Choppy flash video on hulu with a twist

OK so get this: If my mouse is stationary the video on hulu is choppy and really annoying to watch.  If my mouse is moving (at all) the video plays perfectly.  I have eliminated processor/bandwidth issues as possibilities and I have tried no mouse/generic mouse driver/updated mouse driver with no success.  This has to be an issue with flash but I can't seem to resolve it.
Windows XP 32 bit, IE7 Athlon 4400 Dual Core, 2GB dual channel RAM, evga 7600GS 256MB video/500gb hdd with tons of free space.
Please help!

I feel your pain.  I have the exact same problem.  I don't have an answer to your question but wanted to let you know that you aren't alone in having this issue.  Hopefully, we will see a solution soon, because it is highly annoying to have to move your mouse around to be able to watch a video.
Ironically enough, this is similar to an issue I have with Adobe Premier with having to move the mouse so that video playback while I'm editing doesn't lock up on me.  Wierd...

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    I'm  having a problem as described in a previous post re: Choppy flash videos, pictures, etc.. Youtube, megavideo any videos viewed online appear fine at first and then after 10-15 mins, start showing choppy. The audio was not a problem before, but I have noticed that it is being affected as well. I saw some posts on another forum a few days ago that recommended disabling flash player 11 in my chrome browser plugins and enabling verion 10 (which was available, but has since upgraded) and version 10 was working fine until it upgraded to 11 again. Now I have no options to revert to version 10 again.
    My system info is below:
    OS - Windows 7
    64 bit
    Browser Chrome 16.0.912.77
    Browser FireFox   9.0.1
    Browser IE 9
    Browser Safari 5.1.2
    Flash Player 11,1,102,55
    McAfee (came with the upgrade of flash player)
    This is very frustrating. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing, rebooting the browser, my pc, deleting cache files and cookies...NOTHING IS WORKING. CPU usage is between 20-35% when a video is active in my browser. I think that is normal, but I know that the choppy playback is not and it's only getting worse. Please HELP!
    I hope this NEW POST will suffice as per your requirements.

    When the video is choppy, how much CPU and RAM usage is occurring?  Do you have a graphics control panel that shows how much video RAM is in use when the video is choppy?
    Do you have a list of sites and videos where the video is choppy?
    If you don't want the McAffee add-on, remove it.

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    This is what the images looks like.
    I have already tried everything...that i can think of and still no use...
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    I'm also having the same problem as Gaduk. Youtube, megavideo any videos viewed online appear fine at first and then after 10-15 mins, start showing choppy. The audio was not a problem before, but I have noticed that it is being affected as well. I saw some posts on another forum a few days ago that recommended disabling flash player 11 in my chrome browser plugins and enabling verion 10 (which was available, but has since upgraded) and version 10 was working fine until it upgraded to 11 again. Now I have no options to revert to version 10 again.
    My system info is below:
    OS - Windows 7
    Browser Chrome 16.0.912.77
    Browser FireFox   9.0.1
    Browser IE 9
    Browser Safari 5.1.2
    Flash Player 11,1,102,55
    McAfee (came with the upgrade of flash player)
    This is very frustrating. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing, rebooting the browser, my pc, deleting cache files and cookies...NOTHING IS WORKING. CPU usage is between 20-35% when a video is active in my browser. I think that is normal, but I know that the choppy playback is not and it's only getting worse. Please HELP!

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    I have had the problem with these browsers as well as with firefox. It seems I have resolved the issue playing with dimix device parameters playing in /etc/asound.conf (or with ~/.asoundrc if you use last one). Look at alsa wiki.
    I avoid and don't use pulseaudio (in fact is isn't installed).

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    either, so it's
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    beta. -Tom Unger

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    Flash player 10.1
    Default Browser IE 8.0.6001.18702
    Watching Fox News videos are impossible when only the black video window comes up , while Fox business videos are OK.
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    Message: 'videoPlayerFlashVars' is undefined
    Line: 110
    Char: 7
    Code: 0
    All other type of videos are OK with IE8.
    Watching the same videos with FF browser error free and flawless.
    I need help to solve this.

    Hi eidnolb,
    Remember when you said Flash videos don't work with IE on Fox videos
    that FF worked for me on their website videos (both news & business) and that was my partial (only partial because works with Fox business videos for me) solution for IE:
    => Troubleshoot Pop-up Blockers  Movies do not appear after installing Flash Player (tn_19091), then Solution 2.

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    Thank you Jamesabth and GenaroRG for your responses. Someone
    in the
    flashcom newsgroup pointed out This
    looks like
    exactly what I've been looking for. I'll give it a try first.
    "Mickey" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fk4krg$ca5$[email protected]..
    > Is it possible to load navigation cue points from an xml
    file like you can
    > do with captions or do they always have to be embedded
    in the encoding?
    > If it's possible, can you PLEASE point me to a resource
    that shows you
    > how? I've searched and searched for weeks and found
    > Thanks,
    > Mickey

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    Not sure exactly but look to the right on this page under More Like This and see if there is any help there - lots of threads.

  • Choppy Flash video/audio in fullscreen. Fix!

    I've been banging my head against the wall for 24 hours now and this works for me.
    I have an old MacBook Pro, 10.6.8, newest version of Chrome, Safari and Firefox, and a new Focusrite USB audio interface (Scarlett 2i2).
    Installed the newest Flash player (11 something) and the Focusrite yesterday and everything went bad. Choppy fullscreen video, no audio in Chrome etc etc. So anyway, now it's all fine:
    MAC/FLASH: Choppy video, no audio FIX.
    1. UNINSTALL FLASH PLAYER. It *****. And it gobbles CPU power.
    2. Bin the whole Macromedia folder from ~/Library/Preferences.
    3. USE CHROME FOR FLASH SITES (has built in flash player - close Chrome when not in use to shut its flash player, to save CPU power).
    4. ALSO: Have a USB audio interface? AUDIO MIDI SETUP: 44.1kHz OUTPUT.
    That's it. Everything is now smooth in fullscreen in Chrome, and great audio through the Focusrite box.
    *fingers crossed*

    Does removing flash have any affect on the other browsers?
    Yes - flash videos will not play in other browsers. Chrome has built-in flash so it still works.
    However some YouTube videos will (after 2 seconds or so) detect that you don't have flash and default to H264 playback which seems to work fine.
    I've now been using Chrome only for flash palyback for a couple of weeks and it works fine if you follow the steps above.
    Last point - I often have to set Youtube to something lower than HD playback. Maybe just an internet speed thing.

  • Youtube/Flash videos play but with no sound

    I have gone through other posts both here and elsewhere trying to fix this issue.
    It happened, so far as I can tell, after the most recent set of updates that I installed (less than a week ago; my computer is set to update every month). Youtube and any other Flash videos online will play the video, but the sound option has a red x on it and does not allow me to have any sound with the videos. This occurs both in Safari and Firefox.
    Videos played through Quicktime (even .flv files downloaded from Youtube) play just fine, without any problems at all.
    I have changed the Audio Midi settings, uninstalled/reinstalled Flash player (and repaired disk permissions), reset PRAM, opened up Garageband/Quicktime/All other audio programs, and to no avail.
    I am running 10.6.6 on an iMac G5. My other iMac G5, which had the same set of updates installed, does not have this issue, which makes it even more baffling.
    I am almost to the point of backing up the computer's contents and doing a clean install of the system, but that seems like an overkill solution.
    Any assistance would be appreciated.

    Hi and welcome...
    Try deleting Flash cookies.
    Restart Safari.

  • Flash video image problem with newest nVidia driver

    I've got a very weird display error since the last update. Basically, whenever I play flash video and afterwards close the browser (chromium), any purely black surfaces will display the full flash player image. The effect is only visible in the "first" window of a xmonad tab, that means if I cycle the window positions it will be in a different window. The others are not affected. When I restart X, I can see the flash video image flashing up shortly on the black screen. Restarting X fixes the issue. I cannot take any screenshot of the problem because the error is NOT visible on the screenshot. Therefore I suspect that some frame buffer used for the flash player is not getting cleared properly after exiting the browser, but it's really little more than a wild guess.
    As there are multiple components involved, I'm at a loss of where this might be coming from. I hope someone might be able to shed some light on this situation. Please post here if you have the same problem or have any idea why this happens!
    My setup:
    -nvidia 260.19.36-2
    -chromium 9.0.597.94-1
    -xmonad 0.9.2-1
    -xmonad-contrib 0.9.2-1
    Last edited by Natanji (2011-02-15 11:33:11)

    Natanji wrote:Thanks, that seems like it helped. So this is a flashplayer bug? Was it already reported?
    if you asking about a bug reported on arch linux bugtracker, then you are doing it the wrong way.
    flash and nvidia are closed source, we can't do anything. A better place is to submit bugs to nvidia and adobe.
    Now i see that nvidia 270.26 was released. Maybe you want to check that out:

  • Choppy flash video on all windows internet browsers

    Hello everyone.
    Like Carl E. Myers Junior recommended me, I opened a new discussion about my problem, which is:
    I noticed this problem, from the middle of January.
    I always watched videos in streaming, on youtube, veoh, megavideo, videoweed and usually not more than 10 or 20 minutes long.
    After what, I started to watch some WebTV programz that were more than a hour long, and I noticed choppy videostreaming, at the first I tought a specific site problem, but, than I started watching some TV Series on various sites, like veoh, videoweed and megavideo, and there the same thing.
    Practically I tried the thing on IE 9, FF 6, Chrome(16.0.9...) with Windowz 7, after watching 20 - 30 minutes of video it becomes chopped more rarely becoming very choppy, like 2-3 frames/second after 40 - 50 minutes.
    I've tried to copy and paste the link inside a new tab on the same browser session, watching videos on different flash player sites allways on the
    same browser session, nothing to do the same thing on all browsers.
    I've tried to empty the browser cache, and even deleted all local data of the Flash Player (watch the pic 1) on Win Control Panel, nothing even than.
       pic 1
    The only thing helped when I opened a new browser session, there I had other 30 minutes.
    So, the only solution was watching the video in 2 or 3 browser sessions.
    Anyone has a clue, or facing the same problem?
    Pls write, 'cose the Adobe Team wont wake up for only one nut guy who faces the problem.
    My PC:
    OS Windows 7
    Browser Chrome 16.0.912.77
    Browser FireFox   9.0.1
    Browser IE 9
    Browser Safari 5.1.2
    Flash Player 11,1,102,55
    AVG Antivirus
    By the way, I even try the same thing on other PC's, gives the same problem.
    Thx for anyone's attention.
    Message was edited by: Gaduk

    I have seen this problem on some sites that were streaming a video using the JW Player.  What I usually do is the note the time, refresh the tab and set the video back to the time.  The problem seems to occur on my system when the RAM usage gets up to about 48% when a JW Player video is running. 
    Have you noted the CPU, RAM and Video RAM usage when the choppiness occurs?

  • Firefox Freezed by Fullscreen Flash Video (and trouble with Flash Video Settings)

    I have a desktop computer with integrated nvidia graphics card and a notebook with integrated ati graphics card.
    Both use Linux with Firefox 3.0.8 with Flash Player 10.22
    If I use fullscreen in laptop(ati) no problem at all. In the desktop station(nvidia) if it is an embed video firefox freezes completely and I have to kill firefox. If I go to the original website of the video, no problem at all.
    Wanted to try to deactivate hardware acceleration as stated in some forums, but no luck. Both computers when I right click a select settings, window opens but I can't do nothing at all, not even close them. I can only close (normaly) firefox to reopen it.

    As it turns out, Skype also crashes if I try to use video - so I'm forced to confront the possibility that the problem is actually with my PC, or the updates windows has just installed.

  • Problems with Flash video streaming in any Browser (Windows 8.1)

    Since maybe the last Chrome update (to version 42.0.2311.90 m - I tried both 32 and 64 bits versions) or some Windows 8.1 updates (I don't know for sure), flash videos don't even start to buffer - they only play after the full content is downloaded (or loaded in the site's player) . So, If I try to watch a video from a Flash Player based interface (like Dailymotion, or Vimeo), I have no streaming, and I have to wait a long time, watching a "1%" or a load wheel until the full content is available to watch.
    This is happening with all browsers, not only Chrome (IE and Firefox too). I tried to update flash player (first, version 17,0,0,169 and then tried the beta, the one released April 14, 2015). No difference at all. So, I think this might be a problem with the flash player itself, or with some Windows settings.
    So, lets go to the facts:
    - That happened suddenly for no apparent reason - one day it was working, and on the other day it wasn't;
    - I have the latest versions of all browsers I use (Chrome, IE and Firefox);
    - My Flash Player version is, currently, the latest version;
    - I tried old Flash Player versions. didn't work;
    - This is not happening with HTML5 video players, like Youtube, so i think it's not a codec problem;
    - I have the latest nVidia graphics driver. And it was happening even before I update the driver (I have a GeForce GTX 770);
    - I tried disabling the hardware acceleration on Flash settings, nothing happened;
    - I use default Windows Firewall and Defender. Tried to disable firewall, nothing happened;
    - I had searched all over the internet for the answer, but I can't find it. I already did all what the troubleshoot pages from Adobe said to do;
    - My internet connection is fine. It's a fast connection, and It's on wireless. I have several PCs connected to this network and flash videos work fine with them, only in this specific machine isn't;
    - I tried uninstall flash player and install again several times, with several different versions. Didn't work;
    - Tried disable different versions of flash player on Chrome too, nothing happened.
    The thing is, I can imagine that this might not be only a flash player problem, but since it's the only plugin problem I have, I thought that you might have the answer.
    Thank you.

    Please work through the video troubleshooting guide.
    If you're still stuck, please follow the directions in the guide on providing the dxdiag report and additional information about what you tested and saw.

  • Third party Flash Video player with DRM

    we would like to embedd into our application which is running in DirectX player of Flash video stream protected with DRM. Is it possible to buy library as for Microsoft DRM? Or is there any other solution?

    No, but you are able to create webkit browser environment and embed flash player plugin and playback protected content.

Maybe you are looking for

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