Code=1570 "calendarPath is a required value."

  I'm trying to connect the Calendar application on a macos client to the Calendar service on a macos server. On the client I get this error each time:
28/04/14 10:24:11,163 Calendar[44869]: Validation error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=1570 "calendarPath is a required value." UserInfo={
    CalCalendarUID = "252A8AEF-2BF3-409B-91A3-69AF682A63AB";
    CalGroupUID = "E0740CCF-A4CC-4A12-83C0-DBB0D4C0B0BF";
    CalManagedObjectType = CalManagedCalDAVCalendar;
    NSLocalizedDescription = "calendarPath is a required value.";
    NSValidationErrorKey = calendarPath;
    NSValidationErrorObject = "<CalManagedCalDAVCalendar: 0x6000002ecb80> (entity: CalDAVCalendar; id: 0x618000200f30 <x-coredata://185F8F7B-A601-4A94-9331-C82782782E2F/CalDAVCalendar/p36> ; data: {\n    alarmsDisabled = nil;\n    cTag = nil;\n    calendarPath = nil;\n    canBePublished = 1;\n    checked = 1;\n    color = \"(...not nil..)\";\n    colorString = \"#0E61B9FF\";\n    defaultAlarmSet = nil;\n    group = \"0x618000016fa0 <x-coredata://185F8F7B-A601-4A94-9331-C82782782E2F/CalDAVPrincipal/p34>\";\n    isAffectingAvailability = 1;\n    isDelegate = 0;\n    isEnabled = 1;\n    isEventContainer = 1;\n    isRenameable = 1;\n    isTaskContainer = 0;\n    items =     (\n        \"0x60800001af50 <x-coredata://185F8F7B-A601-4A94-9331-C82782782E2F/Event/p190>\"\n    );\n    localDefaultAlarmSet = nil;\n    needsSplit = nil;\n    notes = nil;\n    notificationCount = 0;\n    omitSyncRecord = nil;\n    order = 1;\n    ownerAddress = nil;\n    ownerAddresses =     (\n    );\n    ownerDisplayName = nil;\n    ownerPrincipalPath = nil;\n    permission = 4;\n    prePublishURLString = nil;\n    publication = nil;\n    publishURLString = nil;\n    pushKey = nil;\n    serverSubscriptionURLString = nil;\n    shareDefaultAlarmSettings = 1;\n    sharees =     (\n    );\n    sharingStatus = 0;\n    subscriptionInfo = nil;\n    symbolicColorName = blue;\n    syncToken = nil;\n    timeZone = \"(...not nil..)\";\n    timeZoneString = \"Europe/Paris\";\n    title = Untitled;\n    uid = \"252A8AEF-2BF3-409B-91A3-69AF682A63AB\";\n})";
  I even tried to compile the Calendar server on my mac client as explained at this address:
  The compiled server works fine, but the Calendar application gives the same error.
The only info I found about this error message is that the Calendar application itself is at fault, and not the server:
Any idea how to make it work?

Never mind, I found the reason to my problem.
And the error message didn't help at all (go figure).
The thing is that my server is connected to ActiveDirectory, and Calendar doesn't support the normal encryption.It works if I disable the password encryption, as explained in this article:
This article is so badly written, it doesn't give an idea of what error message we could expect, or how to make it work with Kerberos. It just tells you not to bother with reading it in the first place.

Similar Messages

  • Company code and  Ship-To Party: variable values should be dynamic

    We have queries where we have  Company code & Ship-To Party as Variable parameters.
    While executing the report the user has to give the Variable values for both company code and ship to party.
    But when they give the company the next parameter ship to party, it has to offer values which belongs to that company code only. But here it is offering all values form ship to party., where user don't want to see the value from other company code as they have lot of values there which is causing inconvenience to the user.
    Kindly suggest me how to restrict the values at variable level.
    Thanks & Regards,

    You can do that using BADI BW_BADI_F4 .
    You can use this BAdI to restrict input help for entry variables in the BI variable screen.
    Create a separate implementation for each required InfoObject.
    The BAdI is designed for multiple use.
    Restricting input help without using hierarchies
    To restrict input help for flat object lists without using hierarchies, use method Get_Restriction_Flat.
    I_VNAM Variable
    I_IOBJNM InfoObject
    I_T_VAR_RANGE Table of entries on the variable screen
    I_T_COMPID Table of participating queries
    C_T_RANGE Range table with other restrictions
    C_INFOPROV InfoProvider
    C_F4_Mode F4 mode
    Entry parameters I_VNAM and I_IOBJNM return the names of the variables and the InfoObject that F4 helpwill be affected for. I_T_VAR_RANGE returns additional values from the variable screen entered beforethe call. These are returned in a range table that does not, however, return any information about variables that cannot be entered. I_T_COMPID is a list of participating BI queries.
    If there is a single InfoProvider, entry and return parameter C_INFOPROV contains the InfoProvider forthe participating queries, and can be overwritten in the implementation. Especially when you have justone MultiProvider, this allows you to restrict the input help to one of the physical InfoProviders ifyou also set the F4 mode to u201CDu201D (input help from dimension tables). The mode can onlybe set to u201CDu201D in conjunction with physical InfoProviders, as dimension values are otherwisenot available. If you reference to a VirtualProvider that is based on a data transfer process, you always need to set mode u201CMu201D (input help from master data)
    Return table C_T_RANGE is a range table of additional restrictions that can be used in the implementation.These restrictions are identical to restrictions that the system makes in the standard setting. It is therefore not possible to add to the list.
    The following restrictions are permitted in C_T_RANGE:
    u2022Restrictions for InfoObject I_IOBJNM itself (for example using a specified range)
    u2022Restrictions to groups of InfoObjects (for example restriction of the fiscal year variant for fiscal years)
    u2022Restrictions by the InfoObjectu2019s navigation attributes.
    For technical reasons, pure display attributes cannot be used.
    You can also make a restriction to physical InfoProviders. In this case, the input help is restrictedto the specified physical InfoProviders. Field IOBJNM in table C_T_RANGE then has to be set to 0INFOPROV.In the case of a MultiProvider using physical InfoProviders with mode u201CDu201D (input help from dimension tables), the input help is built from all participating physical InfoProviders.
    Entry and return parameter C_F4_MODE describes the retrieval method for the F4 help:
    u2022In mode u201CMu201D, the input help is built from the master data.
    u2022In mode u201CDu201D, the input help is built from the dimension tables of physical InfoProviders.
    The choice of method is therefore always dependent on the choice of InfoProvider.
    Restricting input help using hierarchies
    To restrict input help for flat object lists using hierarchies, use method Get_Restriction_Node.
    I_VNAM Variable
    I_IOBJNM InfoObject
    I_T_VAR_RANGAE Table of entries on the variable screen
    I_T_COMPID Table of participating queries
    C_T_HIERARCHY Table of possible hierarchies
    C_T_NODE Table with node restrictions
    C_INFOPROV InfoProvider
    C_F4_Mode F4 mode
    On the whole, this method is the same as method GET_RESTRICTION_FLAT. Instead of a C_T_RANGE, the additional node restrictions can be submitted using table C_T_NODE.
    C_T_HIERARCHY contains the hierarchies that can be used based on the existing query restrictions. Ifthis table contains multiple entries, the system uses the first hierarchy in the standard setting. In a BAdI implementation, specific entries can be removed in order to select the required hierarchy.
    Table C_T_NODE can be filled with individual nodes in order to restrict the hierarchy to the corresponding subtrees.
    All other parameters are the same for Get_Restriction_Node as described above for method Get_Restriction_Flat.
    For more information about implementing BAdIs for the enhancement concept, see the SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver, under BAdIs u2013 Embedding in the Enhancement Framework..

  • Installer LV7.1 - LabVIEW load error code 21: An external subroutine required for execution could not be found.

    Je cherche à créer un installer portatif utilisant les drivers NI-DAQmx 8.7.1 et NI-CAN 2.6.0.
    Je dispose d'un code LV 7.1 et j'ai installé l'application builder 7.1.
    Mais une fois l'application installé sur un PC vierge de Labview, j'obtiens le message suivant:
    load error code 21: An external subroutine required for execution could not be found.
    Ce message est répété plusieurs fois (pour différents VIs) puis le programme ne se lance pas.
    J'ai bien veillé à installer les drivers NI-CAN et NI-DAQmx correspondant au préalable sur la machine cible.
    En chercant sur le forum, plusieurs pistes m'ont été proposé:
    La version NI-DAQ
    L'intégration du Run time Engine
    Un problème de DLL
    J'ai vérifié ces 3 points mais cela n'a pas règlé mon problème.
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Merci de ta réponse.
    En fait, j'ai bien inclu le runtime engine de Labview qui était effectivement la source de l'erreur.
    L'installation de NI-DAQmx v 8.7.1 provoque la mise à jour de la version du runtime engine (passage de 7.1 à 7.1.1).
    J'ai donc désinstallé Le runtime engine 7.1.1 (ce qui a provoqué la désinstallation de labview et NI-DAQ).
    Puis je suis passé par une version plus ancienne de NI-DAQ (7.2) que j'ai adapté (inclusions de DLL et de VIs).
    Les messages d'erreurs ont alors tout simplement disparus!

  • Hitting error LDAP: error code 20 - mail attribute has duplicate value.

    Hi ,
    Anyone  faced this issue before LDAP: error code 20 - mail attribute has duplicate value. We are getting this error intermittently  in oid logs and 
    and due to that  provisioning stuck . I know that the issue due to the object class mismatch in attributes. But  map profile looks fine . Anything else need to check ?
    SSO verion and DB version 10g . [LDAP: error code 20 - mail attribute has duplicate value.]; remaining name 'uid=abc,cn=users,dc=xyz ,dc=com'
            at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.mapErrorCode(
            at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(
            at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(
            at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.c_modifyAttributes(
            at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.ComponentDirContext.p_modifyAttributes(
            at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.PartialCompositeDirContext.modifyAttributes(
            at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.PartialCompositeDirContext.modifyAttributes(
            at oracle.ldap.odip.gsi.LDAPWriter.modify(
            at oracle.ldap.odip.gsi.LDAPWriter.writeChanges(
            at oracle.ldap.odip.engine.AgentThread.mapExecute(
            at oracle.ldap.odip.engine.AgentThread.execMapping(
    Error in executing mapping DIP_LDAPWRITER_ERROR_MODIFY
            at oracle.ldap.odip.engine.AgentThread.mapExecute(
            at oracle.ldap.odip.engine.AgentThread.execMapping(
    Setting Change Success Count : 27682
    Setting Change Failure Count : 11004
    CDSImportProfile:Error in Mapping EngineDIP_LDAPWRITER_ERROR_MODIFY
            at oracle.ldap.odip.engine.AgentThread.mapExecute(
            at oracle.ldap.odip.engine.AgentThread.execMapping(
    CDSImportProfile:about to Update exec status

    did you search the LDAP server to see whether the email value you try to use already exist ?  typically LDAP server do not care whether email is duplicated or not, but by default OIM server do not allow duplicated email

  • LDAP: error code 20 - pwdfailuretime attribute has duplicate value

    I am working on Oracle Infra 9.0.2
    I am trying to update attribute of particular user, but it gives me error as follows
    05:39:46 PM: Failed to update entry cn=szuhaila, cn=test, ou=test, o=com, c=my
    Root error: LDAP: error code 20 - pwdfailuretime attribute has duplicate value. VALUE: 20080609004531z
    I am trying to update with Orcale Directory Manager, I have tried with an LDAp browser thru too. It gives me same error.
    Can some one guide me how to over some this issue?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user8705646 on Aug 20, 2009 12:13 AM

    did you search the LDAP server to see whether the email value you try to use already exist ?  typically LDAP server do not care whether email is duplicated or not, but by default OIM server do not allow duplicated email

  • Why different Overall requirements value between labor and pool capacity

    Hi all,
    I create a PM Order with using a PP work center and this PP work has 3 Capacity category: machine, labor, pool.
    after I check the PM Order with CM35
    and i find out, that Overall requirements value are different between labor and pool capacity. Is this normal?
    In my opinion,labor and pool should have same amount requirements of capacities.

    Please refer the Link []
    Edited by: RAKESH ASHOK MANE on Aug 17, 2010 9:42 AM


    my end users want to when ever post a document through F-02 t code text feild make it required entry feild, how to configure
    pl halp me
    Moderator: Please, don't post in CAPITAL letters and search before posting

    Change the field status group for that GL account and make text field as required.
    Use T-Code OBC4

  • Required values for CONCSUB

    I am new to Oracle and am in charge of automating processes we currently do manually.
    I intend to use CONCSUB to run a concurrent request to automatically import EDI 830s, but am unable to find the required data. Can someone please assist with finding the required values for responsibility name, responsibility short name, application name, and application short name?
    The responsibility is E-Commerce Gateway and I think the short name is EC, is this correct?
    The application I am running is a concurrent request to import EDI 830 data ( Process: Import Program>Request:Run Inbound). Would this name be FND_something and the short name be FND?
    Please answer or direct me to where I can find this information.
    Thank you,
    Tony the Intern

    I am not sure i correctly understand your question. The required values for the resp_name etc or the values of those?
    Navigation to finding responsibility values:
    System Administrator-->Security-->Responsibility-->Define-->
    You can find the Responsibility Name, Responsibility Key and the Application Name.
    Navigation for finding the Application Short Name:
    System Administrator-->Application-->Register-->
    Search with the application name you found in first name.
    Hope this helps.

  • SPEL to set required value

    I've browsed thru a lot of the SPEL posts here but couldn't quite get an answer.
    I'm trying to do something simple - set SPEL on a required field. The available options are "yes", "no" and "SPEL"
    I extended my VO and added a new boolean attribute - lets call it xxIsequired, and personalized the field required property to {oa.xxVO.xxIsequired}, but there is no change (doesn't work). I checked that the substitution is in fact working, and I know the new attribute xxIsequired returns true or false correctly.
    Then I tried changing the attribute xxIsequired to string, and return yes or no. With this I can't even get the personalization page to save (Error:"Please provide a valid value for 'required'.").
    So if only boolean attribute can be used, will it really work with required attribute which needs a "yes" or "no"?
    I am on OA Framework 12.1.3.

    Thank you for your responses. I can't get it to work. Don't know what's wrong??
    This is my code (cut down for simplicity):
    VO Query select:
    CASE WHEN country <> 'US' THEN 1
    ELSE 0
    END xxisTaxReq
    VO Attribute:
    SQLType="BIT" >
    <Attr Name="_DisplaySize" Value="14" />
    Required attribute: ${oa.xxVO.xxIsTaxReq}
    I tried to create a new item thru personalization on the page and the value true/false comes through correctly on the screen.
    So this really baffles me, I dont know what I'm doing wrong? The true/false value is available but the personalization doesnt apply it to required field.

  • Validate lookup field - require value other than first item

    I thought I would share something, and if there is a better way, please share. I have a list with a few Lookups that I wasn't able to require (since requiring them inserts the first option), and I was also not able to validate them (since they are Lookup
    columns). Nevertheless, I needed a way to ensure a value was entered with some amount of thought.
    The solution for me was to insert a Script Editor Web Part into the Default New Form and inserting a javascript snippet. On the list, on the ribbon List tab there is a Form Web Parts drop-down where the Default New Form can be found. Once you are there,
    Adding a Web Part is pretty straight forward. The Script Editor Web Part can be found in Media and Content and you will insert your code after clicking on Edit Snippet.
    The code, for me, needed to check a couple different Lookups for the Default "(None)" value when not set as a required field and block the Save and alert the user. In order to reference the correct Lookup fields I needed to use the IE Developer
    tools (click on the cog, choose "F12 Developer Tools"), on the "DOM Explorer" tab select the left-most icon for the "Select element" tool and click on the Lookup field you need to reference.
    Here is the code that worked for me:
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function PreSaveAction()
    var e = document.getElementById('_x002e_034_x002d_Company_e721cbe9-05ee-41cd-8227-9fc32c09e8fc_$LookupField');
    var strClient = e.options[e.selectedIndex].text;
    var g = document.getElementById('_x002E_037_x002d_Contacts_ddad3e65-bd8a-4dec-9efc-fb9416a025b1_$LookupField');
    var strContact = g.options[g.selectedIndex].text;
    alert("***Client Field Required***\nPlease select a Client from the list or enter a New Client.");
    return false;
    alert("***Contact Field Required***\nPlease select a Contact from the list or enter a New Contact.");
    return false;
    return true;
    I assume you can reference as many fields as you might require. Have fun with this, and I hope the solution is easily found for the next SharePoint Dev ;-).

    Hi Alan,
    Thank you for sharing this with us, and it will help others who have the same issue.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Code in main does not require catch, but code in constructor does

    this is the original program, its all in main. i took all the code out of main and put it in a constructor to make it more usable, and started making the necessary adjustments. i eventually got it to work but i had to catch exceptions EVERYWHERE. why does this code not require so many exceptions when the code is in main?
    public class MainClass {
      public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
        URL u = new URL("");
        URLConnection uc = u.openConnection();
        String contentType = uc.getContentType();
        int contentLength = uc.getContentLength();
         // ||
        if (contentLength == -1) {
          throw new IOException("Error: No File Found.");
        InputStream raw = uc.getInputStream();
        InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(raw);
        byte[] data = new byte[contentLength];
        int bytesRead = 0;
        int offset = 0;
        while (offset < contentLength) {
          bytesRead =, offset, data.length - offset);
          if (bytesRead == -1)
          offset += bytesRead;
        if (offset != contentLength) {
          throw new IOException("Only read " + offset + " bytes; Expected " + contentLength + " bytes");
         String dirText = "text";
         String dirTarget = "target";
         String filename = u.getFile().substring(u.getFile().lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
         String dirAndFile;
         // determine weather the file is a target or is to be parsed for more files
         if(contentType.startsWith("text/")) {
              dirAndFile = dirText + "\\" + filename;
         else {
              dirAndFile = dirTarget + "\\" + filename;
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dirAndFile);
    }Edited by: chopficaro on May 1, 2010 8:15 AM

    ok but still, why do i not have to catch all these exceptions when the code is in main rather than a constructor? heres the code after i put it in the constructor:
    public class MainClass {
         public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
              MainClass mc = new MainClass("");
         MainClass(String addr)
              URL u = null;
                   u = new URL(addr);
              catch (MalformedURLException e)
                   // Print out the exception that occurred
                   System.out.println("Invalid URL "+addr+": "+e.getMessage());
              URLConnection uc = null;
                   uc = u.openConnection();
              catch (IOException e)
                   // Print out the exception that occurred
                   System.out.println("Unable to create "+addr+": "+e.getMessage());
              String contentType = uc.getContentType();
              int contentLength = uc.getContentLength();
              if (contentLength == -1)
                   System.out.println("no file");//throw new IOException("Error: No File Found.");
              InputStream raw=null;
              InputStream in=null;
                   raw = uc.getInputStream();
                   in = new BufferedInputStream(raw);
              catch (IOException e)
              // Print out the exception that occurred
              System.out.println("bad input stream "+e.getMessage());
              byte[] data = new byte[contentLength];
              int bytesRead = 0;
              int offset = 0;
              while (offset < contentLength)
                        bytesRead =, offset, data.length - offset);
                   catch (IOException e)
                        // Print out the exception that occurred
                   if (bytesRead == -1)
                   offset += bytesRead;
              catch (IOException e)
                   // Print out the exception that occurred
              if (offset != contentLength)
                   System.out.println("didnt read enough bytes"); //throw new IOException("Only read " + offset + " bytes; Expected " + contentLength + " bytes");
              String dirText = "text";
              String dirTarget = "target";
                   String filename = u.getFile().substring(u.getFile().lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                   String dirAndFile;
                   // determine weather the file is a target or is to be parsed for more files
                        dirAndFile = dirText + "\\" + filename;
                        dirAndFile = dirTarget + "\\" + filename;
                   FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dirAndFile);
              catch (IOException e)
                   // Print out the exception that occurred

  • Tax codes - can you set up default value for rows and freight? HELP!

    Hello - I have two issues with tax codes:
    1. When adding  a sales order if any of the rows do not have a value for "Tax Code"  I will get an error "Row without tax was found".
    - How can I get all rows on my sales orders, documents, etc to default to a specific tax code? Or will users ALWAYS have to enter the tax code?
    2. When addring a sales order with Freight, if the order is added without adding a tax code to the freight I will get an error "Expense with tax was found"
    - How can I get the tax code have a default value? We always use the same tax code, so it is redundant to have to enter this information.
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Jhon,
    this is the simplest and best way to make a Tax Code default is Go to
    Answer for Question 1
    Administration -> Setup -> Financial ->  Tax -> Tax Code Determination (Click on this)
    in that screen you can set a default tax code for both sales as well as Purchase.
    If you want to set Tax Code based on Vendors or Customers or Items separately then you can use the Key Fields.
    Answer for Question 2
    Once you enter the Tax Code in the freight i think it takes the Tax Code itself, I'm not so sure about this one though.
    Hope this helps you out

  • Need ABAP code for the below Services requirement

    We have a requirement to show all the services for a particular Purchase order number.For this I built a view on 2 tables ESLL and EKPO.Now based on the below logic I need to bring the services for the Purchase order..
    1.Enter PO number,item no. and Doc category in EKPO and find the Pack no.
    2.Now take the Pack no. of EKPO and give in ESLL and find the Sub pack no.
    3.Now take this Subpack no. and Give this sub pack as Pack no. in ESLL
    4.This will be the Service entry record for that PO number.
    Can any one Please suggest me to how to write the ABAP code for the above logic.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Dinaker,
    Did you find any solution for this issue. I too have a similar requirement of pulling all the service orders for a specific Purchase Order in the BW report.

  • Need JAVA code to create OIM ITresource-connection values are in a csv file

    Could any one plz help me with the java code used / tested before to create OIM IT resource dynamically, for the reference. IT resource parameter (connection) values in a .csv file, where in I've multiple environments.
    Edited by: user13267745 on Aug 19, 2010 12:37 AM

    Hi Gregg,
    You can create one transformation from the DataStore to itself.  In the "Technical" rules group, set 0RECORDMODE = 'X' (before image) or 'R' (reverse).  Therefore, when you execute its corresponding DTP, all existing records shouldl be set to zero.
    Then, as a second step, you can execute the DTP which is related to the transformation between the DataStore and the DataSource, thus loading the new records.
    I hope this helps you.

  • US English Code page - What is its correct value?

    'Lo All,
    Hope someone can throw some light!
    We're in the process of updating Win Server 2003 servers to Win 2012. This is being done by building completely new servers in a new Development server datacentre based in Hong Kong. Our existing servers are all UK based.
    I can set the server locale to US English or UK English. Using CHCP in a cmd window shows me the active page then gets set to either 437 (when US) or 850 when (UK).
    However, when running MSI to install some software I get an error 1208 English is not installed. This message appears if I set the locale to US or UK. I am setting the value for dos based programs as well as the admin locale.
    The MSI appears to be expecting to find code page 409 for US English and not 437. 409 is set as the default in the setup,ini file.
    US English is also at the top of the list for display languages.
    UK English is shown on the list but has "Language Pack not available against it.
    I've been trawling through the internet, but I've just ended up getting confused!
    Is this a fault with the setup process expecting to find 409, or is it an error in the way Windows Server is setting 437?
    Thanks in anticipation!
    (P.S. It's really irritating that there's no option to set UK English in here!)
     (P.P.S be gentle - its my first time - and I've no idea what I'm talking about!)

    Would you please post the error information in detail to help us to troubleshoot this issue?
    In my expression, a .msi file failed to install during the installation, please check the event log and find the relevant "error" or "failed".
    You can also try to install .msi with cmd msiexec, which will generate a log file for analysis:
    msiexec /i "C:\MyPackage\Example.msi" /L*V "C:\log\example.log"
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang

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    Every once in a while, iTunes will randomly stop playing in midsong. I'm usually using a different application (Safari, MS Word, etc) when it happens. When I go back to iTunes the "play" key is on pause, as if I were to have paused the song myself. W

  • Report service Integration vs Report Service SharePointMode

    Hi, I see some msdn docs using the terms "RS Integrated mode" while some other msdn docs use the terms "RS SharePoint Mode". Are those the same thing? I guess it is just diferent terminology used with diferent produtcs versions RS2008/SP2010 & RS2012