Cntering imgage in DW CS 5.5

I am building a web page using layered images out of PS 5.5. I have tried several suggestions
of CSS code to no avail. Seems the fact that it is layered is my problem. Can someone point
me to the CSS code for this? If needed I can send a link to one of my pages...

If you are looking for the webpage to be centered, replace the top of your existing code with:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<title>CONTACT INFO Page Lo-Res-sliced</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">
margin:0 auto;
Then, on your <body> tag, remove the red text:
<body bgcolor="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" onLoad="MM_preloadImages('images/CONTACT-INFO-Page-Lo-Res-sliced-act_11.png','images/CONTACT-INFO- Page-Lo-Res-sliced-act_12.png','images/CONTACT-INFO-Page-Lo-Res-sliced-act_13.png')">
That should center the whole page.

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    1. Whenever I removed my photos from iPhoto so I could start over, my Picture file in Finder disappeared. I do not believe I deleted it but somehow I must have. I was trying to just delete my pictures from Imgages under All My Files. I thought that All My Files was duplicating data and I don't want duplicate pictures on my computer. However, now I am just wondering if All My Files is just a link to my actual files. What is the purpose of that?
    2. I imported one photo card to try to work with it and made a new Pictures folder on my desktop and arranged it using some folders and sub-folders I created.
    3. I then uploaded these through lightroom.
    4. Somehow, all of my photos were showing up in images, which is not where I wanted them and I deleted the duplicates.
    5. Now many of my folders in the Picture file I created on the desktop are empty with no photos
    6. I tried to restore my pictures from the trash to Images under All My Files and it keeps putting them into documents
    7. I have been trying to learn how to use this computer but it seems so different from what I was always used to with Explorer. This should not be that complex but I search and search on the web and can't seem to find exactly what I need to help me

    iMessage and FaceTime went down yesterday for some people. Mine is still down. My iMessage is saying the same thing about being activated. Sounds like you are still down too. Ignore the status page that says everything is fine - it lies.

  • Java returning incorrect values for width and height of a Tiff image

    I have some TIFF images (sorry, I cannot post them b/c of there confidential nature) that are returning the incorrect values for the width and height. I am using Image.getWidth(null) and have tried the relevant methods from BufferedImage. When I open the same files in external viewers (Irfanview, MS Office Document Imaging) they look fine and report the "correct" dimensions. When I re-save the files, my code works fine. Obviously, there is something wrong with the files, but why would the Java code fail and not the external viewers? Is there some way I can detect file problems?
    Here is the code, the relevant section is in the print() routine.
    * Created on Feb 27, 2008
    * Created by tso1207
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
    import java.awt.print.PrinterException;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.imageio.ImageReader;
    public class ImagePrinter extends FilePrintable
       private final ImageReader _reader;
       private final int _pageCount;
       private final boolean _isTiff;
       //for speed we will hold current page info in memory
       private Image _image = null;
       private int _imgWidth = 0;
       private int _imgHeight = 0;
       private int _currentPage = -1;
       public ImagePrinter(File imageFile) throws IOException
          ImageInputStream fis = new FileImageInputStream(getFile());
          Iterator readerIter = ImageIO.getImageReaders(fis);
          ImageReader reader = null;
          while (readerIter.hasNext())
             reader = (ImageReader);
          _reader = reader;
          int pageCount = 1;
          String mimeType = FileTypeIdentifier.getMimeType(imageFile, true);
          if (mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("image/tiff"))
             _isTiff = true;
             pageCount = reader.getNumImages(true);
             _isTiff = false;
          _pageCount = pageCount;
       public int print(java.awt.Graphics g, java.awt.print.PageFormat pf, int pageIndex)
          throws java.awt.print.PrinterException
          int drawX = 0, drawY = 0;
          double scaleRatio = 1;
          if (getCurrentPage() != (pageIndex - getPageOffset()))
                setCurrentPage(pageIndex - getPageOffset());
             catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
                return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
             catch (IOException e)
                throw new PrinterException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
             if (!_isTiff && getImgWidth() > getImgHeight())
          Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
          g2.translate(pf.getImageableX(), pf.getImageableY());
          g2.setClip(0, 0, (int) pf.getImageableWidth(), (int) pf.getImageableHeight());
          scaleRatio =
             (double) ((getImgWidth() > getImgHeight())
                ? (pf.getImageableWidth() / getImgWidth())
                : (pf.getImageableHeight() / getImgHeight()));
          //check the scale ratio to make sure that we will not write something off the page
          if ((getImgWidth() * scaleRatio) > pf.getImageableWidth())
             scaleRatio = (pf.getImageableWidth() / getImgWidth());
          else if ((getImgHeight() * scaleRatio) > pf.getImageableHeight())
             scaleRatio = (pf.getImageableHeight() / getImgHeight());
          int drawWidth = getImgWidth();
          int drawHeight = getImgHeight();
          //center image
          if (scaleRatio < 1)
             drawX = (int) ((pf.getImageableWidth() - (getImgWidth() * scaleRatio)) / 2);
             drawY = (int) ((pf.getImageableHeight() - (getImgHeight() * scaleRatio)) / 2);
             drawWidth = (int) (getImgWidth() * scaleRatio);
             drawHeight = (int) (getImgHeight() * scaleRatio);
             drawX = (int) (pf.getImageableWidth() - getImgWidth()) / 2;
             drawY = (int) (pf.getImageableHeight() - getImgHeight()) / 2;
          g2.drawImage(getImage(), drawX, drawY, drawWidth, drawHeight, null);
          return PAGE_EXISTS;
        * <br><br>
        * Created By: TSO1207 - John Loyd
        * @since version XXX
        * @return
       public int getPageCount()
          return _pageCount;
       public void destroy()
          catch (Exception e)
        * <br><br>
        * Created By: TSO1207 - John Loyd
        * @since Mar 25, 2008
        * @return
       public Image getImage()
          return _image;
        * <br><br>
        * Created By: TSO1207 - John Loyd
        * @since Mar 25, 2008
        * @return
       public int getImgHeight()
          return _imgHeight;
        * <br><br>
        * Created By: TSO1207 - John Loyd
        * @since Mar 25, 2008
        * @return
       public int getImgWidth()
          return _imgWidth;
        * <br><br>
        * Created By: TSO1207 - John Loyd
        * @since Mar 25, 2008
        * @param image
       public void setImage(Image image)
          _image = image;
        * <br><br>
        * Created By: TSO1207 - John Loyd
        * @since Mar 25, 2008
        * @param i
       public void setImgHeight(int i)
          _imgHeight = i;
        * <br><br>
        * Created By: TSO1207 - John Loyd
        * @since Mar 25, 2008
        * @param i
       public void setImgWidth(int i)
          _imgWidth = i;
        * <br><br>
        * Created By: TSO1207 - John Loyd
        * @since Mar 25, 2008
        * @return
       public int getCurrentPage()
          return _currentPage;
        * <br><br>
        * Created By: TSO1207 - John Loyd
        * @since Mar 25, 2008
        * @param i
       public void setCurrentPage(int i)
          _currentPage = i;
    }Edited by: jloyd01 on Jul 3, 2008 8:26 AM

    Figured it out. The files have a different vertical and horizontal resolutions. In this case the horizontal resolution is 200 DPI and the vertical is 100 DPI. The imgage width and height values are based on those resolution values. I wrote a section of code to take care of the problem (at least for TIFF 6.0)
       private void setPageSize(int pageNum) throws IOException
          IIOMetadata imageMetadata = _reader.getImageMetadata(pageNum);
          //Get the IFD (Image File Directory) which is the root of all the tags
          //for this image. From here we can get all the tags in the image.
          TIFFDirectory ifd = TIFFDirectory.createFromMetadata(imageMetadata);
          double xPixles = ifd.getTIFFField(256).getAsDouble(0);
          double yPixles = ifd.getTIFFField(257).getAsDouble(0);
          double xRes = ifd.getTIFFField(282).getAsDouble(0);
          double yres = ifd.getTIFFField(283).getAsDouble(0);
          int resUnits = ifd.getTIFFField(296).getAsInt(0);
          double imageWidth = xPixles / xRes;
          double imageHeight = yPixles / yres;
          //if units are in CM convert ot inches
          if (resUnits == 3)
             imageWidth = imageWidth * 0.3937;
             imageHeight = imageHeight * 0.3937;
          //convert to pixles in 72 DPI
          imageWidth = imageWidth * 72;
          imageHeight = imageHeight * 72;
          setImgWidth((int) Math.round(imageWidth));
          setImgHeight((int) Math.round(imageHeight));
          setImgAspectRatio(imageWidth / imageHeight);

  • How to access picture in jar file?

    i,ve made a jar file containing folder named frame\\data
    and the folder data containing picture and sound
    and i want to call\access the picture and the sound to make them appear to the user how?
    this is my code
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.sound.sampled.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
      public class MyFrame extends JFrame 
    ImageIcon img =new ImageIcon("src\\frame\\data\\heart7.png");
    JButton btn=new JButton("Press Me", img);
      MyInner inner;
        MyInner4 inner4;
          MyFrame ()
        private void setupGUI()
           JFrame f =new JFrame();
        //   f.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
           f.setTitle("Window Event");
            f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
             inner=new  MyInner();
             inner4=new  MyInner4();
             class MyInner extends WindowAdapter
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ee)
                Toolkit tool = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Better Work!","Bye Bye",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE,img);
               // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Text", "Title", JOptionPane.Type, icon);
            class MyInner4 extends WindowAdapter
          public void   windowOpened(WindowEvent ex)
             try {
            // From file
            AudioInputStream stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File("src\\frame\\data\\BraveHeart.wav"));
            // From URL
            //stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new URL("http://hostname/audiofile"));
            // At present, ALAW and ULAW encodings must be converted
            // to PCM_SIGNED before it can be played
            AudioFormat format = stream.getFormat();
            if (format.getEncoding() != AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED) {
                format = new AudioFormat(
                        true);        // big endian
                stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(format, stream);
            // Create the clip
            DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(
                Clip.class, stream.getFormat(), ((int)stream.getFrameLength()*format.getFrameSize()));
            Clip clip = (Clip) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
            // This method does not return until the audio file is completely loaded
            // Start playing
            // Play and loop forever
        /* Play and repeat for a certain number of times
        int numberOfPlays = 3;
         catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
        } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) {
          public  static void main(String[]args)
             MyFrame frame=new MyFrame ();

    Instead of doing like this,
    ImageIcon img =new ImageIcon("src\\frame\\data\\heart7.png");
    JButton btn=new JButton("Press Me", img); use this code,and then prepare the jar
    URL pathShell = null;
    Object dummy = new Object(){
         public String toString() { return super.toString(); }
    ClassLoader cl = dummy.getClass().getClassLoader();
    pathShell  = cl.getResource("src\\frame\\data\\heart7.png");
    image = new ImageIcon(pathShell);
    JButton btn=new JButton("Press Me", imgage);
    catch (Exception e) {}

  • "All Image Folder" in Finder

    Hi, I'm a newbie to Mac. I would like to know how to filter or designate the "All Image Folder" in Finder to just show "images" in my Picture folder only. When I click on the All Image Folder now, it shows EVERY SINGLE IMAGE that I ever opened, including pictures that I may have received through junk mails and any image within Mac itself. I seem to remember once that it only showed images in my Picture Folder and I'm not sure what I did to make it show the way it is now. When I open that folder, it showls over 10000+ imgages. Real annoying, can someone help me? Thanks.

    You just need to create a new smart search folder. Open your folder with images, enter command+F, choose your folder in the search bar at the top (it searches the whole computer by default) and choose the search by kind for all images. then click on the save button on the right and save your search. it will show up in the sidebar at the bottom.
    BTW, that default "All Images" smart search folder in the sidebar is really quite useless as you have found out yourself so I would recommend you remove it from the sidebar completely. That's done from the finder preferences.
    As Kappy suggests, if your folder has images only you don't need to do this and can simply drag the folder to the sidebar.
    Message was edited by: V.K.

  • ZLM Agent Install Fails - NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP:

    I am trying to install the zlm agent (ZLM 7.3 IR2) on a SLES 11 box.
    I have extracted the ZLM Server ISO image files, and put it on an NFS server. The client box then mounts the NFS share and I run the command
    ./zlm-install -a -i
    Sometimes the installation goes through fine, but lately I am getting the following errors on the agent install
    Installing Component : ZENworks Agent
    Installing ZENworks Agent | | 0% NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by rug-
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-utilities-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-tess-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/bash needed by novell-zenworks-install-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/bash needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-settings-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: libxml2 needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-rmagent-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-policymanager-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-policyenforcers-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: needed by novell-zenworks-x11vnc-0.6.1-2.novell.0.8.i586
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: needed by novell-zenworks-tightvnc-1.2.9-6.novell.0.7.i586
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-zislnx-7.3.2-0.0.0.i586
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: needed by zmd-inventory-
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: 'gconf2 >= 2.2.1' needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-gconfpolicyenforcers-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by zen-updater-7.3.2-0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-zlm-release2-7.3.2-0.0.0.noarch
    DEP_PROVIDERS_NOT_INSTALLABLE: 'novell-zenworks-zislnx >= 7.0.0' needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-imgagent-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-tess-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    Install of ZENworks Agent failed.
    Install has not completed
    Here is the output from the log file
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:43 INFO Daemon Received signal SIGTERM
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:43 WARN ShutdownManager Preparing to shut down...
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:43 INFO UnixWebServer Unix server stopped
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:44 WARN ShutdownManager Shutting down daemon...
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:44 INFO Daemon Final RSS size is 25708 KB
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO Daemon Starting ZMD version 7.3.2
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO Daemon Using Mono 1.2.6
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO WebCache Expiring cached files...
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO KeyManager Loading key whitelist
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO Daemon Loading trusted certificates...
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 WARN NetworkManagerModule Failed to connect to NetworkManager
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO PackageManagementModule Using SAT backend
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO RPMBackend Loading installed packages
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO RPMBackend Finished loading installed packages
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO ModuleLoader Loaded 'NetworkManager' - 'NetworkManager support'
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO ModuleLoader Loaded 'Package Management' - 'Package Management module for Linux'
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO ModuleLoader Loaded 'ZENworks Server' - 'SOAP methods used by a ZENworks server'
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO ModuleLoader Loaded 'XML-RPC interface' - 'Export ZMD public interfaces over XML-RPC'
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO ServiceManager Not loading existing services
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 WARN Daemon Not starting remote web server
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO UnixWebServer Unix server listening for connections.
    26 Mar 2010 13:08:51 INFO DaemonHealth Current RSS size is 18740 KB
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:01 INFO ServiceManager Adding service: file:///mnt/data/packages/edir/sles-11-x86_64
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:02 INFO ServiceManager Successfully added service 'edir'
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:02 INFO ServiceManager Adding service: file:///mnt/data/packages/imaging/sles-11-x86_64
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:02 INFO ServiceManager Successfully added service 'imaging'
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:02 INFO ServiceManager Adding service: file:///mnt/data/packages/server/sles-11-x86_64
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:02 INFO ServiceManager Successfully added service 'server'
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:02 INFO ServiceManager Adding service: file:///mnt/data/packages/mono/sles-11-x86_64
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:02 INFO ServiceManager Successfully added service 'mono'
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:02 INFO ServiceManager Adding service: file:///mnt/data/packages/java/sles-11-x86_64
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:02 INFO ServiceManager Successfully added service 'java'
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:03 INFO ServiceManager Adding service: file:///mnt/data/packages/sles-11-x86_64/sles-11-x86_64
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:03 INFO ServiceManager Successfully added service 'sles-11-x86_64'
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:03 INFO ServiceManager Adding service: file:///mnt/data/packages/runtime-deps/sles-11-x86_64
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:03 INFO ServiceManager Successfully added service 'runtime-deps'
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:03 INFO ServiceManager Adding service: file:///mnt/data/packages/client/sles-11-x86_64
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:03 INFO ServiceManager Successfully added service 'client'
    26 Mar 2010 13:09:07 INFO Progress Progress.Stop Message: NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by rug-
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-utilities-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-tess-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/bash needed by novell-zenworks-install-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/bash needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-settings-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: libxml2 needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-rmagent-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-policymanager-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-policyenforcers-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: needed by novell-zenworks-x11vnc-0.6.1-2.novell.0.8.i586
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: needed by novell-zenworks-tightvnc-1.2.9-6.novell.0.7.i586
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-zislnx-7.3.2-0.0.0.i586
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: needed by zmd-inventory-
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: 'gconf2 >= 2.2.1' needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-gconfpolicyenforcers-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by zen-updater-7.3.2-0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-zlm-release2-7.3.2-0.0.0.noarch
    DEP_PROVIDERS_NOT_INSTALLABLE: 'novell-zenworks-zislnx >= 7.0.0' needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-imgagent-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP: /bin/sh needed by novell-zenworks-zmd-tess-7.3.2-0.0.0.x86_64
    Those packages deps are installed and I have a SLES 11 repo setup - which works.

    Hi Rainer,
    Thanks for the response.
    I tried what you said:
    rpm -q --whatprovides /bin/sh
    Including the rebuild, but it didn't work.
    I doubt its an RPM problem, because I can install any other package.
    host-10-121-92-73:/mnt/agent # rpm -aq | grep squid
    host-10-121-92-73:/mnt/agent # zypper in squid
    Loading repository data...
    Reading installed packages...
    Resolving package dependencies...
    The following NEW package is going to be installed:
    Overall download size: 1.3 M. After the operation, additional 4.4 M will be used.
    Continue? [YES/no]: yes
    Retrieving package squid-2.7.STABLE5-2.3.x86_64 (1/1), 1.3 M (4.4 M unpacked)
    Installing: squid-2.7.STABLE5-2.3 [done]
    Additional rpm output:
    Updating etc/sysconfig/squid...
    host-10-121-92-73:/mnt/agent # rpm -aq | grep squid
    While I was writing this, I tried to install the agent again after that squid rpm install and it appears to be working now.
    It looks like the rebuild didn't do the trick, but install any new RPM sorts it out.
    Thank you very much for the help.

  • How do I make my submenu appear when I click on a link?

    I am trying to make my submenu reappear once you click on the catalogue link, how do I do this?
    This is the new uploaded website:
    Here is my nav code:
    ul#nav {
    margin:0 auto;/*---centers nav----*/
    padding:5px 0 0 0;
    #nav li {
    display:inline;/**-----this makes menu and submenu horizontal-------**/
    #nav li a {
    padding: 3px 10px;
    background:none;/**--if i want to add an image code is url then select imgage-----**/
    margin:0 5px 0 0;
    }/**--links for all list items--**/
    #nav li a:hover {
    }/**----hover color for all links----**/
    #nav ul {
    display:none;/*----makes submenu disappear----*/
    #nav a {
    Is this written properly? Do I need to add anything for other browsers?

    Look at SuperFish Nav-Bar Style:
    Also see "Persistent Page Indicator on Site Wide Menus"
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • How PIG_GET_IMAGE works?

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    On 12/17/2014 2:26 PM, DevOn99 wrote:
    1) Does an "imgage" backup contain everything I need to restore my OS in the event of a disk failure? My goal here is to get my PC back to a working state without having to re-install the OS, apps, and files.
    - Yes, if just the disk fails.
    2) How does the "system" backup capture work while booted into the OS? I would think the OS would have some files locked. Is VSS (volume shadow copy service )coming into play here?
    - Yes, it uses VSS to do the job.
    3) Is there a way to automate this process to run on a schedule?
    - Yes, the options are right there in Backup and Restore
    4) Is there a way to create a bootup "disk" onto a USB stick instead of using a CD/DVD?
    - Yes, you can find many guides on the internet.
    5) I have the drive encrypted with Bitlocker. Would problems be expected at the time of restore due to this? Will there be any interaction needed at the time of restore in regards to Bitlocker?
    - should be no problem if only the backed up drive is encrypted: the backup is not encrypted. BitLocker must be set up again after restore.
    Thanks Devon99!

  • Changing date help icon inside a table

    Dear Experts,
    We changed the icon for Date help in the theme editor. In a web dynpro screen the changed image reflects for all date fields but not for the ones inside a table.
    If there's a date field inside a table then the icon still shows the default imgage. We have tried to clear local as well as cluster cache and restart  the protal but with no effect.
    Please help in reolving this issue.
    Best Regards
    Gaurang Dayal

    I think rather than trying some quirks, you are better off opening a message with SAP.

  • Keynote 6 screen size

    I did a presentation last night and had an issue with the acreen reversing. I think in my attempt to fix it (I finally did) I must have changed a setting for the slide size because when I got home the image on those slides had changed. It's almost as if my image is a fraction of the size (in the center) with white background taking up several inches around the imgage. Does anyone know how I can change the image size back to normal?

    This is one of the many known issues with the new version of Keynote. Apple have announced they will work through a series of updates that are to be offered over the next 6 months. Untill then these problems will continue. So if you want these issues illiminated - either:
    revert to the previous version 5.3 if you had that installed, it is located in iWorks 09 folder in Applications
    buy the previous version as part of iWorks 09 from ebay
    use another application

  • Which printer profile do I use?

    I have a Epson Stylus Photo R360 printer connected to a Intel Mac running OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard.  I am currently using Adobe Lightroom 3 as my main image browser and would like to know what the correct profile is to use to gain desirable prints when using Epson Premium gloss paper.  At the moment I am trying to print Canon CR2 camera raw image files and find that when I try to output these they come out very dark and over saturated.  If I just use the "managed by printer" option and then the "layout" option in the print dialogue, I get better results but not perfect! Do I need to set up a different print profile within Lightroom?  If I turn off "managed by printer" in the Lightroom dialogue I get many profiles to choose from (see below) so would appreciate it if you could advise me on this.  I have turned off the printer management as shown below - if this is correct! Other than trying out each profile on the list I don't know what to do. I would greatly appreciate any help on this please.

    First, I second the previous post that your monitor needs to be calibrated and most important that the brightness is not set too high.
    Even if your monitor has been calibrated, the brighntess might still be too high. Strangely enough, some calibration softwares recommend a brightness that is too high.
    Your monitor brightness should be set to between 100 - 120, or else your prints will come out too dark.
    Secondly, when you select "managed by printer" make sure that in the printer's dialog you select proPhoto RGB. By default most printers (I don't know the Epson R360) are set to sRGB.
    LR by default (and it cannot be changed) uses proPhoto RGB (or to be precise a color space derived from proPhoto RGB).
    When you select "managed by printer", LR sends the image file to the printer as proPhoto RGB and the printer interprets it as sRGB. The result is a print that is overly saturated.
    So in a way you have to make sure that LR and your printer speak the same language. You can do it in two ways:
    1) Let LR manage the colors by selecting a profile for your printer AND the paper you are using. You then have to switch off your printer's color management by selecting "Application managed" (or similar wording) in the printer's dialog.
    2) Or you select "printer managed". In your printer's dialog you then have to select proPhoto RGB, or Adobe RGB but NOT sRGB. The prints will probably not be optimal when your printer's dialog does not give you the option of proPhoto RGB. If you have Photoshop, you could change the color space of your image to Adobe RGB or even to sRGB and thus achieve that your imgage's color space and the printer's color space match exactly.

  • Convert PDF to Pages, TIF Images & Text

    I need commands in VBG.NET to convert a PDF file into separate pages.
    Each page needs to be converted to a text file and also an imgage TIF image file.
    Please help.

    I'm getting the same error "The Image is too wide to output. Please crop it or reduce resolution and try again." too.
    This error comes up when using SaveAs method in C# code:
    Object jsObj = m_pdDoc.GetJSObject ();
    Type jsType= m_jsObj.GetType ();
    object[] saveAsParam = { tiffFile, "com.adobe.acrobat.tiff", "", false, false };
    jsType.InvokeMember ("saveAs",
                                     BindingFlags.InvokeMethod |
                                     BindingFlags.Public |
                                              null, jsObj, saveAsParam, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    Is it possible to catch this error programmatically and then change the resolution of TIFF?
    I tried to catch this error in the try/catch block that didn't work. Any ideas?
    I can change the resolution manually in Preference of Adobe Acrobat Pro and that works fine. I need to manage this programmatically.

  • Record mode for ODS from BF

    Hello all,
    Some one please explain me about what exactly means After image , Before image , reverse image and delete image with example!
    I will assign max points

    Hi Ram
    Pls ck this blog.
    No bef and aft Images in ODS.
    0recordmode is the field added by the system, if the datasource is delta capable.0recrodmode controls how data is posted into cubes or ODS (DSO) Objects.
    N for new records
    B for Pre Imgages
    ' ' for after images
    R for Reverse Images
    X for Storno
    D for Deletion of a Key (only in ODS possible)
    Y-Update image
    check this thread which tell s in detail about the Orecordmode and ROCANCEL
    Re: Indicator: Cancel Data Record
    Hope it helps
    CSM reddy

  • Record mode Example

    Hi Experts,
    Can anyone please explain record mode ( N, X, " " , and R) with an example.

    HI  DVMC,
    N for new records
    B for Pre Imgages
    ' ' for after images
    R for Reverse Images
    X for Storno
    D for Deletion of a Key (only in ODS possible)
    Y-Update image
      Orecordmode is the field added by the system, if the ds if delta capable.0Recordmode is not a field which retrive data from data source, its a field used in Delta update. 0Record mode only decide how the data is transfered through ODS to data target, this you can find out detail information through Changelog table in ODS. In change log table there is field 0record mode from there u can find 7 default values found, based on the values only data will be transfered during delta update. but if u use full update mode no need to bother about 0record mode it won't make a big issue.
    In ODS it is added ate the time of creation of the ODS.
    First: the recrodmode controls how data is posted into cubes or ODS (DSO) Objects.
    What extractor delivers what different types pof values can be seen via to tables:
    ROOSOURCE in the source R/3 System.
    There point out th edelta mechanism. With this value, check within Table RODELTAM. There you see the different POSSIBLE Values for ROCANCEL delivered by a DataSource.
    The relevant objekt for the controlling of the mode in BW is the InfoObject 0RECORDMODE. Each ODS (DSO) has this Object. For Logistic-Extractors (except MaterialManagement) 0RECORDMODE should be mapped with ROCANCEL.
    0STORNO generally is an InfoObject for Reports. E.G. Material movements. Stornos are posted in R/3 with particular so called movement types. Each movement typer contains an information if it is of type "Storno". If this is so, the field storno contains an X.
    If you now map the storno field onto 0RECORDMODE, the record is interpreted as a storno record an will be wied blank ini the DataTarget.
    If you have monotone increasing document numbers (like in CO-PA, CO-OM, MM-INV ...) 0RECORDMODE should be left blank. 0STORNO can be used for Reporting then and be filled differently.
    If you can have changes to an already existing document number (like in sales orders or purchase orders) i'd strongly recommend to map 0RECORDMODE onto the delivered ROCALNCEL field.
    for detail info:


    Hi, could you pls explaint the link between 0RECORDMODE and ROCANCEL
    I just dont understand why they are mapped in transferrules. and i dont have the field ROCANCEL field in my datasource. actually what scenario makes 0RECORDMODE and ROCANCEL go together could u pls explain
    Thanks in Advance,

    First: the recrodmode controls how data is posted into cubes or ODS (DSO) Objects.
    Different Chars have different meanings:
    N for new records
    B for Pre Imgages
    ' ' for after images
    R for Reverse Images
    X for Storno
    D for Deletion of a Key (only in ODS possible)
    What extractor delivers what different types pof values can be seen via to tables:
    ROOSOURCE in the source R/3 System.
    There point out th edelta mechanism. With this value, check within Table RODELTAM. There you see the different POSSIBLE Values for ROCANCEL delivered by a DataSource.
    The relevant objekt for the controlling of the mode in BW is the InfoObject 0RECORDMODE. Each ODS (DSO) has this Object. For Logistic-Extractors (except MaterialManagement) 0RECORDMODE should be mapped with ROCANCEL.
    0STORNO generally is an InfoObject for Reports. E.G. Material movements. Stornos are posted in R/3 with particular so called movement types. Each movement typer contains an information if it is of type "Storno". If this is so, the field storno contains an X.
    If you now map the storno field onto 0RECORDMODE, the record is interpreted as a storno record an will be wied blank ini the DataTarget.
    If you have monotone increasing document numbers (like in CO-PA, CO-OM, MM-INV ...) 0RECORDMODE should be left blank. 0STORNO can be used for Reporting then and be filled differently.
    If you can have changes to an already existing document number (like in sales orders or purchase orders) i'd strongly recommend to map 0RECORDMODE onto the delivered ROCALNCEL field.
    also Check
    Refer OSS Note 399739 and 333492
    Thanks..Assign points if helpful.

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