Checking for alphabets and digits

I am reading a stream of characters and want to filter out if the character read is a letter(A-Z) or a number(0-9). I tried to use isLetter() and isDigit() functions of the Character class but it does also treats some other characters(based on unicode i think) other than A-Z as Letters and digits. Is there any way to test exactly alphbets(A-Z) and between ( 0-9).
its urgent...
thanks in advance.

you can simply use it without the charcater class and its methods... like this..
if( (inChar >= 'A' && inChar <= 'Z') || (inChar >= 'a' && inChar <= 'z') ) {
      // do the stuff for letters..     
if( inChar >= '1' && inChar <= '0') {
     // do stuff for digit...

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              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro5,4
              1 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2 cores
              4 GB RAM
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                        EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
                        Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 249.2 GB (20.75 GB free)
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              MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-868 
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              Apple Internal Memory Card Reader
              Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
              Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
              Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
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              [not loaded] com.rim.driver.BlackBerryUSBDriverVSP (0.0.39) Support
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              [loaded] com.macpaw.CleanMyMac.helperTool.plist Support
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              FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
              Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
              AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 11.0.06 - SDK 10.6 Support
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              AppleAVBAudio: Version: 203.2 - SDK 10.9
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                   6%          coreaudiod
                   6%          WindowServer
                   5%          repair_packages
                   3%          VLC
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              549 MB          repair_packages
              143 MB
              131 MB          Safari
              119 MB          installd
              94 MB          mds_stores
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              1.82 GB          Active RAM
              224 MB          Inactive RAM
              630 MB          Wired RAM
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              207 MB          Page-outs

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    When you see a beachball cursor or the slowness is especially bad, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.  
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above.
    Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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