Click event for specific timeline label?

I am creating an interactive map: San Diego Gaslamp Interactive Walking Map is still in progress at the moment, so only a few things work.
This question is in regards to the "LODGING/ACCOMMODATIONS" menu on the right hand side.
I am trying to create 2 click events. Click to open and click to close, so I'm wondering if it's possible to do something like this:
if at label 2 sym.stop("label1");
if at label 1 sym.stop("label2");
I'm not sure how to code the "if at label 2" part...or if it's even possible.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Redesign,
Thanks for the response!
I adjusted your code to my document and added the following to the "lodgingindexbutton", but it doesn't appear to be working:
var MyStop=0;
sym.$('lodgingindexbutton').bind("click",function(){if (MyStop==0){
} else {
Not sure if I did something wrong?...
If you are up for it, I have attached the original files here:
I am trying to add the "2 clicks" code to the "lodgingindexbutton".
You can get to it by double-clicking the Index in the upper right corner.
Then you will see the "lodgingindexbutton" at the top of the index.
As you can see, I currently have it set to just open, then you can close it by clicking the triangle.
This is working and will be fine, but I thought it would be nice to click open and click closed as it seems that what a user would want to do.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much!!

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  • What is the recommended way to handle mouse click events for custom nodes that subclass Panes?

    I have created a custom node that is a StackPane containing a Label on top of a Polygon.
    import javafx.scene.control.Label;
    import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Polygon;
    public class CustomHexagon extends StackPane {
        private Polygon hexagon;
        private Label overlayText;
        public CustomHexagon( String text, double... points ) {
            this.hexagon = new Polygon( points );
            this.overlayText = new Label( text );
            overlayText.setStyle( "-fx-font-weight: bold;" );
            hexagon.setStroke( Color.GREEN );
            hexagon.setStrokeWidth( 5.0 );
            hexagon.setFill( Color.WHITE );
            this.getChildren().addAll( hexagon, overlayText );
    // Lays out the node where it should be according to the points provided for the Polygon.
            this.setLayoutX( points[0] - getLayoutBounds().getMinX() );
            this.setLayoutY( points[1] - getLayoutBounds().getMinY() );
    // Show the border of the StackPane.
            this.setStyle( "-fx-border-color: black; -fx-border-width: 1; -fx-border-style: dashed;");
        public String getOverlayText() {
            return overlayText.getText();
    I want to display a tesselation of these custom hexagons. Because a CustomHexagon is a StackPane, not a Polygon, MouseClick events can be picked up when the mouse is clicked outside of the stroke of the hexagon but still within the StackPane (which takes up a rectangle larger than the hexagon). The following program demonstrates this.
    public class Main extends Application {
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) {     
            Group root = new Group();
            CustomHexagon[] hexagons = {
                new CustomHexagon( "00", 10.0, 10.0, 30.0, 10.0, 40.0, 27.3205080756, 30.0, 44.6410161512, 10.0, 44.6410161512, 0.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "01", 70.0, 10.0, 90.0, 10.0, 100.0, 27.3205080756, 90.0, 44.6410161512, 70.0, 44.6410161512, 60.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "02", 130.0, 10.0, 150.0, 10.0, 160.0, 27.3205080756, 150.0, 44.6410161512, 130.0, 44.6410161512, 120.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "03", 190.0, 10.0, 210.0, 10.0, 220.0, 27.3205080756, 210.0, 44.6410161512, 190.0, 44.6410161512, 180.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "04", 250.0, 10.0, 270.0, 10.0, 280.0, 27.3205080756, 270.0, 44.6410161512, 250.0, 44.6410161512, 240.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "10", 40.0, 27.3205080756, 60.0, 27.3205080756, 70.0, 44.6410161512, 60.0, 61.961524226799995, 40.0, 61.961524226799995, 30.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "11", 100.0, 27.3205080756, 120.0, 27.3205080756, 130.0, 44.6410161512, 120.0, 61.961524226799995, 100.0, 61.961524226799995, 90.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "12", 160.0, 27.3205080756, 180.0, 27.3205080756, 190.0, 44.6410161512, 180.0, 61.961524226799995, 160.0, 61.961524226799995, 150.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "13", 220.0, 27.3205080756, 240.0, 27.3205080756, 250.0, 44.6410161512, 240.0, 61.961524226799995, 220.0, 61.961524226799995, 210.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "14", 280.0, 27.3205080756, 300.0, 27.3205080756, 310.0, 44.6410161512, 300.0, 61.961524226799995, 280.0, 61.961524226799995, 270.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "20", 10.0, 44.6410161512, 30.0, 44.6410161512, 40.0, 61.961524226799995, 30.0, 79.2820323024, 10.0, 79.2820323024, 0.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "21", 70.0, 44.6410161512, 90.0, 44.6410161512, 100.0, 61.961524226799995, 90.0, 79.2820323024, 70.0, 79.2820323024, 60.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "22", 130.0, 44.6410161512, 150.0, 44.6410161512, 160.0, 61.961524226799995, 150.0, 79.2820323024, 130.0, 79.2820323024, 120.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "23", 190.0, 44.6410161512, 210.0, 44.6410161512, 220.0, 61.961524226799995, 210.0, 79.2820323024, 190.0, 79.2820323024, 180.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "24", 250.0, 44.6410161512, 270.0, 44.6410161512, 280.0, 61.961524226799995, 270.0, 79.2820323024, 250.0, 79.2820323024, 240.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "30", 40.0, 61.961524226799995, 60.0, 61.961524226799995, 70.0, 79.2820323024, 60.0, 96.602540378, 40.0, 96.602540378, 30.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "31", 100.0, 61.961524226799995, 120.0, 61.961524226799995, 130.0, 79.2820323024, 120.0, 96.602540378, 100.0, 96.602540378, 90.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "32", 160.0, 61.961524226799995, 180.0, 61.961524226799995, 190.0, 79.2820323024, 180.0, 96.602540378, 160.0, 96.602540378, 150.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "33", 220.0, 61.961524226799995, 240.0, 61.961524226799995, 250.0, 79.2820323024, 240.0, 96.602540378, 220.0, 96.602540378, 210.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "34", 280.0, 61.961524226799995, 300.0, 61.961524226799995, 310.0, 79.2820323024, 300.0, 96.602540378, 280.0, 96.602540378, 270.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "40", 10.0, 79.2820323024, 30.0, 79.2820323024, 40.0, 96.602540378, 30.0, 113.9230484536, 10.0, 113.9230484536, 0.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "41", 70.0, 79.2820323024, 90.0, 79.2820323024, 100.0, 96.602540378, 90.0, 113.9230484536, 70.0, 113.9230484536, 60.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "42", 130.0, 79.2820323024, 150.0, 79.2820323024, 160.0, 96.602540378, 150.0, 113.9230484536, 130.0, 113.9230484536, 120.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "43", 190.0, 79.2820323024, 210.0, 79.2820323024, 220.0, 96.602540378, 210.0, 113.9230484536, 190.0, 113.9230484536, 180.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "44", 250.0, 79.2820323024, 270.0, 79.2820323024, 280.0, 96.602540378, 270.0, 113.9230484536, 250.0, 113.9230484536, 240.0, 96.602540378 )
            EventHandler<MouseEvent> mouseClickedHandler = new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
                public void handle(MouseEvent t) {
                    CustomHexagon h = (CustomHexagon) t.getSource();
                    System.out.println( h.getOverlayText() );
            for ( CustomHexagon hexagon : hexagons ) {
                hexagon.setOnMouseClicked( mouseClickedHandler );
            root.getChildren().addAll( hexagons );
            Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
    After running this program, when one clicks within the intersection of two StackPanes (borders shown by dashed lines), the target of the mouse click event will be the StackPane on top as determined by the order in which they were added to their parent.
    This is a problem because there is only a small "T" shaped area within each hexagon that when clicked will target that hexagon with an event, rather than adjacent nodes.
    I would appreciate any reccomendations to solve this problem.
    James Giller

    Hello, this is an evergreen. Just call setPickOnBounds(false) on the CustomHexagon.
    An issue tracking this problem is open here:

  • On Click event for button not firing

    I'm writing a portlet under Plumtree 5.0.2 and using web controls 2.1 (released version).
    I have a form that has a text box, a label, and a submit button. By cliking on the button the text from the box should appear in the label. If I run the application outside the portal everything seems to work fine, but on the portal the click event does not fire. why?
    I have my ptrender tag on the form, httpmodules in the config file, GetPostBackEventReference on Page_Load. Did I forget something?
    any advice is appreciated. Thanks

    You'll need to add ptrender="true"to the button's opening tag if you want the button's server-side code to execute. Also, you won't need ptrender on the form's opening tag.
    From what I can see, placing ptrender on the form's opening tag can be used for two things:(i) when the user clicks a button (which doesn't have ptrender itself) causes the browser to return to the portal, similar to executing portletresponse.ReturnToPortal() in your server-side code.(ii) causing a third-party control to similarly return to the portal as (i) above.

  • How to add selection event, change event and click event for dropdownlist for mobile applications

    Please someone help me in writng selection , click and change events for dropdownlist in flex for mobile applications . i have tried but i wasn't able to select the items in dropdown using my mouse or touch in my mobile . Please help me I am struck at this point and i am unable to get solution gfor this. Please................
    Some code for which i neederd help:
    <s:DropDownList id="ddlBranch" x="257" y="475" width="63%" height="80%"
                                    fontFamily="Calibri" fontSize="24"
                        <s:AsyncListView list="{getBranchResult.lastResult}"/>
    <s:DropDownList id="ddlZone" x="257" y="546" width="63%" height="80%"
                                    fontFamily="Calibri" fontSize="24"
                        <s:AsyncListView list="{getZoneResult.lastResult}"/>
    I will get the list of Branches(first DDL) and Zones(Second DDL) from a webservice written in DOT(.)NET,  what i needded is touch events and selection events for both the dropdown lists and the data in the second DropDown List should bind based on the First Dropdown list item selected.
    Service call for binding data to DDL:
    protected function ddlBranch_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    getBranchResult.token = loginService.getBranch();
                protected function ddlZone_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    getZoneResult.token = loginService.getZone();
    Please help...
    Thank you.

    Therer are two ways you can assign an action to the "OnEnter"-event of your input field:
    1. in method cl_wd_input_field=>new_input_field you have the parameter:
    You just have to assign your action name to this field and it will be called on the OnEnter-event of your InputField.
         lr_input_field = cl_wd_input_field=>new_input_field(
                                                 id = 'INP_MY_INPUT_FIELD'
                                                 on_enter = 'MYACTION'
    2. You can use the method SET_ON_ENTER.
         lr_input_field->set_on_enter( 'MYACTION' ).
    Just make sure, you have created and implemented this action and its handler.

  • How to raise on click event for Single Markable cell in WD Table

    Hi All,
        I want to raise an event when a cell is clicked on Single Markable Cell and get the row and column of that cell.
    I have tried all the events of the table and also On Enter event of input Field.
    But I am not able to trigger on click event .
    Please help me out. Points will be rewarded.

    Hi Anil,
            If the cell editor is a link to action then it triggers the ON CLICK event , Write the following code into
           the ON CLICK event handler to get the selected Row and Column ID.
          Event Properties is a node with two attributes Name and Value of type string.
    data: lr_node type ref to if_wd_context_node,
    lt_event_properties type wd_this->elements_event_properties,
    ls_event_properties type wd_this->element_event_properties.
    field-symbols: <l_value> type any.
    * fill internal table
    ls_event_properties-name = 'COLUMN_ID'.
    ls_event_properties-value = r_param->column.
    append ls_event_properties to lt_event_properties.
    ls_event_properties-name = 'INDEX'.
    ls_event_properties-value = r_param->index.
    append ls_event_properties to lt_event_properties.
    ls_event_properties-name = 'ATTRIBUTE'.
    ls_event_properties-value = r_param->attribute.
    append ls_event_properties to lt_event_properties.
    assign r_param->value->* to <l_value>.
    ls_event_properties-name = 'VALUE'.
    ls_event_properties-value = <l_value>.
    append ls_event_properties to lt_event_properties.

  • Double click event for the I/O field in custom screen

    Hello all:
        I have development a dialog program now, and I want to show the MM03 screen when I double click the I/O field for material number ( such as the CO03 materil field ). I had set the screen display attribute to " Responds to double-cick",but I can't receipt any infor from the PAI Flow but a message "Please choose a valid function".
       some friends proposed me to set the Function Code for it , but the FctCode only support for "button" and "tab titles" and "Dropdown box" , how can I do.

    Check ur pf-status. in that did u give PICK to the functionkey F2 which will enable the db click facility.
    apart from setting the PF-status with PICK (F2) also set the property "respond to double click" for the tablecontrol column in screen painter.
    and u can get the values of the clicked field by GET CURSOR command.
    Also you can refer:-
    double click from table control?
    Doubleclick in Table control
    Hope this helps you.

  • Can a program a double click event for a button in Flash Catalyst?

    I currently have a button programed in FC with a single click. I would like the exact same behavior to happen whether there is a single or double click on the same button.
    Is there a way to do this in FC? If not can I pull it into another program to edit the code?
    Thank you!

    Thanks for letting me know.
    Unfortunatly it looks like I can't upgrade unless I upgrade my whole suite, which is a bummer. We just spent a small fortune on upgrading everyone from CS3 - SC5. I will have to check with our account rep, but I doubt I can get another software update approved this year. Maybe next.
    Thanks again Chirs!

  • Parse Windows login event for specific details

    I have a windows event that I want to search for in the event log using Powershell.  I've got the basics but can't find how to drill further into the details.  This is what I have so far:
    get-eventlog security | where{$_.eventid -eq 4624 -and $_.message -match "Logon Type:\s+3"}
    The problem is in the event details I have the following:
    An account was successfully logged on.
        Security ID:        NULL SID
        Account Name:        -
        Account Domain:        -
        Logon ID:        0x0
    Logon Type:            3
    New Logon:
        Security ID:        test\administrator
        Account Name:        administrator
        Account Domain:        test
        Logon ID:        0x318df67
        Logon GUID:        {0b843e34-532c-e4c2-9577-2ee19684f472}
    Process Information:
        Process ID:        0x0
        Process Name:        -
    Network Information:
        Workstation Name:    
        Source Network Address:
        Source Port:        51446
    How can I query for this information, as for example there are 2 instances of Security ID....
    Alter De Ruine

    This blog post does not fully match your request but it shows how to deal with eventlog data in powershell and using the toxml method:
    Basically you'll need something like the following code to start with:
    #Get events in security log with id 4624
    $items = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname="Security"; id=4624;}
    #Get first item as xml
    $xmlitem = [xml]$items[0].ToXml()
    #Get EventID
    #Get logging computer
    #Get computer
    $xmlitem.Event.EventData.Data | where-object {$_.Name -eq "SubjectUserName"}
    #Get account
    $xmlitem.Event.EventData.Data | where-object {$_.Name -eq "TargetUserName"}
    #Get logon type
    $xmlitem.Event.EventData.Data | where-object {$_.Name -eq "LogonType"}
    #Get ip address
    $xmlitem.Event.EventData.Data | where-object {$_.Name -eq "IpAddress"}
    #Get all data
    In your example the duplicyte Security IDs resolve to - I think - SubjectUserName and TargetUserName.

  • Double click event for JTable.....

    I would like to display some data on double_click a selected row from the JTable. How do I code the double_click event in the following program. Please advise.
    Here is the code:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    class TableTest extends JFrame {
    MyTableModel myModel;
    JTable table;
    JButton button;
    JButton buttonQuery;
    int count = 0;
    public TableTest() {
    myModel = new MyTableModel();
    table = new JTable(myModel);
    table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500, 200));
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
    //Add the scroll pane to this window.
    getContentPane().add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    getContentPane().add(button = new JButton("Add Row"),
    getContentPane().add(buttonQuery = new JButton("Query"), BorderLayout.NORTH);
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    Object [] aRow = new Object [8];
    for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
    aRow = new Integer(count+i);
    count += 10;
    buttonQuery.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    System.out.println(myModel.getValueAt(1, 3));
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
    protected final String[] headers =
    { "No", "Vehicle No", "Date of Loss", "Image Type", "Image Description", "Claim Type", "Scan Date", "User Id" };
    Vector data;
    MyTableModel() {
    data = new Vector();
    public int getColumnCount() {
    return headers.length;
    public int getRowCount() {
    return data.size();
    public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
    if (row < data.size() && col < 8) {
    Object [] aRow = (Object []) data.elementAt(row);
    return aRow[col];
    } else {
    return null;
    public void addRow(Object [] aRow) {
    fireTableRowsInserted(data.size()-1, data.size()-1);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    TableTest frame = new TableTest();

    Thanks, but I get 1 error:
    'Cannot resolve symbol' -class MouseInputAdapter
        import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    Also say if I need to get 'column data' from selected
    row, what will be the command like ?
        int col = table.columnAtPoint(p);>
    Best Regards

  • Problem in Double click event for ALV.

    Hi experts ,
    My scenario is one ALV is displayed in First screen and after double click  on particular column second screen is displayed with the other ALV.
    I have created 2 custom containers.
    My problem is that for the first double click every thing is fine,then i come back to first screen from second screen when i double click on different item the previous item is displayed which was for the first double click .
    I debugg the program ,  passing of data to the internal table is fine.
    Help me in the problem

    You have to use refresh_table_dispaly  method to update the values. else it will display the same.
    try this logic
    if  cus_cont is initial.
    check BCALV_GRID_03 standard program for reference.
    hope this helps u.,
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Click Event on axis labels

    I want to provide drill-down facility in chart on axis-labels.
    After googling for some time I came to know that there is no way
    directly to add Mouse Click event listener on axis labels.
    Also in order to provide a listener on axis labels we will have to
    extend the axis class.
    Does anyone know workaround for this or I'll have to extend the axis class as
    the final solution.
    Thanks in advance.

    Bump....any hints? Please?

  • Event for RibbonTab click in Excel Addin

    I am working on an Excel Addin. I am using VS 2008 and Excel 2007.
    Currently my addin gets loaded on opening of Excel. Since i have a dropdown in the Ribbon, even that gets loaded on openeing of Excel. And since that loading of dropdown takes time, i wanted to change this behavior. I wanted to load my Addin on click of the
    Ribbon Tab. For this i wanted to know how to fire the event on click of Ribbon Tab.
    Usually ThisAddIn_Startup() is the method that's fired first when excel is opened. But i want to call this method in the event of Click of Ribbon Tab. Is this possible?
    basically i want to capture click event of Ribbon Tab.
    Can someone please help me on this.

    Hi ,
    Here's a short sample for you, as Cindy mentioned there's no "click event" for a Ribbon tab, so we need to pick Dropdown list instead.
    The idea is when Excel starts we add a button in Dropdown list, if user click the button, then refresh the Dropdown list,fill it with the real data, and also hide the button at same time:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
    <customUI xmlns="" onLoad="Ribbon_Load">  
        <tabs > 
          <tab idMso="TabAddIns"  > 
            <group id="MyGroup"   
                   label="My Group">  
              <dropDown id="myDropDown" onAction="dropDownAction" getEnabled="dropDownGetEnabled" getItemLabel="ItemLabel" getItemCount="ItemCount"  > 
                <button id="mybutton" label="Button" onAction ="ReDraw" showImage="false" getVisible="getButtonVisible"/>  
      bool ButtonVisible = true;  
            int itemCount = 0;  
            public void Ribbon_Load(Office.IRibbonUI ribbonUI)  
                this.ribbon = ribbonUI;  
            public void ReDraw(Office.IRibbonControl RibbonControl)  
                this.ButtonVisible = false;  
                this.itemCount = 9;  
            public void dropDownAction(Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonControl control, string selectedId, int selectedIndex)  
            public bool dropDownGetEnabled(Office.IRibbonControl RibbonControl)  
                return true;  
            public string ItemLabel(Office.IRibbonControl control, int index)  
                return "Item " + index.ToString();  
            public int ItemCount(Office.IRibbonControl control)  
                return this.itemCount;  
            public bool getButtonVisible(Office.IRibbonControl RibbonControl)  
                return this.ButtonVisible;  
    For more information about InvalidateControl method :

  • Is it possible to add a click event on an specific area of a larger png?

    Is there a way to code certain regions of an image for a click event without adding a hit area?
    I have a map of Texas with each region. Clicking on a region brings this region bigger to the front. Then I want a click event for each county to bring up its name and other data.

    Here is my experience: i tested canvas and area tags.
    Some tests: attachments.
    More about area tag.

  • Multiple click event

    I am trying to "stack" multiple click events for a control
    and not having any luck.
    I have a starting panel:
    <mx:Panel x="26" y="10" width="250" height="200"
    <mx:VBox y="10" height="140" width="173" x="10"
    <mx:RadioButton label="Club" groupName="affiliation"
    click="currentState='ClubSelectState'" />
    <mx:RadioButton label="Constituent Group"
    <mx:RadioButton label="College" groupName="affiliation"
    <mx:RadioButton label="UK Alumni Association"
    groupName="affiliation" click="currentState=''"/>
    <mx:RadioButton label="UK Offices, Units"
    As you can probably tell once someone clicks a radio button
    within this panel it will show a cooresponding panel(state). For
    instance, if the radio button Club is click it displays this panel:
    <mx:State name="ClubSelectState">
    <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
    <mx:Panel id="clubpanel" y="10" width="250" height="200"
    layout="absolute" title="Select A Club" x="284" >
    <mx:VBox x="10" y="10" height="116" width="72"
    <mx:RadioButton label="Club A" groupName="Clubs"/>
    <mx:RadioButton label="Club B" groupName="Clubs"/>
    <mx:RadioButton label="Club C" groupName="Clubs"/>
    <mx:RadioButton label="Club D" groupName="Clubs"/>
    All of this works fine. I would like to add 'showEffect' and
    'hideEffect' to this, specifically wipeRight and wipeLeft
    respectively. I have added the attributes to the club state panel
    like this, unsure if this is correct:
    <mx:Panel y="10" width="250" height="200"
    layout="absolute" title="Select A Club" x="284"
    showEffect="WipeRight" hideEffect="WipeLeft" >
    But I cannot seem to figure out how to add what I assume to
    be clubpanel.visible=true to the click attribute in this line:
    <mx:RadioButton label="Club" groupName="affiliation"
    click="currentState='ClubSelectState'" />
    Could someone enlighten me as to what I am doing wrong?

    Sorry, I am a noob with flex so bear with me. I looked at
    what you said and it still does not seem to work for me. Below is
    the code that I am using that does not work. I am just not sure if
    it is possible to do the way I am attempting and I need to look a
    little further into what you directed me to.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    <mx:State name="ClubSelectState">
    <mx:AddChild position="lastChild" >
    <mx:WipeRight id="wipeIn" duration="1000"/>
    <mx:Panel x="284" y="10" width="250" height="200"
    layout="absolute" title="Select A Club" visible="{club.selected}"
    showEffect="{wipeIn}" >
    <mx:VBox x="10" y="10" height="119" width="141" id="vbox2"
    <mx:RadioButtonGroup id="Clubs"/>
    <mx:RadioButton label="Club A" groupName="Clubs"/>
    <mx:RadioButton label="Club B" groupName="Clubs"/>
    <mx:RadioButton label="Club C" groupName="Clubs"/>
    <mx:RadioButton label="Club D" groupName="Clubs"/>
    <mx:Panel x="26" y="10" width="250" height="200"
    layout="absolute" id="panel1">
    <mx:VBox y="10" height="140" width="173" x="10"
    <mx:RadioButtonGroup id="affiliation"/>
    <mx:RadioButton id="club" label="Club"
    groupName="affiliation" click="currentState='ClubSelectState'"

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