Class added on page load giving a validator error

hello All;
I have an adf_bc application with 2 pages, in the main page the user selects to create or edit a record, in the edit page he selects the id of the record from an LOV, back at the main after saving, the look up description of the ID should be displayed
i have done everything as the above, only when i select to save the look up description, which i added to the SQL of the view is not appearing, i tried to add on page load class, to re-execute querry but is giving me a validator error when i debug,
any idea's on how to re-execute the querry and display results

sorry man::
i am displaying a table, which has the ID of departments, i created a view which returns the description of the selected department ID, and then i added the description from the view as an adf read only column to the table, and it worked fine
the page has an edit button which takes the user to another page, where he selects an ID for the department using an LOV
THE PROBLEM: when the user selects save with the new ID in the edit page, and returns to the main page, the description of the ID is not appearing, unless i re-excute the query, thats why i added a class on page load to re-execute the querry
is there a better way, to refresh the results

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    Any ideas why this is happening?
      vUsername VARCHAR2(512);
      vSession NUMBER;
      c owa_cookie.cookie;
      -- extract user from HTTP header
    -- vUsername := UPPER(owa_util.get_cgi_env('REMOTE_USER'));
      vUsername := apex_custom_auth.get_username;
         -- extract session id
    --  vSession := wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.get_session_id_from_cookie;
      vSession := V('APP_SESSION');
      -- check that the executing user account is the
      -- same as the apex application user, and that
      -- a username was populated in the header
      IF USER ^= UPPER(pUser) OR vUsername IS NULL THEN
      END IF;
      -- Get SessionId.
      -- Check Application Session Cookie.
      IF wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.is_session_valid THEN
        apex_application.g_instance := vSession;
        -- check requeted username matches session username
        IF vUsername = wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.get_username THEN
          wwv_flow_custom_auth.define_user_session(p_user => vUsername, p_session_id => vSession);
          RETURN TRUE;
          -- Unset the Session Cookie and redirect back here to take other branch.
          wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.logout(p_this_flow => v('FLOW_ID'),
            p_next_flow_page_sess => v('FLOW_ID') || ':' || NVL(v('FLOW_PAGE_ID'), 0)
            || ':' || vSession);
          -- Tell Apex Engine to quit.
          apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := TRUE;
          RETURN FALSE;
        END IF;
        -- Application Session Cookie not valid --> Define a new Apex Session.
        wwv_flow_custom_auth.define_user_session(p_user => vUsername, p_session_id => wwv_flow_custom_auth.get_next_session_id);
        -- Tell Apex Engine to quit.
        apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := TRUE;
        IF owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_METHOD') = 'GET' THEN
          wwv_flow_custom_auth.remember_deep_link(p_url => 'f?' ||
          wwv_flow_custom_auth.remember_deep_link(p_url => 'f?p=' ||
            TO_CHAR(apex_application.g_flow_id) || ':' ||
            TO_CHAR(NVL(apex_application.g_flow_step_id, 0)) || ':' ||
        END IF;
        -- Register the Session in Apex Sessions Table, set Cookie, redirect back.
        wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.post_login(p_uname => vUsername,
          p_session_id => nv('APP_SESSION'), p_flow_page => apex_application.g_flow_id
          || ':' || NVL(apex_application.g_flow_step_id, 0));
      END IF;
      END Check_Page_Sentry;Cheers

    Hi Hari,
    The user is on a specific page that has validation. When they press the submit button the page should be redisplayed with the validation errors for that page, but it is redisplaying the page validation errors on the login page. The error display location is set to 'Inline with Field and ijn Notification'.

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    Inside Page - pg B
    About Page - pg i - Section: roman numerals, start at 1 (i)
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    Desc Page - pg 1 - Section: arabic numbers, start at 1
    Desc Other Page - pg 2
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       section.PageStart = page;
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    AddPageToSection(doc, doc.Pages[5], 3, idPageNumberStyle.idLetters); // Back cover page
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    I might meet the same problem and spent a day to solve it, i use InDesign 5.5, some indesign files can use the createTOC, and some files just through error in javascript or HRESULT_FAIL in VB.NET, here is my code:
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract;
    var doc =[i], false); <--- you should set it to true
    var myStorys = doc.createTOC(tocStyle, true, undefined, [myX1, myY1]);
    the key point is when i open the document with false, the error will happen again with some files, but if this parameter set to true, it's just ok.
    Too few information from support person to handle the problem... we have to try the script to solve the problem....

  • JSF select one menu keeps giving me summary=Validation Error: Value is not

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    I'm using five select menus in a JSP file.
    the other four are populated whenever the first menu changes its value (ValueChange event).
    after the menus are populated, i select a item in each menu and submit it.
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    E com.sun.faces.context.FacesContextImpl addMessage Adding Message[sourceId=form2:menu61,summary=Validation Error: Value is not valid)
    [12/1/06 11:25:58:541 EST] 00000030 jsf           E com.sun.faces.context.FacesContextImpl addMessage Adding Message[sourceId=form2:menu5,summary=Validation Error: Value is not valid)
    [12/1/06 11:25:58:557 EST] 00000030 jsf           E com.sun.faces.context.FacesContextImpl addMessage Adding Message[sourceId=form2:menu6,summary=Validation Error: Value is not valid)where menu61, menu5, menu6 are the menus on the form.
    someone pls throw some light on this.

    Since you are using a request scoped bean things work like this:
    1. You fetch your list, for example from a database, with a bean that is put in request scope.
    2. You populate your select component on the jsp page.
    3. You select an item in the select component and submits the form.
    4. When the form is submitted the selected value has to be validated against the list it was chosen from. Since you retrieved the list from a bean in request scope the list isn't available when you submit the form and the getter for the list probably returns an empty list which gives you the validation error.
    What you have to do is to get the list the item was selected from when submitting the form. This can be done in different ways. Either you keep your list in the session between the requests or you get the list from your data storage again. This is a horrible "feature" with JSF and from what I know it's impossible to turn this validation off.

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    Is this bug? , if yes , what is the workaround for this.

    Hi shaker,
    Firstly, I have to say that, yes, I can reproduce your issue on my side.
    However, as far as I know that the Clipboard operations are used to enable users to cut, copy, and paste data, but why you just call the Clipboard.GetContent() method in the Grid_Loaded event? Could you please show me more information
    about your requirement so that I can better understand your scenario?
    Vicky Song [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
    Develop and promote your apps in Windows Store
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • Apex reload jquery after validation error

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    jquery always loads fine. I'm not going into a big what-if-then-what discussion about what might or might not be causing this. You're simply not giving us any information about both your setup and what is happening.
    This validation on your text fields, what is it? I suspect it is not the standard apex validation. Are these plain standard text fields? When does the error occur? When you submit the page? Have you tried to debug? Did you take a look at the browser's developer tools console and see if there is any javascript error? Anything special you are not mentioning because you think it might not be relevant? Considered recreating your issue on

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    'for:compID' some error message
    must be formated as
    'compLabel' some error message
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  • Getting Validation Error at B2B Console for 856 Outbound B2B-51507

    We are getting this error while sending the EDI 856 in an outgoing Process. We are getting the data from Oracle Apps and sending it to B2B via B2b adapter using mediator.
    we are using X856 ecx file and X856 xsd.
    Can Anyone help in this. If Anyone is having any idea please help us on this.
    Do we need to set the Deployment Validation Property to False? If yes then is it in EM we need to Set?
    Appreciate quick response.
    Below is the error details:
    Id 0AF6038D12BE3AE21CF0000011881680
    Message Id 0AF6038D12BE3AE1C5E0000011881630
    Refer To Message Refer To Message
    Sender Type Specialties
    Receiver Type Name
    Receiver Value XXXX_4010
    Sender Sybron Dental Specialties
    Receiver :XXXX_4010
    Agreement Id:XXXXXXX
    Agreement HEN_KRR_AGR
    Document Type 856
    Document Protocol EDI_X12
    Document Version 4010
    Message Type REQ
    Direction OUTBOUND
    State MSG_ERROR
    Acknowledgement Mode NONE
    Response Mode NONE
    Send Time Stamp Monday, October 25, 2010 6:57:41 AM GMT-07:00
    Receive Time Stamp Monday, October 25, 2010 6:57:41 AM GMT-07:00
    Document Retry Interval 0
    Document Remaining Retry 0
    Native Message Size
    Translated Message Size 3811
    Business Action Name
    Business Transaction Name
    Xpath Name1 XPathName1
    Xpath Value1
    Xpath Expression1
    Xpath Name2 XPathName2
    Xpath Value2
    Xpath Expression2
    Xpath Name3 XPathName3
    Xpath Value3
    Xpath Expression3
    Correlation From XPath Name CorrelationFromXPathName
    Correlation From XPath Value
    Correlation From XPath Expression
    Correlation To XPath Name CorrelationToXPathName
    Correlation To XPath Value
    Correlation To XPath Expression
    Wire Message Wire Message
    Application Message Application Message
    Payload Storage Payload Storage
    Attachment Attachment
    Label soa_b2b_ - Fri Oct 22 04:32:37 PDT 2010
    Collaboration Id 0AF6038D12BE3AE205B0000011881670
    Collabration Name
    Collabration Version
    Business Action Name
    Exchange Protocol Name Generic File
    Exchange Protocol Version 1.0
    Interchange Control Number
    Group Control Number
    Transaction Set Control Number
    Error Code B2B-51507
    Error Description Machine Info: ( Description: Payload validation error.
    Error Severity ERROR
    Error Text Error Brief : XEngine error.
    This is the Application Message we are getting in Error Details:
    Document Type 856
    Document Definition 856_DocDefHENK
    Document Protocol Name EDI_X12
    Document Protocol Version 4010
    Refer To Application Message Id Refer To Application Message Id
    App Conversation Id
    App Message property {tracking.compositeInstanceId=11, b2b.documentProtocolVersion=4010, b2b.toTradingPartnerId=HEN_KRR_4010, tracking.ecid=0000IjZLVsfDCgS5IFc9yf1ChDOY0034Rz, b2b.fromTradingPartnerId=Sybron Dental Specialties, tracking.conversationId=BPEL, tracking.compositeInstanceCreatedTime=Mon Oct 25 06:57:39 PDT 2010, tracking.parentComponentInstanceId=mediator:D4A7EA60E03F11DFBFC66D8172AE9492, MESH_METRICS=null, b2b.documentTypeName=856, tracking.parentReferenceId=mediator:D4A7EA60E03F11DFBFC66D8172AE9492:D4AC5730E03F11DFBFC66D8172AE9492:oneway}
    Direction OUTBOUND
    State MSG_ERROR
    Error Code B2B-51507
    Error Text Error Brief : XEngine error.
    Error Description Error : Mandatory attribute missing: Standard.
    Created Date Monday, October 25, 2010 6:57:40 AM GMT-07:00
    Modified Date Monday, October 25, 2010 6:57:41 AM GMT-07:00
    Message Size 3811
    Payload Payload
    Business Message Business Message
    Retry Interval 0
    Reattempt Count 0
    Remaining Retry 0
    ECID 0000IjZLVsfDCgS5IFc9yf1ChDOY0034Rz
    Composite Instance Id 11
    Parent Composite Instance Id mediator:D4A7EA60E03F11DFBFC66D8172AE9492
    Conversation Id BPEL
    Domain Name default
    Composite Name Generate856ASNOutbound
    Composite Version 2.0
    Reference Name B2B_GetData

    It looks like , Payload is not valid as per the ecs/xsd so B2B is giving Payload validation Error.
    If Validation is must then validate the payload against ecs/xsd offline and correct.
    or you can turn off validation in Agreement (Validation = false) and redeploy the agreement.
    Nitesh Jain

  • Validation Error after updating a SelectOneMenu via Ajax (DWR)

    I have a <t:selectOneMenu> that is bound to a backing bean together with a <f:selectItems> that is bound to a SelectItems[] attribute in the same backing bean. See below:
    <t:selectOneMenu forceId="true"
    <f:selectItems value="#{DeptBean.departmentList}" />
    When the user changes another field on my page, I use DWR to retrieve a new list of departments and update the <t:selectOneMenu> accordingly. That works just fine.
    The problem is that if I select a value from the updated department list and then submit the page I get a "Validation Error".
    I suspect that the JSF Component Tree still has the old list of values and does some validation which obviously fails.
    Has anyone dealt with this before? Any ideas would be appreciated!

    <t:selectOneMenu forceId="true"
    <f:selectItems value="#{DeptBean.departmentList}"
    </t:selectOneMenu>What is the type of departmentId ? If it is not a String, then try making it a String and see if the issue is resolved. I am not sure if this will help you. But its worth a try.

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    hi all!
    Does anyone know how to load java class from jsp page?
    I try to load java class from jsp page.
    Is it possible to load java class fom jsp page?
    thanks and have a good day!

    What I mean is How to load/open java class file from jsp page?
    I think we can open Applet from jsp page by using
    <applet code=helloApplet.class width=100 height=100>
    but, how to open java class which is an application made by Frame?
    thanks and have a good day

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    Can't get into specific class grades. It's not just here though; many pages load and load and load taking an extremely long time only to get an error message.
    == URL of affected sites ==

    Hello, could this be it?
    Java for OS X 2012-006: How to re-enable the Apple-provided Java SE 6 applet plug-in and Web Start functionality

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == after update from 3.5?

    Hi Sara,
    Can you give us the URL of the page you're having problems with and of the forum thread you mentioned?

  • WARNING: Problem validating implementation class. Failed to load class:

    when i am running plsqlAssembler.jar file for wsa.jar with all other atributes , i am getting this warning WARNING: Problem validating implementation class. Failed to load class.
    Please if anybody knows about this reply me,
    thanks in advance.

    If you are using Ex in the implemetation class, make sure that you also include the same in the interface (or SEI).
    If the implementation looks something like:
    public void doSomething() throws Ex {
    System.out.println("Is there something to do, now ?");
    then the SEI should be:
    public void doSomething() throws Ex, RemoteException;
    If your have ommited Ex, then you will have the warning you are seing, and there wont be any artifact generated for Ex in the WSDL.
    Because the Ex exception was not mapped to any WSDL artifact, there is no way you will see the Ex exception generated on the client side (or proxy).
    I have been able to reproduce your error message, so you should be all good.
    WARNING: Problem validating implementation class. Exception declaration mismatch between Implementation: bugyyy.MyServiceImpl and Interface: bugyyy.MyWebService. Impl class Method: doSomething declares exceptions not declared by the interface (bugyyy.Ex)
    Hope this helps,

  • Creation of components on page load

    Hi All,
    My question stems from the answers I received in these forum posts:
    (how to dynamically add components to a specific position in the page)
    (how to register a PhaseListener to trigger before rendering the response)
    What I'm trying to do now is to dynamically create components inside a container as soons as the page loads. To do this I have placed the following code inside the beforePhase() method of my PhaseListener:
    FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().addComponent("Label", Label.class.getCanonicalName());
    Label label = (Label)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().createComponent("Label");
    label.setText("Hello World!");   
    panelGroup.getChildren().add(label);I've also modified my JSP page as follow:
    <webuijsf:panelGroup binding="#{TestPage.panelGroup}"/>I've tried debugging the code, and my PhaseListener is definitely working (as my code gets executed), but when the view is rendered the label isn't displayed at all. It works fine, however, if I put the code inside a method and connect an actionListenerExpression to it which gets called when a button is pushed.
    Any ideas?

    Hi Ristretto,
    A couple comments. First, if the "Label" component is already declared in a faces-config.xml file somewhere, you don't need to re-register it w/ JSF... and you certainly don't need to do it each time your code is executed. If this is the Woodstock Label component (as the "webuijsf:" prefix implies for your other components), then you don't need to do this. So you can remove the first line of code (the addComponent() line).
    From what you've described, I would think it should work. Your panelGroup variable is the same instance of the object returned from the binding in your JSP, and the phase listener gets invoked before anything gets rendered. If that happens, everything should work as you want it to. Obviously something's not right, though... and unfortunately I don't see it either.
    Why do you want to do this in a phase listener instead of during your binding?
    I would not recommend creating a hierarchy of managed beans that register themselves as phase listeners and provide behavioral functionality for your application. This is very likely to be difficult to maintain, will cause every page to execute these phase listeners, and simply cause you problems. That said... there may be cases where phase listeners are a good fit in order to execute code on every request, so maybe what you're doing is ok for your use-case -- that's your call. :)
    Let me show you a complete, runnable example of how JSFT can do exactly what you described below w/o writing any Java code or compiling, etc.:
    <sun:head title="Woodstock Example" />
    <sun:form id="form">
    <sun:panelGroup id="panelGroup">
            createComponent(type="sun:label", id="label", parent="$this{component}", component=>$attribute{comp});
            setUIComponentProperty(component="$attribute{comp}", property="text", value="Hello World!");
    </sun:page>The "sun:" tags are the same as the "webuijsf:" tags (woodstock) you are using. If you use the facelets syntax w/ JSFT, you can map the prefix to "webuijsf:" also. When run, the panelGroup part of the page looks like this in the browser's source:
    <span id="form:panelGroup"><label id="form:panelGroup:label" class="LblLev2Txt_sun4">
    Hello World!
    </label></span>The "createComponent" and "setUIComponentProperty" handlers are builtin to JSFT and do what your simple example needed, however, using a simple annotation you can create your own custom handler to do anything you want (assuming your performing some logic or retrieving data from somewhere to create these components on the fly). These handlers demonstrate that there are better alternatives to "managed beans." Managed beans tend to get tied to a particular page and scope... but logic should neither be tied to a page, scope, or a particular use-case. By allowing parameterized handlers to exist, you can invoke them from anywhere. This is the re-usability you are trying to achieve through inheritance without the overhead that you will incur.
    If you'd rather add the component during the rendering phase instead of the restore view phase (afterCreate is during the restore view phase in JSFT), you can use the "beforeEncode" event. And furthermore, you don't have to associate the event w/ the component in which it should be associated with (although you can)... for example you could put this event at the top of the page so that it gets invoked at the beginning of the render response phase:
        getUIComponent("form:panelGroup" component=>$attribute{parent});
        createComponent(type="sun:textField", parent="$attribute{parent}", component=>$attribute{comp});
        setUIComponentProperty(component="$attribute{comp}", property="text", value="#{}");
    />This causes a woodstock textfield to be added before rendering the page. However, unlike creating a component tree, rendering happens each time the page is refreshed. So, this code could potentially get invoked many times... just add a button w/o any navigation rule and you'll see it add a new text field each time you click the button.
    Last... you may want to consider using facelets way of composing pages. This allows you to create a template which may include page-based phase listeners, or events (as shown above), or bindings... as well as the obvious header / footer and other template content. This again is a much better re-use strategy than maintaining a bunch of JSPs. And JSF 2.0 is going to emphasize Facelets syntax over JSP for this reason.
    Good luck!
    Ken Paulsen

  • How to set default date of 3 weeks(21 days) from today's date during page load?

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    For example ,i have given as adf.CurrentDate + 21 in EO for the attribute 'DueDate'. But it is showing me the date as 9.7.2013. 3 weeks default date is not getting set.If i give adf.currentDate also ,it not giving me today's date,it showing the 9.7.2013 only.Kindly provide your suggestions to set the default date as 3 weeks from today's date during page load.Thanks in advance.

    when you set the value on the entity level then you don't want to show it during page load but when the field is empty ? Correct? if so then the use case is a different one. The easiest way to implement this would be to create a Rowimpl class (Java option) and then in the get method of the entity attribute check if the value is null and if it is, set it to the current date + 21 days. This way all rows will be set with the 3 weeks due date but fields are not overridden each time the row is queried

Maybe you are looking for

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