Two equal objects, but different classes?

When programming on binding Referenceable object with JDK version 1.5.0_06, I have encountered a very strange phenomenon: two objects are equal, but they belong to different classes!!!
The source codes of the program are listed as below:
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory;
import java.util.Hashtable;
public class bind_ref {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
// Set up environment for creating the initial context
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory" );
env.put( Context.PROVIDER_URL, "file:/daniel/" );
Context ctx = null;
File f = null;
Fruit fruit1 = null, fruit2 = null;
byte [] b = new byte[10];
try {
ctx = new InitialContext( env );
Hashtable the_env = ctx.getEnvironment();
Object [] keys = the_env.keySet().toArray();
int key_sz = keys.length;
fruit1 = new Fruit( "Orange" );
     SubReference ref1 = fruit1.getReference();
ctx.rebind( "reference", fruit1 );
     fruit2 = ( Fruit )ctx.lookup( "reference" );
     System.out.println( "ref1's class = (" + ref1.getClass().toString() + ")" );
     System.out.println( "fruit2.myRef's class = (" + fruit2.myRef.getClass().toString() + ")" );
     System.out.println( "( ref1 instanceof SubReference ) = " + ( ref1 instanceof SubReference ) );
     System.out.println( "( fruit2.myRef instanceof SubReference ) = " + ( fruit2.myRef instanceof SubReference ) );
     System.out.println( "ref1.hashCode = " + ref1.hashCode() + ", fruit2.myRef.hashCode = " + fruit2.myRef.hashCode() );
     System.out.println( "ref1.equals( fruit2.myRef ) = " + ref1.equals( fruit2.myRef ) );
} catch( Exception ne ) {
System.err.println( "Exception: " + ne.toString() );
System.exit( -1 );
All the outputs are shown as below:
Fruit: I am created at Mon Jun 18 11:35:13 GMT+08:00 2007
SubReference: I am created at Mon Jun 18 11:35:13 GMT+08:00 2007
--------- (i)subref.hashCode() = (-1759114666)
SubReference: I am created at Mon Jun 18 11:35:13 GMT+08:00 2007
--------- (i)subref.hashCode() = (-1759114666)
FruitFactory: obj's class = (class javax.naming.Reference)
FruitFactory: obj's hashCode = -1759114666
FruitFactory: obj = (Reference Class Name: Fruit
Type: fruit
Content: Orange
FruitFactory: ( obj instanceof SubReference ) = false
FruitFactory: subref_class_name = (Fruit)
Fruit: I am created at Mon Jun 18 11:35:13 GMT+08:00 2007
ref1's class = (class SubReference)
fruit2.myRef's class = (class javax.naming.Reference)
( ref1 instanceof SubReference ) = true
( fruit2.myRef instanceof SubReference ) = false
ref1.hashCode = -1759114666, fruit2.myRef.hashCode = -1759114666
ref1.equals( fruit2.myRef ) = true
I hightlight the critical codes and outputs related to the strangeness with bold texts.
Who can tell me what happens? Is it really possible that two objects belonging to different classes are equal? If so, why that?

It can also depend on how you implement the equals method.
class Cat {
    String name;
    Cat(String n) {
        name = n;
class Dog {
    String name;
    Dog(String n) {
        name = n;
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        return name.equals(;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Dog d = new Dog("Fred");
        Cat c = new Cat("Fred");

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    Hi Santosh,
    Kindly elaborate your question.
    it would be helpful if you post the content conversion parameters of the erroneous file channel.

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    mhoribe wrote:
    I see.
    Let me ask you this. What, exactly, goes on when casting? If I add new methods and field to a subclass and cast it back to the base class, will I get any trouble using methods and fields? Or does Java simply allow this for simplicity sake. Like, we know it's a base class, but I'll allow you to call it a superclass just so it will be compatible and simple. Kinda get what I'm going for here?You never need to cast something to a super. Every instance of a subclass IS and instance of all its superclasses and interfaces.
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    <TITLE> New Document </TITLE>
    <applet code="DistanceBarApplication2.class" width=300 height=50>
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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DistanceBarApplication2 extends JApplet {
    private final DistanceBar2 bar = new DistanceBar2();
    public void init() {
    bar.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(bar, bar.getValue() + " yards");
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    private Thread mThread;
    private boolean mRunning= false;
    private int mValue = 0;
    private boolean mUp = true;
    private Runnable updater = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    public void start() {
    if (mRunning) {
    mRunning = true;
    mThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    while (mRunning) {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
    public void stop() {
    mRunning= false;
    // Best to let a thread run itself out
    // if (mThread != null)
    // mThread.interrupt();
    // Don't need this for this applet, but possibly later
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    mValue = getMaximum();
    mUp = false;
    } else if (mValue <= 0) {
    mValue = 0;
    mUp = true;

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    class Account
        private double theBalance    = 0.00;   // Balance of account
        private String theName       = "";
        public Account( String name, double openingBalance )
          theBalance = openingBalance;
          theName    = name;
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          // assert theBalance >= 0.00;
          return theBalance;
        public String getName()
          return theName;
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          // assert theBalance >= 0.00;
          if ( theBalance >= money  )
            theBalance = theBalance - money;
            return money;
          } else {
            return 0.00;
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          // assert theBalance >= 0.00;
          theBalance = theBalance + money;
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           private Account accounts[];
          public BankStats(Account[] acc) {
               accounts = acc ;
          public double total (double ammount) {
               double bal = Account.getBalance(accounts);

    Problem is I haven't written the class "Account" and therefore don't get to grips with it...Sorry, what's that stuff "class Account"? What do you mean you haven't written it? It's right there!
    Any ideas how I can get it to work?You haven't written Account in a such a way that you'll get the answer you want, but that's different.
    I do have an idea, but I'm not going to write it for you. Have a look at your total method. Does the compiler complain when you try to compile this? Something about static methods? Might want to read about that, and think about what that array of Accounts is really for. Maybe BankStats should loop over the array of Accounts and get their respective balances.
    When is your homework due?

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    Just like two independent audio set up in one system, is it possible ?
    Thanks for any help in advance.

    You need to give complete details of the audio, exactly what is it, how many tracks, what's the channel configuration?
    Can you post screen shots of what you're doing and what happens?
    In expanding audio components in the timeline I can see what looks like an extra audio clip married to this one on a different track which has no signal, but I can't delete that additional audio clip.
    Let's see this and the channel configuration in the audio inspector.

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    Rajesh Reddy

    rajeshreddyk wrote:
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    Please help me if you can.

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    Welcome to the discussions.
    In the Accounts tab of Mail's preferences, you can set the Full Name (I don't know how it will be labelled in French - it is the 3rd field in Account Information). This is the name that will be displayed in the From column of the recipient's mail client.
    But if the mail accounts are for two different users, it would be better to set up a separate login account on the mac for each of them, and then set up the mail preferences for the separate users.

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    Hi to all,
           I've encountered a strange issue while developing with remote objects.
    I've a mxml component with an init() method inside which is called by a menu.
    When the init() method is called it makes 7 remote object calls which are bound to some components' dataprovider.
    Among this calls I've got 2 remote object which refer to the same remote class. This because I have to call the class twice and the bind the result to two different combobox. Below you find the code:
    <mx:RemoteObject id="myFile" source="myRemoteClass" destination="amfphp"  showBusyCursor="true" makeObjectsBindable="true" fault="traceFault(event)"/>
    <mx:RemoteObject id="myXls"  source="myRemoteClass" destination="amfphp"  showBusyCursor="true" makeObjectsBindable="true" fault="traceFault(event)"/>
    in the init function I make this calls:
    then in the mxml code I bound the result of myFile to combobox1 and the result of myXls on combobox2.
    The problem arise when I call the myXls' listDir method. When I call it I receive the following error:
    Channel disconnected
    Channel disconnected before an acknowledgement was received
    The strange thing is that not only the myXls object returns this error, but also all the other 6 remote object return the same error above.
    I'm not sure, but I guess that the error could be caused by the two remote object which call the same php remote class. If I comment one of the two calls everything works fine.
    Do you have any suggestion about?

    Hi Jan.
    1) We have the 2 VO, each with 3 rows to fill in data. What I mean is that when i just fill in all the fields for the first row of the first VO, and the value of one of these fields is bigger than 50, then after the exception is thrown and the message is displayed, the fields for the first VO are duplicated and shown in the second VO as if the user had inserted them.
    2) We tried yesterday the validateEntity and a Method and Atributte Validator approaches after reading that white paper with the same results.
    The validation is correctly done using any of the those methods.
    I will try to reproduce this issue with the HR schema.
    Thanks in advance once again.

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