CL_GUI_PDFVIEWER and files from the App server

I would liek to use the class CL_GUI_PDFVIEWER  to read files from the app server (transaction AL11) and then to present them.
it is easy to use the local machine files.
how can I use the method open_document with a file from there?

Thanks for the help.
I tried what you suggested but I get a dump for some reason.
Can you help?
This is the dump:
Exception condition "SYSTEM_FAILURE" raised.
     Program                                      SAPLOLEA                    
     Include                                      LOLEAU10                    
     Row                                          358                         
     Module type                                  (FUNCTION)                  
     Module Name                                  AC_FLUSH_CALL_INTERNAL      
This is the program:
REPORT zpdftest .
DATA: g_html_viewer     TYPE REF TO cl_gui_html_viewer,
      my_main_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
      entry1(100) TYPE c,
      entry2(100) TYPE c.
DATA: okcode TYPE sy-ucomm,
      gt_pdf TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string,
      wa_pdf TYPE string,
      g_url(2048)  TYPE c
*&      Module  pbo_0100  OUTPUT
  IF my_main_container IS INITIAL.
    CREATE OBJECT my_main_container
        container_name = 'CUSTOM_CNTL'
        cntl_error     = 1
        OTHERS         = 2.
    CHECK sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
    CREATE OBJECT g_html_viewer
        parent             = my_main_container
        cntl_error         = 1
        cntl_install_error = 2
        dp_install_error   = 3
        dp_error           = 4
        OTHERS             = 5
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    DATA: lv_filename TYPE rlgrap-filename.
    lv_filename = '/PBMGUS/UXA/ABAP/TEST.PDF'.
    OPEN DATASET lv_filename FOR INPUT
                 IN BINARY MODE
    WHILE sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
      READ DATASET  lv_filename  INTO wa_pdf.
      IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
      APPEND wa_pdf TO gt_pdf.
    CLOSE DATASET lv_filename.
    CALL METHOD g_html_viewer->load_data
        type                 = 'application'
        subtype              = 'pdf'
        assigned_url         = g_url
        data_table           = gt_pdf
        dp_invalid_parameter = 1
        dp_error_general     = 2
        cntl_error           = 3
        OTHERS               = 4
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    CALL METHOD g_html_viewer->show_url
        url                    = g_url
        cntl_error             = 1
        cnht_error_not_allowed = 2
        cnht_error_parameter   = 3
        dp_error_general       = 4
        OTHERS                 = 5
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
ENDMODULE.                 " pbo_0100  OUTPUT
*&      Module  pai_0100  INPUT
MODULE pai_0100 INPUT.
  CASE okcode.
    WHEN 'BACK'.
      LEAVE to screen 0.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch.
  CLEAR okcode.
ENDMODULE.                 " pai_0100  INPUT

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  • File from the Application server

    Hi gurus,
    I am working on a scenario where I need to get a file from the application server and for this I need to ask user to enter the location and that too at the selection screen and then I need to read this location using open data set and read data set in my program , once I am done with this I need to do some other validations. so can you please help me out how to achieve this.
    Rajeev Gupta

    Declare the selection screen with file as parameter so that the user enter the application server file..
    the use the OPEND DATASET  as mentioned in below code and process
    Refer this:
    ABAP code for uploading a TAB delimited file into an internal table. See code below for structures.
    *& Report  ZUPLOADTAB                                                  *                     &----
    *& Example of Uploading tab delimited file                             *
    REPORT  zuploadtab                    .
    PARAMETERS: p_infile  LIKE rlgrap-filename
                            OBLIGATORY DEFAULT  '/usr/sap/'..
    DATA: ld_file LIKE rlgrap-filename.
    *Internal tabe to store upload data
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_record,
        name1 like pa0002-VORNA,
        name2 like pa0002-name2,
        age   type i,
        END OF t_record.
          wa_record TYPE t_record.
    *Text version of data table
    TYPES: begin of t_uploadtxt,
      name1(10) type c,
      name2(15) type c,
      age(5)  type c,
    end of t_uploadtxt.
    DATA: wa_uploadtxt TYPE t_uploadtxt.
    *String value to data in initially.
    DATA: wa_string(255) type c.
    constants: con_tab TYPE x VALUE '09'.
    *If you have Unicode check active in program attributes then you will
    *need to declare constants as follows:
    *class cl_abap_char_utilities definition load.
       con_tab  type c value cl_abap_char_utilities=>HORIZONTAL_TAB.
    ld_file = p_infile.
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        CLEAR: wa_string, wa_uploadtxt.
        READ DATASET ld_file INTO wa_string.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          SPLIT wa_string AT con_tab INTO wa_uploadtxt-name1
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_uploadtxt TO wa_upload.
          APPEND wa_upload TO it_record.
      CLOSE DATASET ld_file.
    *!! Text data is now contained within the internal table IT_RECORD
    Display report data for illustration purposes
      loop at it_record into wa_record.
        write:/     sy-vline,
               (10) wa_record-name1, sy-vline,
               (10) wa_record-name2, sy-vline,
               (10) wa_record-age, sy-vline.

  • Upload tab-delimited file from the application server to an internal table

    Hello SAPients.
    I'm using OPEN DATASET..., READ DATASET..., CLOSE DATASET to upload a file from the application server (SunOS). I'm working with SAP 4.6C. I'm trying to upload a tab-delimited file to an internal table but when I try load it the fields are not correctly separated, in fact, they are all misplaced and the table shows '#' where supposedly there was a tab.
    I tried to SPLIT the line using as separator a variable with reference to CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>HORIZONTAL_TAB but for some reason that class doesn't exist in my system.
    Do you know what I'm doing wrong? or Do you know a better method to upload a tab-delimited file into an internal table?
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    REPORT ztest MESSAGE-ID 00.
    PARAMETER: p_file LIKE rlgrap-filename   OBLIGATORY.
    DATA: BEGIN OF data_tab OCCURS 0,
          END   OF data_tab.
    DATA: BEGIN OF vendor_file_x OCCURS 0.
    * LFA1 Data
    DATA: mandt  LIKE bgr00-mandt,
          lifnr  LIKE blf00-lifnr,
          anred  LIKE blfa1-anred,
          bahns  LIKE blfa1-bahns,
          bbbnr  LIKE blfa1-bbbnr,
          bbsnr  LIKE blfa1-bbsnr,
          begru  LIKE blfa1-begru,
          brsch  LIKE blfa1-brsch,
          bubkz  LIKE blfa1-bubkz,
          datlt  LIKE blfa1-datlt,
          dtams  LIKE blfa1-dtams,
          dtaws  LIKE blfa1-dtaws,
          erdat  LIKE  lfa1-erdat,
          ernam  LIKE  lfa1-ernam,
          esrnr  LIKE blfa1-esrnr,
          konzs  LIKE blfa1-konzs,
          ktokk  LIKE  lfa1-ktokk,
          kunnr  LIKE blfa1-kunnr,
          land1  LIKE blfa1-land1,
          lnrza  LIKE blfa1-lnrza,
          loevm  LIKE blfa1-loevm,
          name1  LIKE blfa1-name1,
          name2  LIKE blfa1-name2,
          name3  LIKE blfa1-name3,
          name4  LIKE blfa1-name4,
          ort01  LIKE blfa1-ort01,
          ort02  LIKE blfa1-ort02,
          pfach  LIKE blfa1-pfach,
          pstl2  LIKE blfa1-pstl2,
          pstlz  LIKE blfa1-pstlz,
          regio  LIKE blfa1-regio,
          sortl  LIKE blfa1-sortl,
          sperr  LIKE blfa1-sperr,
          sperm  LIKE blfa1-sperm,
          spras  LIKE blfa1-spras,
          stcd1  LIKE blfa1-stcd1,
          stcd2  LIKE blfa1-stcd2,
          stkza  LIKE blfa1-stkza,
          stkzu  LIKE blfa1-stkzu,
          stras  LIKE blfa1-stras,
          telbx  LIKE blfa1-telbx,
          telf1  LIKE blfa1-telf1,
          telf2  LIKE blfa1-telf2,
          telfx  LIKE blfa1-telfx,
          teltx  LIKE blfa1-teltx,
          telx1  LIKE blfa1-telx1,
          xcpdk  LIKE  lfa1-xcpdk,
          xzemp  LIKE blfa1-xzemp,
          vbund  LIKE blfa1-vbund,
          fiskn  LIKE blfa1-fiskn,
          stceg  LIKE blfa1-stceg,
          stkzn  LIKE blfa1-stkzn,
          sperq  LIKE blfa1-sperq,
          adrnr  LIKE  lfa1-adrnr,
          mcod1  LIKE  lfa1-mcod1,
          mcod2  LIKE  lfa1-mcod2,
          mcod3  LIKE  lfa1-mcod3,
          gbort  LIKE blfa1-gbort,
          gbdat  LIKE blfa1-gbdat,
          sexkz  LIKE blfa1-sexkz,
          kraus  LIKE blfa1-kraus,
          revdb  LIKE blfa1-revdb,
          qssys  LIKE blfa1-qssys,
          ktock  LIKE blfa1-ktock,
          pfort  LIKE blfa1-pfort,
          werks  LIKE blfa1-werks,
          ltsna  LIKE blfa1-ltsna,
          werkr  LIKE blfa1-werkr,
          plkal  LIKE  lfa1-plkal,
          duefl  LIKE  lfa1-duefl,
          txjcd  LIKE blfa1-txjcd,
          sperz  LIKE  lfa1-sperz,
          scacd  LIKE blfa1-scacd,
          sfrgr  LIKE blfa1-sfrgr,
          lzone  LIKE blfa1-lzone,
          xlfza  LIKE  lfa1-xlfza,
          dlgrp  LIKE blfa1-dlgrp,
          fityp  LIKE blfa1-fityp,
          stcdt  LIKE blfa1-stcdt,
          regss  LIKE blfa1-regss,
          actss  LIKE blfa1-actss,
          stcd3  LIKE blfa1-stcd3,
          stcd4  LIKE blfa1-stcd4,
          ipisp  LIKE blfa1-ipisp,
          taxbs  LIKE blfa1-taxbs,
          profs  LIKE blfa1-profs,
          stgdl  LIKE blfa1-stgdl,
          emnfr  LIKE blfa1-emnfr,
          lfurl  LIKE blfa1-lfurl,
          j_1kfrepre  LIKE blfa1-j_1kfrepre,
          j_1kftbus   LIKE blfa1-j_1kftbus,
          j_1kftind   LIKE blfa1-j_1kftind,
          confs  LIKE  lfa1-confs,
          updat  LIKE  lfa1-updat,
          uptim  LIKE  lfa1-uptim,
          nodel  LIKE blfa1-nodel.
    DATA: END   OF vendor_file_x.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS:  <field>,
    DATA: delim          TYPE x        VALUE '09'.
    DATA: fld_chk(4096),
          quote_1     TYPE i,
          quote_2     TYPE i,
          fld_lth     TYPE i,
          columns     TYPE i,
          field_end   TYPE i,
          outp_rec    TYPE i,
          extras(3)   TYPE c        VALUE '.,"',
          mixed_no(14) TYPE c        VALUE '1234567890-.,"'.
      READ DATASET p_file INTO data_tab-data.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        APPEND data_tab.
    * count columns in output structure
      ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE vendor_file_x TO <field>.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      columns = sy-index.
    * Assign elements of input file to internal table
    CLEAR vendor_file_x.
    IF columns > 0.
      LOOP AT data_tab.
        DO columns TIMES.
          ASSIGN space TO <field>.
          ASSIGN space TO <field_1>.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE vendor_file_x TO <field>.
          SEARCH data_tab-data FOR delim.
          IF sy-fdpos > 0.
            field_end = sy-fdpos + 1.
            ASSIGN data_tab-data(sy-fdpos) TO <field_1>.
    * Check that numeric fields don't contain any embedded " or ,
            IF <field_1> CO mixed_no AND
               <field_1> CA extras.
              TRANSLATE <field_1> USING '" , '.
              CONDENSE <field_1> NO-GAPS.
    * If first and last characters are '"', remove both.
            fld_chk = <field_1>.
            IF NOT fld_chk IS INITIAL.
              fld_lth = strlen( fld_chk ) - 1.
              MOVE fld_chk+fld_lth(1) TO last_char.
              IF fld_chk(1) = '"' AND
                 last_char = '"'.
                MOVE space TO fld_chk+fld_lth(1).
                SHIFT fld_chk.
                MOVE fld_chk TO <field_1>.
              ENDIF.       " for if fld_chk(1)=" & last_char="
            ENDIF.         " for if not fld_chk is initial
    * Replace "" with "
              IF fld_chk CS '""'.
                quote_1 = sy-fdpos.
                quote_2 = sy-fdpos + 1.
                MOVE fld_chk+quote_2 TO fld_chk+quote_1.
                MOVE fld_chk TO <field_1>.
            <field> = <field_1>.
            field_end = 1.
          SHIFT data_tab-data LEFT BY field_end PLACES.
        APPEND vendor_file_x.
        CLEAR vendor_file_x.
    CLEAR   data_tab.
    REFRESH data_tab.
    FREE    data_tab.

  • "Bad data format" when reading txt file from the presentation server

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    DATA : lv_filename type string.
    lv_filename = 'C:\abap\Test.txt'. "I created a folder called abap under C:\
       FILENAME              = lv_filename
       DATA_TAB            = lt_tsd. " lt_tab has the exact same fields as the Test.txt's. Test.txt has only one line, tab delimited.
    When running this code, exception BAD_DATA_FORMAT is issued.
    Is it because of the file encoding or delimiter or other reason?

    If its tab delimited then use the has_field_seperator parameter and check
    DATA : lv_filename type string.
    lv_filename = 'C:\abap\Test.txt'. "I created a folder called abap under C:\
       FILENAME                = lv_filename
       FILETYPE                 = 'ASC'
       HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR          = u2018Xu2019
       DATA_TAB            = lt_tsd.

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    Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks in advance,

    did you achieved the required functionality , i,e, accessing presentation server file i nbackground .
    I too got the same requirement, can you explain the process.
    There is no way you can do it... The best method is to put the file on Appln server and then call it in the background mode.

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    Any advice on setting Mail to POP would be appreciated.  A not so Happy Wombat.

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    I can't extract the msi and files from the 11.0.02.exe it is asking for a password!!!!  Help

    From where did you download the exe?
    How exactly are you trying to extract it?

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    hi ive got a ipod nano 7G and i have downloaded and game from the app store on to the computer but i dont know how to put it on my ipod!

    Ipod nano 7th Gen is not compatible to any games in apps store. It is not an IOS device so no application can be installed in your nano. Cheers!

  • Accessing txt files in the App server from web application

    Hi All,
    We have a use case, where we need to access txt files from the ADF web application.
    We will display to the user the path of the file and whenever he/she clicks, it should be downloaded automatically to the users machine.
    Environments we need to develop: JDeveloper and Oracle App Server
    And our server has credentials and only those who have access to the server can access the files.
    Point me or suggest me a good solution to this use case.

    Hi Joonas,
    i was able to download the files, thanks a lot for your guidance. i will mark your answer as correct.
    Can you let me know how to achieve the following usecase.
    1. there will be multiple text files in the server i.e., out of our web application context like in some folder
    2. And we need to give user a http link and if he clicks on the link that file should be downloaded automatically to his machine.
    and we are using oracle app server, please point me to some document or example.
    thank you.

  • Error while extracting XML file from the application server

    Hi ,
    I am writing a XML file into the application server, after which when i try to extract the file to the local server using the report - RFASLDPC ,
    the file is extracted, but with a '#' symbol at the first position.
    Because of which the XML File does not open. But after i open the file in notepad and manually delete the '#' symbol and then reopen the file, it works fine.
    Is there any way to remove the '#' symbol while extracting itself ??
    Thanks in advance,

    Select the option "No Character Set Conversion" in stead of Code page 1100.
    However, I still have troubles -> the downloaded xml file misses a space on several places. This causes errors too.

  • How do I upload only a few lines of a file from the presentation server?

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    I'd like to upload the contents of a file on my HD (presentation server) to an internal table. I know this can be achieved by using the GUI_UPLOAD function module. But what if I only want to upload a part of the file, not the whole thing? Like the first 100 bytes or 10 lines or something like that. Some files are just way too big to upload them as a whole. I tried using the OPEN DATASET statement, but that seems to work only for files on the application server. If I try to open 'C:     emp     est.txt' (for example) with OPEN DATASET, I get an error. Do I have to put the filename differently or am I totally wrong with OPEN DATASET? I'm kinda stuck here and I'd appreciate your help.

    Hi Shashi,
    thanks for your reply. If I understand you correctly, this means I will have to wait for GUI_UPLOAD to upload the whole file and afterwards filter into another table. I don't want to upload the whole thing because it's that big, I'd like to only upload a portion of it in the first place. Can this be done?

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    Do you mean the install button stays on install, or do you notice a loading bar under your Launchpad icon?
    This may help... 2.htm

  • How to delete  File from the Application Server,ABAP

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm using  DELETE  DATASET  Statement ,
    Based on Date  how can i delete files with in the period in the Application server
    Any BAPI/FM  for this Delete file based  on some Date Period
    Thanks in Advance.

    DATA: BEGIN OF file,
            dirname(75) TYPE c, " name of directory. (possibly truncated.)
            name(75)    TYPE c, " name of entry. (possibly truncated.)
            type(10)    TYPE c,            " type of entry.
            len(8)      TYPE p,            " length in bytes.
            owner(8)    TYPE c,            " owner of the entry.
            mtime(6)    TYPE p, " last modification date, seconds since 1970
            mode(9)     TYPE c, " like "rwx-r-x--x": protection mode.
            useable(1)  TYPE c,
            subrc(4)    TYPE c,
            errno(3)    TYPE c,
            errmsg(40)  TYPE c,
            mod_date    TYPE d,
            mod_time(8) TYPE c,            " hh:mm:ss
            seen(1)     TYPE c,
            changed(1)  TYPE c,
          END OF file.
    DATA: BEGIN OF file_list OCCURS 100,
            dirname(75) TYPE c, " name of directory. (possibly truncated.)
            name(75)    TYPE c, " name of entry. (possibly truncated.)
            type(10)    TYPE c,            " type of entry.
            len(8)      TYPE p,            " length in bytes.
            owner(8)    TYPE c,            " owner of the entry.
            mtime(6)    TYPE p, " last modification date, seconds since 1970
            mode(9)     TYPE c, " like "rwx-r-x--x": protection mode.
            useable(1)  TYPE c,
            subrc(4)    TYPE c,
            errno(3)    TYPE c,
            errmsg(40)  TYPE c,
            mod_date    TYPE d,
            mod_time(8) TYPE c,            " hh:mm:ss
            seen(1)     TYPE c,
            changed(1)  TYPE c,
          END OF file_list.
        CLEAR file.                           
          ID 'TYPE'   FIELD file-type
          ID 'NAME'   FIELD file-name
          ID 'LEN'    FIELD file-len
          ID 'OWNER'  FIELD file-owner
          ID 'MTIME'  FIELD file-mtime
          ID 'MODE'   FIELD file-mode
          ID 'ERRNO'  FIELD file-errno
          ID 'ERRMSG' FIELD file-errmsg.
       if sy-subrc eq 0.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING file TO file_list.
          APPEND file_list.
    sort file_list based on date and time ie, MOD_DATE and MOD_TIME fields
    and delete the entries

  • Moving of flat file from the application server after upload.

    Hi All,
    I am uploading data from a flat file placed on the application server by a BDC program.
    After the BDC has created the session i want to transfer the flat file from that folder to another folder on the application server by changing the name of the flatfile.
    Can any one suggest the best way of doing this particular scenario?
    Thanks in advance.
    Satish Nair.

    Here is a sample program.
    report zrich_0001.
    data: d1 type localfile value '/usr/sap/TST/SYS/Data1.txt',
          d2 type localfile value '/usr/sap/TST/SYS/Data2.txt'.
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
          rec(20) type c,
          end of itab.
    data: wa(20) type c.
      open dataset d1 for input in text mode.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
          read dataset d1 into wa.
          if sy-subrc <> 0.
          itab-rec = wa.
          append itab.
      close dataset d1.
      open dataset d2 for output in text mode.
      loop at itab.
        transfer itab to d2.
      close dataset d2.
      delete dataset d1.
    Rich Heilman

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  • Populate Sales order document field

    I would like to populate the sales order document field in FS10N drilldown , with the appropriate sales order number . does anyone have any idea how to get this accomplished. Thank you

  • Actiontec MI424-WR Rev. E and Windows 8

    Will this router I have funtion with W8. Thanks