Choice in different class

How to define a simple Choice menu in one class and paint the result in another class, that means, one Frame give Choice dropdown list, and paint a chart in another Frame according the choice value?
Where can I find some sample code?

How to define a simple Choice menu in one class and paint the result in another class, that means, one Frame give Choice dropdown list, and paint a chart in another Frame according the choice value?
Where can I find some sample code?

Similar Messages

  • Can't call or execute of different class files in a main program

    Hi, I got a main program which can call 3 different classes. The main program have an implicit-choice List as a starting menu. If one of the file is selected, the files will call out and display it. However, i managed to call the 1st 2 files, and the 3rd files can't display anything after selected.
    I enclosed my code as below:
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    public class Catalogues extends Form implements CommandListener {
         private Displayable parent;
         private Display display;
         private List Cata;
         private Boots bo;
         private Higheels hHeels;
         private Sandals sand;
         private Slippers sp;
        private Command backCommand = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 1);
        private Command viewCommand = new Command("View", Command.SCREEN, 1);
        private String[] options = {"Boots", "High Heels","Sandals", "Slippers"};
         public Catalogues(Display d, Displayable p) {
              super("Welcome to Footwear World");
              Cata = new List("Select Option", List.IMPLICIT, options, null);
              display = d;
            parent = p;
         public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) {
         if(d==parent && c==List.SELECT_COMMAND){
                   case 0:
                              bo = new Boots(display,parent);
                   case 1:
                              hHeels = new Higheels(display,parent);
                   case 2:
                              sand = new Sandals(display,parent);
                   case 3:
                              sp = new Slippers(display,parent);
             else if (c==backCommand) {
    }If the 3rd option is selected, i'll display above mentioned layout which contain a list to select too.
    After build this project on WToolkit. It shown an error message which is as below:
    Project settings saved
    Building "SelectCustest"
    C:\WTK22\apps\SelectCustest\src\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method getSelectedIndex ()
    location: class javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable
    1 error
    Build failed
    May i know what is problem am i facing now? And how to solve it.

    Thanks to all for your thoughts and replies. I liked the xargs suggestion, so I tried that first. I would have (may still) try the stdin suggestion, followed by writing the grep output to a file.
    xargs does work, in a way I didn't expect it to, but that could be due to my inexperience with the workings of the shell.
    here's a line from my test script
    cat file | grep foo | xargs java's the contents of 'file'
    sdfghhere's the output from the test class, which just echos any arguments
    ::number of args: 4
    ::args[0] 123foo
    ::args[1] qafoozv
    ::args[2] qwefoort
    ::args[3] zxcfoohso xargs appends all the values from grep into an argument list and call the java class once.
    when I took xargs out of the script, nothing was passed to the class:
    ::number of args: 0this was really interesting and something to keep in my back pocket for future use.
    Thanks again to all.

  • Different classes problems

    I posted a topic asking for feedback on a Vigenere Cipher program I made. It was said that I shouldn't have the entire program in one class, and should have different class... or methods?
    I've been reading the tutorial for different classes, but I just can't seem to pick it up. I anticipate I'm gonna get a few replies with people saying 'you should read this smelly student' but I've tried, so I figure this may be a way to break me in :).
    So, here's my code:
    public class VigenereCipherComplete
         public static void main(String[] args)
         String key, message;
         String encrMessage = "";
         String[] options = new String[] {"Encrypter", "Decrypter", "Cancel"};
         int progChoice, keyLength, length, encrCharValue;
         int index;
         int keyIndex = 0;
         char keyChar;
         char messageChar;
         char encrChar;
         boolean shouldEncrypt = true;
         // Choice of whether to use the encrypter of decrypter
            progChoice = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, "Which would you like to run?", "Program choice",
                 JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]);
            if(progChoice == 0)
                 shouldEncrypt = true;
            else if(progChoice == 1)
                shouldEncrypt = false;
         // Input of key and converting it to upper case
         key = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please input the key you wish to use:",
              "Key input", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
         key = key.toUpperCase();
         // Input of message and converting it to upper case
         message = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please input the plaintext you wish to use:",
              "Plaintext input", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
         message = message.toUpperCase();     
         keyLength = key.length();
         length = message.length();
         // Encryption/decryption
         for(index = 0; index < length; index++)
              keyChar = key.charAt(keyIndex);
              messageChar = message.charAt(index);
              if(messageChar >= 'A' && messageChar <= 'Z')
                   // Encryption
                        encrCharValue = (keyChar - 'A') + messageChar;
                   // Decryption
                        if(messageChar >= keyChar)
                             encrCharValue = (messageChar + 'A') - keyChar;
                             encrCharValue = ((('Z' - keyChar) + messageChar) + 1);
                   // Loops ascii char value larger than 90 so it stays within the 65-90 ascii char range
                   if(encrCharValue > 'Z')
                        encrCharValue = (encrCharValue - 'Z') + 'A' - 1;
                   // Converts the char value to a char and adds it to the converted string
                   encrChar = (char)encrCharValue;
                   encrMessage = encrMessage + encrChar;
              // If the char is not a letter, it leaves it as it is and adds it to the converted string     
                   encrCharValue = messageChar;
                   encrChar = (char)encrCharValue;
                   encrMessage = encrMessage + encrChar;
              // Resets key so it will loop for the full string wanting to be converted
              if (keyIndex >= keyLength)
                   keyIndex = 0;
         // Output for encryption
              System.out.println("Plaintext:\t" + message + "\nKey:\t\t" + key + "\nCiphertext:\t" + encrMessage);
         // Outfor for decryption
              System.out.println("Ciphertext:\t" + message + "\nKey:\t\t" + key + "\nPlaintext:\t" + encrMessage);
    }I just can't grasp how I'd do this... Sorry for the ambigious question.

    I'm not going to read all your code. However, it's reasonable to put the code for one encryption algorithm into one class. If you were writing an entire encryption library, you might find that several of your algorithms (each in their own class) are all using the same code, and you're copying it from one class to another. In this case, you might extract that common code out to a utility class that various algorithms make use of.
    Now, if we assume that your question is, "How can I break this code into smaller pieces?" here are a few suggestions, based on a cursory skimming of your code. Note that these are only guidelines, to give you an idea of the kinds of things that make sense to break out as pieces.
    1. Keep the GUI separate from the encryption. You should have a VigenereEncryption or somesuch class that actually does the work of encrypting and decrypting, and this class should not know or care if there even is a GUI.
    2. In the VE class, I would imagine you'd want an encrypt() method and a decrypt() method.
    3. Anywhere you see multiple levels of nesting, one or more of those levels might be a candidate to pull out into its own method.
    4. Anywhere you have repeated code that's more than a couple lines, put it in its own method.
    5. Anywhere you have a comment like // perform such and such step above a block of code, that block is a good candidate to get pulled out into its own method, named similar to whatever that step is in your comments.
    6. Similarly, when you learn what the high-level algorithm is that you're to be implementing, the steps of that algorithm are candidates to be their own methods.
    Again, note that this is not carved in stone and is not meant to be taken literally as "do exactly all of these things." Rather, it is to give you ideas about the kinds of things that make for separation of classes and methods.

  • Two equal objects, but different classes?

    When programming on binding Referenceable object with JDK version 1.5.0_06, I have encountered a very strange phenomenon: two objects are equal, but they belong to different classes!!!
    The source codes of the program are listed as below:
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    public class bind_ref {
    public static void main( String[] args ) {
    // Set up environment for creating the initial context
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory" );
    env.put( Context.PROVIDER_URL, "file:/daniel/" );
    Context ctx = null;
    File f = null;
    Fruit fruit1 = null, fruit2 = null;
    byte [] b = new byte[10];
    try {
    ctx = new InitialContext( env );
    Hashtable the_env = ctx.getEnvironment();
    Object [] keys = the_env.keySet().toArray();
    int key_sz = keys.length;
    fruit1 = new Fruit( "Orange" );
         SubReference ref1 = fruit1.getReference();
    ctx.rebind( "reference", fruit1 );
         fruit2 = ( Fruit )ctx.lookup( "reference" );
         System.out.println( "ref1's class = (" + ref1.getClass().toString() + ")" );
         System.out.println( "fruit2.myRef's class = (" + fruit2.myRef.getClass().toString() + ")" );
         System.out.println( "( ref1 instanceof SubReference ) = " + ( ref1 instanceof SubReference ) );
         System.out.println( "( fruit2.myRef instanceof SubReference ) = " + ( fruit2.myRef instanceof SubReference ) );
         System.out.println( "ref1.hashCode = " + ref1.hashCode() + ", fruit2.myRef.hashCode = " + fruit2.myRef.hashCode() );
         System.out.println( "ref1.equals( fruit2.myRef ) = " + ref1.equals( fruit2.myRef ) );
    } catch( Exception ne ) {
    System.err.println( "Exception: " + ne.toString() );
    System.exit( -1 );
    All the outputs are shown as below:
    Fruit: I am created at Mon Jun 18 11:35:13 GMT+08:00 2007
    SubReference: I am created at Mon Jun 18 11:35:13 GMT+08:00 2007
    --------- (i)subref.hashCode() = (-1759114666)
    SubReference: I am created at Mon Jun 18 11:35:13 GMT+08:00 2007
    --------- (i)subref.hashCode() = (-1759114666)
    FruitFactory: obj's class = (class javax.naming.Reference)
    FruitFactory: obj's hashCode = -1759114666
    FruitFactory: obj = (Reference Class Name: Fruit
    Type: fruit
    Content: Orange
    FruitFactory: ( obj instanceof SubReference ) = false
    FruitFactory: subref_class_name = (Fruit)
    Fruit: I am created at Mon Jun 18 11:35:13 GMT+08:00 2007
    ref1's class = (class SubReference)
    fruit2.myRef's class = (class javax.naming.Reference)
    ( ref1 instanceof SubReference ) = true
    ( fruit2.myRef instanceof SubReference ) = false
    ref1.hashCode = -1759114666, fruit2.myRef.hashCode = -1759114666
    ref1.equals( fruit2.myRef ) = true
    I hightlight the critical codes and outputs related to the strangeness with bold texts.
    Who can tell me what happens? Is it really possible that two objects belonging to different classes are equal? If so, why that?

    It can also depend on how you implement the equals method.
    class Cat {
        String name;
        Cat(String n) {
            name = n;
    class Dog {
        String name;
        Dog(String n) {
            name = n;
        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            return name.equals(;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Dog d = new Dog("Fred");
            Cat c = new Cat("Fred");

  • How to use the different class for each screen as well as function.

    Hi Experts,
    How to use the different class for each screen as well as function.
    With BestRegards,
    M.Thippa Reddy.

    Hi ThippaReddy,
    see this sample code
    Public Class ClsMenInBlack
    #Region "Declarations"
        'Class objects
        'UI and Di objects
        Dim objForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
        Dim strQuery As String
    #End Region
    #Region "Methods"
        Private Function GeRate() As Double
                Return Double
        End Function
    #End Region
    Public Sub SBO_Appln_MenuEvent(ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean)
            If pVal.BeforeAction = True Then
                If pVal.MenuUID = "ENV_Menu_MIB" Then
                End If
            Else ' Before Action False
                End If
        End Sub
    #End Region
    End Class
    End Class
    Vasu Anna Regional Feeling a???? Just Kidding
    Edited by: micheal willis on Jul 27, 2009 5:49 PM
    Edited by: micheal willis on Jul 27, 2009 5:50 PM

  • Problem in importing two different classes with same name...

    I have to import two different classes in my program with the same name....
    import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                     DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                     InputSource is = new InputSource( new StringReader( tempString ) );
                     d = builder.parse( is );
                     NodeList images = d.getElementsByTagName("img");
                     int length = images.getLength();
                     for(int i = 0;i<length;i++)
                         Node image = images.item(i);
                         String tempAltText = image.getAttributes().getNamedItem("alt").getNodeValue();
                         altText = altText.concat(" ").concat(tempAltText);
                     }and the error i am getting is
    [javac] C:\Documents and Settings\sumit-i\WolframWorkspaces\Base\WolframNutch\src\java\com\wolfram\nutch\indexer\ org.apache.lucene.document.Document is already defined in a single-type import
        [javac] import org.w3c.dom.Document;
        [javac] ^
        [javac] C:\Documents and Settings\sumit-i\WolframWorkspaces\Base\WolframNutch\src\java\com\wolfram\nutch\indexer\ incompatible types
        [javac] found   : org.w3c.dom.Document
        [javac] required: org.apache.lucene.document.Document
        [javac] d = builder.parse( is );
        [javac] ^
        [javac] C:\Documents and Settings\sumit-i\WolframWorkspaces\Base\WolframNutch\src\java\com\wolfram\nutch\indexer\ cannot find symbol
        [javac] symbol  : method getElementsByTagName(java.lang.String)
        [javac] location: class org.apache.lucene.document.Document
        [javac] NodeList images = d.getElementsByTagName("img");
        [javac] ^
        [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
        [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
        [javac] 3 errorsany idea to resolve it
    Edited by: ping.sumit on Jul 16, 2008 3:39 PM
    Edited by: ping.sumit on Jul 16, 2008 3:40 PM

    now i changed the code to
    import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    org.w3c.dom.Document d = null;
         System.out.println("in author");
                   URL url = new;
          conn = url.openConnection();
                   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
                   while ((in.readLine()) != null)
                        //tempString = tempString.concat(in.readLine());
                        String temp = in.readLine();
                        tempString = tempString + " " + temp;
                   System.out.println("the string in author" + tempString);
                    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                     DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                     InputSource is = new InputSource( new StringReader( tempString ) );
                     d = builder.parse( is );
                     NodeList images = d.getElementsByTagName("img");and their is only one error i am getting ...and that is
    [javac] C:\Documents and Settings\sumit-i\WolframWorkspaces\Base\WolframNutch\src\java\com\wolfram\nutch\indexer\ org.apache.lucene.document.Document is already defined in a single-type import
        [javac] import org.w3c.dom.Document;
        [javac] ^
        [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
        [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
        [javac] 1 error

  • Cycle Counting is not fetching All Items in Different Classes

    Hi All,
    My client has performed cycle counting. Ideally system has to fetech all the items in different classes. But in cycle counting listing report only able to fetch few items.
    Please let me know are we missing something ?
    And please let me know the significance of "Assign Items". How to put the same.
    Edited by: 911765 on Mar 14, 2012 4:36 AM

    1) CC won't fetch all items in all classes.
    It will look at only those items that are present in the assign items screen.
    It will only consider those items which have cycle count enabled flag set to Yes in item master
    It will only consider those items that have a non-zero frequency for the ABC class of the item.
    It will only print those items that have some onhand if you run the CC to ignore zero onhand items.
    2) You can either manually add items to a CC in the assign items window.
    You can reinitialize or update the CC (by going to the 3rd tab on CC screen)
    Make sure that you have run ABC compilation so each item has a ABC class. You should also specify the frequency for each ABC class.
    Sandeep Gandhi

  • Invoke a method in one class from a different class

    I am working on a much larger project, but to keep this simple, I wrote out a little test that would convey the over all theory of the program.
    What I am doing is starting out with a 2 JFrames and a Class. When the program is launched, the first JFrame opens. In this JFrame is a label and a button. When the button is clicked, the second JFrame opens. This JFrame has a textField and a button. The user puts the text in the textField and presses the button. When the button is pushed, I want the text that was just put in the textField, to be displayed in the first JFrame's label. I am trying to invoke a method in the first JFrame from the second, but nothing happens. I have also tried making the Class extend from JFrame1 and invoke it from there, but no luck. So, how do I invoke a method in a class from a different class?
    JFrame1 (I omitted the layout part. I made this in Netbeans so its pretty long)
    public class NewJFrame1 extends javax.swing.JFrame {
         private NewClass1 nC = new NewClass1();
         /** Creates new form NewJFrame1 */
         public NewJFrame1() {
         public void setLabels()
    private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                                  
         NewJFrame2 j2 = new NewJFrame2();
         j2.setVisible(true);The class
    public class NewClass1 {
         public static String name;
         public NewClass1()
         public NewClass1(String n)
              name = n;
         public String getName()
              return name;
         public void setName(String n)
              name = n;
    }The second jFrame
    private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                                  
         NewClass1 nC = new NewClass1();
         NewJFrame1 nF = new NewJFrame1();     
         System.out.println(nC.getName());At this point I am begging for help. I have been trying for days to figure this out, and I just feel like I am not getting anywhere.

    So, how do I invoke a method in a class from a different class?Demo:
    public class Main {
        public static void main(String [] args) {
         Test1 t1 = new Test1();
         Test2 t2 = new Test2();
         int i = t1.method1();
         String s = t2.method2(i);
    class Test1 {
        public int method1() {
         return 10;
    class Test2 {
        public String method2(int i) {
         if (i == 10)
             return "ten";
             return "nothing";
    }Output is "ten".
    Edited by: newark on May 28, 2008 10:55 AM

  • How to call to another form declare in different class ???????

    hi, i'm beginner in j2me...
    I was wondering how to call to other form(class) in the current form...
    For example,
    public class A extends MIDlet implements CommandListener
    public void commandAction(Command d,Displayable s)
    if (d==*OKCommand*)
    if press this OK command, it will be able to show another form declared in the different class...
    How to make it able to call to other form/class(eg.classB)????
    public class B
    //form that will be shown after pressed command OK in class A
    please help if you know...Thanks a lot..... =)

    you MUST have a reference to the other class or MIDlet in the current MIDlet ...
    i think that i have answered to these kind of questions a few month ago.. you should use the 'search' engine to find the topic..
    CLDC and MIDP forum is not a huge forum compare to Java Programming forum so it will be easy !

  • How to access form objects from different class?

    Hello, I am new to java and i started with netbeans 6 beta,
    when i create java form application from template i get 2 classes one ends with APP and one with VIEW,
    i put for example jTextField1 with the form designer to the form and i can manipulate it's contents easily from within it's class (let's say it is MyAppView).
    How can i access jTextField1 value from different class that i created in the same project?
    please help. and sorry for such newbie question.
    Thanks Mike

    hmm now it says
    non static variable jTree1 can not be referenced from static context
    My code in ClasWithFormObjects is
    public static void setTreeModel (DefaultMutableTreeNode treemodel){
    jTree1.setModel(new DefaultTreeModel(treemodel));
    and in Class2 it is

  • Accessing a different class using ActionPerformed

    im trying to access a method in a different class using
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
              if(e.getSource() == AuthorCombo) {
              else if(e.getSource() == SearchButton){
    }and then using
    public class Book extends ViewPanel{
    public void SearchSystem(){// this is used to get the information from
                      //the combo boxs whixh can latter show
                      //the data in the text area
              for(int a=0; a<AuthorList.size(); a++) {
                                  ==BookList.get(a))) {
                        String result = (String)tempBookNoList.get(a);
                        InfoArea.setText ((String)tempBookNoList.get(a));
    }          }//End neither random manipulate some data within the other class
    i keep getting the error
    .\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method SearchSystem ()
    location: class ViewPanel
    1 error
    can anyone help me spot the problem

    in that case i do not know what could be the cause in this program
    the only area i think it could be is when the SearchSystem method in the Book class gets using the Action Performed method in the Viewpanel method, shown below
    public class Book extends ViewPanel{
    public void SearchSystem(){// this is used to get the information from
                      //the combo boxs whixh can latter show
                      //the data in the text area
              for(int a=0; a<AuthorList.size(); a++) {
                                  ==BookList.get(a))) {
                   }which is called using
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
              if(e.getSource() == AuthorCombo) {
              else if(e.getSource() == SearchButton){
    }but i cant see this being a problem as it all compiles

  • Updating Swing components from a different class

    I would like to use the JTextArea component in a JFrame to display fast updating text from my application. My application is very simple. When the app launches the GUI is created then my application engine would start processing and displaying text data into the GUI. After reading about Thread safety when using Swing components I concluded it would not be a good idea for my app engine class to update the JTextArea class directly using methods such as .append(String).
    I would be grateful for any suggestions on how I should approach updating Swing components from different classes.
    Many Thanks in advance Sean

    Why don't you just implement a basic callback method?
    To do this the right way you should probably define a simple Interface that has a public method like updateProcessText(String s). Your swing class then implements this interface, basically forcing it to provide the public method you defined (this is no different than implementing ActionListener, which forces you to define actionPerformed). Secondly modify your processing class, so that it take's a class that implements the interface you just created, as one of the arguments in it's constructor. Lastly assign the argument from your construnctor to a private var - this will enable your processing class to have a handle to your swing class and update it as it pleases.
    This might sound very complex, but it's really simple once you've done it once.

  • How to Execute different classes using editplus

    Consider a program like this
    class abc
    public static void main(String args[])
    class bbc
    public static void main(String args[])
    In this program there are two classes when i compile this code in editplus i wont get any error but if i want to execute only ABC class how to do that in editplus because in editplus we usually set the file name for JAVA execution
    But here it is different SO,how to execute different classes in a program which is saved with arbitary name in EDIT PLUS..

    Try reading an editplus FAQ or posting to an editplus forum or even searching through help in editplus.

  • How to use javasetters and getters in different classes

    how to use setters and getters in different class so that the setvalue in one class is effect in second class for getting

    If i got your question right,
    make sure your classes are in the same package
    make sure your getters are public/protected
    make sure your code calls the setter before calling the getter
    Kind regards

  • Refreshing AbstractTableModel from different class...

    Hi there ppl
    Anybody know how to call:
    from a different class? when i try i get a compiler error saying that i cannot reference a non-static variable from a staic content.
    the first jframe holds a jtable that displays the model which consists of data from a db. the second jframe (which resides in another class) has a jtextfield which when submitted will update the db, therefore the db results need to be updated and then the model needs to be updated via
    but from a different class. Is this possible and if so can somebody explain to me how?
    Thanks fellow Javites.

    Thanks for replying...
    The TrainServiceFrame.updateStationTable() exists within the TrainServiceFrame class and is intended to update the stationModel object when called from another class (which will be the NewTrainStationFrame class).
         public static void updateStationTable() {
    The second code fragement is from the second class NewTrainStationFrame (which is not a subclass) which contains a jframe, jtextfield and a button. the method call to the stationModel(stationModel = AbstractTableModel) is done via: TrainServiceFrame.updateStationTable() when the submit button is clicked sending the string to a method ( addNewStation(newStation); )which updates the db.
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                        newStation = newStationField.getText();
    // this would retrieve the updated db results + store in a TreeSet object
    // TrainServiceFrame.getTrainStations();
    I have just noticed something that is missing which when attempted to fix resulted in the same problem. there should also be a method called to retrieve the updated db, but as this is from a static context yet again i fall into the same ditch as the variables that store these db results are non-static and exist within the TrainStationFrame class.
    Is the solution simply to change these relevent variables and methods that are to be called from another class, so that they are all static?

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