Clone images or areas in an image

This question was posted in response to the following article: fe8.html

What aligned unchecked means is that the clone tool will start from the same source point with each new stroke.
In other words if you paint with the clone stamp and then stop and press the mouse again and start painting, the stroke will start (use the data) from the original point defined as the source.
With aligned unchecked each stroke starts with the intial sample point:

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    I am not concerned about speed as much as having some kind of external drive to copy clone image to from my MacBook Pro.  I know with older Macs you used to have to use Firewire connections for the Macs to boot from the external drives.  I thought I saw something that said you now could also use USB.  I'm pretty sure my MacBook Pro 17 (June 2009) has USB 2.0 version ports, so should I be able to do this?  I know firewire would be faster but this is only for emergencies and until I could get my internal drive replaced.  Also, any suggestions on brands (WD, Seagate, OWC) would be useful.

    Yes, hold option booting from USB cloned boot drives work.
    Although FireWire 800 is faster as you already know.
    As always check to make sure you can.
    Another secret, Mac's can be option/c booted off burned ISO of PartedMagic cd's too.
    What's nice about this little gem, the whole Linux operating system loads into RAM and you can copy files from the non-boooting Mac's internal hard drive to a external drive, of nearly ANY format.
    You can also burn disks, as the PartedMagic cd spits out after loading.
    And you can get on the internet, and do malware scans and a lot of other niffty things.

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    Thanks for any advice.

    Luis Ortega wrote:
    Can I connect the external drive with the MBP clone image to my Mac Pro and boot from that without creating problems because it is another computer with different hardware?
    The answer to that is "maybe," but you don't have to boot from it to export folders from it to another drive. As long as the Finder can see it, you can import folders from it to your startup drive.

  • I am having trouble trying to format / clone image to a M4 SSD for my MAcBook Pro (model A1211)

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    Does anyone know of a way to "reset" the M4 SSD to a null state so that I can try again, or should I just return it as defective?

    It sounds like it would be best to erase it completely and start the cloning over again. You can completely erase the disk by going to your Utilities folder and then to your Disk Utilities Application.
    Choose the partition (the field that is under the hard drive) of your SSD in the side bar and then go to the "Erase" option. MAKE SURE that it is your external SSD and not the hard drive you are trying to clone. Choose the Mac OS Extended (Journaled) option under format and then click erase. This will clear the disk and allow you to start over. I would recommend using Carbon Copy Cloner from the start and using it through. You might also want to consider that you got a bad hard drive. This is sometimes the case even with new hard drives.
    Hope this Helps

  • Clone Image

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    Thanks for any help
    Message was edited by:

    I finaly found the solution!!!! For those who are interested, here is the solution
    I used MemoryImageSource and PixelGrabber to create a new Image like this
    Image img = createImage(new MemoryImageSource(w, h, pix, 0, w));
    where pix is the Array of all pixel of my Image to clone get with PixelGrabber.

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    function showMedia( loader:Loader ):void
              bg.addChild( loader );
              loader.width = 960;
              loader.height = 640;
      bg2.addChild( loader );
      loader.width = 960;
      loader.height = 640;
      bg2.mask = myMask;
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    but that did not work anyway. it would be great if someone has a simple solution for this issue.
    solution found: (probably not the best one, however - it works)
    function showMedia( loader:Loader ):void
              bg.addChild( loader );
              loader.width = 960;
              loader.height = 640;
              var bitmap_data:BitmapData = new BitmapData(stage.stageWidth,stage.stageHeight);
      var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap_data); 
              bg_zoom.x = 0;
              bg_zoom.y = 0;
              bg_zoom.scaleX = 2;
              bg_zoom.scaleY = 2;
    Message was edited by: michael_1974

    Assuming you've referenced the graphics in the first file … you can copy/paste into the new file; you could create a list of referenced graphics (LOF) to help you locate the graphics in the first book more easily. Or, depending on the content of the two books, you could duplicate .fm chapters from the first book and rewrite the text round the graphics :-}
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    No ,I am looking for Database cloning. Is there any feature in sqlserver like this.
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    No there is no feature exactly to clone a database.Or a command or GUI for *cloning* specifically.
    Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

  • Healing brush and clone stamp tools are not working - Photoshop Elements 11.

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    Reset the tools. Look for this> and reset all tools
    If that does not fix it, reset preferences to default. Go to Edit menu>Edit>Preferences>General and look for this
    Close PSE and relaunch

  • Image content not defined in TileList

    I have two images on a canvas, one is directly on the canvas using inline code, the other is embedded in a tilelist. Both images render. When I click and drag the inline image, the drag proxy appears normally. When I click and drag the image in the tile list, I get an error when I try to make a copy of the bitmap. This is occurring because the content of the image in the tile list is NULL, even though the source value is correct and the image has been loaded. I'm assuming this is some sort of itemRenderer issue, but I'm not clear on how it retains the source of the image, but not the content. If it's duplicating the image and referencing another bitmap, how do I access that bitmap?
    The code is below with the exception of the image.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="init()">
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            import mx.managers.DragManager;
            import mx.core.DragSource;
            [Bindable] private var images:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection;
                private function init():void{
                    i.source="images/1.png"; //set image source that is placed directly on canvas, this image has a drag proxy
                    var i2:Image=new Image; //create new image to be added into tile list, this image does not have a valid drag proxy because content is missing
                private function mouseMoveHandlerTileList(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var tl:TileList=TileList(event.currentTarget);
                    var image:Image=tl.selectedItem as Image;
                    if (image){
                        //Here the image contains the correct source, but no content.
                        initiateDrag(event, image);
                private function mouseMoveHandlerImage(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var image:Image=Image(event.currentTarget);
                    if (image){
                        //Here the image does contain content
                        initiateDrag(event, image);
                private function initiateDrag(event:MouseEvent, image:Image):void{
                        var dragInitiator:Image=image;
                        var ds:DragSource = new DragSource();
                        ds.addData(image, "item");
                        var dragProxy:Image = new Image;
                        var data:BitmapData=Bitmap(image.content).bitmapData.clone(); //image.content is not null for imageon canvas, but is null for image in tile list
                        dragProxy.source=new Bitmap(data);
                        DragManager.doDrag(dragInitiator, ds, event, dragProxy);
        <mx:Canvas id="c" width="100%" height="100%">
            <mx:Image id="i" mouseMove="mouseMoveHandlerImage(event)" x="400" y="400"/>
            <mx:TileList id="t" dataProvider="{images}" mouseMove="mouseMoveHandlerTileList(event)"
                x="0" y="0"
                        <mx:Image source="{data.source}"/>

    If this post answered your question or helped, please mark it as such.
    Accessing items in containers when renders are used can be problematic, because Flex recycles the items for large data sets.
    So this code works fine but uses a Repeater. You may have to do some thinking to rework your concept, but this works:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
          import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
          import mx.managers.DragManager;
          import mx.core.DragSource;
          [Bindable] private var images:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection([
          private function mouseMoveHandlerTileList(event:MouseEvent):void {           
            var image:Image=Image(event.currentTarget);
            if (image){
              initiateDrag(event, image);
          private function mouseMoveHandlerImage(event:MouseEvent):void {           
            var image:Image=Image(event.currentTarget);
            if (image){
              initiateDrag(event, image);
          private function initiateDrag(event:MouseEvent, image:Image):void{
            var dragInitiator:Image=image;
            var ds:DragSource = new DragSource();
            ds.addData(image, "item");
            var dragProxy:Image = new Image;
            var data:BitmapData=Bitmap(image.content).bitmapData.clone(); //image.content is not null for imageon canvas, but is null for image in tile list
            dragProxy.source=new Bitmap(data);
            DragManager.doDrag(dragInitiator, ds, event, dragProxy);
        <mx:Canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="600" borderColor="0x000000" borderStyle="solid" borderThickness="3">
          <mx:Repeater id="rp" dataProvider="{images}">
            <mx:Image id="img" source="{rp.currentItem}" mouseMove="mouseMoveHandlerTileList(event)"/>         
        <mx:Image id="i" mouseMove="mouseMoveHandlerImage(event)" source="assets/images/BobSmith.jpg"/>

  • Replacing colour/texture from one image onto another?

    Desperately need some guidance here as this has been driving me nuts....
    I want to use the colour and texture from one photo onto my own design. Now, using the rubber stamp tool I am able only to clone a certain area that moves with the cross hair, but how can I clone a section from one photo and use that as a fill to create another design? In other words, clone a colour from one photo as a colour fill for another design?
    Even using the colour replace tool and selecting source: image I am left with the colour pallette as the destination and cannot use the colour from the image to paint my new image from it.
    Thanks a heap

    If I want to copy a single color from one image to another, here's what I'll do:
    Create a new rectangle in the source image
    With the rectangle selected, use the eyedropper to pick a color from someplace in the source image
    Copy the rectangle and paste it in the destination image
    Select the object I want to color and use the eyedropper tool to select the color from the copied rectangle
    (A layer with rectangles of different colors is sometimes handy for setting up a color scheme and using it consistently.)
    You can also create bitmap patterns to use as fills for vector objects. Fireworks comes with quite a few, but it's easy to add your own. Here are a couple of tutorials

  • Installing from an Existing ISO Image

    I would like to install and configure an Arch Linux system inside a virtual machine and then deploy that image to my laptop as a complete, working system. Is this at all possible? I saw things on the wiki about installing from an existing Linux installation that pointed suggestively in the direction I wanted to go, but it’s not clear to me whether this is doable or how to go about it.
    Archiso allows one to create custom bootable media, sure, but, as I understand it, you have to know exactly which packages you want beforehand. You can’t run the system and tinker with it before deploying. Would it make sense to configure the system in a virtual machine and then use that VM’s package list and /etc directory with archiso to make the custom system?

    Hi, welcome to Arch. Installing Arch from an existing installation means, if you have Ubuntu installed and want to install Arch from that installation.
    If you want to use a VM as your host system, then you need to clone/image the system and restore that image to your host, you can use clonezilla for that.
    I use archiso almost on a daily basis, it's very handy to try new things, e.g. a completely different setup from the one you have now. It's no problem to use the package list you made for archiso, for your future system.
    I don't see a problem in which packages you should choose beforehand, this mostly is a evolving thing, at least that's how I see it. So, if you have a working archiso, you are adjusting the configs, try it, and add the diff's to your build files, build you ISO, again try, add diff's to build files etc. etc. etc. , you get the point? Happy arching;)

  • Help with partitioning ext firewire drive to use for storage/image backups

    I just ordered a 2tb external hard drive.  Want to put at least 1tb of the space for normal access file storage and use between 500gb and 750gb (probably the latter if I upgrade internal drive) for image clones to use for emergency boots.  Software maybe Super Duper?  Anyway, will get pre-formatted drive tomorrow and need to make it happen quick.
    Would I delete whatever partition comes on it and put 2 new ones on?  One for file storage and one for clone images?  Or can I even just use one big 2tb partition?  Want to make regular clone images for emergency booting and expand my file storage at same time.  Probably use something lIke Carbon Copy Cloner(?) or Super Duper for images and maybe do some Time Machine backups?

    Yes, you can do it that way. Again, it is recommended that TM have its own partition.
    It sounds like you have two 2TB HDs. Why not put three partitions on one, put the 750GB of data on one partition, and you have two more partitions to clone to (I would alternate each time).
    Then you have the other 2TB HD for TM. It's recommended that you have a volume at least double the size of the amount of data you're backing up (3x or more would be even better), so that would be great.
    Obviously you can do what you want, but starting out from the beginning like you are, why not do it "right?" It's the "foundation," and the better that is, the better luck you're likely to have with the structure built on top of it (your backups).

  • Disk Utility Broken (fails to image or verify properly)

    Hey, my disk Utility seems to be broken.
    When I try to clone a drive it goes along fine, then ultimately creates something that doesn't pass it's own verification afterwards, and fails when I try to open the image.
    I repair both the cloned (main/internal) drive, and the destination drive. I use Disk Warrior on it so it's nice and clean, but still it fails.
    So I created an image with SuperDuper by making a copy on a free reformated drive then bouncing it back onto the original drive as a clone/image. That works, and disk utility sees it as good, but aparently a little too good, cause it says it over and over and craps out.
    Here's the error I get:
    Disk Utility internal error
    Disk Utility has lost its connection with the Disk Management Tool and cannot continue. Please quit and relaunch Disk Utility.
    Then in the background the DU program says:
    Volume passed verification
    1 HFS volume checked
    Volume passed verification
    1 HFS volume checked
    Volume passed verification
    1 HFS volume checked
    and repeats this on into infinity.
    Then when I check (Quit) it says it's still in progress and quitting could leave the disk non operations depending on the task.
    Since this is a read only task (verify) I'm not worried about that, but it doesn't mean that the DU isn't screwed.
    I've tried using DU off the istall disk and that doesn't seem to work either. So did they just ship me a bad system install disk? Should I be looking for another copy of DU?

    Your issue lost connection with the Disk Management Tool is normally a Panther problem, but some Tiger users have experianced it also. Follow the advice in this link.
    If you follow the tips in there it should straighten out Disk Utility.

  • Photoshop CS4 64 bit  - Clone Tool does not work (and other tools)

    I have been using Photoshop for many years going back to v5.  I had used Design Prem Suite CS4 for the past year on an XP machine.  All worked fine.  I recently moved to WIndows 7 (64 bit) to get the add memory usage.  CS4 installs both 64 and 32 bit versions on Windows 7 64 bit.  So far all good.   Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.  I am at a dead end and really have no confidence in getting Adobe's help.
    My tools are working erratically, especially the cloning and healing tools.  I can't even use Photoshop in its current state and this has been going on now for weeks, no help from Adobe on my lates support ticket post.
    I canonly say that the clong tools is all over the place including but not limited to:
    * When I sample and then click to stamp, lines shoot across across the image as it I clone a line not a single sample area. These stamps can be the length of the enite image.
    * when I sample, then click to stamp, some the stamps occurs on some other part of the image.
    * when I sample and the click to stamp, nothing happens. I have to click several times.
    * when I sample and then click to stampl, the prior location I stamped has the clone applied
    There are more, but this is to just give an example.
    * I have trashed preferences at least 20 times and the problem immediately reappears
    * The problem happens in both the 32 bit and 64 bit version of PS running in Windows 7 65 bit
    * The problem occurs with OpenGL tuned on and off
    *  I have installed the latest PC patch 11.0.1
    * I have updated my latest NVidia drives. They are current.
    * I uninstalled Photoshop (kept the rest of Suite) and that did not work, and the same problem reappeared.  I am not uninstalling the complete suite but the reinstall has error (that is a separate issue)
    * I have triple monitors running off 2 GeForce 9800 GT cards.  These worked flawlessly before upgrading to the Windows 7 64 bit configuration.  When I upgrades, I replaced the processor, motherbaord and moved to 12 GB ram. The graphic cards are the same.
    Other tool issues:
    * I have similar problems with the healing brush
    * sometomes the text tool acts strange. I will click to enter text and a large area opens to enter text instead of just the cursor positioned ready for text.  Then other times it works normally.
    * the move tools sometimesacts strange. For example, if I try to move some test, the text jumps and moves of the image and I have to find it to drag it back on the image.
    Thanks in advance

    All I can say is...  Boy am I glad I have an ATI card that just works (and that's including Photoshop CS4/CS5 32/64 bit)!
    One thing I'm not sure was mentioned above...  Try changing your Advanced OpenGL preferences to "Basic" or even turning off OpenGL to see if it affects the issue.  Also try disabling the Show Overlay function in the CLONE SOURCE palette.
    Best of luck getting to the bottom of these problems, guys.  If they run on too long, consider switching brands.

  • How to fix clone stamp issue?

    MAC OS / Photoshop CS5
    As you can see in the attached image, my clone stamp selection doesn't extend out to the edges of the outline, which makes using it very clumsy to use. My PS installation at home and all the installations at this business don't do this.
    I've tried messing with all the clone stamp settings, resetting the clone stamp presets, and resetting the general Photoshop preferences at startup. However, nothing I've tried has had any affect.
    So how can I get this adjusted so that the clone stamp selected area extends out to the edges of the grey outline?

    What version of mac os x are you using?
    If what JJMack suggested above doesn't make a difference, then in general the brush
    size cursor in photoshop on mac os x can be affected by the setting of the cursor size
    set in Universal Access. usually you want the cursor size set to Normal.
    something like this depending on your version of os x: -x/

Maybe you are looking for