CLI question (regarding Amazon and mainly AMEX)

My credit had been doing great until a few weeks ago when I faced an emergency. In 2 weeks, I went from around 2% utilization to over 35% (once my new balances begin to report). I'm paying down the balance on each card as fast as I can but it's going to take a while. My scores have already begun taking a hit but are all still above 700 (checked earlier). I'm a couple weeks away from my 4th statement from Amazon which was to be my cue to request a CLI. However, I'm worried that my scores will continue to drop by then. I was really hoping that a couple of CLIs in conjunction with large payments would help my utilization and soften the hits my scores have been talking. My payment history is perfect right now and will continue to be perfect. My issue right now is my utilization. Should I expect a definite denial regarding my CLI request? Is it even worth an attempt? Right now, any cushion would be helpful while I pay these balances down. And more importantly, I'll be reaching my 180th day since my last AMEX CLI in about 2 months. I currently have a balance of $4k on a $6k limit due to my emergency. I'll be paying off $2k of the balance before this current statement closes and probably another $1k by the end of the next statement. I'm not sure that I'll be able to pay off the last $1k before my 180th day. I heard AMEX doesn't care for carrying a balance when you request a CLI. If that's the case, is my second 3x CLI potentially doomed?

No telling for certain.  All we can really say is that the CLI you're eligible for depends on your credit and income and that revolving utilization is a significant factor.  If you want the best possible odds then get your utilization as low as possible and make sure that the rest of your profile is in the best possible shape. Ares19 wrote:
I heard AMEX doesn't care for carrying a balance when you request a CLI.That's an oversimplified generalization that gets parroted a lot around here.  Both my BCP and TE were carrying balances when they received their CLI's.  Again, it's about one's credit and income as it is with any creditor.  Balances play a part they're factored into utilization.  There are many other factors at play that all matter.  Worst case is you get a denial, reason(s) and have 90 days to try again.  It's not the end of the world.

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    Ann154 wrote:
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    Hi Toony,...
    I think there was another way of doing this...
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    Thanks & Regards
    Kishore Guggilla
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    Just a clarification: the two boxes are the HomeHub (router, black) and the modem (white).  The HomeHub has its own power switch, the modem doesn't.
    There is something wrong if the HomeHub needs to be turned on before the modem.  As others have said, in general best to leave the modem on all the time.  You should be able to connect them up in any order, or together.  (For example, I recently tripped the mains cutout, and when I restored power the modem and HomeHub went on together and everything was ok).
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    Message was edited by: Matthew Usnick

    Ok, I've done some experimenting, and here are my results.
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    Message was edited by: Matthew Usnick

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      + ResponseNode
        + PersonNode (1..1)
          + PersonAddressNode                    (empty node, placeholder)
          | + AdresNode (0..n)
          + PersonChildNode                      (empty node, placeholder)
          | + PersonNode (0..n)
          |   + PersonAddressNode                (empty node, placeholder)
          |     + AddressNode (0..n)
          + PersonParentsNode                    (empty node, placeholder)
            + PersonNode (0..n)
              + PersonAddressNode                (empty node, placeholder)
                + AddressNode (0..n)
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    <h:form id="SearchForm">                                                  
         <h:panelGrid columns="3"  border="0">
              <h:outputLabel id="caseTypeText" value="#{msg.searchCaseCaseType}" for="caseType" />                         
              <h:selectOneMenu id="caseType" value="#{searchCaseBean.caseType}" style="width: 200px;" binding="#{searchCaseBean.caseTypeSelect}">     
                   <f:selectItem itemValue="" itemLabel="#{msg.CommonTextAll}" />                                             
                   <f:selectItems value="#{searchCaseBean.caseTypes}"  />                              
              <h:message for="caseType" styleClass="errorMessage" />
              <h:panelGroup />
              <h:panelGroup />
              <h:commandButton action="#{searchCaseBean.actionSearch}" value="#{msg.buttonSearch}" />
    </h:form>Now when i hit submit button i can see that the bean method searchCaseBean.caseTypes (used in the <f:selectItems> tag) is executed in the PROCESS_VALIDATIONS(3) phase. How come? I dont whant this method to be executed in phase 3, only in phase 6.
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    public List<SelectItem> getStepStatuses(){
         List<CaseStep> caseSteps = new ArrayList<CaseStep>();
         if (FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getRenderResponse()) {
              caseSteps = getCaseService().getCaseStep(value);     
         List<SelectItem> selectItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(caseSteps.size());
         for(int i=0; i < caseSteps.size(); i++){
              CaseStep step = caseSteps.get(i);               
              String stepStatus = step.getStatus() + "_" + step.getSubStatus();           
              selectItems.add(new SelectItem(stepStatus, step.getShortName()));
         return selectItems;
    } Now i get a validation error (javax.faces.component.UISelectOne.INVALID) for the select field and only phase1, phase2, phase 3 and phase 6 is executed.
    Im lost?

    I see. Many thanxs BalusC. Im using your blog very often, and its very helpfull for me.
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    JSF Bean
        public SearchCaseBean() {
                    //caseService need to be init
              if(getCaseService() == null){

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    Can you please help me with the following queries regarding Training and Event Management:
    1. How to freeze a completed business event so that no changes to its record (like delete/update attendee details or event detail) is possible?
    2. How to get feedback from attendee/faculty with a predefined format with rating (1-4 scale)
    3. How to maintain department and category wise training man/hrs or training man/days?
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Hi Toa,
    1. Run report RHHISTO0 via SA38. Once the business event is flagged as "historical" no further changes can be done.
    3. SM30 - T77S0 - Make the following swtiches active:
    Then when events are followed up, these training data is recorded to employee 2002 infotype. You can report on it via PT90 (for department-based selection use "Further selections")

  • Question regarding NULL and forms

    Hi all, i have a survey that im working on that will be sent via email.
    I'm having an issue though. if i have a multiple choice question, and the user only selects one of the choices, all the unselected choices return as NULL. is there a way i can filter out anytihng that says "NULL" so it only shows the selected options?
    here is the page that retrieves all the data. thanks
    <p>1) Is this your first visit to xxxxxxx? <b><%=request.getParameter("stepone") %></b>
    <p> </p>
    <p>2) How did You Learn About xxxxxxx?</p>
    <p><b><%=request.getParameter("steptwoOne") %></b>
        <b><%=request.getParameter("steptwoTwo") %></b>
        <b><%=request.getParameter("steptwoThree") %></b>
        <b><%=request.getParameter("steptwoFour") %></b>
        <b><%=request.getParameter("steptwoOther") %></b>
    <p> </p>
    <p>3) What was your main reason for visiting xxxxx?</p>
    <p><b><%=request.getParameter("stepthreeOne") %></b>
          <b><%=request.getParameter("stepthreeTwo") %></b>
          <b><%=request.getParameter("stepthreeThree") %></b>
          <b><%=request.getParameter("stepthreeFour") %></b>
          <b><%=request.getParameter("stepthreeOther") %></b>
    <p>4) did you find the information you were looking for on this site?</p>
    <p><b><%=request.getParameter("stepfour") %>
    <b><%=request.getParameter("stepfourOther") %></b>
    <p>5) Do you plan on using this website in the future?</p>
    <p><b><%=request.getParameter("stepfive") %></b></p>
    <p>6) What is your gender</p>
    <p><b><%=request.getParameter("stepsix") %></b></p>
    <p>7) What is your age group</p>
    <p><b><%=request.getParameter("stepseven") %></b></p>
    8) Would you like to take a moment and tell us how we can improve your experience on xxxxxxxxxx?
    <p><b><%=request.getParameter("stepeightFeedback") %></b></p>

    i was messing around and came up with this. it doesnt remove the null, but if it is null it adds ABC beside it. so i think i might be getting close. i just need to figure out how to replace the null.
    <b><%=request.getParameter("steptwoFour") %></b>
         <% if (request.getParameter("steptwoFour") == null ) {
         <% out.print("abc"); %>
         <% }

  • Question regarding RV016 and subnetting

    I am fairly new to subnetting and have been reading up on it a little bit. What I want to do however seems to be fairly simple so I am hoping someone can help me out here. On my RV016 I have created a subnet of 192.168.8.x with SNM of I can connect mac computers and configure them with addresses of etc and they can get to the net, as well as talk to computers that are configured with192.168.1.x addresses, this is perfect and the behavior I want to acheive. Essentially I am simply looking to segment out subnets and catagorize hardware devices per subnet, so one subnet houses wifi, perhaps one for servers, one for workstations, one for printers etc etc. However, when I try this with a windows machine (tested using XP as well as W7) and configure it as a 192.168.8.x device, they can communicate to the RV016 router fine, go out to the internet, but they cannot see/talk to any of the networked devices that reside on 192.168.1.x. I can ping the 192.168.8.x windows machines from other mac machines on 192.168.1.x without any delay. (I can even connect to them via IP address SMB protocol, but they do not show up when browsing.) If I put the windows machines back to the main subnet of 192.168.1.x, they can see/talk to all networked devices fine. Is there a way to configure the windows machines so they can be on their own subnet and still communicate to the other devices? Originally I enabled and tested this with the mac devices and it has been working great but I have run into a roadblock now with the behavior from the Windows machines. I appreciate any help/assistance. Thank you.
    So basically I want (using my RV016):
    192.168.1.x /
    192.168.2.x /
    192.168.3.x /
    192.168.4.x /
    192.168.5.x /
    192.168.6.x /
    192.168.7.x /
    to be able to all talk to each other. This allows me to utilize and organize more ranges of ip addressing for new and growing hardware devices, at least that is the intent.

    Hi Toony,...
    I think there was another way of doing this...
    In the dashboard prompt go to Show option > select SQL Results from dropdown.
    There you need to write your Logical SQL like...
    SELECT CASE WHEN 1=0 THEN PERIODS.YEAR ELSE difference of date functionality END FROM SubjectAreaName
    Here.. Periods.Year is the column which is already exists in repository's presentation layer..
    and difference of date functionality is the code or formula of column which you want to show in drop-down...
    Also write the CASE WHEN 1=0 THEN PERIODS.YEAR ELSE difference of date functionality END code in fx of that prompt.
    I think it helps you in doing this..
    Just check and inform me if it works...
    Thanks & Regards
    Kishore Guggilla
    Edited by: Kishore Guggilla on Oct 31, 2008 9:35 AM

  • Question Regarding Name and Address Clensing

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    I am currently using OWB Client
    Before using the Name and Address operator should you do any configuration for it to function? Based on the viewlet which i tried there were no configuration steps and once i finished doing the steps in the demo there were rows inserted but with *null data.
    Is Trillium packaged with the OWB or should you still purchase it?
    Thank You

    Thank you for the information Mark, I still have another question.
    Here is my situation:
    I have been tasked to integrate a 3rd party DQ ventor to the name and address cleansing operator of OWB. In relation to that I have downloaded the OracleAdaptorKit provided by Oracle for such development. The problem is I still dont really understand how the whole thing works. My understanding is that once you use the Name and Address operator in a Map and execute the it OWB will call the Name and Address Server which will trigger the Adaptor (which should be created by the vendor or me in this case) that will do the Parse() function based on the libraries of the 3rd party DQ vendor. Is my understanding correct?
    My second question is on how will the Name and Address Engine call the Adaptor(JAVA applet?) which will use the Parse() function and what are the values that Name and Address Engine throw to the Adaptor? And how will you know if you have successfully created a connection between the Name and Address Engine and the Adaptor you created?
    My third question is in regards to the components to be created. So given that the Name and Address Engine is by default installed with OWB does that mean that the only thing left to program are the Adaptor and Libraries?
    I hope you can help me, Thank You

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    I did not wipe my 3Gs- as i sent it to my daughter who placed her SIM from her 3G into it- HOWEVER, since activating my iP4 the only phone that has been synched to my iTunes is the new iP4- i was able to transfer all of my 90 apps- FINE- but i have an issue with my audiobooks-I keep getting this message when i try to put any of my audiobooks onto my iP4:
    ummm, my question is: A) What other Library might they be referring to? It syncs fine on this one and only iTunes account i have had for years- B) i am concerned WHAT exactly will be erased and replaced??? What is the point of this message if the APPS on the phone are from my one and only library?
    I originally thought that maybe i was getting this message because all of the audiobooks had been previously loaded onto my 3Gs and i did not care- as i had already listened to them. BUT I just paid $26 for a new audiobook from iTunes and want it on my iP4- and it STILL gives me this message...

    Do you have more than one user account in iTunes?
    Sounds like you are logged into another account, one different from what you originally synced with.

Maybe you are looking for

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