Check delete question

Dear all,
Is there any trigger (or methods) in Forms that we can check immediately when the value of the field was changed without go to another field?
(Change value means clear the value by using back-space or delete button on the keyboard or when user type every word in the field.)
I am using Forms 10g.
Thanks for advance.

not in forms-standard.
in forms 10g you could write a javabean overwriting the standard VTextField-class and check key-presses.
What is your actual requirement?
There is a "very dirty" way to implement it with standard-forms-functionality, but i wouldn't recommend using it:
create a WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE-trigger at form-level, in it save the items value to some control-item.
create a timer with some short time and in WHEN-TIMER-EXPIRED check if the actual field-value is different from the one saved in the WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE-trigger
This solution has some disadvantages:
the timer forces a network trip,
if the time is choosen to short, then the form will do nothing but tripping over the network,
if the time is chosen to long, you will not get the userchange early enough for whatever you want to do.
as said before, i would not recommend doing it this way.
Edited by: aweiden on 18.10.2008 18:21

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    This is another topic that should have it's own thread.
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    For ur first question:
    use the transction to delete.if u found any of the conditions u mention rollback.seee the Connection class in jdbc API.normally its AtuoCommint before starting transction setAutoCommit fasle.
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    Since you are on 8i,
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    Hello Robert. wow, dense prose...
    this wil be more transversal.. hope you'll forgive me.
    iPhoto has several shortcomings that other people might point out. I'll just mention a few.
    when you adjust the image, using the adjustement HUD that floats around just like the one in aperture, you're making destructive pixel changes. True, iP 6 has a way of keeping the original untouched, but the two images will live separate lives (in albums, etc). Furthermore: once you move to the next picture you want to enhance, all the adjustment HUD sliders return to zero. This means that you'll never be able to return to an image and visualize the changes you made to the picture looking at the sliders. You'll have to guess. and restart from scratch.
    About quality: the adjustement sliders in Aperture are waaay more subtle. iPhoto sliders impact the image in a very visible way.... as you "touch" will immprove, you might start to feel that adjusting with iPhoto is a bit gross.
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    Aperture accepts to import/reference your iPhoto folder but I don't think the former will see changes made in the latter..?
    just a few ideas.... HTH

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    Thank you guys. BalusC- great tutorial.
    However... I am trying to edit my DataTable using the following example at the bottom of page 174.
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    Here is my jsp code:
    <h:dataTable value="#{Controller.custList}" var="list" border="1">
                               <f:facet name="header">
                                <h:outputText value="Select"/>
                            <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{list.isEditable}" onclick="submit()"/>
                            <f:facet name="header">
                                <h:outputText value="Identification"/>
                            <h:outputText value="#{}"/>
                            <f:facet name="header">
                                 <h:outputText value="First Name" />
                            <h:inputText value="#{list.firstName}" rendered="#{list.isEditable}" />
                            <h:outputText value="#{list.firstName}" rendered="#{not list.isEditable}"/>
                            <f:facet name="header">
                              <h:outputText value="Last Name" />
                            <h:inputText value="#{list.lastName}" rendered="#{list.isEditable}" />
                            <h:outputText value="#{list.lastName}" rendered="#{not list.isEditable}"/>
                            <f:facet name="header">
                                <h:outputText value="Comments"/>
                                  <h:inputText value="#{list.comments}" rendered="#{list.isEditable}" />
                                <h:outputText value="#{list.comments}" rendered="#{not list.isEditable}"/>
                        </h:dataTable> Thanks again.

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    Thanks and BR,
    Raj Jain

    Hi Raj,
    Check in T.code SLG1..
          Object : RSD
    Subobject :
                       CUBE_DEL      (Deleting InfoCubes)
                        IOBJ_DEL     (Deleting InfoObjects)
                       ODSO_DEL     (Deleting ODS objects)
    Give the time restriction period and execute..
    Hope it will help..

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    user13390258 wrote:
    Thanks, In our project we are using finace 7 application and as it does't support hot backup so we are doing cold backup of database. Through HP RSM software. And we do not have RMAN backup also. Actually i am not geeting proof to show that file has been deleted from ROOT user.I don't know what a "finace 7" application is, but your assertion that it doesn't support a hot backup makes no sense. A backup of the database, and how it is accomplished, should be of no concern to the app.
    As for your statement "we don not have RMAN backup also" ... well, it looks like now you are seeing the cost of that decision. One would hope that once you get through this crisis you would take it upon yourself to institute proper database backups, because - as the dBA - your first and most important job is to insure the security of the database. I never depend on any backup scheme anyone else claims to have in place. If they want to do something they claim will backup the database, fine. But I know that when the excrement hits the ventilation system, it's MY butt on the line to recover the database, so I am d*** well going to be taking rman backups.

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    They may be in Users/your_name/Library/Application Support depending on how they were installed.

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    Is there any place where we can check the details of deleted enhanced BSP component?
    For ex : Suppose I have a component ERP_INCOMP, and its enhancement storage component is ZERP_INCOMP..
    Now suppose someone has deleted this Z component, and I want to check the details or the change log for this..
    Is it possible. Kindly let me know if there is any possibility for this.

    Hello Devashish,
    Not sure about deletion but you can check change log in BSPC_DL_XMLSTRX2 table for custom config.
    Regards Harish Kumar

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