Cloud backup of Elements 13 pictures

I have my pictures organized in Elements 13. Right now I backup the pictures to local hard drives. I want to change to cloud backup but at the same time I want to access the pictures using the same way I have them organized in Elements.  There are many cloud backup packages such as Carbonite, crashplan, etc. They simply backup the way the pictures are stored on my "C" hard drive. Does Adobe have a cloud backup plan which will backup my pictures and at the same preserve the Elements organization and at the same time allow access over the internet so that I can easily show pictures to others.

if anyone knows a way to take cloud backups of my iPhoto library, but to copy only the jpgs, not the raw files?
The really easy way is to upload the shots to a photo site like Flickr or SmugMug. But bear in mind that the Raws will be represented only by your iPhoto Previews.
There are many options: Flickr, Picasa, SmugMug etc. However, check the terms of your account carefully. While most sites have free uploading, you will often find that these uploads are limited in terms of the file size or the bandwidth you can use per month. For access that allows you to upload full size pics with no restrictions you may need to pay.

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    Let's get to the bottom of this and get your pictures and documents backed up correctly. What phone do you have? Did you restore every all at once? Try removing the files and doing the restore again. Did you do the restore from the phone or desktop app?
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
    If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

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