CIMC hijacks IP address!

UCS C200M2 CIMC firmware 1.4(1a). CIMC is configured with proof
Let me ping it from core:
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/4/9 ms
ARC-3750-Core#show ip arp
Protocol  Address          Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Type   Interface
Internet            0   7081.05ff.2d2c  ARPA   Vlan1
Looks good. Now watch this:
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/4/9 ms
ARC-3750-Core#show ip arp
Protocol  Address          Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Type   Interface
Internet           20   7081.05ff.2d2c  ARPA   Vlan1 is also voice gateway, so I've been chasing this for a few days until I finally decided to change voice gateway's IP and then discovered that was still responding.
Probably a bug.

We've logged a new bug spefically to track this issue - CSCtw47679.
(Please allow 24hrs for this bug to be publicly visible)
Default CIMC IP addressing on eth0 mgmt interface is not clearing
after static IP configuration.
When user statically assigns the CIMC with an IP address in the subnet
of 192.168.1.X, IP address is not
cleared from UCS system and user is able to ping both IP's to reach the CIMC. 
This will cause layer 3 addressing confusion if another device is configured
with the address as well.
Bug is experienced on C200 M2 running firmware version 1.4(1a). 
This condition exists when customer is statically
assigning an IP address to the CIMC and affects the network when the
subnet 192.168.1.X is in use.
1. Boot into the CIMC Configuration Utility.
2. Reset configurations to factory default settings.
3. Reconfigure configurations through local KVM.
Anyone else having this issue I implore you to open a quick TAC case and request to attach this bug so we can prioritize a fix.

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    Hi Prasad,
    The Nexus 1010 version does not matter here. The procedure is the same for all C-series servers. Please let me know if you're trying to do the following:

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    Your mail account has almost certainly been hacked on the server, not on your computer, unless someone has had access to the latter.
    Log in to the mail server's web interface and change the password. If you use the same password for any other accounts, change those passwords too, and make them all different. Internet passwords should be random strings of at least 10 characters. You most likely don't need to, and should not be able to, remember them. They should be saved in your keychain and backed up with the rest of your data.
    One way to generate a secure password is the following. Triple-click anywhere the line below to select it:
    openssl rand -base64 10 | cut -c-14 | open -f -a TextEdit
    Copy the selected line to the clipboard (command-C). Launch the Terminal application and paste into the window that opens (command-V). A string of 14 random characters will appear in a TextEdit window. Use that string, or a substring, as the password. To generate another random string, press the up-arrow key and then the return key with the Terminal window active. You can then quit Terminal.
    If the compromised account is on Gmail, then changing the password may not be enough. Follow all of Google'sinstructions to secure it.

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    ajaamy, welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Your email address got hijacked, via malware, from a Windows PC that had your address in its mail application. Then the person, usually a spammer, that hijacked your address used it to send out spam. Since the spam message was sent to a large numnber of other addresses, some of these addresses are no longer valid. Therefore you got the returned mail error message. Just ignore it. Many of us get these messages. Don't worry, since there are no known malware that affect Macs like this.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Linux + KVM on UCS C220

         I am trying to use a UCS C220 M3L that we just purchased as a host for Virtual Machines. Here are the hardware specs of the server:
    UCS C220 M3 LFF w/o CPU mem   HDD PCIe PSU   w/ rail kit
    650W power supply for C-series   rack servers
    2.40 GHz E5-2665/115W 8C/20MB   Cache/DDR3 1600MHz
    16GB DDR3-1600-MHz   RDIMM/PC3-12800/dual rank/1.35v
    500GB SATA 7.2K RPM 3.5 inch   HDD/hot plug/drive sled mounted
    Power Cord 125VAC 13A NEMA 5-15   Plug North America
    Cisco VIC 1225 Dual Port 10Gb   SFP+ CNA
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    Heat Sink for UCS C220 M3 Rack   Server
    Half height PCIe filler for UCS
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    10GBASE-SR SFP Module
    I had orignally thought of using Ubuntu 12.0.4 LTS as the OS and KVM for virtualization. As I read through the supplied docs and attempt to do just that I have some concerns. First is the Embedded RAID controller. According the quick start guide:
    "VMware ESX/ESXi or any other virtualized environments are not supported for use with the embedded MegaRAID controller. Hypervisors such as Hyper-V, Xen, or KVM are also not supported for use with the embedded MegaRAID controller. "
    I went into BIOS and checked the settings for the Embedded RAID controller and saw that there were two options: MegaRAID and Intel RSTe.  I could not find any thing in the documentation about the difference between these two settings and what would happen if I selected one over the other. I tried both controllers with the two installed drives as a RAID 1 pair and as non-RAID disks with the same results.
    The second issue I ran into was that the Ubuntu installer did not recognize either of these two controllers and failed to install. Based on the published documentation, I saw that RHEL 6.4 was supported, so I downloaded and installed CENTOS 6.4 . The installer did detect the Intel RSTe controller as a "Firmware RAID" and installed what I believe is OS level RAID configuration. I say that because when I check the Intel RSTe bios, is still shows two non-raid disks.
    So with this background, I am re-grouping to see what is the best way to proceed and have the following questions:
    1) Will I be able to run a virtualized environment at all with my current hardware config?
    2) What is the difference between the embedded RAID options: MegaRAID and Intel RSTe?
    3) Can I just ran both my drives as bare drives without any RAID? Will that deal with the virtualization issue of not being supported with the embedded MegaRAID controller?
    4) Do I have to order hardware RAID controller?
    5) I have read about the Flexi-Flash disks having the ability to slip-stream Linux drivers during the install but no procedures on how to do that. Where can I find them?
    6) Has anyone had any luck installing Ubuntu with this hardware configuration? Is it supported? Or should I just press on with CENTOS?
    7) Related to CENTOS, I installed the basic server option and added GNOME desktop with X-Windows to get some GUI Admin tools. When I trying using startx to initiate a session, it appears that the X-Windows server attempts to start, the screen goes black into Graphical mode and drops back to the CLI with a message that server terminated successfully. Anyone know what is going on here?
    Sorry for the long message and I appreciate any help that you can provide!

    Hello David,
    If you're going to load ESXi on these servers, there are a few things you need to consider when  ordering them. For instance, you cannot boot from ESXi using a software  RAID controller. So, even if you have some local/internal hard drives  and even if you can install the ESXi OS on those hard drives, you will  not be able to boot from them if you have the software RAID controller.  "VMware ESX/ESXi or any other virtualized environments are not supported  for use with the embedded MegaRAID controller. Hypervisors such as  Hyper-V, Xen, or KVM are also not supported for use with the embedded  MegaRAID controller" (source: Cisco USC C220 Server Installation and Service Guide).  If you're going to use a SAN and you don't even need the internal hard  drives, I recommend using what Cisco calls the Flexible Flash Card. This  card is basically an SD card that comes pre-configured with four  virtual drives. The first drive is the Cisco UCS Server Configuration  Utility, the second is the HV or Hypervisor, the third contains the  Cisco Drivers, and the fourth is the Cisco Host Upgrade Utility. The HV  drive is where you can install your ESXi server and can be made bootable  from within the CIMC. This is much easier than worrying about which  kind of RAID controller to get, and I believe it is a little less  expensive than getting local drives with a hardware RAID controller.
    Here is a high level  overview of the steps to follow from racking to booting ESXi.
    To configure the CIMC:
    Install the Flexible Flash Card in the server.
    Rack the UCS server and plug a network cable into the management port.
    Power it on.
    Press F8 to configure the CIMC information (IP address, password, etc.).
    From a computer on the same network, open a browser and connect to the CIMC using the IP address assigned in step 3.
    Go to Servers | Inventor | Storage to see the Flex Flash Storage Adapters.
    Click Configure Operational Profile and then put a check next to the virtual drives you'd like to enable (i.e., the HV drive).
    To install ESXi:
    Click Launch The KVM from the CIMC.
    In the KVM window, click Virtual Media.
    Click Add and browse to where you've downloaded your Cisco Custom  ESXi .iso file and then put a checkmark next to it so it's mapped as the  Virtual CD/DVD.
    Click back to the Monitor tab and then click Macros. Select the Ctrl-Alt-Del macro to reboot the server.
    Press F6 as the server is rebooting to change the boot device to the Virtual CD/DVD.
    Install ESXi as you normally would, but make sure to install it to the HV drive (not to the local drives).
    When the install is complete, unmap the Virtual CD/DVD and reboot the server using the macro again.
    Press F6 to change the boot device to the HV drive, and it should now boot to the familiar yellow and gray ESXi screen.

  • IPv6 Support on Cisco UCS 6248UP Device

    We are in process of implementing IPv6 in our production environment and wanted to know what needs to be done on UCS level to achive the same ?
    We have Cisco 4948 and Nexus 3048 switches in our production environment above 6248 switch
    Amit Vyas           

    Starting with 2.2.1b (El Capitan) IPv6 is supported (don't forget, Fabric Interconnect is a L2 switch, no L3 = routing)
    IPv6 Management Support:
    All 3 IP addresses  (2 physical and 1 cluster) are now able to have IPv6 addresses as are the new CIMC “in band” addresses. Services such as NTP, DNS are also reachable via IPv6.

  • Certificate for KVM

    is it possible to create a certificate from my ca for a KVM session to my blade?
    Also use DNS names instead of IP adresses?

    Hi Frank
    Regarding DNS; it would require to assign a IP address to a service profile; this is then moved, whenever the SP is moved to another blade, therefore a DNS entry can be established; whereas the default CIMC/KVM ip address is bound to a hardware slot in the chassis.

  • My email address has changed on iphone, but the orignal old email address keeps popping up for password and I cannot reset it as my old email address was hijacked and closed.  How can i use my current email address for all iphone functions?

    I have iphone4s with the operating system of 8.1.  I changed my email address which was used to register my iphone due to hijacking.  I am able to read all my emails using the new address.  However, I can not download apps as it keep asking me to provide the password for the original registered email address.  I do not have the access to the email address, so I can not retreive the password.  I want to clear this mess by resetting everything, and register my current email address as the only one to communicate on my iphone.  Please teach me how?

    settings - app/iTunes store - sign out and sign back in with your new id.
    Note - if your older apps needs an update it will use your old apple id and password, as Apps are tied to the apple id that was used to purchase it.
    You can't merge apple id.

  • Airport hijacking PC IP address (or something like that)

    I have a G5 (running Tiger), iMac (running Tiger), PC (running XP) and a Snow Airport hooked up to a Router (XSense MIH-120 xRouter) which is in turn connected to my Residential Comcast Modem which is hooked up to their system and then the web.
    All three computers are set up to get their IP's via DHCP which both Mac's do fine, but whenever I have the Airport turned on the PC is unable to access the internet.
    It's as if the Airport is somehow hijacking the PC's IP address.
    When I turn the Airport off and reset the PC it connects no problem. Turn the Airport back on and the PC loses connectivity again.
    With the Airport disconnected I go into the Routers admin and set the starting IP's to 24 or whatever - to make sure everything is getting new numbers, and again the Mac's and the PC get their respective new numbers. I turn the Airport back on and the PC loses connectivity again.
    Any ideas??
    BTW I have the Airport to connect to yet another iMac in another room, but that's not part of the equation because it's off half the time, so the problem stops at the Airport which is also password protected.

    I took your advice and disabled the internal router and now that it's working as a bridge between the iMac and the router things seem to be working fine. I haven't turned the PC on yet so I'm not sure if this will screw things up like it was before.
    I don't think so though, because after performing a hard reset and following Apple's step-by-step instructions I had to type in specific IP information into the corresponding fields to access the ABS.
    Before, when I accessed the ABS to set it up I connected to it straight away after hooking up the ethernet cable.
    So now, at least, I have the latest software in the ABS and the router disabled, so time to fire up the PC.....

  • Email addresses hijack?

    Contacts in my Address Book have received spam email apparently from my email address which suggests that my Address Book has been hijacked, although I am careful not to open suspicious looking emails.
    I have since deleted the server accounts in Thunderbird which I was using and have transferred to Mac Mail for all new emailing activity.
    Is it possible that my computer is now infected in any way?
    Is there any further action I should take?

    I have heard of this happening on windows systems, but not within OSX, although it's probably possible.
    Just Googled your query, and came up with nothing directly related. One thread in these discussions mentioned a log entry that could suggest this, but apparently the log message is benign. See the following thread:

  • UCS direct KVM access - CIMC ip address - DNS name

    Hello community,
    I have a little problem. We are using UCS 2.2(3d) and 32 B200 M3. Now I want to use KVM direct access.
    For all 32 Blade Server, we have created DNS entries for their CIMC IP addresses.
    example: ESXserver1.rc (servername + ".rc") <-- --> (CIMC IP address)
    If I enter the CIMC IP address in browser, KVM direct access works fine.
    If I enter the DNS name in Browser, KVM direct access page loads, I log in and get the following error message:
    GetKVMLaunchUrl: Invalid or zero CIMC IP Address passed
    Can someone help me? Do I have to configure something?

    User will get portal server access if it has portal desktop service. The only way to enable ip address conditions in Access Manager is using AM Policy Service, i. e. via policy agents.
    If Portal server is installed in the same appserver domain than Access manager you won't be able to install a policy agent, that's a known issue.
    If Portal server is installed in another appserver domain, perhaps you can use a policy agent, however, I'm not completely sure about it because Portal server needs AM SDK installed and Policy Agent also configure some AM clientSDK stuff... probably you will find some compatibility issues regarding such override of libraries.
    Indeed, the Access manager issue that don't permit use a policy agent in the same domain where Am is installed is because some libraries are overriden and classpath loader do nasty things.
    So what I could suggest you is search a bit about compatibilities and if you don't find any issue, you could test.
    I don't see other way to enforce such a rule :(.

  • When I bookmark a website, the address is hijacked by an advertising website. If I try to delete the bookmarks, I can't do so. If I try to add a new bookmark, an ad website attaches to it.

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    Chard..this is Chard, will someone really read my pleas for both needing help...and wanting to give the Mozilla Family help? Hmmm...I am hopefulllll...

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    Plugins usually are installed externally to Firefox. However, you can disable them in Firefox so that Firefox does not use them.
    SearchReset is supposed to automate the task of resetting certain preferences, but you still can edit them manually if necessary.
    '''''Address Bar Search'''''
    (1) In a new tab, type or paste '''about:config''' in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
    (2) In the filter box, type or paste '''keyword''' and pause while the list is filtered
    (3) Right-click '''keyword.URL''' and choose Reset. This should restore Google as the default for address bar search.
    Does that work?
    '''''Search Box'''''
    Usually it works to choose your preferred search engine from the drop-down. To remove an unwanted search engine plugin, usually the Manage Search Engines... choice at the bottom of the drop-down takes care of it.
    Do either of those work?
    There might be another way to hijack that search box; I think some of the other frequent responders probably are more familiar with it than I am.

  • I want name on address bar goes to home page, not search engine

    Just today I hooked up a new modem/router that I purchased at a WIndstream store. I have been browsing the internet for years with Firefox. I have changed the keyword.url setting in my Firefox configuration (see so that the new version would act like the old version and go directly to the webpage when the name was typed in the address bar. For example: when I type in "windstream" (no ".net" or".com") I would go directly to windstream' home page.
    However, when I hooked up my new modem/router I my browser is hijacked and goes to a Windstream search page. I have tried everything from re-installing Firefox, re-changing the "keyword.url" setting, I even tried the Firefox ad-on here (
    All to no avail......there is something that has changed by adding Windstream's hardware and connecting to their network that will not allow me to use this function of Firefox.
    Nothing else changed, but a new piece of hardware.....
    Changed keyword.url to :
    Re-installed Firefox after cleaning all history and cookies.
    Tried the add-on "Browse by name"
    Wasted my time calling Windstream tech support.
    Changed to openDNS
    Tried to disable the feature through Windstream's web page, but then it just happens with the new search engine.

    Opt-out of Windstream's search service: Type in something to get their sneaky web search page to come up, then click the tiny link at the bottom right "about this page". That sends you to a page where you can opt-out of their service.
    To opt-out from their "valuable" sneaky service, you have to choose to opt-in to another search service.
    You have to do this with each browser. And it still sends you to your search engine's results page, not to your URL the way you might want it to.
    I would rather the default be to allow me to opt-in if I choose to, not have to jump through hoops to find out how to opt-out. It's taken me weeks to discover this. Annoying!

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