Checking L2/L3VPN traffic path through SP network (for ECMP)

Lets say CE1 and CE2 are doing L2VPN and all hops between PE1, P1,P2 and PE2 have more than one equal cost paths (ECMP).
I am trying to ascertain a way of knowing what path the EoMPLS traffic would take inside the SP core.
Some vendors say the way the hashing works is that if a PE finds its got more than one path to the egress PE, it would do hashing based on src/dst MAC and in other cases if a P device finds its got more than one path to egress PE, it would do hashing based on VC-label.
In either case, lets say we know what hashing method the P or PE device is using, obviously we would need an easier method to determine what path a pseudowire would take inside the provider network - Again, some vendors use what is called a "pseudowire traceroute" to determine this path. A pre-requisite of this is that at the time of setting up of the PW, the control word needs to be turned on.
I am looking for more knowledge on whether someone knows how the pseudowire traceroute would work and the process behind the PW traceroute which uses the control word ? more like how we know a normal traceroute works is through UDP pakcets with incremenyting TTL... and so forth
Anyone ??

Hello Ulatif,
it looks like that mpls traceroute for a pseudowire is not possible.
Actually the VCCV should be under the implementation of ping mpls and ping mpls pseudowire. The following document is a little old but explains the basic concepts under ping mpls and traceroute mpls.
However, sh mpls l2transport vc detail provides the choice for a specific pseudowire between two parallel paths
see this example from our network:
sh mpls forw
Local  Outgoing      Prefix            Bytes Label   Outgoing   Next Hop   
Label  Label or VC   or Tunnel Id      Switched      interface             
21     295      0             Te1/2
       341      0             Te1/6
sh mpls l2transport vc det
Local interface: Te1/7 up, line protocol up, Ethernet up
  Destination address:, VC ID: 1, VC status: up
    Output interface: Te1/2, imposed label stack {295 372}
    Preferred path: not configured 
    Default path: active
   Next hop:
  Create time: 7w4d, last status change time: 6w4d
  Signaling protocol: LDP, peer up
    Targeted Hello: Id) ->
    Status TLV support (local/remote)   : enabled/supported
      Label/status state machine        : established, LruRru
      Last local dataplane   status rcvd: no fault
      Last local SSS circuit status rcvd: no fault
      Last local SSS circuit status sent: no fault
      Last local  LDP TLV    status sent: no fault
      Last remote LDP TLV    status rcvd: no fault
    MPLS VC labels: local 1429, remote 372
    Group ID: local 0, remote 0
    MTU: local 9216, remote 9216
    Remote interface description:
  Sequencing: receive disabled, send disabled
  VC statistics:
    packet totals: receive 5172156, send 5361948
    byte totals:   receive 676971483, send 917397631
    packet drops:  receive 0, seq error 0, send 610
This solves the question at source PE or destination PE of the pseudowire but I agree that in the middle in your scenario there are other possible choices of intermediate nodes.
All I can say is that once a path is chosen by source PE it determines a complete path because intermediate nodes will make a choice and keep it.
Hope to help

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  • JRE freeze when loading applet twice, through VSAT network

    Here is a good one for you guys I think ...
    What I got:
    I have a java web application, runing with Tomcat 5.5.
    I use a Apache HTTP Server 2.0.52 for my statiques ressources (html, etc ...), and the modjk connector 1.2.13 to forward all the dynamic requests from the client to the application server.
    One of my html pages contains a signed java applet.
    Basically, this applet control a scanner and send the scanned image to the web application server.
    This applet:
    - use some swing components
    - use the netscape.javascript.JSObject to call javascript functions
    - use the morena API (which include a native library) in order to control a TWAIN scanner
    - format the scanned image into a JPEG image
    - send the formatted image to the web server, using an HttpURLConnection
    (I use a servlet on server side to get the uploaded image)
    - wait for the server response, that tells my applet if the upload has been successfull or not
    Some additional infos:
    - I use morena
    - I use JRE to run the applet
    - JRE on client side is configured as follow:
    - no applet caching
    - network parameters: "use the browser parameters"
    My problem is:
    - Through a LAN network, the applet works perfectly ...
    - Through an internet network (I use a VSAT / IDIRECT network), I can load and run my applet the first time
    but when I try to run my applet for the second time (without closing the browser), it just doesn't start, and the JRE crash
    (i.e. the java console freeze ..., just like if it was waiting for something ...)
    nothing happen after that, and I have to kill my JRE / Browser
    the funny stuff about it is that the applet works fine (even through VSAT network) when I don't upload the scanned image on the server
    load and run ok as many time as I want ...
    => seems that something's going wrong during the uploading process
    What I have already tried:
    1/ getting rid of the Java - Javascript communication (JSObject seems to have heaps of bugs ...)
    => no changes
    2/ be careful to close correctly my HttpURLConnection, with a HttpURLConnection.disconnect()
    => no changes
    3/ put the morena jars directly on the client side (in the lib/ext directory of the JRE):
    the morena API use a native library, and apparently, a native library can not be loaded by 2 different ClassLoader
    just to avoid any "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError"
    as shown on
    => no changes
    4/ have a closer look on the http apache server, just to get rid of the error
    "OS 64)The specified network name is no longer available. : winnt_accept: Asynchronous AcceptEx failed."
    as shown on the bug 21425 in
    => no changes
    5/ use the upgrade version of the JRE
    => no changes
    ANY HELP ?
    and as usual, I had to fix this problem for yesterday ... :)))
    Any ideas about that ?
    need more infos ?: just let me know
    Here is the piece of code I use to upload the image from the client to the web server:
    * Upload de cette image sur le serveur, apr�s passage au format JPEG
    * @param imageSelectionnee BufferedImage image � transf�rer
    * @throws ComposantNumerisationException exception pouvant etre lev� lors de l'upload
    public void uploadImage(BufferedImage imageSelectionnee)
        throws ComposantNumerisationException {
        // connexion http au server
        HttpURLConnection connexionServer = null;
        // flux de sortie, permettant d'envoyer les donn�es vers le serveur
        OutputStream fluxSortie = null;
        // parametres pour le libelle de l'exception
        ParametresProprietes parametres = null;
        // flux d'entr�e, pour lire la r�ponse du serveur
        BufferedReader fluxEntree = null;
        // r�ponse du serveur
        String reponseServeur = null;
        // image au format JPEG
        BufferedImage imageFormatJPEG = null;
        try {
            /* conversion de l'image au format JPEG */
            imageFormatJPEG = this.formatterImage(imageSelectionnee);
            /* ouverture d'une connexion vers le serveur */
            connexionServer = this.ouvrirConnexion(imageFormatJPEG);
            /* ecriture des donn�es dans le flux de sortie, vers le serveur */
            // cr�ation d'un outputStream
            fluxSortie = connexionServer.getOutputStream();
            // transfert des donn�es vers le serveur
            ImageIO.write(imageFormatJPEG, Constantes.TYPE_IMAGE, fluxSortie);
            /* lecture de la r�ponse du serveur */
            // cr�ation d'un flux de lecture sur le flux d'entr�e
            fluxEntree = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
            // lecture de la r�ponse du serveur
            reponseServeur = fluxEntree.readLine();
            // v�rification du succes de l'upload, en fonction de la r�ponse du serveur
            if (!reponseServeur.startsWith("REPONSE")) {
                /* cas ou le message retour ne commence pas par "REPONSE":
                 * ce n'est pas la r�ponse de la servlet
                 *  => Tomcat nous a redirig� vers la page d'authentification */
            } else if (reponseServeur.compareTo("REPONSE:OK") != 0) {
                // la r�ponse du serveur indique qu'il y a eu un probl�me lors de l'upload
                throw new IOException(reponseServeur);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // cr�ation des parametres pour ce libelle d'erreurs
            parametres = new ParametresProprietes();
            parametres.ajouterParametre("0", e.toString());
            throw new ComposantNumerisationException(
                    proprietes.getPropriete("ERREUR_UPLOAD", null),
                    proprietes.getPropriete("ERREUR_UPLOAD_TECH", parametres),
        } finally {
            try {
                // fermeture de ce flux de sortie
                if (null != fluxSortie) {
                // fermeture du flux de lecture de la reponse
                if (null != fluxEntree) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            // fermeture de la connexion
            if (null != connexionServer) {
    * Ouverture d'une connexion vers la servlet d'upload de l'image
    * @param image BufferedImage image � transf�rer
    * @return HttpURLConnection une connexion http
    * @throws IOException exception IO
    * @throws ComposantNumerisationException exception
    private HttpURLConnection ouvrirConnexion(BufferedImage image)
        throws IOException, ComposantNumerisationException {
        // url du server
        URL urlServer = null;
        // connexion http au server
        HttpURLConnection connexionServer = null;
        // signature
        String signature = null;
        // g�n�ration de la signature de l'image � transf�rer
        signature = this.genererSignatureImage(image);
        // construction de l'url du serveur � appeler pour cet upload
        // en incluant un parametre pour transmettre la signature de l'image � transf�rer
        // + identifiant du passeport d'urgence courant
        urlServer = new URL(this.urlServeur + this.action +
                            "?" + Constantes.PARAM_SIGNATURE_IMAGE + "=" + signature +
                            "&" + Constantes.PARAM_IDDEMANDE + "=" + idDemande +
                            "&" + Constantes.PARAM_CODEMAJ + "=" + codeMaj +
                            "&" + Constantes.PARAM_TYPEDEMANDE + "=" + typeDemande);
        if (null == urlServer) {
            throw new IOException(proprietes.getPropriete(
                                "ERREUR_UPLOAD_CREATION_URL_SERVEUR", null));
        // ouverture d'une connexion http, gr�ce a cette url du server
        connexionServer = (HttpURLConnection) urlServer.openConnection();
        if (null == connexionServer) {
            throw new IOException(proprietes.getPropriete(
        // param�trage de cette connexion
        // m�thode de transmission = POST
        // autorisation de lire les donn�es venant du serveur
        // autorisation d'�crire des donn�es vers le serveur                         
        // pas d'utilisation de caches
        // sp�cification du type des donn�es que l'on envoie vers le serveur
        connexionServer.setRequestProperty("content-type", "img/jpeg");
        return connexionServer;
    Here is the piece of code I use on server side to get the scaned image from the client:
    * Lecture des donn�es en provenance de l'applet
    * @param request HttpServletRequest
    * @return ByteArrayOutputStream buffer contenant les donn�es lues
    * @throws TechnicalException exception
    * @throws FunctionalException si erreur fonctionnelle
    private ByteArrayOutputStream lireDonnees(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException {
        // stream de sortie sur l'image
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
        // id du passeport d'urgence au format Integer
        // image issue de l'applet
        BufferedImage image = null;
        try {
            /* r�cup�ration de l'image */
            image =;
            if (null == image) {
                logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-16", null));
                throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-16",
                        null, "", true, false, false));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-13", null));
            throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-13",
                    null, "", true, false, false));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-16", null));
            throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-16",
                    null, "", true, false, false));
        return baos;
    * Ecriture de la reponse � envoyer � l'applet
    * @param response HttpServletResponse
    * @param erreur Message d'erreur
    * @throws IOException exception
    private void ecrireReponse(HttpServletResponse response, String erreur) throws IOException {
        // r�ponse � envoyer � l'applet
        String reponseServer = null;
        // flux de reponse
        PrintWriter fluxReponse = null;
        // construction de la r�ponse � envoyer � l'applet
        if (null == erreur) {
            reponseServer = "REPONSE:OK";
        } else {
            /* cas ou il y a eu une exception lev�e lors de la reception des donn�es */
            reponseServer = "REPONSE:ERREUR:" + erreur;
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug(THIS_CLASS +
                    "Envoie de la r�ponse � l'applet, indiquant si l'upload s'est bien d�roul�: " +
        //envoie de la r�ponse a l'applet
        fluxReponse = response.getWriter();
    here is the traces I get when the applet doesn't work, through a VSAT network:
    Java Plug-in 1.5.0_01
    Utilisation de la version JRE 1.5.0_01 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    R�pertoire d'accueil de l'utilisateur = C:\Documents and Settings\assistw
    network: Chargement de la configuration du proxy d�finie par l'utilisateur ...
    network: Termin�.
    network: Chargement de la configuration du proxy � partir de Netscape Navigator ...
    network: Erreur lors de la lecture du fichier de registre : C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Mozilla\registry.dat
    network: Termin�.
    network: Chargement de la configuration proxy du navigateur ...
    network: Termin�.
    network: Configuration du proxy : Configuration du proxy du navigateur
    basic: Le cache est d�sactiv� par l'utilisateur
    c:   effacer la fen�tre de la console
    f:   finaliser les objets de la file d'attente de finalisation
    g:   lib�rer la m�moire
    h:   afficher ce message d'aide
    l:   vider la liste des chargeurs de classes
    m:   imprimer le relev� d'utilisation de la m�moire
    o:   d�clencher la consignation
    p:   recharger la configuration du proxy
    q:   masquer la console
    r:   recharger la configuration des politiques
    s:   vider les propri�t�s syst�me et d�ploiement
    t:   vider la liste des threads
    v:   vider la pile des threads
    x:   effacer le cache de chargeurs de classes
    0-5: fixer le niveau de tra�age � <n>
    basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s enregistr�
    basic: R�f�rence au chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=1
    basic: R�cepteur de progression ajout� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@77eaf8
    basic: Chargement de l'applet...
    basic: Initialisation de l'applet...
    basic: D�marrage de l'applet...
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    security: Acc�s aux cl�s et au certificat dans le profil utilisateur Mozilla : null
    security: Chargement des certificats AC racine depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\cacerts
    security: Certificats AC racine charg�s depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\cacerts
    security: Chargement des certificats JPI depuis C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs
    security: Certificats JPI charg�s depuis C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs
    security: Chargement des certificats JPI depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\trusted.certs
    security: Certificats JPI charg�s depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\trusted.certs
    security: Chargement des certificats depuis la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Certificats charg�s depuis la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Recherche du certificat dans le magasin de certificats permanent JPI
    security: Recherche du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Obtenir l'objet de stockage des cl�s de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    security: Obtenir l'objet de stockage des cl�s de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    security: Recherche du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    security: D�terminer si le certificat peut �tre v�rifi� � l'aide des certificats de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    ... [check certifications]
    <no principals> (
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
    ( <all permissions> <all actions>)
    ( \C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\lib\ext\sunjce_provider.jar read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
    ( localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
    ... [check certifications]
    security: La v�rification du certificat � l'aide des certificats AC racine a �chou�
    security: Aucune information d'horodatage disponible
    basic: Modalit� empil�e
    basic: Modalit� d�sempil�e
    basic: Utilisateur s�lectionn� : 0
    security: L'utilisateur a accord� les droits d'acc�s au code pour cette session seulement
    security: Ajout du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Certificat ajout� dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Enregistrement des certificats dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Certificats enregistr�s dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    ... [check certifications]
    <no principals> (
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
    ( <all permissions> <all actions>)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission javaplugin.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission browser.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission browser.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission browser read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission http.agent read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
    ( rma_phileas connect,accept,resolve)
    ( localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
    ... [check certifications]
    <no principals> (
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
    ( <all permissions> <all actions>)
    ( \C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\lib\ext\Smorena.jar read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
    ( localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
    Morena - Image Acquisition Framework version
    Copyright (c) Gnome s.r.o. 1999-2004. All rights reserved.
    Licensed to "XXX".
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageOutputStreamSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageOutputStreamSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageTranscoderSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageTranscoderSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/flux/protected/ avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/flux/protected/ avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    basic: Arr�t de l'applet...
    basic: R�cepteur de progression supprim� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@77eaf8
    basic: Jonction du thread d'applet...
    basic: Destruction de l'applet...
    basic: Elimination de l'applet...
    basic: Sortie de l'applet...
    basic: Thread d'applet joint...
    basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s non enregistr�
    basic: Recherche d'informations...
    basic: Lib�ration du chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=0
    basic: Mise en cache du chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913
    basic: Taille de cache du chargeur de classes courant : 1
    basic: Termin�...
    basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s enregistr�
    basic: R�f�rence au chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=1
    basic: R�cepteur de progression ajout� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@1e16483
    basic: Chargement de l'applet...
    basic: Initialisation de l'applet...
    basic: D�marrage de l'applet...
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"

    A workaround would be: don't use IE9. You want a solution, not a workaround.
    I think at this juncture you are best of creating a new bug report and be sure to reference the old closed one. It doesn't look entirely related though, your symptoms are different from what is described in it (freeze VS a crash). You tried this on several systems right? Also on machines on a different network?

  • Does user traffic pass through Controller and Aironet 1030?

    Hi All,
    I want to beat out some questions that I cannot find exactly guideline in Cisco. I intend to implement 2 Airespace 2000 controller and some 1010s and one 1030 to my main office and branch office. At present, there is a 512kbps WAN link between this two office. So I don't want to let the traffic within the branch office to pass through the WAN link. Therefore, I intend to use the solution that 1 controller stay in main office to serve the 1010s in main office and 1 controller stay in remote office to serve the 1010s in remote office. But the remote site only needs 1 AP, thus I would like to use one 1030 to stay in branch office and 2 controller stay in main office to perform controller's redundancy. I would like to know Does the clients' traffic pass through the link between 1030 and controller as the same as 1010? I does very confuse whether 1030 has this feature because I found some blur instruction of 1030 in Cisco.
    Further, if I place one of the controller in remote office, how can I control the APs in remote office to choose the local controller instead of the controller in main office using Layer 3 discovery method? Does any know? Thanks!
    best regards,

    Hi Jason,
    Hopefully this info will clear this up for you;
    Q. Can I install an access point (AP) at a remote office and install a Cisco WLC at my headquarters? Does the Lightweight AP Protocol (LWAPP) work over a WAN?
    A. Yes, you can have the WLCs across the WAN from the APs. LWAPP works over a WAN. Use Remote Edge AP (REAP) mode. REAP allows the control of an AP by a remote controller that is connected via a WAN link. Traffic is bridged onto the LAN link locally, which avoids the need to unnecessarily send local traffic over the WAN link. This is precisely one of the greatest advantages of having WLCs in your wireless network.
    Note: Not all lightweight APs support REAP. For example, the 1030 AP supports REAP, but the 1010 and 1020 AP do not support REAP. Before you plan to implement REAP, check to determine if the APs support it. Cisco IOS Software APs that have been converted to LWAPP do not support REAP.
    Q. I want to set up the Cisco 1030 Lightweight Access Point (AP) with a Cisco WLC in Remote Edge AP (REAP) mode. In this mode, is all wireless traffic tunneled back to the WLC? Additionally, if the AP cannot contact the WLC, what happens to the wireless clients?
    A. The 1030 AP tunnels all WLC traffic (control and management traffic) to the WLC via Lightweight AP Protocol (LWAPP). All data traffic stays local to the AP. The 1030 REAP can only reside on a single subnet because it cannot perform IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging. As such, traffic on each service set identifier (SSID) terminates on the same subnet on the wired network. So, while wireless traffic may be segmented over the air between SSIDs, user traffic is not separated on the wired side. Access to local network resources is maintained throughout WAN outages.
    At times of WAN link outage, all WLANs except the first is decommissioned. Therefore, use WLAN 1 as the primary WLAN and plan security policies accordingly. Cisco recommends that you use a local authentication/encryption method, such as the Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) Pre-Shared Key (WPA-PSK), on this first WLAN.
    Note: Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) suffices, but this method is not recommended because of known security vulnerabilities.
    If you use WPA-PSK (or WEP), properly configured users are still able to gain access to local network resources even when the WAN link is down.
    From this doc;
    Hope this helps!
    Please remember to rate helpful posts.....

  • Assign Logical file name for the physical file path through Program

    Hi all,
    I am having a physical file which is getting generated dynamically. It is having the date and time stamp in its name which is added at runtime.
    Now I need to assign a logical file name for the physical file path through the program.
    Is there any FM or any other method to assign the same.

    I think it is not possible. becuase the date & time added at runtime. so if you check the table  PATH you can find filename and their definitions

  • Q: Using Path tables with Network Model (api)

    Just a quick question to get on track.
    In order to use the Path tables from a network model and to fill the geometry field, is this the right way to start working?
    1. use the sdonm api to load network and analyse it (like the demo java file
    2. get the link array from the path object
    3. itterate through the link array and use the
    NetworkUtility.concatenateGeometry in order to end up with one sdo_geometry line object
    4. Insert the appropriate path attributes into the Path table of the network via an SQL INSERT.
    Is this the right way or is there an othaer/better way?

    A path by default does not have its geometry computed when it's created.
    You can use method to compute its geometry (from link geometry).
    If you have computed a path using NDM API(for example, shortestPath), you can
    1. compute path geometry by using path.computeGeometry(double tolerance)
    2. add the path to the network (network.addPath(path)
    3. use NetworkManager.writeNetwork(conn, network) to populate path and path-link tables (assuming they have been created and registered in the network metadata already!)

  • Only some of the traffic passing through inline vlan pair

    Here is my network setup
       firewall<---- >(g1/2)Coreswitch 6500 with IDSM(TG9/1)<-----> (TG9/1) Distrib switch with FWSM---------Accessswitch
    configuration in core switch
    interface GigabitEthernet1/2.11
    description **** ****
    encapsulation dot1Q 211
    ip vrf forwarding VRF11
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
    standby 1 ip
    standby 1 priority 110
    standby 1 preempt
    interface GigabitEthernet1/2.37
    description **** ****
    encapsulation dot1Q 237
    ip vrf forwarding VRF37
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
    standby 1 ip
    standby 1 priority 110
    standby 1 preempt
    interface TenGigabitEthernet9/1.11
    description ****   ****
    encapsulation dot1Q 311
    ip vrf forwarding VRF11
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
    interface TenGigabitEthernet9/1.12
    description ****   ****
    encapsulation dot1Q 312
    ip vrf forwarding VRF12
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
    configuration in Distribution switch:
    interface TenGigabitEthernet9/1.11
    description ****  ****
    encapsulation dot1Q 311
    ip vrf forwarding VRF11
    ip address
    no ip route-cache
    ip ospf network point-to-point
    interface TenGigabitEthernet9/1.37
    description ********
    encapsulation dot1Q 337
    ip vrf forwarding VRF37
    ip address
    no ip route-cache
    ip ospf network point-to-point
    i  have seggregated  n/w like this. i am using inline vlan  pair , to pass all the traffic through the IDSM module ,
    i am using the monitoring port gi0/8
    config in core switch
    intrusion-detection module 8 data-port 2 trunk allowed-vlan 211-260,311-360
    physical-interfaces GigabitEthernet0/8
    subinterface-type inline-vlan-pair
    subinterface 11
    vlan1 211
    vlan2 311
    subinterface 37
    vlan1 237
    vlan2 337
    Problem i am facing is , some of the vlan-pair traffic passing through the IDSM some of the traffic are not passing , here i have given the statistics
    MAC statistics from interface GigabitEthernet0/8
       Statistics From Subinterface 11
          Statistics From Vlan 211
             Total Packets Received On This Vlan = 0
             Total Bytes Received On This Vlan = 0
             Total Packets Transmitted On This Vlan = 0
             Total Bytes Transmitted On This Vlan = 0
          Statistics From Vlan 311
             Total Packets Received On This Vlan = 0
             Total Bytes Received On This Vlan = 0
             Total Packets Transmitted On This Vlan = 0
             Total Bytes Transmitted On This Vlan = 0
    Statistics From Subinterface 37
          Statistics From Vlan 237
             Total Packets Received On This Vlan = 3189658726
             Total Bytes Received On This Vlan = 64165872092928
             Total Packets Transmitted On This Vlan = 3549575166
             Total Bytes Transmitted On This Vlan = 64165872092928
          Statistics From Vlan 337
             Total Packets Received On This Vlan = 3549575166
             Total Bytes Received On This Vlan = 64165872092928
             Total Packets Transmitted On This Vlan = 3189658726
             Total Bytes Transmitted On This Vlan = 64165872092928
       Statistics From Subinterface 38
          Statistics From Vlan 238
             Total Packets Received On This Vlan = 2215151150
             Total Bytes Received On This Vlan = 64165872092928
             Total Packets Transmitted On This Vlan = 126546964
             Total Bytes Transmitted On This Vlan = 64165866995200
          Statistics From Vlan 338
             Total Packets Received On This Vlan = 126546964
             Total Bytes Received On This Vlan = 64165866995200
             Total Packets Transmitted On This Vlan = 2215151150
             Total Bytes Transmitted On This Vlan = 64165872092928
    Give me idea experts , so that i can resolve this issue.
    Help me thanks in advance

    I believe the issue is because of the config below:
    interface GigabitEthernet1/2.11
    description **** ****
    encapsulation dot1Q 211
    ip vrf forwarding VRF11
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
    standby 1 ip
    standby 1 priority 110
    standby 1 preempt
    encapsulation dot1Q 311
    ip vrf forwarding VRF11
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
    interface TenGigabitEthernet9/1.12
    description ****   ****
    encapsulation dot1Q 312
    ip vrf forwarding VRF12
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
    As you can see we have 2 ip subnets in the VRF 11 .73 &  .2 in vlan 211 & 311 respectively.
    The switch is doing intervlan routing directly without having to go through the IDSM for VRF 11.
    What we need to remember is IDSM does not do routing, and it can only bridge vlans.
    Hence we have to force to packet to go through the IDSM.
    Here is what we do when we use IDSM to see traffic going between vlans.:
    Normally, with vlans, and IDSM inline mode, we have one IP subnet and 2 Vlans.
    IDSM2 in inline mode necessitates an additional artificial Vlan on the  SAME subnet as the Vlan you wish to sense.
    A layer 3 switch  interface  needs to be configured within this additional artificial Vlan.
    In a nutshell, we need to create 2 Vlans that share one same ip subnet and put SVI on only one of the Vlans.
    In your case you will need one ip between vlans 211 & 311 in VRF 11 to force the data to go through the IDSM.
    I can understand if this is a bit tricky to understand.
    Please go through my design document for IDSM inline mode, which explains the basic concepts and packet walk in detail.
    It will explain why we need the above and how arp makes the mac-address table populate correct entries, (with one ip subnet for 2 vlans) so that traffic goes through the IDSM.
    - Sid

  • Path-through authentication on WAP321 access point

    Dear colleagues!
    There is a task to perform webauth without entering username/password on WAP321 AP (path-through authentication).
    We need to eliminate captive portal page which requests username type-in. After connecting to the network user has to be redirected to company's website without any captive portal.
    How to achieve this?
    Thank you!

    Hi Diane,
    This is a very good question that comes up every once in a while. As you can see from the answers in the links below,there are alot of factors that come into play. The consensus from everything I have read and experienced would be 20-25 users per AP depending on actual applications etc.
    Have a read for some great answers provided in this forum by some excellent "hands on" experts:
    Here is a Cisco doc that relates to this question;
    Q. How many clients can associate to the AP?
    A. The AP has the physical capacity to handle 2048 MAC addresses. However, because the AP is a shared medium and acts as a wireless hub, the performance of each user decreases as the number of users increases on an individual AP. Ideally, not more than 24 clients should associate with the AP because the throughput of the AP is reduced with each client that associates to the AP.
    From this Q&A doc;
    Hope this helps!

  • Report to check Standard WBS link to which standard network and activity

    Dear All,
    Is there any way or standard report to check standard WBS (cj93) link to standard network/activity (CN03).
    Normally we create project by using template existing, we would like to check the structure. Is there any way to check the standard template for it ( WBS template link to network/activity template).
    Thank you.

    Please try this:
    1. Tcode : CN41
    2. Change database profile: In that in the origin check mark the Standard structure. Continue..
    3. At the bottom of the selection screen check mark the standard structures.
    4. In the selction area for the Project hit F4 and  select the project based on the standard WBS Element.
    5. Exceute the report.
    Hope this is useful.
    Reward points if found useful.

  • Sending publickey through the network as a byte array.

    I send client public key form server to client as a byte array through the network. I'm sruggling when I get that byte array from client side and again assign to the PublicKey variable. Anyone can give me any hints how can I extract the public key from the byte array.
    Thank you

    If your public key is from an X509 certificate, you can use the X509EncodedKeySpec class.

  • External hard drive that is not connected through a network

    Will Time Machine work with an external WD hard drive that is connected through my network at home. I plan to connect the drive via by internet router or Airport Express. Can TM use any drive that my MacBook can see? (except for my local hard drive of course)

    Thanks...the cable is pretty sturdy as is--plus the drive appears in the panel in Disc Utility, just not on desktop (?). Sorry can you elaborate on SMC?
    I decided to try to recover some of the data using Data Rescue II--so far not able to get it off the drive, but I've had very good success with this app in the past. I was hoping for some similar suggestion like command-T (target disc mode as with firewire hard drives) but I don't know if this works with USB drives.

  • I am trying to connect my mac and PC through my network. the pc can seen and connect with the mac, but my mac can only see the pc it can't connect. how do i fix this?

    i am trying to connect my mac and PC through my network. the pc can seen and connect with the mac, but my mac can only see the pc it can't connect. how do i fix this?

    1. Turn off iPad
    2. Turn on computer and launch iTune (make sure you have the latest version of iTune)
    3. Plug USB cable into computer's USB port
    4. Hold Home button down and plug the other end of cable into docking port. Do not release button until you see picture of iTune and plug.
    5. Release Home button.
    6. iTune has detected iPad in recovery mode. You must restore this iPad before it can be used with iTune.
    7. Select "Restore iPad"...
    Note: Data will be lost

  • Webutil - to check the file/folder path is valid in client pc

    I'm using oracle 10g forms. OS is Windows.
    When i try to write a file from DB to Client in order to open the file in client system,
    i 'm using CLIENT_HOST('CMD /C '||<filename>); => which saves the file in desktop.
    In order to specify a different location, i assigned a local variable and concatenating it with the file name. But my requirement is, before i specify a different path, i want to know whether the path is valid or not?
    Say for example:
    var_temp_folder := 'C:\DB_File\';
    var_success :=
    clientFile => <filename>
    ,tableName => <tablename>
    ,columnName => <columnname>
    ,whereClause => <where_clause_condition>
         ,progressTitle => 'Download from Database in progress'
         ,progressSubTitle=> 'Please wait');
    CLIENT_HOST('CMD /C '||var_temp_folder||<filename>);
    -- On the above, var_temp_folder is the local variable i specified, i 'm opening the file from DB to Client PC.
    But before that i want to check whether this path in var_temp_folder variable is available in client pc (Note: Client PC runs on windows).
    For that, can i use the CLIENT_HOST or any other function/procedure in WEBUTIL available for the same?
    Any immediate help would be appreciated..

    Yea... i found the solution...
    webutil_file.file_is_directory(<folder_path>) will help to check the whether the path is valid or not in client pc.
    if not webutil_file.file_is_directory(<folder_path>) then
    user_message('Path does not exist');
    raise form_trigger_failure;
    end if;
    Any other suggestions also be appreciated..

  • HT4356 Printing through a network on an iPad how do I download from hp , I have an older hp printer and just bought a Cisco n900 router I want to have my iPad print to the router USB

    I am trying to print from my iPad through a network using a Cisco n900 router, any Ideas on how to do this I have hp printers older version c4480

    You have three potential problems.  First, your printer is not on Apple's list of AirPrint printers <iOS: AirPrint 101>.  Second, AirPrint does not work through a USB connection.  An AirPrint printer must be connected to the network either by WiFi or by Ethernet.  Third, some WiFi routers do not correctly handle Bonjour data required by AirPrint.
    To make your setup work, you can use an iPad printing App such as PrintCentral or Print n Share.  Either may work for you if their built-in text, browser, mail and photo programs meet your needs.  However, they can only be accessed from within other Apps that have the "Open In" option.  You might also try the free HP App, ePrint Home & Biz.
    Another approach is to run a program on your computer, that shares its printer as AirPrint over WiFi.  Printopia and FingerPrint can do that, and are reported to work well.  Your computer must be on and awake any time you want to print.  <Printopia for Macintosh>  <FingerPrint for PC and Mac>

  • How can i check messages sent to device through my Verizon account online? i want to open the messages and see the contents.

    How can i check messages sent to device through my Verizon account online? i want to open the messages and see the contents.

        I know it's beneficial to be able to check your message content ArmyQueer. Verizon messages offers a wide variety of convenient options to manage messaging. What make and model device is this? When did you download the application on it? Please be aware you will only be able to see content after the app had been downloaded and installed. Content prior to the app being active will not be available. Here's a link with additional info.
    Follow Us on Twitter@VZWSupport

  • Send huge data through the network

    Hi all,
    I need to transfer large image (around 200MB) through the network to the neighborhood PCs for processing. The time i have is very short (Say 4 seconds).
    Since, i need to send the image to multiple PCs, i thought UDP will be helpful. But the LabVIEW UDP vis having limitation of 548 bytes reading for each run. So i need to run in a loop and get the image. Building the string also will be of great memory related task. So the time taken is very high (in the order of minutes). often, i am missing some of the bytes during the operation.
    Then i have tried TCP/IP, planning to send to only one PC. There also when the size is more than 78MB, i am not able to send in single time. Is it so? But i have not seen any limitations in the documents. For 78 MB it take around 18 seconds. But the data is safe.
    The great disadvantage of these two method is, i need to flatten as a string and and rebuild the image in the other end.
    I have tried one more option also, using save as bmp, and read from the network. This work quite better compared to the other two. Time take to transfer 200MB image is 24 seconds ( 5 seconds to save in the same PC + 19 seconds to read through the network). Still it is far from my requirement. One advantage here is, i can read as image datatype it self.
    I have used 100Mps LAN, yes, i can go far 1GPS. Then any other idea how to transfer these huge files in quick manner.

    Hi cc,
    Yes, i was quite clear on that. The point i want to explain is - because of the limitation of the VIs (like 548 bytes for UDP & 78MB for TCP/IP) we are not able to achieve this.
    I need to flatten to string the 200MB image.
    I need to send this in a loop (loop delay may needed to synchronize)
    I need to concatenate at the other end
    Unflatten to image
    Look at the timing i have send in my last mail. Its huge for UDP & TCP/IP
    But the File I/O looks simple and comes closer to your calculation. In my trial i have sent 180 Mega byte image - it took 19 seconds to read from the network PC Harddisk in 100mbps line - which looks good. In a way File I/O also, should do the same (Flatten - read thru network -May be in an ideal way). Anyway, I have left with 2 questions now.
    In File I/O, i need to first write image in to Harddisk of the same PC - that time going to remain the same, any ideas on reducing this? Any chance for without saving into HD - transfer?
    Will it reduce directly 10 times if i go for 1Gbps? (200MB in 2 Secs?) Anything else decides this timing?

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  • DPS Web method returns success even though printer does not exist

    Hi, I am using the Document Print Services Web Services to print documents in AutoVue. If I pass the VueBeanWS.print a printer on my network, it prints just fine as one would expect. But if I pass an invalid printer the return string from the .print