Cisco gk + cisco gw + many korea fxs gw

All experts
1)will cisco 3620 ios gatekeeper can support how many concurrent h323 voip call? 60?
2) the davolink (korea) fxs gw make call to cisco 2620 (T1) isdn router, but the call can only hold 20sec, then it dropped suddenly. (other taiwan fxs gw wont happen like this)
debug isdn q931
Cause i = 0x80E6 - Recovery on timer expiry
i had tried isdn T310= 10sec, 60 sec, 100sec also not ok....what is the problem??

Feb 11 19:42:32.211: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 60 01040001 1E301E02 82881E02 82811C26 9E810003 67746400 00001B43 50472C0D 0A50524E 2C697364 6E2A2C2C 4E543130 302C0D0A 0D0A
Feb 11 19:42:32.215:
Feb 11 19:42:32.215: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::=
value H323_UserInformation ::=
h323-message-body alerting :
protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }
t35CountryCode 181
t35Extension 0
manufacturerCode 18
voice :
}, h323 :
undefinedNode FALSE
guid '0287762C4E26255A5634343434EF0000'H
multipleCalls FALSE
maintainConnection FALSE
h245Tunneling FALSE
nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard :
t35CountryCode 181
t35Extension 0
manufacturerCode 18
data '60010400011E301E0282881E0282811C269E8100...'H
id tunnelledProtocolAlternateID :
protocolType "gtd"
tunnellingRequired NULL
Feb 11 19:42:32.239: H225.0 OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 23 80060008 914A0004 2800B500 00124002 38501B0C 00110002 87762C4E 26255A56 34343434 EF000001 00010010 A801003E 0140B500 00123760 01040001 1E301E02 82881E02 82811C26 9E810003 67746400 00001B43 50472C0D 0A50524E 2C697364 6E2A2C2C 4E543130 302C0D0A 0D0A2242 04677464 011B4350 472C0D0A 50524E2C 6973646E 2A2C2C4E 54313030 2C0D0A0D 0A
Feb 11 19:42:32.251:
Feb 11 19:42:33.671: ISDN Se1/1:23 Q931: RX <- CONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x8646
Feb 11 19:42:33.687: ISDN Se1/1:23 Q931: TX -> CONNECT_ACK pd = 8 callref = 0x0646
Feb 11 19:42:33.695: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING PDU ::=
value H323_UU_NonStdInfo ::=
version 4
protoParam qsigNonStdInfo :
iei 28
rawMesg '1C269E8100036774640000001B414E4D2C0D0A50...'H
Feb 11 19:42:33.699: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 60 01040001 1C281C26 9E810003 67746400 00001B41 4E4D2C0D 0A50524E 2C697364 6E2A2C2C 4E543130 302C0D0A 0D0A
Feb 11 19:42:33.699:
Feb 11 19:42:33.703: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::=
value H323_UserInformation ::=
h323-message-body connect :
protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }
t35CountryCode 181
t35Extension 0
manufacturerCode 18
voice :
}, h323 :
undefinedNode FALSE
conferenceID '0287762C4E2A62645634343434EF0000'H
guid '0287762C4E26255A5634343434EF0000'H
multipleCalls FALSE
maintainConnection FALSE
h245Tunneling FALSE
nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard :
t35CountryCode 181
t35Extension 0
manufacturerCode 18
data '60010400011C281C269E8100036774640000001B...'H
id tunnelledProtocolAlternateID :
protocolType "gtd"
tunnellingRequired NULL
Feb 11 19:42:33.731: H225.0 OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 22 80060008 914A0004 2800B500 00124002 38500287 762C4E2A 62645634 343434EF 00001D0C 00110002 87762C4E 26255A56 34343434 EF000001 00010010 A8010036 0140B500 00122F60 01040001 1C281C26 9E810003 67746400 00001B41 4E4D2C0D 0A50524E 2C697364 6E2A2C2C 4E543130 302C0D0A 0D0A2242 04677464 011B414E 4D2C0D0A 50524E2C 6973646E 2A2C2C4E 54313030 2C0D0A0D 0A
Feb 11 19:42:33.747:
Feb 11 19:42:33.751: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING PDU ::=
value IRRperCallnonStandardInfo ::=
startTime 1076499753
Feb 11 19:42:33.751: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 70 402A1529
Feb 11 19:42:33.755:
Feb 11 19:42:33.755: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::=
value RasMessage ::= infoRequestResponse :
requestSeqNum 11474
t35CountryCode 181
t35Extension 0
manufacturerCode 18
voice :
}, h323 :
undefinedNode FALSE
endpointIdentifier {"82691D700000006C"}
rasAddress ipAddress :
ip 'CA40F944'H
port 53559
ipAddress :
ip 'CA40F944'H
port 1720
h323-ID : {"85444"}
nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard :
t35CountryCode 181
t35Extension 0
manufacturerCode 18
data '70402A1529'H
callReferenceValue 3806
conferenceID '0287762C4E2A62645634343434EF0000'H
originator FALSE
callType pointToPoint : NULL
bandWidth 160
callModel direct : NULL
guid '0287762C4E26255A5634343434EF0000'H
needResponse FALSE
unsolicited TRUE
Feb 11 19:42:33.779: RAS OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 5A C02CD128 00B50000 12400238 501E0038 00320036 00390031 00440037 00300030 00300030 00300030 00300036 004300CA 40F944D1 370100CA 40F94406 B8014004 00380035 00340034 003401E1 00B50000 12057040 2A15290E DE028776 2C4E2A62 64563434 3434EF00 000000A0 03C00011 00028776 2C4E2625 5A563434 3434EF00 000E2401 000180
Feb 11 19:42:33.795:
Feb 11 19:42:33.799: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::=
value H323_UserInformation ::=
h323-message-body facility :
protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }
conferenceID '0287762C4E2A62645634343434EF0000'H
reason startH245 : NULL
guid '0287762C4E26255A5634343434EF0000'H
h245Address ipAddress :
ip 'CA40F944'H
port 14174
multipleCalls FALSE
maintainConnection FALSE
h245Tunneling FALSE
Feb 11 19:42:33.807: H225.0 OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 26 90060008 914A0004 0287762C 4E2A6264 56343434 34EF0000 8101001F 05801100 0287762C 4E26255A 56343434 34EF0000 0700CA40 F944375E 01000100 10800100
Feb 11 19:42:33.815:
Feb 11 19:42:38.171: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::=
value RasMessage ::= registrationRequest :
requestSeqNum 11475
protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }
discoveryComplete FALSE
ipAddress :
ip 'CA40F944'H
port 53559
undefinedNode FALSE
gatekeeperIdentifier {""}
t35CountryCode 181
t35Extension 0
manufacturerCode 18
timeToLive 60
keepAlive TRUE
endpointIdentifier {"82691D700000006C"}
willSupplyUUIEs FALSE
maintainConnection TRUE
Feb 11 19:42:38.183: RAS OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 0E 402CD206 0008914A 00040000 0100CA40 F944D137 00110067 006B0031 002E0069 002D0070 006F0077 00650072 002E0063 006F006D 002E0068 006B00B5 00001228 8F000002 003B0180 211E0038 00320036 00390031 00440037 00300030 00300030 00300030 00300036 00430100 0180
Feb 11 19:42:38.191:
Feb 11 19:42:38.207: RAS INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 12 402CD206 0008914A 00020022 0067006B 0031002E 0069002D 0070006F 00770065 0072002E 0063006F 006D002E 0068006B 1E003800 32003600 39003100 44003700 30003000 30003000 30003000 30003600 430C8802 003B0100
Feb 11 19:42:38.215:
Feb 11 19:42:38.215: RAS INCOMING PDU ::=

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  • A 10 Steps Plan to Qualify Cisco Certifications

    The networking industry over the last few years has made exceptional development so has increased the demand of networking professionals. Cisco Corporation is heading the networking industry by offering networking data management and all other highly specialized solutions for networking such as voice, video, and wireless. IT industry and economy are unpredictable and -it’s very important for an IT professional to keep himself updated with the new inventions in IT field. Networking professionals who want to secure their career and want to move up to the next higher level of their career often opt to go for Cisco Certifications. However most of the time they get confused which course they should take and what plan they should follow to competently complete their Cisco Certifications.
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    1 – You are your expert!
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    The rapid inventions in networking fields are making it irresistible for someone to ignore the developments in networking.  To be a competent networking professional it’s not necessary that you get hands on all the networking areas but you can choose a specific line and improve your skills in that particular area. Cisco systems offer a lot of courses in many areas of networking and you can choose any of your interest and go for its certification for example telephony, data security, or wireless. Once you are sure which certification you have to go for then put all your efforts into it. Don’t try to know each and every single thing related to technology the more delay you make in Cisco Certification the more delay is in your professional career development.
    2 – Focus on your area of interest!
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    3- Make sensible investment in your future!
    When you decide to go for any Cisco certification you have to invest a lot of your time, energy and money. Before going for the final exams you have to fully prepare yourself in all facets that help you in the victorious completion of your exam. Always try to make wise investment in proper study material; your investment in low profile study material would lead to less knowledge and low scores.
    While starting preparations for Cisco exams never study any material that you find; spend some time to find the appropriate material. To assist you in preparation Cisco has introduced some books, videos and tutorials; these helping books are best for your study as they are designed exclusively for their certifications by keeping in mind the Cisco certifications formats. Your research to find any such material leads increases the chances that you get the perfect idea of what would be the format of your Cisco exams.  You can also seek guidance from your relatives, friends and other industry professionals who have successfully completed their Cisco exams. You can make good use of different discussion boards on different Cisco and other It related forums.  A good thing is to read authenticated book reviews some reputed sites such as eBay and don’t forget to make regular visit of many Cisco websites and blogs created by Cisco certifiers. These websites and blogs offer you good suggestions on which material is best for your CCNA or CCNP exams.
    4 – Follow an Organized Study Plan
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    5 – Think of your Future, not about Exams
    Once you make your mind which Cisco certification you have to take then you have to flow a steady study plan before getting yourself registered for the final exam. Study till you are fully assured that you can handle the tough and technical questions of your certification and get it passed. Remember ven if you are lucky enough to pass the exams don’t throw out your priceless material; it can helpful for you in other Cisco certifications. This why investment in Cisco certification is said to be a long term future investment that brings you many future benefits. So always try to keep this helping material for a long time period to get support in next higher level Cisco exams. Try to get as much knowledge as much you can absorb and remember also reserve some time to revive it.
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    7- Focus on one Exam at a Time!
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    8 – Try to Balance out Life and Study!
    Passing any Cisco certification requires a lot of your time, energy and efforts and if you put too much of all these factors in your exam preparation you may exhaust very soon. As a matter of fact you have to dedicate most of your time for your study but always remember to dedicate some time to your life as well. There are many other things in your life that demand your attentions. Try to stay away from books for a couple of hours daily. It’s important because it will keep you not to get bored with the dry preparation of your exams preparations and to effectively absorb the information related to your exams.
    9 – Make a Study Guide Yourself!
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    The best use of study guide is made on the day of your Cisco exams. Be at your exam centre at least one hour before and make some good reviews of your study guide. This will help you in refreshing your knowledge about the most difficult terms and retain them for a plenty of time. This study guide help you answer some most technical question in your exams as Cisco software offers you some additional questions on your weak areas of networking. so once you make a good review of study guide them go into your exam room. However don’t spend too much time on the compilation and review of your study guide as it won’t help much in getting good grades. A study guide created at for one Cisco certification also helps in the preparation of other advanced level certification and you would find it really valuable.
    10 – Be Confident While Testing
    Don’t panic and try to calm down when you enter in your exam room; it’s very important that you keep yourself confident while you start answering your exam questions. Have confidence in your study and try to recall the information from your study guide you review before your exam. If you have make good preparation for your test then there is no point that you get confused. Also observe the time allowed for the completion of our test and don’t spend too much time on a single question or on one section. Try to limit your guesses about possible answers and then make a sophisticated answer.
    If there are no negative markings for any wrong answer, never leave it blank. Don’t try to answer all questions but try to make educated answers to get high score!
    Try to keep in mind the maximum number of questions you don’t know the answers and if you fail to pass the test then immediately make a list of those questions with your answers.  Use this list to match against your study guide to see what went wrong. These questions may likely to appear in exams if you retake them and this time you would have the current answers.
    The above steps through seem common but they can definitely increase the probability of passing your CCDA Certification Training. Always try to fallow all or most of these steps and you will pass your exam with higher possible score. This plan will also help you in practical networking career because you have a prepared collection of all the information related to your networking field. It’s not just a dream to pass your Cisco certification the only thing it requires is your commitment and dedication. If you are a technology lover you would be more than willing to invest your time energy and money in the predation of your exams n order to become a successful Cisco certified expert.

    I have got the needed explain plan using hints in my query. I need to capture it using stored outlines.Do you mean creating outline?
    Can someone provide me the steps to capture this plan using an Stored Outline?I dont want to use any other method?[]
    Edited by: Anantha on Apr 2, 2009 9:07 AM

  • Difference between Cisco Prime Infrastructure and Cisco Prime NCS

    Dear All,
    I am currenctly confused in choosing what type of Cisco Prime.
    1.Which one should I choose? should I order Cisco Prime NCS or directly purchase Cisco Prime Infrastructure (since Cisco Prime Infrastructure has the feature of NCS)?
    2, Why does Cisco not just  remove the Cisco Prime NCS ordering Part Number since Cisco Prime Infrastructure already cover the NCS?
    Please advice me

    I started to write a long and lengthy msg about my experience with this, but instead, let me direct you to the horses mouth.  There have been weekly webinars in regards to Cisco Prime (many differnt products under this headline) including Infrastructure.  I believe the Cisco PI is actually scheduled for Thursdays, so hopefully you'll look at this in time to catch it and ask your questions from the gurus.
    Looks like this may be the last week, catch it if you can.

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    I've installed the Cisco Client many times before on x32 systems but having just installed same on an x64 System (Win-7 Pro) I just noticed the "Set MTU". Client version I am using is
    What is the purpose for this, and what setting should I use?

    Here is more explaination on "Set MTU" on VPN Client for your reference:
    Basically it is only needed when you are troubleshooting issue with performance as default MTU on internet devices is typically 1500, and if the VPN Client is sending bigger file than 1500, then it would cause fragmentation which could possibly be blocked along the path, and/or taking the server end sometime to reconstruct the fragmented vpn packets.
    However, in normal circumstance, the "Set MTU" setting should not be interfere.

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    I need to know in detail about the hardware configuration of the module ISM (CPU model and RAM, which I don't find in the Cisco documentation).
    The purpose of the request is to evaluate the possibility of installing propietary SW of my company the ISM, as part of a joint project with Cisco.
    Many Thanks

    You can get in touch with Account team or ASR9K Marketing team. They can provide you with the details.
    In this forum, this type of information cannot be discussed.

  • Connecting FAX to PSTN line using FXS and FXO ports

    I have 2 cisco 1760 routers with FXS and FXO card installed in each. I have to transport 2 PSTN lines from Head Office to remote loaction using FXS and FXO cards and these lines will be used for  voice calls and FAX( one line each for FAX and voice). I have configured the router for voice lines and it is working fine. Now I am using the same config for running fax machine but it is not working. Can anyone help me out how to configure FAX in this scenario also if anyone can share any sample config. I am attaching my config for both routers. Right now both routers are connected with a cross-over cable for lab test but we will connect them later using satellite connection.
    HO Router (FXO card)
    Current configuration : 1718 bytes
    version 12.3
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname Router
    enable password cisco
    no aaa new-model
    resource policy
    mmi polling-interval 60
    no mmi auto-configure
    no mmi pvc
    mmi snmp-timeout 180
    voice-card 2
    voice-card 3
    ip subnet-zero
    ip cef
    no ip dhcp use vrf connected
    no ip domain lookup
    no ftp-server write-enable
    voice class codec 10
    interface FastEthernet0/0
     ip address
     speed auto
     h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
    ip classless
    no ip http server
    voice-port 2/0
     output attenuation 0
     echo-cancel coverage 32
     no vad
     no comfort-noise
     timeouts interdigit 3
     timeouts call-disconnect 3
     connection plar opx 2001
     description Remote PSTN#:35296913
     music-threshold -70
    voice-port 2/1
     output attenuation 0
     echo-cancel coverage 32
     no vad
     no comfort-noise
     timeouts interdigit 3
     timeouts call-disconnect 3
     connection plar opx 2002
     description Remote PSTN#:35296914
     music-threshold -70
    voice-port 3/0
    voice-port 3/1
    dial-peer voice 2000 voip
     destination-pattern 200.
     no modem passthrough
     voice-class codec 10
     session target ipv4:
     incoming called-number .
     dtmf-relay cisco-rtp h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
     fax-relay ecm disable
     fax rate 7200
     fax nsf 000000
     no vad
    dial-peer voice 1321 pots
     description line 1
     destination-pattern 1321
     port 2/0
    dial-peer voice 1322 pots
     description line 2
     destination-pattern 1322
     port 2/1
    line con 0
     password cisco
    line aux 0
    line vty 0 4
     password cisco
    Remote Router (FXS Card):
    version 12.3
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname Router
    enable password cisco
    mmi polling-interval 60
    no mmi auto-configure
    no mmi pvc
    mmi snmp-timeout 180
    voice-card 2
    voice-card 3
    no aaa new-model
    ip subnet-zero
    ip cef
    no ip domain lookup
    no ftp-server write-enable
    voice class codec 10
    interface FastEthernet0/0
     ip address
     speed auto
     h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
    interface Ethernet1/0
     no ip address
    ip classless
    no ip http server
    voice-port 2/0
     description PSTN#:
    voice-port 2/1
     description PSTN#:
    voice-port 3/0
    voice-port 3/1
    dial-peer voice 2001 pots
     description Remote
     destination-pattern 2001
     port 2/0
    dial-peer voice 2002 pots
     description Remote
     destination-pattern 2002
     port 2/1
    dial-peer voice 1320 voip
     destination-pattern 132.
     no modem passthrough
     voice-class codec 10
     session target ipv4:
     incoming called-number .
     dtmf-relay cisco-rtp h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
     fax-relay ecm disable
     fax rate 7200
     fax nsf 000000
     no vad
    line con 0
     password cisco
    line aux 0
    line vty 0 4
     password cisco

    In your voice class codec 10 there aren't any codecs declared.
    Add G.711 codec in this way:
    voice class codec 10
     codec preference 1 g711alaw
    If the fax communication fails again try to disable T.38 and try fax passthrough mode:
     no fax rate
     modem passthrough nse codec g711alaw
     fax protocol pass-through g711alaw

  • How many devices for outdoor AP

    what i know for indoor AP, for DATA design
    Needs to be validated for capacity: 50 devices per AP, recommendation by cisco
    how many devices per outdoor AP if i am going to data design not voice

    The below chart is the guideline I use when designing wireless networks and it has worked well for us. This is especially important to follow now that users are toting around multiple wireless devices with varying transmit and receive sensitivities. Having good access point density will provide optimal wireless client experiences and less aggravation when you have to add on later because someone sold you a bad bill of goods.

  • Setting up VoIP

    hi all,
    there are 2 locations, SiteA and SiteB connected point 2 point via Satellite connection. both the ends have cisco 1700 router with FXS voice cards respectively. i have connected both the ends with a handset and trying to call from one end, but i can only hear the other party's voice but they cannot hear from my location. what could be the problem.
    the config looks like this :
    RouterA :
    voice-port 2/0
    voice-port 2/1
    dial-peer voice 1 pots
    destination-pattern 411
    port 2/0
    dial-peer voice 3 voip
    destination-pattern 700
    codec g711ulaw
    ip precedence 5
    session target ipv4:
    dial-peer voice 4 voip
    destination-pattern 701
    ip precedence 5
    session target ipv4:
    RouterB :
    voice-port 2/0
    voice-port 2/1
    dial-peer voice 1 pots
    destination-pattern 700
    port 2/0
    dial-peer voice 2 pots
    destination-pattern 701
    port 2/1
    dial-peer voice 3 voip
    destination-pattern 411
    codec g711ulaw
    ip precedence 5
    session target ipv4:
    dial-peer voice 4 voip
    destination-pattern 411
    ip precedence 5
    session target ipv4:
    thanks in advance.

    Assuming there are no devices in between running ACLs or firewalls etc:
    There are many possible causes for this - a popular one is not enabling ip routing, but this is necessary for voice... just bash in
    ip routing
    in global mode.
    For other possible solutions this is a good document:
    please rate my post...

  • Branch Office Communication

    Supposingly we have many branch offices with good internet speed but no dedicated bandwidth between individual locations.
    We need to enable VoIP calling using Internet, can we use any skype product to tie all standalone EPABX system for branch office communications. 
    Can we have SIP trunks on skype gateway from each location and enable interoffice calling.
    Please suggest

    Hello Rahul,
    I see you are asking about connecting your offices together for calling and comminucations.
    Well,  Connecting the offices together will require a Communication Server of some sort.  Manufacturers like Nortel, Avaya, Cisco, and many others have these type of devices available to accomplish the "link" between your offices, as long as the equipment is all compliant with the Communication Server.   I suggest you contact a local agent for these manufacturers and have them take a look at what you have. They will provide you with a quote to get you connected.
    As for Skype, making and receiving calls is a snap for us.  We provide these services 24/7. We can get you connected in miinutes and have you making cheap calls all day long.  The cost just depends on where in the world you are calling.  Our "minutes" bundles are very cost effective to use.  And, all of your incoming calls are free. All you would need, would be a Skype Online Number, a Managed User for the Skype Clients that want to call you, and SIP Channels to connect to your PBX to talk on.
    That's pretty much it.  I hope this helps you in your research to get your offices connected and to start using Skype.  I have provided  a few links for you to look at below.
    Thank You for considering Skype and using the Skype Community Forums.
    Victor S.
    Skype Enterprise Support

  • User not found in AD

    Hi Fella and all,
    I've finally complete my wlc setup with IAS as radius server. The setup for one of the user wlan is layer 3 authentication without any layer 2 security.I encounter a problem while authenticating thru web. below is the debug msg from WLC.
    Tue Nov 11 19:50:02 2008: ReProcessAuthentication previous proto 1, next proto 2
    Tue Nov 11 19:50:02 2008: AuthenticationRequest: 0x14f420b0
    Tue Nov 11 19:50:02 2008: Callback.....................................0x1047a188
    Tue Nov 11 19:50:02 2008: protocolType.................................0x00000002
    Tue Nov 11 19:50:02 2008: proxyState...................................00:1F:3C:15:9C:11-00:00
    Tue Nov 11 19:50:02 2008: Packet contains 8 AVPs (not shown)
    Tue Nov 11 19:50:02 2008: ReProcessAuthentication previous proto 2, next proto 8
    Tue Nov 11 19:50:02 2008: Unable to find requested user entry for XXXXXX
    Tue Nov 11 19:50:02 2008: 00:1f:3c:15:9c:11 Returning AAA Error 'Authentication Failed' (-4) for mobile
    The wlc getting result from IAS saying that the cannot find the user entry XXXXXX. User XXXXXX is an domain user account with dial-in option enable.It has been in domain for long and accessible from windows logon. Any ideas about this?
    Btw, can anyone link to a reference which show an example on external Windows IAS server with WLC setup for web authentication.I couldn't find any related docs for this on Cisco.
    Many thanks.

    You will need to define a new security policy within the IAS. I have create a manual policy that just verifies the NAS address as the controller address and changed the service type as logging and have delete the Frame size. you also need to allow the PAP authentication depending on how you have configured the controller.
    Also if you have corporate access using the same Radius server I would but this policy below that.
    Hope this helps

  • OS X Lion and NSS 326

    I've got a Cisco NSS 326 NAS and have recently run into a problem with OS X Lion Developer Preview and authentication to the NAS. When connecting to the NAS over AFP as guest I can access the NAS just fine. However, when I try and authenticate I get an error that reads:
    "The version of the server you are trying to connect to is not supported. Please contact your system administrator to resolve the problem."
    I've read on another site ( that this has to do with the version of AFP that is running on the NAS compared to the new version that OS X Lion is using AFP 2.
    Does anyone have a solution to enable the NAS to support AFP 2 or are there any plans to support this from Cisco any time soon?

    Hi all NSS32x owners,
    Like you all, I bought a Storage Solution from Cisco, personally hoping that Cisco would be better in supporting us than the OEM they bougth the NSS32x line from.
    Until now I have been disapointed over and over.
    They opened a discussion about what should be implemented in the Cisco versions of the NAS'ses but so far no real addition of any value.
    Now we are facing the problem with OS X Lion's TimeMachine incompatability, which could have been solved for months ago, when the first developer releases were issued.
    No response from Ciso however.
    This is really bad.
    Other companies already have solutions for their products in order to be compatible with Lion.
    Ok, I agree, this might not be a problem caused by Cisco, but a problem that was caused by Apple when releasing Lion. But hey all companies have to update their software so Cisco as well as Apple.
    However, companies of major size (Apple, Cisco, and many others) should be more cooperative when releasing new software.
    I work in IT for over 30 years now and I have always seen that when Cisco bought a company, their "boxes" were painted gray and the Cisco "bridge" logo was aplied and then all over sudden it became a REAL Cisco product.
    And I mean it really became a Cisco product. You might have some minor problems but those were always solved.
    I would have expected the same from Cisco with respect to these NAS'ses.
    And believe me, I have seen quit some NAS'ses from the competitors but the NSS32x series does not come with the support you get from other competing NAS vendors.
    That is what bothers me and I regret that there is no solution today for the issue(s) we have with OS X Lion, but what bothers me even more is that Cisco is not informing us at all about whatever solution there will be within whatever time frame.
    I still have the NSS326 and I had to pay quit a premium over other vendors, but accepted it, supposing that the NAS would have the support I am familiar with from Cisco, but as you can read above I am disapointed.
    So Cisco, what are you going to do to improve support and be more open and informative about coming software releases for the NSS32x series NAS'ses?
    Klaas de Jong

  • Can I intergrate TACACS+ authentication with MS AD?

    hi, I would like to using MS AD account as a tacacs authentication account. I use tac_plus-F4.0.4.7 on Freebsd. Does anyone get some ideas? thank you!

    Although that is an interesting thought, I am also not up on that software and not sure this would be the best place to get that answer. For Cisco's Secure ACS, it is merely a click of the button. ACS from Cisco has many other features that I do know are not availabe in the few open source TACACS+ servers i have seen. I see no advantage even for small companies going this route given that the savings in dollars is little compared to the loss in functionality and interoperability among Cisco's products.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • HFR Environment checklist ----- URGENT

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