Clip Media Issue (canvas telling lies)

I posted about this a few days ago, but now I've discovered a few more things that may help somebody diagnose this. If I had to summarize my problem, I would say that the canvas is telling me lies about the sequence. Dirty dirty lies. It’s really difficult to explain exactly what my problem is, so bear with me while I go on and on and on.
Essentially, I’ve got two different cuts of my movie. There’s the one that I see in the canvas (“canvas picture”) and the one that the sequence says SHOULD be happening (“sequence picture”). When I use the playhead and the canvas, I get the canvas picture, which is what I have cut according to since it took me a while to realize this problem. When I just play my entire sequence without exporting it, I see my brilliantly edited canvas picture. When I do a number of things, I get the sequence picture. If I take a still frame from the sequence, it is from the sequence picture and not the canvas picture. When I expand my video tracks to reveal the thumbnail pictures, they are from the sequence picture. When I apply a transition, the handles or area under the transition is from the sequence picture then snaps back to the canvas picture as soon as the dissolve is over. Most importantly, when I export I end up with the sequence picture, which is very different from the canvas picture I so lovingly put together.
I had to import using capture now. (I know, I know, but I was in a time crunch and the horrible little dv camera I was using made FCP pitch a fit when I tried to log and capture) So basically after I imported I had RAW 1 and RAW 2. It separated itself because there was an intentional blank space on the tape. I didn’t touch the camera while I was importing. Why on earth do you need to know this? Well, RAW 2 isn’t experiencing this whole canvas/sequence disconnect. When I export my cut, the clips from RAW 2 are exactly what I cut them to be in the canvas picture.
RAW 1 is possessed, and unfortunately is also about 80% of my footage. I made a test sequence to show exactly how screwed up it is, and it’s much worse than I thought. I put the entirety of RAW 1 in a brand new sequence. I cut it at every minute mark, or as close to it as possible. (I guess since this is DV it isn’t exactly 30 frames/sec so the sequence recognizes that and it’s missing frames around the minute mark.) Anyway, I split RAW 1 at every minute but didn’t move the clips. I took a still frame from the beginning of each of these clips. I then painstakingly aligned the end of the still frame with the canvas picture frame that it corresponds to. Make sense? I’m going to attempt one of those dot and dash diagrams to show you.
V2 ---------|sss|-------------------------------------
V1 |------------|(C)|--------x|C|---------------------|
Okay. So C on v1 is the first canvas picture frame after the arbitrary split denoted by x. sss is the still frame taken at this point which is taken from the sequence picture. In a normal universe sss would be the same frame as C, but with my luck sss is actually the same as (C), a frame from earlier in the clip.
Make sense now? I hope so, because it gets weirder.
As I did this at every minute mark in RAW 1, (C) got further and further away from C. So at 01:00:00;00 C and (C) are the same.
If C is at 01:01:01;00, (C) is at 01:01:00;12 so it’s 18 frames off.
If C is at 01:14:00;00, (C) is at 01:13:51;21 so it’s 8 seconds 9 frames off.
If I was good at math I could probably write a math equation describing how proportionally off the sequence picture is from the canvas picture.
Once again, this is not an issue with RAW 2. I did the same test with RAW 2 and the still frames aligned with the cuts. RAW 1 and RAW 2 were imported at the same time from the same tape and the same camera. Neither of them have been offline since I imported and I have never had to reconnect them.
In short, WHAT IS THIS???? HOW DO I FIX IT????? WHY ME????? (Please excuse the yelling. I’m a little frustrated.)

Hooboy! Sounds like you got a mess.
If you select the clip and hit Command 9 does the info tell you anything weird?
framerate and codec are what they're supposed to be?
Does the clip have to render in the timeline?
If it's in dropframe then you won't have frame 00 and frame 01 on each minute except for every tenth minute - but it shouldn't be off by that much.
I agree it sounds to me like something happened when you captured the clip.
Something you might try is to take several minutes of your clip and export it as a custom quicktime with all the settings set as if you captured it (720x480 - dv ntsc codec - 29.97 frame rate)
Then reimport that clip and see if it behaves any differently.

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    Dual 2.3GHz PowerPC G5 Mac OS X (10.4.4) Deck: JVC CU-VH1 / Storage: LaCie F800 2-TB RAID-5
    Dual 2.3GHz PowerPC G5 Mac OS X (10.4.4)

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    Have you rendered both iOS 7 and iOS 8 (both of which will work on your iPhone 5) out of the question entirely without trying every possible configuration? The animations can be disabled entirely, if that's the problem. And if the whiter-brighter user interface is the problem, there's reverse-contrast modes that darken everything. You can expose accessibility controls to gain immediate access to these functions to toggle them on and off. I guess my point is you may have decided against upgrading the OS based on an early experience with iOS 7 when Apple has since made changes in later revisions to address some of the usability complaints.
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    See here:
    Install the latest compatible version of an app on an earlier version of iOS or OS X - Apple Support
    Let us know how that works for you.

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    Hello Sudarshan,
    as far as I know you have to delete the media issues if you have already generated them into the future.
    So if the change would become effective as of July 1st and you have already generated until the end of the year you have to delete all media issues between July 1st and December 31st.
    Once this is done you can create new entries using the new template.

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    Pre-workflow Project File
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    Set in points on all video and audio to reflect slate
    Merge Clips
    Working Project File
    Import only Merged Clips into Project.  Either via import or copy/paste
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    Contacted adobe twice now and they don't have a solution.  I'd roll back to CS5, but I'm on a new machine now and I'm not sure how to get an older version of premiere installed on my system without an install disc.
    Any help out there?

    I think this issue is related to the audio conforming PPr does for spanned clips.
    I shoot with a XF100, so this may be different for you, but I have two suggestions.
    First, try to use the Canon XF utility to make ONE SINGLE .mxf of the spanned clips.  When you open the card in the utility, each clip (spanned or not) shows in the preview pane.  Pick one, then under the "Edit..." menu you can save it as one .mxf file.  Do this for all the clips on the card.  You can also take the opportunity to give them meaningful names. Import that file(s) into PPr and edit normally.
    Another suggestion is DON'T copy the folder structure of the card to your working drive.  Instead, copy just the .mxf files.  Ignore the .cif, .sif, .thm, .xml, etc. Don't copy the JOURNAL folder. You can preserve the "CLIPSxxx" folders, just discard all the files except the .mxf files.  Import this into PPr (viewing as a file directory).  Yes, you will have to arrange the clips manually, but I just move the first clip to the time line in the correct position, then highlight the rest and drag them into place after the first. 
    WIth either method, PPr should not try to conform the audio, it will just generate the .pek file for the audio waveforms.
    If you use the second method, you do have to be careful not to inadvertently grab a clip at the start or end and change the in/out point of the clip.  Personally, I use the first method as it gives me a backup of the video.  I copy the card to my computer verbatim, then make the single .mxf file to a work drive.  When the project is done, I archive the big .mxf file and discard the card structure.
    Since adopting this method I have not had a single issue.

  • Export media issue - Premiere Pro CS4

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    - Source File: C:\DOCUME~1\KYLEFO~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\HLC final1_2.prproj
    - Output File: C:\Documents and Settings\Kyle Fowler\My Documents\HLC pics and clips\Sequence 01.avi
    - Preset Used: NTSC DV
    - Video:
    - Audio:
    - Bitrate:
    - Encoding Time: 00:18:44
    8/9/2009 2:57:15 PM : Encoding Failed
    Could not read from the source. Please check if it has moved or been deleted.
    I got the same type of error from attempting an audio only export.  I just upgraded from CS3.  This project was crated in CS3, then converted to CS4.  No other issues with the upgrades.  My only guess is that converting the session from a CS3 to CS4 is the causing this.  Can someone please help?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for those details.  I just noticed that all the avi and wavs are still located in the CS3 folder from the previous installation.  Could that be the hitch?
    This project was created in CS3, then converted 2 days ago into a CS4 project.  There was some wierdness on a few things after conversion, but nothing out of the ordinary and CS4 is running like a champ on my system until I attempted to do this bounce.  I am new to Premiere, so I may be missing something as simple as updating filepaths, etc.?
    Yes, MP3 is terrible.  I have the v.o. in wav.  Honestly, I didnt notice the music track was in MP3 until gathering project specs for this.  I was planning on replacing that for the final export.  Im using a 3rd party sidechain VST for the ducking in PPro.....Sidekick 4.1:
    It requires tht you run two instances of the plugin on seperate stereo tracks (still need to deal with the vo track having to be in stereo for now).
    Thanks for your help.
    AVI details:
    File Path: C:\Documents and Settings\Kyle Fowler\Kyle Fowler's Documents\Adobe\Premiere Pro\3.0\TAPE 1.avi
    Type: AVI Movie
    File Size: 12.1 GB
    Image Size: 720 x 480
    Pixel Depth: 32
    Frame Rate: 29.97
    Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 16 bit - Stereo
    Project Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo
    Total Duration: 00;57;02;20
    Average Data Rate: 3.6 MB / second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: 0.9091
    AVI File details:
    Reel name: Untitled Tape
    User Timecode: 08;06;40;11
    Reel name: Untitled Tape
    Contains 1 video track(s) and 1 audio track(s).
    Interleave: 1 : 28.99
    Video track 1:
    Size is 11.46G bytes (average frame = 123.44K bytes)
    There are 102576 keyframes.
    Frame rate is 29.97 fps
    Frame size is 720 x 480
    Depth is 24 bits.
    Audio track 1:
    Size is 626.70M bytes
    Rate is 48000 samples/sec
    Sample size is 16 bits
    Preset info:
    For editing AVCHD Formats recorded in anamorphic 1920x1080 (ex.1440x1080).
    16:9 interlaced HD video at 25 frames per second.
    48kHz audio.
    Editing mode: AVCHD 1080i anamorphic
    Timebase: 25.00fps
    Video Settings
    Frame size: 1440h 1080v (1.3333)
    Frame rate: 25.00 frames/second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: HD Anamorphic 1080 (1.333)
    Fields: Upper Field First
    Audio Settings
    Sample rate: 48000 samples/second
    Default Sequence
    Total video tracks: 3
    Master track type: Stereo
    Mono tracks: 0
    Stereo tracks: 3
    5.1 tracks: 3
    Submix mono tracks: 0
    Submix stereo tracks: 0
    Submix 5.1 tracks: 0

  • AVCHD Video Clips Occasional Issue

    Every once in a while an AVCHD clip on the timeline will all of a sudden get infected and become jumpy. I don't know when this started, but it happens almost every project now at some point. The clips will be fine and then all of a sudden, a clip that was fine is suddenly having all sorts of trouble. It seems to rapidly jump in and out or stutter for just a few freames, almost as if it were caught skipping like an old CD. It's not the kind of stutter you see when the computer is overwhelmed and can't play it back smoothly. It's usually short, very rapid, and it doesn't go away UNTIL you shut down Premiere and start back up. Then the issue is gone. But it might come back later in a totally different clip. This is NOT an issue with general playback speed.  The reason is because all other clips will play without issue and this affects just one clip usually at random and after a restart that clip may never have that issue again. Quality set to 1/2 in Program Window and dropping it to 1/4 doesn't help. I can play the video at full sometimes without issues.  I can't remember this ever happening prior to the latest version of Premiere but maybe it did a little. Definitely never saw this in CS6. Is this related to the GPU somehow maybe or is it premiere? Seems to happen more often now and it's super annoying to have to restart Premiere every time to get around it.
    Running CC 7.2.1 on a 2011 iMac  3.4GHz i7 w/ 16GB RAM, 120GB SSD and AMD 6970M GPU (1GB VRAM)
    We only edit native AVCHD. 720p60 slowed down on a 24p timeline.
    Any ideas?

    shooternz wrote:
    Dont know.
    What about the slow down workflow?
    I suppose dealing with hundreds of 60p clips interpreted at 23.976  could have something to do with it but then again, this issue didn't seem to happen until the last few months. I can't remember if I saw it happen prior to the last update. But it definitely didn't happen in CS6 when I wasn't GPU Accelerated (I was Software only due to the AMD GPU). Could all this be GPU related because why else would it not have occured before? Our workflow hasn't changed...only the program. The only other thing I think that was changed in the last few months was that I checked the media cache box that puts the clips with the original media. Other than that, no changes really.

  • Audio clip desync issue

    Hello everyone,
    Been having a bit of a problem with one of my video clips. All of my footage was filmed on the same camera, and then converted to FLV with media encoder. I'm just trying to cut and stitch them together into a video, and everything was going great, until this one clip.
    I tried importing the file the same way I'd been doing all of them. When I try and play the file however, the audio is out of sync, but about 2 minutes. I've tried reimporting, re-converting from its original format, restarting AE, restarting PC, checking frame rate.
    If someone might have a solution to this, I'd love to hear your suggestions. Also, if you have any questions about the files, I'll answer them the best I can.

    Well, at the moment the few things we know for certain is that you shoot on a T2i, you're on a PC (OS?), you run AE (version?) and you posess some kind of external audio.
    The solution may be as simple as deleting and re-ingesting the problem clip.  I'd start there -- it's so easy.
    No joy?  We'll need a boatload more information,  because it could be any one of a gazillion different things.
    Here's a litany of diagnostic questions concerning AE problems.
    But at the moment, who's to say the problem lies in AE, and not somewhere else?  Expect more questions.

  • MSO audio clip button issue

    I have an MSO with 3 states and a picture in each state.
    I then add an mp3 sound clip to each picture in the 3 different states.
    To navigate between states I have 2 buttons that are set to Go to state 2 and 3, respectively, and a home button to take the user back to the 1st state.
    My problem is that when the mp3′s are added in the 3 states, the buttons just stop responding.
    When I remove an mp3 clip from the 2nd or 3rd state the buttons work again.
    I have tried grouping and different combinations of inserting the media but to no avail.
    The mp3's are all very small, around 400kb each, so can't see it being a memory issue.

    I managed to put a video clip together where the visuals are the picture I was going to use as the button in 1 of the 3 states and the audio is the mp3 clip.
    Thus, my 3 state MSO now has an mp3 in 2 of the states and a video "fix" in the third.
    This seems to work although I don't like the progress bar that appears at the bottom of the picture as the file is playing.
    For now it is a temporary solution but I would still like to know why one cannot place 3 mp3's in a 3 state MSO without losing "Go to state" button functionality.
    Any help in this regard would be great

  • FCP 10.1 Import Tape based media Issue

    When I import tape based media in FCP X 10.1 the 'capture' window weirdly flickers between what appears to be the 1st frame on the tape and the one currently being injested.  The media does seem to import correctly, and I'm able to skim the clip once it's finished with import, but I'm nervous to start editing with it in case there is some issue with the way it's being injested.
    Thanks for any help.
    Steve Pustay

    Hey Steve,
    I'm having the exact same problem.  For those who can help but need some additional info: I'm capturing from a Sony HVR -M25U HDV deck via Firewire 800 onto a MAC Pro tower running Mavericks.
    from a DSR-40 DVcam deck via Firewire 800 onto an IMac also running Mavericks
    I've been doing this seamlessly for a few years till 10.1
    Additionally, now my "j" and "l" keys are not communicating with either deck.  Again this is since the upgrade.
    Anyone with ideas on how to solve this one?
    Sorry I couldn't help you Steve.  Maybe this extra detail will get us some help.
    Good Luck

  • Clip Audio issues

    I have been using everything just fine and used CS3 to edit last
    night got pretty far along in the project and saved it and closed.
    When I came back this morning all my files were offline so I tried
    Linking the Media but was prompted that a problem existed. So I
    started over but now every time I try to drag a video clip down
    to my timeline there is no audio attached nor does it come up in
    the source preview. Files work fine on all other media players.
    Any ideas what is going on?

    1. Try to find an answer by searching the archives of the forum you plan to post to.
    Have searched through these and nothing that I've found has been able to solve the issue.
    2. Try to find an answer by searching the Web.
    Have searched the web which actually brought me to this site also.
    3. Try to find an answer by reading the manual.
    I have read the email and gone through all the troubleshooting and help guides attached to the program.
    4. Try to find an answer by reading a FAQ.
    Can't find an FAQ that has my problem on it.
    5. Try to find an answer by inspection or experimentation.
    I have been experimenting as I said in both posts and used many of the suggestions I have found and thus far I can't seem to find the problem.
    6. Try to find an answer by asking a skilled friend.
    I actually went and asked my mentor on Premiere what he thought was the problem and we sat down for a few hours tinkering to try and figure it out and have thus far resolved nothing.
    7. If you're a programmer, try to find an answer by reading the source code.
    I'm not a programmer.
    Now, I really am not an idiot, I get protocol for assistance with these sort of forums and I really am doing all I can on my end. I really was wondering if anyone had any further things that they thought this issue could be due to other than everything posted already in this forum for the last several pages of topics. My last attempt was to convert the file formats of the video I am working with to try and see if that would resolve the issue but it seems to be doing the same thing for every single file I put into the bin. When I drag and drop it onto my Timeline there is no audio and there isn't any when I preview it either.This is the case with M-PEG's, .movs, .avi's, and .mkv's which I had a horrendous time getting Premiere to acknowledge.
    It really is an all of the sudden issue that happened within a matter of hours. Any ideas about what is behind it.

  • IMovie Clip Speed Issue! Please Help!

    Hey Guys.
    I have been having a weird issue with iMovie '09. Here are my current iMovie and computer specs.
    IMovie '09 - Version 8.0.6 (821) Latest Update
    *Running on:*
    Macbook 5,1 (Latest Updates)
    Mac OS X 10.5.8
    Processor - 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Memory - 2 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    Purchased a little over a year ago.
    *My Problem:*
    I start a new project in iMovie, I import the footage from my camera (Sony Webbie HD MHS-CM1 Camcorder - 1080p). iMovie imports the footage into 1440 x 1080 .mov files.
    When I drag a event clip into the project area. I am able to preview the project as I work on it in the top right hand corner. Next I want to speed up the clip to make it fast forward. I click on the clip in the project, it highlights yellow. I click on the gear in the bottom left hand corner of the clip and click on clip adjustments. If I adjust the speed to any speed, even if I check reverse and I click okay. I preview the project and the preview in the top right corner is frozen at the first frame of the clip. The sound plays from the clip and regular speed. The clip in the project can no longer be adjusted or even selected. All I do from there on is delete the clip, I can't do anything and I am forced to restart the project and do it all over again, which wont work. The problem is I really need to use the clip.
    I have tried to restart iMovie and even the computer, but it does nothing.
    Please help me fix this problem.

    Right click on the clip in your Event and see if it gives you the option to Optimize Video. If so, optimize your video and it should be able to do the speed changes.

  • Payment Media issue

    i recieved this error while running program SAPFpaym from se38 , any advices plz ?
    No Payment Media Created in Format BNK_HSBC
    Message no. BFIBL02159
    No payment media were created for format BNK_HSBC for payment group 0

    Go to the background before excuting the programme SAPFPAYM and create a variant.
    Assign the variant which you have created to the payment method in transaction code: OBPM4
    Before the second step, after creating variant in the first step, please assign the created format in FBZP settings in payment method.
    This will resolve the issue.
    Please revert back if having any more issues.

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