Code to capture image through webcam..

hi.. im doing final year engineering.. rite now in project works n so i need a complete code in java to capture image through webcam..
can anybody pls help me in this...
thanks in advance..

can anybody suggest me on this coding n get me a full pharse of this program ready for execution....
think tis will b a easiest way to capture an image through webcam...!
CaptureDeviceInfo deviceInfo = CaptureDeviceManager.getDevice("vfw:Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32):0");
Player player = Manager.createRealizedPlayer(deviceInfo.getLocator());
// Wait a few seconds for camera to initialise (otherwise img==null)
//take image from camera
FrameGrabbingControl frameGrabber = (FrameGrabbingControl)player.getControl("");
Buffer buf = frameGrabber.grabFrame();
Image img1 = (new BufferToImage((VideoFormat)buf.getFormat()).createImage(buf));
then you can save image as image.jpg into buffer your computer
BufferedImage buffImg = new BufferedImage(img1.getWidth(null), img1.getHeight(null), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D g2D = buffImg.createGraphics();
g2D.drawImage(img1, null, null);
g2D.setFont(new Font("Verdana",Font.BOLD,16));
g2D.drawString((new Date()).toString(),10,25);
ImageIO.write(buffImg,"jpg",new File("../Test/Webcam/Webcam" + " " + Params.Num + ".jpg"));

Similar Messages

  • Problem in code to capture image through Enter webcam

    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    public class camHandler{
    private CaptureDeviceInfo deviceInfo;
    private Player player;
    public camHandler() {}
    public void ini() {
    // Create capture device
    this.deviceInfo = CaptureDeviceManager.getDevice("vfw:Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32):0");
    player = null;
    try {
    player = Manager.createRealizedPlayer(deviceInfo.getLocator());
    catch (CannotRealizeException ex) {
    catch (NoPlayerException ex) {
    catch (IOException ex) {
    // Wait a few seconds for camera to initialise (otherwise img==null)
    try {
    catch (InterruptedException ex1) {
    } //init
    public BufferedImage capture(String path) {
    // Grab a frame from the image device
    FrameGrabbingControl frameGrabber = (FrameGrabbingControl) player.
    Buffer buf = frameGrabber.grabFrame();
    // Convert frame to an buffered image so it can be processed and saved
    Image img = (new BufferToImage( (VideoFormat) buf.getFormat()).createImage(
    BufferedImage buffImg = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(null), img.getHeight(null),
    Graphics2D g = buffImg.createGraphics();
    g.drawImage(img, null, null);
    // Overlay curent time on image
    // Save image to disk as PNG
    try {
    // ImageIO.write(buffImg, "png", new File(path));
    System.out.println("images is saved "+new Date().toString());
    catch (Exception ex2) {
    return buffImg;
    public void closeConn() {
    // Stop using webcam
    public boolean motion(BufferedImage c, BufferedImage n) {
    int crgb, nrgb;
    int cav, nav;
    for (int i = 0; i < c.getWidth(); i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < c.getHeight(); j++) {
    crgb = c.getRGB(i, j);
    nrgb = n.getRGB(i, j);
    if (crgb != nrgb) {
    return true;
    return false;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    BufferedImage current;
    camHandler test = new camHandler();
    current = test.capture("c:\\webcam.png");
    current = test.capture("c:\\webcam.png");
    for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
    BufferedImage next = test.capture("c:\\webcam"+i+".png");
    if (test.motion(current, next)) { // if motion is detected
    ImageIO.write(next, "png", new File("c:\\next"+i+".png"));
    ImageIO.write(next, "png", new File("c:\\current"+i+".png"));
    current = next;
    PROBLEM: this.deviceInfo = CaptureDeviceManager.getDevice("vfw:Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32):0");
    is returing null because my Web Camera is: Enter USB 2.0 PC CAMERA Model No: E-1.3MPIR
    what should i pass inplace of "vfw:Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32):0"

    this.deviceInfo = CaptureDeviceManager.getDevice("vfw://0");
    vfw://0 is the default device. then you havent to know the name of the camera
    - Stefan

  • Errors in code that captures images from webcam

    Here is the code
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*;
    // import; // JMF 2.1.1c version
    import; // JMF 2.1.1e version
    public class JWebCam extends JFrame
    implements WindowListener, ComponentListener
    protected final static int MIN_WIDTH = 320;
    protected final static int MIN_HEIGHT = 240;
    protected static int shotCounter = 1;
    protected JLabel statusBar = null;
    protected JPanel visualContainer = null;
    protected Component visualComponent = null;
    protected JToolBar toolbar = null;
    protected MyToolBarAction formatButton = null;
    protected MyToolBarAction captureButton = null;
    protected Player player = null;
    protected CaptureDeviceInfo webCamDeviceInfo = null;
    protected MediaLocator ml = null;
    protected Dimension imageSize = null;
    protected FormatControl formatControl = null;
    protected VideoFormat currentFormat = null;
    protected Format[] videoFormats = null;
    protected MyVideoFormat[] myFormatList = null;
    protected boolean initialised = false;
    * Constructor
    public JWebCam ( String frameTitle )
    super ( frameTitle );
    catch ( Exception cnfe )
    System.out.println ("Note : Cannot load look and feel settings");
    setSize ( 320, 260 ); // default size...
    addWindowListener ( this );
    addComponentListener ( this );
    getContentPane().setLayout ( new BorderLayout() );
    visualContainer = new JPanel();
    visualContainer.setLayout ( new BorderLayout() );
    getContentPane().add ( visualContainer, BorderLayout.CENTER );
    statusBar = new JLabel ("");
    statusBar.setBorder ( new EtchedBorder() );
    getContentPane().add ( statusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
    * Initialise
    * @returns true if web cam is detected
    public boolean initialise ( )
    throws Exception
    return ( initialise ( autoDetect() ) );
    * Initialise
    * @params _deviceInfo, specific web cam device if not autodetected
    * @returns true if web cam is detected
    public boolean initialise ( CaptureDeviceInfo _deviceInfo )
    throws Exception
    statusBar.setText ( "Initialising...");
    webCamDeviceInfo = _deviceInfo;
    if ( webCamDeviceInfo != null )
    statusBar.setText ( "Connecting to : " + webCamDeviceInfo.getName() );
    getContentPane().add ( toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH );
    ml = webCamDeviceInfo.getLocator();
    if ( ml != null )
    player = Manager.createRealizedPlayer ( ml );
    if ( player != null )
    formatControl = (FormatControl)player.getControl ( "" );
    videoFormats = webCamDeviceInfo.getFormats();
    visualComponent = player.getVisualComponent();
    if ( visualComponent != null )
    visualContainer.add ( visualComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER );
    myFormatList = new MyVideoFormat[videoFormats.length];
    for ( int i=0; i<videoFormats.length; i++ )
    myFormatList = new MyVideoFormat ( (VideoFormat)videoFormats );
    Format currFormat = formatControl.getFormat();
    if ( currFormat instanceof VideoFormat )
    currentFormat = (VideoFormat)currFormat;
    imageSize = currentFormat.getSize();
    visualContainer.setPreferredSize ( imageSize );
    setSize ( imageSize.width, imageSize.height + statusBar.getHeight() + toolbar.getHeight() );
    System.err.println ("Error : Cannot get current video format");
    return ( true );
    System.err.println ("Error : Could not get visual component");
    return ( false );
    System.err.println ("Error : Cannot create player");
    statusBar.setText ( "Cannot create player" );
    return ( false );
    System.err.println ("Error : No MediaLocator for " + webCamDeviceInfo.getName() );
    statusBar.setText ( "No Media Locator for : " + webCamDeviceInfo.getName() );
    return ( false );
    catch ( IOException ioEx )
    statusBar.setText ( "Connecting to : " + webCamDeviceInfo.getName() );
    return ( false );
    catch ( NoPlayerException npex )
    statusBar.setText ("Cannot create player");
    return ( false );
    catch ( CannotRealizeException nre )
    statusBar.setText ( "Cannot realize player");
    return ( false );
    return ( false );
    * Dynamically create menu items
    * @returns the device info object if found, null otherwise
    public void setFormat ( VideoFormat selectedFormat )
    if ( formatControl != null )
    imageSize = selectedFormat.getSize();
    formatControl.setFormat ( selectedFormat );
    statusBar.setText ( "Format : " + selectedFormat );
    currentFormat = selectedFormat;
    visualContainer.setPreferredSize ( currentFormat.getSize() );
    setSize ( imageSize.width, imageSize.height + statusBar.getHeight() + toolbar.getHeight() );
    System.out.println ("Visual component not an instance of FormatControl");
    statusBar.setText ( "Visual component cannot change format" );
    public VideoFormat getFormat ( )
    return ( currentFormat );
    protected void setUpToolBar ( )
    toolbar = new JToolBar();
    // Note : If you supply the 16 x 16 bitmaps then you can replace
    // the commented line in the MyToolBarAction constructor
    formatButton = new MyToolBarAction ( "Resolution", "BtnFormat.jpg" );
    captureButton = new MyToolBarAction ( "Capture", "BtnCapture.jpg" );
    toolbar.add ( formatButton );
    toolbar.add ( captureButton );
    getContentPane().add ( toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH );
    protected void toolbarHandler ( MyToolBarAction actionBtn )
    if ( actionBtn == formatButton )
    Object selected = JOptionPane.showInputDialog (this,
    "Select Video format",
    "Capture format selection",
    null, // Icon icon,
    myFormatList, // videoFormats,
    currentFormat );
    if ( selected != null )
    setFormat ( ((MyVideoFormat)selected).format );
    else if ( actionBtn == captureButton )
    Image photo = grabFrameImage ( );
    if ( photo != null )
    MySnapshot snapshot = new MySnapshot ( photo, new Dimension ( imageSize ) );
    System.err.println ("Error : Could not grab frame");
    * autoDetects the first web camera in the system
    * searches for video for windows ( vfw ) capture devices
    * @returns the device info object if found, null otherwise
    public CaptureDeviceInfo autoDetect ( )
    Vector list = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList ( null );
    CaptureDeviceInfo devInfo = null;
    if ( list != null )
    String name;
    for ( int i=0; i<list.size(); i++ )
    devInfo = (CaptureDeviceInfo)list.elementAt ( i );
    name = devInfo.getName();
    if ( name.startsWith ("vfw:") )
    if ( devInfo != null && devInfo.getName().startsWith("vfw:") )
    return ( devInfo );
    for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
    name = VFWCapture.capGetDriverDescriptionName ( i );
    if (name != null && name.length() > 1)
    devInfo = ( i );
    if ( devInfo != null )
    return ( devInfo );
    catch ( Exception ioEx )
    // ignore errors detecting device
    statusBar.setText ( "AutoDetect failed : " + ioEx.getMessage() );
    return ( null );
    return ( null );
    * deviceInfo
    * @note outputs text information
    public void deviceInfo ( )
    if ( webCamDeviceInfo != null )
    Format[] formats = webCamDeviceInfo.getFormats();
    if ( ( formats != null ) && ( formats.length > 0 ) )
    for ( int i=0; i<formats.length; i++ )
    Format[] aFormat = formats;
    if ( aFormat[i] instanceof VideoFormat )
    Dimension dim = ((VideoFormat)aFormat).getSize();
    // System.out.println ("Video Format " + i + " : " + formats.getEncoding() + ", " + dim.width + " x " + dim.height );
    System.out.println ("Error : No web cam detected");
    * grabs a frame's buffer from the web cam / device
    * @returns A frames buffer
    public Buffer grabFrameBuffer ( )
    if ( player != null )
    FrameGrabbingControl fgc = (FrameGrabbingControl)player.getControl ( "" );
    if ( fgc != null )
    return ( fgc.grabFrame() );
    System.err.println ("Error : FrameGrabbingControl is null");
    return ( null );
    System.err.println ("Error : Player is null");
    return ( null );
    * grabs a frame's buffer, as an image, from the web cam / device
    * @returns A frames buffer as an image
    public Image grabFrameImage ( )
    Buffer buffer = grabFrameBuffer();
    if ( buffer != null )
    // Convert it to an image
    BufferToImage btoi = new BufferToImage ( (VideoFormat)buffer.getFormat() );
    if ( btoi != null )
    Image image = btoi.createImage ( buffer );
    if ( image != null )
    return ( image );
    System.err.println ("Error : BufferToImage cannot convert buffer");
    return ( null );
    System.err.println ("Error : cannot create BufferToImage instance");
    return ( null );
    System.out.println ("Error : Buffer grabbed is null");
    return ( null );
    * Closes and cleans up the player
    public void playerClose ( )
    if ( player != null )
    player = null;
    public void windowClosing ( WindowEvent e )
    System.exit ( 1 );
    public void componentResized ( ComponentEvent e )
    Dimension dim = getSize();
    boolean mustResize = false;
    if ( dim.width < MIN_WIDTH )
    dim.width = MIN_WIDTH;
    mustResize = true;
    if ( dim.height < MIN_HEIGHT )
    dim.height = MIN_HEIGHT;
    mustResize = true;
    if ( mustResize )
    setSize ( dim );
    public void windowActivated ( WindowEvent e ) { }
    public void windowClosed ( WindowEvent e ) { }
    public void windowDeactivated ( WindowEvent e ) { }
    public void windowDeiconified ( WindowEvent e ) { }
    public void windowIconified ( WindowEvent e ) { }
    public void windowOpened ( WindowEvent e ) { }
    public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) { }
    public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { }
    public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { }
    protected void finalize ( ) throws Throwable
    class MyToolBarAction extends AbstractAction
    public MyToolBarAction ( String name, String imagefile )
    // Note : Use version this if you supply your own toolbar icons
    // super ( name, new ImageIcon ( imagefile ) );
    super ( name );
    public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent event )
    toolbarHandler ( this );
    class MyVideoFormat
    public VideoFormat format;
    public MyVideoFormat ( VideoFormat _format )
    format = _format;
    public String toString ( )
    Dimension dim = format.getSize();
    return ( format.getEncoding() + " [ " + dim.width + " x " + dim.height + " ]" );
    class MySnapshot extends JFrame
    protected Image photo = null;
    protected int shotNumber;
    public MySnapshot ( Image grabbedFrame, Dimension imageSize )
    super ( );
    shotNumber = shotCounter++;
    setTitle ( "Photo" + shotNumber );
    photo = grabbedFrame;
    setDefaultCloseOperation ( WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE );
    int imageHeight = photo.getWidth ( this );
    int imageWidth = photo.getHeight ( this );
    setSize ( imageSize.width, imageSize.height );
    final FileDialog saveDialog = new FileDialog ( this, "Save JPEG", FileDialog.SAVE );
    final JFrame thisCopy = this;
    saveDialog.setFile ( "Photo" + shotNumber );
    addWindowListener ( new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing ( WindowEvent e );
    String filename = saveDialog.getFile();
    if ( filename != null )
    if ( saveJPEG ( filename ) )
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ( thisCopy, "Saved " + filename );
    setVisible ( false );
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ( thisCopy, "Error saving " + filename );
    setVisible ( false );
    setVisible ( true );
    public void paint ( Graphics g )
    g.drawImage ( photo, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), this );
    * Saves an image as a JPEG
    * @params the image to save
    * @params the filename to save the image as
    public boolean saveJPEG ( String filename )
    boolean saved = false;
    BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage ( photo.getWidth(null),
    BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB );
    Graphics2D g2 = bi.createGraphics();
    g2.drawImage ( photo, null, null );
    FileOutputStream out = null;
    out = new FileOutputStream ( filename );
    JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder ( out );
    JPEGEncodeParam param = encoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam ( bi );
    param.setQuality ( 1.0f, false ); // 100% high quality setting, no compression
    encoder.setJPEGEncodeParam ( param );
    encoder.encode ( bi );
    saved = true;
    catch ( Exception ex )
    System.out.println ("Error saving JPEG : " + ex.getMessage() );
    return ( saved );
    } // of MySnapshot
    public static void main (String[] args )
    JWebCam myWebCam = new JWebCam ( "TimeSlice Web Cam Capture" );
    myWebCam.setVisible ( true );
    if ( !myWebCam.initialise() )
    System.out.println ("Web Cam not detected / initialised");
    catch ( Exception ex )
    when I run it I get the following errors
    BufferToImage cannot convert buffer
    could not grab frame
    pls help

    Do you expect anyone to read this?
    By the way, you have a condition that makes it print those messages. Check why that condiiton isn't rue.

  • Capturing image from Webcam

    Is there any way in which Java can be used to capture images from the webcam and save it to a predefined image file name?
    Any examples out there?
    Alternatively, I could have the application written in other languages, but still, I would need my main Java app to launch this external app.
    Thanks alot.

    Is there any way in which Java can be used to capture
    images from the webcam and save it to a predefined
    image file name?
    Any examples out there?
    Alternatively, I could have the application written in
    other languages, but still, I would need my main Java
    app to launch this external app.
    Thanks alot.Yes, the ExampleSave from the JavaTwain package at does this job :)
    If you just want to see how Java Twain works with your webcam (works with a scanner too):
    - java (1.2 or higher for Windows, 1.3 or higher for Mac OS X) has to be installed on your computer
    - a scanner or camera has to be installed on your computer
    - download the trial package from
    - unzipp it
    - go to the examples directory of the unzipped package
    - in Windows: doubleclick the runExampleShow.bat
    - in MacOS:
        - open the Terminal window
        - change the working directory to the examples
        - run .sh file (type or sh
    This will pop up the Twain Source Selection user interface. There, all your scanners and cameras which do have a twain driver should be listed. (About 90% of scanners and cameras on the market do have a twain driver for Windows, only a few do have a twain driver for MacOS.) Select one of them. The user interface of the selected scanner (camera) will appear. Confirm the scanning (you can set the scanning parameters first). The scanned image will be displayed in a separate window. To end the application, close that window.
    Running different examples, you can test scanning with hidden UI, saving the scanned image, using ADF, ...
    If there is any problem, do not hesitate to inquire about it at the technical support, email: [email protected] . I am the member of the staff :)
    Erika Kupkova

  • Capture image with webcam: how to change image orientation

    Hi all,
    I have taken the code shown in thread, and it works ok (many thanks for it).
    However, all webcam resolutions are in "landscape" mode (e.g. 320 x 240), but I would like to capture a "portrait" image (e.g. in 240 x 320).
    Do you know any easy way to do it (but not physically tilting the camera, so that the video in the screen is shown in its correct orientation)?
    Best regards.

    Hi Owen,
    in my current application I don't need right now to use any large image, so that I have decided to implement a "simple" solution as the first one that you appointed: to use a transparent rectangle above the image, and then crop the saved image withing the limits of this rectangle.
    In order to do it, I have modified your code so that the panel (visualContainer) where to show the image is using an OverlayLayout format:
    <address>visualContainer = new JPanel();</address>
    <address>OverlayLayout overlay = new OverlayLayout(visualContainer);</address>
    I have added one class to create the transparent rectangle, using a code like this:
    class TopPanel extends JPanel
    Point loc;
    int width, height;
    public TopPanel()
    width = 50;
    height = 50;
    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
    if(loc == null)
    g2.drawRect(loc.x, loc.y, width, height);
    private void init()
    int w = getWidth();
    int h = getHeight();
    loc = new Point();
    loc.x = (w - width)/2;
    loc.y = (h - height)/2;
    In order to show the rectangle, what I have done is to add a TopPanel() to visualContainer just before adding the Player visualComponent.
    However, by doint in this way, the rectangle is not shown, but only the webcam image. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, so any help on this issue is welcome.
    Best regards,

  • Capture image with webcam using flash and sending it to the server

    I have a need to use flash to capture an image and have that image uploaded to the server. I have seen some examples of code that uses flash to capture an image but it saves the file locally. We need that file to be sent to the server. We are using CF9.0 and I figure that once we are able to capture the image we could hand it off to ColdFusion to send to the server.
    Has anyone done anything like that or know if it's possible?
    Any help is apprecaited.

    It's not that hard...after you capture the image in Flash encode just send it via Remoting to a cfc as a bytearray or a bytearray encoded as Base64 string (and then decode it to binary in the CFC). I have had better luck with the latter way. You could also post the bytearray encoded as a Base64 string to a .cfm page as a form field.
    For example in Action Script 3 you do something like this (assuming "frameBMD" is the BitmapData drawn from the video source):
    var ba:ByteArray=com.adobe.images.PNGEncoder.encode(frameBMD);
    var baAsString:String=com.dynamicflash.util.Base64.encodeByteArray(ba);
    var saveImageResponder:Responder=new Responder(onSaveImageResult,onFault);
    var rs=new NetConnection();;
    And your cfc would be something like this:
    <cfcomponent displayName="Headshot" hint="Save a Headshot">
    <cffunction name="saveImage" access="remote" output="false" returntype="string" roles="user">
      <cfargument name="data" type="string" required="true" />
      <cfargument name="user_id" type="numeric" required="no" default="1">
      <cfset SavePathParent = ExpandPath("/data/users")>
      <cfset SavePath = SavePathParent & "/user_" & arguments.user_id>
      <cfif NOT DirectoryExists(SavePath)>
        <cfdirectory action = "create" directory = "#SavePath#" mode="777">
      <cfset theFilePath="#SavePath#/headshot_#arguments.user_id#.png">
    <!--- Write the file --->
      <cffile action="write" file="#theFilePath#" output="#toBinary("/>
      <cfset LOCAL.file_url="/data/users/user_#arguments.user_id#">
      <cfreturn LOCAL.file_url/>
    Anyway, that's the idea... hope that helps.

  • Capture images

    Hello Sir and Maam!
    i am an engineering student. i have a problem, i want to take pictures form labview using my built in camera in my laptop. I have read many discussions hwo to use it.. I downloaded Ni Imaq, Visa, Vision Assistant too but in the end my built in camera is not supported to capture images. I need to do it but after searching some cameras that Labview is compatible it is too much costy for me.
    to make that story short i found an example program that makes me allow to use of my built in camera. I'll attatch it here. But i want to ask a favor on how to add some codes to capture image. it is just using a express vi. 
    I'll attatch the code! tnx maam and sir!
    -hoping for your help
    Example Grab
    Go to Solution.
    IMAQdx Express Examples.llb ‏482 KB
    IMAQdx Express Examples.llb ‏482 KB

    Mr_ask wrote:
    Hello Sir and Maam!
    i am an engineering student. i have a problem, i want to take pictures form labview using my built in camera in my laptop. I have read many discussions hwo to use it.. I downloaded Ni Imaq, Visa, Vision Assistant too but in the end my built in camera is not supported to capture images. I need to do it but after searching some cameras that Labview is compatible it is too much costy for me.
    to make that story short i found an example program that makes me allow to use of my built in camera. I'll attatch it here. But i want to ask a favor on how to add some codes to capture image. it is just using a express vi. 
    I'll attatch the code! tnx maam and sir!
    -hoping for your help
    Example Grab
    check this vi i made to snap and save image. You can use MAX to get camera name or to configure them too.
    camera ‏52 KB

  • Coloring an image through code

    Hey guys,
    With a basic knowledge of the iphone SDK by now I've been playing around with some code and as expected stumbled upon "a pretty hard to do" idea.
    I was wondering how to color the contents of an image through code. Basically something like the "Fill" photoshop effect. Meaning: a UIImage containing a transparent png. The image is a drawing of a star, the outside is transparent, the lines are black and the inner color is purple.
    Through code I'd love to find out how to alter the purple color for example with a red one or any other.
    Any ideas / help would be appreciated...

    Search on MacUpdate using 'home decorate' as a search term.

  • Simply capture raster image from webcam or camera

    Hello everybody!
    First, thanks to all for all the good ideas I've read on this forum!
    I would like to capture images (raster type) from an external device (webcam, camera...) to apply particular processing on them. I would not like to lose time extracting these rasters... in a way to focus on my postprocessing stage. Does anybody know the simplest way to do this? JMStudio? but how?
    Thanks a lot!!!

    Could you not just use the Java Media Framework API to do an image capture from the webcam?

  • Problem in Saving Captured Images.

    Hi all,
    I am trying to save the images which are captured by the webcam. I am getting the
    error as resolve symbol
    Symbol: method getImage()
    location: class JPEGEncodeTest
    image = getImage(); (Error)
    I am trying to compile the code for saving separately first and then attach this piece of code to the main program. And the code is
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGEncodeParam;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec;
    public class JPEGEncodeTest
    public static void main(String[] args)
    throws Exception
    OutputStream out = null;
    BufferedImage image = null;
    try {
         image = getImage();
    // Open output file.
    out = new FileOutputStream("test.jpg");
    // Create jpeg encoder.
    JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);
    // Set quality.
    JPEGEncodeParam encodeParam = encoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam(image);
    encodeParam.setQuality(0.7f, false);
    // Encode.
    encoder.encode(image, encodeParam);
    // Close output file.
    } catch( io)
         System.out.println("Java IO Exception");
    If anyone has encountered the getImage function not to work and have figured it out, please let me know. Or If anyone has any suggestions in this issue, please let me know. I am really thankful to all of you as I need this to work as soon as possible and am unable to think of how to solve it.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
    In Advance thanks to all of you.

    according to the error posted, and the code posted. there is no method getImage();
    image = getImage();//you have this line, this is where error is, Where is getImage()???Is getImage() in a different class???
    you need something like this in the code above....
    public Image getImage(){
    .....add the above code to your posted code then, what is the error.

  • Problem deploying captured image

    I'm testing our new SCCM 2012 and specifically OSD and deploying a captured image. The image is captured on a separate MDT config.
    What I'm seeing with this image deployment is that about 90% of the times it ends with a 80070002 TS error. Examining the smsts.log shows the following:
    Successfully completed the action (Setup Windows and ConfigMgr) with the exit win32 code 0
    So this step seems to go fine and and then the State Restore step starts and the computer reboots to the full OS.
    The group (State Restore) has been successfully started
    But then I don't know what happens, non of the following steps are run, for example there's application install and so forth. It seems to parse through the remaining steps but doesn't run them and then ends with Gather Logs and stateStore on Failure.
    I just can't see from smsts.log what the problem would be, what other logs should I look in to find out what's going on?

    Seen that many times when doing deployments, but not on capture mentioned. In that case the error is a known bug. Workaround is to add 2 Task Sequence Variables. Unfortunately R2 is needed for that.
    -SMSTSDownloadRetryCount = 5
    -SMSTSDownloadRetryDelay = 15
    Just have a look at my blogpost for more information on this:
    My blogs: Henk's blog and
    Virtuall | Follow Me on:
    Twitter | View My Profile on:

  • Problem with capture image from wc

    hi all, i want to capture image from my webcam and play it, but it's not work
    please help me, here's code
    public class Demo extends JFrame {
          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              Demo demo = new Demo();
         public Demo() {
              int a=30;
              final JPanel panel = new JPanel();
              getContentPane().add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              DataSource dataSource = null;
              PushBufferStream pbs;
              Vector deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new VideoFormat(null));
              CaptureDeviceInfo deviceInfo=null;boolean VideoFormatMatch=false;
              for(int i=0;i<deviceList.size();i++) {
              // search for video device
              deviceInfo = (CaptureDeviceInfo)deviceList.elementAt(i);
              VideoFormat videoFormat=new VideoFormat("YUV");
              System.out.println("Format: "+ videoFormat.toString());
              Dimension size= videoFormat.getSize();
              MediaLocator loc = deviceInfo.getLocator();
              try {
                   dataSource = (DataSource) Manager.createDataSource(loc);
                   // dataSource=Manager.createCloneableDataSource(dataSource);
                   } catch(Exception e){}
                   try {
                        pbs=(PushBufferStream) dataSource.getStreams()[0];
                        } catch(Exception e){}
                        try{dataSource.start();}catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Exception dataSource.start() "+e);}
                        try{Thread.sleep(1000);}catch(Exception e){} // to let camera settle ahead of processing

    iTool wrote:
    hi all, i want to capture image from my webcam and play it, but it's not workThat's a very descriptive error message, "it's not work". Everyone on the board will certainly be able to help you out with that.
    The first error I see is that you're using the CaptureDeviceManager in an applet. If T.B.M pops in here, he can tell you why that's going to be a CF 99% of the time.
    The other error I see is that your code looks absolutely nothing like any working JMF webcam capture code I've personally ever seen.
    Lastly, the big one, even if you were somehow capturing video magically, you're not even trying to display I'm not entirely sure why you expect to see anything with the code you just posted.
    Your best bet would be starting over and using the example code from the page linked above.

  • About capeturing image through web camera

    hai to all,
    i need a help .
    i have captured a image through web camera.
    and i want to call the image in an applet.
    is there any API's are available
    that all

    Try this (LabVIEW Webcam Library) or consider following this guideline from NI.
    Hope this helps, Guenter

  • How capture image to max. resolution??

    Im using JMF and my videocapture frame is running at 320*240.
    It`s possible capture images at 800*600, 1600*1200....... of resolution??
    Only its possible capture at resolution of my livevideo JFrame?
    Please i need help!!!!

    -Ram- wrote:
    I am able to capture images using JMF. I wrote a applet (signed) that would capture an image and save it to a folder in server.
    The image is being captured with dimensions 640x480. But at the client side, they are using a webcam to capture images. I am not sure whether with that webcam, the image, when captured still gets saved with the same resolution.
    How can I programatically specify to save/capture the image in a pre-defined resolution i.e. 640x480. So that whichever device is used at client side, the image still has a universal dimension.You can't guarantee that, you can only capture in whatever format the web cam will allow. If the camera doesn't support 640x480, then you're not going to be able to capture in that.
    I did search the forum but have not found any significant help. Could anyone please throw some light on this?The search features of the forum are pretty poor, but if you'd searched for "changing resolution of webcam", you'd have come across...
    There is sample code for changing the resolution of a capture device... you'll have to get as close to 640x480 as you can, and then probably scale the image using Java2D stuff beyond that to guarantee the image is the correct size.

  • Unable to capture image using MDT 2012

    After running my Sysprep and Capture task using MDT 2012, MDT begins to capture the image and makes it all the way to ~94% and then stops and returns several errors. Any idea as to what may be causing this? Below are the errors returned during the capture
    task and the ZTIBackup.log:
    Error creating an image of drive C:, re=2
    ZTI ERROR - Non-zero return code by ZTIBackup, rc = 2
    Litetouch deployment failed, Return Code = -2147467259 0x80004005
    Failed to run the action: Create WIM.
    The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 00000002; Source: Windows)
    The execution of the group (capture Image) has failed and the execution has been aborted. An action failed.
    Operation aborted (Error: 80004004; Source: Windows)
    Failed to run the last action: Create WIM. Execution of task sequence failed.
    The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 00000002; Source: Windows)
    Task Sequence Engine failed! Code: enExecutionFail
    Task sequence execution failed with error code 80004005
    Error Task Sequence Manager failed to execute task sequence. Code 0x80004005
    <![LOG[Microsoft Deployment Toolkit version: 6.1.2373.0]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[The task sequencer log is located at X:\windows\TEMP\SMSTSLog\SMSTS.LOG.  For task sequence failures, please consult this log.]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context=""
    type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[OriginalPartitionIdentifier is set, find disk: SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE Size = '299999686656' and VolumeName = '' and VolumeSerialNumber = '2A688632']LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup"
    context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Search for Drive: OriginalPartitionIdentifier  SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE Size = '299999686656' and VolumeName = '' and VolumeSerialNumber = '2A688632']LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014"
    component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Found Drive: C:]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Property OSDTargetDriveCache is now = C:]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Property OSDisk is now = C:]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[BackupDrive not specified searching for backup drive]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[BackupDrive defaulting to Destination Logical Drive: C:]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Checking to see if we can store the backup locally]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Drive C: 160595120]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Local store path = C:\StateStore]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Total used space: 160595120]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Available space at C:\StateStore: 132373320]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Local store not permitted]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Network store path set to blank]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Network store path set to: \\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Captures]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Backup file name already set to: CCB01-8_15_14.wim]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Using the backup path: \\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Captures\CCB01-8_15_14.wim]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Validating connection to \\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Captures]LOG]!><time="14:01:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Already connected to server OCS-MDT as that is where this script is running from.]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[Beginning backup of drive C:]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[About to run command: "\\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Tools\X64\imagex.exe"  /capture /compress maximum C: "\\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Captures\CCB01-8_15_14.wim" "CCB01CDrive" /flags ENTERPRISE]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000"
    date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Command has been started (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 0 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > ImageX Tool for Windows]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > Version: 6.1.7600.16385]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > Files/folders excluded from image capture by default:]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \$windows.~bt]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \$windows.~ls]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \winpepge.sys]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \Windows\CSC]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \Recycled]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \Recycler]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \$Recycle.Bin\*]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \System Volume Information]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \pagefile.sys]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console >  \hiberfil.sys]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > Turning on VERIFY option for network share]LOG]!><time="14:01:13.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > Scanning files and directories...]LOG]!><time="14:01:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [   0% ] Capturing progress ]LOG]!><time="14:18:10.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 17 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:18:10.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [   1% ] Capturing progress ]LOG]!><time="14:18:10.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [   2% ] Capturing progress: 2:22:22 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:21:04.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [   3% ] Capturing progress: 2:23:19 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:22:41.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [   4% ] Capturing progress: 2:23:01 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:24:11.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 23 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:24:11.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [   5% ] Capturing progress: 2:39:46 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:27:38.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [   6% ] Capturing progress: 2:43:14 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:28:53.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [   7% ] Capturing progress: 2:43:42 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:30:39.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 29 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:30:39.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [   8% ] Capturing progress: 2:41:26 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:32:08.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [   9% ] Capturing progress: 2:43:24 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:34:47.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  10% ] Capturing progress: 2:41:57 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:36:09.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 35 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:36:09.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  11% ] Capturing progress: 2:38:33 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:37:31.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  12% ] Capturing progress: 2:35:51 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:39:18.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  13% ] Capturing progress: 2:33:30 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:41:00.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 40 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:41:00.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  14% ] Capturing progress: 2:30:39 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:42:28.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  15% ] Capturing progress: 2:28:39 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:44:23.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  16% ] Capturing progress: 2:28:06 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:46:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 45 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:46:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  17% ] Capturing progress: 2:30:58 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:50:26.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  18% ] Capturing progress: 2:42:16 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="14:57:55.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 56 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="14:57:55.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  19% ] Capturing progress: 2:55:09 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:03:37.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 62 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:03:37.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  20% ] Capturing progress: 3:03:46 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:07:09.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  21% ] Capturing progress: 3:10:17 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:11:41.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 70 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:11:41.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  22% ] Capturing progress: 3:12:08 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:13:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  23% ] Capturing progress: 3:11:13 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:15:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  24% ] Capturing progress: 3:08:56 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:17:45.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 76 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:17:45.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  25% ] Capturing progress: 3:06:17 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:20:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  26% ] Capturing progress: 3:03:27 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:22:24.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 81 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:22:24.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  27% ] Capturing progress: 3:00:07 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:24:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  28% ] Capturing progress: 2:56:19 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:25:55.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  29% ] Capturing progress: 2:54:19 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:30:23.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 89 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:30:23.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  30% ] Capturing progress: 2:52:44 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:32:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  31% ] Capturing progress: 2:50:14 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:34:29.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  32% ] Capturing progress: 2:47:25 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="15:36:38.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 95 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:36:38.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 101 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:42:17.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 107 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:48:53.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 112 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="15:53:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 126 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:07:04.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 131 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:12:58.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 136 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:17:26.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  50% ] Capturing progress: 2:01:44 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:20:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 141 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:22:36.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 147 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:28:31.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 152 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:33:12.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 157 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:38:57.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 162 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:43:58.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 168 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:49:52.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[  Console > [  67% ] Capturing progress: 1:17:48 hrs remaining ]LOG]!><time="16:55:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 174 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="16:55:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 191 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:12:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 197 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:18:10.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  80% ] Capturing progress: 46:27 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:18:47.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 202 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:23:49.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
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    <![LOG[  Console > [  85% ] Capturing progress: 33:25 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:28:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 207 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:28:43.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  86% ] Capturing progress: 31:18 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:30:54.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  87% ] Capturing progress: 29:37 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:31:54.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
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    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 213 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:34:07.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[  Console > [  90% ] Capturing progress: 22:52 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:35:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  91% ] Capturing progress: 20:47 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:36:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  92% ] Capturing progress: 18:33 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:37:14.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  93% ] Capturing progress: 16:14 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:38:22.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[  Console > [  94% ] Capturing progress: 13:54 mins remaining ]LOG]!><time="17:39:40.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread=""
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 218 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:39:40.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 224 minutes (process ID 1568)]LOG]!><time="17:45:04.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Return code from command = -1073741819]LOG]!><time="17:45:05.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[Error creating an image of drive C:, rc = -1073741819]LOG]!><time="17:45:05.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="3" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[ZTIBackup COMPLETED.  Return Value = -1073741819]LOG]!><time="17:45:05.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIBackup">
    <![LOG[ZTI ERROR - Non-zero return code by ZTIBackup, rc = -1073741819  0xC0000005]LOG]!><time="17:45:05.000+000" date="08-15-2014" component="ZTIBackup" context="" type="3" thread=""

    Not sure what's going on here. Possibly a corrupt drive? Or the target drive is full?
    Try running the imagex command manually from a F8 cmd window (in WinPE)
    "\\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Tools\X64\imagex.exe" /capture /compress maximum C: "\\OCS-MDT\CCBShare$\Captures\CCB01-8_15_14.wim" "CCB01CDrive" /flags ENTERPRISE
    Keith Garner - Principal Consultant [owner] -

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