Chops off top of video

Hi there,
I'm having a problem with Imovie chopping off the tops of my videos. Usually it doesn't matter because I make sure that nothing important is at the top but recently I had to download a video from a friend that I will need to use in a project and because it's a close-up of a person's face, it's chopping off the top of her face.
When I view it on there at first, it's normal - until I bring it into the project, then it chops it.
Is there a way to correct this?

Please post in the iMovie '09 forum:  ;)
Many users here don't know anything about iMovie '09.
Also, .mov is just a container that can contain practically anything. Check the video properties in QT Player.

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    Jim /*

    Hello JimNC9,
    Welcome to the HP Forums.
    I see that you are having an issue adjusting the settings to fit the page when printing.
    So I can better assist you, please respond with which Operating System you are running as well as the program you are printing from.
    Which Windows Operating System am I running?
    Mac OS X: How Do I Find Which Mac OS X Version Is on My Computer?
    Write me back when you have time and I will be happy to help.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    W a t e r b o y 71
    I work on behalf of HP

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    What version of Premiere Elements and on what computer operating system is it running?
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    If you are shooting 720p on that device, the best project settings are Flip Video HD 30.
    That's not an exact match, but it's as close as you're likely to get, since technically that camera doesn't shoot video that's meant for editing. But you should be able to get by.
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    I would suspect a converter is either not outputting properly, your TV not interpreting the signal properly or you have some form of Zoom setting enabled on the TV.
    How does your TV handle widescreen from say cable or terrestrial TV sources ?
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    private function doPrint():void {
    var myPrintJob:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();
    Code is:
    <mx:Canvas backgroundColor="white" height="70%"
    width="100%" visible="true">
    <!-- The following part of the code being executed when
    user clics on Print Button -->
    <mx:VBox width="90%" height="100%" visible="true"
    id='printArea1' includeInLayout="true">
    <mx:VBox paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0"
    horizontalGap="0" >
    <mx:VBox width="20%">
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont" text="Role:"
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont"
    <mx:VBox width="40%">
    <mx:HBox id='idPrintFacility'>
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont" text="Facility:"/>
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont"
    <mx:VBox width="30%">
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont" text="Patient:"/>
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont"
    <mx:VBox width="20%">
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont" text="Filter By:"/>
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont" text="{filter.text}"/>
    <mx:VBox width="40%">
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont" text="From"/>
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont"
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont" text="To"/>
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont" text="{toDate.text}"/>
    <mx:Repeater id="idCatsx" dataProvider="{myNotes}"
    width="100%" >
    <mx:HBox id="idCatLabel">
    <mx:Label styleName="printFontBold"
    text="{idCatsx.currentItem.LABEL}" fontWeight="bold" />
    <mx:Spacer width="10"/>
    <mx:HBox width="100%">
    <mx:VBox width="10%">
    <mx:Spacer width="10"/>
    <mx:VBox width="90%" height="100%">
    <mx:Repeater id="idTipsx"
    dataProvider="{idCatsx.currentItem.NOTES}" >
    <mx:HBox width="100%" verticalGap="0" >
    <mx:Label styleName="printFont"
    text="{idTipsx.currentItem.NOTES_DATE}" />
    <mx:VBox height="100%">
    <mx:HBox height="100%">
    <mx:Text width="500" styleName="printFont"
    text="{idTipsx.currentItem.NOTE_TEXT}" />
    <mx:HBox height="100%">
    <mx:Text styleName="bold" width="600"
    text="{idTipsx.currentItem.ADDMODIFYTEXT} on
    {idTipsx.currentItem.TIME_STAMP} for Assessment
    Date:{idTipsx.currentItem.ENCDATE_DATE}" />
    <mx:HBox verticalGap="0">
    <mx:VBox width="100%" verticalAlign="top" verticalGap="0"
    <mx:VBox >
    <mx:Repeater id="idHistx"
    <mx:HBox width="100%" >
    <mx:Spacer width="115"/>
    <mx:Canvas height="100%">
    <comp:StrikeThroughText width="500" height="100%"
    <mx:Spacer width="115"/>
    <mx:VBox height="100%" width="100%">
    <mx:Text width="600" styleName="bold" text="Notes
    {idHistx.currentItem.ADDMODIFYTEXT} on
    {idHistx.currentItem.TIME_STAMP} for Assessment
    Date:{idTipsx.currentItem.ENCDATE_DATE}" />

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    Please suggest a way to fix this.
    Oracle Jdeveloper is the version.
    Windows XP professional sp3
    Edited by: 899970 on Nov 30, 2011 11:34 AM

    Thanks for your response.
    Yes, we dont have enough room on the page.
    I want the text to wrap and display in the second line as it has more no. of letters compared to the other texts available.
    Please suggest me a way to get the text displayed the way I want it to be.
    Edited by: 899970 on Nov 30, 2011 3:13 PM

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    You would need an image editor to edit the images and add a border to the image first before importing them into Final Cut.
    Cheapest and very good image editor?
    Located in the Mac App Store. $14.99 USD.
    Here is the Pixelmator website to give you an overview of the app.
    Good Luck!

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    You can see in above image how text got chopped off. The problem in HTML (given below) is the text has been wrapped in a div tag with a fixed height. If I remove the height and also padding on parent TD, the text appears properly.
    <td class="A23dfe7c5f99245f2a0db522a22a6035597c" style="HEIGHT:5.00mm;background-color:#d3d3d3;"><div style="HEIGHT:3.24mm;overflow:hidden;"><table lang="en-US" cellspacing="0"
    cellpadding="0" border="0" class="Pd9776e5f7eaf4df696265b8b49d1da39_1_r17"><tbody><tr><td class="A23dfe7c5f99245f2a0db522a22a6035597" style="word-wrap:break-word;white-space:pre-wrap;">MyType11</td></tr></tbody></table></div></td>
    Please let me know if you have faced a similar scenario before.
    Here is link to stackoverflow thread -
    Stackoverflow thread

    Hi Murtaza,
    According to your description, when you display the report with Report Viewer control, the data within the text is cutoff.
    Based on my research, the issue could cause by that Arial Unicode MS font hasn’t been installed on the server where Reporting Services run. Besides, when we use ReportViewer control to render report, we’d  better set
    AsyncRendering="true" in the Report Viewer control. Also please run the IE with compatibility mode. For more information, please refer to similar threads below:
    Data in column getting cut-off in report viewer control
    SSRS Rendering Issues
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

  • VB 2008 and CR 2008 (chopped off vertical text)

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    In my application I also use the Visual Basic 2008 PrintPreview and PrintDocument classes to generate custom printing code.  
    All my reports in my project are embedded.  They all work fine when previewed/printed and there are no problems whatsoever.  The only problem is if I call my custom printing code that uses the Visual Basic 2008 PrintPreview and PrintDocument classes.
    If I call my custom code, any report I try to preview/print through the Crystal Report Viewer has all the vertical lines chopped off.  I tried increasing the text size of my fields, made sure CanGrow was selected, and made sure the Page Setup in my report was using the "No Printer" option.
    Here is what I am talking about (click link):
    In comparison, here is what the report should really look like:
    Is there anything I should be looking at in the PrintOptions object in Crystal Reports?

    Which printer are you using?
    Is the printer local or a network printer?
    Is your app a Windows or WEB application?
    Do you have any third party Custom frame controls installed that can modify the windows frame size and color etc. installed?
    Have you tried selecting different printers? You can install any Printer for testing, set the output or Port to a file or LPT1 and then pause the printer. You can then delete the print jobs.
    Try setting the report to your default printer and adjust the margins so there is plenty of space around the margins. By default if no printer is defined we use MS's Generic Print driver, I have heard there are problem with it too.

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