Cisco WISM2 started keepalive issue

Hi all,
I faced a problem in my WISM2 in 6500 when I issue the command of #show WISM status I found that the status of the wism is "Started KeepAlive "
not operational 
please advice if there is a solution except that I reload the WISM.

Is your WiSM service-vlan configured?

Similar Messages

  • System Start up issue in my ABAP + JAVA system

    when i try to start up my SAP (ABAP+JAVA) system, server processes fail to start. Below is the trace file.
    Though it says missing file jvmx.jar, not sure if this is the reason for the start up issue.
    Thanks to check and assist.
    trc file: "D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\work\dev_server1", trc level: 1, release: "700"
    node name   : ID3944951
    pid         : 7752
    system name : P1D
    system nr.  : 00
    started at  : Wed May 05 13:27:07 2010
    arguments   :
       arg[00] : D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\exe\jlaunch.exe
       arg[01] : pf=D:\usr\sap\P1D\SYS\profile\P1D_DVEBMGS00_blrkec115278d
       arg[02] : -DSAPINFO=P1D_00_server
       arg[03] : pf=D:\usr\sap\P1D\SYS\profile\P1D_DVEBMGS00_blrkec115278d
       arg[04] : -DSAPSTART=1
       arg[05] : -DCONNECT_PORT=1243
       arg[06] : -DSAPSYSTEM=00
       arg[07] : -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=P1D
       arg[08] : -DSAPMYNAME=blrkec115278d_P1D_00
       arg[09] : -DSAPPROFILE=D:\usr\sap\P1D\SYS\profile\P1D_DVEBMGS00_blrkec115278d
       arg[10] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON
       arg[11] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost
    [Thr 7756] Wed May 05 13:27:07 2010
    [Thr 7756] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]
    [Thr 7756] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]
    [Thr 7756] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.en.port=3201] [jstartxx.c   841]
    [Thr 7756] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]
    JStartupReadInstanceProperties: read instance properties [D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\]
    -> ms host    : blrkec115278d
    -> ms port    : 3901
    -> OS libs    : D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\os_libs
    -> Admin URL  :
    -> run mode   : NORMAL
    -> run action : NONE
    -> enabled    : yes
    Used property files
    -> files [00] :
    -> D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
    Instance properties
    -> ms host    : blrkec115278d
    -> ms port    : 3901
    -> os libs    : D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\os_libs
    -> admin URL  :
    -> run mode   : NORMAL
    -> run action : NONE
    -> enabled    : yes
    Bootstrap nodes
    -> [00] bootstrap            : D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
    -> [01] bootstrap_ID3944900  :
    -> D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
    -> [02] bootstrap_ID3944950  :
    -> D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
    -> [03] bootstrap_ID3944951  :
    -> D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
    Worker nodes
    -> [00] ID3944900            : D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
    -> [01] ID3944950            : D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
    -> [02] ID3944951            : D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
    [Thr 7756] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create named pipe for ipc [Thr 7756] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create pipe listener thread [Thr 7776] WaitSyncSemThread: Thread 7776 started as semaphore monitor thread.
    [Thr 7764] JLaunchRequestFunc: Thread 7764 started as listener thread for np messages.
    [Thr 7756] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (1;202) [Thr 7756] CPIC (version=700.2005.12.02)
    [Thr 7756] *** WARNING => Maximum Java heap size specified twice (through maxHeapSize and in javaParameters) - using -Xmx1024m [jstartxx.c   2604]
    [Thr 7756] [Node: server1] java home is set by profile parameter  Java Home: C:\j2sdk1.4.2_21 [Thr 7756] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\exe\jvmx.jar
    JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [ID3944951]
    -> node name          : server1
    -> node type          : server
    -> node execute       : yes
    -> jlaunch parameters :
    -> java path          : C:\j2sdk1.4.2_21
    -> java parameters    : -verbose:gc -Djco.jarm=1 -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:NewSize=160m -XX:MaxNewSize=160m -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:UseTLAB -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:+UseParNewGC
    -> java vm version    : 1.4.2_21-b03
    -> java vm vendor     : Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    -> java vm type       : server
    -> java vm cpu        : x86
    -> heap size          : 1024M
    -> init heap size     : 1024M
    -> root path          : D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\server1
    -> class path         : .\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.
    -> OS libs path       : D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\os_libs
    -> main class         :
    -> framework class    :
    -> registr. class     :
    -> framework path     : D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\exe\jstartup.jar;D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\exe\jvmx.jar
    -> shutdown class     :
    -> parameters         :
    -> debuggable         : no
    -> debug mode         : no
    -> debug port         : 50026
    -> shutdown timeout   : 120000
    [Thr 7756] JLaunchISetDebugMode: set debug mode [no] [Thr 7792] JLaunchIStartFunc: Thread 7792 started as Java VM thread.
    JHVM_LoadJavaVM: VM Arguments of node [server1]
    -> stack   : 262144 Bytes
    -> arg[  0]: exit
    -> arg[  1]: abort
    -> arg[  2]: vfprintf
    -> arg[  3]:
    -> arg[  4]:
    -> arg[  5]:
    -> arg[  6]:
    -> roxy arg[  7]:
    -> tableRemoteObjectProxy arg[  8]:
    -> arg[  9]: -verbose:gc
    -> arg[ 10]: -Djco.jarm=1
    -> arg[ 11]: -XX:PermSize=256m
    -> arg[ 12]: -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
    -> arg[ 13]: -XX:NewSize=160m
    -> arg[ 14]: -XX:MaxNewSize=160m
    -> arg[ 15]: -XX:SurvivorRatio=2
    -> arg[ 16]: -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90
    -> arg[ 17]: -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
    -> arg[ 18]: -XX:+UseTLAB
    -> arg[ 19]: -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 arg[ 20]:
    -> arg[ 21]: -Djava.awt.headless=true arg[
    -> 22]: -XX:+UseParNewGC arg[ 23]:
    -> arg[ 24]: -Dapplication.home=D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\exe
    -> arg[ 25]: -Djava.class.path=D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\exe\jstartup.jar;D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\exe\jvmx.jar;.\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.
    -> arg[ 26]:
    -> -Djava.library.path=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_21\jre\bin\server;C:\j2sdk1.4.2_21\
    -> jre\bin;C:\j2sdk1.4.2_21\bin;D:\usr\sap\P1D\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\os_libs;D:
    -> \oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin;C:\SYSROOT\system32;C:\SYSROOT;C:\SYS
    -> ROOT\System32\Wbem;C:\Program
    -> Files\CA\SharedComponents\ScanEngine;C:\Program
    -> Files\CA\SharedComponents\CAUpdate\;C:\Program
    -> Files\CA\SharedComponents\ThirdParty\;C:\Program
    -> Files\CA\SharedComponents\SubscriptionLicense\;C:\Program
    -> Files\CA\eTrustITM;C:\Program Files\Windows
    -> Imaging\;D:\usr\sap\P1D\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386
    -> arg[ 27]: -Dmemory.manager=1024M
    -> arg[ 28]: -Xmx1024M
    -> arg[ 29]: -Xms1024M
    -> arg[ 30]: -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no
    -> arg[ 31]: -Djstartup.mode=JCONTROL
    -> arg[ 32]: -Djstartup.ownProcessId=7752 arg[ 33]:
    -> -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=N1596875852
    -> arg[ 34]: -Djstartup.whoami=server
    -> arg[ 35]: -Djstartup.debuggable=no
    -> arg[ 36]: -DSAPINFO=P1D_00_server
    -> arg[ 37]: -DSAPSTART=1
    -> arg[ 38]: -DCONNECT_PORT=1243
    -> arg[ 39]: -DSAPSYSTEM=00
    -> arg[ 40]: -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=P1D
    -> arg[ 41]: -DSAPMYNAME=blrkec115278d_P1D_00 arg[ 42]:
    -> -DSAPPROFILE=D:\usr\sap\P1D\SYS\profile\P1D_DVEBMGS00_blrkec115278d
    -> arg[ 43]: -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON
    -> arg[ 44]: -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost arg[ 45]: -DSAPSTARTUP=1
    -> arg[ 46]: -DSAPSYSTEM=00 arg[ 47]: -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=P1D arg[ 48]:
    -> -DSAPMYNAME=blrkec115278d_P1D_00 arg[ 49]: -DSAPDBHOST=blrkec115278d
    -> arg[ 50]: -Dj2ee.dbhost=blrkec115278d
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/pb/layout/taglib/ContainerTag addIviewResources
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/keystore/impl/security/CodeBasedSecurityConnector getApplicationDomain
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/rmi_p4/P4StubSkeletonGenerator generateStub
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/util/StringUtils escapeToJS
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/core/broker/PortalServiceItem startServices
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/server/deploy/WSConfigurationHandler downloadFile
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/jndisupport/util/AbstractHierarchicalContext lookup
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/cache/CacheNavigationNode getAttributeValue
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/TopLevelNavigationiView PrintNode
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/wcm/service/ice/wcm/ICEPropertiesCoder encode
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/lcr/pers/delta/importing/ObjectLoader loadObjects
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readElement
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readSequence
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/TypeMappingImpl initializeRelations
    CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/GeneratedComplexType loadInto [Thr 7792] JHVMLoadJavaVM: Java VM created OK.
    JHVM_BuildArgumentList: main method arguments of node [server1]
    [Thr 7872] Wed May 05 13:27:08 2010
    [Thr 7872] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
    [Thr 7872] Wed May 05 13:27:09 2010
    [Thr 7872] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
    [Thr 7872] JLaunchISetClusterId: set cluster id 3944951 [Thr 7872] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Initial (0)] to [Waiting for start (1)] [Thr 7872] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Waiting for start (1)] to [Starting (2)]
    Wed May 05 13:27:13 2010
    5.640: [ParNew 81920K->5980K(1007616K), 0.0258446 secs]
    Wed May 05 13:27:17 2010
    9.773: [ParNew 87893K->13835K(1007616K), 0.0529425 secs]
    Wed May 05 13:27:21 2010
    13.293: [ParNew 95755K->17179K(1007616K), 0.0572638 secs]
    Wed May 05 13:27:23 2010
    15.634: [ParNew 99099K->17958K(1007616K), 0.0419008 secs]
    [Thr 6392] Wed May 05 13:27:26 2010
    [Thr 6392] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in [Thr 6392] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
    [Thr 6392] Wed May 05 13:27:29 2010
    [Thr 6392] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
    [Thr 7804] Wed May 05 13:27:33 2010
    [Thr 7804] JLaunchIExitJava: exit hook is called (rc = -11113) [Thr 7804] **********************************************************************
    ERROR => The Java VM terminated with a non-zero exit code.
    Please see SAP Note 943602 , section 'J2EE Engine exit codes'
    for additional information and trouble shooting.
    [Thr 7804] JLaunchCloseProgram: good bye (exitcode = -11113)

    Have you changed your java administrator password recently? If so, have you changed it in the configtool as well?
    Kind regards,

  • MAJOR Start-up Issues:  Can my imac be saved?

    Hello all-
    I sure hope someone can help me. I am really worried about the state of my imac. It is only ONE YEAR old and has always been maintained with the latest updates.
    Quick background: A few weeks ago, while in screensaver mode, I returned to my mac to find a white screen with a folder and a question mark. I had never seen this before! It was frozen. I had to force shut down by holding the button on back. Since that time, the same thing has sporadically happened when the computer was in screensaver mode. In the last few days the problem has worsened with start up issues. Yesterday, when i started up the computer I kept getting just a blank white screen and what sounded like "a slow revving" of the disc several times and then nothing. After continually trying to restart (including in Safe Mode) eventually I got the apple logo and it started. When that happened, I immediately backed up everything for fear my hard drive is dying and then began to troubleshoot.
    What I've tried: After looking through the threads I have tried a number of suggestions.
    - I repaired the Disk using First Aid (it says all was Okay)
    - I repaired permissions
    - I disconnected all cords & reset the SMC
    - I booted from the disc & ran the Extended Apple Hardware Test (it said all appears Okay)
    After doing these things last night, the computer started up several times just fine so I shut it down for the night.... which brings me to this morning!
    Start up was MUCH worse than yesterday. Same slow revving sound, white screen and nothing (at least 10 times) - even when trying Safe Mode. Then it worsened to a black screen and no sound at all - as if nothing was happening. I thought it was dead! I unplugged the power cord for 15 seconds and tried again - this changed it back to the white screen and a sound of more revving power. After about 3 tries, I got the apple logo and the spinning wheel for about 2 minutes - then it started!
    This is where I am now. I am afraid to turn it off and not sure what else to try. I thought after all I did last night, the problem was fixed. Why does the hardware test and repair disc say all is fine? And why after doing those things last night did it start up numerous times? (and speedy too!) But then this morning I'm back where i started.... ? How can I troubleshoot this problem further?
    I would really like to try everything before resorting to taking it in. Money is tight right now.
    GREATLY appreciate any advice!
    Thanks a lot,

    Warning!! ** (See bottom of post)
    New Development: From Disk Utility, I chose to run "verify disk" again. (Somewhere I had read that sometimes, it needs to be run a few times before it will find a problem with the disk).
    Sure enough! This time I got errors and it suggested I repair the disk!
    Errors in verify mode were in RED as follows:
    Invalid index key
    The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired
    Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed
    I then restarted with the system disc, opened First Aid and chose Repair.
    The following showed up in RED during the repair process:
    Invalid index key
    Incorrect number of thread records
    Invalid directory item count
    volume bit map needs minor repair
    Invalid free block count
    volume header needs minor repair
    And finally in GREEN (after 10 min):
    HD Repaired Successfully
    ** After doing this, and trying to restart, i get the white screen and the spinning wheel indefinitely. (even when i try Safe Mode) It appears I can no longer boot my HD. I wanted to share the errors above incase it brings anyone to any further insight, but I'm not so sure it helped my situation.

  • Started having issues with camera raw. cannot access from bridge. Greyed out.

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    This should solve problem.

  • Having start-up issues with my 1st gen Macbook Pro

    Hi everyone. I just started having start-up issues with my first generation Macbook Pro. It was working fine the other day when I last used it, but today I went to use it and it wont load up to my desktop...? It starts up (grey screen with the little swirly bar under the apple,) then it goes to a blue screen, then my background and dock appear, then (before any of my desktop files even show up,) it goes to a blue screen (that brightens up and then dims a little,) and it just keeps showing this with a little swirly progress symbol (shows when the screen is darker blue, then disappears when the screen is a brighter blue.) I've included a video that I took with my iPhone to show it situation. Any ideas as to what's wrong with it? Thanks in advance!

    Safe Boot by restarting your computer while holding down the "shift" key.  Safe booting disables all nonessential processes, often times allowing you to start up when you would otherwise crash.
    As of OS X 10.5.6 Safe Boot deletes the dynamic loader shared cache location in the /var/db/dyld directory.  A corrupt cache here can cause the blue screen crash.  Once you restart normally, the cache will be recreated.  This should take care of the issue.
    Use Software Update to update your os to 10.6.8 and anything else that needs to be updated.

  • Start up Issues with Mountain Lion?

    Having start up issues with Mountain Lion. Gray Screen and nothing happens.

    If you can't boot in the usual way, try a safe boot. The instructions provided by Apple are as follows: 
    Shut down your computer, wait 30 seconds, and then hold down the shift key while pressing the power button.
    When you see the gray Apple logo, release the shift key.
    If you are prompted to log in, type your password, and then hold down the shift key again as you click Log in.
     During startup, you’ll see a progress bar, and then the login screen, which appears even if you normally log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin. Safe mode is slower than normal, and some things won’t work at all. Note: If FileVault is enabled under OS X 10.7 or later, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is on a software RAID, you can’t boot in safe mode. If you're able to boot, launch the Console application in any of the following ways: ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid. Select the most recent panic log under System Diagnostic Reports. Post the entire contents — the text, please, not a screenshot. In the interest of privacy, I suggest you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header and body of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.) Please don't post shutdownStall, spin, or hang reports.

  • I purchased an iPhone 3 and had photos on it. Started having issues within 30 days and could replace it. Moved photos to back up on iCloud. did not restore new phone from back up how can i save the new photos and retrieve the old ones?

    I purchased an iPhone 3 and had taken some photos on it. I started having issues within 30 days and could replace it. So I created an iCloud account and  saved those photos as a back up on iCloud. I did not restore my new phone from back up because I did not realize I needed to restore and not just activitate it. How can I save the new photos, apps, and other stuff but retrieve the old photos?

    If all you want is your old photos, you could backup your new phone using iTunes, then restore it from your iCloud backup, import the old photos to your computer, then restore it from the backup your made in iTunes returning your newer data to your phone.  If you want your old photos on your phone, sync them there from your computer using iTunes.  The process would look like this:
    Connect your phone to your computer, when it appears in iTunes on the left sidebar right-click on it and select Transfer Purchases; right-click again and select Backup.
    Disconnect from your computer and go to Settings>General>Reset>Erase All Content and Settings to return it to new
    Go through the activation setup, choosing to Restore from iCloud backup.  Make sure your phone is plugged into a charger and has access to wi-fi as this can take hours to complete.
    When complete, without connecting your phone to your computer, open iTunes and go to Preferences.  On the Devices tab check "Prevent...from syncing automatically"
    Now import the old photos to your computer (see
    When done, open iTunes, right-click on the name of your phone on the left sidebar and select Restore from Backup, choose the backup you made in step 1.
    Go to the Photos tab and select the photos you want to sync to your phone and sync.

  • Hi All.  My iPad 4 just started having issues with the volume.  On either Bluetooth or the iPad Speaker, anything I'm watching or listening to drops the sound to just barely hearing it and then, about 2 seconds later, it comes back.

    Hi All,
    I tried to search through the community, but with the sheer volume of posts, I didn't find anything that seemed like the same issue.
    My iPad 4 just started having issues with the volume.  On either Bluetooth or the iPad Speaker, anything I'm watching or listening to drops the sound to just barely hearing it and then, about 2 seconds later, it comes back.
    I haven't tried wired ear phones, but I am sure they'll be the same way.
    It's very random, but consistent enough to happen several times per day.
    Thanks for any help that anyone can provide.
    I have restarted it and also did a Hard Reboot and it didn't help.
    Thanks Again,
    Scott P.

    Well there you go, when you advertise it just be sure to say that you can't even see the scratches at half brightness and see how it goes.
    Of course you are saying you want $500 for one with many scratches on the screen, has been dropped, but the scratches aren't visible at half brightness, and has no warranty. Or I can buy a refurbished iPad 4 WiFi 32 GB directly from Apple with no scratches and a one year warranty for $499. -wi-fi-32gb-white-4th-generation
    Why would I buy yours?
    I wouldn't pay more than $300 for a used model with your specs in perfect condition. But yours is far from perfect. I think your high point is $250 which is why I said 50%.

  • I have an iPhone 6.  For the first two weeks my bluetooth worked fine but then started having issues.  Now, although it shows that it is connected to Bluetooth, I can't hear any of the calls.  The radio continues to play.  Please help!

    I have an iPhone 6.  For the first two weeks my bluetooth worked fine but then started having issues.  Now, although it shows that it is connected to Bluetooth, I can't hear any of the calls.  The radio continues to play.  Please help!

    Hello there, Srushevics.
    It sounds like you may be having issues with the connectivity of your iPhone with the Bluetooth in your vehicle. The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great steps for troubleshooting that Bluetooth connectivity with your iOS device:
    If you can’t use a Bluetooth accessory or car kit
    To resolve the issue, you'll need to first sign in to iCloud and review your devices:
    Sign in to iCloud on your iOS devices and Macs with OS X Yosemite (available this fall).
    On one of your devices, tap Settings > Bluetooth and look under My Devices. You'll see all devices that are connected to Bluetooth, but make sure that you see your Apple devices that are signed in to iCloud and are using iOS 8 or OS X Yosemite.
    Sign out of your iCloud account from any devices that you don't want to use. To sign out of iCloud on an iOS device, tap Settings > iCloud > Sign Out.
    Then, remove any inactive devices from iCloud:
    Sign in to
    Select Find My iPhone.
    Select any devices that aren't active anymore.
    Wait for Find My iPhone to stop trying to find the inactive device.
    You should see the option to remove this device from your account. Select it to remove the device.
    After following the steps above, restart the device with the issue. Then try to use it with your Bluetooth accessory.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • Narrow down start up issue need experienced/knowledgeble Mac Expert

    I have spoken with two level 2 mac specialists and both have concluded that I am having a 3rd party software issue with my Mac Pro 3.0. The issue is it takes 5 minutes for my Mac to boot up from start up/restart. Here is my question; in OS9 to narrow down an issue I could simply drag an Extension on to the desktop and restart to see if the issue continued. Since this issue that I am having is a 3rd party conflict in start up is there a way to remove or 'disable' 3rd party software so basically the system thinks it's not there so I can narrow this issue down to who is the problem child? I really don't want to trash all my 3rd party software to figure this out.
    I have recently done a Archive and Install from the install CD 10.5 and the start up was fine. Then when I update to 10.5.4 or 10.5.5 the long start up issue is back. So I am concluding that something is not 10.5+ compatible.
    Look forward to someone knowing the answer to my question.

    Hi Francine thanks for your input. If I'm not mistaken the Shift key is 'Safe Mode' and that is great but I need to either remove one 3rd party software package at a time or be able to add one at a time until I find the ugly step child. And I don't think Safe Mode will allow that.
    I did try the Verbose mode which was pretty cool to see however once it kicks on the video card and goes to the blue screen that is the transition screen after the Apple and before the desktop I lose the verbose read out and at the blue screen is where it hangs for 4 minutes. So unfortunately that didn't work. I really need to know if I can take out a key 'Component' from a specific folder that will not allow a 3rd party to register and then if it's not it simply place it back in the folder and that software is back in business. I am amazed that with today's technology first, that the computer doesn't tell you what the issue is and second that no one has come up with a way to trouble shoot when things do go as planned. Sigh. Any other recommendations? Anyone....Bueller....Bueller?

  • WISM controller stays "Started KeepAlive"

    After an upgrade of both controllers on a WiSM module from to the first stays in
    "Operational Status of the Controller : Started KeepAlive"
    Even after setting to factory defaults or repowering the module.
    Any idea what's problem

    the service port is configured to get an IP from the dedicated management vlan where a local dhcp service is provided.
    ...and in the meantime after several controller and module resets it works without config changes....
    So I'm wondering whether this is usable in an productive environement.

  • Cisco Prime Infrastructure release 2.1 configuration archiving on CISCO WiSM2

    Hi all,
    Just wondering Cisco Prime Infrastructure  release 2-1 support configuration archiving on CISCO WiSM2?
    CISCO  release 2.0 mentioned that it doesn't support configuration archiving for WiSM2 but release 2.1 doesn't mention anything on it.
    Please assist.

    No, it is not supported even for PI 2.1

  • I am having start up issues after installing lion

    after installing lion on my mac mini it is having major start up issues, sometimes it will not start up at all. Is anyone having the same issues?

    After I used MIgration Assistant on my new Mac Mini, Lion would have kernel panics shortly after startup every time. I am pretty sure it was some virus software or network filterting software that ran background tasks that was causing the problem.
    Can you startup in single user mode or safe mode?

  • K9A Start up issues

    This is my first post and not so coincidentally my first build.  The machine runs pretty good when I get it up, but there are two start up issues that behave differently, but I believe are related.
    The first issue is when trying to power up first thing in the morning, nothing happens.  The PSU turns on, fans turn on, LED's lightup, but the monitor doesn't kick in.  So because the monitor isn't on, I can't tell if the machine continues to boot or not.  I've found that if I power back down and pull the power cord from the PSU, wait 15 or so seconds, plug it back in and re-start, it boots perfectly.
    The second issue occurs after exiting from the BIOS setup program.  The machine will go to re-start mode, but once the monitor is powered down, it won't start back up and the LED's look and the CD sounds like the boot is stuck in a do-loop.  I have to power down manually and upon re-start the message appears:
    "WARNING!!! The previous performance of overclocking is failed, and the system is restored to the defaults setting.  Please press any key to continue,,,"
    This is very baffling because I'm not overclocking, at least not intentionally!
    The machine will continue to boot normally from this point.
    I've tried to perform some diagnostics such as disconnecting all peripheials one at a time, but nothing helped.  I don't have a spare video card to swap and check, so that's still a possibility(?).  I also suspect it may be a PSU issue, but am in the same boat as the video card.
    Anyone have any idea's or experiences with these types of start up issues?  Any help or idea's would be appreciated.

    Yes, removed them one by one, to no difference. 
    I went into bios and manually assigned the timings according to the maker.  These were all set to Auto prior to my changing them to 667 Mhz, 4-4-4-12.  Hit f10 to save, crossed my fingers and looking through my tears, there was no change in the re-boot behavior.
    I installed the D-Bracket to see what the little blinking LED's will tell.  After setting up the problematic conditon, they stopped at Initializing Keyboard Controller, and then as I suspected, went into a do-loop starting at:
    1.  Early Chipset initialization
    2.  Memory Detection Test
    3.  Decompressing BIOS image to RAM
    and hanging at 4.  Initializing Keyboard Controller, then starting over at #1.
    Spark any thoughts?

  • Cisco 881 Zone Firewall issues

    I'm having issues with an 881 that I have configured as a zone based firewall.
    I have allowed HTTP(s) and DNS on the DMZ but my user is saying he cannot access the internet.
    On the corporate side the user complains that some websites fail, such as Linked in.
    I have been using CCP to configure the device. What am I doing wrong?
    =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2013.03.15 11:49:00 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
    sh run
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 22210 bytes
    ! Last configuration change at 15:30:21 UTC Tue Mar 12 2013 by SpecIS
    ! NVRAM config last updated at 14:12:39 UTC Thu Mar 7 2013 by specis
    ! NVRAM config last updated at 14:12:39 UTC Thu Mar 7 2013 by specis
    version 15.1
    no service pad
    service tcp-keepalives-in
    service tcp-keepalives-out
    service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone
    service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone
    service password-encryption
    service sequence-numbers
    hostname -Rt
    security authentication failure rate 10 log
    security passwords min-length 6
    logging buffered 51200
    logging console critical
    enable secret 5
    enable password 7
    aaa new-model
    aaa authentication login local_auth local
    aaa session-id common
    memory-size iomem 10
    crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
    crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-3066996233
    enrollment selfsigned
    subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-3066996233
    revocation-check none
    rsakeypair TP-self-signed-3066996233
    crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-3066996233
    certificate self-signed 01
    no ip source-route
    no ip gratuitous-arps
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp pool Trusted
    import all
    domain-name spectra.local
    option 150 ip
    ip dhcp pool Guest
    import all
    ip cef
    no ip bootp server
    ip domain name
    ip name-server
    ip name-server
    login block-for 5 attempts 3 within 2
    no ipv6 cef
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    vpdn enable
    vpdn-group 1
    parameter-map type inspect global
    log dropped-packets enable
    log summary flows 256 time-interval 30
    parameter-map type regex ccp-regex-nonascii
    pattern [^\x00-\x80]
    parameter-map type protocol-info yahoo-servers
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    server name
    parameter-map type protocol-info msn-servers
    server name
    server name
    server name
    parameter-map type protocol-info aol-servers
    server name
    server name
    server name
    license udi pid CISCO881-SEC-K9 sn FCZ1703C01Y
    log config
    logging enable
    username S privilege 15 secret 4
    username ed privilege 15 password 7
    ip tcp synwait-time 10
    ip tcp path-mtu-discovery
    ip ssh time-out 60
    ip ssh authentication-retries 2
    class-map type inspect match-any SDM_BOOTPC
    match access-group name SDM_BOOTPC
    class-map type inspect imap match-any ccp-app-imap
    match invalid-command
    class-map type inspect match-any ccp-cls-protocol-p2p
    match protocol edonkey signature
    match protocol gnutella signature
    match protocol kazaa2 signature
    match protocol fasttrack signature
    match protocol bittorrent signature
    class-map type inspect match-any SDM_DHCP_CLIENT_PT
    match class-map SDM_BOOTPC
    class-map type inspect match-any SDM_AH
    match access-group name SDM_AH
    class-map type inspect match-any ccp-skinny-inspect
    match protocol skinny
    class-map type inspect http match-any ccp-app-nonascii
    match req-resp header regex ccp-regex-nonascii
    class-map type inspect match-any sdm-cls-bootps
    match protocol bootps
    class-map type inspect match-any TFTP
    match protocol tftp
    class-map type inspect match-any SDM_ESP
    match access-group name SDM_ESP
    class-map type inspect match-any SDM_VPN_TRAFFIC
    match protocol isakmp
    match protocol ipsec-msft
    match class-map SDM_AH
    match class-map SDM_ESP
    class-map type inspect match-all SDM_VPN_PT
    match access-group 105
    match class-map SDM_VPN_TRAFFIC
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-cls-ccp-permit-outside-in-1
    match access-group name Any-From-HO
    class-map type inspect match-any Skinny
    match protocol skinny
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-cls-ccp-permit-outside-in-2
    match class-map Skinny
    match access-group name Hostcom-Skinny
    class-map type inspect match-any ccp-h323nxg-inspect
    match protocol h323-nxg
    class-map type inspect match-any ccp-cls-icmp-access
    match protocol icmp
    class-map type inspect match-any ccp-cls-protocol-im
    match protocol ymsgr yahoo-servers
    match protocol msnmsgr msn-servers
    match protocol aol aol-servers
    class-map type inspect match-any Pings
    match protocol icmp
    class-map type inspect match-any Ping-
    match class-map Pings
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-cls-ccp-inspect-2
    match class-map Ping-
    match access-group name Ping-
    class-map type inspect match-any DNS
    match protocol dns
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-cls-ccp-inspect-3
    match class-map DNS
    match access-group name Any-any
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-protocol-pop3
    match protocol pop3
    class-map type inspect match-any ccp-h225ras-inspect
    match protocol h225ras
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-cls-ccp-inspect-1
    match access-group name Any/Any
    class-map type inspect match-any https
    match protocol https
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-cls-ccp-inspect-4
    match class-map https
    match access-group name any-any
    class-map type inspect match-any UDP
    match protocol udp
    match protocol tcp
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-cls-ccp-inspect-5
    match class-map UDP
    match access-group name InsideOut
    class-map type inspect match-any ccp-h323annexe-inspect
    match protocol h323-annexe
    class-map type inspect match-any SDM_SSH
    match access-group name SDM_SSH
    class-map type inspect pop3 match-any ccp-app-pop3
    match invalid-command
    class-map type inspect match-any SDM_HTTPS
    match access-group name SDM_HTTPS
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-protocol-p2p
    match class-map ccp-cls-protocol-p2p
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-cls-ccp-permit-2
    match class-map Pings
    match access-group name RespondtoSomePings
    class-map type inspect match-any RemoteMgt
    match protocol ssh
    match protocol https
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-cls-ccp-permit-1
    match class-map RemoteMgt
    match access-group name Spectra-RemoteMgt
    class-map type inspect match-any SDM_SHELL
    match access-group name SDM_SHELL
    class-map type inspect match-any ccp-h323-inspect
    match protocol h323
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-protocol-im
    match class-map ccp-cls-protocol-im
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-icmp-access
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-invalid-src
    match access-group 103
    class-map type inspect http match-any ccp-app-httpmethods
    match request method bcopy
    match request method bdelete
    match request method bmove
    match request method bpropfind
    match request method bproppatch
    match request method connect
    match request method copy
    match request method delete
    match request method edit
    match request method getattribute
    match request method getattributenames
    match request method getproperties
    match request method index
    match request method lock
    match request method mkcol
    match request method mkdir
    match request method move
    match request method notify
    match request method options
    match request method poll
    match request method post
    match request method propfind
    match request method proppatch
    match request method put
    match request method revadd
    match request method revlabel
    match request method revlog
    match request method revnum
    match request method save
    match request method search
    match request method setattribute
    match request method startrev
    match request method stoprev
    match request method subscribe
    match request method trace
    match request method unedit
    match request method unlock
    match request method unsubscribe
    class-map type inspect match-any ccp-dmz-protocols
    match protocol http
    match protocol dns
    match protocol https
    class-map type inspect match-any WebBrowsing
    match protocol http
    match protocol https
    class-map type inspect match-any DNS2
    match protocol dns
    class-map type inspect match-any ccp-sip-inspect
    match protocol sip
    class-map type inspect http match-any ccp-http-blockparam
    match request port-misuse im
    match request port-misuse p2p
    match request port-misuse tunneling
    match req-resp protocol-violation
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-protocol-imap
    match protocol imap
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-cls-ccp-permit-dmzservice-1
    match class-map WebBrowsing
    match access-group name DMZ-Out
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-cls-ccp-permit-dmzservice-2
    match class-map DNS2
    match access-group name DMZtoAny
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-protocol-smtp
    match protocol smtp
    class-map type inspect match-all ccp-protocol-http
    match protocol http
    policy-map type inspect ccp-permit-icmpreply
    class type inspect sdm-cls-bootps
    class type inspect ccp-icmp-access
    class class-default
    policy-map type inspect imap ccp-action-imap
    class type inspect imap ccp-app-imap
    policy-map type inspect pop3 ccp-action-pop3
    class type inspect pop3 ccp-app-pop3
    policy-map type inspect ccp-inspect
    class type inspect ccp-cls-ccp-inspect-2
    class type inspect ccp-cls-ccp-inspect-1
    class type inspect ccp-cls-ccp-inspect-5
    pass log
    class type inspect TFTP
    class type inspect ccp-invalid-src
    drop log
    class type inspect ccp-cls-ccp-inspect-4
    class type inspect ccp-protocol-http
    class type inspect ccp-protocol-smtp
    class type inspect ccp-cls-ccp-inspect-3
    class type inspect ccp-protocol-imap
    service-policy imap ccp-action-imap
    class type inspect ccp-protocol-pop3
    service-policy pop3 ccp-action-pop3
    class type inspect ccp-protocol-p2p
    drop log
    class type inspect ccp-protocol-im
    drop log
    class type inspect ccp-sip-inspect
    class type inspect ccp-h323-inspect
    class type inspect ccp-h323annexe-inspect
    class type inspect ccp-h225ras-inspect
    class type inspect ccp-h323nxg-inspect
    class type inspect ccp-skinny-inspect
    class class-default
    drop log
    policy-map type inspect ccp-permit-outside-in
    class type inspect ccp-cls-ccp-permit-outside-in-2
    class type inspect ccp-cls-ccp-permit-outside-in-1
    class class-default
    drop log
    policy-map type inspect http ccp-action-app-http
    class type inspect http ccp-http-blockparam
    class type inspect http ccp-app-httpmethods
    class type inspect http ccp-app-nonascii
    policy-map type inspect ccp-permit
    class type inspect SDM_VPN_PT
    class type inspect ccp-cls-ccp-permit-2
    class type inspect ccp-cls-ccp-permit-1
    class type inspect SDM_DHCP_CLIENT_PT
    class class-default
    drop log
    policy-map type inspect ccp-permit-dmzservice
    class type inspect ccp-cls-ccp-permit-dmzservice-1
    class type inspect ccp-cls-ccp-permit-dmzservice-2
    class class-default
    zone security in-zone
    zone security out-zone
    zone security dmz-zone
    zone-pair security ccp-zp-in-out source in-zone destination out-zone
    service-policy type inspect ccp-inspect
    zone-pair security ccp-zp-out-self source out-zone destination self
    service-policy type inspect ccp-permit
    zone-pair security ccp-zp-out-in source out-zone destination in-zone
    service-policy type inspect ccp-permit-outside-in
    zone-pair security Spec-zp-dmz-out source dmz-zone destination out-zone
    service-policy type inspect ccp-permit-dmzservice
    crypto isakmp policy 2
    encr aes 256
    authentication pre-share
    group 5
    lifetime 28800
    crypto isakmp key Y address x.x.x.x
    crypto isakmp key o1 address x.x.x.x
    crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES256-SHA esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac
    crypto map SDM_CMAP_1 1 ipsec-isakmp
    description Tunnel to x.x.x.x
    set peer x.x.x.x
    set transform-set ESP-AES256-SHA
    match address 100
    crypto map SDM_CMAP_1 2 ipsec-isakmp
    description Tunnel to x.x.x.x
    set peer x.x.x.x
    set security-association lifetime kilobytes 128000
    set security-association lifetime seconds 28800
    set transform-set ESP-AES256-SHA
    match address 102
    interface FastEthernet0
    description B
    switchport access vlan 2
    no ip address
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface FastEthernet1
    description Docker
    switchport access vlan 2
    no ip address
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface FastEthernet2
    description Phone
    switchport access vlan 2
    no ip address
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface FastEthernet3
    description Guest
    switchport access vlan 3
    no ip address
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface FastEthernet4
    description External $FW_OUTSIDE$
    bandwidth inherit
    no ip address
    no ip redirects
    no ip unreachables
    no ip proxy-arp
    ip flow ingress
    ip nat outside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    ip verify unicast source reachable-via rx allow-default 104
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1
    hold-queue 224 in
    interface Vlan1
    description $ETH-SW-LAUNCH$$INTF-INFO-HWIC 4ESW$
    no ip address
    no ip redirects
    no ip unreachables
    no ip proxy-arp
    ip flow ingress
    ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
    interface Vlan2
    description Trusted Network$FW_INSIDE$
    ip address
    no ip redirects
    no ip unreachables
    no ip proxy-arp
    ip flow ingress
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    zone-member security in-zone
    ip tcp adjust-mss 1440
    interface Vlan3
    description Guest Network$FW_DMZ$
    ip address
    no ip redirects
    no ip unreachables
    no ip proxy-arp
    ip flow ingress
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    zone-member security dmz-zone
    interface Dialer0
    ip address negotiated
    no ip redirects
    no ip unreachables
    ip directed-broadcast
    no ip proxy-arp
    ip flow ingress
    ip nat outside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    ip verify unicast reverse-path
    encapsulation ppp
    load-interval 30
    dialer pool 1
    dialer-group 1
    ppp authentication chap pap callout
    ppp chap hostname
    ppp chap password 7
    ppp pap sent-username password 7
    no cdp enable
    interface Dialer1
    ip address negotiated
    no ip redirects
    no ip unreachables
    ip directed-broadcast
    no ip proxy-arp
    ip flow ingress
    ip nat outside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    ip verify unicast reverse-path
    zone-member security out-zone
    encapsulation ppp
    load-interval 30
    dialer pool 1
    dialer-group 1
    ppp authentication chap pap callin
    ppp chap hostname
    ppp chap password 7
    ppp pap sent-username password 7
    ppp ipcp route default
    ppp ipcp address accept
    no cdp enable
    crypto map SDM_CMAP_1
    ip forward-protocol nd
    no ip http server
    ip http access-class 23
    ip http authentication local
    ip http secure-server
    ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000
    ip nat inside source route-map SDM_RMAP_1 interface Dialer1 overload
    ip access-list standard SSH-Management
    permit x.x.x.x log
    permit log
    permit log
    ip access-list extended Any-From-HO
    remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    permit ip
    permit ip
    ip access-list extended Any-any
    remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    permit ip any any
    ip access-list extended Any/Any
    remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    permit ip host host
    ip access-list extended DMZ-Out
    remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    permit ip any
    ip access-list extended DMZtoAny
    remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    permit ip any
    ip access-list extended Hostcom-Skinny
    remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    permit ip
    ip access-list extended InsideOut
    remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    permit ip
    ip access-list extended Ping-Hostcom
    remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    permit ip host any
    ip access-list extended RespondtoSomePings
    remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    permit ip any
    permit ip host x.x.x.x any
    permit ip host any
    ip access-list extended SDM_AH
    remark CCP_ACL Category=1
    permit ahp any any
    ip access-list extended SDM_BOOTPC
    remark CCP_ACL Category=0
    permit udp any any eq bootpc
    ip access-list extended SDM_ESP
    remark CCP_ACL Category=1
    permit esp any any
    ip access-list extended SDM_HTTPS
    remark CCP_ACL Category=1
    permit tcp any any eq 443
    ip access-list extended SDM_SHELL
    remark CCP_ACL Category=1
    permit tcp any any eq cmd
    ip access-list extended SDM_SSH
    remark CCP_ACL Category=1
    permit tcp any any eq 22
    ip access-list extended RemoteMgt
    remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    permit ip host x.x.x.x any
    permit ip any
    ip access-list extended any-any
    remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    permit ip any any
    logging trap debugging
    logging facility local2
    access-list 1 remark CCP_ACL Category=2
    access-list 1 permit
    access-list 1 permit
    access-list 23 remark HTTPS Access
    access-list 23 permit
    access-list 23 permit x.x.x.x
    access-list 23 permit
    access-list 23 permit
    access-list 100 remark CCP_ACL Category=4
    access-list 100 remark IPSec Rule
    access-list 100 permit ip
    access-list 101 remark CCP_ACL Category=2
    access-list 101 remark IPSec Rule
    access-list 101 deny ip
    access-list 101 remark IPSec Rule
    access-list 101 deny ip
    access-list 101 permit ip any
    access-list 101 permit ip any
    access-list 102 remark CCP_ACL Category=4
    access-list 102 remark IPSec Rule
    access-list 102 permit ip
    access-list 103 remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    access-list 103 permit ip host any
    access-list 103 permit ip any
    access-list 104 permit udp any any eq bootpc
    access-list 105 remark CCP_ACL Category=128
    access-list 105 permit ip host x.x.x.x any
    access-list 105 permit ip host x.x.x.x any
    dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
    no cdp run
    route-map SDM_RMAP permit 1
    route-map SDM_RMAP_1 permit 1
    match ip address 101
    banner exec ^C
    % Password expiration warning.
    Cisco Configuration Professional (Cisco CP) is installed on this device
    and it provides the default username "cisco" for one-time use. If you have
    already used the username "cisco" to login to the router and your IOS image
    supports the "one-time" user option, then this username has already expired.
    You will not be able to login to the router with this username after you exit
    this session.
    It is strongly suggested that you create a new username with a privilege level
    of 15 using the following command.
    username <myuser> privilege 15 secret 0 <mypassword>
    Replace <myuser> and <mypassword> with the username and password you
    want to use.
    banner login ^C
    Authorised Access Only
    If your not supposed to be here. Close the connection
    banner motd ^C
    Access Is Restricted To  Personel ONLY^C
    line con 0
    exec-timeout 5 0
    login authentication local_auth
    transport output telnet
    line aux 0
    exec-timeout 15 0
    login authentication local_auth
    transport output telnet
    line vty 0 4
    access-class SSH-Management in
    privilege level 15
    logging synchronous
    login authentication local_auth
    transport input telnet ssh
    scheduler interval 500

    Hello Martin,
    Please apply the following changes and let us know:
    ip access-list extend DMZtoAny
    1 permit udp any eq 53
    no permit ip any
    Ip access-list extended DMZ-Out
    1 permit tcp any eq 80
    2 permit tcp any eq 443
    no permit ip any
    Change that, try and if it does not work post the configuration with the changes applied,
    Remember to rate all of the helfpul posts, that is as important as a thanks

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