer in the Section Breaks Next Page using OpenXML?

    I have a word document file in which I added a Section Break of Next Page, now I want to change the header and footer of that page.
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    button in the Word Application but I don't know how to change it using XML?
    My code that adds the new page in the section breaks is:
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    string path = @"C:\Riyaz\sample.docx";
    string strtxt = "Hello This is done by programmatically";
    public static void OpenAndAddTextToWordDocument(string filepath, string txt)
    using (DocX document = DocX.Load(@"C:\Riyaz\sample.docx"))
    Paragraph p1 = document.InsertParagraph();
    p1.Append("This is new section");
    Please help.

    Here is the sample for your reference:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;
    namespace WordAddNewFooterHeader
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    string path = @"E:\Document\TestHeaderandfooter-Copy.docx";
    string strtxt = "OpenXML SDK";
    OpenAndAddTextToWordDocument(path, strtxt);
    public static void OpenAndAddTextToWordDocument(string filepath, string txt)
    // Open a WordprocessingDocument for editing using the filepath.
    WordprocessingDocument wordprocessingDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(filepath, true);
    MainDocumentPart part = wordprocessingDocument.MainDocumentPart;
    Body body = part.Document.Body;
    //create a new footer Id=rIdf2
    FooterPart footerPart2 = part.AddNewPart<FooterPart>("rIdf2");
    //create a new header Id=rIdh2
    HeaderPart headerPart2 = part.AddNewPart<HeaderPart>("rIdh2");
    //replace the attribute of SectionProperties to add new footer and header
    SectionProperties lxml = body.GetFirstChild<SectionProperties>();
    HeaderReference headerReference1 = new HeaderReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = "rIdh2" };
    FooterReference footerReference1 = new FooterReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = "rIdf2" };
    //add the correlation of last Paragraph
    OpenXmlElement oxl = body.ChildElements.GetItem(body.ChildElements.Count - 2);
    ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
    SectionProperties sectionProperties1 = new SectionProperties() { RsidR = oxl.GetAttribute("rsidR", oxl.NamespaceUri).Value };
    HeaderReference headerReference2 = new HeaderReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = part.GetIdOfPart(part.HeaderParts.FirstOrDefault()) };
    FooterReference footerReference2 = new FooterReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = part.GetIdOfPart(part.FooterParts.FirstOrDefault()) };
    PageSize pageSize1 = new PageSize() { Width = (UInt32Value)12240U, Height = (UInt32Value)15840U };
    PageMargin pageMargin1 = new PageMargin() { Top = 1440, Right = (UInt32Value)1440U, Bottom = 1440, Left = (UInt32Value)1440U, Header = (UInt32Value)720U, Footer = (UInt32Value)720U, Gutter = (UInt32Value)0U };
    Columns columns1 = new Columns() { Space = "720" };
    DocGrid docGrid1 = new DocGrid() { LinePitch = 360 };
    oxl.InsertAt<ParagraphProperties>(paragraphProperties1, 0);
    body.InsertBefore<Paragraph>(GenerateParagraph(txt, oxl.GetAttribute("rsidRDefault", oxl.NamespaceUri).Value), body.GetFirstChild<SectionProperties>());
    //Generate new Paragraph
    public static Paragraph GenerateParagraph(string text, string rsidR)
    Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = rsidR };
    ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
    Tabs tabs1 = new Tabs();
    TabStop tabStop1 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5583 };
    Run run1 = new Run();
    Text text1 = new Text();
    text1.Text = text;
    Run run2 = new Run();
    TabChar tabChar1 = new TabChar();
    return paragraph1;
    static void GenerateHeaderPartContent(HeaderPart hpart)
    Header header1 = new Header();
    Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph();
    ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
    ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "Header" };
    Run run1 = new Run();
    Text text1 = new Text();
    text1.Text = "";
    hpart.Header = header1;
    static void GenerateFooterPartContent(FooterPart fpart)
    Footer footer1 = new Footer();
    Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph();
    ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
    ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "Footer" };
    Run run1 = new Run();
    Text text1 = new Text();
    text1.Text = "";
    fpart.Footer = footer1;
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How do I  change the header on subsequent pages

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    Ok, found the answer in the forun already!
    > inspector
    > T
    > more
    > languages
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    Dear Sany,
    Change the DESCRIPTION of the object in the properties of Query Designer. You will get this description where ever u use this object.

  • To change the header text of Purchase order using BAPI

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    <i><b>Points will be rewarded for the useful answers.</b></i>

    I need to change the text using this BAPI alone. I am using this because i need to change many parameters of PO.
    Can u please say me solution using BAPI_PO_CHANGE. I need to know what are all the parameters need to be passed to BAPI to change the text.
    Thank you for replying.

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    Hi all,
    I am searching user exit or badi to change the header text in MIRO transaction.
    My requirement is, before post the invoice I need to populate the vendor name in Header text field(MIRO -> Details tab -> header text field ). I have tried all the user exits and BADi's related to MIRO. Doesn't work. If anybody knows please share.

    If you are in system version is ECC 6.0, you can find out a Enhancement SPOT (ES_SAPLMRMC) under Function module MRM_FINAL_CHECK, which can be used to perform this requirement
    Hope this helps.
    Edited by: Balaji Ganapathiraman on Mar 14, 2008 4:43 PM

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    In the sapscript, I would like to changes the header text from invoice number to sales number on the output type z001.
    Could someone can guide me?

    Please go through following link :
    Thanks and Regards,
    Vibhuti Gosavi | [email protected] |

  • Change the heading in portal - very urgent

    Hi Friends,
    I have a requirement to change the heading of a field in portal.
    I have changed the text of a data element 'FCONT' from 'free places' to 'open places' which is required. but its not reflecting the portal. kindly let me know how to achieve this.
    LSO Portal course catalog allows searching for course types.  When one is chosen for display, if there are any scheduled courses, those will display with their start and end dates, location, language and number of available spots left in the classes. 
    The heading for the column that shows number of available places displays as ‘Free Places’ in standard SAP.
    Change this SAP text from ‘Free Places’ to ‘Open Places’ as shown below. Since this is coming from SAP’s standard, the change should also be language dependent. Therefore related OTR (Online Text Repository) object should be corrected in the other available language if required.
    Please help me.. points are sure for helpful answers.
    Thanks in advance.

    Are you using Transaction iviews?
    Otherwise changing the data element name will not have any impact in portal...
    If you are not using transcation iview then you will have to go and edit in the iview seperately...

  • How do I programaticly change the header BG color on a multiline listbox

    How do I programaticly change the header BG color on a multiline listbox

    If you mean the multicolumn listbox then you have to create the its property node on the diagram (right click on the item and select "Create->property node" from pop-up menu). Then you have to select two properties:
    "Active Cell"
    "Cell Background color".
    You can do it by expanding prperty node to 2 rows and right clicking on each row. Then select "Properties" from pop-up menu and the appropriate property.
    Then you have to set-up "active cell" to the appropriate coordinates of the column header. (row=-1; column=N or column=-2 if you want to change the colors of all headers).
    Now you have to connect the appropriate colorbox or numeric variable to "Cell Background color" property node and run the program.
    I've attached the example.
    Good luck/
    g Chutko.
    Attachments: ‏15 KB

  • Changing the heading in the variable entry screen

    I have the varible entry in my web template where in the user enter the starting year and ending year .The heading of the Variable entry screen is defaulty Variable entry I wanto change the heading from Variable entry to Years
    In 3.5 WAD what ever description is assigned  to the webtemplate appears as the heading for variable entry scree but this is not happening in 7.0
    Pls let me know how can this be done

    Hi Satyajit,
      Since the variable entry screen orignates from the BI system in conjunction with a web template it cannot be invoked separately. Do you plan to run the web application within a Web Dynpro application (i.e. an iFrame)? One option would be to use the BI Java SDK to populate the values in a user selection screen and then use the user's selection to execute a query or MDX statement. Of course you Web Dynpro app is responsible for rendering the result set.

  • How do you change the header on different pages?

    I'm having difficulties changing the header on another page. For example, my title has to be a certain header nad the other pages another header, but all them conform to the same header!

    It is called alignment.
    +Menu > Format > Align > Left / Right / Centre / Justify+
    Or use tabs to position the text where you want it, setting tabs by clicking on the ruler.
    The first click gets you the default left align tab, each subsequent click on the tab marker advances it to centre, right, decimal and back again to left. Or you can right click on the tab marker and get a pulldown menu with the same choices.

  • How do you change the header/footer color for MyPage.

    I understand that you can change the type of headers and footer for Mypage using Subportals. If I want to change the 'color' of the header for mypage, do I just have to 'create a new header using a different color' or 'edit and change the color of the existing header portlet in the Brand setting'? Does that mean that I need to create several header portlets of the same type with different colors?

    Couple of points:
    In 5.0, unlike 4.5, individuals can not change the color of their MyPage, and is determined by the Subportal assignment of the user. The MyPage color (and header) can be different for each Subportal, but users only belong to a single Subportal, and Subportals and Subportal assignments are usually only made by the Portal manager.The color can , however, be different on each Community, and that can be controlled by each Community manager.For Subportals, you need to create a new header Portlet for each color scheme.For Communities, you do nothave to create a new header Portlet: Choose an existing Portlet from the Community editor, save your changes, re-open the Community editor, and go back to the Header and Footer selection screen. You will be able to click on the selected header Portlet and change the color scheme for that one Community.

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    Hi SD Guru's
    I am using a GUI screen to create standard sales order (VA01). Since my order dates at header and line item level can differ, i want the field name or table name of the header tick which is taken as default from my billing plan in my sales order.
    Or is there any setting where my billing plan at item level is not defaulted from my header.
    Its really urgent. Would appreciate your reply.

    Hi Ravi,
    I'm unsure whether this will help you or not. In VOV7, choose your It Cat, in detailed screen of It Cat settings there's a checkbox with "Business data" when not checked which will allow you to change Data at Item level.

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    There are a couple discussion threads on this already.  Fundamentally it is not a feature that Numbers supports.  There are several work arounds but non of theeem are great:
    Please see this thread:

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