Clarification on components use

1. Under what situation would we use the SAP development environment ABAP Workbench instead of SAP NW Developer Studio and vice-versa?
2. Is it necessary to use Web Dynpro for Java or ABAP to support the IFbA? Under what situation we may require or not require the Web Dynpro component?

Hi Jeremy,
What is the push button used for in your dashboard? Generally the toggle button will enable the image and when you click it once again it will disable it. Do you want to use your push button even when the image is enabled?

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    You will get the data in COOIS sap std report
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    In the company they want that the employee can display the catalog.
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    Hey Anthony,
    Yes, a lot to read, thanks for reading though!
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    1. Pls check whether you have users assigned for the org unit which you are assigning for PR configuration.
    2. You should copy the std workflow and do the modification, and not modify the std workflow itself.
    Hope this helps.
    Akshay Bhagwat

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    JNIWrapper 2.0 Beta with Java-COM integration is already available for download and evaluation. Check the
    Hope this helps.

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    2) for less network traffic
    3) for better container resource utilization
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    Please give detailed explanation.
    thank you,

    <i>Please suggest me which method (is Helper classes or Using EJBs) is perferable :
    1) to get better performance</i>
    EJB's have quite a lot of overhead associated with them to support transactions and remoteability. A non-EJB helper class will almost always outperform an EJB. Often considerably. If you plan on making your 70 helper classes EJB's you should expect to see a dramatic decrease in maximum throughput.
    <i>2) for less network traffic</i>
    There should be no difference. Both architectures will probably make the exact same JDBC calls from the RDBMS's perspective. And since the EJB's and JSP's are co-located there won't be any other additional overhead there either. (You are co-locating your JSP's and EJB's, aren't you?)
    <i>3) for better container resource utilization</i>
    Again, the EJB version will consume a lot more container resources.

  • Installing components using auto-generated plans from Jython CLI

    Hi All,
    for specific reasons, we want to install a set of components with fixed signatures from Jython CLI, but without appropriate plans. In fact, we want to simulate the behavior that we know from Plugin UI, i.e. linking directly to an installer of a component.
    We figured the following steps are necessary within CLI code:
    1) For the targeted component generate an appropriate install plan using 'pdb.p.genplan' command. This unfortunately does not create the plan within the system, but rather has to be redirected to a file.
    2) Import the previously generated plan using '' command from this file.
    3) run the plan using fixed signature to install component
    4) eventually remove the plan.
    Now, the problem is, that step 1) generates a plan targeted for the folder '/system/autogen', but step 2) fails on importing the plan there, because the folder is owned by the system plugin. So we would end up parsing the XML file, replacing path and so on .... We definately don't want to reinvent the wheel, here.
    Any help appreciated!!!

    First of all, thanks for the super-fast reply.
    We got around with parsing using the xml.dom.minidom package in Python. Three more lines and poorer performance, but nothing you can measure against the CLI performance itself ;-)
    I like the idea of using a template plan, as you suggested, because the generated ones bear another problem: We have to pipe in the plan parameters, which we don't know for sure, except for one, that is the 'markOnly' flag. So this might get us around piping in stupid dummy params.
    How exactly do you wait for the plan completion? We use 'pe.p.lo', but don't know how to figure out, if it was successful or not, at all. No return code this time, and stdout isn't filled in markOnly=true mode.

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    Thanks ,

    You will get the data in COOIS sap std report
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    you will get all the components.

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