Click to play animation

I'm a novice in Director 3D and in Lingo in general. I'm not
trying to
do anything too complicated. Am here to ask for help doing
I have created a 3D model in Max with various things that
animate. The
user can click on one model and it will animate, then
another, and it
will animate. This is easily done with the Play Animation 3D
behavior. What I want is once you've clicked all of the
models, another
animation plays. So, how do I go about this?
My animation is just keyframed made in Max.

stu wrote:
> I've managed to put a global variable into the Play
Animation behavior to
> count the animations played. But, I'm really just
counting the animations
> activated. I need a way to test if an animation has
finished playing. How
> do I do that?
Hi Stu,
When an animation starts playing the 'currentTime' property
ticks over and
then goes back to 0 when the motion is complete. If you have
recorded when
the animation starts, you just need to check when it's
finished. You could
have something like the following (in a script after you know
the animation
has been started):
= 0
then go to "animComplete"
Director Lecturer / Consultant / Director Enthusiast
email: [email protected]

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        width: 1400,
        height: 900,
        type: "animate",
        source: ""
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    var config = {
        width: 1400,
        height: 900,
        type: "animate",
        source: ""
    // Open the overlay config );
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    Yellow Submarine (published by Subafilms Ltd.) uses Fixed Layout ePub which were introduced in December 2010 with iBooks 1.2. Fixed Layout books appear in the store with a minimum requirement of iBooks 1.x
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    "Importing" .gif files is a very old QT Pro "trick" and was made available in the first "Pro" version of QT (3).
    I still use the feature to add logos or other, older animations to some of my newer QT "movies".
    Some of the older QT tricks can still be used today:
    I've been focusing my skill (very little) on the QuickTime discussions pages but visit these "iPod" discussions pages every now and then.
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    Happy New Year!
    Oh, btw, QuickTime can also do some magic with your Photoshop files.

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    Hello hotsone,
    You may need to download a lower resolution version of the movie in order for it to sync to your iPod.
    iTunes: Sync purchased HD videos to iPod or iOS device

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    My file path is: img/tutorials/
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    Click to play is a very experimental feature, and shouldn't be used unless you are a developer working on the feature. You should immediately disable click to play until it is fully developed.

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    The issue is that your credit or debit card credentials must be associated with the same country where you reside in order to purchase iTunes content.
    "Although you can browse the iTunes Store in any country without being signed in, you can only purchase content from the iTunes Store for your own country. This is enforced via the billing address associated with your credit card or other payment method that you use with the iTunes Store, rather than your actual geographic location. You can use the iTunes Store in all countries of which you’re a resident, but you’ll either need a separate iTunes Store account for each one, or you’ll need to continually be switching the billing information on your single account. Generally, it’s simpler just to set up an alternative account for these situations, although it’s worth nothing that features like iTunes in the CLoud and iTunes Match are designed to work best when using a single iTunes Store account, as you can only switch accounts with these services every 90 days."
    From here >  The Complete Guide to Using the iTunes Store | iLounge Article

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    Hi there MickeyDresaj,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    Troubleshooting iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7 video playback performance issues
    -Griff W. 

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    I think it is important to block unsecure addons. But if you do so there should be an open bug assigened. The referenced bug for this add-on is allready resolved so I do not know why this plugin is disabled.
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    I'm a liitle bit suprised that blocking all versions (even secure versions) is a way to get a good user experience.

    ''MG_DAU wrote:''
    The referenced bug for this add-on is allready resolved so I do not know why this plugin is disabled.
    That's a bug report in the Blocklisting component, meaning it's a request to add an add-on to the blocklist. The fact that it's marked as fixed means the add-on has been added to the blocklist.
    * [[Add-ons that cause stability or security issues are put on a blocklist]]
    Given that there's no way to disable Click-to-Play for this plug-in (the only options are Ask to Activate or Never Activate), if Firefox doesn't trigger a Click-to-Play prompt, I see no way to use it apart from disabling the entire blocklist. This carries a considerable security risk, as no plug-ins will be blocked or set to Click-to-Play, including known malware. If you're sure you want to go through with it, set ''extensions.blocklist.enabled'' to '''false''' in [ about:config].

  • Click to play video - like Youtube

    Creating the FLV file and placing a flash video on a webpage
    with the video controls, is easy enough but I need to have an intro
    Something like a 'click to play' frame like Youtube does.
    I'm not sure if it is a Jpeg, that you click and it loads the
    swf or if it is actually in flash.
    I assume it would begin buffering before the use actually
    clicks play.
    Any ideas ? A tutorial would be great. I can't find anything
    on the or Google.

    Hi I am not sure how much this will help. I have been wanting
    a similar thing and have mocked up the following.
    On frame 1have a jpeg image of the player and a click to play
    and an image you want behind it (i did it in fireworks and brought
    it in) and turn the whole image into a button
    Action code for frame 1: (actionscript 3)
    function buttonClickHandler (event:MouseEvent):void {
    Then have your player on frame 2 with all the relevant code.
    This works for me at the moment with one small hitch (cant
    get the video to progressivly download bt think thats a problem
    with my player code)
    Maybe this will help with your problem?

  • Remove "click to play"

    I used the "Export for Web" function in QuickTime Pro to post a movie to a website.
    How can I remove the 'click to play' icon? Even if I remove all the text from 'click to play' I still have a gray circle in the middle of the movie.
    Just looking for the easiest way to remove this 'click to play' icon. Thanks.

    OK, I just tried with Firefox, and I see the problem. I'm not sure what the "right" way is to fix the problem, but one way to do it is first copy this file
    to the same directory as the html file and change the link href in that file from
    *link href=""*
    *link href="qtp_library.css"*
    (you can actually move it anywhere you like as long as your link href points to it)
    Now, edit your local copy and change
    *opacity: .8;*
    *opacity: 0;*
    This makes that design element transparent. It's "there" but you can't see it in Safari or Firefox.

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