Clearing Script

I have a project that is loading 8 different RSS feeds and is
populated using various buttons. I have it loading one RSS feed in
the frame 1 and populating several information blocks loaded with
an external .as file.
When I have a button that sends the user to another RSS feed
in frame 10, it tells me that all my vars are duplicates. All I
changed was the RSS feed URL, but the rest of the code is the same.
Is there a way to tell Flash to ignore any code except for the
Frame it is currently occupying? Is there a way to clear all
current code on a button event handler or a onEnterFrame

Timeline code, once encountered, is available in successive
frames. This is
just how it works. You might want to think about using
classes - create a
feed class, and make a new instance of it for each feed.
Dave -
Head Developer
Adobe Community Expert

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    alter database ASOSamp.Sample clear data in region '{[&SV_CurrentPeriod]}';
    What is the correct syntax here?

    alter database ASOSamp.Sample clear data in region '{[&Test]}';...with the subvar 'Test' set to on my 11.1.2 test system.
    Incidentally, when you say "it doesn't work", do you mean you get a MaxL error, or it doesn't clear the expected region? I was assuming the former, but you don't say.

  • Essbase clear script is triggered 32 times from FDM

    Hi All,
    I've created a simple clear script in the load action of the Essbase adapter in FDM.
    When loading a short file the clear script runs very fast and no problems occurs.
    When loading a long file (multiload 12 periods, 10.000 rows) the validation alone takes already 4 minutes. But the problem is that the clear script is triggered 32 times.
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    Anybody a clue why this is happening and how i can solve this?
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    Thanks in advance,

    This is by design. As the FDM Essbase Adapter requires customizations to mirror/match the Essbase Application.
    Importantly is the clear scripts that it executes.
    Without the appropriate changes to the adapter, it will appear* to execute the same script multiple times. But when in-fact if the customizations were done correctly, you would see slight differences each time.
    By default, it will clear based on the combinations of Period and Entity.
    So if your file had 12 periods, and 3 unique Entities, it would do 36 clear statements.
    I would suggest you review your customization for accuracy.
    Hopefully this helps...

  • Executing Essbase Clear Script through FDM event scripts

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    Thanks in advance.

    The Essbase client is installed on the FDM application server so yes. You can create a batch file that calls a calc script via the Essbase Client and execute this from your Event script

  • Clipboard Clear script in AS3

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    If anyone provide Clipboard clear script using AS3 and that
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    Please do the needful.
    Thanks in Advance

    works for me:

  • Partial data clear in ASO possible for multiple tuples?

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    +alter database 'GL_TXT'.'GL_TXT' clear data in region '{([FY12],[Oct]),([FY13],[Nov])}' physical;+
    No error is thrown but the data isn't cleared either. The statement finishes execution almost immediately.
    I tried the UNION function but that didn't work either. Here's how my statement looks with the UNION function:
    +alter database 'GL_TXT'.'GL_TXT' clear data in region '{UNION({([FY12],[Oct])},{([FY13],[Nov])})}' physical;+
    Again, no error but no clear either. The UNION pulls the correct data set when used in a Select statement:
    +SELECT UNION({([FY12],[Oct])},{([FY13],[Nov])}) ON COLUMNS FROM GL_TXT.GL_TXT;+
    I can get it to clear if I write separate statements for each period but I want to have them in a single script as I suspect two scripts wouldn't be very efficient.
    Please help!

    Thanks for your reply Vasavya! Running the region clear scripts twice (once for each month) is still faster for me than using the report script approach. I want to see if having both periods in one statement will improve the performance :)

  • Issue with Logical data clear in ASO

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    The problem is that there is a 2-3 minute window between the clear script and the new data load where users are pulling not 0's, but incomplete data. Again, from my understanding this is not how a logical delete should act. This process runs every 2 hours, so there is a 2-3 minute window every 2 hours where the data users see may be incorrect. If we can't resolve this issue we will have to go back to loading #MI to clear data from the ASO DB which we are hoping to avoid. Also, we can't do a physical delete because it takes too long.
    Any ideas? Am I misinterpreting the Logical Delete functionality?
    Thanks in advance.

    Just to confuse matters, this problem is intermittent and I haven't been able to successfully replicate it in our Test environment.
    That would seem to indicate something else was going on in the DB that was interfering with the clear, but the logs aren't showing any errors, locks, etc that could have caused the problem.

  • [SOLVED]Oh-my-zsh themes not loading

    [ edit]
    So the solution was to remove the grml-zsh-config package, and reboot(sourcing the .zshrc for some reason didn't make any difference).
    [/ edit ]
    I don't know if this is the best section to post this question but this isn't necessarily related to Arch exactly so...
    I have two machines that I'm using currently, each with a git repository where i keep track of my stuff(mainly config files), and i share them between the machines. Now, for some reason, on my main machine, with Arch x64 the oh-my-zsh themes load, but on my netbook(with x86 Arch ) they don't load, the prompt just looks like username@hostname.
    I tried editing my .zshrc but t doesn't change anything. Does anyone ever had this problem? I Googled and what i get is that the plugins don't work, not the themes.
    My .zshrc is as follows:
    # defs
    # Uncomment following line if you want red dots to be displayed while waiting for completion
    # on login
    if [ ! -f /tmp/login ]; then
    touch /tmp/login
    eval $(ssh-agent)
    ssh-add -l >/dev/null || alias ssh='ssh-add -l >/dev/null || ssh-add && unalias ssh; ssh'
    # Uncomment to change how often before auto-updates occur? (in days)
    # export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=13
    # Uncomment following line if you want to disable colors in ls
    # DISABLE_LS_COLORS="true"
    # Uncomment following line if you want to disable autosetting terminal
    # title. DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE="true"
    # Uncomment following line if you want to disable command autocorrection
    # Uncomment following line if you want to disable marking untracked files
    # under VCS as dirty. This makes repository status check for large
    # repositories much, much faster.
    # Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in
    # ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*) Custom plugins may be added to
    # ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/ Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate
    # ruby lighthouse)
    source $ZSH/
    export EDITOR VISUAL
    bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
    umask 022
    setopt SHARE_HISTORY
    setopt NOTIFY
    setopt NOHUP
    setopt MAILWARN
    export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/joseph/.cabal/bin:/home/joseph/.cabal/bin:/home/joseph/bin
    # boot
    # alias
    alias setbackground="~/.scripts/"
    alias setcursor="~/.scripts/"
    alias fortune="~/.scripts/"
    alias nano="nano -c"
    alias wifi-menu="sudo wifi-menu"
    alias poweroff="sudo systemctl poweroff"
    alias reboot="sudo systemctl reboot"
    alias suspend="sudo systemctl suspend"
    alias reflector="sudo ~/.scripts/"
    alias ls='ls --color=no'
    alias cp='cp -i --preserve=all'
    alias lock='slock'
    alias pacup="~/.scripts/"
    alias w3md="w3m"
    alias startxx="~/.scripts/"
    alias startxo="~/.scripts/"
    alias du="du -h"
    alias mplayer="mplayer -zoom"
    alias pacman="sudo pacman"
    Thank you for helping me.
    Last edited by jantonio2992 (2014-05-31 21:28:41)

    First of all, thank you for helping me.
    Trilby wrote:
    jantonio2992 wrote:I don't know if this is the best section to post this question
    I've moved this here to Applications & Desktop Evironments as it seems a better fit as it is about configuration.
    Thank you,
    Trilby wrote:On topic, I don't use zsh, but two basic checks may be in order: 1) what are the ownership and permissions of the config file on the machine it doesn't work on (`ls -l <filename>`) and 2) do you have the exact same version of oh-my-zsh on each machine and/or are you using the aur package for it?
    1) lrwxrwxrwx 1 joseph joseph , so i bet that permissions shouldn't be a problem no?
    2) Yes, i have same version, i even installed the package again to make sure both had last version.
    ANOKNUSA wrote:
    Jantonio2992 wrote:I have two machines that I'm using currently, each with a git repository where i keep track of my stuff(mainly config files), and i share them between the machines.
    Since you admit that you want the same configuration on each machine, why don't you just replace the broken configuration with the working one?
    I did, Each machine has a normal git repository(git init) and a bare(git init --bare), then i set bare repository as "backupl" on the same machine and as "backup" on the other machine, this is how i share them , so they are basically the same. Still on one(the netbook) the prompt shows as <username>@<hostname> and on my main tower(x64 arch, if that helps) it shows as it should with the theme. So to answer to your sugestion, i did replace them still with no result.
    ANOKNUSA wrote:
    thiagowfx wrote:Check whether the folder /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/themes exist in your other machine, and that your chosen theme is present there.
    For posterity, note that this would only apply if it was installed from the AUR. If one just cloned the Git repo (which would be preferable if the user wants to make any changes) the config will be in ~/.oh-my-zsh.
    Yes it was installed from AUR, if i have to install some package not from officials i usually install from AUR.
    thiagowfx wrote:
    Check whether the folder /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/themes exist in your other machine, and that your chosen theme is present there.
    Also, you might try adding
    set -x
    to the beginning of your ~/.zshrc to try to diff/debug the differences between your machines.
    Since both were installed from AUR they both have the folder themes.
    About the set -x , it did it. Thank you very much. When i did that, i compared the differences of the output as you said i should and the netbook one fave a lot more info, so further inspection, on the output said something about "gmrl" something, and i remembered i had installed the grml-zsh-config because it was the config i used to use before i started using git, since i prefer how the oh-my-zsh themes look.
    So the solution was to remove the grml-zsh-config package, and reboot(sourcing the .zshrc for some reason didn't make any difference).
    thank you for helping me.

  • Routing logs to individual log file in multi rules_file MaxL

    Hi Gurus,
    I have been pretty late to this forum after long time. I have a situation here, and trying to find out the best way for operational benefits.
    We have an ASO cube (Historical) keeps 24 months snapshot data and refreshed monthly just like last 24 months rolling. The cube size is around 18.5 GB. The input level data size is around 13 GB. For monthly refresh the current process rebuilds the cube from scratch, deletes the 1/24 snapshot as it is going to add last months snapshot. The entire process takes 13 hours of processing time becuase the server doesn't have number of CPUs to support parallel operations.
    Since we recently moved to, and have ample amounts of CPUs(8) and RAM (16gb), I'd like to take davantage of parallelism, and will go for incremental load. Prior to that since the outline build is EPMA driven I'd only like to rebuild the dimension with all data, essentially restructures the DB, with data after metadata refresh, so that I can keep my history intact, and only proceed for loading the last month's data after clearing out the 1st snapshot.
    My MaxL script looks like below:
    /* Set up logs */
    set timestamp on;
    spool on to $(mxlLog).log;
    /* Connect to Essbase */
    login $key $essUser $key $essPwd on $essServer;
    alter application "$essApp" load database "$essDB";
    /* Disable User Access to DB */
    alter application "$essApp" disable connects;
    /* Unlock all objects */
    alter database "$essApp"."$essDB" unlock all objects;
    /* Clear all data for previous month*/
    alter database "$essApp"."$essDB" clear data in region 'CrossJoin({([ACTUAL])},{[&CLEAR_PERIOD]})' physical;
    /* Load SQL Data */
    import database "$essApp"."$essDB" data connect as $key $edsUser identified by $key $edsPwd using multiple rules_file 'LOADDATA','LOADJNLS','LOADFX','LOAD_J1','LOAD_J2','LOAD_J3','LOADDELQ' to load_buffer_block starting with buffer_id 1 on error write to "$(mxlLog)_LOADDATA.err";
    /* Selects and build an aggregation that permits the database to grow by no more than 300% */
    execute aggregate process on database "$essApp"."$essDB" stopping when total_size exceeds 4 enable alternate_rollups;
    /* build query tracking views */
    execute aggregate build on database "$essApp"."$essDB" using view_file 'gw';
    /* Enable Query Tracking */
    alter database "$essApp"."$essDB" enable query_tracking;
    /* Enable User Access to DB */
    alter application "$essApp" enable connects;
    I am able to achive performance but not satisfactory. So I have couple of queries below.
    1. Whether bule shaded codes can further be tuned. I have major problem in clearing only 1 month snapshot : where I require to clear one scenario and the designated 1st month.
    2. Multiple rules_file statement, how do I write logs of each load rule to separte log files instead one, my previous process is wrting error-log for each load rule in separte log file and consolidates at the end of batch run to a single file for the whole batch execution.
    Apprecaite any help in this regrad.

    Thanks Celvin. I'd rather route MaxL logs in one log file and consolidate into the batch logs instead of using
    multiple log files.
    Regrading Partial Clear:
    My worry is, I first tried partial clear with 'logical', that too took considerable amonut of time, and the
    difference between logical and physical clear is only 15-20 minutes. FYI, I have 31 dimensions in this cube,
    and the MDX clear script that use Scenario->ACTUAL and Period->&CLEAR_PERIOD (SubVar) is of dynamic hierarchy
    Is there a way I can rewrite the clear data MDX script in betterway  so that it will clear faster, than this
    Does this clear MDX have any effect on dynamic/stored hierarchy nature of the dimension, if not, then what
    would be optimized way to write this MDX?

  • F.13..Need Clarity

    Hi ,
    What is F.13 transaction in SAP? I have some basic unclear idea that it is used for Automaic Clearing?
    I cannot understand what is that we are clearing and with what?? Is it that the customer pays us the money and we clear the customer invoice?
    I am curious to know about this function and have heard a lot about this . Would be helpful if anyone can throw some light as to the background of F.13. Also i hear that it is used to clear POs?? How??

    Script Name     Automatic Clearing
    Script Category     Functional
    Script Description     Automatic Clearing w/o Definition of Clearing Currency
    Transaction code     F.13
    1.  Accounting >  Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable > Periodic Processing > Automatic Clearing (F.13)
    2. Enter parameters on the next screen:
    Field     R or O     Remarks
    Company Code     Required     
    Fiscal Year     Required     
    Document number     Optional     Specify here if executing only for selected documents
    Posting date     Optional     Specify here if executing for selected date range
    3.      Make selection as applicable:
    4.     Define clearing date and period
    5.     Always check   before executing in update mode
    6.     Define output control
            Select when only documents that can be cleared will be included in the list.
    7.     Select 
    8.     Proceed to SM37 to monitor status of the job.
    9.     When running in update mode, untick 

  • Answer wait time SG vs Call type

    IPCCE 7.1 CVP 3.1 .We had a big issue regarding call type reports and skill group reports, exactly regarding the ASA. why the answer wait time is huge in skill group comparing to call type, our scenario is little bit different as we have five call types feeding the same skill group based on the customers category, and every queue to skill group node has different priority, so we need to know why answer wait time is hugely different in skill group compared to the call type.
    attached is one of the five scripts, all the rest of them are the same and. each one is maped to one call toype.

    attached are clear scripts
    You have your Send to VRU in the wrong place, in my opinion.
    With CVP, the first thing to have is an explicit "Send To VRU". For calls from the PSTN, failure in this should go to an End node, which forces survivability on the gateway to play the error message. For warm transfer calls, the best is probably Release.
    No point in going further if Send to VRU fails.
    Then I would set the ECC variables required for your microapps.
    Once you have this, then go to your Call Type node - to set the "queuing" call type. I don't like to rely on the call type that the script is scheduled against, because you normally have to peel off calls for holidays, out of hours and so on. I like to make it obvious what's being counted by the queuing call type.
    Finally, go into your Queue To Skill Group.
    Be aware that RONA will mess up the call type stats a little - they will be counted as Other (which includes short calls, but they are counted separately so it's possible to see the RONAs). I would rather not set a call type on the RONAs as some do, as this will mean that they are in "Flow Out" and the stats are messed up even further.
    For failures out of Q2SG, I like to send them to a script where I set an "error" call type to count and return the error label on the CVP RC.
    Everyone has different ideas ...

  • Bad cleardata performance on 64 bit (converted from 32 bit)

    Hi All,
    I've installed Essbase 64 bit (9.3.1) and copied an application directly from a 32 bit Essbase server (also 9.3.1).
    All other components stayed the same.
    Then i extracted all data and imported it into the new environment.
    Calculating data takes a very long time in the new environment but the second time it goed a lot faster.
    My issue is that when i execute a clear script it runs over 20 minutes. this was 2 minutes in the old environment.
    All the settings are equal, servers are equal (except for the 32 64 bit difference), applications are equal etc.
    Has anyone a suggestion why my clearscript is so slow?
    The number of blocks are almost equal (due to some testing), the block size is equal but the .pag size differs a (16 vs 22 gb) and the .ind size differs a lot (1.5 vs 3.9 gb). the larger ones are the 64 bit environment.
    I hope anyone has a clue where to look, because i'm lost.

    cleardata is basically a read/write operation. I could be wrong but I think that performance is more closely tied to disk speed than bits or cpu. On the 32 bit system, was the data stored locally or on a sans? If it was local, were you using a raid array? How does the 64 bit system storage device differ?

  • SSRS report security by expiring its session

    Hello all,
    We are using SSRS 2008 r2 for Reporting as its financial services company so, too much scope for reporting .
    Here, i am facing some problems let to security when users opens report and forget to close anymore report still stay opens for a hours i get suggest that to expired session for report after 10 minutes . How to achieve this please help.
    also ,  instead of login to application users are opening report from browser history .
    Dilip Patil..

    Hi Dilip,
    According to your description, you have reports which can be accessed by a lot users. Now you want to expire the session 10 minutes after the user has no operation on the page. Right?
    In this scenario, we can embed javascript code in the report page. Keep the page monitoring the event on page. If there's no mouse click/move, key press event for 10 minute, it will redirect/close the page. Please go to the Report.aspx file, it locates at
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS12.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportManager\Pages. Embed the code below:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var load_time = null;
    var down_time = null;
    function window.onload(){
    flag = false;
    load_time = setTimeout(function(){
    location.href("http://server name/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx");
    function clear(){
    if(null != down_time){
    down_time = setTimeout(function(){
    location.href("http://server name/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx");
    function document.onmousemove(){
    function document.onmousedown(){
    function document.onkeypress(){
    Then the report will redirect to the Report Manager page if it's timeout.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • Importing Existing Documents into Digital Publishing With InDesign

    Hi - I have several hundred pages in the inDesign format that I would like to use to build a digital magazine using Adobe's new Digital Publishing Suite.
    How can I import 8.5x11 pages into a 1024x768 page?  I have hundreds of pages and need them in the smaller iPad screen format. Its easy when you start from just create a 1024x768 document. But how do you start using the Digital Publishing platform when you have existing work?

    Try using Layout Adjustment. I think you're better off asking in the General forum unless there is a clear scripting aspect to your question. If there is, please try to make it more clear.

  • BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Creating a Bingo game for my kids, I have 75 menus along with a small script for each of them: (1)mov GPRM 2, 1 (2)exit Pre-Script. Have a CLEAR script incase someone wins and they want to start over, so i put a button on each menu incase this happens and is pointed to this script: (1)GPRM 1, 0 (2)mov GPRM 1, 0 (3)mov GPRM 2, 0 (4) mov B1, 0 (5) mov B2, 0 the (B) in the ball number all the way to mov B75, 0
    Now my select Ball script is confusing me a bit ,i have 8 scripts for selecting balls; balls 1-9, balls 10-18, ect... The reason for so many ball scripts is that there are not enough lines to add all 75 balls in one script, so and the end jump of ball 1-9 it goes right to 10-18, everything is working ok, but the thing is that yes it's random from ball 1-9 and so on, it's never really a random game because it has to pick those 9 balls in each script before it goes to the next and so on, my question is, can the ball 1-9, ball 10-18, and so on scripts can those be random as well, so if it's picking a ball from script: balls 1-9 and now is going to pick the next from script: 10-18 and back to script balls 1-9 or to another script because i have 8 ball scripts to choose from or did i go about building this wrong.

    seemoore wrote:
    Thanks so much Drew for getting back to me, got me off to a great start, have a few more quick questions if i may. I totally scrapped my scripts and build the ones you posted and here is what i ended up with 4 clear ball scripts: 1-24, 25-48, 49-70, 71-75, where should the last clear ball script 71-75 end jump go?
    Would probably go to a menu that says "Start Game" with a button that jumps to Shaker script, or you could just jump to Shaker and have the first ball drawn
    Ball shaker script i built it just like you posted, i see that it only holds 9 balls due to the lack of commands you can add to a script, do i just build more like that one but change lines 18-43 and change it with the next set of balls 10-18 and also lines 2 - 9 do they need to be changed as well.
    Yes basically. Lines 1 through 9 can come out. You will not need to do a Random again since the number is chosen in Line 1 and no further routing is needed because all the Randoms are handled in Lines 2-8 so everything can shift down with Line 9 being the first line. I guess you can then handle an extra ball or two, but this breakdwon into a few scripts handling 9 was something that was (for me) easier to see/maintain. In the other scripts for the balls the lines that are Goto 1 (if Ball Selected) should be go back to Shaker script
    Now as far as the rest of my assets in DSP, i have 75 menus called B1 - B75. i assume i need a small script for each ball do i build them as: (1)mov GPRM 7, 1 (2)exit Pre-Script. and have that as a pre script for each ball menu.
    Do not need the pre-script (looking like you are just using that to mark as selected) , the lines such as 19, 21, etc mark the balls as selected. Lines 20, 23, 26 should be set to jump to the menu you want
    Let's say Shaker is called
    1.) Line 1 makes a Random number, it selects 8
    2.) Lines 2-8 do nothing since the conditions are not met (GPRM 7 > 9)
    3.) Line 16 sends the script down to line 39 since GPRM 7 = 8
    4.) Line 39 checks to see if Ball 8 was previously selected (which it wasn't)
    5.) Line 40 marks Ball 8 as selected
    6.) Line 41 should then send to your Menu B8
    man i want to thank you for all you help so far, i get so much help from this forum, awesome people on here.
    FWIW I actually made a better version of this, but running into a bug, probably related to Simulator I would guess more than anything. Lot less code and quicker. Will see if I can get it going

Maybe you are looking for