Clean Table SysIterViewLog

How it is correct to clean the table SysIterViewLog?
Became very big.
Whether enough directly to delete records only in it?

Hi Michael,
Yes we checked, and the flag is active in the status.
Anyway we have already solved the problem, thanks.

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  • How to clean tables in Ides database of Mobile Sales

    Hello experts,
    I'm working with Mobile Sales v 4 SP08, and SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition.
    I have created a new extract for a site.
    In order to go faster loading the new extract synchronizing MSA client, how could I clean the Ides database into MSA client ?
    Best regards

    Hi Pratik,
    Thank you, but I'm not interesting in complete archiving process.
    I only want clean tables into Ides database into SQL Server of MSA client, with SQL tools. From SQL Interprise manager.
    When I create a new extract for existing user and synchronize it, the import operation is very slow because SQL server needs delete the old records in all tables and import new records.
    As far as I know, detaching Ides database, saving it, ... some operations...., and restoring it, we can clean all records in tables. After that we will synchronize and will load new extract.
    Kind regards

  • Cleaning Table after esecuting a BAPI

    I'm writing a web dynpro that calls the BAPI_SALESORDER_GETLIST and displays it in another view i need to know if there's a way to clean the context when i return to the main view.
    Another thing that i need to know is how to clean the input field of the first view.
    Thanks, Manuel

    in main view doInit method use this (get the current element and remove it):
    int n = wdContext.nodeTabellaPosizioni().size();
    for (i=1;i<n;i++)
    Note that in the above example nodeTabellaPosizioni is a table in the context.
    To clean an input field in the current context use this (NameField is a field in the current context in my examples):
    Hope this help you.
    Vito Palasciano

  • Help needed in cleaning raw data with odd delimiters in it

    I am trying to write a sp, which adjust the number of columns based on the IN Parameter for the raw file.
    Raw (Id Int,RawData varchar2(5000))
    RawData has actual data with delimiter, this column has all the raw file imported as is.
    e.g. data in RawData Column
    Here above you can see the max number of delimiter are 5 for a 6 column table, however for some records there are less delimiter, here comes the problem
    For such records I want to add the extra delimter and take values for missing column as NULL or best would be''
    plz help me in writing Generic SP to clean this.
    We can pass the source & target table name and column names as a parameter, and create a clean table dynamically by name CleanedRaw etc.
    here the file is | delimited, actually It can have any single char delimiter or space or tab also. I am ok if we need to pass the delimiter also as a parameter to this sp

    I mean padd extra delimiters to make up to the max of 6 for this file, it can vary for other file
    would be some thing like
    such that target cleaned table will have values as below
    Col1 Col2 Col3
    A    B    C
    X       Edited by: NeilCSE on Jul 28, 2012 12:54 PM


    Hello everybody,
    Can somebody clear my mind? I did the code below, and this generates a beautiful and clean table on word 2010. The problem is that the instruction “.Rows.Height = 8” and 
    “.Cells.VerticalAlignment = Word.WdCellVerticalAlignment.wdCellAlignVerticalCenter” seems
     not work, besides, when I try to adjust the rows height and vertical alignment by myself, after routine generates the table of course, Word don´t allow me to do these adjustment by hand.
    The property “.Rows.Height = 8” seems to be working, because when I change to “.Rows.Height = 25” the rows height really goes to it, also, there is no problem with horizontal alignment, this is work very fine.
    Working with VS 2012 and Word 2010.
    Tried everything, no result….
    Thank you.
    Private Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
    Dim WA As New Word.Application
    Dim WD As Word.Document
    Dim WS As Word.Selection
    Dim model_address, mes_extenso, texto, texto_ref, pic_address As String
    model_address = Application.StartupPath & "\GTMS_MDL.docx"
    pic_address = Application.StartupPath & "\PIC\TABELA01.png"
    WD = WA.Documents.Open(model_address, [ReadOnly]:=True)
    WS = WA.Selection
    Dim WT1 As Word.Table
    Dim WR1 As Word.Range
    Dim lin_wt1, lin_wt2, lin_wt3 As Integer
    lin_wt1 = 3
    WT1 = WD.Tables.Add(WA.Selection.Range, lin_wt1 + 2, 5)
    With WT1.Range
    .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Word.WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphCenter
    .Cells.VerticalAlignment = Word.WdCellVerticalAlignment.wdCellAlignVerticalBottom
    .Rows.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = Word.WdColor.wdColorAqua
    .Rows(1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = Word.WdColor.wdColorBlueGray
    .Rows.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = Word.WdLineStyle.wdLineStyleSingle
    .Columns.Borders.InsideLineStyle = Word.WdLineStyle.wdLineStyleSingle
    .Font.Bold = True
    .Font.ColorIndex = Word.WdColorIndex.wdWhite
    .Rows.Height = 8
    .Columns(1).Width = 30
    .Columns(2).Width = 350
    .Columns(3).Width = 40
    .Columns(4).Width = 50
    .Columns(5).Width = 50
    .Font.Size = 7
    End With
    WT1.Range.Text = ""
    WT1.Cell(1, 1).Range.Text = "ITEM"
    WT1.Cell(1, 2).Range.Text = "DESCRIÇÃO"
    WT1.Cell(1, 3).Range.Text = "QTD."
    WT1.Cell(1, 4).Range.Text = "UNIT."
    WT1.Cell(1, 5).Range.Text = "SUBTOTAL"
    For i = 0 To lin_wt1
    WT1.Cell(i + 1, 2).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Word.WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphLeft
    For i = 0 To lin_wt1 - 1
    WT1.Cell(i + 2, 1).Range.Text = i + 1
    WT1.Cell(i + 2, 2).Range.Text = DGV1.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value
    WT1.Cell(i + 2, 3).Range.Text = DGV1.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value
    WT1.Cell(i + 2, 4).Range.Text = DGV1.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value
    WT1.Rows(i + 2).Range.Font.ColorIndex = Word.WdColorIndex.wdBlack
    WT1.Rows(i + 2).Range.Font.Bold = False
    WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 1).Merge(WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 2))
    WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 2).Merge(WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 4))
    WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 1).Range.Text = "TOTAL GERAL"
    WT1.Rows(lin_wt1 + 2).Range.Font.ColorIndex = Word.WdColorIndex.wdDarkRed
    WT1.Rows(lin_wt1 + 2).Range.Font.Size = 10
    WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 1).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Word.WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphLeft
    WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 2).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Word.WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphCenter
    WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 2).Range.Text = FormatCurrency(12560, 2)
    WA.Visible = True
    WA = Nothing
    WD = Nothing
    WS = Nothing
    End Sub

    >>The problem is that the instruction “.Rows.Height = 8” and 
    “.Cells.VerticalAlignment = Word.WdCellVerticalAlignment.wdCellAlignVerticalCenter” seems
     not work, besides, when I try to adjust the rows height and vertical alignment by myself, after routine generates the table of course, Word don´t allow me to do these adjustment by hand.
    The property “.Rows.Height = 8” seems to be working, because when I change to “.Rows.Height = 25” the rows height really goes to it, also, there is no problem with horizontal alignment, this is work very fine<<
    I am not able to understand the issue exactly. Can you set the height for the rows using Rows.Height? I made a quick test using VBA based on the code above, it works well for me. And I can also adjust by hand after run the code.
    >> “.Cells.VerticalAlignment = Word.WdCellVerticalAlignment.wdCellAlignVerticalCenter” seems
     not work<<
    What effect did you want to achieve? Based on the code samlpe you were setting the verical alignment to bottom however the description are center. Both center and bottom for the vertical alignment works well for me.
    I would suggest that you test the code using a new document to see whether the issue is realtive to the specific document. Here is the test code in VBA for your reference:
    Sub test()
    Dim WA As New Word.Application
    WA.Visible = True
    Dim WD As Word.Document
    Dim WS As Word.Selection
    Dim model_address, mes_extenso, texto, texto_ref, pic_address As String
    'model_address = Application.StartupPath & "\GTMS_MDL.docx"
    model_address = "C:\doc1.docx"
    'pic_address = Word.Application.StartupPath & "\PIC\TABELA01.png"
    Set WD = WA.Documents.Open(model_address, ReadOnly:=True)
    Set WS = WA.Selection
    Dim WT1 As Word.Table
    Dim WR1 As Word.Range
    Dim lin_wt1, lin_wt2, lin_wt3 As Integer
    lin_wt1 = 3
    Set WT1 = WD.Tables.Add(WA.Selection.Range, lin_wt1 + 2, 5)
    With WT1.Range
    .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Word.WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphCenter
    .Cells.VerticalAlignment = Word.WdCellVerticalAlignment.wdCellAlignVerticalCenter
    .Rows.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = Word.WdColor.wdColorAqua
    .Rows(1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = Word.WdColor.wdColorBlueGray
    .Rows.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = Word.WdLineStyle.wdLineStyleSingle
    .Columns.Borders.InsideLineStyle = Word.WdLineStyle.wdLineStyleSingle
    .Font.Bold = True
    .Font.ColorIndex = Word.WdColorIndex.wdWhite
    .Rows.Height = 8
    .Columns(1).Width = 30
    .Columns(2).Width = 350
    .Columns(3).Width = 40
    .Columns(4).Width = 50
    .Columns(5).Width = 50
    .Font.Size = 7
    End With
    WT1.Range.Text = ""
    WT1.Cell(1, 1).Range.Text = "ITEM"
    WT1.Cell(1, 2).Range.Text = "DESCRI??O"
    WT1.Cell(1, 3).Range.Text = "QTD."
    WT1.Cell(1, 4).Range.Text = "UNIT."
    WT1.Cell(1, 5).Range.Text = "SUBTOTAL"
    For i = 0 To lin_wt1
    WT1.Cell(i + 1, 2).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Word.WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphLeft
    For i = 0 To lin_wt1 - 1
    WT1.Cell(i + 2, 1).Range.Text = i + 1
    WT1.Cell(i + 2, 2).Range.Text = "a" 'DGV1.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value
    WT1.Cell(i + 2, 3).Range.Text = "b" 'DGV1.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value
    WT1.Cell(i + 2, 4).Range.Text = "c" 'DGV1.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value
    WT1.Rows(i + 2).Range.Font.ColorIndex = Word.WdColorIndex.wdBlack
    WT1.Rows(i + 2).Range.Font.Bold = False
    WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 1).Merge WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 2)
    WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 2).Merge WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 4)
    WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 1).Range.Text = "TOTAL GERAL"
    WT1.Rows(lin_wt1 + 2).Range.Font.ColorIndex = Word.WdColorIndex.wdDarkRed
    WT1.Rows(lin_wt1 + 2).Range.Font.Size = 10
    WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 1).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Word.WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphLeft
    WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 2).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Word.WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphCenter
    WT1.Cell(lin_wt1 + 2, 2).Range.Text = FormatCurrency(12560, 2)
    WA.Visible = True
    Set WA = Nothing
    Set WD = Nothing
    Set WS = Nothing
    End Sub
    Hope it is helpful.
    Regards & Fei
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  • RH8 table lines not behaving in new style

    We want our table style to be solid black lines, 1 pt in width, 3 pts padding all around.  The new default in RH8 is the classic HTML style instead of the 1 pt black lines from RH7...! 
    So I created a style for Tables in my custom style sheet and even though I select 'all borders' in the drop down with black 1pt lines I only seem to be affecting the table border, not the cells.  ??
    When I try selecting Horizontal or Vertical borders, I lose lines...not gain them.  How do I set this for all cell borders/table boarders and make it work?
    Thank you very much!

    Just a thought...which may or may not help.
    Have you tried using the "SimpleGridBlack" table template that comes with RH8? If you haven't already, you can apply it via Table Styles. Be sure to click Clean Table Inline Formatting to get rid of preexisting definitions. To get the results you describe, I had to manually apply this style to each table when converting from RH7 (a huge, albeit mindless, pain), but once that's done, you can reformat all tables on the fly simply by updating the Table Style definition.

  • Is it possible to set default table attributes?

    The default font in my tables is different than the default composition font I selected.
    I know I can work around this by editing the table properties, then going to advanced settings, and specifying font attributes under the "inline styles" tab (every single time I create a table :\), but why should I have go through this when I have already declared my default font styles for all compositions?
    Can't figure out a way around this :( It's making me reconsider using Thunderbid altogether (as much as I love Thunderbird - I need an easy way to send simple clean tables.)

    What Os ?
    What version of Thunderbird are you using?
    Confirm you are not pasting anything into the table cell; you are actually typing the text in the cell.
    In my version the default settings are being used in the table.
    This is what i'm using:
    Tools > Options > Display > formatting tab
    Default font: Times new roman
    Tools > Options > Composition > General tab
    HTML: Font: variable width
    So can you try these settings - set the font you wish to use in Display, so it is used generically and set Composition font to variable width.
    then retest and post results.


    I would like to what are the circumstances doc tab table entries not wiped out.
    this is for my research to findout when and why docuemnt tables are not wiped by clean job.
    so that i can more reasons for my research / analysis.
    Requirement clear:- you can do any thing object but clean job should not clear the docuemnt table.
    any BO is welcome SC, PO,Contract,BI and BID etc...
    intention is that what are the actions on BO,  the docuemnt tab should not cleared by clean jobs.

    yes. SG you are correct.Thanks very much. good stuff.
    Any events leading to the failure  ..
    (1) contract queue pushes to IDOC however fails something in the backend some unwanted data are there in the queue or some thing happened.
    plz explain more.
    these happens for cockpit PO - classic scenario too
    whta are the incidents PO not wiped out which are created by buyer from cockpit.
    (2) PO created by bapi po create FM loading failur..  give me 1-2 incidents.TR error
    BUS2012   11111117612          000000002000000000000000000000                     SUPBOX400 TR       2010.01.16 12:02:24 
    BUS2121001䢙龔欮㴗#踊ᕦ          ########    01####################### 48999F8B6B2E3D17E10000008E0A1566
    11111117612  - is a PO number.
    not all times. what could be failure of loading failure here?
    in this time- i never get an error from cockpit. All POs are created successufully.
    green light PO XXXX created successfuly in the backend system but there are some incidents clean table dont wipe them.
    (3) some times confirmations IM error
    I am mainly looking for cocpit PO entries in the doc table.

  • In Design Table Formatting

    I am working with a document that has had lots of revisions, various table styles, cell styles etc. Trying to create a new simpler consistent style but somehow it's not taking the new style. Anyway to remove all formatting so I can start with a clean table?

    Yes you can, convert table to text then start.

  • Table (div tags, extra tr td attributes) and Kadov styles

    I have an old old project to cleanup--the Kadov styles and an archaic (maybe from word import?) table formatting (hardcoded margins, nobreak) do not get replaced when I apply the paragraph styles from the .css or use the Table cell formatting to fix spacing...the HTML result contains both old format tags and new format tags, and the output looks like the old tags.
    Any quick fix ideas? Oddly my multi-level numbering works darn good! But the nested <span> tags everywhere are daunting!.

    You can clean up your project considerably by clicking Tools > Update DHTML effects in topics. This nifty function does more than it's name suggests. Make a backup of your project before you fun this.
    You can easily clean tables. Select the table and right click. Select 'Table style'. Check 'Clean Table Inline Formatting' and press OK.
    As for the multilevel lists, are you talking about RH's own Multilevel lists? These lists work quite well, although they aren't outputted as lists. The output is a little sloppy, but it works quite well. If you want 'real' multilevel lists, you need to use 'normal' lists and nest them. (Use the Increase Indent button for that.)
    If there is more formatting amiss, you can try a search and replace operation or a script. Beware that something like that can cripple your project in seconds. Always make a backup!

  • Lumia 920: Still trying to figure out what the pro...

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    I had nearly a perfect working phone one and a half week ago. Even though the battery didn't last well and heated up somehow and there are gliches with some apps, the phone and its original apps worked without problem. Once the battery died in the middle of the night but I thought that it was because I didn't plug the charger well enough, it's a little loose anyway. I read about the freezes and restarts in different forums and was wondering what people were talking about, since I didn't have any such kind of problems. I felt myself being lucky.
    Then I got some app updates (Nokia drive+ and a few others), and ever since then my camera hasn't worked properly. When I open the camera app or click the camera button nine out of ten times it just goes back to the home screen or else it freeze the phone. I have tried soft resets and restarts but they mostly don't work, or they might work long enough to take a couple of photos and then stop working, or otherwise it freeze the phone and need to soft reset it. There is no pattens as to when it works and when it doesn't. I have also tried to uninstall some apps but it seemed to have no effect on the condition of the phone. Every app that utilizes the camera won't work ( camera won't work but other functions work), flashlight app won't work.
    Today I decided to hard reset the phone. It's surprisingly easy procedure that took less than 10 min. I did my first hard reset and chose to use my phone's backup files from Skydrive and it went fine, except it didn't do anything to the camera, i.e. it didn't work. My second hard reset I chose to "start from clean table" (or something of such) without any apps installed, and also disabled the automatic update but it didn't do anything either, no working camera. I did the same procedure once more just in case I did something wrong, but it didn't work. The fourth hard reset I restored from Skydrive to have (mostly) everything in order. No working camera either but almost everything else works now.
    It puzzles me. I'd though that if the reason of camera not working is some app updates then start from the clean table would have resloved it. Even after hard reset using camera at the very first possible chance didn't succeed: it worked for a very short moment before it froze the phone, just like before resetting. If I can keep myself from touching the camera the phone itself works (aside from maybe once or twice restartd itself, very rarely anyway). Now I have a phone with a camera I can't use and I don't have a clue what the problem is. I don't think that there are hardware problems because the camera *worked*, and I don't believe that software updates can break it hardware-wise. I have thought of changing it but who can promise that I'll get a phone that works better. Probably I should wait for Microsoft's/Nokia's updates, it just feels like they never come...

    hi mate,
    Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time with your 920. In this case, it might be best to take your phone back to your point of purchase and ask for a replacement, and if they are being less than helpful, to take it to your local Nokia Care point instead:
    I can certainly empathise with you, as a lot of the issues you describe are apparently fixed by the Portico update by Microsoft that was released yesterday to AT&T and Rogers devices but not the rest of the Lumia Windows Phone 8 range unfortunately. Bit of a wait, but hopefully not too long until the update hits.

  • Ng An exception occurred during the execution of the current web request.

    An exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please contact the administrator to review the stack trace in the event log for more information about the error.
    this error occured while making changes to the mapings, there was "&" in the source account and some test also loaded in the text,
    the versio n of FDM is
    I understand that because of loading & in the source account it is causing this issue,
    How to delete this invalid char from database, which table and column will contain this information, Please advise me how to proceed on this.

    This TSQL will do the trick. It's not the cleanest as I just wrote it, but it will dynamically remove the & from the data mapping tables and replace any invalid entries with the phrase INVALID.
    --Remove && from Data Maps
    --Charles Beyer ([email protected])
    --NOTES : 'Hackish' version for demonstration purposes
    -- Declare working variables
    DECLARE @strTableName varchar(255)
    DECLARE @strSql Nvarchar(500)
    -- Create cursor to iterate through each Data Map table.  Look in special table sysobjects to get a list of the tables.
    DECLARE crsDataMapTables Cursor For
       select name
          from sysobjects
          where name like 'tdatamap%'
             and xtype = 'U'
    Open crsDataMapTables
    Fetch Next from crsDataMapTables Into @strTableName  --Get the name of the first Data Map table and place it into working variable
    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin  --While records (table names) exist, execute loop logic
    print 'Cleaning table : ' + @strTableName
      --Multi-pass updates to check the SrcKey, TargKey, and WhereClauseValue fields for the invalid character
      --Dynamic SQL is used below so that we can use the Table Name from the cursor..
      Set @strSQL = 'UPDATE ' + @strTableName + ' set SrcKey = ''Invalid'' where SrcKey like (''%&%'')'
      exec (@strSQL)
      Set @strSQL = 'UPDATE ' + @strTableName + ' set TargKey = ''Invalid'' where TargKey like (''%&%'')'
      exec (@strSQL)
      Set @strSQL = 'UPDATE ' + @strTableName + ' set WhereClauseValue = ''Invalid'' where WhereClauseValue like (''%&%'')'
      exec (@strSQL)
      Fetch Next from crsDataMapTables Into @strTableName
    --Dispose of Cursor as we are done.
    Close crsDataMapTables
    Deallocate crsDataMapTables

  • Mighty Mouse stopped working, help!

    I have been using my corded Mighty Mouse since 2007 with no problems. I have encountered problems with the scroll ball getting clogged but have always been able to clean it. However recently the mouse just stopped working unless I put it on a textured surface. Prior to this it always worked without a mousepad right on my desk. I cleaned the mouse and desk so I don't think this is the problem. What could be the issue?

    For better tracking, ideally, you should always use a mousepad. A shiny clean table surface will not always give you the best performance...
    Just in case you want to take it apart :

  • Ok back again with 55 error code endless on and off loop

    So a few days ago i decided to clean up the computer. Removed/reinstalled/cleaned video card, 2 fans attached to a tall finned CPU cooler (to clean out the cooler fins) with q-tip and compressed air can, and remove filters and some fans to clean. All done with comp air cans and q tips. Had my anti static wristband attached and on a clean table with tile floors. Had to remove 2 sticks of RAM to get one of the fans.
    Also decided to add an ssd while i was at it. All went well except i couldn't get into the bios. Booted to windows fine but hung just after del key press just b4 bios setup. Posted in the Bios section for help and I was told to disconnect all hdd's and optical drive and try again. That worked. Reconnected optical...didnt work. Tried just HDD and it worked. Re connected the optical and it worked. Used the same ports as original (when this all started) and it worked. Weird but good to go. Connected SSD, configured windows to "see" the drive, all is good. Then I disconnected the computer, cleaned up a little of the wiring after the new ssd install (nothing was removed or reconnected) and one fan. Put the covers back on reconnected cables and went to bed.
    The next day I go to turn on the computer and i get the dreaded 55 error code and have an endless 3-5 second loop of on and off before it even gets to the splash screen. TV shows nothing. Tried CMOS clear every which way. nothing. Disconnected all components except for 1 ram, and CPU....still nothing. Tried several sticks of ram in each. Nothing works. Tried different PSU's...same thing. Disconnected all USB cables, Mouse, and case switches, same thing. Bench tested mobo with different power supply same problem. Tried different power cords still no worky.
    I dont know what to do. The mobo is still under warranty. Idk what I did to make it do this. Static, short while reconnecting audio out to a home amplifier. Static while cleaning up wiring? tried bios a and b, neither work.
    Please help...I'm about to just go buy a new board and send this one back and have a spare.     

    When I had the original problem, (not getting into the Bios but booted to OS fine) at the end of disconnecting and reconnecting, I had the HDD and Optical and new SSD connected like original and it worked when it didn't before being connected the same way. Just chalked it up to maybe not connecting something completely.
    Now I'm starting to think the problems are related
    So it worked BEFORE this latest problem. All I did then was add some zip ties to the new SSD cabling and put the panels back on. Didn't check to see if it worked after that, just assumed it did since I didn't do anything of significance.
    Then this. I did think about the can of comp air and yes it can do that. I thought I was being careful enough to not let it do that with just short bursts.
    I have not tried to remove and re-seat the CPU yet. I will try later and inspect the pins. At this point I think it can be attributed to one of the following things:
    1. The EVO Hyper 212 did kind of twist a little (it always has a little when pressure is applied) and bent a socket pin. When I put the panels back on I did have to clean up one of the push/pull fan wires and did twist the EVO a little.
    2. Something shorted/is shorting the board to do with the SATA connections. Maybe the SATA plug to board connection.
    3. Compressed air shot out some frozen water and corroded some connection somewhere over night.
    4. When plugging in the audio OUT from the back of the board to an amp Stereo L & R IN (converts to Surround Sound), the Amp was on and this jolted the board.   
    5. The compu-gods have decided to brick my mobo so as to have an excuse to buy a new one.
    3 things I have learned. 1. Get a water cooler and not use the big tower coolers. 2. Don't use compressed air especially in swamp-ass Florida. 3. Make sure the crap you plug into the computer is OFF.         

  • How to find the data flow in pipes

    Hi All,
    I am working on an existing created job which have the query that mapped to a input file from there it have a couple of Query transforms. After the second Query transform there are multiple Pipes with different query transform in which all of the querys are target to a error table and one pipe is target to a clean table.
    I want to know how the data is flow into the clean table and error table. How to find the conditions saying which record needs to go into the clean table and which record needs to go into an error table.

    No such public document available from Oracle unless from Oracle Education.
    for some specific operation you can check Process tab inside Oracle Application which shows the data flow as part for workflow process.
    Prashant Pathak

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    Both Adobe DNG Profile Utility and the PassPort profile software very nicely create and install profiles in ACR.  A profile name is given at the time of creation. Once installed in ACR, however, how can one edit the name of the profile? thanks, gramp

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