Chart configurar coluna com valor de ponto flutuante

Pessoal tenho um grafico que carrego com o codigo abaixo:
                            chart.DataSource = dsXML.Tables[0];
                            chart.Series["Filiais"].XValueMember = "FILIAL";
                            chart.Series["Filiais"].YValueMembers = "PERCENTABSENTEISMO";
A coluna PERCENTABSENTEISMO no meu datatable esta com valor do tipo ponto flutuante 6,37 por exemplo mas na serie do meu grafico esta com o valor 637 teria como formatar esse valor para 6,37

Resolvido o problema, referente ao valor do campo exibido no grafico não ficar no formato de ponto flutuante, resolvi da seguinte forma
Na propriedade SERIES --> Label --> LabelFormat = 0.00
Problema resolvido

Similar Messages

  • Venda de Serviços com valor de ISS no Gross Up

    Olá pessoal, uma dúvida.
    O cliente vende exclusivamente serviços, apliquei as notas 1706309, 664855, 747670, 852302, 916003 e 815720.
    Efetuei testes para Cofins e Pis e está calculando muito bem. Porém o erro está no cálculo do ISS quando utilizado o modo Gross Up (Imposto fora do preço) pois ele altera o valor da ICMI.
    Estamos usando a TAXBRA e a RVABRA padrão.
    Criei o Tax Group 50 e todas as sequencias de acesso de ISS para provedor foram atualizaras como este grupo que foi configurado da seguinte forma:
    Jurisdict.Code: SP
    Valid from/to: 01.01.2014 até 12.31.2999
    Company Code: ZXXX
    Tax Rate: 5
    Tax Base: 100
    Iss Law: IS0
    Tax-Rel.Loc.: 1 Provider
    Iss WT: X
    Min. Value: 5.000,00
    Currency: BRL
    Veja o detalhe das condições para o cenário abaixo:
    Se eu coloco um preço líquido de 1000,00, com Tax Code I9 (ISS+COFINS+PIS+WHT) e Cofins sendo 7,65%; PIS sendo 1,65% e ISS sendo 5% (Empresa de Lucro Real na cidade de São Paulo) as condições ficariam assim quando utilizo cálculo dos impostos por dentro do preço líquido (Tabela J_1BKON1V)
    BX70 COFINS Base: 1.000,00
    BX72 COFINS Amount: 76,00
    BX80 PIS Base: 1.000,00
    BX82 PIS Amount: 16,50
    BX50 ISS Base: 1.000,00
    BX51 ISS Amount: 50,00
    IBRX: 1.000,00
    ICMI: 1.000,00
    Net Price: 857,50
    Tax: 142,50
    Entendo que o cálculo acima está perfeito para imposto por dentro, porém vejam como fica quando altero para calcular por fora:
    BX70 COFINS Base: 1.157,03
    BX72 COFINS Amount: 87,93
    BX80 PIS Base: 1.157,03
    BX82 PIS Amount: 19,09
    BX60 ISS Base Provider: 1.157,03
    BX62 ISS Amount Provider: 57,85
    ICMI: 1.157,03
    IBRX: 1.157,03
    Net Price: 992,16
    Tax: 164,87
    Neste caso, a ICMI assumiu o valor de 1.157,03. Entendo que o Net Price deveria ser 1.000,00 (Já que é o preço líquido sem impostos) e o Tax deveria ser 166,18. Veja como cheguei neste valor de Tax:
    Fiz a fórmula de Gross Up sendo: 1-([ISS+COFINS+PIS]/100) ou seja 1-([5+7,65+1,65]/100) daí evolui para o seguinte resultado: 1-(14,25/100) resultando em 0,8575. Logo peguei o preço líquido de 1.000,00 e dividi por 0,8575 que dá 1.166,18 logo, o total de impostos é 166,18 e o preço líquido é 1.000,00.
    Sendo assim, no meu entendimento as condições deveriam ficar assim quando o imposto é por fora:
    BX70 COFINS Base: 1.166,18
    BX72 COFINS Amount: 88,63
    BX80 PIS Base: 1.166,18
    BX82 PIS Amount: 19,24
    BX60 ISS Base Provider: 1.166,18
    BX62 ISS Amount Provider: 58,31
    ICMI: 1.166,18
    IBRX: 1.166,18
    Net Price: 1.000,00
    Tax: 166,18
    Alguém saberia como resolver este problema? ou seja, alterar a configuração para que ao invéz de calcular conforme o texto em vermelho fique igual ao texto azul?

    Achei o erro, o problema está na retenção. Dentro do grupo 50 eu exclui os campos:
    Iss WT: X
    Min. Value: 5.000,00
    Currency: BRL
    Então a pricing retornou corretamente.
    Vamos verificar todas as notas de retenção para corrigir o problema.

  • Como migrar partidas em aberto com imposto retido (acumulado) no pagamento via FI?

    Oi Pessoal,
    Estou com um problema na retenção de impostos, agradeço quaquer ajuda!
    É o seguinte: Imposto retido no momento do pagamento pro Fornecedor com acúmulo, ou sjea, a retenção só ocorre se tiver pagamentos para o mesmo fornecedor dentro do mesmo mês com valor maior que 5.000,00 reais.
    Exemplo no legado (SAP – TAXBRJ):
    Fornecedor “X” – 3000,00 – Pagamento em 10/01/15 – Sem retenção - OK
    Fornecedor “X” – 2500,00 – Se pagar dentro de Janeiro será feito retenção com base no total de 5.500,00, logo 255,75, valor líquido a pagar pro Fornecedor = 5.244,25.
    Vamos supor que essas partidas estejam em aberto e portanto precisam ser migradas pro SAP via FB01.
    Eu testei e o resultado foi:
    Fornecedor “X” – 3000,00 – Pagamento dia 02/02/15 – Sem retenção - OK.
    Fornecedor “X” – 2500,00 – Pagamento dia 05/02/15 – Sem retenção - Incorreto.
    Percebi que após pagar as duas, o montante base não foi atualizado na tabela WTAK campo J_1BWHTRB02, acredito que é por causa da configuração do tipo de imposto (CA) “Base armazenada na Nota Fiscal”, então eu acho que o campo é atualizado com base no Montante Base gravado na NF (J_1BNFSTX), suponho que seja isso porque se eu fizer o mesmo teste usando MIRO a acumulação ocorre corretamente.
    Resumindo: Quando eu faço a carga por FI eu não tenho o campo NF, por consequência não terei o Montante Base, portanto nenhum imposto será retido. A pergunta é: Alguém tem alguma ideia de como fazer essa carga considerar a acumulação corretamente.
    *ECC 6.0 – TAXBRA
    Muito obrigada por qualquer ajuda, dica, comentário....

    Oi Marssel,
    Obrigada pelo seu tempo.
    Referentes os pontos que vc levantou:
    1 - Já fiz esse teste, o resultado foi:
    Montante = 3000,00 (Informações IRF: Base IRF 3000,00 + Mont. IRF 90,00), se eu fizer o pagamento vai reter 90,00 e esta incorreto, pois não considerou o acúmulo de 5000,00.
    2 - Não entendi muito bem o que fazer, por favor me da mais detalhes.
    3 - Tb já fiz esse teste, o resultado foi:
    Configuração por FI grava em outros 2 campos da WTAK (WT_BS02 e WT_WT02) quando volta pra PCC com base na NF grava em outros campos (J_1BWHTRB02, WT_BS02 e WT_WT02), pelos testes que fiz, percebi que só o campo J_1BWHTRB02 é considerado como "controle" de acúmulo, portanto não considerará as partidas que entraram por FI.
    4 -  Se entendi correto, não é pra levar em consideração o acumulo em si, é pra reter na fatura qualquer valor mesmo que abaixo de 5000,00. Tá mas e se o Fornecedor só tiver um pagto no mês de 2000,00 o correto seria não ter nenhuma retenção, se reter nesse caso estaria incorreto, não? Desculpa não estou certa se entendi claramente.
    Mais uma vez obrigada.

  • NF-e 3.10 - Standard com ID diferente quando Importação customizada

    A SAP disponibilizou uma lógica para preenchimento dos novos campos de importação, o método fill_import.
    Desta forma temos 2 tabelas internas para informar, a DI e a ADI (Adições), que representam as informações da nota:
    Para fazer o relacionamento destas informações é utilizado os campos ID e ID_REF.
    Se não for feita customização utilizando os novos campos do layout 3.10 o standard utiliza uma lógica válida (p_lineid) para relacionar as duas tabelas de informações:
    Porém se desejarmos utilizar o método fill_import, é feita uma regra diferente de relacionamento das tabelas DI e ADI, baseada em outra variável (lv_adi_ref):
    Já que a BADI para customizar a importação é chamada por item, e esta variável (vl_adi_ref) é sempre inicializada com valor 1, o valor do campo id será definido pelo standard com o valor 2.
    Diferente da forma que é feita quando não há valor nos novos campos da 3.10:
    Antes de aplicar uma solução, por favor, alguém sabe se a SAP vai unificar a lógica de relacionamento entre as duas informações de importação ?

    2039144 - NF-e new layout 3.10 - Enhancement Note 03
    disponível ontem pela SAP corrige as linhas citadas acima.

  • Problema com Lançamento de Custos Complementares na MIGO

    Boa Tarde pessoal, tudo bom?
    Estou escrevendo aqui no Grupos para ver se alguem pode me ajudar.
    Aqui na empresa onde estou trabalhando estamos com um caso muito estranho acontecendo em alguns pedidos. E o pior o caso acontece de forma intrmitente, ou seja não acontece em todas as vezes muito menos em todos os pedidos.
    Confesso a vocês que ja não sei mais o que fazer e onde analizar, principalmente por que não consegui simular o problema nem no QAS nem no DEV.
    Bom vamos ao problema:
    Ao entrar a MIGO de alguns pedidos com condição de frete, no memento que o sistema lança o Custo complementar de aquisição, ocorre algum bug, erro, magia, sei la e ele registra 2 documentos com EXTAMENTE o mesmo numero, porem com VALORES DIFERENTES.
    Vejam exemplo REAL:
    5000746331 - 2.182,82 BRL
    5000746331 - 2.191,77 BRL
    5000746330 - 2.147,93 BRL
    5000746330 - 2.155,99 BRL
    Alguem ja viu isso acontecer?
    Alguem sabe por que isso acontece?
    Mais ainda alguem, por favor, sabe como resolver?
    Agradeço a atenção de todos
    E mais ainda pela ajuda
    Rogério Gonçalves
    Consultor MM
    Rogério Gonçalves
    Consultor MM

    Movento para o forum correto.

  • Print Charts/Graphs on Smart Forms

    Hi Seniors,
    Here is a requirement on Smart Forms:
    I need to print Charts on Smart Forms. I have been through many answers on SDN but unfortunately, there are not many appropriate solutions. I executed some standard reports and got Charts and graphs as output but am not able to use it to display the same on Smart Forms. I have even  tried using classes for charts / graphs, business graphics(may be there would have been some sequential procedure for that).
    In the Smart Form, I have tried Form Attributes>Output Options>Output Format--> XSF output
    with output mode: 'Spool' and Output Device: 'XSFOUTDEV' from couldn't get what output device that was and was unable to execute).
    I have tried executing transaction GRAL(demo reports for SAP graphics) too.
    I found a report that would produce graph in Excel, I executed it, saved the graph from excel in '.bmp' format in SE78 and then printed it on Smart Form. But all I want is to have it done dynamically.
    I saw answers that we can save the graph chart/graph onto the desktop, upload it and then display it on the Smart Forms. But, when i tried it, I saw that it could be saved only in '.dat' format. I have to save it dynamically in a supported format like '.bmp' and print it on the Smart Forms(the graph would change depending upon the input values). Please help me resolve this.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Dear Bouman,
    Thank you for the reply. I can write a report if would helps me to upload images dynamically. I saw your program but, here we cant give the name of the chart that comes as output. I tried to save the chart but it comes in '.dat' format but not in '.bmp' format. We may be having some classes or function modules that we need to call in a particular sequence. What other options do we have. Please help me resolve this.

  • How to insert a google chart in rtf

    Hi All,
    I come to know that we can insert any google chart in our rtf report for our given data.
    Please let me know what are the pre-requisites for this.
    and what is the code to be entered in the dummy image web tab
    I am trying to get a Google QR Code like below.
    <img src="
    giving the about code in web tab of a dummy image
    I did just a trail, but it does not work.
    Please let me know with any ideas.

    Hi, transaction SCC4 -> press Ctrl+F4 or the button for change ->double click one the row for your client -> on the field Cross Client Object Changes select Changes to the Repository and cross-client Customizing allowed -> SAVE
    2. run MC1H and now you will have access to insert new line in the table
    Regards Vassko!
    Edited by: Vasil Pavlov on Sep 16, 2008 9:51 AM

  • Just upgraded to Firefox 10. Google Finance charts no longer work. They do work in IE. Updated Adobe Flash player to latest. IE works. Firefox 10 doesn't.

    Just upgraded to Firefox 10 on a Window7 64 bit PC. Google Finance charts no longer work. Checked the web for similar. Updated to latest compatible Adobe Flash player 32 bit as suggested. Flash player works. I can see finance charts in IE, but not Firefox 10. I can see finance charts on Yahoo in Firefox, but not Google finance charts. Main chart at is displayed. Individual stock charts don't.

    Download Adobe Flash Player installer (2.94 MB)
    * '''When Downloading Plugins Update setup files, Remove Checkmark from Downloading other Optional Softwares with your Plugins (e.g. Toolbars, McAfee, Google Chrome, etc.)'''
    * Close Firefox (click '''Firefox''' button and click '''Exit''')
    * Open the '''install_flash_player.exe''' file, then follow the installer's instructions.
    -> Start Firefox in Safe Mode by Holding down the '''Option''' key while starting your Mozilla Firefox application. (If the Profile Manager opens, select a profile and then hold down the '''Option''' key again while clicking the button to start Firefox.)
    * As an alternate method, go to Utilities (in the Applications folder) and open Terminal, then run:
    ** /Applications/ -safe-mode
    -> Firefox Safe Mode window will appear -> DON'T SELECT ANY OPTIONS, just click '''Continue in Safe Mode'''
    -> go to a website that uses Flash player:
    Check and tell if its working while you are Browsing in Firefox Safe Mode.
    Check and tell if its working.

  • Microsoft Excel (2007) Charts in Illustrator CS2

    In the past I was able to take any charts from Microsoff Excel 2003 - select them, copy them, and paste them into CS2.  The company recently upgraded to 2007 as a stepping stone to 2010. Now when I copy charts they either come over as a rasterized image or all of the fonts get changed to "Small Fonts" and all of the kerning and spacing is messed up. I have tried PDFing them and that works to a certain extent, but the graphs from Excel come over as rasterized images - no good for me. I need to be able to modify the charts as needed in Illustrator.
    Thanks for any help!

    I tried to replicate your problem, not having CS2, I tried 2003 to CS5 and 2007 to CS4 and it worked ok in both cases. In excel you can copy data or chart as pictures but it is not the default behavior, try pasting inside excel in another sheet, to see if it is still editable, if it isn't probably it is being copied as picture.

  • Bubble chart with scatter chart type and different bubble sizes

    Hello everybody,
    I would like to create a bubble chart (scatter chart) within Oracle 11g and Apex 4.2 with the standard chart types that come with Apex (anychart).
    I want to integrate two different KPIs (key performance indicators) in the chart, one for each axis (x and y) and additionally the size of the bubbles shall represent the size of the company, the KPIs belong to.
    That is to say, every bubble represents a company with two KPIs and its size.
    Now, I have problems changing the size of the bubbles. Can someone give me a hint where to start or how I could achieve this with  a standard sql query  (series) !?
    Is that possible with the standard charts (scatter type)?
    Can I control the color of the bubbles?
    How can I control the starting and ending points of the axes in order to show all bubbles completely even if they are e.g. 0,0 (x,y)  (this would show only a quarter of the bubble) or 0,3 (which would show only half of the bubble).
    I will be very thankful for some hints.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    Go to any chart and look at the examples.  You can view the xml, there are bubble chart examples.
    AnyChart - Cross-Platform Flash Charting Solutions For Your Project

  • Is this chart possible (two dimensional plus colour quality chart)

    I've used Crystal Report a few years ago.  I've got a new project, and I know Crystal Reports will work for 80% of it.  However, there's one chart i'm not sure about.  I've browsed the Business Objects product and technical info, couldn't find a list of chart types.  I also talked with Sales, they directed me to this forum.
    Essentially, I need to create a quality chart.  The product is a like a sheet of paper.  Green shows good quality.  Defects need to be colours (e.g. red, yellow, blue).  Furthermore, it needs to be different shades, ideally, if I can specify RGB.  This is a simplistic example:
    [Example Sheet Quality Chart|]
    My data will be thousands of x,y,colours.
    1. Is this possible in Crystal Reports, and if so, what degrees of control would I have?
    2. What degree of control would I have with the colour, can I specify RGB?
    3. Am I better off having my application create the bitmap (I have written .NET GDI routines before)?
    4. Is there a way to insert a custom bitmap (or reference a file on the hard drive) into my report?
    Much appreciated.

    Hi Peter
    Looking at the nature of the queries you have posted, I would request you to create an incident with us to work on this issue.  We need to work on this issue independently to address all your questions.
    You can contact our Customer Interaction Centre for further information on purchasing a support incident. The working number for CIC in Canada and US is:
    Girish Bhosale

  • Simple chart example needed

    I'm looking for a simple example of how to create a chart in XML Publisher. So far all my attempts have failed (and I've been trying for two days). In fact simple examples would be of use in all Oracle's pages.
    I have tried my own XML data, data from the XML Publisher forums, etc. but the chart wizard either comes up with a Java error or the chart has only one series showing.
    Is there a specific format that the chart xml has to be in? Do you have to use a grouping?
    The XML Publisher Desktop "Template Builder for Word Tutorial.doc" file mentions the "RetailSales.xml" file and explains how to create a chart with this, but sadly this file is nowhere to be found in the installation directory or the web.
    A simple step by step example somewhere would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot for a wonderfull tool like XML Publisher, by the way.

    Checkout the CoDash.rtf file from the xmlpserver\reports\Executive\Sales Dashboard folder. This report is standard there when you installed XML Publisher Enterprise Edition.
    This report contains several charts and all the definitions of the chart are location in the properties of the chart under the Web tab.
    <Graph graphType="PIE">
    <Title text="" visible="true" horizontalAlignment="CENTER"/>
    <LocalGridData rowCount="{count(xdoxslt:group(.//ROW, 'SALESREP'))}" colCount="1">
    <xsl:for-each-group select=".//ROW" group-by="SALESREP">
    <xsl:sort select="SALESREP"/>
    <Label><xsl:value-of select="current-group()/SALESREP"/></Label>
    <xsl:for-each-group select=".//ROW" group-by="SALESREP">
    <xsl:sort select="SALESREP"/>
    <Cell><xsl:value-of select="sum(current-group()/ORDER_TOTAL)"/></Cell>
    </xsl:for-each-group> </DataValues>
    for a pie chart

  • Xy chart in LAB VIEW???

    There seems to be no XY chart in LabView. I think the XY scatter Chart option might come in handy in cases involving continuous updation. Can anyone suggest an alternate method ?????

    well.... i did mange to use arrays which is continually updated to reproduce a strip chart on the graph..... sp i guess thats  a possibilty......

  • Apex Charts custom XML integration

    Hi All,
    I found a chart in and downloaded its XML.I wanted to integrate this chart with apex. But the XML,which i downloaded uses data from a .csv file. How to integrate this XML with apex. I found we can edit the default XML in the chart generated by. But How does XML take the values from the query which we write. There is only #DATA# at the end of the chart generated by apex and no clue on how and in what format this Data comes.
    Please help me out.

    Ajay -
    Others may be able to explain this process better than I but I'll give it my best.
    The #DATA# tag that you see in the default custom xml for a chart is a substitution string. When your page is rendered, APEX runs the queries associated with your chart and then creates XML based on the chart type of the series. Next, it takes this XML that it generated and puts it in the chart custom XML where that #DATA# tag is located.
    There are other ways to get custom data into your chart. You can create the XML yourself in a page item and then insert the contents of that page item into the custom XML of the chart. This can be an advanced topic, but it really isn't too bad once you get the hang of it. The following link contains some pretty good examples of the things you can do. It even shows you how to format your SQL to obtain similar results. Custom XML generation is in the MISC tab. I am not responsible for putting this page together, another forum member is, and perhaps they will chime in.
    Hope this helps

  • Embeding google charts in OBIEE?

    This is how the pie chart looks:,1879074,316017&chs=450x300&chco=FF0000,00FF00
    This is how the concentric chart looks:
    Creating the normal pie chart in OBIEE is pretty simple (I will use "Paint" subject are):
    1) Create a request with this SQL:
    SELECT Periods."Year" saw_0, "Sales Measures".Units saw_1, "Sales Measures".Dollars saw_2 FROM Paint ORDER BY saw_0
    2) In the Narrative view type the following:
    Prefix: <img src="
    Narrative @2
    Row separator ,
    Postfix &chs=450x300&chco=FF0000,00FF00&/>
    3) make sure you check the "Contains HTML Markup" box
    Any suggestions on how to create a concentric pie chart using this data set (using columns 2 and 3 as the data source?
    Edited by: Sart1997 on Oct 30, 2009 6:54 AM

    I tried solving this issue - and the problem is that you need two different data sets (by pipe). I tried to create a concat column (CAST(CASE "F1 Revenue"."1-01  Revenue  (Sum All)" WHEN NULL THEN 1000000 ELSE "F1 Revenue"."1-01  Revenue  (Sum All)" END AS CHAR)||','||CAST((CASE "F4 Inventory"."5-01  Inventory  (Sum All)" WHEN NULL THEN 400000 ELSE "F4 Inventory"."5-01  Inventory  (Sum All)" END) AS CHAR)) (NULL give blank chart, hence filtering it out) and used it with a pipe as separator. The problem here is that - it's not the data that we need. We get this:,400000|11371280.12,17267959|13531763.86,24359487&chs=450x300&chco=FF0000,00FF00(!!,400000|11371280.12,17267959|13531763.86,24359487&chs=450x300&chco=FF0000,00FF00(!
    After small modification:
    This "D0 Time"."T05 Per Name Year"||','||CAST(CASE "F1 Revenue"."1-01  Revenue  (Sum All)" WHEN NULL THEN 10000000 ELSE "F1 Revenue"."1-01  Revenue  (Sum All)" END AS CHAR)||','||CAST((CASE "F4 Inventory"."5-01  Inventory  (Sum All)" WHEN NULL THEN 2500000 ELSE "F4 Inventory"."5-01  Inventory  (Sum All)" END) AS CHAR)produces this:
    I hope it's close to what you need
    Edited by: wildmight on Oct 30, 2009 1:07 PM

Maybe you are looking for