Classpath and JSP

I had a question regarding connection of JPS with Oracle8i.
I have created a jsp page (Firstpage.jsp) for connecting to the database, Oracle. (I have provided the code at the bottom).
I am using Tomcat 3.3.
Everytime I run this page , I get an error: Class OracleDriver not found. What should I do to connect to oracle?
My questions are as follows:
1) In order to connect to the database what should be the classpath set - (what i have rite now in my classpath is .;C:\Tomcat\lib\common\servlet.jar;C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes)
2) Do i Have to make any changes in the server.xml file or tomcat-modules.jar file? If so wot changes do I have to make. Or is there any other file
3) Like java where I add and to the classpath while connecting tothe dbs , Do i have to do the same ? But where should the and files be ? ie. should they be in C:\oracle\ora81\jdbc\lib or should they be copied to another folder ?
<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
<HEAD><TITLE>Simple JSP/Oracle Query Example</TITLE></HEAD>
Connection conn = null;
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM scott.emp");
//Print start of table and column headers
out.println("<TABLE CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"3\" BORDER=\"1\">");
//Loop through results of query.
out.println(" <TD>" + rs.getString("EMPNO") + "</TD>");
out.println(" <TD>" + rs.getString("ENAME") + "</TD>");
out.println(" <TD>" + rs.getInt("SAL") + "</TD>");
out.println(" <TD>" + rs.getString("HIREDATE") + "</TD>");
catch(SQLException e)
out.println("SQLException: " + e.getMessage() + "<BR>");
while((e = e.getNextException()) != null)
out.println(e.getMessage() + "<BR>");
catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
out.println("ClassNotFoundException: " + e.getMessage() + "<BR>");
//Clean up resources, close the connection.
if(conn != null)
catch (Exception ignored) {}
I hope somebody answers my queries, coz im having sleepless nights

One way is to copy into:
and setting the classspath to point to it.
Another way is to set the classpath to the Oracle's
directory where you have the driver:
No No NO!
Tomcat does not look at your classpath. It completely ignores it.
As far as Tomcat is concerned its class path is
web-inf/classes (with .class files in it)
web-inf/lib (with .jar files in it - note it will not read .zip files)
Tomcat lib directories.
For Tomcat 3.3, go here to read all about it.

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              Hi all,
              we have an EAR-packaged application with over 260 jars (mainly
              EJB) that is deployed to a managed server WL6.1SP3(AIX). Then
              we hit a JSP page of this app. and Weblogic generates the
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              We can control the EJB jar name, EARNAME, WL_HOME
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              you get:
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              EJB part of the CLASSPATH (plus the standard SYSTEM CLASSPATH
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              As workarounds we can:
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              2.- Consolidate a bunch of EJB in every jar. More administrative
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              3.- Consolidate at functionality level (source) a bunch of EJB
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              4.- Precompile every JSP outside of WEBLOGIC and generate
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              or maybe:
              6.- configure this very long directory of deployment
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              Is this possible? :)

    You may try to use JSP compiler class. Please specify 'compilerclass'
              option in weblogic.xml. This option specifies name of a Java compiler
              that is executed in WebLogic Servers's virtual machine. (Used in place of
              an executable compiler such as javac or sj.)
              Please see
              Paco Garcia wrote:
              > oops!
              > >$WL_HOME/./config/DOMAIN/applications/.wl_notdelete_EARNAME
              > >/wlap#####/ejbjarname.jar
              > >with DOMAIN=DOM1, WL_HOME=W, ejbjar name=EJB1, EARNAME=EAR1
              > >you get:
              > >/w/./config/DOM1/applications/.wl_notdelete_EAR1/wlap#####/EJB1.jar:
              > please read SERVERNAME instead of EARNAME
              > PacoG.
              Developer Relations Engineer
              BEA Support

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    BalusC wrote:
    Just include [jstl-1.2.jar|] in your classpath and define the fmt taglib in your JSP. Nothing more is needed.
    Hello, BalusC. Thank you for your help. We're almost there. After I have included the jstl-1.2.jar you provided me I can use the fmt tag and access message bundles from my raw jsp page (even though I had to provide other message bundles instead of the ones that I use in the other jsf pages, but it's better than nothing).
    Now there just on problem to be fixed. The jsp page is not aware when I change the locale of my application. I change this locale in a jsf page.
    I have this component:
    <h:selectOneMenu value="#{pesquisaAcervo.idiomaAplicacao}"
        valueChangeListener="# {pesquisaAcervo.idiomaAplicacaoMudado}" onchange="submit();">
        <f:selectItems value="#{pesquisaAcervo.idiomasAplicacao}" />
    </h:selectOneMenu>that calls this event in my backing bean class:
    public void idiomaAplicacaoMudado(ValueChangeEvent e)
        Idioma idioma = Idioma.deString(e.getNewValue().toString());
        // This line is for JSF
        // This line is for Tiles
            put(org.apache.tiles.locale.impl.DefaultLocaleResolver.LOCALE_KEY, idioma.localidade());
    }So, do I have to include another line in the idiomaAplicacaoMudado event above in order for the jsp page load the correct resource bundle? Or what else do I have to do?
    Thank you.

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    [email protected]
    Grupo EKIN
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    Request URI: /webapp/CpAgestionView.jsp
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/jbo/html/databeans/Res
    but I have the in the classpath and that packge contains that class (Res(. What happens? Any comment would be appreciated.
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    [email protected]
    Grupo EKIN
    U.P.V. (University of the Basque Country)

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    Could you please help..

    Oracle apps R12 - Compiling JSP with custom classpath
    We all know that to compile JSP manually on the Oracle Application R12 instance, we need to run the file $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/
    Its help is as follows:
    syntax: ./ COMMAND {ARGS}
    COMMAND --compile               update dependency, compile delta
    --create                rebuild entire dependency file
    -delta.out update dependency, list delta to file
    -dep.out update dependency, output heirarchy to file
    ARGS -s matching condition for JSPs filenames
    -p number of parallel compilations
    -log to override logfile from ojspCompile.conf
    You are
    recommended to set the log file location
    outside of any network file system shared (NFS) area/drive.
    -conf to override ojspCompile.conf
    --retry         retry previously failed compilation attempts
    --flush         forces recompilation of all parent JSPs
    --quiet         do not provide an actively running progress meter
    --fast          instantly fail jsps that are possibly invalid
    example1: compile -s 'jtf%' -p 20 retry
    example2: compile -s 'jtflogin.jsp,jtfavald.jsp' flush
    example3: compile fast --quiet
    If your JSP uses custom classes, then compiling jsp manually can fail if proper classpath is not set. Yes, even though if you have setup the classpath correctly in orion-application.xml, it will fail because this jsp compile utility does not read orion-application.xml classpath.
    So, the problem is to identify where to set the classpath so that above utility can pick it up. After several search and looking into code, I found following:
    By default, the jsp compiler script uses following configuration file
    This conf file has a classpath field in it which is usually pointed to file
    This property file lists the classpath used for JSP compilation.
    So if your classes are not listed in this file, your jsps will not compile by ojspCompile.
    Ofcourse, you can always set the "main_mode" to "recompile" in orion-web.xml, but that for production you do not want to change it and compile the JSP on file deployment.
    458338.1 How to Enable Automatic Compilation of JSP pages in R12 Environment
    433386.1 JSP Pages Hanging in R12 After Removing Cached Class Files in _pages
    783094.1 Compile jsp files at Application R12 at Windows

  • Ideas pls for a small application on java and jsp?

    hi ,
    I would like to create an application which for resume. I would like to codify the java code . The java code should be able to autogenerate jsp file's since the output of the resume would be on an jsp page. To add it simply a wizard for dynamic resume creation using java swings and jsp. Code for jsp should be autogenerated please note it.
    Ideas please!
    Thanks in advance

    I'd like to add more information to Patreck's suggestion.
    JSP pages are wonderful if you need the web server to perform some actions before sending you the final web page.
    Here, you don't need the web server to do anything because your Swing application can do it for you. As Patreck implies, Swing can make a connection to the database, retrieve any information you want, perform whatever logic you need, and write the output to an HTML file.
    To give you an example, you can use Internet Explorer to view a basic web page on your hard disk. You can also use Microsoft Word to view the same basic web page. They both do the same task and there is no need to force IE to use its Word plug-in in order to view the web page.
    JSPs are not necessary because Swing will do all of the work for you. You only need JSPs if you want people to use your program through a web browser because they can't do Swing inside a web browser. You should only use one or the other, not both. Understand now?
    If you really really must generate JSP code from a Swing application, then just write out the JSP stuff in the file. For example...
    public void createWebPage( Printwriter pw, String myName ) {
       pw.println( "<% String myJSPName = \"" + myName + "\" %>" );
       pw.println( "<HTML>");
       pw.println( "<HEAD>");
       pw.println( "<TITLE>My Resume</TITLE>" );
       pw.println( "</HEAD>");
       pw.println( "<BODY>" );
       pw.println( "<H1>My name is " + myName + " and my JSP name is <%= myJSPName %></H1>" );
       pw.println( "</BODY>" );
       pw.println( "</HTML>" );
    }As you can see, it's pointless to embed JSP when you can do all the programming within Swing first and just write out the correct response.

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    Hi Armando,
    I'm afraid that you posted your question on the wrong forum. This forum is intended for Project Server questions. Please go to this forum in order to have answers from experts:
    Guillaume Rouyre - MBA, MCP, MCTS

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    Is there a good resource that explains how to build a forum using servlets and JSP technology?
    Basil Mahdi

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    You should read the J2EE blueprint available on this website. Better download the PDF, and print it for yourself so you can read it anytime.

  • WL vs. WL-express and JSP vs. javascript/SQL

    i am trying to convince a certain party to
    disband a web-based job tracking system being
    written in ASP, javascript, html, css and SQL.
    it will be hosted on MS webserver running NT.
    i am trying to convince them to use JSP and
    WL express. i have done two years of EJB
    component work on weblogic, however, i have not
    done work with JSP or thin-clients. i was mostly
    anyway i have some questions and need some
    direction. i already know JSP is better than
    ASP/javascript etc. because:
    * ASP is proprietary. ditto for VBscript
    * with an IDE creating JSP is easy and JSP
    automatically creates servlets which is way
    faster than by hand
    * JSP is JAVA based and hence benefits from
    all the portability pluses of JAVA
    but here are the more difficult questions:
    * why is WL express better than an MS
    web server? (not including WL market share
    and size. after all MS can claim that)
    * since WL express does not have an EJB
    container, how do you access the database?
    via JDBC? does one just have JDBC code
    floating around?
    * since there is no EJB container how does
    one separate presentation from logic from
    data access? this is a major downside of
    javascript, html, css and SQL etc.
    * if a web app grows beyond JSP with WL express
    into the need for an EJB container, i would
    think that most of the app needs to re-written
    as business-logic must be refactored into EJBs
    and all JDBC code will be replaced by container
    managed beans. this sounds a like a lot of
    * isn't JSP slower than javascript as the
    servlet and hmtl code is bounced back and
    force across the network?
    with respect to architecture, scalability,
    and robustness what are the downsides to an
    MS webserver and non-JSP coding?

    * since WL express does not have an EJB
    container, how do you access the database?
    via JDBC? does one just have JDBC code
    floating around?
    Use JDO or an OR-mapper or embed JDBC into your own data access classes.
    * since there is no EJB container how does
    one separate presentation from logic from
    data access? this is a major downside of
    javascript, html, css and SQL etc.
    Data access=JDO or similar
    * if a web app grows beyond JSP with WL express
    into the need for an EJB container, i would
    think that most of the app needs to re-written
    as business-logic must be refactored into EJBs
    and all JDBC code will be replaced by container
    managed beans. this sounds a like a lot of
    You should be able to tell up front if it a tx-intensive app that requires
    * isn't JSP slower than javascript as the
    servlet and hmtl code is bounced back and
    force across the network?
    They aren't exclusive. For dynamic pages, use Javascript on the front end,
    JSP on the back.
    * with respect to architecture, scalability,
    and robustness what are the downsides to an
    MS webserver and non-JSP coding?
    In the real world, and for most apps, while Java has the architectural edge,
    they both have similar scalability and similar robustness. MS gives you no
    choice though, and you rewrite every time they see a new buzzword. You can't
    leave MS-land without abandoning almost everything. You can leave WLS in a
    week if you have to.
    It's an investment. Invest wisely.
    Cameron Purdy
    Tangosol, Inc.
    Clustering Weblogic? You're either using Coherence, or you should be!
    Download a Tangosol Coherence eval today at
    "shane miller" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    i am trying to convince a certain party to
    disband a web-based job tracking system being
    written in ASP, javascript, html, css and SQL.
    it will be hosted on MS webserver running NT.
    i am trying to convince them to use JSP and
    WL express. i have done two years of EJB
    component work on weblogic, however, i have not
    done work with JSP or thin-clients. i was mostly
    anyway i have some questions and need some
    direction. i already know JSP is better than
    ASP/javascript etc. because:
    * ASP is proprietary. ditto for VBscript
    * with an IDE creating JSP is easy and JSP
    automatically creates servlets which is way
    faster than by hand
    * JSP is JAVA based and hence benefits from
    all the portability pluses of JAVA
    but here are the more difficult questions:
    * why is WL express better than an MS
    web server? (not including WL market share
    and size. after all MS can claim that)
    * since WL express does not have an EJB
    container, how do you access the database?
    via JDBC? does one just have JDBC code
    floating around?
    * since there is no EJB container how does
    one separate presentation from logic from
    data access? this is a major downside of
    javascript, html, css and SQL etc.
    * if a web app grows beyond JSP with WL express
    into the need for an EJB container, i would
    think that most of the app needs to re-written
    as business-logic must be refactored into EJBs
    and all JDBC code will be replaced by container
    managed beans. this sounds a like a lot of
    * isn't JSP slower than javascript as the
    servlet and hmtl code is bounced back and
    force across the network?
    with respect to architecture, scalability,
    and robustness what are the downsides to an
    MS webserver and non-JSP coding?

  • How to set classpath and server configuration in eclipse

    i am new to eclipse tool pls anyone tell me to set classpath and serverconfiguration (tomcat) and sample program

    Get WTP [1], install it [2] and checkout one of the lot Eclipse WTP tutorials [3].

  • Classpath and

    what is the difference between classpath, buildpath and a paths?
    I believe class path is used at run time to look for the classes referred in this path.
    Build path is used to build the application i.e. to link the components used while compiling and building classes.
    Manifest.MF is also used for runtime resolution.
    What different purpose did classpath and serve?

    If I understand you correctly, this is more of a general Java Question then a Java Servlet Question... but anyway...
    The is defined for JARs. Your system CLASSPATH, and the classpath set on the command line are ignored for JARs, and only the CLASSPATH set in the manifest is used.
    When running applications outside of JARs, then the system/command line CLASSPATH is used.
    When running a web application inside a WAR, the server has its own classpath which will override that of the manifest and the system CLASSPATH.

  • Classpath and hash Character (#)

    I have some jar files in my java classpath and it looks as if the JVM does not manage to find them when the jar file path contains a hash character (#) (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Exception is raised)
    I haven't found anything about this in docs.
    Can anyone help me ?

    Maybe not.
    However, once I do not need these classes which are stored in a file path with a hash character, everything works fine.
    You can experiment by yourself following this basic scenario:
    1) store your famous HelloWord.class in a directory containing a hash Character (e.g. C:\tmp\te#st )
    2) run your jvm as follows: java -classpath C:\tmp\te#st HelloWord
    3) you should see the message
    "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HelloWorld"
    if not, tell me. I am completely wrong.
    PS: Enviromment: WindowNT, sdk 1.4.0 or sdk 1.3.1

  • Classpath and property problem in services

    Hi, all,
    I've had a number of problems getting the Stockquote example to run properly. This seems to be due to a problem that services don't get either classpaths or properties when they start.
    The first manifestation of this problem came when the proxySet, proxyHost, and proxyPort environment variables weren't getting set properly in class services.stockquote.Stockquote. The symptom was that url.openStream () timed out because the proxy was not set correctly.
    The second symptom comes when"JavaPort" is used as the port on the client. Despite every attempt I've made to put services.stockquote.Stockquote on the classpath, URLClassLoader will not find this class. However, a call to Class.forName("services.stockquote.Stockquote") in, just before the bottom of the stack, works! It works in both the client and the server!
    So, could someone please tell me why the classpath and properties are getting shucked, and how to get them right?
    I'm on Windows 2000 :p using JDK 1.3.1 and Tomcat 4.0.
    - Steve.

    Vivek, I think this belongs in a different thread. Also you'll need to say what problems you're having.
    The only thing that definitely needs to be changed about the example is that the service may fail if it's run behind a proxy server. You'll need to set the following System properties:
    System.setProperty("proxySet", "true");
    System.setProperty("proxyHost", "");
    System.setProperty("proxyPort", <your proxy port>");
    If this isn't done you'll get an exception like the following:
    Exception in thread "main" SOAP Fault:SOAP-ENV:Server Exception from service object: Operation timed out: connect

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