Changing users in palm desktop

Can I move contact data from one user to another user within the palm desktop?
Post relates to: Palm TX
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Contacts and Calendar data, yes.  Use the "Export" function to save the info, then open the other user and "Import" the data.
Go up to File/Export and pick a filename and a place to save the data, then find it again when you Import it.
Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)
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  • Trying to change sync from Palm Desktop to outlook treo 680

    I currently use/sync palm desktop for my calendar buyt I use outlook for my email.  I am trying to change the sync to outlook so that I can have my data in all one spot.  I changed the PIM conduit to say outlook.  Then I tried to re sync.  It appeared that everything synced, but when I went into outlook none of my data was there.  Am I doing something wrong? I have a treo 680 and windows xp.  Thanks for your help
    Post relates to: Treo 680 (AT&T)

    Hello Peter15, Welcome to the Palm Support Community.
    To change the sync program, look here:
    Start Button/All Programs/Palm/PIM Conduit Sync/Sync with Outlook.   At the next HotSync it will try to sync with Outlook.
    It ~should~ give you an option of which profile to sync with.
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  • Corrupt User Data Spinning Wheel Of Death Mac Palm Desktop Rev D

    My Treo 700p stopped working and Palm Desktop on My Mac will not open, import, or merge my user data files (current and backups). I've tried the apple-option Merge and import tricks to no avail. If it is set as the default user data, palm desktop will freeze on its splash screen and give me the spinning wheel of death. If i open, i get the message "Opening User Data One moment please..." with an eternal spinning wheel of death (SWOD). If i restore (apple-option merge) i immediately get the SWOD, If i merge, i am notified that the merge is successful, but then i get the spinning wheel of death before any data is displayed. I can open the userdata in textwrangler and see all of the phone numbers, notes, etc, but It seems impossible to parse into any format for reimporting or moving to my Pre. Are there any other tricks to opening the user data or recovering its contents. Any debug tools or software interrupts or anything I can do? Is there a way to open this stuff in a properly parsed format? Can User Data files be opened or imported by any other app? Also the Treo 700p gets power and the red light stays on but it never boots, perhaps there is a forensic tool that can recover the data?
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    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Sprint)
    Message Edited by infdaze on 06-17-2009 08:29 PM

    What BDAqua said. Get those crummy fonts you added off the drive. At least one of them must be so bad that's it's corrupting RAM every time the system tries to load it.
    A Safe Mode boot removes the user cache files of the account you log into in Safe Mode, and clears Font Book's database. Normally, that would allow you to restart normally since Font Book's database is not rebuilt until you launch Font Book. That you can't even get that far means you have some really BAD fonts.
    Boot into Safe Mode again. Make a new folder on the desktop and move all of the fonts you added out of the /Library/Fonts/ folded, or the Fonts folder of your user account. Whichever one you put them in.
    Now you should be able to startup normally.

  • Palm Desktop Software

    I have had this Palm for awhile.  I used it on my work computer but changing to home computer.  I downloaded software from website.  I can sync the Palm to the Palm Desktop Software without a problem or errors.  When I open the desktop software, it won't let me open or click anywhere on the screen.  A box pops up with the following information;
    Palm Desktop Application has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    It gives me 3 buttons to click:  Debug, Send Error Report, Don't send.  If I click on Don't send or Debug, the window will close.  I have removed the program and downloaded again, but I have the same experience.
    Any help would be welcomed.
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

    First thing is first that text size is really small and I have horrible eyes.
    Ok next is the troubleshooting, what we are going to need to do is figuring what is causing the palm desktop to crash, I bet it is your data, so lets see if I am right.
    You first need to locate your userfolder, it is located in program files/palm/username/
    Once you have your user folder in that folder you will see a bunch of folders, I'm first concerned with datebook. Go in datebook and look for the datebook.dat file, cut that file out of that folder and place in the root of your userfolder.
    Going back into palm desktop (if it opens without error) you will see your calendar is gone.
    Next you need to tell palm desktop to open in something other than address or calendar I usually suggest memos. To do this you can go to tools/options and change the view palm desktop opens in (default is address).
    Once you have it changed to memos you need to put your calendar back into palm desktop. So close palm desktop and go back to your userfolder. Grab the datebook.dat file off of the root of your username and place it back in the datebook folder (it will ask you if you want to overwrite the existing files, tell it yes)
    Ok so your calendar is back in your username time to go back to palm desktop, relaunch palm desktop and this time go to tools/options/tools and and check for corrupted records, it will scan your database and fix any corrupted records it finds, tab over to calendar and see if it crashes if it doesn't you are good to go.
    Also on a side note if it still crashes with your datebook out of your username, move your addressbook out also, usually the culrpit is calendar but i have seen contacts cause the problem also and on rare occurances both.
    Post back if you need more information or any clarification.
    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)

  • 64 Bit Windows7/8/8.1 USB drivers for Palm Desktop

    Thanks to the great folks over at (makers of NEW PalmOS Garnet devices), USB drivers for 64bit Vista, Windows 7, and Win 8 operating systems are available.  There are many users reporting Palm Desktop 4.x is also working. 
    I have synced my TX to my Vista64 bit laptop, and Windows 8.1 HP Spectre X2 hybrid successfully via my USB cable. 
    The drivers are located here:
    Aceeca Driver Downloads
    Installation instructions (from Aceeca) for Windows 7 are included in the download.
    Basic instructions:
    1. Download the drivers and Extract them to the same folder.  Remember the folder you extracted them to.
    2. Try to HotSync your device.  It will fail.
    3. Open the Device Manager, and look for the Yellow Triangle next to either "Acceca" or "Palm Device" under "Other devices".
    4. Right-click on the device, and choose "Update Driver Software".
    5. Choose "Browse My Computer for Software" and direct it to the folder you extracted the Aceeca drivers to.
    6. Choose "Next" at the driver file location window, and then tell it to "Always trust software from Aceeca Ltd." then click the "Install" button.
    7. I received an error message (Vista64) that told me "The drivers were installed but the device couldn't be opened." I saw that my TX had timed out and went to sleep.  I tried a HotSync and it worked!!! 
    Good luck! 
    NOTE:  Palm Desktop 6.22 may only show Media and Install.  Here's how to fix that:
    If Palm Desktop 6.2.2 only shows Media and Install, try this:  Right-click on the shortcut for Palm Desktop, then choose "Run as Administrator".  The ther modules should appear.
    To make Palm Desktop Run as Administrator every time in Windows 8/8.1:
    Close Palm Desktop, if open.  (This is a very important thing to always do when using 6.2.2 - it has been known to lose data when a computer is shut down without closing the program!)
    Right Click on the Palm Desktop Icon in the Metro screen, then choose "Open File Location".  You will now see the actual file for the shortcut.
    Right-click on the "Palm Desktop" shortcut file, then Properties.  Now pick the Compatibility Tab at the top.
    At the bottom of the Compatibility Tab is a checkbox:  "Run this Program as Administrator", Click OK .
    Try opening Palm Desktop, all the parts should appear.  You may see a box open when you close the program asking "Did the program run correctly?"   I picked "Yes", and it's been working fine since then!
    If you are using a much older PalmOS device and want to try using Palm Desktop 4.x, you will need this additional patch from Pimlico Software:
    Palm HotSync Setup
    Forum member bobboffin has added this post:
    "After attempting your first HotSync and failing (as expected) you may be unable to find any trace of the device in Device Manager, making the next step quite difficult. This happened to me, and after some investigation I discovered the following tip that allows Device Manager to show hidden and non-present devices.
    Open up Notepad and paste the following two lines into it:
    start devmgmt.msc
    Save it as SetDev.bat into My Documents.
    Open My Documents in Windows Explorer and double click on SetDev.bat. Device Manager should open.
    In the View menu select Show Hidden Devices.
    You may now see under the Other heading the failed device with a yellow triangle against it.
    You can now proceed to install the drivers per the instructions.
    Note that the driver supports most Palm OS versions. I'm actually using an Aceeca Meazura 1000 ruggedized PDA running OS 4.1  --- bobboffin"
    Hope this helps!
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    Thank you so much.  I was thoroughly disappointed to see that the support telephone for paid support had been discontinued.  I thought I would need to replace my (ancient but serviceable) Z22. 
    I followed the instructions listed here and am very happy to report that I completed a sync!
    Thanks again.

  • Palm desktop for Zire 72 with Windows Vista, 32 bit

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    Post relates to: Zire 72

    Hello godsey and welcome to the Palm forums.
     Palm Desktop 4.1.4e should work on Vista, but in my opinion, Vista is still a bit quarky.  I moved up to Palm Desktop 6.2 on my Vista box.  The Zire 72 has the newer Palm PIM applications so it will sync to PDT 6.2.  If you are still having trouble, you might want to try the upgrade.  (I would encourage you to export your data from Palm Desktop 4.x before upgrading.  The upgrade process converts your data and there is no going backwards without a prior data backup.)
     Also, before downloading and installing Palm Desktop 6.2, make sure you read and understand the differences between Palm Desktop 4.x and 6.x.  There are some changes, and in Palm Desktop 6.2 by ACCESS for Windows there are some features that have been taken away.
    Alan G
    Post relates to: Treo 755p (Sprint)

  • OS 10.5.6 and Palm Desktop

    Palm Desktop quits every time I try to drag or click/drag an event from one date into another.  Anyone else noticing this?
    Post relates to: Treo 680 (Cingular)

    I'm on 10.5.7 and I can drag items from date to date without a crash in Palm Desktop.
    Maybe you have some sort of corrupt data file:
    1) Test this by creating a new user in Palm Desktop, then create an event, then move it from one date to another.  If that works, then your data file is suspect.
    2) If not, then perhaps your Mac user is suspect.  If you have a second user set up, try logging in with that user account, creating a new user in Palm Desktop, creating an event and dragging it from one date to another.
    If it still happens, then, well, technically,  you should try that same procedure with a brand new Mac user account (3) but I'd be surprised if it went further than 1 or 2, actually.

  • Update Palm Desktop from 4.1 to 6.2

    Long time user of Palm Desktop 4.1 (currently installed and working) which is the SW used by my Sony Clie TH55 to sync to my PC. I have now purchased a Sprint Palm Pre which uses Palm Desktop 6.2 which is required in order to sync the Memopad. I downloaded the update (PalmDesktopWin62.exe) and tried to install but after it almost finishes it starts a rollback and does not install the update. Also after trying to install the update, my Palm Desktop v4.1 no longer works (PalmUI.dll not found).
     I try running the update again and it hangs up when it's updating the registry (when updating the registry it does nothing). The PC does not hang up, just the update. At that point (this is after waiting about 30 minutes) I cancel the update but it does not respond (only to Task Manager; end task). I try the update one more time and I instantly get "1607: Unable to install InstallShield Scripting Runtime".
    How can I get PalmDesktopWin62 to install?
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    wjwncpro wrote:
    Thanks WyreNut for your quick reply,
    I'm able to restore my system prior to trying to installing the update so that I don't lose anything with my current Desktop 4.2. I might be in a catch-22 as that, if I do a clean uninstall of v4.1 and install the v6.2, will I be able to hotsync my Sony Clie TH55 since it's not a Palm product but uses the Palm Desktop to sync???
    Any other ideas will be appreciated...
    I did a search of the Forum for "6.2 and Clie" and found several threads.  None were very promising.
    An example:
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  • Any new info about being able to sync my iphone 4 with the Palm Desktop on macs running snow leopard?

    Any new info about being able to sync my iphone 4 with the Palm Desktop on macs running snow leopard? Why doesn't someone take a a few hours and write a workaround so I can sync all my info including my Palm notes to my iphone via Palm Desktop without putting it in the clouds or making it complicated?  : (

    I feel your pain.  I am a long time user of Palm Desktop/Claris Organizer and have an iPhone that I really can't sync except by doing an export and import into iCal, etc.  You might try Missing Sync.  I have been working intermittently with writing a replacement for Palm Desktop, but I've only gotten as far as dumping out the information for everything (except repeating appointments) as an XML file.

  • How to protect private infomration if a computer with Palm Desktop needs to be sent for repair

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    Post relates to: Tungsten T

    The safest way to protect personal info in this manner is to remove it from the computer.  2 ways:
    1.  Hotsync all the data to your PDA and then delete the user from Palm Desktop.  It can then resynced later assuming they do not format your hard drive.
    2.  Use the export function of Palm Desktop to make backups of your data to an external memory source like a memory stick or external hard drive and then delete the user from Palm Desktop.  Upon return, just rehosync the PDA back to the PC to bring its data back.  This way will provide redundant means for the data will be backed onto a memory driver and also still on your PDA.
    Post relates to: Treo 650 (Unlocked GSM)

  • Can't open palm desktop user data

    I just upgraded from a Palm m515 to a Tungsten T3. I followed the directions for this on the Palm website.
    To make a long story short, I have a copy of my data on the tungsten, and a copy on the m515 - but nothing I can access on the desktop! I have several backups, under several user names, at this point. I have desktop v. 4.3.1 rev.D installed (after many uninstalls and installs). I can open the desktop application to an empty file, but when I try to switch to a user with my data in it, the application hangs and I have to force quit.
    I created a new user in the palm desktop, called "New" and did a hotsync with the tungsten. Now "New" won't open in the desktop, either.
    I'm aware of the change in conduit names from Datebook to Calendar, Addresses to Contacts, etc, and from another thread learned that I should put the old conduits in a disabled conduits folder, so I did that. So I guess that means I can't use the m515 as the data source...
    I really don't know what to do to get my palm desktop application - with data - back. I can't use iCal and Address book exclusively because I need the memo pad with categories. I have a current copy of all my palm addresses in the Apple address book, and a three week old copy of the calendar in iCal (so I'd like not to have to use that version of the calendar data.)
    I really hope someone can give me step-by-step instructions that tell me what to do to get out of this fix. It doesn't seem like it should be this hard!
    Powerbook G4 17   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Both the old and new conduits can coexist in the active Conduits folder. This is an exception to the general rule that no two conduits can synchronize the same data type simultaneously. So, you should return the original four—the Datebook Conduit for calendaring data, the Address Conduit for contact data, the Memo Conduit and the ToDo Conduit for task data—to your active folder. The HotSync Manager will properly choose to use the appropriate set for each device.
    You can simultaneously synchronize both your m515 and your Tungsten T3, but they must have different HotSync names. To move the data from your m515, use the Palm conduits set to Handheld overwrites Macintosh to move a copy of all of your data from the m515 to the Palm Desktop. Then export a copy of each of the four data types using the Palm Desktop format.
    Create a new empty user with a unique HotSync name for the Tungsten T3, and import each of the files into that user. Set your conduits to Macintosh overwrites Handheld, and synchronize only your Tungsten. That will move a copy of all of the m515 data stored in the Palm Desktop during your import, on the Tungsten handheld organizer.
    At that point, you can reset your conduits to Synchronize, and continue to synchronize both devices, or you can move from the Palm Desktop to iCal and the Address Book, using either iSync, or the Missing Sync for Palm OS to synchronize one or both devices.

  • Users lost in Palm Desktop 4.1.4

    A few days ago, I set about dealing with a critical space shortage on my data partition. My Palm Desktop data files are stored on that partition, in D:\Palm. The Desktop program files are stored in the default location, i.e., C:\Program Files\PalmOne.
    I copied the entire contents of my D: partition to a new drive, then used Windows Disk Management to rename both the old partition and the new drive so that the new drive (now containing all my data files including the Palm Desktop data files) became D:. The volume name for the new drive was slightly different so that I could keep track of which partition I was looking at. The end result was that the folder names and path for the Palm Desktop dataset did not change.
    When I started Palm Desktop after the drive installation, the "choose user" dialogue box displayed no user names at all. Then Desktop closed after briefly displaying an error message about the lack of available users that I didn't record.
    I looked to see what had happened to the Desktop dataset in D:\Palm. It was still there, apparently unchanged. Knowing of Desktop's default locations for its datasets, I looked in my C: drive. I found that a new folder had been created: C:\Palm OS Desktop. I went back to Desktop, and created a new user: "Dummy". A sub-folder with that name promptly appeared in C:\Palm OS Desktop.
    I started Desktop again, and tried to set D:\Palm as the folder in which the dataset should reside. I got an error message to the effect "that folder is in use by another user".
    So I moved the entire contents of D:\Palm to another drive, leaving D:\Palm present but empty, and went back into Desktop to tell it to use D:\Palm as the location for its dataset. It refused to do so, this time giving the error message The Palm Desktop could not move your data to D:\Palm. Nothing appeared in D:\Palm.
    I then tried to create a new user in Desktop in its current storage location. I used the name that I have used for years for my Palm, i.e., "Rob". Again, Desktop refused to accommodate me, giving me the error message Could not add user "Rob". "Rob" is an illegal user name, or the directory could not be created.
    So now I'm stumped. How do I get Palm Desktop to use my existing dataset again? Or recognize me as a Palm user?
    Some additional info:
    Of course, my T-E2's user name is "Rob". I'd really prefer not to have to change it. And if it matters, I'm running Palm Desktop 4.1.4 on WinXP Pro SP2. There is ample space on both C: and D: and in RAM, and more than sufficient horsepower in the my desktop machine's CPU. I have no difficulty manually creating a folder in D:\Palm or in C:\Palm OS Desktop.
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2 and Desktop 4.1.4 for Windows
    Message Edited by Rob_M on 09-29-2008 12:44 PM

    Well, nobody had any better ideas, so I adapted the logic that was developed in the thread at <>. It was successful. 
    For those who want to know lest they be afflicted with a similar problem:
    I backed up the dataset and moved it to another location, leaving D:\Palm as an empty folder;
    I uninstalled Palm Desktop;
    I cleaned up the Registry with CCleaner after the Palm Desktop uninstall failed to complete and forced a re-boot;
    I re-installed Palm Desktop to the same folder in C:\Program Files (it didn't give me an opportunity to set a data folder)
    I opened Desktop and re-set the data file location to D:\Palm using the Tools/Options menu;
    I backed up the structure Desktop then created in D:\Palm in case of need;
    I copied my original dataset back into place in D:\Palm;
    I backed up the contents of my T-E2 to a SD card (just in case), and
    I ran a Hotsync.
    Voila -- all is well. My data files are now in D:\Palm, my software is (re-)installed in C:\Program Files\PalmOne, and I now have the current version of Palm Desktop 4.1.4e installed. In other words, things are back the way they were, except that I have a slightly later version of Palm Desktop running on my machine.
    However, I still have absolutely no idea why copying the data structures to a new hard drive would have triggered the problem.
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

  • Two Windows users accessing the same Datebook (Palm Desktop)

    I have a Vista machine that has Palm Desktop 6.2 installed. My wife sometimes needs to access the calendar to add dates, etc. I set up the Vista machine for remote desktop and gave her an account so that she doesn't kick me out of my session. When she launches Palm Desktop, she can only create a new user/profile, not access the one that's already there. How can I accomplish this? Thanks!
    Post relates to: Zire 31

    Palm desktop doesn't support the fast user switching thus the problems you are running into. I think the closest you are going to get to in order to share this data is a program called SyncUs.
    They have a current version that is in beta that is compatible with Palm Desktop 6.2 if that is something you want to give a try.
    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)

  • Palm Desktop 4.01 Issue with finding user folders before Syncing

    Hello, Im using the palm desktop ver 4.01 alone and not syncing to a handheld device. When I create a new user, it nots creating a new user folder. Does the desktop version store the info in a different files than the info thats sync to the handheld device?
    Thanks for any help in advance.
    Frustrated and helpless at this point.
    Post relates to: Visor Platinum

    The path of the files are:
    computer > OS (C > Programs File (x86) Folder > Handsprings > Sam Folder (my old user name)
    There was also a set under a folder name Palm in the same location.
    computer > OS (C > Programs File Folder > Handsprings > Sam Folder (my old user name)
    There was also a set under a folder name Palm in the same location.
    The modification date of the files are 3/15/2011. This is old. I use the palm desktop everyday so I would have expected the modification dates to be more recent. The 3/15 is the last time I snyc to my hand held that I no longer use.
    I still have all the files, I copied the entire palm folder and handspring folder.
    Please let me know if you need any other info.

  • Does anyone know how I can change the font size on my Palm Desktop?

    My IBM Thinkpad T23 shows the Palm Desktop memos, addresses and calendar information in very small fonts that are hard to read and I have not found a way to change them.
    Post relates to: Treo 600 (Verizon)

    Using "regedit" I was able to change the font size larger for use with the Palm Desktop software.
      Run "regedit" and export (save) a backup copy for safety
        File  >  Export  
      Search for "FontSmall"
        Edit  >  Find  >  Find what  >  FontSmall
      Click on FontSizeGeneral and change the "Value data" to 16
      Exit "regedit"
      Run Palm Desktop software and enjoy the new legible font size!
      1) The location of the Palm Desktop software on my system using "regedit" is:
            HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop\Core
            * Your location of the Palm Desktop software may differ.
      2) I tested this on monitors using resolutions of 1280 x 1024 and 1024 x 768
            The font size is noticeably readable and much, much better
      3) You may also change the font family from the default (Arial) to another, such as Verdana, etc.
            FontCard    (Changes the font family in the side panels)
            FontGeneral    (Changes the font family for most of the program fonts)
      4) Operating System: Windows XP Pro
            Palm Desktop v4.1.4

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